Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181017 00:30:00

tonight, breaking developments on several stories. the global murder mystery, and president trump facing pressure. sending his secretary of state to saudi arabia, shaking hands with the crown prince. they have denied any knowledge in the disappearance of the u.s. resident, "the washington post" writer, seen walking into that consulate and never coming out. tonight, news coming in on possible evidence found inside, and president trump revealing his phone call with the crown prince late today. also tonight, authorities before the cameras just moments ago, the urgent nationwide search tonight for a 13-year-old girl, her parents found dead inside their home. the stunning new numbers tonight involving children and a rare polio-like illness. the cdc now saying cases in 22 states. more than 120 patients, most of
them children, now being watched. it all starts out lookine co what parents need to know. the major storm system, the bridge collapsing. cars losing control on the highway. the verdict in a road rage case in a walmart parking lot. the teenager killed in front of his girlfriend. authorities say the suspect then filming him dying. the plane crashing into the ocean. lifeguards racing into the water to get to that plane. and the other air scare. the flight attendant falling from the plane. and made in america is back tonight. this bud's for you. and it's not quite what you think. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a very busy tuesday night. and we begin with that disappearance of that "washington post" writer, jamal khashoggi, missing now for two weeks. president trump late today revealing he has talked with the saudi crown prince, that he denied involvement, and the pre that saudi arabia being blamed for this missing journalist is another case of guilty until proven innocent. the writer, who lived in
virginia, was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul, turkey, never coming out. it took 13 days for investigators to get inside. and there is a report tonight that investigators have found, quote, certain evidence that he was murdered inside. khashoggi's disappearance is now a full diplomatic crisis for the united states. secretary of state mike pompeo in saudi arabia, shaking hands with the crown prince. he could be heard talking about jet lag and their relationship with the u.s. so, where does this go next? abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell on the scene again tonight. >> reporter: it looked like sweetness and smiles today as america's top diplomat made small talk with the crown prince about his flight. >> and i hope you don't have jet lag? >> in a little while, but so far, so good. >> reporter: but the saudis have been accused of murdering "washington post" columnist jamal khashoggi in their consulate in turkey. something the royal family repeatedly denies. >> we are strong and old allies. so, we face our challenges
together. in the past, in the day of and tomorrow. >> absolutely. >> reporter: secretary of state mike pompeo today thanking the saudis for, quote, a thorough, transparent and timely investigation. many critics think it's been anything but that. two weeks after the u.s.-based writer walked into the consulate and never came out, on monday, first came the cleaning crew. turkish president erdogan today suggesting the consulate could have been recently painted. then, the forensics team finally moved in, searching for nine hours, and according to ap, they found "certain evidence" jamal khashoggi was killed there. but police sources telling abc news there are no conclusions so far. "the washington post" now obtaining scans of passports from turkish officials, members of the alleged hit squad. the search for evidence now expanding. less than two hours after jamal khashoggi had gone into the consulate, this mysterious black drives down the road of this
quiet suburban street in istanbul and arrives here at the residence of the saudi consul, now besieged by journalists, awaiting more search teams. this video released by the turks shows this mysterious black van traveling to the residence on the day the writer went missing. a source telling abc the saudis may be ready to admit responsibility for khashoggi's death, reportedly as part of an interrogation gone wrong. >> and so let's get right to ian pannell, on the scene in istanbul again tonight for us. and ian, you reported there on the second location they want to get to, the residence. are they in yet? >> reporter: yeah, david, we just heard, abc sources confirming that investigators were not allowed into the residence, blocked by the saudis. forensics essentially want to get inside there, because they want to know whether or not jamal khashoggi or his body were ever there. david? >> ian pannell leading us off again tonight. ian, thank you. and jamal khashoggi's disappearance isn't just a diplomatic crisis for the u.s., it puts presid today, the president denied having any financial interests
