Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180731 00:30:00

A roundup of the day's events.
A roundup of the day's events.
both officers fire, shooting blevins four times. blevins later dying. at a press conference today, members of a police union said the two officers acted heroically and believed their lives were in danger. >> the whole time, he's looking back, getting position on where the officers are at to acquire a target to shoot them. >> reporter: at a later press conference, the county prosecutor took to the podium to defend the police department. but before he could announce charges would not be filed against the two officers, family and protesters rushed the podium, cutting him off. >> we want the cops arrested within the next 48 hours and prosecuted to the fullest degree of the law, because this was murder. >> and alex perez joins us live tonight from minneapolis. alex, emotions raw there. we saw the family and the protesters at that news conference today. they want justice for their family member. and the city bracing for possible more protests? >> reporter: that's right, david. another demonstration already
planned for tomorrow afternoon. family members firmly believe their loved one did not have to die here in this alley. as you heard them say right now, they believe this is murder. david? >> alex perez in minneapolis. alex, thank you. we're going to turn next tonight to president trump and his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, who went on cable tv today. that is not new, but what he said was. after the president has repeatedly said there was no collusion, giuliani now saying collusion is not a crime. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: when it comes to the russia investigation, there is one message above all where president trump has been perfectly consistent. >> there was no collusion. at all. there was no collusion. at all. everybody knows it. >> reporter: but now, former trump lawyer michael cohen seems to be prepared to tell prosecutors that the president knew in advance about the infamous trump tower meeting organized by donald trump jr. after he'd been promised dirt from the russians on hillary
clinton. and today, the president's current lawyer, rudy giuliani, offered a new message. it doesn't matter if the president colluded, because collusion, giuliani says, is not a crime. >> i've been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime. >> it's not. >> collusion is not a crime. >> reporter: it's a message giuliani repeated throughout the day. >> you don't even know if that's a crime, colluding about russ russians. >> okay -- >> you start analyzing the krip. the hacking is the crime. the hacking is the crime. >> that certainly is the original crime. >> the president didn't hack. >> of course not. >> he didn't pay them for hacking. >> reporter: giuliani's meandering and confounding interviews followed a series of tweets from the president blasting special counsel robert mueller. "is robert mueller ever going to release his conflicts of interest with respect to president trump," the president tweeted, "including the fact that we had a very nasty and contentious business relationship." the president offered no evidence and did not even say what the conflict was. and neither did giuliani. >> you have every right to say,
okay, you explain it, mueller. stand up and be a man. >> why is it up to robert mueller to have to support the president's tweet? >> because he has the conflict, not the president. >> what's the conflict? >> i can't tell you, i'm not sure i know exactly what the conflict is. i have a good idea what it is. it's one that would have kept me out of the investigation. >> reporter: just last month, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein, under oath, told congress he hasn't seen any such conflict of interest. >> i'm not aware of any disqualifying conflict of interest. >> reporter: of course, no word from robert mueller, who is almost never seen in public, although he was spotted at d.c.'s reagan national airport on friday, waiting to board a plane just steps away from donald trump jr. >> and jon karl with us live tonight from the white house. and jon, we know jury selection begins in the trial of paul manafort tomorrow, the first trial, of course, to come out of special counsel robert mueller's investigation. but we heard that argument from giuliani, he has said it before, essentially saying to mueller, if you have something, show us. but is there any sense of when mueller will reveal his findings? what are you hearing from your
