Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 2

Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20170928 00:30:00

thank you. tonight, your money, your taxes. president trump's new plan. what it means for you. after several efforts to repeal obamacare fail, the president now turns to a major tax overhaul. proposed cuts for middle class families, also major cuts for corporations and wealthy americans. also tonight, the crisis in puerto rico. a full week after the hurricane hit, more than a million people without power or drinking water. the mayor of san juan tonight saying people are starting to die. the deadly showdown. the police video just released. the suspect jumping from his pickup, firing at police. officers responding. tonight, abc news obtaining some of the russian ads bought on facebook. you will see them for yourself. posing as an american group, the ads say, "we need trump." the massive explosion,
30,000 forced to evacuate. authorities now asking, was this an accident or not? and the first airline to offer free text messaging while you're flying. are phone calls next? good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a wednesday night. and we begin with the president's sweeping new tax plan, and what it could mean for middle class americans, corporate america and the wealthiest americans, too. late today in indianapolis, the president promising a revolutionary change for middle class families. but still unanswered tonight, how will he pay for it? and even some republicans this evening saying this will be even more challenging than their efforts to kill obamacare. abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl, leading us off. >> reporter: after failing yet again to get a republican health care plan through congress, president trump is now promising to deliver on something even more ambitious -- a massive new tax cut. >> there's never been tax cuts
like what we're talking about. >> reporter: details are still sketchy, but the plan calls for slashing the tax on corporations, now 35% to 20%. for individuals and families, reducing the number of tax brackets from seven to just three. doubling the standard deduction for families. that would mean no income tax whatsoever on the first $24,000 of income. the president insists his plan will benefit the working class, and not the wealthy. >> they can call me all they want. it's not going to help. i'm doing the right thing, and it's not good for me. believe me. >> reporter: of course, it's impossible to know how any plan will affect the president because he still has not released his tax returns. but there's one big provision that would clearly benefit the wealthy. he wants to eliminate the estate tax. something that is only paid on estates valued at more than $5.5 million for individuals, $11 million for couples. while congress will surely make changes in the plan, the president insists there's one
the target, claims the taliban, the aircraft defense secretary jim mattis had flown in on hours before. at the time of the attack, mattis was meeting afghanistan's president. but not only did the taliban take credit, but so did isis, releasing a video they claim shows the attack in progress. afghan special forces raided a nearby house. they were backed up by a u.s. air strike. a missile from an apache helicopter malfunctioned, killing one woman and wounding several others. this was mattis's first visit since the u.s. announced it would be adding 3,000 american troops to the 11,000 already there. this attack is a stark reminder that even after 16 years of trying to defeat the taliban, and the loss of thousands of lives, they still remain a formidable threat. david? >> martha raddatz from washington. martha, thank you. next tonight here, abc news obtaining some of those ads bought on facebook by russian agents.
facebook admitting they were paid more than $100,000 by russian companies during the election. tonight, you're going to see the ads for yourself. and were the russians at it again, just within the last week, during the debate over the nfl? abc's chief investigative correspondent brian ross with what those ads said. >> reporter: tonight, abc news has obtained some of the posts and ads congressional investigators say the russians planted on facebook as part of the kremlin effort to help get donald trump elected. americans would have no idea what they were reading was written by the russians. they rail against illegal immigrants. this one warns against "so-called refugees jeopardizing our national security." this ad uses a popular cartoon. "dora the explorer knows how easy it is to cross the u.s. border. it's like a children's game." with this line -- "we need to stop this madness. we need trump." the ads supposedly come from a group called secured borders, but congressional investigators
say there is no such group, that they were, in fact, created by russian companies which paid more than $100,000 to facebook to post them during and after the election. >> their goal was to spread dissension, was to split our country apart, and they did a pretty good job. >> reporter: many of the ads, investigators say, came from an operation in st. petersburg, russia, in this building where young russians are hired to send out fake news. a former employee says she took this undercover video inside when she worked there in 2015, hoping to expose the operation, where the so-called trolls worked 12-hour shifts. the former employee, lyudmila savchuk, told abc news, facebook was one of their main platforms. according to investigators, the ads show their slant, pro-trump, anti-clinton. their targets? voters in specific areas of key swing states. of specificity? that's one of the questions we need answered. >> that is the question tonight.
brian with us. who helped the russians target those ads to particular swing states, swing voters that were so important in this election? and today, there was one republic senator who even said there's a possibility the russians are still at this, even weighing in during the nfl debate. >> reporter: yes, david. on capitol hill today, senator james lankford, member of the senate intelligence committee, says russian trolls have been tweeting on both sides of the issue, trying to raise the noise level, he said, and push divisiveness in the country. by the way, this morning, president trump tweeted that he considers facebook to be anti-trump. >> brian ross with us tonight. brian ross, thank you. next tonight, to a major new fallout from the scandal rocking college basketball. famed louisville head coach rick pitino placed on unpaid leave. the highest paid coach in the ncaa. his attorney saying pitino has yote, in effect been fired. abc's linsey dis tonight on why. >> national championship, the louisville cardinals! >> reporter: tonight, legendary coach rick pitino, out at the university of louisville.
