Transcripts for KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] 20

Transcripts for KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] KGO 810 AM [KGO 810] 20190312 130000

And they design changes in the aircraft by April but said the plane was airworthy and did not need to be grounded that said in an abundance of caution more airlines are nevertheless taking precautions at Singapore and Australia have now suspended 7378 flights as well as Mexico's Aeromexico Brazil's gold transport days arrows and Argentina's aerial Linnaeus Argentinos the 737 Max 8 is a short to medium haul jet with major usage in American Airlines as well including Southwest and United Southwest Airlines is reportedly allowing passengers to change planes if they so request I'm Jason Middleton president trumps 2020 budget proposals being panned on Capitol Hill Correspondent Linda Kenyon has that story John Yarmuth the Democratic chairman of the House Budget Committee says the president's budget calls for huge cuts to domestic spending while it boosts defense spending and calls for $8600000000.00 a new funding for a wall on the Mexican border it was the dispute over the border wall funding that led to the last government shutdown if Trump doesn't get the 8600000000 which is considerably more than he asked for the last time will there be another government shutdown it's a battle we've already fought if you lost he would lose it you know the bottom line is this he's not going to get the funding he wants for the border wall Randy Canyon Washington this news update is sponsored by the San Francisco Giants the Yankees are coming the Yankees are coming the Bronx Bombers featuring Aaron judge and Carlos Stanton n.c.c. Sabbat the take on the Giants April 26th through the 28th secure your Yankees tickets now at s.f. Giants dot com Mark Biello has been watching some early problems on the. Special because of a big pothole repair job let's get the latest in 60 seconds on k g o g g o 8 and has a pretty energized our weekday line up 5 to 10 is still Armstrong and Getty attend a noon welcome Beriah t.v. Favorite Mark Thompson new industry will finally be able to hear back Thurston every day. Exits to Franklin and now your evenings will be live on local with John Ross months from 6 to 9 whether you listen to your computer in your car or on the on your phone Bay Area conversation is always on k.g. 08. 0604 a k g o 810 it's just a terrible commute getting out of the Central Valley let's get the very latest with k.g.s. Marketing from the children auto body traffic desk while the ultimate pass commute in rough shape this morning is because of emergency road work west 580 at Grant lying to left lanes are blocked no estimate as to when those lanes will be reopened in the meantime it is backed up all the way to Christman road into a 5 is solid out of Tracy from just about Natalie your best bet is probably the a stray and this morning you've also got the laser westbound for leverage to Willow pass road your drive on the South Bend Nimitz started to slow down now between 238 and Whipple northbound a while one of the South Bay slowing in Morgan Hill as usual then again between 280 up towards Oakland road and a we are backed up to West Grand metering lights are on at the west we are looking at a sunny and dry forecast with highs solidly in the sixty's today all the way through Thursday off to a little bit of a chilly start but not quite as cold as it has been the past couple of weeks Morgan Hill 38 this hour San Jose has a 42 this hour 49 for San Francisco it's going to be breezy the next couple of days in parts of the Bay Area Friday is when we'll begin to see more spring like changes will warm things to the seventy's for your Saturday and your Sunday there is no rain in the 7 day forecast I'm back Burckhardt Armstrong and Getty on k g a o 8 and streaming online eg radio downtown now Armstrong and Getty. Is the tabla. Politically correct you know everybody and you clearly don't know. This is that. You can. Be. Wrong and you'll get the popular radio talk show the same question of their listeners. First of all what it's time to be alive. And now he. Is strong and get it. Right here. In studio c. . Pay dearly let room become the Armstrong communications that's what this is. And today we're under the tutelage of our general manager I know Tucker Carlson. That's a good impeachment the I think Nancy tell and sing out loud we're not going to go down the road it is a pretty big deal. I agree it's a big deal. Making a big deal about it you don't think it's big. It's a fairly big deal she runs the house and that would make impeachment happen and said I'm not doing that when all your other. People it seems like the only thing they think about all day long certainly those who are getting the conversational oxygen are hammering that point yeah. It was the only reason I'm not as excited as some people maybe I should be and be great to fake it for talk radio. And just from my standpoint I think Ok well she says she's been saying