Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20131208 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20131208

and where is everybody? the man who got left on a plane. >> i woke up. the lights were out. i was like, what's going on? >> cabin doors locked tight. what he did next and what the airline is saying about the whole thing. and good morning, america. on a very busy sunday morning. >> i was going to say, you have to be a really heavy veeper to sleep through landing and they clear the plane and drag the plane away. >> it's still not his fault. he wasn't a tiny guy. how did they not see him? we want to begin with the deadly winter blast that's left thousands in a deep freeze all across the country. >> frigid temperatures, ice, and snow. welcome wabc's chief meteorologist lee goldberg. good morning, sir. >> that ice is getting old. now it's starting to make the way east. that's why we're seeing the snow, ice, and rain blossom across parts of the tennessee and ohio valley. you have icing in nashville, london, kentucky. snow in charlesson, west virginia. throughout the day, the icing along the piedmont. it's a quick hit of snow for places like d.c., philly, up to new york city. maybe a couple of inches before you see changeover to freezing rain and eventually rain. the monday morning commute that is probably icy. allow extra time for that. meanwhile, even though the storminess has left the shout, the cold is locked in. we're below freezing in dallas. a freezing fog advisory. we'll tell you the timing on the thaw, the western chill, the eastern storm. there's plenty of weather. >> thank you, lee. ground cizero in this mess is dallas. the airport has turned into a challenge. abc's mike boettcher is at dallas ft. worth international with the latest. >> reporter: this storm hit here 48 hours ago. if you're a passenger here at dfw airport or just driving to your destination, you're still feeling the effects. the ice fell. but the ice did not melt. a record arctic air mas has kept dallas and ft. worth cleeping along. portions of major highways are shut down. i-35 north of dallas is backed up for miles. overnight, police halts 18-wheeler traffic along the iciest roads. at dallas-ft. worth international art, 90% of flights are canceled. thousands of passengers left stranded, some for days. >> i've been close to be starting to begin to be frustrated here. >> reporter: one traveler documented his experience. >> my piece of real estate that i have had for three days. >> reporter: showing 1 of the 4,000 cots and blankets the airport has provided. >> how long have you been stranded here? >> since yesterday, 8:00 a.m. >> reporter: patience is wearing thin. >> i don't think they were prepared. >> reporter: friday night, hundreds had to be evacuated from this flight stuck on the ice. and for the first time in44 years, the dallas marathon was canceled. now the ice storm is also affecting the abc dallas family. our producer, dee, was supposed to be here with me this morning. but she went off in a dutch. she's waiting for a tow truck. and i hope she packed a sandwich. it's going to be awhile. dan? bianna? >> we hope she's okay, mike. >> she is. >> people in this part of the country that i grew up in are not used to this. we wish the best for the folks down there. we want to turn to ron with the other stories this morning. >> good morning, bianna and dan. good morning, everyone. a frightening turn of events in have a is a at a parade when a float went up into flames. >> reporter: festive cheer took a scary turn at a is a have a beach holiday parade when one of the last photos of the event became engulfed if flames. aubrey phillips caught it on his cell phone. >> next thing we know, one of the throats burst into flames. >> reporter: the fire shot up 15 feet into the air, according to witnesses. spectators were sent scrambling. volunteer firefighters who happened to be marching in front of the flaming float got to work quickly. they had trouble at first putting it out. sflit was pretty intense. they had fire exting wishers. they couldn't put it out with them. they had to use the hose from the fire truck to put it out. >> reporter: fortunately, no one was harmed. the incident was over the minutes. 