Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130916 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130916

new york! >> and meet the new miss america. the woman who wowed the judges with her show stopping bollywood dance. takes the tiara in atlantic city overnight. she's here live, only on "gma." and good morning, america. so much going on as we start this week. right there, look at this. more extraordinary footage from the drone flying directly above the disaster zone in colorado. the rivers covering so many roads. houses, cars, entire neighborhoods. at least six dead. officials say that count could rise. >> the numbers are staggering. more than 17,000 homes damaged. and the desperate search set to resume today for the 1,253 we told you are still unaccounted for. dozens of helicopters grounded by the rain. even stranding some national guardsman on active rescues. >> let's get to the flood zone now. sam champion leads our team coverage from boulder. good morning, sam. >> good morning, you guys. we wanted to get as close as we could to the raging boulder creek here. let me just set the scene for you. we're at the foothills of the rockies. right at the base of the foot hills. all the water out of the mountains rushing right through here. it cuts right through boulder. the creek behind me, the one you can barely hear me over, usually is so calm and placid, about two feet deep that kids are playing in it this time of year. this is more than 800 cubic feet of water rushing through here per minute. it's incredible amount of water all because of the very heavy rains have been in the area for seven days. more than 18 inches of rain have fallen. yesterday, the water so high, so bad, so much rain and fog, they couldn't continue the helicopter rescues that are so necessary. there are hundreds of people missing here in boulder county and hundreds more missing in larimer county. >> god, it went through there. >> reporter: the devastation now stretches across 15 counties, an area twice the size of the state of rhode island, all under water. >> how can we ever recover from this? i know exactly. inch by inch. mile by mile. community by community. they're taking this stuff back. >> reporter: from the air, you can see overflowing rivers that were once roads or creeks, swallowing highways. >> a lot of sections of roadway along highway 36 are completely gone. >> reporter: drowning houses in water, rocks, and soil. in boulder, this office building split in half by a mudslide. and everywhere, neighborhoods in ruin. homes lifted by raging waters and flung into each other. the state now estimates as many as 19,000 homes and businesses have been damaged or destroyed. >> my greatest fear when we moved here was fire. i never thought this river would do this. >> reporter: the flooding so treacherous, it stranded members of the colorado national guard as they attempted to rescue the residents of lyons. in longmont, families got to go home saturday only to be told to evacuate again late sunday. as the waters continued to rise. this morning, we're learning more about those who died. 19-year-old wesley and his girlfriend were on their way to a birthday party with friends when they were caught in a mudslide near boulder. water, rocks, and mud suddenly surrounding them. at this hour, thousands are still stranded. homes unrecognizable. the forecast is for more devastating rain on the way. this is some of the roughest water i have seen in flood situations. that right behind me is still pulling this bank away. we're tethered in. we're safe. let me show you how much water is yet to fall. the good news here, we're still looking at less rain that we had in the last few days than we had the past few days. the flooding will slowly taper off but it will take about seven to ten days. covering this all week long has been our zinger zee. unusual ways to get pictures of where people are trapped in homes. ginger is in longmont. what's up? >> reporter: sam, i'm standing near one of those neighborhoods evic waited again. look behind me. there's a golf course that's covered in water. but i'm not standing in the water because they're worried about sinkholes. i'm standing next to the technology that is letting us get up close and personal with this disaster. from only a few feet above the flooding, you can see how the rising waters have wiped out homes and swallowed streets. striking images, people standing, watching their homes wash away, all thanks to this. say hello to octavia. the eight-armed, 14-pound flying camera can provide stunning, hd video, as high as 400 feet and as low as just a few feet off the ground, much lower than a traditional helicopter. she's operated by two pilots and can carry a slew of different cameras depending on the job. plus, she's able to stabilize herself. >> stays stable side to side as well. that's the only way to get nice, stable, aerial footage. >> reporter: the word drone has inflamed plenty of controversy. but the type you see right here -- yes, you can catch me -- this has been meant for only good. to give us unbelievable images like these never seen before. >> this technology allows us to provide unique views of different things. perspective that has not been seen. >> reporter: perspective on a catastrophe we have not yet seen the end of. octavia has helped police look into homes to see if they're safe before they go back in. sam? >> again, as we said, the good news here is that this starts to dry out just a little bit. days and days from now, this water will recede. but, robin, we wanted to get right here. although there's a large area of flooding, this is the epicenter of where it's happening. young people trapped in the suv were trapped right up the creek from us. robin? >> we'll talk about that. glad that you're tethered there, sam. stay safe. we're hearing so many incredible stories of life-saving rescues like the large group of schoolchildren rescued. stranded after the raging waters washed out their camp site. they had to be airlifted to safety. clayton sandell has their story. good morning, clayton. >> reporter: good morning, robin. that's right. these kids and their chaperones suddenly trapped in the mountains. scary for the kids but also for their parents, cut off from their children at the worst possible moment. a terrifying education in natural disasters. 85 fifth graders and 14 adults from fireside elementary in louisville, colorado, were in the mountains on a school trip when the downpours kicked in. >> everything was flooding. the trails were turning into rivers. >> a lot of people were like, i really want to go home. >> reporter: the rain so heavy, the road to camp was swept away. >> they said we have enough food, we have enough water, and we are okay, but what they really meant was, we are stranded on a mountain with no way of getting out. >> reporter: the adults say the kids looked out for each other. >> it was kind of cool to see their friends rally around them. and be like, hey, talk to me. what is going on? i'm here for you. >> reporter: back in louisville, frantic parents were desperate for news. >> there wasn't a lot of information coming out. which was the hardest part. >> reporter: finally after three stormy days, national guard helicopters were able to land, flying the kids to safety. and to emotional reunions like this one, when bonnie's daughter mikayla came home. >> she got off the bus and i grabbed her. >> and the second bus. and a third bus, and she came off on the fourth bus, and i've just never been so happy. >> reporter: this morning, all the adults fine and safe. and today, thousands of kids across the flood zone will be staying home. the schools are closed. rob robin? >> thank you, now to the other stories that are developing including the situation in washington, d.c. josh? >> that's right, that's where we'll begin, the shoaling at the navy ward in southeast washington. a massive complex that houses thousands of employees. police leave the shooter is on the loose inside the base which is locked down. pierre thomas is watching this. what can you tell us right now? >> here's what we have so far. i emphasize it's a fluid situation. at least five people have been shot, including a police officer. police are told to engage the shooter. they're trying to bring this person down. they're trying to neutralize him. this is being done at the highest levels. we have knick at the scene. d.c. police and also navy law enforcement officials as well. >> pierre, we're told the president has been briefed here? >> yes. we just got information from the white house that the president is being made aware, given updates on the situation. very fluid you, very dangerous situation. >> as mentioned we'll have updates all morning long. pierre, thank you for that. we've been told because of investigation, there's a ground stop of nearby airport. not allowed to take off. flights are allowed to land. we have all of the information we have as it becomes