Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20131010 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20131010

one of the biggest music acts in the world, macklemore and ryan lewis, fighting for their fans in an unusual move. one phone call at a time. wait until you see what they did. and good morning, america. busy thursday here and in washington, where there are new moves to break the government shutdown stalemate. ten days in, the president's invited republicans in congress to the white house. a big group is coming. and the big question, will it bring some kind of a deal? we're going to get to that. >> and many are hopeful that's going to be the case. let's get to the latest on the libyan prime minister and that chaos in the capital there. he has just been freed. abc's martha raddatz is in washington and tracking the very latest. this is a fast developing story. good morning, martha. >> reporter: good morning, robin. he has been released. but this does show how chaotic things are in libya right now. think about it. for more than six hours overnight, the libyan government did not know where its prime minister was. after dozens of armed men came to a luxury tripoli hotel and grabbed him. just a few weeks ago, prime minister ali zeidan was at the u.n. general assembly with john kerry. a few months ago, he was at the g-8 with president obama and other world leaders. he returns to his country and is taken by ampled men. the men who grabbed him are believed to be a part of the coalition of militias that serve as the government security forces. and they were calling it an arrest. >> an arrest. but as you said, it is so chaotic with all you just described. many are speculating what happened here with the abduction and the release, is it in retaliation to what the u.s. libyan forces, what happened over the weekend? >> reporter: a spokesman for the malitia says it was the cooperation with the u.s., for the seizure of anas al libi. there were reports from unnamed u.s. government officials that the libyan government did cooperate in that raid. and the malitias did not like that. so, this does appear to be retaliation for that, robin. >> it does seem to be. i know you're going to stay on top of it, martha. thank you very much. we're going to get the latest on the government shutdown. in its tenth day now. with the danger of america defaulting on its debt a week away, president obama has congressional republicans coming to the white house for talks. abc's jon karl is there. the white house won't call these negotiations. but is it possible we're seeing some sort of a solution today? >> reporter: we may not be seeing a solution. but we are seeing movement. abc news has learned that house republican leaders are preparing a measure that would at least delay default by raising the debt ceiling for six weeks. allowing time for broader negotiations on reopening the government. there isn't much common ground anywhere in washington right now. the president invited all 233 house republicans to the white house today. but republicans have decided they'll only send 18 of the party's leaders. this on the heels of a meeting the president held at the white house with house democrats. >> our emphasis is on solving the problem, open the government, negotiate and honor the full faith and credit of the united states. >> reporter: it comes after the disaster on military benefits, the only thing both parties seem to agree on. it's inexcusable to deny help to family members of those who have given their lives serving the country. the shutdown has temporarily halted the $100,000 payments given to service members killed in action. the president said he would fix this immediately. >> when i heard about this story, i told the department of defense, within our administrative powers, we should be able to get that fixed. >> reporter: as for changes to anything else, no progress. republicans are continuing to demand changes to obama care before they agree to reopen the government. >> what a train wreck. how can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn't work? >> reporter: treasury secretary jack lew will be on capitol hill today, warning that if congress doesn't raise that debt ceiling by october 17th, he won't be able to guarantee, among other things, payments to social security recipients. in other words, george, those social security checks may not go out, if you want to see something that gets congress to act. that would be it. >> you mentioned the republicans are preparing a short-term extension of the debt ceiling. will this meet the president's condition of having no conditions on it? or are they going to try to attach conditions on that, as well? >> reporter: i'm told they're preparing a clean debt ceiling with no conditions. but only for six weeks. and this does not include reopening the government. >> jon karl, thanks very much. now to the roller coaster scare to visitors at universal studios. getting stuck mid-ride 150 feet off the ground. fire rescue raced to the scene. and matt gutman has the latest, joins us from there. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. people love to be scared on these amusement rides. maybe not this scared. 12 people suspended for three hours in sheer terror. until they were finally taken down. one person complained of neck pain. she was taken to the hospital. this is the jaw-dropping moment that orlando's tallest rollercoaster came to a dead stop for nearly three hours. 12 passengers on universal studios hollywood rip ride rocket at a standstill, in a vertical position, 17 stories in the air. their backs to the ground. >> being in that position, not knowing, not understanding why you're in that position. you're going to be a little bit upset. once we got up there and the guys were able to talk to them calm everybody down. >> reporter: as it turned dark, one of the riders could be seen waving. eventually, the car was moved to the top of the ride so passengers could sit upright. then, they waited. for nearly two hours until park officials finally made sure the car was in a locked position, clearing the way for rescue crews to take the passengers down with this elevator. >> our guys could go ahead and put the victims in harnesses and were able to walk them off the ride. >> reporter: at 167 feet, the rip ride rocket is billed as orlando's tallest rollercoaster. officials say a glitch caused computers to go into safety mode, which then locked the ride, and the riders, in mid-air. this isn't the first time the ride has experienced problems. in 2010, the manufacture learned of a flaw with one of its parts, used to keep the cars connected to each other. two months ago, the ride was shut down for two days after a woman was hurt when the ride came to a sudden stop. now, that park, the park this is open this morning. as riders run that ride over my shoulder again and again. no wood what that's about. you should note you're more likely to win the lottery than die in one of those. robin? >> okay. that's one way of putting it, matt. yeah. much better? we're going to turn to josh elliott for the other developing stories. >> i'd rather win the lottery. we're going to begin with a developing story. more problems for boeing's 787 dreamliner jet. one of the planes flying from san diego to tokyo had to turn around last night because the system that prevents ice from building up around the engine failed. also overnight, another dreamliner flying for japan airlines had to return to moscow because of an electrical glitch. the dreamliner has suffered a continuing series of safety setbacks, including battery fires that temporarily grounded the entire fleet earlier this year. and a terrifying accident at the world-famous hot air balloon festival in new mexico. the balloon you see there, struck power lines and burst into flames. fell some 40 feet to the ground. we can tell you the two men inside that balloon are now recovering from burns and injuries they suffered. it was the second crash in three days at the festival. and that three-star navy admiral at the center of a gambling scandal has been fired. as deputy commander of u.s. nuclear forces. vice admiral team jardine is accused of using counterfeit poker chips at a casino in iowa. the authorities say a gunman fired up to two dozen shots at the federal courthouse in wheeling, west virginia, wednesday, was a retired police officer. thomas picard was fatally shot in the exchange of gunfire. two security guards were also hurt in the crossfire. investigators are trying to determine picard's motive. a police dash cam in georgia rolling during this traffic stop that is anything but routine. you see a suspect there, take off. trying to steal the patrol car there. to subdue him, officers shocked him twice with a stun gun, hit him with a baton. even fired pepper spray. it turns out he's on been the run for two years, after allegedly killing his girlfriend in the greater chicago area. and police in philadelphia are looking for that guy, right here. you see him squeezing through an air conditioning duct. very determined