essentially same thing for quite some time not this definitively but Ok All right well talk about her now while we got a lot to cover this morning we'll take opposing views and yell at each other. And go to break I think she's well 1st of all I'm not going to give her credit for being a person who's putting America 1st and she's just concerned about the country you know what. Would be age though her verbiage is accurate in that it would it would be divisive it's not good for the country you know etc etc That's all very accurate Burbage what she means is it would hurt our brand right of Democratic Party what she means is they won't tell me this is it's the same thing as saying last week it's clear that they have heard about the Moeller report that's why so many people on the right including Donald Trump Jr and I heard Newt Gingrich over the weekend saying they need to release the entire Moeller report Newt Gingrich must be here in the same things and all of a sudden the name Tiepolo c. And others are no no no no Russian thing I am not a marine brush I mean or not remember what you're talking about I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry it sounded like you said Newt Gingrich and now that's all I can picture oh my God you know I know I don't that's interesting my son who has o.c.d. Sudden onset o.c.d. With his pants thing he's got but it manifests itself in different ways and one of the ways now is when everything is eating something gross images pop into his head boy so that he can eat cold food restriction in the world of o.c.d. I was unaware of it I've never heard of it some people get mad enough like they start losing weight they can't eat or anything like that but everything he's eaten he's I said so what pops in your head he said oh no buggers or. And just the images pop into his head right while he's eating you know all you can eat are not. Terrible So maybe you've got that now with the Newt Gingrich stuff saying you won't be able to get there you know right if you have 7 saying it but anyway so I think Nancy heard the same things everybody else heard on the street the mother reports got nothing and she doesn't have. She left the door open though something so major and ugly and bipartisan came along she would reconsider the problem how was that a big deal when you have to be a lunatic like a complete crazy person to stay as the date out loud we want impeachment matter what happens like if it turns out he murdered 20 schoolchildren we will not pursue impeachment that would make you a crazy it is a position that need not be stable right but she's she's positioning now if the impeachment comes it's over her great strenuous it hasn't teachings bipartisan because we had to on a bipartisan way so it won't hurt the brand it's brilliant positions she stuck her neck out there the see crowd knows others are not like in fact we've got Thomas Stier going nuts we've got some clips on our news about that division in the party I'm loving it I like a food fight I like people being unhappy watching other people being unhappy makes me happy Wow Ok You know what if I could get that food restriction o.c.d. Thing going with like donuts and stuff like that yeah they give you that I wasn't going to make that comment you know out of sympathy for your lad but yeah I do clearly stepping on the scale this morning I could use a touch of. Which shrimp with cheese gravy. Let's introduce our way in the squad that's bored operator Michaelangelo present buttons flipping toggles pulling levers high this morning Michael pretty good you know about a month ago it was same thing but I became a homeowner and I I finally bought in regulation saving and was always a computer security or a homeowner. That wanted to make sure is I was kind of bizarre and I want to make sure everything had gone through in 08 end of that yeah but I didn't judge especially in the state you live in it's a smooth and enjoyable this is not right we're very very tough Why would you have to sign a 900 pieces of paper none of which you comprehended I'm guessing now I would you know certainly you understand the terms of whatever loan you may have entered. Sure but the other 900 things yeah and this is just an agreement that you've read the disclosures of these some of the cancer causing a bit of it and it depends on the lone person you have but I've done this several times where people say you know I've used to work in Idaho winners like 4 pieces of paper but the thing that funny we do we have 7000 Yeah anyway what was my favorite one I had to sign a form stating that I understood that if I didn't make any house payments that was defaulting and they can foreclose on the loan because that's that's. The one load is that means somebody got away with saying I didn't know I had to make the house payments or at least sued and it got tied up in court and cost the mortgage company 50000 dollars or something Wow yeah you know the hardest part for me was getting the down payment actually what I really want Yeah they are a lot now they