Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180804 00:30:00

what he did when officers moved in, and the chilling discovery made by detectives. plus, the wild encounter. a man caught on camera in yellowstone taunting a bison. the massive animal at one point, lunging at him. why that tourist is now facing charges. and good evening. it's great to have you with us on a busy friday night. i'm tom llamas in for david, and we begin tonight with dangerous storm threats as we come on the air. flash flooding alerts for 50 million people from georgia all the way to maine. in lynchburg, virginia, take a look at this. emergency crews keeping a close eye on the college lake dam now crippled and under repair. 150 homes evacuated over fears it could fail, and this destruction from a rare confirmed ef-0 tornado. hitting new york city, winds up to 85 miles per hour, downing at least 50 trees. powerful storms forcing ground stops at major airports in the northeast.
as far north as new hampshire where rainfall reaches 3 inches per hour, so those watches remain up with that continued flow. most of it is west of i-95, but that will change over the next 24 hours, and we're looking for another 3 to 4 plus inches of rainfall. that's going to spur up some flooding. a couple of more rounds coming through. two last night and this afternoon, and then more tonight and then another one tomorrow morning through new york and into boston. dry air behind, that but for the next 20 hours or so, tom, going to be a little rough. tom? >> rob for us tonight. rob, thank you. we turn to a developing story here in new york. abc news obtaining video of an off-duty police officer allegedly shooting a man in the face, then trying to plant something on him before authorities arrive. the confrontation caught on surveillance. the officer wounding the victim and what happens when he appears to notice the camera. abc's erielle reshef with that video. >> reporter: tonight, this disturbing new video capturing
A roundup of the day's events.
man who gunned down a prominent houston doctor riding his bike to work ending police say in this southwest houston neighborhood. >> it's going to be the suspect. he's walking. he's down. >> reporter: with a dramatic showdown between two police officers and 62-year-old suspect joseph pappas. police say pappas took his own life as officers approached him this morning. >> without the public, we wouldn't be standing here today. >> reporter: the death marking the end of a nearly two week long manhunt, police say pappas had a long held grudge against prominent cardiologist dr. mark hausknecht who once treated president george h.w. bush, and according to police, pappas' mother when she died on the operating table 20 years ago. investigators say in their hunt for a motive, a disturbing picture emerged revealing just how much planning allegedly went into dr. house hausknecht's july 20th murder. >> our investigateers found a very extensive intelligence file this suspect had put together on dr. hausknecht. >> reporter: police say that file also included the names of other employees at the texas medical center. but it's unclear tonight whether or not they were targets too.
we have learned tonight that a camera on a city bus captured the entire murder. the police chief told me it is the most chilling video he has ever watched. he also said that he is thankful the community helped catch a killer, tom. >> marcus moore for us. marcus, thank you. news tonight about the desperate search for that missing student in iowa. authorities looking through ditches and farms for mollie tibbetts who vanished while jogging more than two weeks ago. the reward now jumping to more than $200,000. abc's alex perez is in iowa. >> reporter: tonight, mollie tibbetts' father, begging for help. >> we're all in this together. we're all trying to bring molly back. >> reporter: her boyfriend dalton jack making an emotional plea to mollie's possible abductor. >> just try to put yourself in our shoes. what if somebody had taken somebody that you love so much, and just have the courage to come forward. >> reporter: it's been more than two weeks since the university of iowa student vanished. authorities have searched nearby properties, investigated a report of a possible sighting in
missouri, and are following up, they say, on hundreds of tips. authorities have remained tight-lipped about the investigation, but investigators say they do have a solid base of evidence they are working from. >> we come to work every day with an attitude that we're going to find mollie today and we hope to be able do that and report that to you soon. >> reporter: the reward for information on her whereabouts growing. now topping $200,000. tom, investigators say they are working this case around the clock. there are signs like this one just about everywhere you look across town. authorities are hoping that increased reward will motivate anyone with information to come forward. tom? >> and that reward still growing tonight. all right, alex. thank you. the new headline about the las vegas massacre tonight. the motive behind the worst mass shooting in modern american history will remain a mystery. the police department releasing its final report on the killing spree last october. investigators say they may never know why he opened fire from his room at the mandalay bay hotel.