sources at the white house? >> reporter: well, giuliani himself said that -- based on -- today he said that based on his conversations with robert mueller, he believes that mueller wants to issue his final report on the president by september. but then again, we see the negotiations over an interview between the special counsel and the president have gone nowhere, the president is escalating his attacks, and the bottom line, david, is that nobody but robert mueller really knows how close he is to finishing his investigation. >> all right, jon karl live at the white house. jon, good to have you back. president trump also making news on iran tonight, at his new conference with the italian prime minister today. after ripping up the iran nuclear deal and then exchanging harsh words with the iranian president, today, president trump declaring he would meet, no preconditions, face-to-face, with the iranian president. >> no preconditions. no. they want to meet, i'll meet. any time they want. any time they want. it's good for the country, good for them, good for us. and good for the world. >> not long after that moment,
secretary of state mike pompeo indicated there would be preconditions, among them, how iran treats its own people. and when asked, was it true, what iran now claims, that president trump requested a meeting with iran, but iran rebuffed him, pompeo would not answer. we turn next, late today, to cbs' board of directors taking no action against les moonves, at least for now. the chairman and ceo of cbs, he faces new accusations of sexual misconduct. they're instead launching an outside investigation of one of the most powerful men in television and in hollywood. here's abc's eva pilgrim tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the wife of immediaty titan and cbs ceo of les moonves speaking out over sexual misconduct allegations against her husband. >> some of you may be aware of what's been going on in my life over the past few days. i issued the one and only statement i will ever make on this topic on twitter and i will stand by that statement today,
tomorrow, forever. >> reporter: in the tweet, chen said, "leslie is a good man and a loving father, devoted husband. he has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. i fully support my husband and stand behind him." "the new yorker" magazine detailing allegations from six women ranging from unwanted advances to sexual assault. actress illeana douglas claiming during a 199 7 business meeting, moonves began violently kissing her, even pulling up her skirt. douglas saying, "i couldn't get him off me." moonves admits to trying to kiss douglas, but denies kissing her, but denies assaulting her, saying in a statement, "i always understood and respected and abided by the principle that no means no." tonight, some conflict inside the company. cbs films president terry press struggling to reconcile the moonves she knows with the allegations, posting this statement. "i do not believe it is my place to question the accounts put
forth by the women, but i do find myself asking that if we are examining the industry as it existed decades before through the lens of 2018, should we also discuss a path to learning, reconciliation and forgiveness?" tonight, the cbs board taking no immediate action against the ceo credited with turning around the network, announcing the board will seek to appoint outside counsel to investigate. and david, this independent investigation will be looking at the corporate culture, as well, at the company. david? >> eva pilgrim on this tonight. eva, thank you. we're going to turn next this evening to an abc news exclusive here. the father of that missing student in iowa is now breaking his silence, pleading for help in finding his daughter. of course, last seen jogging nearly two weeks ago now. here's abc's whit johnson. >> reporter: tonight, the search for 20-year-old mollie tibbetts growing more desperate. authorities now focusing on her digital footprint, trying to nail down a clear timeline of her disappearance. >> i just want her home. >> reporter: mollie's father, rob tibbetts, speaking
exclusively to abc news. >> we just need people to think. there's somebody -- they know something and they don't even know it's important. >> reporter: mollie, last seen jogging july 18th, wearing a sports top, shorts and running shoes. investigators say her evening jogs were often long, on different routes through this sprawling farming community, complicating the search. authorities hoping to find critical clues in her cell phone and fitbit, which they believe mollie had with her. >> we are using technology to its fullest in hopes that we can track and locate mollie. >> reporter: mollie's boyfriend, dalton jack, says he was working a construction job more than 100 miles away, while tibbetts watched his dogs that night. authorities say jack is not a suspect. investigators say they have been inundated with tips. 20 to 30 agents have already conducted more than 200 interviews. david? >> whit johnson tonight. whit, thank you. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. the crash here in new york city. the driver slamming into a restaurant, the suv jumping the curb. several people trapped and
injured. we do have news on their conditions tonight. the new development in the murder of that well-known doctor who once treated former president george h.w. bush. what's now been revealed. and alex trebek tonight. what he's now revealed about his own future. a lot more news ahead tonight. c. tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i'm ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options.