>> effective immediately, coach pitino has been placed on an unpaid administrative leave. >> reporter: it comes just one dar ryteafegllco and corruption case, announced by the fbi. >> these defendants conspired to secretly funnel six-figure payments to the families of three high school players. >> reporter: an adidas executive charged with funneling money to a top high school recruit to make sure he committed to louisville, a school adidas sponsors. three years ago, pitino himself complained about the influence of shoe companies in recruiting. >> i never thought that shoes would be the reason you recruit players. >> reporter: louisville is already on probation after another scandal involving escorts for recruits. >> while this may be a dark day for the university of louisville, better days are ahead. >> reporter: tonight, coach pitino says he's effectively been fired, and the matter will now follow its legal course. but he also says that he has
done nothing wrong, and that the facts will exonerate him. david? >> linsey davis, our thanks to you again tonight. next, this evening, to new images just released of a deadly showdown with police in sacramento. the encounter with a murder suspect, showing what happened in the moments after they pulled him over. here's abc's senior national correspondent matt gutman tonight. >> reporter: police began following eric arnold, because he was wanted in connection with a double murder. the seconds after the stop, it became clear what he seemed capable of. [ gunshots ] tonight, sacramento police releasing 15 dash and body camera angles of the september 7th shooting. after the stop, you can hear the officers give arnold explicit instructions. >> drop the keys out the window. >> reporter: and then, from multiple angles, you see arnold burst out of his truck, spin and fire. getting off six shots from his semiautomatic. police respond with over 30 bullets. arnold is hit over 14 times. but some of his six shots
hitting their mark. two officers wounded. this officer, badly limping. david, both of those officers were released from the hospital and are recuperating. that suspect was pronounced dead on the scene. david? >> all right, matt gutman, thank you. and we do have one more note from overseas tonight. a massive explosion that officials now say may be sabotage. a huge blast in ukraine tearing through an ammunition depot at a military base. 30,000 people evacuated from the nearby town. ukraine has been fighting russia-backed separatists for three years now. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this wednesday. the highway standoff at rush hour. traffic backed up for miles. shootout on a major highway. news coming in now about the suspect. also, the murder mystery unsolved for nearly three decades in this country. now, there is a major break, in what had been called the case of the killer clown. and the first u.s. global airline to offer free text messaging while you're flying. so many asking today, will phone calls on planes be next? we'll be right back.
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a major break tonight in a 27-year-old unsolved mystery. police in florida arresting a female suspect in what had been called the killer clown case. accused of killing a woman while dressed as a clown, then marrying the victim's husband. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: the crime was as bizarre as it was chilling. police say marlene warren opened the door of her florida home to find a clown, who handed her balloons and flowers, then pulled out a gun and shot her to death. for 27 years, no arrest -- until now. >> this is the woman who detectives say dressed as a clown. >> reporter: police in virginia arresting sheila keen-warren, who has been married to the victim's husband, michael warren, since 2002. at the time of the murder, investigators suspected couple's used car dealership.e police re-opening the cold case three years ago and doing new
dna testing. >> took us 27 years to bring closure to the victim's family. >> reporter: tonight, the victim's son, joe, who says he saw the clown drive away that day in this white convertible, says, "i'm happier than i've been in many years." as for his step-dad, michael warren, he says, "there's no doubt he was involved." however, police are not saying michael warren is a suspect. david, keen-warren is behind bars in virginia tonight. she will soon be extradited to florida, where she faces charges of first degree murder. david? >> linzie janis, thank you. when we come back, free text messaging when you fly now? also, the passenger dragged off the plane today, struggling with police. she said she had an allergy. and the deadly standoff on an american highway at rush hour. the new details coming in. every day people are fighting type 2 diabetes... with fitness... food... and the pill that starts with f. farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes.