available. now the daring operations of the likes off italy. engineers right now are trying to pull the ocean liner "costa concordia" upright. you see it here, freeing the hull from the sea floor by using 48 hydraulic jacks and cables. the ship has been in the water since it capitalized about a year and a half ago. 32 people were killed in that capsizing. bad weather delayed the start of the operation today. once under way crews have successfully detached the ship from the reef upon which it was stuck, a very dell cant and dangerous process because the stress could have snapped that hull apart. engineers have a long way to go. it could take ten hours before the ship can be rotated to 65 degrees. only then will the mission be considered a success. and a fire broke out aboard a nuclear submarine in eastern russia. that sub had been undergoing repairs. you see the photographs. no radiation leaks thus far. and two men were found alive after drifting at sea offer the coast of florida for eight days. you see them clinging to their capsized boat in the bahamas. thankfully both men are okay. and a dramatic scene as a historic church went up in flames. you see it here, the spire of a church in poland collapsed and crashed to the street. no one was hurt and no word what started that fire. and finally here's another reason not to underestimate the honesty of others. a homeless man flagged down police to tell them he found a backpack. here's what he found. $42,000 along with passports and travelers checks. he didn't touch the money. the it bonged to a man visiting from china. thankfully. and travelers checks still being used as well. josh. we'll get the latest from the crisis in syria and this week's potentially ground-breaking deal eliminated sizeable weapons. the president was cautiously optimistic in my interview yesterday. he's taking heat from critics. jon karl is tracking it all from the white house. >> reporter: intense negotiations with the russians, john kerry accomplished a big first step. getting them to agree that syria must give a comprehensive accounting of all its chemical weapons within one week. this spite the tentative deal this morning, the president is still under fire from critics on all sides for how he's handled the crisis. in an exclusive interview with george on "this week," president obama says he's made clear progress, though he hasn't gotten support for military force. >> what i have said consistently throughout is that the chemical weapons issue is a problem. i want that problem dealt with. that's my goal. and if that goal is achieved, then it sounds to me like we did something right. >> reporter: many in congress says the president has struck a bad deal. it requires too much trust of the russians. >> we're depending on the goodwill of the russian people if bashar assad follows it. >> this is a russian plan for russian interests. >> reporter: george put the question of russia's role directly to the president. >> do you trust he has the same goal? do you really trust that? >> i don't think mr. putin has the same values that we do. i thing, obviously, by protecting mr. assad, he has a different attitude about the assad regime. >> reporter: this morning, the u.n. is preparing to release its long-awaited report on that gruesome chemical weapons attack last month. it's a report that won't assign blame but the white house will make clear who was responsible, the assad government. >> the president focusing on the economy today. markets surging on news that his top pick for federal reserve chair, larry summers, is actually dropping out. >> this is quite a story. this is the biggest economic decision the president will make in his second term. by all accounts, he wanted larry summers to be his fed chairman. he had opposition from liberals from his own base, who thought summers was too close to wall street and he was forced to withdraw. >> okay, jon karl, thanks very much. >> now to a tragic police shooting in north carolina. a police officer charged with opening fire and killing an unarmed former college football player in the middle of the night. the young man was simply looking for help from a home owner after he crashed his car nearby. abc's steve osunsami has that story. >> reporter: this morning, even charlotte police are saying the young black man shot to death by one of their officers early in the morning may have simply been knocking on doors in this subdivision asking for help. >> to hear that happen, it is just crazy. >> reporter: jonathan ferrell was just 24 years old. and a former safety for florida a&m. police say he had just crashed his car a half mile away. the wreck so severe, he had to crawl out the back window. >> this is never something easy. >> reporter: this is charlotte police chief rodney monroe. explaining it was 2:30 saturday morning. and ferrell was knocking loudly on the door of a frightened young woman. >> she immediately closed the door, hit her panic alarm, called 911. as the officers approached him, just to determine what is going on, he immediately takes offer and runs toward a particular officer. >> reporter: in the report, police say they tried to use a taser to stop ferrell. they haven't explained if it jammed or didn't work. they day say officer randall carrick shot the 24-year-old several times. police now determined the shooting was excessive and that carrick did not have a lawful right to discharge his weapon. they charged him with voluntary manslaughter. his boss says he's devastated. this morning, those closest to the 24-year-old say they're devastated, too. >> here's a young man, always kind of doing the right thing. all of a sudden, his life is cut short. because someone was a little overzealous. >> reporter: for "good morning america," steve osunsami, abc news, atlanta. >> we're thinking of that young man's family this morning. lara, you don't look it. a long night you had. >> very long night and a really wonderful night, robin. it was indeed. now to the new miss america, crowned in atlantic city last night. and a winner who made history. returning to atlantic city's famed boardwalk where it all started, sunday's miss america pageant was a first for the 93-year-old competition. >> new york! >> reporter: nina davuluri, the first woman of indian heritage was chosen from more than 53 contestants after performing a bollywood fusion dance. the 24-year-old follows in the footsteps of last year's winner mallory hagan, who was also miss new york. davuluri came into the pageant under a cloud of controversy. after allegations, she was recorded insulting hagan's weight in july. davuluri, who battled bulimia and was once 60 pounds heavier, denied making the comments, but apologized to hagan saying her supporters had offensive things. the pageant said it investigated and found no wrongdoing. ♪ >> reporter: other firsts, miss florida, miranda jones, who tore ligaments in her knee while rehearsing on thursday. she may be the first woman to perform in a bejeweled leg brace pulling off a baton routine that put her in the top five. and in a personal thrilling first, i made my debut as the co-host of miss america, pulling off not one but two costume changes. it was a magical night. please excuse the hoarseness. it was a large crowd. very excited. and we will speak with the new miss america live right here on "good morning america" in our next hour. >> you're always our miss america. you were great last night. thank you, thank you, thank you. back to sam who is covering the devastation in colorado. good morning again, sam. >> good morning, everybody. there's just light rain here in colorado in general in the boulder area. we've got this rushing water behind us. and we showed you that at the top of the show. let's get to the rest of the nation's weather. we have nine states with frost and freeze advisory, from minnesota to new york, temperatures dropping to the 20s and 30s. take a look at those temperatures yesterday. as far south as south carolina. and that is yesterday and today, which is light rain across the state of colorado, there will be heavy rain just east of that. that's where the heavy rain is moving. >> much more from sam ahead. also coming up on "gma," the extraordinary wedding video revealed in the case of that newlywed arrested for pushing her husband off a cliff. and the incredible video of a tiger shark being reeled in. why it's sparking global outrage right now. and an astonishing hiker story of plunging and how he got out alive. alive. what can i get you? i'll have that one. 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine jo"give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help children with life threatening medical conditions. stop by walmart this saturday, take a minute to learn about straight talk wireless, and we'll donate up to one million dollars. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. good morning. i'm eric thomas. b.a.r.t. and it's two biggest unions selt to get back to the bargaining table. the 60-days ends in about six weeks. both are for apart and officials warn another strike is likely. b.a.r.t. is offering union members 10% raise over four years and unions want 20% raise over three years. last year a b.a.r.t. negotiator said they might begin training managers to keep trains rolling if workers go on strike again. let's see how the monday morning commute is going with leyla gulen. we have a brand new crash in san jose, but first go to highway 24 where we still have one door open there. the caldecott tunnel power outage is leaving us with bumper-to-bumper traffic going away from walnut creek. that's causing quite the commute. 680 completely stalled out. we have this accident northbound 280 right at 101 blocking three lanes, eric. leyla, thank you very much it's halloween time and disneyland is ours! going down! boo! with haunted mansion holiday... space mountain ghost galaxy, and wicked fun in both parks, the disneyland resort just got spookier! visit trick or treat. welcome back. tracking visibility. some fog with live doppler 7. look at that mile in nevada. that's about nearly an hour and five minutes. as far as temperature, mainly upper 50s to low 60s. a few low to mid-50s up in the north bay. check out this beautiful picture from emeryville. we'll throw today's temperature it would run on the most affordable energy source available. it would charge overnight. every morning, you'd wake up with a full tank, ready to go. if the car was invented today, it would be the 100% electric nissan leaf. with over 200 million gas-free miles driven and automatic hov lane access, the question isn't "why electric?" it's "why gas?" [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites. now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ embrace the season.. warm up your home with fall's finest. share all of your favorite t.j. finds... at a price worth posting. see the real deal. search hashtag maxxinista and see the brands people are scoring. t.j.maxx. you guys, if i don't make it out, i love you. i'm not kidding. this is no joke. hiking glacier national park. he fell 40 feet, making ike he back. that is from ted porter. that video to his parents. he thought he was saying good-bye. he survived. he made his way out. we have the story. >> amazing. we're going to show you a video of a tiger shark being reeled in. the pictures that you're seeing have sparked a lot of anger. that is not your average shark. she's been adopted by the people who live near her in the harbor in hawaii. >> a lot of outrage. >> absolutely so. paula deen, a cheerful return for her. what she said in her first public appearance since her big apology. why she says this is not a comeback. and then also, time for a new season of "dancing with the stars." the sizzling new cast hitting the dance floor for the first time tonight. but before they do, we're headed behind the scenes for the frantic last-minute rehearsals. >> a lot of talent in the cast. all that coming up. we begin with a bizarre twist in the case of the montana newlywed arrested for killing her husband on their honeymoon. ♪ everyone has a reason >> reporter: that's jordan graham and her new husband enjoying their first dance. eight days before she allegedly pushed him off a cliff face first. you might be tempted to watch them for any sign of trouble, any hint of what is to come. instead, listen to a song written just for them. ♪ everyone wants a safe place to fall and you're mine ♪ >> reporter: the song called "you're mine" was written and performed by independent songwriter elizabeth shea. here's another lyric that seems oddly prophetic. ♪ you help me to climb higher for a better view ♪ >> reporter: this morning, the 22-year-old murder suspect remains free. she's in that car arriving at her parents' home friday. graham is under house arrest after a judge ruled she's not a flight risk or a danger to herself or anyone else. >> we're happy with the outcome, yeah, i'm pleased with the result. >> reporter: in court, her attorney argued that she pushed her new husband by accident. the fbi says the newlywed admitted it was no accident. in court documents a federal agent writes graham stated she could have just walked away, but due to her anger, she pushed johnson with both hands in the back. and as a result, he fell face first off the cliff. graham has not yet entered a plea. ♪ everyone wants a safe place to fall ♪ >> reporter: this morning, it's this tune that has everyone talking. for "good morning america," ryan owens, abc news, dallas. >> and our thanks to ryan. now to the outrage over the apparent mistreatment of a beloved shark. sharks generally don't get a lot of sympathy. this one is so tame that locals had adopted it and given it the name laverne. >> reporter: watch as this man struggles to reel in this huge tiger shark with a giant rope and hook. >> watch out, watch out, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. hold on. >> reporter: you can hear the excitement as he and his friends bring their prey into shore in this hawaiian harbor. >> oh, you're crazy. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: the youtube video posted was called live action with a big shark. >> big tiger. >> reporter: but this morning, locals say that the shark was a regular in the bay and they had given the name laverne, are horrified. >> i was disgusted. >> reporter: matt works nearby. he pressed the record button as soon as he saw the group baiting the shark. >> the reason i started shooting video was i was hoping to catch them doing something illegal. >> reporter: what may be technically within the law would be unthinkable to most hawaiians. >> this is not what we want people to think of hawaiians and people that live in hawaii. this is not how we treat our sharks here. >> reporter: environmental iist recently posted a video on her facebook page to raise awareness. >> this is a friendly shark. people took advantage of this. >> reporter: she says she's now seeing a wave of outrage about what happened. on youtube, one person writing, i hope someone finds you and feeds you to the sharks. this morning, those who live near the bay and loved the shark said even if the men didn't break the law, they hope they and others will learn a lesson. we attempted to reach out to the man who posted the video. we haven't heard back from him. officials in hawaii say what was shown in the video, was indeed legal, since there were no signs prohibiting fishing. most people saying that wasn't fishing. >> locals outraged because they take pride in their heritage. thank you. and now the story out of glacier national park. a survival story. a california man fell into a 40-foot crevasse, breaking his back, but made it out alive. abc's john mull mule /* has all the details. >> reporter: it's a haunting video as this injured, desperate man says good-bye to his family. >> you guys, if i don't make it out. i love you. i'm not kidding, this is no joke. >> reporter: after plunging 40 feet into a kcrevasse ted porte crushed his vertebra and fractured his back. this is an abc news special report. >> we do have breaking news to bring you. we want to pause for just a moment to the rest of the country can join us. >> and, good morning to all of you, to those of you just joining us, i'm josh elliott, we have news to bring you from washington, d.c., where, shortly after 8:30 this morning, there were reports of a shot fired at a washington navy yard, a massive complex under thousands of personnel working for the naval sea systems command. there are reports of many casualties. and several fatalities. for the very latest now, we turn to abc's pierre thomas there in washington, d.c. what can you tell us as of right now? >> josh, again, the situation is very dangerous. we're being given that at least ten people have been shot. and at least four people are dead. again, information is very fluid. at present. law enforcement. all over that scene, fbi, d.c. police, also u.s. capital police, they are trying to neutralize the shooter who are getting additional information. that is what we have at the moment, josh. >> you have mentioned earlier this is -- the highest levels have been involved here. the president has also been briefed? >> yes. the president of the united states has been briefed. he's getting regular updates. again, the highest levels of the fbi, department of homeland security all over the situation. again, they are being told to neutralize the shooter. to engage. not to wait for this thing to continue to unfold. >> pierre, i want to let you turn back to your sources. we'll be back with you in a moment. i want to bring abc's lisa stark at the scene in the washington navy yard in southeast washington. what can you tell us about what you're seeing? >> josh, you can see the whole area is cordoned off here. there are blarnss, fire engines, we have a parked helicopter circling overhead. we're hoping they give us information momentarily. the