20 minutes later, the parade continued, ending with an appearance of santa claus himself. for "good morning america," tai hernandez, abc news, new york. police in riot gear in michigan state had to be called in after michigan state supporters were rioting celebrating their win over ohio state. that win puts auburn in the bcs championship game. the loss ended ohio state's 24-game win streak. and a smiling merrill newman is back home against. the 85-year-old korean war veteran was freed by north korea after being detained there for more than a month. the north koreans accused him of committing hostile acts during the korean war. he was released after he made a public apology. a memorial later today to honor actor paul walker at the site where the star of the "fast & furious" movie died last weekend. one of the cars at the walker drove in the films will be at the memorial. filming on the seventh installment of that series has been put on hold now. and a charity race in the south pole with britain's prince harry is being scaled back due to harsh weather conditions. imagine that in the south pole. organizers say they're suspending the competitive part of that trip. the trek itself will go on. prince harry is on a team that includes injured soldiers that set off last week on the 200-mile journey. the prince hopes to finish the final 07 miles within a week. a lovable moment on center court. arianna, a member of the bulls cheerleading squad. she sat n on the court. one of the mascots pulled off the uniform. got down on one knee and proposed. it turned out the be her college sweetheart. she told him, i need more time to think about this. >> no, she didn't. >> she didn't. she said yes. she said yes. >> thanks, ron. now to south africa, where this is a national day of prayer and reflection to remember the former president, nelson mandela. it's a start of a series of events that will lead up to massive funeral in a week. byron pitts is there. >> reporter: the wave of humanity continues here, despite the threat of rain in this, the rainy season. people continue to show up by the hundreds. each day we see the rainbow that is the now south africa. people of all reledge yons, all colors, all united in their affection for this one man, nelson mandel plap nelson mandela was not a particularly religious man. today in churches and houses of worship, prayers and song. and in his nation, to move beyond apartheid. >> to keep his legacy going, we need to keep living what he's set out for us. >> he was a hero. he fought for us. he suffered for the whole world. >> reporter: the mood remains more celebratory and that somber. overnight, the family spokesman speaking for the first time. >> in our hearts and souls, he will always be with us. >> reporter: today's national day of brprayer kicks off a week-long semibrags. mandela made his last public appearance at the 2010 world cup. president obama and the first lady will be there, along with former president george w. bush and mrs. bush. former president jimmy carter. and former president bill clinton and mrs. clinton are expected at the funeral on sunday. next sunday, the state funeral in his hometown on the eastern cape. his long-time friend and lawyer, george bizos. >> he will go down in history, i think, as the revolutionary who didn't believe in violence. >> reporter: earlier today, we had our first public sighting of winnie mandela, his former wife and partner. today will be quiet. on tuesday, the gatheri ining l the world has never seen before, as dignitaries from around the globe gather to say farewell. >> nelson mandela has a large and complicated family tree with over a dozen grandchildren. some of them opened up to reena ninan on a recent visit to south africa. she's here to tell us about it. >> reporter: 17 grandkids and three wives. everyone vying for his time and affection. there is one thing that he did from his prison cell that still brings his family comfort. set free after 27 years in prison -- >> his first steps into a new south africa. >> reporter: -- but some of his grandchildren found themselves longing for his prison days. >> those are the days that i cherish. because it was just the two of you. nobody else. because when he came out, you did not have him because he had bigger issues to tackle. >> reporter: his grandson remembers visiting him when he was 4. >> he asked the wardens if they could put cartoons on the tv so me and my cousins could watch them. he offered us hot chocolate. he made it himself. >> reporter: while he couldn't physically touch them, his words always did. >> at the end of the visit, he bought me a box of chocolates with the message being that your visits will always be a bittersweet memory to me. >> reporter: words in the form of letters written to the family from jail. this is one where he was told his son died in a car accident. >> he said his heart seemed to stop. it was like the blood in his veins was frozen like ice. >> reporter: imparting lessons from his prison cell. >> life is about struggles. how he didn't let his life in prison break him. how he kept going. >> reporter: his grandson said mandela told the family you have to believe in something more than just yourself. he said he always knew he would defeat apartheid. that kept him going when he was in jail. >> it worked. thank you. let's bring in george stephanopoulos. he'll be talking about mandela on "this week." >> we were talking about the anti-apartheid movement. so many american politicians and activists cut their teeth in that movement. including president obama. one of the things we'll look at is mandela's relationship with