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homicide suspect. authorities say the driver was shot and killed after jumping out of his suv. then, the passenger dragged from her flight in baltimore. the southwest crew says the passenger demanding two dogs onboard be removed because of her severe animal allergy. they said the passenger did not have proof. they then say she became belligerent. free texting when you fly. delta airlines says beginning sunday, passengers on most flights will be able to send and receive free text messages in the air. texting only. no calls. not yet. when we come back tonight, the family recording their family members and their friends, all saying the same line into the phone, but the very different reactions. very different reactions. you got to see this. are you on the right path? g bones, we have postmenopausal osteoporosis... ..and a high risk for fracture, so with our doctors... ...we chose prolia®... help make our bones stronger. only prolia® helps strengthen bones... stopping cells that damaeh ... ...with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant,
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the charlotte couple with a surprise for their family. tammy and drew waltz from charlotte, north carolina. taking in four siblings, three boys and a girl, ages 8 to 11, over christmas last year. they are orphans from eastern h rope, who came to li w itthem temporarily during the holidays through a nonprofit. together for five weeks, they instantly bonded. and when it was time to say good-bye, the waltzes say their home, their lives, felt empty. they stayed in touch and began to talk about adoption. the kids were overjoyed. and when tammy and drew decided to give them a permanent home, they began t friends and familyo , and irthey rllech each of their responses. this soon to be great-grandma came first. >> you're going to be a great-grandma. times four. we're adopting. >> reporter: family friends. in some cases, tammy and drew gave them a line to say on camera, but they didn't know why until it hit them. >> congratulations, you're adopting.
you're adopting! >> you are? oh, my gosh! i'm so happy. i'm aunt dar, i'm your aunt dar. you're going to love me. >> reporter: the reactions, surprised, stunned, overjoyed, overcome. and tonight, those new parents getting ready. >> hey, david, it's drew and tammy checking in. we're so excited to be on your show tonight. >> reporter: we're excited, too. after le tngnihose c holidays. >> we really just did this video to show the kids how much we love them, but not just us, but our friends and family love them. >> can't wait for the big arrival. i'll see you here tomorrow. good night. a stand off that i think with a suspect's death shuts down westbound lane of i-84
eight hours. the lanes opened about an hour ago. investigators explain what led officers to shoot. >> the driver accused of killing her sister in a crash captured on facebook live appears in court. how the offers mistake is effecting her case. a death at one of the most popular hiking spots in yosemate. >> reporter: live where you live this is abc 7 news. >> i saw the guy go buy with a bunch of police cars behind him. >> that one guy has caused a commute catastrophe in the bay area after leading police on a chase end being deadly consequences. thanks for joining us i'm christian sze in for ama baez. >> and i'm dan ashley. >> westbound 80 lanes opened up less than an hour ago. eastbound lanes opened after 11:00 this morning. >> here's a look at the reason

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, Others , Visit , 3000 , 11000 , David , Loss , Lives , Martha Raddatz , Agents , Thousands , Threat , Washington , 16 , Election , Debate , Nfl , Companies , Russians , 00000 , 100000 , Brian Ross , Investigators , Part , Effort , Posts , Donald Trump , Elected , Kremlin , Security , Reading , Immigrants , Refugees , Warns , Idea , Children , Line , Dora The Explorer , Border , Cartoon , Game , Madness , Ad , Secured Borders , Fact , Goal , Dissension , News , Job , Country , Employee , Building , Many , Operation In St , Petersburg , Operation , Lyudmila Savchuk , Trolls , Platforms , 2015 , 12 , Question , Swing States , Areas , Questions , Targets , Voters , Specificity , Senator , Swing Voters , Possibility , One Republic , Morning , Sides , James Lankford , Tweeting , Member , Noise Level , Issue , Divisiveness , Push , Senate Intelligence Committee , Yes , Capitol Hill , Rick Pitino , Leave , Coach , Scandal Rocking , Fallout , Famed Louisville , College Basketball , Effect , Oyote , Attorney , Championship , Louisville Cardinals , University Of Louisville , Linsey Dis Tonight On Why , Ncaa , Dar Ryteafegllco And