burglar. got into a butcher shop. stole $2,000, roughly. crawled back out. if you recognize that determined man, let authorities know. and a spectacular collision in texas when a big rig got stuck on the railroad tracks. take a look. driver safely got away from the truck. the truck, not so much. carrying a load of pipes that go flying in the air there. train pushed it another half-mile down the tracks before it finally managed to come to a stop. the driver said his truck stalled just before the train came. luckily he had time to get out. i really do feel like we're seeing this more and more. use caution here. it's better to be safe than that. >> good point, josh. thank you. now, to a frightening headline out of san francisco. a patient who disappeared from her hospital room, missing for 17 days, finally identified as the woman found dead this week in that hospital stairwell. authorities are investigating how that happened. and abc's david wright has the story. >> reporter: at san francisco general hospital, a medical mystery. a patient who checked in for a routine infection missing for more than two weeks. >> what happened at our hospital is horrible. >> reporter: this week, that patient, 57-year-old lynn spaulding, turned up dead, in a hospital stairway. hospital officials say they have no idea what happened. >> i'm committed to getting to the root cause of this tragedy. >> reporter: after spaulding went missing september 21st, two days after she checked in, sheriff's deputies conducted an all-out search. >> evidently, it wasn't a very good one. >> reporter: evidently, they missed the fourth story staircase where spaulding's body was found. >> the stairwell is a fire exit not routinely used by staff. >> reporter: the medical examiner is trying to determine the cause and the timing of her death. >> we're here to take care of patients, to heal them. to keep them safe. this has shaken us to our core. our staff is devastated. >> reporter: a tragedy and a mystery at san francisco's biggest hospital. for "good morning america," david wright, abc news, los angeles. >> boy. we are certainly thinking of her family. and staying in san francisco, there's a shocking crime that happened on a crowded train there. police say this man had been waving and gesturing with a gun on the train, just minutes before shooting another passenger. and apparently, no one noticed because they were glued to their smartphones and tablets. abc's linsey davis has that story. >> reporter: police say it was a senseless crime that could have been avoided. >> my sister is the closest thing i have in this world. >> reporter: 20-year-old justin valdez, seen in this youtube video honoring his family, was shot in the back of the head, as he exited a san francisco train, by a man who flashed a gun several times in front of distracted, gadget-absorbed commuters. >> my brother was completely innocent and there was no reason for him to be killed. surveillance video of the incident, which happened late last month hasn't been released, with the exception of these images of nikhom thephakaysone, the man police say shot valdez. the rest of the footage shows him pulling out the gun several times, right in front of roughly a dozen commuters, including valdez, who had his back to him. but no one on the train noticed. >> you can see people sitting or standing around him. and they're working with their tablets or smartphones, completely distracted. >> reporter: police say it was completely unprovoked, that the two men didn't even know each other. >> i'm going to miss him every single day. he was too young to die. >> reporter: thephakaysone is expected to appear in court next month. he has pleaded not guilty. for "good morning america," linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> that's just the definition of senseless. we're going to turn to details about that 9-year-old boy who snuck on a plane to vegas. in an emotional news conference, the boy's father revealed they had tried to get help for the troubled boy who had other run-ins can the law. abc's reena ninan has the story. >> reporter: his face was masked. but his heart was not. >> we couldn't do nothing. >> reporter: on wednesday, the father of the 9-year-old boy who hopped that cross-country flight faced the public. he did not want to be identified, hiding his face under a baseball hat and hooded sweatshirt, said he begged for help for his son. saying he was suspended from school for fighting last month. stole a truck just days before boarding that plane, crashing it into this police car. attempting to play a real-life version of grand theft auto. >> if i whoop my son, i get locked up. if i let my son keep on doing what he's doing, i get in trouble. somebody please help me. please. >> our society discourages corporal punishment or spanking. but there's other forms of discipline that can be used. he needs almost 24-hour supervision, otherwise, he'll probably do this again. >> reporter: there are questions he cannot answer. >> to let a 9-year-old child go through security check, without stopping him and questioning him. >> reporter: tsa said he did get a security screening. but the boy was still able to slip through three layers of security. tsa workers, gate agents and the flight crew, before boarding the plane. three chances to get caught. he was taken into child protective services upon landing. >> it's not too late for somebody to please help me. >> reporter: the father says he has not spoken to his son since the incident. the boy is expected to return to minnesota tomorrow. and a source close to the family says they are hopeful he'll be getting the help he needs. >> they've been asking for it. they've been asking for help. >> you bet. how about we switch gears? >> let's do it. >> a little before we get to sam. it's the time of year when neighborhood halloween displays are popping up all over the country. and just outside washington, d.c., a mushrooming fight over an annual display some say has gone too far. abc's david kerley has the story. >> can you reach them? >> reporter: they are pulling skeletons out of the shed, to turn this, into this haunted garden. the holidays bring out decorations all over the country. but some of us, like donna kerr, do it big. >> this is our cemetery. >> reporter: but the fourth year of her haunted garden is coming to a screeching halt. neighbors complaining about the visitors, the parked cars, got an injunction to bury this display. >> i think it's a great event. i don't think it's put any undue burden on the neighborhood. my supporters across the street, they support it. >> reporter: does it sound like kerr is stuck in a sitcom. >> last year, i took things to a whole new level. >> reporter: "modern family" mom, claire, scared her neighbors. >> i know it's lame, but after last year, we promised the neighbors we would keep our decorations more family-friendly. >> we can't even carve a pumpkin? >> reporter: with a restraining order against her, donna kerr is not playing dead. kids swarmed her yard to make protest signs. >> i did it. >> yeah. >> reporter: to open the garden this spooky season. >> have you been to the haunted garden before? >> reporter: her and her friends -- >> she's a witchy, this is the bottom of the hat. >> reporter: say they won't give up. it didn't start out this way. but it's just, people really love it. and it's such a good time. >> reporter: with an army of neighbor kids and a lawyer, she's going to fight to open her garden. for "good morning america," david kerley, abc news, silver spring, maryland. >> hopefully they can reach a compromise. i think so. good spirited. >> yeah. sam, you want to go. >> any excuse to dress up. >> how about this spooky weather we're having? >> this is -- it's tough. we're going to start with pictures, a live shot out of seaside park, new jersey. the places that just don't need rain, the coast of new jersey and new york city will probably get rain and heavy rain. we know that 6.3 inches in cape hatteras yesterday. winds up to about 40 miles per hour. this is nothing but a slow-moving low on the shoreline. but it has an awful lot of rain with it. before i get to how much rain is falling, let's show you where it's falling right now. on the jersey shore. in connecticut, it's not raining here. in rhode island, it's not raining there. and in boston, on the cape, it's not raining there. but it will. that rain will move up there. the cape is probably on the lighter side of this in the next 48 hours. about a quarter-inch of rain. but the areas in red, from long island, to the jersey shore, through new york city, the places that don't need this rain. we're looking at two to three inches of rain. coastal flooding is likely. i think the waves are going to be high offshore, six to eight feet. but the water that moves onshore is one to two feet. putting it all in perspective, it's not a nightmare. it's a long, ongoing rainy situation, that will have street flooding and coastal flooding, as well. a good chunk of the country in the 80s. 82 in oklahoma city. 85 in dallas. fall-like and cool, still seeing temperatures in the lower 70s to the upper 60s in most parts of the bay area, but lots of sunshine. come tonight, some patchy clouds visit us and those temperatures still chilly, especially in the north bay, 47 degrees in clover dale, 46 in santa rosa, 53 in san jose. here's my accuweather seven-day forecast. we do have a warm-up this weekend, and nice sunshine for the early part of next week. >> > western rain and snow to talk about next half hour. >> awesome. >> thank you, sam. coming up on "gma," the young man behind bars for a murder he may not have committed. witnesses taking back their testimony. will he finally go free? also ahead, is one of america's wealthiest women to blame for a fatal car crash? and losing his cool. olympic hero, turned reality star, bruce jenner, lashing out. find out why. and you don't want to miss our fourth finalists in the huge katy perry contest. you're looking at the video. bre. enbrel is clinically proven to provide clearer skin. many people saw 75% clearance in 3 months. and enbrel helped keep skin clearer at 6 months. 