american presidents. also once he became a president. his work with bill clinton, george w. bush. he would tangle with presidents. he was very fierce critic of president bush on the issue of the iraq war. but also worked closely with him on the issue of aids. and he was also a great con solar of president clinton in his toughest times of the impeachment trial as well. we're going to look at all that today. also look at the -- really talk to some people who knew him very, very well. the human rights lawyer who helped draft a constitution of south africa. his pollster in the presidential elections. we're trying to look at the politician and his impact on american politics. >> not to take away his accomplishments, but the country is still plagued by problems. economic and racial. >> they're coming together for mandela. you have xik enequality. social inequality. 40% unemployment among young blacks. they know this moment is time for reflection on what they need to do. >> it's a time for them to unite. george will have much more on all of this later this morning on abc's "this week." >> thanks, again, to george. this morning, we're hearing from a college football star, jameis winston for the first time since news that prosecutors will not be pressing sexual assault charges against him. he is now speaking out. abc's gio benitez is here with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. for weeks, many wondered if the sexual assault investigation was made public to hurt his chances of winning the heisman. he's speaking out. >> i gotta get more mature. i have to get better in everything i do. >> reporter: jameis winston speaking out for the first time about the rape accusations that have plagued him for most of the year. >> i cannot let myself, the teammates cannot let themselves get to that level. we have to be up here. >> reporter: it was announced thursday he would not face charges. >> we do not feel like we have sufficient evidence to make the charge. >> reporter: a female fsu student accused winston of sexual assaulting her in december after she went drinking with friends. it took almost a year before the case was taken to an attorney. saturday, fresh off the field after leading fsu to a championship victory, he thanked his teammates for their support. >> everybody had my back. we knew people were going to try to get us. we did great. >> reporter: he credits jimbo fisher for getting him through the past few weeks. >> i love him. i love him. that's how you do what we did today. we're trying to make history. we gotta keep going. >> reporter: on the fourth question about the investigation, winston walked away. >> how come you decided not to talk during the process and on thursday? >> reporter: and with an undefeated season under his belt, a spot in the bcs game on the horizon, and a potential heisman trophy just six days away, he's looking at a whel new future. he was just named the acc's player of the year. >> clear there are still some subjects he doesn't want to talk about. now to the story we can't get enough of this morning. imagine waking up from your plane ride, and everyone is gone. to passengers, no crew. and the doors are locked. for one man, it was reality. rob nelson has been following this story and joins us this morning. so many people wondering how this could happen, rob? >> reporter: that's great question. good morning, bianna. the film a few years ago, tom hanks, the terminal. tom got lost in the airport. for one louisiana guy, that hits home. in the real-life version, that guy never made it off the plane. overnight, winter weather pounded the nation, leaving thousands stranded at the airport. >> so we're canceling flight 909 due to severe weather in chicago. >> reporter: but weather didn't stop tom wagner from catching his flight. it was because he was catching zs. >> i woke up. the lights were out. i was like, what's going on? >> reporter: he was headed from louisiana to california with a layover in houston. prepared to meet his sister in orange county, he woke up in his seat near the back of the plane, freezing, all alone, in a dark, empty cabin. >> i called my girlfriend. she shaugt i was crazy. i said debbie, i'm locked on a plane. >> reporter: express jet is investigating to determine how this occurred. we sincerely apologize for the inkconvenience ithis caused to e passenger. >> what if the i had a heart attack and was dead? >> reporter: he's flying the same airlines on december 15th. he's learned if you snooze, you lose. now, wagner did eventually get a voucher for a hotel room and another flight. just to be safe, when that plane finally got to california, they announced his name over the intercom to make sure that time he did get off the plane. dan and bianna? >> the stewardesses were bringing him coffee throughout the flight. >> rob, crazy story. thanks. well time now for the weather. also crazy this morning. back over to -- not you, the weather is crazy. lee goldberg. >> he did agree to join us. questionable decision right there. >> i did. the north pole is relocated to the northern plains. wind chiles, 30 to 50 below. eugene, oregon, 9 below. second coldest temperature since 1890. you do do this when it's 11 below. this is how meteorologists like to spend our time. throw the hot water in the air. you can make the ice chris also the. it's remarkable. the wind chills continue to be 50 below across that part of the country. look at the chill in reno, 3. 