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A teenage girl who made global headlines, leaving home with two friends to join the terror group. Now, after giving birth to her third child, and isis on the verge of collapse in syria, her plea to return home. Poison plot . The prison nurse accused of trying to kill her husband so she could marry an inmate. And, air rage arrest. Whos taping this . Whos taping this . The passenger meltdown, allegedly hitting and spitting at other passengers and airline employees. What set her off . Good evening. Thanks for joining us on this sunday. Im tom llamas. We begin with the Seismic Shift in the investigation into the alleged attack against Jussie Smollett. A Law Enforcement official telling abc news two men claim smollett paid them to stage the attack. Authorities with new evidence after questioning the two men. Police say they are brothers and both know the actor. Smollett releasing a statement, fiercely denying the claims. Authorities now urgently asking to speak with him. Heres erielle reshef. Reporter tonight, Police Telling abc news the two brothers seen in this Surveillance Video claim empire star Jussie Smollett paid them to carry out a fabricated homophobic attack. Sources say detectives are actively investigating that allegation. Who the [ bleep ] would make Something Like this up, or add something to it, or or whatever it may be . I cant i cant even im an advocate. Reporter now smollett doubling down on his story as police probe whether he staged a hoax. The actors criminal defense attorney saying in a statement, as a victim of a hate crime who has cooperated with the police investigation, smollett is angered and devastated by the suggestion he was involved in the alleged attack. Nothing is further from the truth, and anyone claiming otherwise is lying. Im off. What is it that has you so angry . Is it the attackers . Its the attackers. But its also the attacks. Reporter Chicago Police saying they urgently want to talk to smollett, now waiting to hear back from his attorneys. Investigators also combing through phone records to see whether the brothers spoke to smollett the night of the alleged incident. They wanted me to give my phone to the tech for three to four hours. Im sorry. But im not gonna do that. Why . Because i have private pictures and videos and numbers. Reporter the brothers now said to be cooperating with police after being confronted with evidence they bought the rope found around smolletts neck. Authorities confirming they had a previous relationship with smollett. The star telling our Robin Roberts earlier this week he was sure the men in that shadowy video were his attackers. I dont have any doubt in my mind that thats them. Never did. Reporter but now, in that statement, smolletts attorneys saying one of the brothers was his personal trainer, claiming, it is impossible to believe that this person could have played a role in the crime against jussie or would falsely claim jussies complicity. If the attackers are never found, how will you be able to heal . I dont know. Lets just hope that they are. You know what im saying . Lets lets not go there yet. Erielle, authorities still want to talk to smollett. That hasnt happened yet. And if hes convicted, he could face serious prison time . Yes, he could face charges for filing a false police report, thats a felony in illinois, with a punishment of up to three years in prison. But again, the case is still being investigated. Erielle, thank you. We turn to the weather, and the new storm speeding across the country tonight. Snow and ice from the dakotas to new england. At least 17 people injured in a massive 49car pileup in denver. The system hitting the northeast by tomorrow morning. Heres rob marciano. Reporter this busy road in colorado transformed into a skating rink, leading to another massive pileup. Weve probably got, im going to guess right now, 30 cars. Reporter the Chain Reaction crash happening near Denver International airport saturday, during what witnesses describe as a sudden burst of snow. It was pretty whiteout, and slushy. You couldnt see a foot in front of you. Everyone was slowing down. And no one could stop. And everyone was hitting each other. Reporter this video revealing the icy conditions drivers were up against. Look at all these cars. Reporter a total of 49 vehicles involved in the pileup, leaving 17 people injured. To the east, the same system snowcoating roads from the dakotas to chicago. Southern iowa getting more than eight inches of snow. And in northern illinois, whiteout conditions reducing visibility on this road to less than 100 feet. That storm now setting its sights on the east coast. Conditions clearly dangerous, so lets get right to rob with the forecast. Good evening, rob. Reporter hi, tom. The system reaching towards the northeast, it will be snowing in the next few hours. A widereaching storm. Its still snowing in places like chicago. The center is over kentucky. Heavy rain in the south, but the snow will turn to rain and sleet, and in new england, providence, a winter storm warning. Could see 4 to 6 inches of snow. 1 to 4 inches near new