want they want money yeah yeah it is you know when we can talk about that because that that's a problem I was I was actually an article about that the other day. In the Wall Street Journal about the whole 20 percent down payment thing that used to be not only 0 down but they would give you like 5 percent of the house to buy the her picture and now 20 percent under all circumstances no matter what no matter how good your credit is no matter how much money you make no matter when or how solid you are gonna be 20 percent write them which is just ridiculous there's positive Sean who smile lights up the room are you shown Well I. Came that I much like Michael here you know I'm he finally crossed the threshold he's a homeowner that's a big day and so he's like really I too have had a checkpoint. I think I'm a thin crust pizza guy. I just don't really have I look at a pizza menu and if there's an option for a thin crust I just I automatically just get that one to it's I can still be convinced for a deep dish but your typical just kind of a big you know you're your pizza. Shane cross things I just can't do it anymore Joe's The Chicago and what's the true pizza. It's there are multiple there they're all legit there's this idea from people who are not Chicagoans that Chicago style pizza has got to be the deep dish with the sauce on top right I love that is much as I love acts of sexual gratification with Newt Gingrich. Place and we've been you know we talk history afterward. I love the deep dish pizza with all my heart but in style Chicago pizza is just fabulous it's great and I'm surrounded by thin people I don't like that then pizza that much if I had I would never choose it on my own but anyway back it's like people who hear Jim make and they bring up reggae it's fine it's correct but to a Jamaican it gets annoying after a while. Look there's more to the country and now we get beautiful because we have beaches we get on never mind. So there are many legitimate choices yeah you know I used to market then cross hairs and now I'm one of them so that's that's a story of Change Your Life Tucker Carlson you know which are your hair not that. You're very very much like I did not appreciate the same guy there's Marcion Phillips who does our news every day are you Marshall I'm doing very well we have a political birthday today my friends a tip of the hat to Utah senator former presidential candidate who I had a chance to advise Yes I had a guy yesterday 7 feet tall I figured you had to be a sport but it was it for Mitt Romney during 72 today that another kick in the gut that's why he did not win he cannot connect with the regular guy and gal he can't connect with regular millionaires. Mitt's net worth is somewhere we're told between $190.00 to $260000000.00 It's kind of hard to pin it down because apparently a lot of it is in blind trusts and offshore accounts that's the way to go and he got beat up for being rich even though name. But she's still the richest person in all of the whole of government I believe is the radar for that well reasoned yallow and Diane Feinstein is Norma slee wealthy. Civil servant but you know her hubby makes good money on government contracts. I'm Jack Armstrong he's Joe Getty on this Tuesday March 12th any 19 Armstrong in getting we approve of this program All right let's begin the show now officially according f.c.c. Rules or regulations here we go at Mark I want to talk for a few minutes with the people of the United States about banking the drop with the comparatively feel one of the fat the mechanics the banking but more particularly with the overwhelming majority of you. Bank but I'm making a profit from the drawing a paycheck but I want to tell you what has been done in the last few days and why it was done and what the next step but going to be. On the drawing objects what was . It like to welcome you guys to. The historical idea thing in this day and some years past I can't tell you because I would give it away Ok there's a hole in the Obama No that is incorrect. To get through the open. So that this was a historical release on this day someday in our history I need you guys to name that president that would be the inventor of the vacuum cleaner Herbert Hoover No I didn't care. To name that President Franklin. Frankly. I'm going to need old full May there was no I don't know resident Frank. I don't know who that was that was that was yes he did to narrow it down during the 20th century because of the audio but it was President Roosevelt giving his 1st ever fireside chat that was and was Ross Well yeah that was in 1933. Checks only depositing of money thanks for being here for the 1st ever edition of. It. Was a dry eye speech you could get away with that back in the day before you had anything else that there was no way of drawing a check. Star for entertainment. Thanks for explaining what is to me What are other. Pronouncements exposing yet another split among Democrats you know us making a move in Venezuela and the connection between green tea and. Cause