30s through southern california. hard freeze warnings in the interior. it will be several days before you start to warm up here. maybe 60s by midweek. meanwhile, one place immune is the sunshine state. you're watching from daytona beach, ft. meyers, you're saying, why are you living anywhere else? i'm asking myself the same question. >> back to that eastern storm in the next half hour. >> can we take another look at the mg meteorologists throwing hot water. i just want to say, meteorologists, you know how to party. >> this is our time of year. >> live it up, goldberg. >> remember, there are children watching this morning. >> he's never coming back. all right, murder or accident. the trial of a woman accused of pushing her husband of eight days off a cliff is set to start tomorrow. the evidence from both sides. >> a wild case. also coming up, jay-z and beyonce going vegan for the holidays. how they're staying meat and dairy free. and nothing but net. toddler trick shot artist titus is back with an unbelievable basket and hollywood star power to boot. it's his greatest feat yet. you don't want to miss this. 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[ laughter ] ♪ [ male announcer ] for tim and richard smucker, giving a gift of their family's delicious jam always made the holidays just a little bit sweeter. we forgot to put our names on them! richard, i think they'll know who it's from. ♪ thank you boys. you're welcome. you're welcome. [ male announcer ] happy holidays from our family to yours. i love christmas! and yes, i'm talking to you. mike here needs a "honey, i love you even more than the day we got married" necklace. well, my truly unique selection is larger than ordinary jewelry stores. there. that's why he went to jared. [ ding ] cheese plate? cheese plate. no, i made something better. you used the oven? boom. [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. ♪ make t♪ holidays pop. hey, that's the last crescent! oh, did you want it? yeah. we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half. that's not half! guys, i have more. thanks, mom. [ female announcer ] do you have enough pillsbury crescents? when some people struggle with their mortgage payments, they become frozen, petrified. not knowing what to do, they do nothing, but the people who take action, are far more likely to get the most positive outcome. making home affordable is a free government program. call now to talk one on one with a housing expert about the options that are right for you. real help, real answers right now. connection to nature is a right that the trust for public land is fighting to preserve. from boulevards to ball fields and ponds to playgrounds, together we have saved over 3 million acres of land. a park is a gift that is worth protecting. help support the trust for public land and the gift of parks today. what's the last thing kroi remember doing last night? >> oh. laughter everywhere as soon as you see these clips. the unforgettable comedy, "the hangover." now, nascar superstar jimmie johnson is giving us his own taken to movie. >> this is in "pop news "? >> i believe so. also coming up, beyonce and jay z going vegan. not without a few missteps. is this the healthiest way to go? the murder kaz that's stunned the nation. all eyes on a courtroom in montana tomorrow when a newly wed goes to trial for allegedly killing her husband. >> jordan lynn graham is accused of pushing her husband off a cliff eight days after tying the knot. she claims it was a terrible accident. >> reporter: 22-year-old jordan graham is fighting for her freedom as he pshe prepares to o trial. a new look at how the two sides will make their cases. prosecutors say they were at glacier national park in july when the defendant pushed mr. johnson in the back with both hands. he fell face-first to his death. seeming to contradict the defense's side. >> she openly admits she took a dear friend from us, it boggled my mind. >> reporter: oust terns say they plan the prove that for nine days after johnson's death, graham went to great lengths to hide her crime from friends, family, and law enforcement. allegedly sending her e-mails from a fake account. >> prosecutors have to prove she intended to kill him. >> reporter: she's pleaded not guilty. her attorneys admit her story changed over time. but maintain that johnson's death was an accident. the defense writing in the brief that despite testimony