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A mother outraged tonight over a deputy seen slamming her daughter to the floor, sent to the e. R. The Sheriffs Department defending their deputy tonight. This evening, the recordings leaked. Nfl players and owners, their private meeting to talk about nfl protests and President Trump. The president s own friend, bob kraft, and what he said about the president. And the dog attack on a new york city subway. The passenger, the dog and the witnesses horrified. Good evening, and its great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. And we begin with that bombshell arrest, that former Police Officer who Authorities Say went on a reign of terror for so many years. The numbers, as i mentioned, are simply staggering. At least 12 murders, 45 rapes. They have been searching for more than four decades, and tonight, the major clue that unlocked this just days ago. They say this is their man, joseph deangelo, now 72, arrested outside his home. They surprised him. He spent years as a california Police Officer. Hed been married. Abcs whit johnson leads us off from california on the man dubbed the Golden State Killer. Reporter tonight, hiding in plain sight. Police say one of the most elusive serial killers in American History has been captured outside his suburban home. We found the needle in the haystack and it was right here in sacramento. Reporter Law Enforcement now identifying 72yearold Joseph James Deangelo as the Golden State Killer. The oncemarried former Police Officer now under arrest for a Violent Crime spree that terrorized california for more than 40 years. He was committing the crimes during the time he was employed as a peace officer. And obviously well be looking into whether it was actually on the job. Reporter detectives working the case for decades, but deangelo not a suspect until days ago, when they got a break they say cutting edge dna testing allowed them to make a match. We were able to get some discarded dna, and we were able to confirm what we already knew that we had our man. Reporter at least 12 murders, 45 rapes and more than 100 burglaries spread fear across the state in the 1970s 80s. His voice allegedly heard in this chilling phone call, taunting one of his victims. Gonna kill you. Reporter those crimes meticulously planned. The suspect, wearing a ski mask, would break into homes, gag, blindfold and tie up his female prey before carrying out his brutal attacks. Today, police could be seen searching deangelos home in this quiet sacramento neighborhood. His neighbors stunned. He was just an odd guy, kind of kept to himself, but had a temper. Reporter for the victims families, overwhelming relief. It is time for all victims to grieve and to take measure one last time. Reporter 18yearold janelle cruz, the last known victim, was murdered in 1986. Soon after, her sister michelle fled california, fearing for her own safety. The feeling is undescribable, im so happy, i feel so blessed. We finally got the guy who brutally raped and murdered my sister. So, lets get to whit johnson, live with us from california tonight. And whit, its hard to wrap your head around these numbers. Hes accused in at least a dozen murders, 45 rapes, as we mentioned there. But hes only been charged with a few of them. Where does the case go from here . Reporter and david, this is just the beginning. That key dna evidence came to light only six days ago. Prosecutors say that dna and the methods he used links dozens of these cases up and down the state. Theyre promising more charges in the coming days. David . Whit johnson leading us off tonight. Whit, thank you. We are also following breaking developments at this hour involving President Trumps personal physician, the president s pick to lead the v. A. And there are new allegations unku uncovered tonight. Admiral Ronny Jackson is accused of crashing a government vehicle while drunk, and recklessly prescribing an opioid, percocet. Just a short time ago, admiral jackson was fighting back. What hes now saying. Abcs mary bruce is on the hill again tonight for us. Reporter toxic, abusive and volatile. Tonight, thats how some former and current colleagues are describing the president s pick to lead the v. A. Accounts from more than 20 people provided to abc news by the top democrat on the Veterans Affairs committee paint an explosive picture of dr. Ronny jackson. One describing him as, quote, the most unethical person i have ever worked with. Have you seen any concrete evidence . Weve talked to a number of folks that have made these claims. And we need to find out if its true or not. Reporter jackson is accused of drinking on duty. On one occasion, when traveling with the president , he allegedly could not be reached when needed because he was passed out drunk in his hotel room. And at a party, he allegedly got drunk and wrecked a government vehicle. There are also accusations about jacksons prescribing practices. He once allegedly gave a large supply of percocet, a prescription opioid, to another staffer without documenting it, throwing his staff into a panic. When traveling on air force one, physicians and nurses describe him handing out ambien to help people sleep and provigil to help them wake up, earning him this nickname the candy man. Because he dolled out prescription drugs like candy on these trips where they flew through multiple time zones. Reporter weve talked to some who say thats standard operating procedure, to make sleeping aids, for instance, available on long trips. Well, all ive got to say is, that if thats standard operating procedure, i have not witnessed it nor have i participated in. Reporter late today, as these new details emerged, jackson was spotted at the white house. Asked about prescribing that percocet, he denied it. I have no idea where thats coming from. Reporter and wrecking a