in saudi arabia. but abc's jon karl with what the president has said before, and the potential money at stake here. >> reporter: president trump has warned of severe punishment for saudi arabia if it murdered jamal khashoggi, but today, he added this -- >> it depends whether or not the king or the crown prince knew about it, in my opinion. number one, what happened? but whether or not they knew about it. if they knew about it, that would be bad. >> reporter: later today, he tweeted, quote, just spoke with the crown prince of saudi arabia who totally denied any knowledge of what took place in their turkish consulate. in the days since khashoggi's disappearance, the president has tried to walk a fine line between vowing punishment and preserving the u.s./saudi relationship. a relationship he has worked hard to cultivate, making saudi sword dance with the king. today, the president also tweeted, quote, for the record,
i have no financial interests in saudi arabia. but just three years ago, he said this -- >> saudi arabia, and i get along great with all of them, they buy apartments from me, they spend $40 million, $50 million. am i supposed to dislike them? i like them very much. >> reporter: over the years, the saudis have invested in several major trump projects. in 1991, they bought his yacht. four years later, a saudi prince was part of a group that bought trump's plaza hotel. in 2001, the kingdom of saudi arabia reportedly bought an entire floor of trump world tower in new york. and since he was elected, the saudis have spent lavishly at trump properties, including dropping nearly $270,000 last year at the president's washington hotel near the white house. >> so, let's get to jon karl with us live tonight from the white house. and jon, the president says the saudi crown prince, quote, totally denied knowing anything about what happened in the consulate. is the president going to take his word for it? >> reporter: well, he sure seems
inclined to believe those denials. as he told the associated press in that interview he did just a short while ago, "here we go again, you know, you're guilty until proven innocent. i don't like that." and then, david, he actually went on to compare the situation with the saudis and the accusations against his supreme court pick, brett kavanaugh, saying, quote, we just went through that with justice kavanaugh and he was innocent all the way, as far as i am concerned. so, yes, the president seems very much inclined to believe the saudi denials in this case. >> jonathan karl at the white house tonight. jon, thank you. and to the other breaking headline this evening. authorities a short time ago before the cameras, taking questions in the nationwide search for a missing 13-year-old girl, fearing she could be in danger tonight after her parents were found dead in their wisconsin home. police say there was a 911 call from the home, they heard noise, but that no one was able to talk into the phone. abc's alex perez is in wisconsin. >> reporter: tonight, the search for missing 13-year-old
jayme closs intensifying. wisconsin authorities now working with the fbi. >> our goal is to bring jayme home. that's our only goal. >> reporter: the mystery beginning about 1:00 a.m. monday. investigators discovered jayme's parents, james and denise, dead, here at their home in rural barron, wisconsin. >> i heard one shot and then the second shot was even louder yet. >> reporter: the girl nowhere to be found. officers led to the house after a puzzling 911 call. can you walk us through that 911 call and why it was unusual? >> the 911 call was given that night from the residence on a cell phone, but no contact was made with somebody that was on the other line. there was no one communicating with our dispatcher. >> reporter: they now fear jayme is in danger. issuing a nationwide amber alert on monday. authorities now flooded with over 200 tips. jayme's anguished family desperate for answers. tell us a little bit about her and why you want people e about what's going on. >> jayme's the sweetest little girl. she wouldn't hurt a soul.
>> and alex perez with us live tonight outside the sheriff's department. and alex, i know people are scouring jayme's social media, they're talking to friends, neighbors, for any potential clues? >> reporter: that's right, david. indeed they are. she was last seen on sunday at a family gathering. and authorities here are asking people to think back, to jog their memory. they're hoping someone who may have seen something suspicious and overlooked it will now contact police. david? >> alex perez tonight from wisconsin. alex, thank you. we're going to turn now to a growing concern for parents across this country tonight. the cdc is now out with new and alarming numbers in that outbreak of a rare polio-like disease. in many cases, it starts like a common cold, but it can potentially lead to paralysis. so far this year, there have been 62 confirmed cases in 22 states, most of them children. the average age, just 4 years old. abc's eva pilgrim tonight on the more than 120 potential cases they're now watching. >> reporter: 4-year-old camdyn carr from virginia has been in the hospital for six weeks.