that graham suffered from cold feet, witnesses thought the wedding was perfectly normal. >> this case will come down to whether the jury believes that she regretted this marriage so much that she pushed him off the edge. >> reporter: graham's attorney revealing the plan to show a starkly different image of her husband's lifestyle. charges of sec-degree murder, volunteer manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter are possible. abc news tried to reach out to attorneys on both sides but have not heard back. >> we'll follow the case all week long. a lot of other news. for that, it's ron claiborne. >> hi, again, dan and bianna. she's making me laugh. in the news today, a national day of prayer and reflection, started a week of events to honor nelson mandela in south afri africa. a memorial service is expected on tuesday, where a lot of kig any tears from around the world will attend, including the obama family. a pennsylvania catholic schoolteacher says he was fired the same day he applied for a same-sex marriage license in new jersey. michael griffin said when he told his principal he was planning to get married to his partner, he was fired on the spot. they say that he is required to follow church teachings. a gold medal from the 1936 olympics just sold. owens famously won four track med dallas at the games. the auction says no one knows where the other three med dallas that he won are now located. despite the frigid temperatures, thousands of people donned swim suits for a charity marathon. the run benefits two local children's charities. time now for the weather. back to lee goldberg from wabc. >> that was charitable with the temperatures out there. the ice the story. moving out of dallas. a half inch of ace there, you would do this on your streets. this guy's got some skills. the stars with a nice game against the flyers last night. maybe for the bench. this guy is good. meanwhile, the icing across ar participate into parts of the tennessee valley right now. kn snow is a part of the system. i-80 will be a tough ride. interior new jersey. upstate new york. interior massachusetts in the morning hours tomorrow. the snow is not a huge story. a quick burst among the i-95 territory. you have snows across the midwest, too. lincoln. into the great lakes as we go through the day. >> this weather is brought to you by walgreen's. coming up, beyonce and jay z go on a spiritual and physical cleanse. are they getting it right? what is behind the move and what they hope the accomplish. remember this guy? 2-year-old titus is back with what may be his best trick shot yet. >> he's good. >> yeah, he's good. pretty good. 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[ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. when i have an asthma attack... i feel scared. sometimes my parents have to take me to the hospital. i feel like a fish with no water. you know how to react to their asthma attacks. here's how to prevent them. call... visit... or call your doctor. because... one of hollywood's most famous power couples is jumping on a trepddy diet bandwagon. beyonce and jay z are on a three-week planet-based diet. >> how committed are they with beyonce wearing suede and fur the other day. that's a big no no. >> reporter: soup star couple jay z and beyonce are jumping on the band wagon. the holy grail artist who turned 44 on wednesday posted on his personal website that he and b are embarking on a 22-day challenge to go completely vegan. or as i preper to called i, plant-based. >> they're notoriously private about their lives together. so it is a little unusual that they're being so public about what they're going to be eating. >> reporter: he says this all began a few months back when a good friend and vegan challenged me to embrace a plant-based breakfast every day. that is marco bourgis. the mastermind behind this 22-day cleanse. his website inviting treersd take the 22-day charge with daily vegan menus. i met with a >> some people gain weight. >> reporter: why is hat? >> some of it could be sweet poe potato fries. you need plenty of protein if you go vegan. >> it's about balance and knowledge. you want to make sure you're not getting the wrong food. >> reporter: calling it a spirit chu spiritual and viz caphysical cl they will end it on christmas. he posts, best of luck and good health. >> if there was any doubt that this couple is probably the most famous couple in the world, the fact that we're intrigued by what they eat. i mean, you're famous. i don't ask you what you ate last night. >> i guarantee you, it wasn't interesting. >> we'll see if they hold up to this. coming up here on "gma," jimmie johnson, paying homage to "the hangover" with a little help from twitter. ♪ (beeping) ♪ (ringing) ♪ the samsung galaxy s4. available at verizon. hey! have you ever tried honey nut cheerios? love 'em. neat! now you on the other hand... you need some help. why? look atchya. what is that? you mean my honey wand? [ shouting ] [ splat ] come on. matter of fact. [ rustling ] shirt. shoes. shades. ah! wow! now that voice... my voice? [ auto-tuned ] what's wrong with my voice? yeah man, bee got swag! be happy! be healthy! that's gotta go too. ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ sparkle ] sweet. ron is laughing from there at "pop news." it's time. >> sara, good morning. >> thank you. jimmie johnson is the talk of social media right now. it's not because he won his sixth sprint cup championship. it's because he has been re-creating themes from "the hangover." here are some after shots. complete with baby. a chicken. and a tiger. >> oh, my gosh. what d >> what did he say if the movie? there's a jungle cat in the bathroom. one of the stars of "h hangover" is getting in on the action. >> jimmie johnson! >>ky not get enough of that movie. >> so funny. i watch it over and over. >> we have to clue who the baby is. >> i would come if with a face tattoo. >> wait for it. 2-year-old basketball sensation titus is back with a new trick shot video. he doesn't disappoint. ♪ seriously. >> how many takes? >> challenge me to arm wrestling. >> yes. >> seriously? to be in the arms of bradley cooper and -- [ laughter ] >> he's going to make this, right? >> what do you think? whoa! >> what do i think? >> one question left, what does your kid do. >> with a name like titus. >> big expectation there is. seriously. >> that's all he had? >> you're not impressed? >> underwhelmed. >> from the sublime to ridiculous. for anyone who has ever thought, geez, my chin is cold. this is removable. we made lee. >> oh, no. >> now there's fun for the whole family. because there's actually -- >> oh, no. oh, sara. sara. sara, sara. i think you skipped over one story. that's -- i was blinded by what was happening on your left hand there. you look giddy right now. you were just engaged. >> yes. i am. if i wore the hat first, he might not have asked. >> you and your boyfriend of five years. you and max? >> two years. >> when did he propose? >> on tuesday morning. he said the only way he could get me when i would listen and not talk was first thing. >> now you can get a pacifier. >> i know, i'm very excited for this. >> congratulations. we're so, so happy for you. >> yeah, exactly. i'll keep it. >> keep it as a token of our affection. still ahead -- abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. ♪ this story is horrible. jake, have some snickers® bites. you're kinda a buzzkill when you're hungry, man. better? better. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. try snickers® bites. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry®. ♪ i'm gonna do this... no... no... no... yes... (laughing) yes!! ♪ and we want to thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo!. >> we want to leave you now with a tribute from two continents. student choirs from two continents singing one of john len non's most famous songs on this, the anniversary of lennon's death. ♪ imagine there's no heaven ♪ even if you try, nothing below us ♪ ♪ only the golden sky imagine all the people living for today you ♪ ♪ you may say i'm a dream er bu i'm not the only one ♪ ♪ i hope some day you'll join us, and the world will live as one ♪ he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ pillsbury cookie dough. make the holidays pop! pill[laughing]ie dough. [message beep] [tires screeching] get tested for colon cancer? i don't have any symptoms. [female announcer] of cancers affecting both men and women, colorectal cancer is the 2nd leading cancer killer in the united states. and it doesn't always cause symptoms, especially early on. but i'm only 53. i'm too young. [announcer] screening is recommended for men and women beginning at 50. but no one in my family had colon cancer. it doesn't run in my family. [announcer] most colorectal cancers occur in people with no family history of the disease. but. that test... [announcer] there are several kinds of screening tests for colorectal cancer... talk to your doctor about which one is right for you. i've been screened...and it turned out i had polyps. and the doctor removed them before they had a chance to turn into cancer! [announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! >> good morning, everyone, i'm katie marzullo in for carolyn tyler on this sunday. it is 5:00 a.m. we will start you off with a quick look at the weather. the cold snap continues. good morning, katie. >> good morning. we have a spare-the-air day and a freeze warning until 9:00 this morning. temperatures dropping below freezing in many north bay neighborhoods. in the mid-30s in san francisco. we still have a way to go until sunrise. more 20s and 30s, even mid-30s at the coast. by noontime another raw afternoon. the winds will be lighter today. low to mid-50s and 40s by noontime. by the afternoon still

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