come hok., babe. nasty nighttime heartburn? try new alka-seltzer pm gummies. the only fast, powerful heartburn relief plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. ♪ oh, what a relief it is! we turn next tonight to new surveillance in the killing of that well-known doctor in houston. police say it shows the suspect immediately after the doctor was shot and killed while riding his bike to work. here's abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: tonight, a new piece of the puzzle in a houston doctor's murder. just-released video of the suspect riding away moments after police say he gunned down dr. mark hausknecht. it happened july 20th as hausknecht, shown in green, rode his bike to work. the suspect, in red, follows close behind, opening fire in broad daylight. >> the suspect drove past the doctor, turned and fired two shots. the doctor immediately went down. >> reporter: adding to the mystery, houston's police chief
now says, "there is a high probability the doctor was targeted," but offering no other details or motive. hausknecht, who once treated president george h.w. bush, was 65. >> i was shocked. i was stunned. couldn't absorb it. yeah. and i'm still grieving, like many people are. >> reporter: houston homicide detectives are asking people to check any security cameras or dashboard cameras that might have also seen the killer. in the meantime, there is a $5,000 reward. david? >> let's hope it helps. clayton, thank you. when we come back, news tonight about alex trebek. also, a breakthrough for depression. the frightening crash here in new york city. an suv slamming into the front of a restaurant. several trapped. and music legend neil diamond, and what he did. psori. as you and your rheumatologist consider treatments, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for psoriatic arthritis. taken with methotrexate or similar medicines, it can reduce joint pain, swelling, and significantly improve physical function.
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researchers in the u.s. and sweden tonight are working on a possible blood test now for depression. a new study revealing a molecular deficiency in the blood of patients with major depressive disorder. they do hope the findings will help treat the disease. we have more on our website tonight. and alec trebek, tmz is reporting tonight that trebek may retire when his contract ends in two years. say it isn't so. he says there's a 50/50 chance and a little less that he would stay on. trebek, who is 78, has been hosting since 1984. when we come back tonight, the surprise from neil diamond, they loved it. and you will, too. you're headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness
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the firefighters hard at work in california, and in colorado, too. working to contain the lake christine fire there, and there's someone there thanking them. >> shall we do a song, or maybe two? >> reporter: this community in basalt, colorado, is grateful tonight. firefighters and their families with their phones in the air. >> now, you have to save my house. >> reporter: before neil diamond plays, a thank you. >> i want to take you all home, i want to give you a kiss, i want to make dinner for you. ♪ warm touching warm ♪ reaching out >> reporter: neil diamond revealed six months ago he was retiring due to parkinson's disease. but that did not stop him from telling these firefighters they have helped calm an entire community. >> i've been here for 20 years and you've made everybody happy. ♪ touching me ♪ touching you
♪ sweet caroline ♪ bah bah bah >> reporter: the firefighters, the community members singing along with him. and with their phones recording him, in the end, neil diamond turning the focus back onto them. >> the heaviness on our hearts is gone, we know the calvary is here, and we say thank you. ♪ sweet caroline >> we join neil diamond in saluting those firefighters hard at work across the country. good night. deadly and devastating. tonight, live team coverage on
the wildfires that are both ndg lives up and down california. >> i call it apocalyptic. >> that one word sums up what life looks like in lake and mendocino counties tonight where evacuation orders are expanding. i'm spencer christian. i'll give you a close-up look at weather conditions near the fires right now. >> live where you live, this is abc 7 news. >> wow. there are so many people in this community helping. and we know that we're going to all get through it. >> hope is what they are holding on to tonight. thousands of evacuees wait and watch, wondering what's happened to their homes while thousands of firefighters take on a task that they know has provengood e. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm ama daetz. dozens of fires are burning in the state basically from boarder to border. >> yeah, there are about 20 active wildfires blazing across the state right now. on this map, each of these icons
represents a firefight involving cal fire. >> now four of these fires are major. they're destroying homes, forcing people to evacuate and in some cases have taken lives. we'll discuss each of these in the next ten minutes. >> and we have a team helping cover them for you. abc 7 neuews weather anchor spencer christian is tracking weather across the state. >> and let's start with the largest and deadly fire. that's the carr fire near redding. we do have some encouraging news. evacuation orders have been lifted for some communities. >> now this fire is nearly 100,000 acres in size, and just 20% contained. more than 700 homes are gone and six people have died. >> abc 7 news reporter laura anthony joins us live from redding with the latest. hi, am. first, the fire itself. the leading edge of the carr fire now burning 15 to 20 miles to the west of where we are standing with that. the process of repopulating

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