building is a block or so down from us. about 3,000 people work in that building, they were originally told to shelter in place, then they attempted to start evacuating people room by room. we're not sure how far they've gotten on that. we also don't know if the shooter or shooters have been neutralized. it's a very fluid scene down there. josh. >> this happened during the morning rush hour. can you describe for us where this happened and the impacts that it's had? i know you reported there is a hold on all flights leaving nearby reagan national. >> reagan national. just across the river from where we are. we believe that hold has now been lifted but for a time, they did stop all flights taking off from reagan national airport. there was a grid lock in this area, as they closed off bridges, the streets. national stadium is near here. of course no ball game going on right now. this is a very busy area. a lot of people come through here for the morning community and it did create a lot of havoc. >> inside that building at the washington navy yard where lisa stark is. we confirmed four people have been killed in the shooting. as many as ten wounded. i want to bring pierre thomas. there are reports there may be more than one shooter involved. what can you tell us? >> that's not been confirmed by us. there are reports that we're continuing to talk with law enforcement sources. the information we had was there was a lone gunman, armed with an assault style legal. long gun of some sort with possibly a side arm, a handgun. again that's the information. one person with an assault style rifle as we saw in places like newtown, can do a lot of damage, josh. >> again, pierre, i want to ask as well, the shooter. reports he's been neutralized inside the building. what can you tell bus that? >> josh, again, we have, from at least a couple of law enforcement sources, not officially confirmed but the shooter may have been neutralized again. this situation is extremely fluid. you have multiple eye witness accounts. law enforcement officials are now being briefed to give us an update. we should have that briefly, josh. >> you see the scene chaotic outside the navy yard. people all working for the naval sea systems command. a report, shooting there just before 8:30 this morning. four confirmed fatalities, as many as ten wounded. we'll have updates through the day. we'll return you to your regular programming in some parts of the country on "good morning america." again there will be a complete wrapup with diane sawyer on "world news." you can get the latest at i'm josh elliott in new york. have a good day. >> this has been a special report from abc news. making it hard to breathe, h copd i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. 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[ male announcer ] get $100 in instant savings when you order digital life smart security. limited availability in select markets. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm watching you tonight. ♪ it's in those blue eyes. ♪ sweet surprise. ♪ that everything feels right. ♪ tonight. ♪ oooooooo. right then, he's " right then, here's "the play of the day." >> welcome, all. i hope you all had a great weekend. you know who had themselves a great last week? >> who? >> a lovely couple by the name of robin and ashley. they thought they would just be going for a run-of-the-mill jump from an airplane, which, by the way, is not at all run of the mill. robin, the fella, has something else in mind. and in midair -- >> oh, no. >> -- robin had written some things on his sleeves he thought he would share with his girlfriend. >> how do you have time to do that? ♪ if we wake up and you want to break up ♪ >> they're so calm. >> like i'm not looking at your sleeves. >> on his sleeves, he had written, ashley, i love you. will you marry me? >> oh. >> aw. >> and if you're wondering what about the ring, because that would be -- both very understandable and very unfortunate if the ring got away, it was secured before he placed it on her finger. she said yes. but i'm going to guess, after she got down, the yes was better. >> pull the cord! >> please, pull the cord. >> they did. they're getting married. lara, you are a gamer being here. late night. but the fruits of all labors. miss america live. go nowhere. ♪ the only thing we have to fear is... fear itself. ♪ ♪ at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." now through october 14th, when you get any immunization at walgreens, we'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the u.n. foundation's shot at life campaign. together, we can supply up to three million vaccines. it's easy to make a difference at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. simply get a shot. and give a shot. how'd you d9 out of 10.iz today? 9 out of ten? that's great. ♪ nothing says, "i'm happy to see you too," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone. i love these shoes. but when they start hurting, i have to take them off. until i found dr. scholl's for her. they support and cushion my feet all day. this is happiness - happy feet. so, i've got energy and style all day. dr. scholl's for her . for heels and flats. i'm a believer. jo"give a minute. help make-a-wish" event, and help children with life threatening medical conditions. stop by walmart this saturday, take a minute to learn about straight talk wireless, and we'll donate up to one million dollars. straight talk wireless. same phones. same networks. half the cost. available only at walmart. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her, she's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with her all day to see how it goes. [ claira ] after the deliveries, i was okay. now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. more pills? seriously? seriously. [ groans ] all these stops to take more pills can be a pain. can i get my aleve back? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. good morning. i'm kristen sze. a man is in custody this morning after leading police on a chase from san le an dro to oakland. police say they were pulling over the driver at 100th avenue late last night when he sped away. the driver made it to 98th avenue in oakland before hitting another car, injuring a woman and crashing into a building. check on your forecast now with meteorologist mike nicco. mike. thank you very much. good morning everybody. total sunshine, even out to the coast this afternoon. temperatures still a little below average thanks to a strong sea breeze. 70s elsewhere until you get to the north bay and east bay. some 80s there. accuweather seven-day forecast, coolest tomorrow. leyla. all right. we have an update on the caldecott tunnel. all lanes open both in the westbound direction. that's going to cause a little relief in your commute, however the damage is done. bumper-to-bumper traffic coming [ female announcer ] safeway presents real big deals of the week. or how to get great deals the easy way. you do enough flying around. that's why we give you real big club card deals. this week, a super low price on breakfast. honey bunches of oats is only $1.88 a box. arrowhead water is just $3.33 a case. make it a triple scoop. dreyer's ice cream is just $2.88. real big deals this week and every week. only at safeway. ingredients for life. ♪ good morning, america. we're kicking off the party in times square this monday. with unprecedented behind the scenes access to "dancing with the stars." >> good morning, america. >> we're hours away -- >> from dancing in the ballroom. >> right here. check it out. >> before tonight's premier. >> good morning, america. >> who is ready to dance? plus, meet the new miss america. she's here live and exclusively. >> miss new york! we're just 24 hours from our huge live event with britney spears. and wait until you see what the star is revealing this morning. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] right out there in times square. and listen right now to the brand-new single by britney spears out overnight. that's all ahead of a huge announcement right here tomorrow. our special live event. britney spears only on "gma" tuesday morning. >> cannot wait. sam will be there for that. and he's right now in colorado and smack dab in the middle of the flood zone. he's leading our special coverage. great to have you there, sam, ginger zee, clayton sandell. and just, we see those roaring waters behind you. it catches us every time. also, linda ronstadt will join us live. she's just revealed she has parkinson's disease. we'll find out how she's doing. >> looking forward to that interview. that's for sure. what a night in atlantic city. lara took us on the road to miss america before co-hosting the event that would see the new miss america crowned. and we do have a new miss america. there she is. miss new york. nina davuluri joining us live in just moments. >> she is a lovely, smart young woman. i am thrilled to talk to her coming up. >> are you channeling by having a wardrobe change like you did last night a few times? >> i did. you know, now that that happened, and i successfully pulled it off, i'll be doing it regularly. no, i spilled coffee. that happens when you have no sleep. i might have spilled in a commercial break. we're so excited for a new series. kicking off this morning. it's called "gma's" guess who is coming to breakfast. we each got to invite anyone we wanted. and my guest, she's upstairs. she's getting ready. i'm looking forward to talking to her. that's my dressing room. >> oh! >> oh, no. get -- get out. get out of my dressing room. this was the concern about this guest. this guest is a loose cannon. but i do love her so. and -- no, no -- not my hair products. not my hair products. stay away from the -- oh, boy, this could be a problem. >> cannot wait. first let's get news from josh. all right, george. we have more on the breaks news in washington, d.c., a mass shooting at the u.s. navy yard. at least four people have been killed including two police officers. ten people have been wounded. new details are just coming in as police try to neutralize the suspect. it's a very fluid situation to discuss it more. abc's pierre thomas joins us now. pierre, what do we know at this point? >> josh, again, the information we have right now is a lone shooter went on that navy complex, armed with a long rifle, likely an assault-style rifle. the description interethat we h from police, a black male, dressed in black, thin and balding. the law enforcement officials are attempting to neutralize the suspect. again, ten people shot. at least four people dead. >> pierre thomas in washington, d.c. thank you for that. we also want to turn to abc's lisa stark who is there at the navy yard in southeast washington, d.c. home workplace to some 3,000 people. lisa, what's the scene there like right now? >> it's a very tense scene down here, josh. they still consider it an active shooter scene. they have a whole area blocked off as you can see behind me. 3,000 people working in that building. they were told to shelter place. and we're also told that six schools in this area are now on lockdown. also the department of transportation right here with thousands of people. everyone waiting to see if they can find the shooter and bring this to an end. >> josh. >> this is ongoing at this point, lisa. what is the status of the hold at nearby reagan national airport? >> for a time there was a ground hold at reagan. they stopped the flights from actually taking off from that airport. we're told flights are now leaving that airport. the airport is reopened. >> lisa stark on the scene at u.s. navy yard. we appreciate it. >> to recap at least four people killed and ten wounded at the u.s. navy yard in washington, d.c. we'll bring you new details as they become available. please keep it here on abc throughout the day. that's a quick look at the news. guys? how are you doing, lara? i'm good, i'm great. i have a great time in miss america. this could would be a very interesting "pop news" this morning. we begin with this. does ben affleck have a sidekick in justin bieber? that is the buzz burning up the internet. the biebs posted this on the internet on instagram. he hash tagged it, robin. many fans of batman up in arms making it clear. they're not interested in him playing boy wonder. one even tweeting -- the only things that can defeat superman are kryptonite, magic, and putting ben affleck and justin bieber in this movie. >> we'll see. the reward. go for it. >> high risk, high reward. that's my motto, george. a long time coming for actor bob newhart. can you believe he's never won an emmy? >> hard to believe. the 84-year-old acting legend finally did, though. he took home his first emmy award for a guest-starring role on "the big bang theory." >> oh, that was good. i saw that episode. >> he got a standing "o" from the crowd at the ceremony. his incredible career spans over five decades. he said in his speech, this is my seventh shot at this. >> let's give him a lifetime achievement on top of it. >> exactly. >> that is hard to believe. >> i want him on the show asap. love him. >> maybe we'll bring him to breakfast. i can't wait for you to meet my guest. and finally, the latest trend in canine couture. josh, hang in there for this one. hair extensions for your pooch. yeah. it's happening. they cost about $25. they're colorful attachments made of feathers. all kinds of options available. i like that one. zebra, multicolors, you name it. they're called poochie plumes. they're not for everyone, though. the fur must be at least two centimeters long for it to work. >> about an inch. >> thank you. they can be left in for six weeks at a time. no dogs were injured because there is no glue. >> the dogs are doing everything they can to get rid of that. >> no, the dogs are all smiling. they love their -- they love them. >> they love their hair extensions. they love them. seriously, right. right before you put them in fur coats and slippers. >> that is "pop news." let's get back to sam in boulder, colorado. good morning, george. the water continues to roar, eroding the banks here. we are pretty good in our position. we have a rock wall around us. we wanted to get as close as we could to show you incredible pictures coming out of this area in colorado. let's go straight to the midwest and plains. it's been chilly but you're about to get a warm-up. you can see some temperatures get back into the 80s. mean while into the northwest. lightning strikes a few blocks away from century field last night sure did delay the game. as the strong front comes through. that's a strong line of storms. you can expect showers and rain and gusty winds during the day today. that breaks your hot, dry streak by the way. and we are live in boulder, colorado this morning. "good morning america" has full team coverage of this area. our zinger zee is in longmont colorado, as well. lara. >> good morning, doing a great job out there. here's a look at what is coming up on "gma" "morning menu." superstar wedding. basketball great, and singer john legend both tying the knot over the weekend. we have all of the details. not to each other. but both beautiful affairs. we'll tell you about those. then let's meet the new miss america, shall we? there she is live. we'll talk to her. i met her last night. you will meet her this morning and exclusive behind the scenes access to "dancing with the stars" before tonight's big dance, all of that and so much more live on "good morning america". ♪ (announcer) answer the call of the grill with new friskies grillers, full of meaty tenders and crunchy bites. your life is a game of chance. chronic migraine, but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. ♪ ♪ ♪ we're gonna stop beating ourselves up about our weight. we're not gonna give up what we love. it's not gonna happen. and when the pounds still come off... we'll be like, "whoa!" one night we'll even eat a cupcake like it's our job. just not the entire cake. that's part of the weight watchers plan. we're gonna feel happy... healthy... and good. really good. weight watchers. because we understand. because we've been there. because it works. join for free. offer ends october 19th. she took an early spring break thanks to her double miles from the capital one venture card. now what was mrs. davis teaching? spelling. that's not a subject, right? i mean, spell check. that's a program. algebra. okay. persons a and b are flying to the bahamas. how fast will they get there? don't you need distance, rate and... no, all it takes is double miles. [ all ] whoa. yeah. [ male announcer ] get away fast with unlimited double miles from the capital one venture card. you're the world's best teacher. this is so unexpected. what's in your wallet? with a fresher bum. can i talk to you about... bums? your nerves kick in, you've got to go. is toilet paper enough? no you want that. and you want that in every port-a-let. you need the dream team. combo! imagine how great it would feel on your bum. mmmm... yeah that's the face, isn't it? mmmmmm... [ cherry ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine. so let's talk about your bum on facebook. off to my next destination. ♪ hey baby, i think i want to marry you ♪ look at all those umbrellas out in times square this morning. we have a lot of smiles as well. inside, time for the "gma" heat index. hottest stories trending right now. including celebrity weddings and a brand-new song from britney spears. larry hackett is here with us. editor of "people" magazine. welcome back. let's start out, lebron. big wedding in san diego this weekend. >> they have two kids together, an 8-year-old and 5-year-old. he married his high school sweetheart. he decided to put a ring on it. it was a three-day celebration. began on friday, a barbecue. the wedding on saturday, a brunch on sunday. a good time was had by all. >> they have been together a