Corruption Case , Fbi , Money , Executive , Players , High School , Defendants , High School Recruit , Payments , Sponsors , Louisville , School Adidas , Six , Reason , Probation , Shoes , Shoe Companies , Recruiting , Recruits , Scandal , Influence , Escorts , Matter , Murder Suspect , Images , Thanks , Showing , Abcs Senior National Correspondent Matt Gutman , Facts , Linsey Davis , Nothing Wrong , Encounter , Sacramento , Murder , Eric Arnold , Stop , Connection , Gunshots , Dash , Keys , Window , Instructions , Camera Angles Of The September 7th Shooting , 15 , 7 , September 7th , Fire , Times , Hit , Shots , Spin , Angles , Truck , Semiautomatic , Bullets , Arnold Burst Out , 30 , 14 , Suspect , Hospital , Both , Officer , Scene , Mark , Thank You , Two , People , Officials , Town , Overseas , Ukraine , Sabotage , Blast , Ammunition Depot , Separatists , Note , Military Base , Shootout , Traffic , Highway , World News Tonight , Rush Hour , Highway Standoff , Murder Mystery , Planes , Break , Case , Us Global Airline , Killer Clown , Radio Alarm , Breast Cancer , Julie , Prescription Ibrance , Women , Parts , Body , Hormone Receptor , Aromatase Inhibitor , Taking Ibrance , Patients , Half , Therapy , Hormonal , Tumors , Ibrance Plus Letrozole , Disease Progression Versus Letrozole , Doctor , Infections , Death , Signs , Kidney Problems , Blood Cell Counts , Infection Liver , Chills , Fever , Side Effects , Diarrhea , Rash , Breastfeeding , Platelet Counts , Hair Thinning , Blood Cell , Liver Blood Tests , Sore Mouth , Tiredness , Abnormalities , Vomiting , Appetite , Nausea , Lot , Hasn T , Her2 Mbc , Hr , Fda , Pill , Aleve , Spain , Strength , Pills , Do In , Up Wwork , He Ketad Letyn , Florida , Mystery , Killer Clown Case , 27 , Clown , Victim , Home , Crime , Marlene Warren , Door , Husband , Linzie Janis , Gun , Flowers , Arrest , Detectives , Virginia Arresting Sheila Keen Warren , Michael Warren , Car , Dealership E , Cold Case , 2002 , Closure , Dna Testing , Victims Family , Convertible , Son , Joe , Keen Warren , Virginia Tonight , Bars , No Doubt , Step Dad , Passenger , Plane , Charges , Allergy , Degree , Food , Blood Sugar , Adults , Standoff , Type 2 Diabetes , Fitness , Exercise , Diet , F Farxiga , Diabetes , 2 , Help , Swelling , Symptoms , Difficulty Breathing , Reaction , Points , Swallowing , Up To , Lowering A1c , 1 2 , Blood , Yeast Infections , Bladder Cancer , Red , Dialysis , Urine , Men , Dehydration , Color , Urinary Tract Infections , Ketoacidosis , Savings , Stop Taking Farxiga , Medication , Astrazeneca , Tylenol , Shipping Industry Don T , Aarp Medicare Supplement , Options , Ball Rolling , Sixty Five , Plans , Types , Costs , Any , Range , Information , Insurance Company , Unitedhealthcare , Decision Guide , Nutrients , Daily Value , 90 , 100 , 50 , 83 , Everything , Daily Probiotics , Laxatives , Fiber , Yand Constipation , Ling , Dont Take Linzess , Chronic Constipation , Belly Pain , Ibs , Bowel Movements , Youavea Bol , Eighteen , Gas , Side Effect , Stomach Pain , Stools , Index , Deadly Highway Standoff , San Francisco , Driver , Southwest Crew , Suv , Homicide Suspect , Flight , Dogs , Baltimore , Flights , Air , Passengers , Text Messages , Texting , Animal Allergy , Delta Airlines , Beginning Sunday , Family , Reactions , Family Members , Friends , Phone , Path , Osteoporosis , Eg Bones , Bones , Calcium , Risk , Prolia , Doctors , Fracture , Cells , Damaeh , 1 , 6 , Problems , Blood Pressure , Face , Trouble Breathing , Jaw Bone , Dental Problems , Thigh , Lip , Tongue , Hives , Hip Groin , Throat Tightness , Xga , Muscle Pain , Bone , Skin Problems , Thigh Bone Fractures , Bone Fractures , Spine , Hospitalization , Joint , Can , Whstuff , Isn T , Direction , Alka Seltzer Plus , Taking Eliquis , Bleeding , Cases , Numbness , Tingling , Injection , Doctor Ahtigywa , Muscle Weakness , Artificial Heart Valve , Pe , Blood Clots , Dvt , Care , Medicines , Bruising , Procedures , America Strong , Tammy , Orphans , Boys , Drew , Waltz , Surprise , Ages , Siblings , Girl , Charlotte , North Carolina , Easternh Rope , 11 , Four , 8 , Kids , Waltzes , Holidays , Nonprofit , Touch , Adoption , Liw Itthem , Felt , Five , Great Grandma , Responses , T Friends And Familyo , Irthey Rllech , Family Friends , Congratulations , Camera , Parents , Aunt Dar , Overjoyed , Surprised , Show , Checking , Tngnihose , Can T , Arrival , Stand Off , Lanes , Sled Officers , Crash , Sister , 84 , Eight , Court , Mistake , Hiking Spots , Yosemate , Consequences , Guy , Chase End , Police Cars , Bunch , Commute Catastrophe , Bay Area , Guy Go Buy , Look , Isze , Christian , Ama Baez , Dan Ashley , 00 , 80 ,

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