york city. Heavy rain across parts of the south. And a messy mix for the midatlantic wednesday. More heavy rain across the south. And another storm after that, that could lead to some flooding across the southeast. Tom . Rob, thank you. To politics tonight, and the major headline involving andrew mccabe. Lindsey graham says the senate will investigate mccabes claim that he and Rod Rosenstein discussed using the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office. Mccabe, who was fired one day before his retirement, says his words are being taken out of context. Graham calling the comment beyond stunning. Heres tara palmeri. Reporter tonight, a stunning admission from the former acting fbi director. Andrew mccabe claiming that he and Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein had discussions about whether President Trump was fit to serve and should be removed from office. The discussion of the 25th amendment was simply, rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort. Rosenstein was actually openly talking about whether there was a majority of the cabinet who would vote to remove the president . Thats correct, counting votes or possible votes. Reporter in an interview with 60 minutes, mccabe saying the secret conversation took place in 2017, in the days after fbi director james comey was fired. The Deputy Attorney general was definitely very concerned about the president , about his capacity, and about his intent. Reporter rosenstein denies discussing the president s removal. Mccabe is now downplaying his own words. His spokesperson saying he never had extended discussions but that he, quote, participated in a discussion that included a comment by rosenstein regarding the 25th amendment. Mccabe was fired by President Trump for leaking to the press. Trump saying on twitter, mccabe is a disgrace to the fbi and to the country. Tonight, Lindsey Graham going so far as to call it an attempted takeover. The Deputy Attorney general was basically trying to do an administrative coup, take the president down through the 25th amendment process. The Deputy Attorney general denies it. Tara, joining us from florida, where the president is spending the weekend. And tara, Lindsey Graham vowing to open an investigation into mccabes claim . Reporter tom, graham says he plans to subpoena mccabe and rosenstein, unless they voluntarily agree to testify. Tom . Tara, thank you. Sticking with politics, President Trump preparing to defend his declaration of a National Emergency at the border. Stephen miller signaling the president will veto any congressional motion disapproving of the action. Democrats and some republicans are angry over the decision to bypass congress to obtain billions in funding for the border wall. It would be President Trumps first veto. Next to new details about the factory massacre in aurora, illinois. Were learning more about the five victims killed by gary martin, a convicted felon, who was not legally allowed to own a gun. The Community Turning out in the snow and cold to pay respect to those victims. Zachary kiesch is in aurora. Reporter tonight, many in this Illinois Community still grappling with how a longtime employee could walk into this factory and kill five of his coworkers. Police believe shooter gary martin knew he was getting fired when he brought a loaded smith and wesson pistol outfitted with a laser to work on friday. But he shouldnt have had that gun. Police revealing that background checks missed his prior felony conviction which should ha stopped him from purchasing the weapon. The company that planned to fire him saying, preemployment background checks also missed his criminal past. The community of aurora now united by the shared shock and sorrow. Like vincent juarez, his daughter in tears. Clayton parks, russel breyer, and josh pinkard, also fathers taken too soon. And trevor wehner, a College Intern killed on his first day of the job. Is this anything you would have expected around here . Not at all. You never expect it to happen to where you live. And when it does hit home, you dont know what to do. Reporter in a bit of good news, all but one of the five officers injured friday are out of the hospital and have made it home. So they too can begin the healing process. Tom . Zachary, thank you. We want to head overseas. Isis making its last stand in syria. U. S. Backed forces expected to take the final town held by isis fighters. Women and children fleeing for their lives, many living in refugee camps. Many leaving their lives in the west, falling for propaganda, to become isis wives. One 19yearold woman who made global headlines when she left home, now desperate to come home. Heres james longman. Reporter for foreign women who travelled to marry isis fighters, the fantasy has ended. There has been a steady stream of women, often with their children, making their way out of the socalled caliphate. Like shamima begum, now 19, sold on a false promise of marriage and adventure. She was captured in february, 2015, on surveillance camera, traveling to the battlefield from london with two school friends. Four years later, begum today revealing to sky