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all right, leyla. when we it's like you want to tellfind something the world.special. shout it from the rooftops. show it off. you just know when you find the real thing. and some designer deals are so sweet you just can't say no. see the real deal. check out all the designers maxxinistas are scoring. t.j.maxx. the sun is up, a few high clouds. we are still going to be pretty cool for much of the bay area, in the upper 50s to the lower 70s despite all of that sunshine. our overnight lows, it will be chilly, 40-degree temperatures in some places, lower 50s in most. my accuweather seven-day forecast, it's scary knowing that they're not looking for the truth. they're looking for a conviction. so, just maintaining positivity. and hope that one day i wake up and i'll get a good phone call. >> ryan ferguson still in his 20s, has been behind bars for nine years for a murder he may not have committed. and now, we're looking at the possibility he may be going free. we have an exclusive interview with him. dan abrams sat down with him. >> his sentence like 40 years. and what really happened behind the wheel? is one of america's wealthiest women to blame for a deadly car crash? and a surprising confession from a mother of three. she goes more than a week without giving her 3-month-old a bath. is it a good idea? you may be surprised what the experts say. >> or you may not. and, hey. let's take a look. high school number four. let's go to abilene, texas, shall we? look at cooper high. out in force. katy perry, of course, on october 25th, she'll be singing for one of our five finalists. we featured three of them so far this week. all the student bodies really putting together some wonderful videos. will she be roaring with the kids at cooper high? find out in a bit. >> did you see that nice kick by the cougar? >> kick this early in the morning. >> really flexible. >> i thought so, too. now, we have an abc news exclusive with ryan ferguson. nine years in prison for murder, even though the only two witnesses against him recanted their testimony. our chief league affairs anchor, dan abram, spoke to him. he may finally be getting his freedom. >> reporter: 28 years old. spent almost all of his adult life in a maximum security prison, for a brutal murder, he and many others now insist, he didn't commit. >> it's hard to have much hope at this point, in the justice system, based on what they've done. >> reporter: it all began nine years ago when he was a college student. >> i lived about a mile away from the school. and there were these guys who were tailing me. >> reporter: those guys were the police, preparing to arrest ryan for the halloween night murder of sports journalist and father of two, kent highholt. this man, charles erickson, told police that two years earlier, he and his classmate, ryan, had committed the crime after a night of drinking. >> whose idea was it? >> it was ryan's idea. >> ryan's idea. >> reporter: ryan has always maintained his innocence. >> we had a few drinks, hung out. and then, when the bar closed, you know, i took erickson home. that was pretty much the night. any other halloween. >> reporter: when he was first interrogated, erickson didn't seem to know how the murder occurred or even the weapon. >> i think it was a shirt. >> it wasn't a shirt. >> maybe it was a bungee cord. >> we know his pants were ripped off of his belt and he was strangled with his belt. >> reporter: but at the trial, erickson somehow knew all of the details that had eluded him. >> he was down here. and he had a belt. he had his foot on his back, on the victim's back. >> reporter: dna at the scene, the fingerprints, the footpri footprints. none of it matched ryan ferguson. >> we find ryan ferguson, guilty of murder. >> reporter: and 5 years into a 25-year sentence, erickson suddenly reached out to ryan, to admit he lied. >> things happened much differently than i had previously stated. i regret now that i put an innocent man through that. he didn't deserve it. >> reporter: ryan got a new hearing in april 2012, where erickson testified. >> you lied to your own mother? >> i lied to everybody. >> reporter: and then, the prosecution's second and only other eyewitness, a convicted sex offender, admitted that he, too, had lied at the trial. >> i felt very intimidated because the only thing i wanted to do at that point was to do the right thing. >> reporter: but judge daniel green didn't believe erickson's most recent account. and found there wasn't enough reliable new evidence to overturn the conviction. >> it's scary knowing they're not looking for the truth. they're looking for a conviction. i just maintain positivity. and hope that one day i wake up and i get a good phone call. >> reporter: and that call could come any day now. in an argument last month, at least one of the three judges seemed very sympathetic to ryan's case. >> it's hard to imagine how that previous judge didn't take another look. >> he looked at it through a narrow legal prism. basically saying, unless i think erickson's current version is totally credible, i can't overturn the conviction. what he didn't do is look at the totality of the evidence and say, wait a second. forget about how credible the current account is, is there any evidence at all that ryan ferguson is guilty. and the answer of as of today, is, there's not a single piece of evidence that he is guilty. >> you look at everything and say, he didn't do it. >> i look at everything and say, i think it's very unlikely he did it. i'm certain he ought to be released. this appeals court has to look at this case and say to themselves, without a single piece of evidence stands. there was physical evidence found at the scene. but none of it matched ryan ferguson. the key to the case was these two eyewitnesses, both of whom have now recanted their testimony. and under oath. so, they're now facing the possibility of perjury because they lied at the trial. that's how committed they were to trying to right this wrong. >> it's amazing that ryan is as calm as he appears to be. >> absolutely. i hope the appeals court does the right thing here. >> we'll see more of the interview tonight on "nightline." now to one of the richest women in america, caught up in a dangerous collision. jacqueline badger mars, owner of the mars candy company, crashed her suv into a minivan in the uncoming lane, killing one passenger. the police investigation is ongoing. >> reporter: if you don't know anything about jackie mars, you know her family's famous candy company. but today, on her 74th birthday, prosecutors could be deciding whether she'll face any charges. if you've ever enjoyed snickers. skittles. cooked up uncle ben's. given your pet pedigree dog food, you've used a sample of this woman's empire. jacqueline mars is the third richest woman in the u.s. worth $23 billion. as co-owner of mars inc., she runs the world's largest candy manufacturer. >> the mars are probably the most private of the wealthiest families in the united states. >> reporter: but now, the woman who lives a quiet life of anonymity in rural virginia, finds herself in the spotlight for the wrong reasons. friday afternoon, the 74-year-old mars was driving her 2004 porsche suv, along this virginia road, when police say the car crossed the center line and slammed into a minivan, carrying six women from texas. all for a wedding. 