government car . He denies that, too. It should be very easy to prove that. I have not wrecked a car. Reporter before these new bombshell allegations came out, the white house spent the day defending jackson. Dr. Jackson has had at least four independent background investigations conducted during his time at the white house. The investigations revealed no areas of concern. Reporter but she couldnt say if they vetted him again before nominating him to lead the v. A. When was his most recent background check . Id have to look at the specific date, but my understanding is that a new one took place at the time of the new administration. Reporter there were already serious questions about whether the president s personal physician can manage the governments secondlargest agency, with a budget of nearly 200 billion. It was a suggestion, now, i know theres an experience problem, because lack of experience. Reporter today, the white house insisted jackson is the right person for the job. If he didnt think he had the experience, he wouldnt have nominated him. He said that had been one of the questions people had posed about him. So, lets get to mary bruce, shes live up on the hill for us. And mary, the white house says Ronny Jackson was thoroughly vetted in the past, they claim more than most nominees, in fact. And that none of these issues were raised . Reporter david, we heard the White House Press secretary today say jackson received, quote, glowing evaluations, and that no red flags were ever raised. The white house says these sweeping allegations simply never came up before he was nominated. And weve just learned that jackson is on his way back up here to the hill to meet with lawmakers again. Jackson still making his case. David . Mary bruce live on the hill. Mary, thank you. Also from capitol hill tonight, attorney general Jeff Sessions questioned by a senate committee, asked about reports he indicated he would resign if President Trump fired his deputy, rod rosenstein. The attorney general saying he is not able to speculate, but abcs Pierre Thomas catching up with the attorney general afterward, asking about any possible tension with the president. Reporter general sessions, got a lot of support from the senators today. How is your relationship with the president . Getting along. He says theyre getting along. Pierre thomas right there with the a. G. Today. As this was playing out, we learned tonight that President Trumps new personal attorney on the russia investigation, rudy giuliani, has met with the special counsel robert mueller. Sources confirm to abc news that giuliani met with mueller tuesday to reopen negotiations about a possible interview with the president. Giuliani reportedly telling mueller the president is resistant to the idea, but hasnt ruled it out. Giuliani also pushed for clarity on when the investigation will end. Next, to other news tonight, to the manhunt at this hour, after a sheriffs deputy was shot and killed in maine. Authorities are looking for this man, seen in the moments after he allegedly killed the deputy and then stole his car. Hes on the run tonight. And heres abcs eva pilgrim now. Reporter tonight, an urgent nationwide manhunt for a suspected cop killer. There certainly is an ongoing public threat. Hes considered armed and dangerous. Reporter authorities in norridgewock, maine, say that overnight, 29yearold John Williams allegedly shot and killed corporal sheriff eugene cole, before stealing coles marked cruiser. Surveillance cameras capturing him robbing this nearby convenience store. Investigators say williams then ditched the stolen cruiser and fled the scene. Last known direction was down route 8, high rate of speed toward smithfield. We have lost an outstanding deputy today. He was one of the finest deputies that you would want to meet. Reporter officers armed with long guns scouring the rural area for williams, while heavyarmored vehicles are also on the lookout. We will be working tirelessly until williams can be safely apprehended. Working into the night on this one. And eva, that suspect was already facing firearms charges . Reporter thats right, david. Williams was expected to be in a Massachusetts Court today on those firearms charges. He is now likely facing murder charges, as well. David . Eva, thank you. And we should mention that killing in maine, just 24 hours after an attack on Police Officers in dallas. Tonight, one of those officers has died. Rogelio santander, his partner and a home depot employee shot during an arrest for shoplifting. The suspect leading authorities on a harrowing chase across the city overnight, eventually captured. Armando juarez is now in custody tonight. Hes been charged with capital murder. Next tonight here, the controversial student takedown. The School Resource officer accused of using Excessive Force on a teenage girl. That 16yearold ending up in the e. R. Authorities tonight defending the deputy, and abcs Victor Oquendo is in florida. Im not going to hurt reporter controversy tonight over a violent takedown caught on camera. Give me your hand. Reporter the Pasco County Sheriffs Office says Sunlake High School administrators asked corporal rich stackon for assistance with a female student who was skipping class and causing a disruption in the cafeteria. Ow reporter the cellphone video capturing only part of the incident. But today, the Sheriffs Office released body cam video. It reveals the entire interaction. Whats going on . Reporter corporal stackon repeatedly asking the student to step outside. Well, come on outside and talk to me. I wont have to lay a hand on you. You got it . Talk to me right here. Get these guys out of here. Out, go. Oh, now you want to touch. Im not going to hurt reporter the bodycam shows the student raise her hand at the corporal and thats when he took her to the ground and into custody. The Sheriffs