or cure I better stay tuned Absolutely and drink a lot of green tea. Mailbag look very nice We've got a great freedom loving hold of the day. So a. Montanan who doesn't want any more Californians to move there and. Hilarious description of life in my. Awesome all on the way on the Armstrong and getting. On of the. Morning since 19 and go back to the past with k.g.s. . Traffic Dennis we've got this massive delay trying to get to the ultimate pass this morning. Bt it Grant line 2 left lanes are blocked for emergency road repair there and of the back of the stand all the way to Chrisman meantime the tool fiber approach is solid from Natalie row. Road Also if you're making the southbound want to one commute in the South Bay near Bailey Avenue there's a report of an overturned car on the right hand shoulder in the meantime you northbound want to one drive typically slope you Morgan Hill and then again from $280.00 and pockets up towards the s.j.c. On around there Guadalupe and your drive on the southbound 80 or 80 pretty slow in the East Bay as well from 238 all the way down towards Whipple or backed up into the maze metering lights are on at the westbound Bay Bridge and responsibly jumpstart Are you ready to finally lose that unwanted weight jumpstart m D's medically supervised weight loss program give you the tools you need to get results eat real food and get one on one support so you can finally say you did it don't wait call today 855 you know the t.v. Show is some lucky family gets a complete home make over absolutely free I'm Larry Green c.e.o. Of system pavers America's number one installer of interlocking paving stones and outdoor living systems well system pavers is offering a free outdoor living space designed to all listeners who respond to this ad right now by calling 888 paves here is there a 2 hour design consultant will come to your home shoot photos and design your dream exterior complete with digital renderings absolutely free a landscape architect would charge thousands for a similar design this spring love your home again without beautiful interlocking paving stones s.p. Turf fire pits custom built in barbecues and wonderful outdoor lighting act now and take advantage of our most aggressive pricing ever remember this incredible free design offer is available to all listen is right now 888 paves hero 0288 p. Avi easy to a quick system papers dot com. Islanders in the Caribbean like to say that if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes Hi I'm Rick Adelman and that's great advice for the stock market too it's easy to get upset when the market falls but what we have to remember is that this too shall pass and that's easy to say but sometimes it can. Feel hard to do so in times like these when stock prices are swinging wildly one day to the next making you worry that your financial future might be at risk here's the advice you need don't feel that you have to go it alone I mean Vita talk with one of my experienced financial planners at Edelman Financial Engines Let's take a look at your investments and see if they're doing what you need and expect will either reassure you that you're doing what you should be doing or will give you recommendations to help you get the peace of mind you need so you can well wait for the sun to shine once again call us a AAA to plan wreck that's triple 8 plan Rick or visit us at Ric Edelman dot com That's Rice Domon dot com It's Jamie progress is number one number 2 employee leave a message at that page Amy it's me Jamie this is your daily pep talk I know it's been rough going ever since people found out about your acapella group met harmony but you will bounce back I mean you're the guy always helping people find coverage options with the name your price tool it should be you've given me the pep talk now get out there hit that high note and take mad harmony all the way to nationals this year. Sorry it could be a casualty insurance company in affiliates pricing coverage limited by state law now but you know they sell a letting you know that when you spend $25.00 and after this point to get a free chase Elliot racing yet they decide to brakes have a new battery both or have are they replacing an air filter then adding on wiper blades and headlamps just to break 25 bucks that works to get your free chase Ellie at today probably part helpful people free have that happen no I don't know how participating up auto parts stores while supplies last operands 331000. Fewer Mayo Clinic radio health minutes I'm giving Williams more than $15000.00 children in the United States will be diagnosed with cancer this year though there is no one particular sign parents should be vigilant about certain symptoms leukemia often presents as persisted. Fevers or pallor or bruising or swollen lymph nodes for bone tumors if pain from a strain or strain doesn't go away with conservative management after a couple weeks then you need to start thinking about more sinister and serious causes such as

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