news that she has just given birth, a third child for the young woman. The first two, she says, dead in the caliphate. At first, it was nice. It was like how they showed in the videos. You come. You make a family together. And then afterwards things got harder. Reporter she says life in the islamic state, including watching beheadings, didnt bother her. I knew about those things. And i was okay with it. Reporter but now she is living in a refugee camp. She doesnt know where her husband is and wants out. I dont want to take care of my child in this camp. Because im afraid he will die in this camp. I think a lot of people should have sympathy towards me for everything ive been through. Reporter her story is not isolated. Im from trinidad. Canada. Reporter women from all over including america fell for isis propaganda. But like begums friends, many of their fates are unknown. Begum says she has no regrets. Britain says she will not be rescued, but she is free to return home should she wish. Will she be prosecuted, or able to keep her child . As with so much in this war, this is unknown territory. Tom . James, thank you. Back here in the states, the air rage arrest on board a jet blue flight. A passenger melting down, accused of spitting at another passenger, hitting an airline employee, and she even blew kisses to cameras knowing the video would go viral. Heres stephanie ramos. Reporter tonight, on onboard meltdown. This woman getting a oneway ticket straight to the Broward County jail. You want to make it viral . Make it viral reporter and passengers recorded it. Who is taping this . Who is taping this . Reporter 32yearold Valerie Gonzalez yelling, then spitting. Police say this all started because she didnt want to sit next to a child. According to the incident report, gonzalez is heard shouting im not sitting next to a 3yearold ive been drinking all day. I didnt do anything. I sat down in my seat i asked to go somewhere else. But theyre being reporter the flight crew called security. The 32yearold was taken off the aircraft and arrested. Ill take my [ bleep ]. [ bleep ] yall. Enjoy yourself in vegas. Vegas, baby, vegas. Reporter responding officers say the woman did try to get back on the plane, even hitting a gate agent on the head. But they were finally able to restrain her in a wheelchair. She is now facing battery charges. Tom . Stephanie, thank you. Theres much more ahead on world news tonight this sunday. The jail nurse accused of murdering her husband, and police think the reason why she was in love with an inmate. Plus, two workhorses falling through the ice. The race to save a pair of clydesdales, stuck in a frozen lake. And 9,000 gallons of fuel up in flames, shutting down an american highway in both directions. Stay with us. Fuel up in flames, shutting down an american highway in both directions. Directions. Stay with us. 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Back now with an alleged poison plot. Back now with an alleged poison plot. A nurse at a missouri jail accused of poisoning her husband and setting her house on fire so she can allegedly marry an inmate. Heres maggie rulli. Reporter tonight, investigators looking at whether an alleged prison romance was a motive for murder. This woman, accused of killing her husband while having an affair at work with an inmate. A 911 call first reporting a fire at this home in iberia, missouri, at 2 00 a. M. Back in december. Amy murray, a nurse, first told authorities she drove to mcdonalds with her 11yearold son. And when she returned, the house was full of smoke and that the bedroom was on fire with husband joshua found dead inside. But local authorities werent buying it. It looked suspicious. The Sheriffs Office detectives came in with the Fire Marshals Office and started investigating it. Reporter an autopsy reveals it wasnt the fire that killed joshua but a chemical used in antifreeze. And joshua was deceased prior to the fire occurring. With arson investigators confirming the blaze was intentionally set in the master bedroom. Authorities say they then soon discovered her phone conversations with this man, eugene claypool, an inmate at the correctional facility where she worked. On the recorded calls, amy admits to not wanting to be around her husband, saying she wanted a divorce. Now its amy whos facing life in prison, charged with first degree murder. Investigators saying on the phone calls, amy told the inmate they can now have a life because her husband is deceased. Shes expected in court next month. Maggie, thank you. Up next, the new headline about President Trumps pick for u. N. Ambassador. Also, parents getting help from convicts, how the inmates came to the rescue. Stay with us. Also at were learning about parents getting help from convicts, how the inmates came to the rescue. Stay with us. 