58 people were killed, hundreds wounded, attending that outdoor concert. the sheriff calling paddock, quote, an unremarkable man with a troubled mind. next tonight, president trump and china stoking the flames of their trade war. china warning it will hit the u.s. with $60 billion worth of new tariffs. in response to the president's threat of a $200 billion tariff on chinese products. americans already caught in the middle. here's abc's chief white house correspondent, jonathan karl. >> reporter: a new front in the escalating trade war with china which today threatened to impose $60 billion in new tariffs on a wide range of american products. the move comes after the president moved to dramatically increase u.s. tariffs on chinese goods. the president talked about his get-tough-on-china trade policy at his rally last night in pennsylvania. >> right now, championship is -- >> right now, china is not too happy with me. and our country got ripped off like no country ever before in
the history of the world. we got ripped off. >> reporter: the new chinese tariffs would cover over 5,000 american products. new taxes on honey, coffee, wine, american beef, salmon, vegetables and much more. many of the targeted products come from areas that voted overwhelmingly for donald trump in the 2016 election. the president's top economic adviser offered an ominous warning today to china. >> the message here is do not underestimate president trump's determination to follow through on the china trade reform campaign. they better take president trump seriously. >> reporter: today's escalation comes after tit-for-tat moves where the united states and china each imposed new tariffs on $34 billion worth of imports last month. an expanding trade war that could hit american companies, farmers and consumers hard. >> jon karl joins us now live from the white house, and jon, how's the administration reacting tonight to the those new threats from china? >> reporter: the message to china tonight comes from the
white house press secretary, sarah sanders who says, instead of retaliating, china should address longstanding concerns about its unfair trading practices. in other words, tom, the white house is not backing down. >> jonathan karl for us tonight. jon, thank you. and a late immigration headlight coming in tonight. a federal judge ruling the trump administration must fully restore daca. the program for so-called dreamers, allows 8,000 -- 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the u.s. as children to remain in the country. the judge giving the administration 20 days to appeal. there is much more ahead "world news tonight" this friday. the dramatic rescue. a child choking on a marble, no longer breathing when the officer arrived. what he did to save her life. plus harvey weinstein fighting back. the legal play by the disgraced mogul. alleged e-mails he says show he had a romantic relationship with the woman accusing him of rape. and the scary standoff in yellowstone between a man and a
massive bison. why that tourist was arrested 900 miles away and is now facing charges. stay with us. your mornings were made for better things than psoriatic arthritis. as you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma, and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts, and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. xeljanz xr can reduce the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.
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back now with the scary standoff with a wild animal in yellowstone national park. the man who is lucky he wasn't injured when the animal charged, now facing charges in court. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: this bison-baiting video, the latest example of a wildlife encounter gone wrong. >> oh, no, no, no, no, no. >> reporter: the man in the road taunting this giant yellowstone bison, soon found himself in handcuffs. 55-year-old raymond reinke, arrested last night. this now-viral video, joining a long list of legal trouble for reinke. his multiple run-ins with rangers started july 28th at grand teton national park, busted for allegedly being drunk and disorderly. then in yellowstone tuesday, reinke was cited for intoxication and harassing wildlife. then he was on to glacier, but when authorities saw this video,
a warrant was issued for his arrest. >> oh, god. >> reporter: wild animals are of course, wild, and experts warn getting too close could kill you. >> these are not elsie the cow. this is a wild animal that fights for aggression, fights for territory. >> reporter: last night, rangers at glacier national park caught up with reinke. he is still in custody, facing several charges including disturbing wildlife. he has not entered a plea. tom. >> a wild trip for him. clayton, thank you. when we come back, a man overboard. the urgent search tonight in the waters off alaska after a choose ship crew member disappears. and call them the lucky 11. the california co-workers who have 543 million reasons to celebrate tonight. stay with us. this is your wake-up call. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion.