Office saying theyre aware of reports she was taken to the hospital. Tonight, after reviewing the evidence, the sheriff says they stand by stackons actions. Everything implies that he did what he was supposed to do in his role and responsibility and hell be going back into to that school again. Reporter the student is being charged with resisting arrest and disrupting a school function. Her family has reportedly hired an attorney. David . Victor oquendo tonight. Thank you, victor. And the president s travel ban was before the Supreme Court today, and Court Watchers say many of the judges appeared to side with the governments argument, the white house argument. Hawaii and several private plaintiffs arguing the president exceeded his authority with that ban, and that it discriminates against muslims. There was scrutiny and many other questions, though. Justice elena kagan asking this. Lets say in some future time, a president gets elected who is a vehement antisemite and asks his staff or cabinet members to issue recommendations so that he can issue a proclamation of this kind, and they dot all the is and they cross all the ts. And what emerges is a proclamation that says no one shall enter from israel. If his cabinet were to actually come to him and say, mr. President , there is honestly a National Security risk here, and you have to act, i think then that the president would be allowed to follow that advice, even if in his private heart of hearts, he also harbored animus. Audio from the Supreme Court. A final decision is expected at the end of june. In the meantime, we move on tonight. The recordings leaked, nfl players and owners, their private meeting. They were talking about nfl protests and President Trump. And the president s own friend, patriots owner bob kraft, and what he said about the president. Here tonight, gio benitez. Reporter the president and the patriots, again and again talking up his friendship with star Quarterback Tom Brady and team owner bob kraft. I have friends, they own teams, and bob kraft is a great owner. Reporter kraft even giving the president his own super bowl ring. No team has been this good for this long. Reporter but today, new recordings obtained by the New York Times reveal krafts deep frustration when the president attacked players taking a knee during the national anthem. Wouldnt you love to see one of these nfl owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a [ bleep ] off the field right now, out. Hes fired. Reporter the president s words, topic a at a private meeting of nfl owners and players in october. According to the times, kraft called on the group to address the elephant in the room, this kneeling. The problem we have is, we have a president who will use that as fodder to do his mission that i dont feel is in the best interests of america. Its divisive and its horrible. Publicly, the patriots mounting a show of unity on the field. Tom brady linking arms with his teammates. And david, several other nfl owners took on the president during that private meeting. One reportedly calling his presidency disastrous. Another adding this we need to put a bandaid on whats going on in this country. David . All right, gio benitez. Gio, thanks. And promising news from houston tonight. Former president george h. W. Bush is now out of intensive care. A spokesperson says he is alert, hes talking, hes making progress, all great news. He wants everyone to know hes more focused on the Houston Rockets playoff game tonight than on anything that landed him in the hospital, he says. The former president was hospitalized with an infection the day after the funeral for his beloved barbara. There is still much more ahead on world news tonight this wednesday. The tv crew member killed in the crossfire. Newly released video tonight, the deadly shootout erupting during the production of a popular tv show, and family lawsuit tonight. Also, playing out just late today, the dramatic rescue. A kayaker trapped in mud and debris right up to his chest. How they got to him. And the dog attack on a new york city subway. The passenger, the dog. The witnesses horrified watching this whole thing play out. A lot more news ahead. Your body was made for Better Things than rheumatiod arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. Xeljanz xr is a oncedaily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. It can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. Dont start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. 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Ieve whats in this kiester. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Next tonight, the tv crew member caught in the crossfire in omaha. A deadly shootout erupting between police and a suspect during production of the tv show cops. This happened sometime back, but tonight, a judge has just ordered the release of the video, and we warn, its difficult. Heres abcs clayton sandell. Hey, where are they running . Reporter its the show that takes viewers to the front lines as cops hunt for criminals. I got it. I got it. Hold on. Reporter but on this night, its the cops camera crew caught in the crossfire. An Armed Robbery suspect inside an omaha wendys. It erupts into a brutal firefight. The shooting stops, but 38yearold soundman bryce dion, his microphone on the ground, is hit. Bryce, are you all right . Bryce, are you all right . Reporter the bullet that killed dion just missed his bulletproof vest. Bryce, stay with me man, stay with me. Reporter the fatal shot was fired by an omaha Police Officer. Dions family now suing the city of omaha for negligence. And i think it sheds light on exactly what happened, and the fact that mr. Dion was caught in the crossfire, through no fault of his own. Reporter the suspect, armed with a pellet gun, was also killed. The shooting happened in 2014. The video just released as part of that wrongful death lawsuit. The city of omaha tonight is not commenting. David . Clayton, thank you. And when we come back here tonight, the new Health Headline this evening. How dark chocolate may effect your brain. We all paid attention to this today. And then more on that scare on a new york city subway. The pit bull attacking a passenger. The dog would not let go. Not let go. s bot let go. Looking forward to this all week, but how will his denture cope with. A k. 