his parents say what started as a sinus infection left him barely able to speak or move his arms and legs. >> i can't tell you how he feels and how he's hurting or anything, so, it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: camdyn is fighting acute flaccid myelitis, or afm, a rare illness with polio-like symptoms. after spikes in 2014 and 2016, the cdc says we could be seeing a similar outbreak. >> we're suggesting parents do the things they would normally do to prevent serious illness, like washing their hands, wearing bug repellant and making sure they're up to date on their vaccines. >> reporter: the cause of afm is unknown, but doctors say it could be linked to viruses. so far this year, 127 patients are under investigation. 62 are confirmed cases. the average age? 4 years old, like camdyn. david, this illness affects less than 1 in a million, but it's serious. so, the cdc is warning parents to look for any sudden signs of
weakness in the arms or legs. david? >> eva pilgripilgrim. thank you, eva. and next, to the major storm system sparking a flash flood watch across much of texas tonight. the governor just moments ago declaring a state of emergency. the llano river rising 26 feet in just a matter of houses, washing out this bridge in kingsland. a body was found nearby. and you're about to see the images tonight, vehicles losing control on the highway, with much more rain now on the way. abc's clayton sandell from the flood zone. >> reporter: tonight in texas, too much water. flash flooding triggering rescues and evacuations. >> we are starting to pull people out of houses, and that's what our guys are doing right now. >> reporter: overnight, the overwhelming llano river taking out this bridge in the town of kingsland, northwest of austin. nearby, the colorado river hurling debris over the starcke dam. >> that looks like a deck that's just going over. wow. >> reporter: as waters rise, they've opened all ten floodgates. >> i've seen two or three floodgates open and it's pretty
powerful at that. but all ten floodgates? this is amazing. >> reporter: schools closed. cars stuck. more than 150 roads are impassable. authorities discovering at least one body in the floodwaters. to the north in dallas, dangerously slick roads. a dash camera capturing this suv careening out of control on interstate 635. david, the water level in this river rose a whopping 26 feet overnight. and you can see the damage to this bridge is going to take a long time to fix. and there is more rain on the way for texas in the next 24 hours. david? >> all right, clayton sandell, our thanks to you. and the death toll tonight from hurricane michael now rising sharply. at least two people reported dead now in hard-hit mexico beach. one person still unaccounted for. and tonight, we hear from the family that built that house just a year ago on mexico beach. it's still standing after that hurricane, nearly a category 5 storm. so, what was it that made the difference? abc's victor oquendo is right there tonight.
>> reporter: tonight, grim news from florida. the death toll there has doubled to 16, raising the overall toll from hurricane michael to 26. bay county officials say they've completed 99% of their initial search and at least two deaths were in the tiny town of mexico beach. mexico beach took a direct hit but tonight, we're hearing from the homeowner who built this impervious house and calls it the sand palace. >> so, we're on all these regulations, and then we toughened them up on our own. >> reporter: russell king and his nephew finished this home last year to withstand 250-mile-an-hour winds with solid rebar, reinforced concrete and smaller windows. as the storm bore down, king watched wind and debris fly by his home from this security camera. >> it's awful. i can't imagine anything worse. all these -- it's such a wonderful community. and these people losing their homes, and, you know, we thought we might go down. >> reporter: the family is confident this town they call
mailp mayberry by the sea, will be back, but for those who do rebuild, king has this advice. >> you know, you have to raise it. you have no choice. and i'd build a concrete house. >> reporter: david, there is one person still unaccounted for here in bay county, but officials believe they evacuated and haven't been contacted yet. david? >> that house still standing. nearly everything else around it gone. victor, our thanks to you again tonight from the hurricane zone. and there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. breaking news tonight. the newest usa gymnastics ceo now out amid pressure. what happened this time? also, the verdict in a road rage case in a walmart parking lot. the teenager killed in front of his girlfriend. authorities say the suspect then filming him dying. the plane crashing into the ocean. lifeguards racing into the water to get to the plane. and then, double jackpots nn which ingsds, yourwn nbersr th quick pick much more news ahead tonight. pey five hundred years, right? fact is, there have been twenty-six in the last decade.