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can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by talking to your doctor. ask about vraylar. vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. time now for the index, and harvey weinstein's new legal play to throw out two indictments against him. lawyers for the disgraced movie mogul arguing the manhattan district attorney failed to present the grand jury dozens of
e-mails they say show the alleged rape victim was a consensual partner in a long-term relationship. weinstein has pleaded not guilty to six sex assault counts. and the urgent search for a man who has fallen off a cruise ship. last seen last night before going overboard on the cruise ship "amsterdam" in alaska. the captain turning around the massive boat and retracing its path. the coast guard also assisting in that search tonight. and a fast-acting texas police officer is being praised for saving a choking child. a veteran plano police officer dispatched to a home where a 1-year-old girl had swallowed a marble. the officer knocking it loose enough to get her breathing again. the marble was later removed. and the officer reunited with the little girl. take a look. her family calls him a hero. and in california, the group of officer workers with a reason to party tonight. 11 co-workers at a company in santa clara county coming forward claiming the $543 million megamillions
jackpot. the group forming an office lottery pool on a whim. if they go lump sum, each player will collect $29 million before taxes. no one in the group planning to quit their day job, at least just yet. all right. when we come back, the country song catching fire tonight, and that moment on stage so many are sharing. tonight, it's america strong. stay with us. sharing. tonight, it's america strong. stay with us. stay with us. -we're in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it's a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that's right for you. -that's amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending!
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but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, aseeshn to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. with advil liqui-gels, what bad shoulder? what headache? advil is relief that's fast strength that lasts you'll ask... what pain? with advil liqui-gels finally tonight, america strong. a new country song that's become an instant hit, and that inspiring moment on stage. ♪ >> reporter: for all the country
singers that have sung songs about their mothers, "blank stares" by jay allen is one that hits your soul. ♪ ♪ you come and go so fast >> reporter: nearly a million people have shared this cell phone video of allen singing to his mom, sherry right in his arms right on stage. sherry just 53 years old, battling early onset alzheimer's. ♪ wish i didn't feel so helpless when it comes to helping you ♪ >> reporter: allen hoping not only to reach his mom through the song, but also the millions of others dealing with alzheimer's in their families. allen says while growing up his mom worked two to three jobs to support their family and taught them to think about others. he is now pledging all proceeds from the song go to abe's garden, an alzheimer's care center in nashville. ♪ i know you're still in there, deep down somewhere i swear i still see you ♪
>> reporter: and though there is no cure to alzheimer's, allen says country music is the only thing that brings his mom back. watch how she smiles right here. allen now hoping by sharing his song and story he can help others. [ cheers and applause ] >> that song, "blank stares," you can find it on itunes. thanks so much for watching on a friday night. i'm tom llamas. see you right back here tomorrow. see you right back here tomorrow.