86-year-old irene, seen her attending her grandson's graduation, was sitting in the backseat and was killed instantly. she was not wearing her seat belt. the surviving women, including mars, were rushed to nearby hospitals. overnight, a mars spokesperson told abc news, she's now recuperating at home. and, quote, this tragedy has left jacquie filled with sore roy for the loss of life and those who were injured in the accident. she would like to express her deepest condolences to the families involved. and prosecutors haven't said whether mars will face charges. the commonwealth attorney's office telling abc news, this is an ongoing investigation. as for the other women in that crash, only one is still in the hospital. and she's stable. robin? george? >> all right, gio. thank you very much. let's check in with sam. going out west. >> big bear lake, california. you see that snow falling in the pictures. glenwood springs, colorado. getting six inches of snow. this is mostly a rain event. parts of california has been in exceptional drought. nevada been in extreme drought. you want me to say nevada. it comes out nevada. i get the tweets all the time. in comes that low. and watch all that heavy rain spin. it's 1 1/2 to 1 inches of rain in general. there are places that will get about two inches of rain. ahead of the front, also severe weather today. we have wind warnings, watches and advisories out. look at the areas shaded in red. this is going to light up with powerful storms. wind, probably the biggest damaging element of those storms. so, there's where the snow and rain is. there's that little line of storms. as you start to work east, everything's in great shape, except for that low that's our highs for today in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. 73 in vallejo, 75 in livermore. 72 in all that weather was brought to you by walmart. maybe it's a recovery slow step process. if i say nevada and i correct myself -- >> nevada. >> nevada. >> nevada. >> you're going to say what you said a minute ago. >> that's right. reality star bruce jenner, losing his cool on camera. why is he lashing out? and diana nyad is still in the pool. just hours -- less than an hour away from her 48-hour swim for charity. and we're going to be there, live, when she gets out of the pool. keep going, diana. what if we took all this produce from walmart, and secretly served it up at this produce stand in the heart of apple country. it's a fresh-over. come on in, tastes some apples. tell us what you think. that's really good. nice and crunchy. this is the best-est. a burst of flavor. walmart works directly with growers to get you the best quality produce they've ever had. all this produce you see, comes from walmart. oh my goodness! are you serious? oh, you're kidding! i definitely would shop at walmart now. fine, fresh, crisp apples and all your quality produce backed by our 100% moneyback guarantee. because what you dont know can hurt you.urance, what if you didn't know that it's smart to replace washing-machine hoses every five years? what if you didn't know that you might need extra coverage for more expensive items? 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[ male announcer ] new febreze free. odor elimination without masking. you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is best foods. best foods is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. best foods. bring out the best. 7:43, with olympic hero turned reality star, bruce jenner. fed up with the paparazzi, as the separation with kris jenner goes public. the multimillion-dollar divorce battle could be looming. abc's nick watt has the story. >> go [ bleep ] yourself. >> reporter: bruce jenner seems a little stressed out. >> go [ bleep ] yourself. >> reporter: considering everyone is calling this an amicable separation. listen to rob on e! last night. >> you know don't like negativity or bad blood or weird stuff going on. >> reporter: on the golf course, bruce did not want to talk about it. >> [ bleep ], bother me. get the [ bleep ] out of here. private property. >> if the parties want to make this case ugly, they could make it ugly. we hope that the case is quiet. >> reporter: the family reportedly just inked a $40 million deal for three more seasons. and bruce just told "people" magazine, he will continue to appear on the show. >> you'll see whatever's going on. >> reporter: we're just happier living apart, kris tells tmz. is she dating someone else? there hasn't been a thought or a twinkle, she says. now, bruce, the track and field beef cake-turned business man, is reportedly worth $100 million. and kris, a tidy $20 million. >> one of the most surprising situations in this case is the fact that it's highly likely they don't have a prenup. >> reporter: even more surprising, bruce has been living in the malibu beach house for a year. even kardashians keep some things to themselves. well, for a little while, anyways. for "good morning america," nick watt, abc news, los angeles. >> the couple has released a statement saying, they're just much happier this way. coming up, everybody, it's kimmel versus kanye. making peace after their last feud. what happens when they came face-to-face last night? >> it was interesting. it was interesting. >> it was something. and look at this. macklemore and ryan lewis, what a great summer concert they were for us this year. well, the superstar duo did a little payback in the name of their fans. go nowhere. [ male announcer ] there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. hd 3 he actually told me that a lot of the foods that i thought were really healthy for me can do damage to the enamel on my teeth. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. pronamel will help protect the enamel from future erosion. an arm wrestling match that mr. clean realized the way to handle bigger, tougher messes was better leverage. that's why he created his new magic eraser handy grip. it has a handle that firmly attaches to the eraser so you get better leverage and more oomph with less effort. it's the perfect magic eraser for making stuff that's big and tough not so tough, after all. mr. clean's handy grip -- the newest member of the magic eraser family. in all purpose and bath. [ engine revs ] in all purpose and bath. i'my body doesn't work the way it used to. past my prime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. great grains protein blend. your financial advisor should focus on your long-term goals, not their short-term agenda. [ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. i've got a big date, but my sinuses are acting up. it's time for advil cold and sinus. [ male announcer ] truth is that won't relieve all your symptoms. new alka seltzer plus-d relieves more sinus symptoms than any other behind the counter liquid gel. oh what a relief it is. right then. here's "the play of the day." >> got to set it up. no time. macklemore, ryan lewis, making prank calls to a ticket scalper. he fakes a british accent to hide his identity. >> do you have craigslist tickets for the macklemore show. you have more for sale? >> i do, yeah. >> perfect. i've been looking all over. and could not find them for the life of me. >> we have two of them, actually. >> only two songs? >> yeah. two that are top sellers. >> yeah. two-hit wonder. >> uh-huh. better than a one-hit wonder. >> barely. his hair cut is bloody ridiculous. >> i won't disagree with you. >> you have to agree. you missed out a little bit because this is actually macklemore. >> no way. >> yeah. and now, i know that you don't exactly like my hair. >> or that you're a two-hit wonder. >> or my two hits. >> beware of big stars with spare time. >> yeah. katy perry,, kelly clarkson. go nowhere. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. ♪ ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's wonderful now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's so groovy now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's wonderful now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ or giving the dog a workout, find your balance™. every delicious balance bar® has 40-30-30 balanced nutrition to give you energy that lasts. balance bar®... have you found your balance™? [ dog barks ] ♪ dry hair needs a daily dose of effective moisture. new dove daily moisture with our most effective conditioner ever. it gives you up to 5 times smoother hair in one wash. new dove daily moisture. because new campbell's skillet sauces make it easy. just brown some meat and add the campbell's skillet sauce for a meal so awesome, you'll want to share it. now everyone is cooking. with new campbell's skillet sauces. every day you stain it... ♪ ...and stain it... and stain it. so every day, use crest 3d white toothpaste to remove up to 90% of surface stains in just 5 days. no wonder crest 3d white is the number one whitening brand. after all, every day counts. life opens up when you do. and now, crest 3d white has a sensitive side. afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. good morning. i'm kristen sze. in santa rosa, s.w.a.t. teams have been surrounding a home more than eight hours now. the standoff started around 11:po last night. a woman called to report her husband fired shots at her and a locksmith who were trying to gain entry into the home. the two were not hurt, but police have been unable to contact the husband, who they believe is alone inside. leyla gulen has the forecast and the commute. >> we have partly cloudy skies, still very cool temperatures in the upper 60s and lower 70s for most of the bay area. my accuweather seven-day forecast shows that we do have some autumn warmth ahead of