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A major section of a new england highway shut down for hours in both directions because of this. Take a look. A 9,000gallon gas tanker bursting into flames on i91. This happened south of hartford, connecticut. It took firefighters hours to put it out. Investigators are still trying to figure out what caused the accident. And desperate moments for parents outside of a courthouse in florida, accidently locking their 1yearold in the back seat of the family suv. Deputies turning to five inmates who were working nearby to try and help that child. A brief group effort with a clothes hanger, and success. They were able to open the door. And a tricky rescue for firefighters in eastern p. A. Two clydesdales falling through the ice. The 15yearold draft horses escaping from an historic farm and getting stuck in a frozen lake. Rescue crews cutting a path to guide the horses, gunther and wilhelm, back onto land. Both recovering tonight. Were told they will be okay. Up next, the gifted football coach, overcoming so many obstacles. His motto for sports and life that we can all use. Stay with us. Woman 2 . And clearer skin. Woman 3 this is my body of proof. Man 2 proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis. Woman 4 . With humira. Woman 5 humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. Its proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. Humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. Avo humira can lower your ability to fight infections. Serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. 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Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. This may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. A rare, but lifethreatening, bacterial infection in the skin of the genital area could also occur. Stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So, what do you think . Now i feel i can do more to go beyond lowering a1c. Ask your doctor about jardiance today. Walking a dog can add thousands walking this many . Day. That can be rough on pams feet, knees, and lower back. Thats why she wears dr. Scholls orthotics. They relieve pain and give her the comfort to move more so she can keep up with all of her best friends. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Finally tonight, america strong. Football may be his passion, but inspiration is his game. Heres marci gonzalez. Your new coach, rob mendez. Reporter thats Robert Mendez jr. He was born without limbs. In the back of my mind, im asking, why my son . Less than 100 born like him in the world. Reporter and few were born with his kind of spirit. Things that you and i get to do in ten minutes might take him an hour. But hed never complain about it. Reporter or his deep passion for sports. I think the most difficult part of having no arms and no legs is simply not being able to play sports. Reporter he became manager of his High School Football team. Then an assistant coach for 12 years. His ability to study the game, and his ability to translate those things to the kids, is unmatched. Reporter finally getting hi california. Though he may not look like a coach, he definitely acts like one. Reporter he lives by, and inspires with, one motto. Who says i cant . Nobody who says i cant . Nobody who says i cant originally came from me having the drive to accomplish whatever people doubted me for. Who says i cant . Nobody who says i cant . Nobody reporter the team making it to the league championship. They lost that game, but gained a new perspective. Its going to hurt today. And thats okay if it hurts, because we cared a lot. Our opponents, theyd always doubt him because they see a man in a wheelchair. To us, we see our coach, whos perfect. I think we make a perfect team. Can we agree on that . Yes, coach can we agree on that . Yes, coach who says i cant nobody who says i cant nobody yeah reporter marci gonzalez, abc news. Our coach is perfect. So well said. For more, see the full documentary streaming now on espn plus, or check out espn. Com. We thank them for sharing that story. Thank you for watching. Im tom llamas in new york. Have a g tonight on abc 7 news at 6 00, a hot air balloon landed on an island. Let it snow, some spectacular in the bay area right now. See if the wet weather is going to hang around for president s day. The community is coming together to help a bay area Football Player in his fight against cancer. Abc 7 news at 6 00 starts right now. Live where you live, this is abc 7 news. This was not the ride they expected. A hot air balloon packed with people forced to make an Emergency Landing. I am dion limb, thank you for joining us. I am eric thomas. As you can see sky 7 captures the after crew recovers that basket. We have the story now from valle vallejo. Reporter what you are seeing is as hot air balloon being pulled from skaggs island after something went wrong and then right. He made the best decisions somebody had to work with today. The pilot from the balloon adventure had to do some quick thinking. The winds got strong and to be clear what happened was not a crash or even an Emergency Landing by ballooning standards. Cohen with the american balloon Safety Association says what happens is called a rip out or dry landing. In this case this is a great accessible area to retrieve the balloon. It was in a safe and appropriate lot where the pilot put

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