we are looking live outside because the impact of the fires could get worst. tonight the impact of the fires that we're seeing and smelling. fires already burn, but with local crews stretched so thin, how can we make sure our neighborhoods are protected during a weekend with a red flag warning. i'm michael finney at the santa clara county fair where the 7 on your side pop-up is in business right now. we'll be here until 7:00. so drop by, say hello, pick up some free stuff. >> live where you live, this abc 7 news. >> a live look across the bay area tonight at san francisco, walnut creek, and san rafael, where clear skies could turn smoky this weekend, an indicator of just how big and how close some northern california wildfires are. good evening. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. the wildfires that are burning closest to the bay area and make up the mendocino complex are sending smoke into places where we can see it and smell it. >> well, our air quality is likely to get worse this weekend too. and we have a greater chance of

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Man , Camera , Lunging At Him , Officers , Plus , Point , Tourist , Detectives , Encounter , Discovery , Yellowstone Tauntinga Bison , One , Evening , Charges , Tom Llamas , On The Air , Storm Threats , David , Homes , People , Flash Flood , Fears , Eye , College Lake Dam , Central Virginia , Takea Look , Emergency Crews , Lynchburg , Georgia All The Way , Maine , 150 , 50 Million , Storms , Ground , Tornado , Northeast , New York , Airports , Destruction , Trees , 50 , 0 , 85 , New Hampshire , Most , Watches , Rainfall , Flooding , Another , Flow , Couple , Rounds , I 95 , 95 , 4 , 3 , 24 , Boston , Two , 20 , Officer , Rob Marciano , Video , Police Officer , Abc News , Face , Something , Story , Victim , Authorities , Americans , Confrontation , Rough , Surveillance , Reporter , Erielle Reshef , Urban Meyer , Allegations , The Big Question Tonight , Kayna , Media , Personnel , Issues , Staff , Job , Contract , Misconduct , Members , Danger , Clause , Doctor , Investigation , Manhunt , Grudge , Southwest Houston , Kayna Whitworth , Murder Suspect , Killer , Administration Leave , Developments , List , Life , Home , Vest , Doctors , Marcus Moore , Hunt , Dozen , Who Else , Suspect , Police , Neighborhood , Say Pappas , Police Officers , Showdown , Bike , Walking , Joseph Pappas , 62 , Georgehw , Death , Dr , Mark Hausknecht , Bush , Public , Cardiologist , We Wouldnt Be Standing Here Today , Mother , Motive , Planning , Operating Table , Picture , House Hausknecht , July 20th Murder , Investigators , July 20th , Intelligence , Targets , Investigateers , File , Names , Employees , Texas Medical Center , Police Chief , Community , Murder , Catcha Killer , City Bus , News , Reward , Student , Search , Mollie Tibbetts , Farms , Alex Perez , Ditches , Jogging , Iowa , 00000 , 200000 , Help , Plea , Molly , Abductor , Shoes , Father , Boyfriend Dalton Jack , Report , Somebody , Courage , Sighting , Properties , University Of Iowa , On Hundreds Of Tips , Evidence , Attitude , Base , Missouri , Clock , Do , Information , Whereabouts Growing , Case , Signs , Massacre Tonight , Headline , Everywhere , Town , Anyone , Las Vegas , Mass Shooting In Modern American History , Room , Fire , Police Department , Mystery , Killing Spree , Mandalay Bay Hotel , Warning , Trump , Hundreds , Quote , China , Trade War , The Flames , Concert , Sheriff , Mind , Calling Paddock , China Stoking , 58 , Tariffs , Products , Threat , Response , Middle , Front , Jonathan Karl , White House Correspondent , Chinese , Chief , 00 Billion , 200 Billion , 0 Billion , 60 Billion , Move , Range , Goods , Country , Last Night , China Trade Policy , Championship , Pennsylvania , Taxes , Areas , More , Many , Honey , Beef , Coffee , Vegetables , Salmon , History Of The World , 5000 , Message , Adviser , Election , Determination , 2016 , Moves , Escalation , China Trade Reform Campaign , Tit For Tat , 4 Billion , 34 Billion , Administration , Jon , Companies , Threats , Farmers , Consumers , White House , Sarah Sanders , Concerns , Trading Practices , Retaliating , Words , White House Press Secretary , Judge , Program , Headlight , Immigration , Dreamers , Daca , 800000 , 8000 , Breathing , Marble , World News Tonight , Immigrants , Children , Child Choking , Rescue , Relationship , Harvey Weinstein , E Mails , Standoff , Woman , Play , Rape , Show , Fighting Back , Disgraced Mogul , Xeljanz Xr , Stay , Things , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatologist , Mornings , Bison , Treatments , 900 , Infections , Swelling , Joint Pain , Ability , Pill , Medicines , Similar , Methotrexate , Function , Cholesterol , Infection , Don T , Cancers , Tuberculosis , Liver Tests , Blood Cell Counts , Intestines , Lymphoma , Blood Tests , Levels , Stomach , Tears , Symptoms , Region , Hepatitis B , Tb , C , Stroke , Morning Go , Steps , Recurrent Ischemic , Bayer Aspirin Regimen , Rheumhasn , Withwith , 80 , Aspirin Regimen , Gratest , Drivers , Mistake , Liberty Mutual Doesnt Hold Grudges , Accident Forgiveness , Rates , Liberty Mutual Won T , Allergy Pills , Accident , Else , Liberty You Wouldn T , Nasal Congestion , Flonase , Pills Don T , Pills , Substances , Flonase Sensimist , Six , Lucky He Wasnt Injured , Yellowstone National Park , Wildlife , Court , The Man In Road , Example , Clayton Sandell , Bison Baiting , Raymond Reinke , Trouble , Run Ins , Giant Yellowstone Bison , 55 , Rangers , Intoxication , Disorderly , Glacier , Grand Teton National Park , Yellowstone Tuesday , July 28th , 28 , Aggression , Experts , God , Wild , Fights , Course , Animals , Arrest , Warrant , Elsie The Cow , Territory , Man Overboard , Custody , Glacier National Park , Co Workers , California , Crew , Waters , Member , Reasons , Alaska , 543 Million , 11 , Spain , Damage , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Ticking , Erosion , Stiffness , Wake Up Call , Humira , Source , Inflammation , 15 , Reactions , Treatment , Blood , Nervous System Problems , Liver , Heart Failure , Have , Sores , Vraylar , Studies , Episodes , Adults , Bipolari Disorder , Fever , Risk , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Reaction , Patients , Confusion , Dementia , Weight Gain , Dizziness , Standing , Impaired Judgment , Heat Sensitivity , Coma , Falls , Seizures , High Blood Sugar , Ask , White Blood Cells , Lawyers , Indictments , Dozens , Index , Movie , Disgraced , Grand Jury , Manhattan District Attorney , Sex Assault Counts , Rape Victim , Partner , Cruise Ship , Boat , Captain , Amsterdam , Fast Acting , Child , Path , Coast Guard , Veteran , Plano , Old Girl , Texas , 1 , Group , Family , Company , Reason , Megamillions Jackpot , Santa Clara County , Hero , Officer Workers , Little Girl , 43 Million , No One , Player , Country Song Catching Fire Tonight , Day Job , Whim , Office Lottery Pool , Lump Sum , 9 Million , 29 Million , Stage , Sharing , America Strong , Ho , Gasps , Car Insurance , Thing , Mom , Price , Computer , Coverage , Ending , Wow , Better , Feet , Nerve Pain , Lyrica , Career , Diabetic , High School , Construction , Needles , Pins , Waves , Ball , Dad , Burning , Actions , Nerve Damage , Diabetes , Thoughts , Fda , Lyrica May , Changes , Mood , Hands , Muscle Pain , Trouble Breathing , Drive , Feeling , Vision , Alcohol , Behavior , Depression , Hives , Rash , Blisters , Sleepiness , Legs , Dont Drink , Alcohol Problem , Drug , Visit Lyrica Com , Lyricaff Y , Eligble , 5 , 25 , Bacteria , Probiotics , Colon Health , Defense , Colon , Imbalance , Diarrhea , N , Combination , Gacan , Phillips , Four , Everything , Look , At T , Specialists , Edge , Heart Problem , Healthcare Business , Data , Vitals , Part , Business , Tests , Care , Procedure , Patient , Baby , On And , Power Of , Prevagen , Ingredient , Name , Brain , Jellyfish , Clinical Trials , Memory , Aseeshn , Advil , Gels , Headache , Relief , Strength , Shoulder , Advil Liqui , Country Song , Country Singers , Hit , Jay Allen , Cell Phone Video , Songs , Mothers , Soul , Blank Stares , Allen Singing , A Million , Arms , Allen Hoping , Early Onset Alzheimer S , Wishi Didnt Feel , 53 , Families , Song , Jobs , Others , Millions , Proceeds , Alzheimer S , Three , Somewhere , Garden , Deep Down , Alzheimers Care Center In Nashville , Abe , Country Music , Cure , Mom Back , Applause , Cheers , Thanks , Friday Night , Itunes , Weekend , Fires , Red Flag Warning , Impact , Crews , Neighborhoods , Smelling , Santa Clara County Fair , Side Pop Up , Stuff , Say Hello , Michael Finney , 7 , 00 , Indicator , Bay Area , Walnut Creek , Clear Skies , San Rafael , San Francisco , Wildfires , Smoke , Air Quality , Chance , Places , Dan Ashley , Mendocino Complex , Ama Daetz ,

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