us. two crashes i want to get to, one near the san mateo at the toll plaza, but this one just a o cured not too long ago. it's affecting 580 as you approach. very heavy traffic into livermore. >> thanks a lot. the news continues with "good ♪ [ engine revs, tires squeal ] [ male announcer ] since we began, mercedes-benz has pioneered many breakthroughs. ♪ breakthroughs in design... breakthroughs in safety... in engineering... and technology. and now our latest creation breaks one more barrier. introducing the cla. starting at $29,900. ♪ ♪ good morning, america. the clock says it's 8:00 a.m. and we're going inside tv's hottest hit shows. a sneak peek of the brand-new "scandal." and we're celebrating a major milestone for a beloved show. the 200th episode of "grey's anatomy." >> he's having arrhythmia. one of the stars is here live. but she's not alone. also, kelly clarkson and, here live with the american music awards nominations. and we're counting down to our katy perry event finalists, number four. her live concert announcement just days away. as we say -- >> good morning, america. >> all of the students of cooper high school, abilene, texas. look at them right now. the auditorium filled up. they're having so much fun there. the fourth finalists in our katy perry "roar" contest. >> i'm digging the mascot. both of them. we'll take a look at the high school submission video. there it is. katy is going to pick the winner herself. they are one of our five finalists. and katy will perform live at the winning school on october 25th. >> these have been one day after the next, so good. can't wait to see this one in full and show it to you. also coming up here, a stunning confession, from a mother of three. why she says she often goes more than a week without giving her 3-month-old baby a bath. i think it's fair to say, this will be a talker today. >> yeah. then, we mentioned that major milestone for "grey's anatomy." 200 episodes. 200th episode airing tonight. sandra oh is live. and shonda rhimes, how do you do it? >> you have "scandal" on the mind. >> i'm trying to brownnose because i want to know what's going on with that show. >> they're such good shows. so get wrapped up in them. and can you start the season without a brand-new handbag, ladies and gentlemen? >> absolutely not. >> we submit that you cannot. but tory johnson has the deals. brand-new bags. get on the computer for less than $20. >> woo. >> sam, you surprise me every 8:00. >> every one. >> kelly clarkson and are going to be here. a lot coming up. get some news from josh. >> we're going to begin with the kidnapping drama overnight. it appears to be in retaliation for the u.s. terror raid last weekend. overnight, dozens of armed men abducted this man, the prime minister of libya, from a luxury hotel in the tapt he /* capital tripoli. holding him for six hours, in an unknown location, before finally freeing him unarmed. libyan militia groups have been vowing revenge for the u.s. raid last saturday that captured al qaeda leader abu anas al libi. and here at home, a possible thaw in the government shutdown. house speaker john boehner is leading a group of republican lawmakers headed to the white house today for talks with president obama. with the danger of america defaulting on its own debts, just one week away. sources say house republicans are now considering a plan to provide a six-week extension of the debt limit to allow more time for negotiations. but the plan would not reopen the government. meanwhile, treasury secretary jack lew is warning if congress doesn't raise that debt ceiling, he cannot guarantee the government will be able to pay its bills. and a major scare at universal studios in orlando last night. a roller coaster suddenly stopped and stranded riders more than 150 feet in the air for 2 1/2 hours in a vertical position. nobody, thankfully, was injured. and a computer glitch is being blamed for stopping the ride. and in medical news, some scientists call this a turning point in the fight against alzheimer's. researchers have discovered the first chemical that can prevent the death of brain tissue. it's worked in mice so far. and maybe years of testing away. meantime, peanut butter could soon be used to test for alzheimer's, as well. researchers have found that people in the very early stages of the disease lose their sense of smell in the left nostril more quickly than in the right. they say peanut butter is the perfect substance to use for its distinct smell and easy available. it is ingenious. also, well, forget the toy. mcdonald's happy meals will soon come, interestingly, with a book instead. for two months next week, the company will be stuffing books into its happy meals. each with a message to inspire healthy eating. do not be a sayer of nay. >> sam wants the toy. >> i want a superhero. in entertainment new, the jonas brothers canceling their upcoming tour. a spokesman says, there was, and i quote, a deep rift, end quote, in the band about their musical direction. and finally, a problem with the announcement today of the latest nobel prize winner. today, the nobel prize for literature was announced. and this woman, wonderful writer, alice monroe won it. the only problem, the prize committee hasn't been able to get her on the phone to tell her she's won. i've got to believe, perhaps a big fan of an american breakfast program. alice monroe, you just won the nobel prize for literature. instead of hiding out behind books. there's a $1 million check headed your way. just so you know. >> turn your phone on. >> i'm going to believe she's happy about that. a master of the short story. brilliant. >> good for her. i hope that she's watching this. >> yeah. how about "pop news," lara? >> good morning to you. and to you. kanye west visited jimmy kimmel last night to clear the air. the well-publicly advised feud started last month when kimmel mocked an interview that the rapper did with the bbc. west responded on twitter, ripping the host. that prompted kimmel to joke, yes, he always wanted to be in a rap feud. last night, though, it ended. take a listen. >> i feel bad about all this stuff. >> uh-huh. >> the first question i should ask is who are you wearing? >> during the interview, kanye called himself a creative genius. he discussed fatherhood, he talked about his heroes and ambitions, his chicago roots, and kim kardashian and he hopes that she will receive a star on the hollywood walk of fame. is it over? is it just publicity? to be continued. we're talking about it. also in "pop news," the in-flight safety videos just got a whole lot more entertaining. at least on air new zealand. their new video is set in a "golden girls" type retirement community. and stars none other than betty white. >> oh, boy. >> no matter where you are, smoking on any aircraft is prohibited at any times. >> as is any other hanky panky that creates a bit of heat. >> the video goes over the rules in a funny way. and it stars gavin mcleod. he knows a thing or two about safety from his days at the helm of the love boat. thank you. any chance i can to sing it. >> thank you very much. and finally, everybody, oprah. we talked about this last week. sam wrote it in his diary. she has officially announced now, she is ready to declutter. she wrote on twitter, and i quote, i'm having the biggest yard sale ever. talk about an aha moment for me. this sale is being hold at the santa barbara polo and racket club november 22nd. and will include, and i quote, antiques, contemporary furnishes and fine art from her homes in indiana, hawaii, chicago, santa barbara, and her la quinta estates. >> a yard sale at a polo club? >> i've never been to one. >> can we all brake for it? >> can we all brake tore it, oprah? please, please. and i love this. all proceeds go to her school. so, for a great cause. >> all coming up. we have to get weather from sam. >> all right. it's ambitious here, george. everybody, we're going to be on tv this morning because you're standing out in the rain. start with your hometown. >> oregon. >> virginia. >> texas. >> arkansas. >> new york. >> north carolina. >> texas. >> we'll finish after the break with everybody else. let's get to the boards. one or two things going on. we'll start with the low that's the reason we're standing in the rain in times square. it stays for a couple days. a little bit of rain. more than a little bit in some places. street flooding and strong winds on shore. the only thing you need to know about this map, it's a wind model. the arrows in purple or red, are 10-mile-per-hour to 40-mile-per-hour winds. they stay in the same direction for the next two days. there's a quick look at the big fall-like and cool, still seeing temperatures in the lower 70s to the upper 60s in most parts of the bay area, but lots of sunshine. come tonight, some patchy clouds visit us and those temperatures still chilly, especially in the north bay, 47 degrees in clover dale, 46 in santa rosa, 53 in san jose. here's my accuweather seven-day forecast. we do have a warm-up this weekend, and nice sunshine for the early part of next week. >> okay. we can do it. >> pensacola, florida. >> south dakota. >> green bay. >> arkansas. >> louisiana. >> let's get to lara. we did it. >> you did it, sam. amazing. we have an update. this just in -- >> alice monroe knows she won the nobel prize. congratulations, alice. >> glad she's watching. here's what's coming up on the "gma morning menu." why this mom says she goes more than a week without giving her 3-month-old a bath. what the experts say about it. and the fourth high school picked by none other than katy perry. it's our huge "roar" contest. the finalists are being announced. and "deals & steals." who doesn't need a new handbag, sam? "roar," all coming up live on "gma." one more time. >> roar. >> thank you. one more time. >> roar. >> thank you. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. new fast acting advil. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging high performance skincare™ only from roc®. the next day, we sprayed febreze air effects and led in real people. i'd say it was very pleasant. flowers everywhere. oh! [ chuckles ] febreze did a really great job. impressive. febreze air effects eliminates tough odors for good. and try febreze stick & refresh. designed to stick to eliminate odors anywhere. simply click, peel off the strip and attach to surfaces in your house. febreze stick & refresh, another way to breathe happy. abreva can heal a cold sore in as few as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. without it, the virus spreads from cell to cell. unlike other treatments, abreva penetrates deep to block the virus, to protect healthy cells so cold sores heal fast. as fast as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. ♪ learn more at don't tough it out. knock it out! fast. [ female announcer ] only with abreva. we're back, now, with the story that's topping our "gma heat index." very groovy music. one mom has a confession that she only bathes her infant once every week or two. paula faris has the story. >> reporter: ah. the nightly bath for your baby. it's a time many parents look forward to. but 32-year-old mom, claire goff, is coming clean. sort of. confessing her 3-month-old, charlie, rarely sees his tub. >> i will confess i've bonn longer than a week. >> reporter: i met little charlie. and give him the sniff-a-radio. smell like a baby. the mother of three said the nightly baths were a nightly ru teen. five years and three kids later, she simply doesn't have the time. >> the daily bath. sometimes two baths a day. what i've realized after five years of parenting children is, he's not a dirty kid. he's a baby. >> reporter: and now, her blog post, do you need to bathe baby? has started a splish splash backlash. lazy people, says one reader. and eww, that's so gross. others agree. their skin would be dust if we did soap and water every day. how would you feel if you didn't shower for a week? >> i would feel gross because i'm an adult. i have hormones. but mothers know their babies. they have gut feelings about their babies. i would never presume to tell you how often to bathe your baby. >> reporter: she said it's not only a matter of convenience. it's a matter of health. >> my pediatrician told me that i was bathing my second one too frequently. >> reporter: too many trips to the tub can decrease your baby's natural bacteria count. and subsequently make your baby more susceptible to infections and rash. however, they do still advise that it's best to wash your baby at least three times a week. >> really, you want to wash your baby more than watching the lander when deciding to give a bath. >> reporter: for now, goss says she's okay with her nightly routine. in case she changed her mind, i had a little gift. >> i'll put it to good use. >> reporter: promise? in her blog, she cites the mayo clinic. they're suggesting you don't need to bathe the baby every day. just wipe down the important parts. her pediatrician is onboard. >> that's important. >> and i think every mom knows what's best for their child. >> use your best judgment. >> and wipe down his feet. >> thanks for reaching in. >> that would be a bad scene. >> you guys came so close. >> i know. >> had to go there. our favorite physicians and surgeons from seattle have been saving lives for 199 episodes. tonight's "grey's anatomy," love it, episode 200. we're going to talk to one of the stars, sandra oh, in a moment. and first, a walk down memory lane, with abc's chris connelly. >> reporter: through 199 episodes of "grey's anatomy," meredith grey and the doctors of seattle grace, have saved lives and epically pursued love. >> so, pick me. choose me. love me. >> reporter: meredith and mcdreamy. their m.d. heart, filling with romance. >> i believe we can be extraordinary together, rather than ordinary apart. >> reporter: passion, leading to their simple wedding on a post-it. >> this is our wedding, a post-it? >> uh-huh. would you sign that paper? >> reporter: amid all ardor, a few couples flat lined, as well. >> he's gone. take it off. take it off. >> reporter: dr. christina yang, left at the altar. the fiancee of dr. izzy, gone. >> and now, i lost him. >> reporter: it was a death shonda rhimes was the hardest of all. a few episodes sent vital signs soaring, like this post super bowl multiparter, with a crisis really was the bomb. as any greys fan will tell you, try to breathe for a moment and you can't. for "good morning america," chris connelly, abc news, los angeles. >> so many moments over the years. and we're excited to have one of "grey's anatomy" original six with us. do the honors, sam. sandra oh. >> good morning. >> were you speaking through the door again? >> nice to see you. >> congratulations. >> nice to meet you. >> how are you? i'm such a fan. >> come over here. right here. >> very good. >> there's the latte? >> we're looking at the retrospective. >> i was looking at that, as well. >> can't believe it's the 200th episode. this is quite a milestone. >> it's ten years. we're well into our tenth season. and you know, just reflecting on it. it's so rare in our industry that you are able to have a job that will last you this long. but for me, to be able to play a character for ten seasons is extraordinary. creatively, it's extraordinary. >> and have the core group stay together as you have. you came bearing gifts. we have a clip from tonight's episode. you're at a fund-raiser. and someone's giving you a hard time. >> let's take a look. >> that's your fifth one. >> who are you? my mom? glass of chardonnay. >> abc interactive. got him on the ropes. another zero added to the check. at the end of the night. >> that sounds wrong. >> this is a wild west. >> love your sass. one of the six original cast members. that's a rarity. >> yeah. we've had quite a bit of episodes in the beginning of this season. and i love that scene because it was a vintage christina/alex scene, where she's just full-on in her competitive arrogance. and he's like not really caring. >> it's dynamic. >> i wish i had a whisky soda for this question. how did you come to the decision to leave? >> well -- it's mostly a creative one. again, the rare opportunity of being able to fulfill and grow a character for ten seasons actually growing her, i swear, in real lifetime. and you see people going through relationships. her growth as a human being, as a friend. and there just comes a point, as an artist, where you feel like your work is done. and it's really that. >> you say a friend. shonda rhimes, somebody who has spoken of you, spoke of your audition as a big moment in her life. what has it been like, then, to work with somebody like shonda and come to this decision perhaps together? >> it's still ongoing. it's extremely emotional for both of us. every so often, we'll check in. and i'll go into her office and cry. about what, we don't know. and i'm eager to hear about her process. i'm really lucky to -- there's something about for me, at least for me, i'm connected to her through christina. and there are times -- mostly the times when we have not gotten along, where we clashed over stuff, that we learned over and over again. it happens after ten years. after you clash and clash, you know a third great thing is about to come out of it. >> that's trust. >> and we've hit that over and over again. >> as we say good-bye, we have this for you. >> thank you. >> the 200th episode of "grey's anatomy," tonight, 8:00 eastern. >> thank you. >> 9:00, 8:00 central, here on abc. >> i love it. what a week it's been for our katy perry "roar" contest. each day, new finalists. cooper high school, abilene, texas. they're finalist number four. take a look at what they did. >> two, three, and. >> reporter: from the band. to the carols in choir class. the students of cooper high school have voices that demand to be heard. ♪ you're going to hear me roar >> reporter: but when katy perry challenged them to roar, the teenagers in this west texas town, made the bold decision to shine their spotlight on the voiceless. >> we have people that are on the back burner that don't really have a voice. why don't we have them as the