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rage in this country. and now, the verdict. a young man stabbed to death in a walmart parking lot. the attacker recording his victim as he died. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman. >> reporter: tonight, a verdict in a senseless road rage killing. kevin rodriguez, the victim. the 19-year-old, who had been a daredevil on instagram, leaping off cliffs, didn't see the danger coming in the walmart parking lot in southern california. james fortney convicted of second degree murder. he'd nearly hit the car rodriguez and his girlfriend were driving in. both yelling. fortney recording with his phone in one hand -- >> with the other hand, first he choked him and then after he was choking him, kevin was trying to get away. >> reporter: fortney then stabbing rodriguez in the heart with a six-inch knife. fortney, still filming, but then joining others in rendering first aid. it's the latest in a series of increasingly disturbing road rage incidents, from this street brawl in new york to this ramming incident in california.
>> this was a senseless act and it took my boy away from me. >> reporter: fortney was convicted of second degree murder, david, and even though he tried to render first aid, he still faces up to life in prison when he's sentenced next month. david? >> matt gutman tonight. thanks, matt. and when we come back, the air scare. the flight attendant falling from the plane. also, the plane crash right into the water. lifeguards then racing in to try to get to this pilot. and the major headline north of the border tonight. what they're about to make legal everywhere. your mornings were made for better things, than psoriatic arthritis. as you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain... ...swelling and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection.
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18 feet trying to close the door of an air india jet while preparing the flight for boarding in mumbai. she landed on the tarmac, badly injuring her legs. there is a breaking headline involved usa gymnastics. interim president and ceo mary bono abruptly resigning under pressure today after just four days on the job. gymnasts including simone biles and aly raisman have been critical of her hiring and her association with a law firm that advised usa gymnastics during the larry nassar sexual abuse scandal. the news north of the border tonight. canada will begin legal sales of marijuana tomorrow. the canadian government will tax and regulate sales. more than 100 legal marijuana shops are expected to open for business. and a record jackpot, right here at home tonight. tonight's mega millions prize is now the largest in the game's history. $667 million. that's $380 million if you take the cash option. i wouldn't mind. your odds of winning, 1 in 302 million. and tomorrow's powerball jackpot, $345 million. combined, that's about a billion dollars on the line. it's been shown the best odds often come with the quick pick option.
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it's been less than a week since hurricane michael hit. ravaging entire communities. and we remember what they told us right away. >> the sooner you can get people out of the desolate conditions, the better off that you are. >> reporter: so, you're literally going to go door-to-door? >> right. >> reporter: looking for anyone still in need. and now, it's all about the supplies. this panama city police officer packing food and water. in callaway, florida, lesley and her dog there in the basket collecting a meal at a distribution point. and at ebro, florida, today -- >> hi, david. >> reporter: -- tom and his team getting ready to hand out safe drinking water in what looks like a bud can. >> loading up some water for some of the relief effort out there in panama city, mexico beach. >> reporter: those cans of water from ft. collins, colorado, where a team from anheuser-busch has turned their beer line into a water line. team leader nara dye. >> we're going to make drinking water where we're capable of doing so. >> reporter: steve's been there
29 years. grabbing one of those cans of water off the line. >> this is absolutely one of the proudest moments that i've had at this brewery. >> reporter: sending 300,000 cans to florida and georgia for hurricane michael relief. they were there after hurricane florence, too. and back at that plant in colorado tonight, they are proud to be helping so many families in need. safe drinking water in a can. great idea. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow. good night.