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Verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. Serious liver problems can occur. Symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. Blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. Talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. Im relentless. And my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. Be relentless. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. christine think about moree wordthan just your mouth. This surgery can really leave a mark on your shoulder. Not to mention what it can do to your face. announcer you can quit. For free help, call 1800quitnow. 3 toddlers wont stop him. And neither will lower back pain. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or lower back pain, from being on his feet. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. To the index of other news tonight. The river rescue in belmont, north carolina. A kayaker buried up to his chest right there. Firefighters extending a ladder across the flooded river, throwing a rope to keep his head above the surface. Rescuers then pulling him to safety. To that pit bull attack on a new york city subway. The dog biting down on a womans foot. Witnesses say the owner seated the dog next to her. They say the dog then reacted when she pushed it away. She was not badly hurt. You can hear the screaming on the subway. Police are investigating tonight. And the new Health Headline. Researchers say dark chocolate is actually good for your brain. Two small studies showing it strengthens memory, helps connect thoughts and ideas and could help shrink inflammation. More study is needed. Pass the chocolate. When we come back here tonight, the remarkable story behind one image this evening. A row of truckers blocking the highway its not what you think. Think. For just a few days, its only 59 to discover your heritage. So instead of telling stories of where you went. You can tell the story of where you come from. Get ancestrydna for just 59. The lowest price of the year. But hes got work to do. With a sore back. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Check this sundays paper for extra savings on products from aleve. A hilton getaway means you get more because. 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Ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. Patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Alice calls it her new normal because a lot has changed, but a lot hasnt. Ask your doctor about ibrance. The 1 prescribed fdaapproved oral Combination Treatment for hr her2 mbc. Finally tonight here, america strong. A group effort to save a life. It is the image that has so many people simply taking a moment to think about it. Detroit, michigan, interstate 696. A row of truckers lined up on the highway. But what youre really looking at is the power of people coming together to try to save a life. To help someone in their moment of need. There was a man on top of the bridge, authorities believed he was about to take his own life. Officers had been called, they were calmly talking to him. And below, officers on the highway were flagging down Truck Drivers. State Police Lieutenant michael shaw. They start to grab semi drivers, and troopers standing there were able to line the semi trucks underneath that overpass, so, its kind of like a safety net, to make sure if he moved anywhere on that overpass, there was a semi there. Reporter the lieutenant telling us, theyve done this before, but rarely has the image been captured like this. Weve never, ever had a truck driver turn us down. Reporter the man who was struggling told police he was having issues with his family. After four hours talking with him and with those truckers waiting below, they got him off that ledge and they saved him. The Police Department tweeting about the work done by those troopers and those drivers, but adding, also in that photo is a man struggling with the decision to take his own life. Adding, please remember, help is available through the National Suicide prevention lifeline at 18002738255. We always want to make sure that people realize, theres so many other options. Theres 13 Truck Drivers that didnt even know this guy and were willing to slide underneath that overpass to help him. There is help out there. The kindness of strangers. I hope to see you right back here tomorrow. Good night. Justice delayed. New at 6 00 a 180 by the with him who claims foster hit her. New details on the concord construction site fire that is still burning a day later. This is still a very active investigation. As we speak, there are warrants being served and interviews conducted. The Golden State Killer suspect is identified, located and captured. The case that has terrified california for years is far from over. Good evening, i am dan ashley. I am ama daetz. His name is joseph james de angelo. Years ago, he was more widely known as the east area rapist and the Golden State Killer. Responsible for 50 rapes and a dozen murders. Spanning from 1984 to 1986. Bruce harrington whose brothers and sisters were victims had a message. Sleep better tonight. He isnt coming through the window. More charges could follow as investigation continue. De angelo is a former Police Department. That work may have been instrumental in

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