main characters in this? >> reporter: in less than a week, they came up with a story line. >> we got classes to write down something negative that you've been told. or something that you feel inside. >> reporter: the students held up signs and displayed every fear, every insecurity, like a badge of honor, with this hope. >> people should be nice. should be kind people. should say nice things. ♪ hear my voice >> reporter: she plays this girl sitting alone in the cafeteria. >> to be different. just going when everyone's the same. >> reporter: the video became a metaphor for cooper high, which is considered the underdog to the rival high school. >> people are trying to put our school in a box opinion and label us as something. and this video has blown that wide-open. >> reporter: and now, here we go. let it "roar." ♪ i guess that i forgot i had a choice ♪ ♪ i let you push me past the breaking point ♪ ♪ i stood for nothing so, i fell for everything ♪ ♪ you held me down but i got up ♪ ♪ already brushing off the dust ♪ ♪ you hear my voice you hear that sound ♪ ♪ like thunder gonna shake the ground ♪ ♪ you held me down but i got up ♪ ♪ get ready 'cause i've had enough ♪ ♪ i see it all i see it now ♪ ♪ i got the eye of the tiger ♪ ♪ a fighter dancing through the fire ♪ ♪ 'cause i am a champion and you're gonna hear me roar ♪ ♪ i got the eye of the tiger ♪ ♪ a fighter dancing through the fire ♪ >> joining us now, the videomakers, so great. congratulations, guys. fantastic videos. you have to tell us how you skam up with this idea. if you can hear me. all right, guys. quickly, tell us how you came up with this idea. >> we actually heard about it on "good morning america." and we were really excited about it. we decided to pull our school together and put it together. >> guys, we only have about 30 seconds left. i want you to take your moment and tell katy perry why you should win. >> because after this, the school is different. and we portrayed the video very well, in showing the weakness in people's -- that people have. and we would like to thank katy for giving us this opportunity to have a voice. and also, give a voice to those who are voiceless. >> and you made the most of it. congratulations. good morning. i'm kristen sze. the b.a.r.t. strike threat is looming large they are morning as the midnight deadline approaches on the 60-day cooling-off period set to expire. union members were upset after talks ended last night, claiming b.a.r.t. management withdrew its offer when they were close to a deal. the b.a.r.t. spokesman says they didn't withdraw any proposals, calling it a miscommunication with the mediator who's working with b.a.r.t. and its two unions. both sides say they will be back at the bargaining table this morning. commuters are back at it. let's get the latest on your traffic with leyla gulen. >> we have a crash in san francisco involving a motorcycle and it's cause major league jor delays in both directions right at 280. coming into the city it's going to be a bear. out of the city towards sfo, give yoous few extra minutes. we also have this accident southbound along 280 along the pence ha l.a. at sand hill road. it is blocking a lane. we see a little stop-and-go traffic coming away from 84. kristen? >> she'll be back with mid to upper level clouds. lots of sunshine. that will break up later today. our highs not going to be reach anything higher than the mid-70s, a lot of lower 60s as well. overnight lows, a chilly one. you can see 48 degrees at half moon bay and more cloud cover as you can see also my acc and good morning to you, america. you're looking at a preview from tonight's coming episode of "scandal." up in the jumbotron above times square. so many folks counting down to this tonight. and by so many folks, i mean the person next to me, one lara spencer. >> we're going to give a little sneak peek. let's catch up. last week, janeane was accused of having an affair. with the president. >> scandalous. >> let's look how olivia sets up these things. >> i'm going to the white house. clearing janeane's name means going after you. it's going to make it hard for you. >> she's an innocent kid. bring it. >> i won't hold back. >> you better not. >> you do not want to miss this one. you just don't. be sure to watch "scandal" tonight. everybody is watching this show on abc. >> my gosh. >> surprised you would watch that. i'm going to focus now because, sam, who doesn't need a new handbag as the fall season approaches? sam confirmed that earlier in the show. we're here for you. "deals & steals." tory johnson, incredible deals. everything $20 or less. only for you, our "gma" viewers. get ready to logon. >> you're looking live at diana nyad, right now. just minutes away from wrapping up her 48-hour swim to raise money for sandy victims. just a few blocks away, robin is on her way right now. >> 48 hours. >> i know. >> that's 48-straight hours. >> in that pool, people have been coming by, stopping by. always a crowd to give a shoutout of a little support. what a wonderful thing. >> and now our lara spencer. over here, you know, two multiplatinum megaaward winning record artists sojoining us. and kelly clarkson. first, welcome to you both. i was reading. impressive stats. you're going to be announcing the nominations. we have an announcement to make. but 19 times you've been nominated, combined. did you know that? do you count? >> i didn't know that. >> i didn't know that. >> that's a lot. that's hearing your name called. >> i feel like if you know that, you're kind of weird. >> leave that to us to tell you. will, i want to ask you. last time i saw you, you were on our roof, performing with miley cyrus. you collaborated with so many others. she's going to be performing at the amas. what do you imagine miley might do in her performance? she's been topping herself time and time again. >> "wrecking ball" was the first song after the performance we had an interview. and we talked about, you know, what really under the me on to miley cyrus. it was the song "wrecking ball." when i first heard it a year ago. i didn't know it was her. so, i can't wait for her performance. i wish her the best. and i hope she performs "wrecking ball." >> you heard it here. >> it's good. >> an anthem. i can hear you singing. >> it's beautiful. >> i want to catch up with what you're working on. congratulations on the -- on your love. your life. >> okay. >> and you decided not to do the big wedding. you're going to keep it small. >> we're doing it small. i just finished tour. yeah. we're doing it real small. >> and you finished tour with -- >> maroon 5. >> how was that? >> it was awesome. but i was ready for it to end so i could get married. >> that's next on the agenda. settling down? >> nope. we have a christmas record coming out. >> thank you for help me transition. >> we are not slowing down. >> this is your first christmas album. >> very first one. and it's my favorite thing i've done in my whole career. >> really? why? >> we did five originals for it and classics. we got an amazing musician. and we made it sound classic, even though it's new. all the new ones sound kind of classic. >> i love a good christmas album. will, i want to ask you about ecocycle, something important to you. clothing and accessories all recycled. >> it's made out of postconsumer items. this shirt is made out of water bottles. we collaborated with ecocycle beats headphones. and headphones made out of plastic bottles. these levi jeans made out of bottles. >> i think that's really cool. keep on working on that. and you, green mountain. talk to me about this collaboration you're working on. >> we went to -- they cook me to -- i didn't know much about fair trade. they kind of -- sorry. they kind of enlightened me on what fair trade meant. we're doing concert on green mountain's facebook page. i'll be talking about my trip. and how people get a good price for their products. and i got to meet all of the farmers. >> two tremendous artists giving back and giving us, right now. are you ready? it's time for you guys to give us our american music award nominations. >> okay. >> do we want you guys to go up to the podium? >> yes. >> and bring it. get on up there. this is a first, everybody. first time the ama nominees are being announced on "gma." >> okay. in the pop or rock music category, the favorite female artist nominees are -- pink. rihanna and taylor swift. >> in the r&b music category, the favorite male artists are, miguel, robin thicke, and justin timberlake. >> that's really tough. wow. and in the new artist of the year, presented by kohl's category, the nominees are florida georgia line. ariana grande. imagine dragons, my favorite. and macklemore and ryan lewis. and phillip phillips. >> and the single of the year category, the nominees are -- "cruise" by florida georgia line. "thrift shop," by macklemore and ryan lewis. and "blurred lines" by my home boy robin thicke, featuring pharrell and t.i. >> and the artist of the year category, the nominees are, i love them. macklemore and ryan lewis. bruno mars. rihanna. taylor swift. and justin