long time. he said he was really nervous. >> he was. when he asked her, he was very, very nervous. they've been together since high school. for a guy who has a couple of championships under his belt, you wouldn't think this would make him sweat. now we know a little bit about savannah, don't we? >> yes, we do. she is something else. they're really good together. and john legend. he was with his girlfriend for about seven years. >> foye ago long time. >> they got married? >> he married chrissy teigen. she was a swim suit model. she's a real pistol. he's mellow. she's out there. she had three different dresses on, all designed by vera wang. and it's a special wedding when -- >> what, wait. three different wedding dresses? >> come on, george, where you been? you wear that. there's the in between bit and the later bit. it all requires a new dress. >> a minimum of three. >> two great guys. >> speaking of lebron, we had a chance to meet him in los angeles. what a wonderful guy. and john legends. terrific. >> what a wedding when your husband gets to play "all of me" to you at the wedding. oh, yeah, and stevie wonder shows up. >> and all in como, not too bad either. "man versus food" star adam richman, friend of the show, a great guy. makes his living traveling and eating just a lot of food. he lost 60 pounds. >> he lost 60 pounds. this show is very interesting. i can't turn away from it. i always watched it and thought, there is something upsetting in the world that we live in where a guy eats for sport. he's off the show. he's shed 60 pounds. he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror and made the change. he's on the salmon, lentil, salad diet. >> he looks great. >> no more five pounds of pizza dough. >> we used to see him often on the other -- >> the dearly departed "gaa," the emmy-award winner. >> you couldn't be surprised he put on the weight when you saw the things he was shoving in his mouth. >> great guy, congratulations to him. quite inspirational. let's talk about britney, briefly. she'll be here tomorrow live. sam will be handling that amazing thing. she's got a new single out. we're going to call it work "b." >> you don't mean like worker bee. >> no. >> i don't mean worker bee like, buzz buzz. i mean, work, "b." it leaked online this weekend. we have a little clip of that. >> how does that happen? >> oh, my god, how does that happen? ♪ here comes ♪ >> that version is -- >> this is the new -- this has been slightly scrubbed. it's the thing. we have seen three major, major releases get leaked, and i say it in quotes. >> i'm shocked, shocked this got leaked. >> this is the new way to do it. >> and here we are on a monday morning talking about it. >> it's so weird how that happened. it became available on itunes. they had to push up the release. darn it. what do you make of it all? >> the leaking is something that goes on right now. it goes a lot of attention. it's part of the prerelease plan for music these days. we'll see how the song does. it has the dance beat. i haven't been in a nightclub at 2:00 in the morning in a long time. i can imagine being there when that is playing. >> britney will be here tomorrow with a big announcement. larry, thank you. >> thanks, guys. also trending really high on the "gma heat index" this morning, and everywhere online, what a night at the miss america pageant. hence the hoarse voice. there she is. miss new york. nina davuluri being crowned the new miss america. we're so thrilled to have her with us here live. from atlantic city this morning. nina, congratulations. have you slept? >> thank you so much. it's been an amazing opportunity, an incredible experience. i'm so excited because this organization is about scholarship and service. i just won $50,000 to further my education. i graduated from the university of michigan and am applying for medical school. so i'm really honored and excited for this opportunity. >> did i read you want to follow in the footsteps of your father? >> i do. i'm not sure what i want to specialize in. my degree was in brain behavior and cognitive science. i'm kind of interested in psychiatry. i'm sure it will change once i'm exposed to different fields of medicine. >> nina, it was so fun being there watching you. and your parents. that moment was so precious to watch. what was it like for you? >> oh, my goodness, it's such an honor to promote, once again, the educational aspect of it. it's been a huge goal of mine. i have actually already -- i want to thank joseph for donating $10,000 towards our scholarship fund. and for me, being able to share my talent on the miss america stage. it was the first time bollywood has ever been performed on the miss america stage. it's an honor for myself and my family and the indian community as well. >> indeed. i think a lot of people saw you. that was the real turnaround moment where people said, okay, i think we have our winner. did you feel that way? >> i just remember performing my talent and halfway through, i just started crying because you know, it was such an incredible experience being on that miss america stage, performing on live television, on abc, knowing my friends and family were watching. it was so meaningful and powerful. >> not without controversy. a lot of buzz about comments that you allegedly made about the former miss america, also a miss new york. how is everything between you and mallory now? >> oh, my gosh. it was such an unfortunate situation. i never made those comments. i called mallory and apologized because it was the right thing to do. and we've worked it out. she's been an incredible resource in this journey. she has been a huge part of it. you can see from that video, i was hugging her and saying, mallory, mallory, i can't believe it. she was genuinely excited and happy. i'm so thankful to have her be a part of it. >> that's good. i think a lot of people are happy to hear that everything is fine. and you did a beautiful, beautiful job. we wish you nothing but the best in your reign as the new miss america. do you like the sound of that? >> i can't believe it still. >> well, believe it. it is going to be a busy, busy year for you. and everybody, nina will be on "live with kelly & michael" on tuesday, and then it begins, my friend. so enjoy every minute of it. >> thank you. >> nuclear. next up on ""gma" heat index," time to go back to the ballroom. the new season of "dancing with the stars" premiers tonight. melissa rycroft behind the scenes with the final rehearsals. the first look at the competition. should we say former champion? >> i love that. never get tired of hearing it. >> yeah, been there, done that. happy to be on this side of things now. yeah. i definitely know first hand how tough the rehearsals can be on your body and your nerves. this year's group of competitors are feeling the heat, too, with the added pressure that your first dance could be your last. they're ready. but, nervous? >> yes. >> reporter: yeah? >> definitely. >> reporter: we're in the ballroom. what are you thinking? >> it was a lot more nerves than i thought it would be. >> reporter: you look terrified. >> terrified? yeah. >> reporter: it's just a dance floor. >> absolutely terrifying. >> oh, just a dance show. >> before millions of people. a dance show that this season has restricted the couples' initial rehearsals to just four hours each day. >> peta is intimidating when she wants to be. she seems sweet and unassuming. >> i have this look. >> reporter: can i see it? and what is your reaction? >> i start sweating. i know she's about to yell at me. >> reporter: tonight, they'll cha-cha, fox trot, and contemporary dance. what are you finding most difficult in rehearsal that you didn't expect? >> it's not that she's difficult. she's the easiest person to get along with. we laugh and have fun. she's just -- she's tough. she cracks the whip. >> reporter: how are you feeling? >> good. >> reporter: you are? >> yeah, i really am feeling well. i have a sprained knee. it's coming back. i'm doing therapy and it's fine. i wouldn't be doing this if it was endangering me in any way. and i think it was a great opportunity to get out there and say, you know, i have cancer. keep living your life. keep moving. you can win. you can extend the time at least. >> one thing i want to accomplish is mainly to put it out there in all seriousness, when you get diagnosed with m.s. that your life doesn't stop. you're still for the most part able to do what everyone else can. >> reporter: what do you hope to accomplish? >> i want young girls that look just like me to feel -- just get out there and move and dance. >> reporter: you're a new mom. how hold is he? >> he's 1. and his name is sky. he'll definitely come to the rehearsals. >> reporter: do you see anybody here as competition. >> i don't see anybody who is not competition. i see every one of them if i understand the term, a threat. >> reporter: potential threats include jersey shore's snooki, football's keyshawn johnson and actress singer song writer christina milian. >> melissa rycroft and tony dovolani. >> reporter: chemistry can be key to winning as i learned two seasons ago. now, it's leah remini's turn with tony. >> reporter: i'm kind of your favorite. >> you are my favorite. but shut up. not until now. previous partner she's talking about. >> why don't you dance with her. screw this. screw the interview. >> why didn't you help me out with that one? >> reporter: i wasn't expecting you to walk right into it. oh, tony, tony, tony. that awkward moment aside, i had so much fun getting to meet the new cast. i think they'll be phenomenal. little known fact, karina smirnoff starts every show eating dark chocolate. we surprised her. kind of as a good luck. she instagrammed a fun thank you. maybe tony can take some cues from that. >> melissa, thank you. great to see you. >> can't wait for tonight. >> it all begins tonight. 