Related Keywords

Parents , Girl , Home , Cameras , Authorities , 13 , Cdc , Illness , Cases , Patients , Children , States , Numbers , Most , 22 , 120 , Verdict , Teenager , Suspect , The Bridge Collapsing , Parking Lot , Road Rage Case , Girlfriend , Cars , Highway , Front , Control , Starts , Walmart , Lookine Co , Lifeguards , Plane , Water , Ocean , Flight Attendant , Hair Scare , This Bud S , Made In America , President , Writer , Jamal Khashoggi , Disappearance , Washington Post , Two , Case , Saudi Arabia , Crown Prince , Involvement , Journalist , Pre , Consulate , Investigators , Evidence , Quote , Crisis , Report , Istanbul , Turkey , Virginia , Ian Pannell , Mike Pompeo , Relationship , Secretary Of State , Us , Abc , Scene , Hands , Jet Lag , Reporter , Flight , Diplomat , Ina Little While , Sweetness , Talk , Family , Something , Challenges , Allies , Anything , Investigation , Critics , Forensics , Cleaning Crew , First , On Monday , Police , Sources , Yap , Conclusions , Abc News , Nine , Officials , Search , Road , Scans , Hit Squad , Passports , Members , Residence , Consul , Search Teams , Street , Journalists , Video , Turks , Van , Death , Part , Source , Interrogation , Wrong , Responsibility , David , Body , Location , Interests , Presid , Disappearance Isn T , Trump , Jon Karl , Punishment , Stake , Mo Ney , It , King , Whether , Opinion , Number One , One , Knowledge , Fine Line , Place , Record , Sword Dance , Al L , Apartments , Three , 50 Million , 0 Million , 40 Million , Group , Trump Projects , Yacht , Plaza Hotel , 1991 , Four , Floor , New York , Trump World Tower , S Washington Hotel Near , Trump Properties , 70000 , 270000 , 2001 , White House , Word , Denials , Interview , Situation , Here We Go Again , Way , Supreme Court Pick , Accusations , Justice , Brett Kavanaugh , Yes , Headline , Danger , Evening , Questions , Call , Alex Perez , Phone , Wisconsin , Noise , 911 , James Fortney , Jayme Closs , Goal , Jayme Home , Denise , Fbi , Dead , Rural Barron , 00 , 1 , House , Shot , Officers Led , Line , Contact , Cell Phone , Somebody , Dispatcher , Amber Alert , People , Tips , Answers , Bit , Whats Going On , Little Girl , She Wouldnt Hurta Soul , 200 , Thats Right , Sheriff , Department , Clues , Neighbors , Friends , Family Gathering , Social Media , Someone , Concern , Memory , Country , Outbreak , Age , Disease , Paralysis , Cold , 62 , 4 , Camdyn Carr , Eva Pilgrim , Hospital , Six , Legs , Arms , Sinus Infection , Camdyn Is Fighting Acute Flaccid Myelitis , Symptoms , Things , Spikes , Afm , 2016 , 2014 , Cause , Bug Repellant , Vaccines , Viruses , Doctors , Serious , Signs , Warning , 127 , A Million , Storm System , Governor , Weakness , State Of Emergency , Texas , Eva Pilgripilgrim , Flash Flood Watch , Feet , Matter , Houses , Rain , Bridge , Images , Flood Zone , Kingsland , Vehicles , Llano River , Abcs Clayton Sandell , 26 , Town , Flash Flooding , Guys , Rescues , Evacuations , Colorado River Hurling Debris , Waters , Deck , Floodgates , Austin , Starcke Dam , Ten , Roads , Floodwaters , North , Schools , Dallas , 150 , Out Of Control , Camera , River , Water Level , Damage , Suv , Interstate 635 , 635 , Hit Mexico Beach , Thanks , Death Toll , Hurricane Michael , 24 , Storm , Person , Hurricane , Difference , Victor Oquendo , Category 5 , 5 , News , Florida , Toll , Bay County , Town Of Mexico Beach , Deaths , 99 , 16 , Homeowner , Hit , Regulations , Nephew , Sand Palace , Russell King , Wind , Windows , Winds , Debris , Rebar , Security Camera , Bore Down , 250 , 250 Mile An Hour , Homes , Community , Haven T , Concrete House , Rebuild , Advice , Choice , The Sea , Mailp Mayberry , Pressure , Everything , Ceo , World News Tonight , Usa Gymnastics , Hurricane Zone , Breaking News , Jackpots , Fact , News Ahead , Which Ingsds , Yourwn Nbersr Th , Five Hundred , Twenty Six , Claim , Allstate , Car , Drones , Photo , Object , Plus , Truth , Bladder Leakage Product , Family Outings , Fits , Body Types , Flex , Fit , Feels , Sizes , Range , Underwear , Cigarette , Depend , Smoking Ital , Urge , Nicoderm Cq , Equity Trades , At Fidelity , 4 95 , 95 , Constipation , Fidelity , Account , Stimulant , Doctor Direcommended Miralax My , System , Mix In Pax , Road Rage , Colon , Nerves , Miralax , Attacker , Victim , Man , Road Rage Killing , Abcs Chief National Correspondent Matt Gutman , Degree Murder , Kevin Rodriguez , Didn T , Southern California , Oscar Rodriguez , Leaping Off Cliffs , Instagram , Daredevil , 19 , Fortney , Hand , Recording , Heart , Yelling , Fortney Then Stabbing Rodriguez , Aid , Series , Latest , Road Rage Incidents , Ramming Incident , Knife , Filming , Others , Street Brawl , Life , Boy , Act , Prison , Pilot , Border , Everywhere , Plane Crash , Xeljanz Xr , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatologist , Medicines , Mornings , Pill , Treatments , Similar , Methotrexate , Infections , Infection , Cancers , Don T , Swelling , Ability , Tuberculosis , Lymphoma , Joint Pain , Function , Cholesterol , Doctor , Region , Liver Tests , Intestines , Blood Cell Counts , Levels , Blood Tests , Stomach , Tears , Hepatitis B , Morning Go , Tb , C , Liberty Mutual Won T , Drivers , Gratest , Accidents , Rates , Mistake , See , Liberty Mutual Doesnt Hold Grudges , Accident Forgiveness , Recommendations , Advisor , Investing Strategies , Wealth Management , Wealth , Stop Trulicity , Sulfonylurea , A1c , Diabetes , Adults , Medicine , Injection , Weight , Blood Sugar , Pen , Exercise , Diet , 24 7 , 2 , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Side Effects , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Taking Trulicity , Abdominal Pain , Kidney Problems , Appetite , Dehydration , Beach , Index , Daytona Beach , Overseas , Surf , Waves , Plane Bobbing , Shore , India , Job , Jet , Boarding , Tarmac , Door , Air India , Mumbai , Mary Bono , 18 , Sales , Marijuana , Law Firm , Gymnasts , Scandal , Association , Larry Nassar , Simone Biles , Sexual Abuse , Aly Raisman , Canada , Shops , Largest , Jackpot , Government , Business , History , Game , Mega Millions Prize , 80 Million , 100 , 380 Million , 67 Million , 667 Million , Odds , Cash Option , Powerball Jackpot , Pick , Option , Winning , Iwouldnt Mind , Combined , A Billion Dollars , 302 Million , 1345 Million , 45 Million , A Billion , Help , Luck , Constraints , Retirement Savings , Pacific Life , Flexibility , Power , Terms , Pacific , Crohns Disease , Pacific Life Today , Professional , Moderate , Humira , Remission , Humira Saw , Medications , Symptom , Relief , Majority , Reactions , Blood , Have , Liver , Nervous System Problems , Heart Failure , Areas , Treatment , Sores , Plan , Idea , Gastroenterologist , Medicare , Jen Doyle , Huh , Plans , Doesn T , Confusion , Wasn T , Tools , Name , Unitedhealthcare , Aarp , Mania , Aarp Medicare Plans , Mood , Unusualrder , Vraylar , Energy Levels , Ground , Activity , Health Care Provider , Bipolari Disorder , Fever , Risk , Muscles , Episodes , Depression , Dementia , Stroke , White Blood Cells , High Blood Sugar , Muscle Movements , Trouble , Heat Sensitivity , Impaired Judgement , Weight Gain , Seizures , Falls , Coma , Dizziness , Standing , Ask , America Ina Bud Can , Generosity , Communities , Conditions , Ravaging Entire , Need , Police Officer , Anyone , Supplies , Packing Food , Meal , Dog , Basket , In Callaway , Panama City , Lesley , Drinking Water , Team , Tom , Some , Distribution Point , Relief Effort , Bud Can , Hi , Quebro , Cans , Water Line , Team Leader , Steve , Beer Line , Collins , Anheuser Busch , Nara Dye , Brewery , Hurricane Florence , Hurricane Michael Relief , Georgia , 29 , 300000 , Plant , Families , Can , Great Idea ,

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