timberlake. >> is that it? >> that's it. oh. what do i do? >> waiting for a special ovation. >> really live tv. let's recap. you're going to announce the rest of the nominees later in the morning. macklemore, ryan lewis, lead with three. they sang on our show this summer. one of the great tv moments. i know for all of the other anchors. they're up for best new artists. imagine dragons. >> i love imagine dragons. they're good, too. have you heard the album? >> they were on our show, too. we got to do the drums. taylor swift, she's wonderful. two awards so far. justin timberlake, two nods. robin thicke, who is having quite a year. rihanna, she gets two. and florida georgia line for new artist of the year. and they were on "gma" to announce the cma nominations. you guys did a great job. >> thank you. we nailed it until the end. >> absolutely flawless. >> we didn't know the end. >> i was getting ready to read your part. >> i know. >> would you do me a favorite? could you do that one right there? >> the american music awards produced by dick clark protections broadcast from l.a. sunday november 24th, at 8:00 p.m. on abc. for information about the awards and how to vote, go to on yahoo! >> good. now, to sam for the final check of the weather. >> should we need another anchor -- that was great. i don't know what was more exciting. to get the amas here live, or and kelly clarkson in the studio. wasn't that awesome? let's get to the boards -- >> he said your name. >> he did. let's get to the boards. does that give me cool or credit? >> not really, no. >> whatever i do -- take a look at palmdale. we'll show you what that looks like this morning. a rainy shot. folks in the west are happy to be getting that rain. it's been dry of late. and in comes the cool front and knocks down the temperatures. seattle stayed in the 50s. denver, you leave the 60s and get in the 50s. you needed the rain. you needed cool air. >> the folks back home. they're happy to have it. >> rain on the east co cool, fall-like and dry. our highs for today in the upper 60s to the lower 70s. 73 in vallejo, 75 in livermore. 72 in san jose. >> all that weather, all that weather was brought to you by abrief va. what's coming up? a reminder, you want to name the panda cubs. you can logon. there they are. the panda cam. on yahoo! >> yep. and coming up, we've got "deals & steals." you cannot start this season without a new handbag. and tory has the answer for less. >> $20. i am so excited to see that. also great, "deals & steals." bargains for 20 bucks. logon right now. they're going to go like hot cakes. >> you have to use the pro toe code. >> first up, this is a new bag. it comes like this. this teeny little thing. it's great for traveling. and it opens up to this big size. holds up to 50 pounds. comes in a variety of different colors. isn't that amazing? yes. lots of compartments. regularly $30. slashed in half, 15 bucks. >> vine street. these are made in los angeles. josh, you're tall. hold this up for me. >> very high? >> it's like a hobo. >> this one is a messenger style. this is vegan suede and sheep skin. a huge assortment to choose from. regularly, these start at $65. but gigantic savings. 71% off, 19 bucks. one of our favorite companies, thursday friday bags. little tote bags with amazing designs on them. this is making fun of all of the designer celebrity stuff. regularly starting at $25 to $65. these are slashed by 72%. starting at $7. this company's really cute. these are little -- it can be a coin purse in your bag. or has an initial. or has a chain that goes with it. normally $34. slashed by 53%. just $16. and last but not least. >> sam, i've got your stocking stuffer. >> before christmas is halloween. we've got all these amazing -- look how fun this is. >> i love that. >> so cute, with the little rhinestone crystals. you get to choose a black bag or an orange bag. >> i choose them both. they're filled with candy. >> when the kids are out at night. >> yes. >> it's going to be a reflector. >> it's cool. $10 for these. plus, free shipping. and bonus deals on "gma live!" >> you want to tune in. >> thank all of the company for providing the great deals. on yahoo! code, links, everything. when you come on back, robin with diana nyad. >> we're close, we're here. harold square. almost 48 hours ago, diana nyad got into this pool. she has been swimming ever since. the countdown is on. and it is a wild scene out here in the heart of new york city. she's had lara spencer, others swimming in the lane next to her. all this for those affected by superstorm sandy. and you can see, about 45 seconds left to go. you remember, just five weeks ago, diana nyad swam from cuba to key west, 110 miles. this is roughly 90 miles, that she has been in the pool. and oh, so close. there we go. ten. nine. eight. seven. six. five. four. three. two. one. she did it. wow. take your time. [ crowd chanting ] >> come on. we'll get you all warmed up. you did it. are you with me? this seemed easy because it's not the ocean. >> when you were walking out of the pool -- congratulations. >> thank you. >> you said this was the longest two days of your life? >> honestly, it was tougher than i ever imagined it to be. i thought, no jellyfish. no waves. no salt water. but it was -- >> going back and forth, back and forth, having to turn. >> this morning, it was really goofy. >> how can we tell, diana? but enjoy the moment. let's get you in here. we're going to have more with diana. she's been checked out by the doctor. she's all good to go. want to let her catch her breath. and we'll be right back. take your one year-since i received the itbest gift i will ever get... a life saving marrow transplant from my big sister, sallie-anne. and right now my first and only wish is simple. that you support the be the match marrow registry. if more people are on the registry, there will more people who can find a marrow match. you have the power to save a life peppejalapeños, bacon,shrooms, tomato and avocado. i call it, "the avocado da vinci". create your om'lart with denny's build your own omelette menu. this happened just moments ago, after 48 hours in the pool. diana nyad. came out of the pool. to benefit those affected by superstorm sandy. raising over $100,000. you can go on line to our website. and you, too, can be a part of this moment. you see that, diana? you're okay. look at your hands. oh, my goodness. >> yeah. >> that didn't happen when you were in the ocean. >> i was so surprised. i've never been this long in a pool. only 24 hours. i thought for sure. for every reason you can think on the scale, that the ocean would be much harder. this one was a bear. if you could have seen me 3:00, 4:00 this morning, i was talking about trying to find a way -- it was just a thin line that i made it to the end. >> you said, what we saw five weeks ago, cuba to key west, that was for you. this was for those all those affected by the superstorm sandy. >> it was. and you know, rather than making some big athletic record, my shoulders are bleeding, i'm feeli feeling gnashous. all of the workers and doctors. every person who got in the pool. and we were in there for 48 hours. and it was not one moment i was alone. i went over and hugged every one of them. and heard a little of their story. it was really. and it was a huge event. it was wonderfully successful. >> we're i search for the perfect blue... bi share as soon as i find it. because when you score a designer this amazing... for so much less. it's the best feeling ever. see the real deal. search hashtag maxxinista wait 'til you see the designers people are scoring. t.j.maxx. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, load up on your favorite coke products. 12 packs are $2.77 each. $16.99 for 150 ounced up on your favorite coke products. tide is $16.99 for 150 ounces. that's under 20 cents a load. and oikos greek yogurt is just a buck. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. i'm kristen sze. it's do or die time for the oakland a's as they host the detroit tigers at the coliseum tonight for a decisive fifth game in the division nal playoff series beginning at 5:07. leyla gulen has the traffic update and weather. >> midlevel clouds over san francisco marching towards the south. from the east bay, lots of sunshine. currently we'll be in the mid to lower 50s. forecast, with the warm-up coming this weekend, autumn warmth for next week. we have a major injury accident as we take you over the 85 almaden expressway. we have major injuries involved, a few vehicles there. northbound side with some backups. also we have this as well. southbound side of 280 at sand hill road with heavy announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, from the drama "grey's anatomy," sandra oh. and star of the series "bones," david boreanaz. plus, more of your questions and comments when we open kelly and michael's inbox. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] [cheers and applause] announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause]

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