8:00, 7:00 central. one big night. and linda ronstadt when we come back on "gma." yeah! good morning. i'm kristen sze. b.a.r.t. and its two biggest unions set to gelt back to the bargaining table this morning. the 60-day period ends in less than four weeks. both sides say they remain far apart on major issues such as pay and benefits. officials warn another strike is likely. b.a.r.t. is offering union members a 10% raise over four years, unions want a 20% raise over three years. last week a b.a.r.t. negotiator said the agency might begin training managers as train operators to keep the system running if workers go on strike again. hope it's smooth sailing out there right now, leyla gulen. things are slowly improving, but still about 20 minutes to head in the westbound direction away from walnut creek right into the caldecott tunnel. we have all lanes open now. it was shut down at least one was shut down at a time because all the lights went out. chp was quick to fix that and we're left with backup. drive times looks like one hour to head from tracy into dublin. kristen. check it o insured with geico.lion de so get a free rate quote today. i love it! how much do you love it? animation is hot...and i think it makes geico's 20 million drivers message very compelling, very compelling. this is some really strong stuff! so you turned me into a cartoon...lovely. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. good morning. have some good news, sfl flight delays overall ready. not so good news, check out visibilities, half mile in navato and napa. another hour or two for that to ♪ can't make old friends ♪ can't make old friends ♪ it was me and you since way back when but you can't make old friends ♪ the "gma" world exclusive premiere of the music video "you can't make old friends." a brand-new collaboration between kenny ronlers and dolly parton. >> i can't wait to hear more of that. almost 30 years to the day since they released that megahit, "islands in the stream." >> really great. >> my uncle paul is listening. this is the two most favorite people for him. this is a duo that should always, always, always work together. >> fun fact. "islands in the stream" always my karaoke song. >> let's bring out the mike. >> sounds like a future series. we do want to recognize our extreme weather team, led by sam champion, there he is in the middle of the colorado flood zone. we're thinking of the hundreds of thousands of people impacted in that region. they cannot catch a break. sam, your forecast coming up here in just a bit. >> doing a great job out there for us. then it's almost time to bring out my guest for our new series, "gma's" guess who is coming to breakfast? each of us got to pick whoever away wanted, no questions asked. my guest is upstairs in my dressing room apparently. oh, no, what are you doing? >> disguised as my dressing room. she's disguised as a ghost. you need to get ready to come down now. this is a sampling of why i asked this person. she's very unpredictable. superfun. somebody who is not always superfun but always makes us laugh, one of the people that helps us get on the air every day. senior broadcast producer denise, who is getting married this week. i love you. >> we love you so much. >> sit, sit, sit, sit for a moment. >> first time i have seen den necessary nervous. >> i know. it's on fridaying right? are you going to be leaving us? >> four days away. it's actually here. >> who is going to -- i always go into the production office before coming down here. you make sure i am put together. who will do that now? >> they can run it over and over. >> you have to understand. this is a woman that keeps the train on the tracks here. >> in our ears. the music. >> we have her dulcet tones in our ears. relax, take all the time you need. we didn't want you to leave without a card and flowers. and arguably, most important of all, she hasn't seaten a meal in, like, four months. that's a bacon, egg, and cheese. >> you look fantastic. >> thank you, thank you so much. >> so happy for you. >> love you. you're a beautiful couple. we can't wait to hear all the details. relax, enjoy it. we'll miss the wraps. >> a few more days, everybody. >> thank you. she's been called the first rock diva. linda ronstadt. millions of records sold. 11 grammys. traveled the world in an incredible career. the legendary singer is facing a new and far more daunting challenge. ♪ i'm going back some day come what may to blue bayou ♪ >> reporter: for four decades, linda ronstadt could fill arenas. ♪ you're no good you're no good you're no good, baby, you're no good ♪ >> reporter: with hit upon hit. ♪ somewhere out there >> reporter: in all, ron saturday one of four children born and raised in arizona made some 30 album, scoring 11 grammys and a slew of tony and golden floeb nominations in the process. making her one of the most sought after singers with whom to record duets. this that's summer, she announced she has parkinson's disease. she's unable to do what she's always loved. now says the 67-year-old, singing is a thing of the past. ♪ come true >> so many different things in me. >> i'm enjoying talking to this woman. we're thrilled to welcome the one and only linda ronstadt. a beautiful book, simple dreams, a musical memoir. it chronicles her life and times during rock's heyday. how are you? >> pretty good. >> when you walked in the studio, it lit up. i'm almost through your book. it's beautifully written, as i said. the way you talk about your siblings, your mother. music was always part of your life. >> in this era, we delegate music and dancing to professionals. we should all be doing our own singing and dancing. you don't have to be famous. we have music to process our feelings and help us work our lives out. ev everybody should have their own music. >> it is. whether you're in the shower or what not. it's the sound track of your lives. >> if nothing else, get in the choir. >> why now? why did you decide to write the book now? >> i got a call from a publishing company, they said they didn't have to have a kiss and tell book. i said, fine, i'm your girl. i never kept a diary or journal. i thought if i got my story down. so many other people wrote about me that was inaccurate, i thought, i want to have the last word. >> i love the title of it. the dream is simple. i wanted to sing. i didn't want to be famous, didn't want to be a star. i just wanted to sing. i loved to sing. i wanted to have a job singing so i didn't have to do anything else. in order to get good, you have to spend six or eight hours a day to get good. if you're a chello player or violin player, you have to spend hours and hours and hours. it took me about ten years to learn to sing. >> what do you mean? >> it took me ten years until i had control of my instrument and i could deliberately do what i wanted to do. >> i think about what it must have been like for you in the heyday of l.a. the different artists. >> they were not famous. nobody knew who they were. they were people i just hung out to. they turned out the be great writers. j.d. souther. warren zevon. jackson browne. >> i love how you talk about them. one thing that is not in the book. people is to realize, you don't talk about parkinson's. you didn't find out until you were doing a -- >> i didn't have a confirmed dig owe sis. i was working on the acknowle e acknowledgme acknowledgment. he said, i think you have this. he said it in a way where i thought, he knows i have this. >> how is life for you now? >> it's different. it's very different. but, you know, you -- something's going to get you. i'm 67. that i got this far, i think i'm lucky. i have had a good, long life. >> and you have added such richness to all of our lives, linda. in thinking of your music. what is your message now where you are in your life and people picking up's reading about your life story? >> well, i think -- when young singers come the ask me what to do, i say be prepared. read as widely as you can. look at every kind of art. listen to every kind of music. everything you see, hear, will affect your art. >> i can't help but just sitting here, listening to you all morning long. oh, "the midnight special." that takes us back. linda, thank you for sharing. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it. >> it's a beautiful read. it's your story. you have told it so incredibly well. >> in my bed on my laptop. >> we wish you all the best going forward. you're always welcome here. linda's memoir, "simple dreams" available now. time for a check of the weather. back to sam in colorado. we miss you sam. we're glad you're there but we miss you here. >> i miss you, too. great to see you with linda ronstadt right then. we're live in boulder. where this historic flooding event. epic. pull out every word you have top let's get to the boards. the twitter and facebook pictures coming in. you guys have been sending us pictures of the damage from the flooding. and the pictures are unbelievable. roads gone. like this creek behind me. as i told you at the top of the show. kids are playing in this at this time of the year normally. it's usually only two feet deep. it will take seven to ten days to get the water down. all the water rushing out of the mountains into this area. how about that cool air? new york city, boston, philadelphia, washington, d.c. some slightly milder temperatures in d.c. good morning on this monday. sunshine everywhere this afternoon. 70s for most of us, but some 80s will pop up in the north bay and east bay valleys. accuweather seven-day forecast, >> "good morning america" is live in boulder. ginger zoo is just outside of the area as well. we're fully covering this story. robin? >> you have it covered. it was pretty cool hanging out with linda ronstadt. great way to start the week. moments away from the big reveal. guess who lara invited t i search for the perfect blue... bi share as soon as i find it. because when you score a designer this amazing... for so much less. it's the best feeling ever. see the real deal. search hashtag maxxinista wait 'til you see the designers people are scoring. t.j.maxx. all right, it's time for our new series, "gma's" guess who's coming to breakfast? each one of us got the choose somebody we wanted, anybody we want, to join us on the show. i'm hoping she's here. i pick someone who never fails to get me laughing. she bought me this dress, too. she feels like part of the "gma" family. i love her very much. so guess who's coming to breakfast? >> who? >> who? >> who? >> nice dress! >> um -- this is a size 0 rk, t is a 10. >> in case you didn't know, her name is ali wentworth. one of my favorite girlfriends. ali, i thought this was an act of kindness. >> no, it wud all for a shtick. hi, thanks for choosing me, by the way. >> we're separating you two. >> in case you also didn't know, ali is married to george stephanopoulos. >> george is so yesterday. >> in is a funny shot. george, some what awkward. >> who wore it well? who didn't? i'm just a homemaker trying to make a life. >> ali, what you are is one of the funniest people i know. the reason i wanted to have her is she never fails to crack me up. i'm so impressed with your career. >> well, you should be. >> truthfully, if you're a woman out there thinking about getting into comedy, it can be daunting. you dpgrew up, your mom was the social secretary for the reagan white house. and somehow or another, you found the funny in that. >> it feeds itself. everybody was a political journalist. look what happened. and i needed a little levity. nixon was in power. they thought my stepfather was a spy. we thought our phones were tapped. i spent my childhood saying balls and hanging up. ky make this announcement now. usually i come on and it's all about being funny. i'm here today because i needed lara with me. but we're in love. we want to raise our children and her children together. in a renovated barn. >> is that okay? >> on hgtv. >> go for it. >> we want to write a book, get a lot of cash, and live free. >> it feels so good to come out. >> oh! >> oh my gosh, save it for late night. >> i brought you your favorite breakfast. i want to tell people about your history. your film credits are unbelievable. "jerry maguire" and "it's complicated." >> which twount great about the acting thing. i worked with her, she got better. >> she's very thankful. and one of our favorite episodes of "seinfeld" ever. >> never listen to no. my parents said no. even i kn everybody i knew said no. george, on a daily bays is says that to me. >> i don't. >> if you believe in yourself. persevere. things will happen. and, that's the best. if you're not funny, then it's not going to happen for you. but i always believe in people following their dreams. you know. and my dream was to eventually make chicken and darn his sock.. >> your husband has more work to do. thank you for being pi guest. enjoy your corn pops. >> are you going to file for divorce now? >> no. we're married. i'm going to go talk to julia louis-dreyfus. she's coming peppejalapeños, bacon,shrooms, tomato and avocado. i call it, "the avocado da vinci". create your om'lart with denny's build your own omelette menu. always love to welcome julia louis-dreyfus back to "gma." she's up for a fourth emmy this year. she's got a new film out this week. ste stars opposite the late james gandolfini. >> you have a kid in college now, right? >> two. >> i have one leaving in the fall. >> i do, too. >> that's all i have. >> me, too. >> your kids are supposed to go away, right? it's healthy. >> shut up. >> yeah, shut up. >> great to have you back. you see jim up on that screen, it brings up so many complicated emotions. but this is a sweet jim in this movie. >> yeah. jim plays a character who is very thoughtful and -- um -- and kind. and generous. and self-effacing. and frankly, very close to who the real jim was. and so, um -- i think people are going to -- love to see this performance. >> we see a different side of you. ali and i watched it last night. we were on the oechblg tears through half the movie. you're so vulnerable in the movie. >> thank you. i was trying to mess up your head. i'm playing a -- um -- a character who is pretty fraught. her -- only daughter is about to take off for college. and the anxiety about this empending separation is sort of fueling her mental state throughout this film. and she does something really, really, really horrible. almost i would say unconsciously. >> she wants this new romance too, but can't help but sabotage it. >> she sab tauotages it out of . it's wincey and awkward. it's fun to play. >> it's a powerful performance. i want to talk about "veep" up for your fourth emmy. a lot of fans over here. what can we expect next season? >> i'll give you two -- a nugget and a half. she is going on sort of an invisible precampaign campaign tour. so she's written a book. so she's out -- going to be out selling it. a book tour. and, um, we're going to -- we're going the tackle a controversial issue. it's pretty explosive. >> you're smiling just thinking about it. >> i'm hoping i'm smiling. i'm smiling out of nervousness. i think it will be good. >> thank you, julia. thank you for coming in. we'll be right back. [ daughter ] hi mom. hey honey, the trip's great, very relaxing. are you sure you can't make it? but you come every year! you could be playing bingo right now! woooo! and there's movie night -- you love movies! [ laughs ] sorry honey, can't hear you -- bad connection. love you! [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] find progresso heart healthy soup on sale now at your local safeway store. appreciate you sharing a portion of your monday morning with us. tomorrow morning, britney spears, live. with a big announcement. >> can't wait for that. so long, everyone. >> have a great day. good morning. i'm kristen sze. the oakland a's are back home to host the l.a. angels at the coliseum tonlt tonight. the a's lead by six and a half games. how's the weather going to be for the game? check in with mike. gorgeous. a lot of sunshine. cooling to 61 by the end of the game. you'll need the hoody. talk about fog, santa rosa, napa, still about half a mile. that's going to lift here over the next hour or so. temperatures a little below average from 69 in san francisco to 84 in antioch. tomorrow the coolest day in the accuweather seven-day forecast until the weekend. leyla. all right. we do have traffic recovering on westbound 24 as you make right out of the lafayette and over towards 13 due to caldecott tunnel lights being out. those are now back on. we have this crash northbound announcer: it's "live with kelly and michael." today, star of the new film "enough said" julia louis-dreyfus. and, from the hit series "bones" emily deschanel. plus, your comments and questions when the co-hosts open up the inbox. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] 234e announcer: now here are kelly ripa and michael strahan! [cheers and applause]

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