Transcripts for KGCA 106.9 FM [Melodies Of Prayer] KGCA 106.

Transcripts for KGCA 106.9 FM [Melodies Of Prayer] KGCA 106.9 FM [Melodies Of Prayer] 20180522 160000

You are listening to melodies of prayer brought to you by praying friends on K.G. C A L P 106.9 F.M. 2 Mon USA melodies of prayer dot com wishing New Gods riches blessings may his hand guide you on your journey today busy and is face shine upon you and give you peace. After a day and warm Christian Greetings Melody's off prayer is now heard on both F.M. One a 6.9 and I'm F one a 7.9 via translator OK 300. I got sun Tarrytown. Melodies off prayer for your journey brought to you a prayer for the with love from praying friends in Guam you as a son. I. To establish their home through Wisdom is a house built it and by understanding. Establishments Proverbs 24 verse 3. He who gave Eve to Adam as a help meet performed his 1st miracle at a marriage festival. Fast he sanctioned marriage recognizing and to ask an institution that he himself had best have to show. He ordained that men and women should be united in holy wedlock to rear families whose members crowned with honor should be recognized as members of the family by. Like every other of God's good gifts marriage has been perverted by sin. But it is the purpose of the gospel to restore its purity and beauty. With grace of Christ and this alone can make this institution what God designed it should be. An engine for the blessing and uplifting off humanity. And fast the families of Earth and their unity and peace and laugh may represent the family of heaven. The condition of society presents a sad comment upon the heavens ideal of this sacred relation yet even for those who have found bitterness and disappointment where they had hoped for companionship and joy the gospel of Christ offers a stylish. The patience and gentleness which his spirit can impart will strengthen the bitter lot. And the hard in which Christ twelfth's will be so field so satisfied with his laugh that it will not be consumed with longing to attract sympathy and attention to itself. And through the surrender of the soul to guide his wisdom can accomplish what human wisdom fails to do. Through the revelation of His Grace hearts that were once indifferent or and strange he may be united. Men and women can reach God's ideal for them if they will take Christ as their have burg. What the human wisdom cannot do his grace will accomplish for those who give themselves to him in loving trashed his providence can unite hearts and bonds that are offered heavenly origin. Love will not be a mere exchange off soft flattering words. The Loom off heaven weaves with warp and woof finer yet more firm than can be woven by the Looms of Earth the result is not a fabric but a texture that will bear wear and test and trial hard will be bound to heart in the golden bonds often love that is enduring. Do you wait to. Mom. This melodies of prayer. May have been spewed power and love failure how are you today. Song 63 various winds through 11. 0 GOD YOU ARE MY GOD early will I seek you my soul thirsts for you my flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water. So I have looked for you in the sanctuary to see your power and your glory because your loving kindness is better than life my lips shut praise you. As I will bless you while I live I will lift up my hands in your name my soul shall be satisfied with marrow and fatten us and my mouth shut praise you with joyful gapes. When I remember you on my bed I meditate on you in the night watches because you have been my help therefore in the shadow of your wings I will rejoice my soul follows close behind you your right hand upholds me but those who seek my life to destroy it shall go into the lower parts off the earth they shall fall by the sword they shall be a portion for jackals but the keen shall rejoice in guide everyone who swears by Him shall glory by the mouth of those who speak lice shall be stopped. Some 63 in verse one through 11. David finds Christ through the sanctuary. Most men in the earthly sanctuary according to the fashion that he had seen Paul declares that to burn a girl and all the vessels of the ministry when completed were the patterns of things in the heavens Acts 7 verse 44 Hebrews 9 verse 21 and 23. And John says that he saw this century in heaven. That sanctuary in which Jesus ministers in our behalf is that great original of which the sanctuary building by Moses was a copy of. The heavenly temple the abiding place of the kings of keys where thousands of thousands ministered unto Him and 10 thousands times 10000 stood before him Daniel 7 verse 10 that temple failed with the glory of the eternal throne where Sarah for him it's shining guardians veil their faces in adoration. No earthly structure could represent its vastness and its glory. Yet important truths concerning the heavenly century and the great work their carried forward for man's redemption were to be taught by their for the century and its services. Are tricks and prophets Are. Told. Her that goal. Oh they hold a. Load. a high destiny or that young man might appreciate the high destiny to which they are called Ponder Well the paths of your feet began your work with high and holy purpose and be determined that through the power of the grace of God You will not diverge from the path of rectitude if you begin to go in a wrong direction every step will be fraught with peril and disaster and you will go on straying from the path of truth safety and success you need your intellect strength and your moral energies quickened by divine power the Cause of God demands the highest powers of the being and there is urgent need in many fields for young man of literary qualifications there is need a man who can be trusted to labor in extensive fields that are now quite to the harvest. Young man of ordinary ability who give themselves wholly to God who are uncorrupted by vice and in purity will be successful and will be unable to do a great work for God let young man heed the admonition and be sober minded how many you have wasted their God given strength and fall again just patient how many painful histories rise before many of you who have become mere wrecks of humanity mentally morally physically because of indulgence in vicious habits their constitutions are ruined their life usefulness greatly impaired because of indulgence and unlawful pleasures I entreat of you careless reckless youth of today be converted become laborers together with God that it be the study of your life to bless and save others if you seek help from God his power working in you will bring to naught all opposing powers and you will become sanctified through the truth sin is alarmingly prevalent among the youth of today but let it be your purpose to do you can to rescue souls from the power of saying. Harry slum her. Home gave. His old load leave Or are. RINGBACK The minds of the people blinded and debased by slavery and heathenism were not prepared to appreciate fully the fairy Ching principles of God's 10 precepts. That the obligations of the deck a log might be more fully understood and enforced admission of precepts were given illustrating and applying the principles of the 10 Commandments these laws were called judgments both because they were framed in infinite wisdom and equity and because the magistrates were to give judgment according to them unlike the 10 Commandments they were delivered privately to Moses who was to communicate them to the people the 1st of these laws related to servants in ancient times criminals were sometimes sold into slavery by the judges in some cases debtors were sold by their creditors and poverty even lead persons to sell themselves or their children but a Hebrew could not be sold as a slave for life his term of service was limited to 6 years on the 7th he was to be set at liberty man stealing deliberate murder and rebellion against paralysed already were to be punished with death the holding a slaves not of Israel at its birth was permitted but their life and person were strictly guarded the murderer of a slave was to be punished an injury inflicted upon one by his master though no more than the loss of a tooth entitled him to his freedom the Israelites had lately been servants themselves and now that they were to have servants under them they were to be aware of indulging the spirit of cruelty and exaction from which they had suffered under their Egyptian taskmasters the memory of their own bitter servitude should enable them to put themselves in the servants' place leading them to be kind and compassionate to deal with others as they would wish to be dealt with the rights of widows and orphans were specially guarded and a tender regard for their helpless condition was enjoined. If valid flecked them in any way as the Lord declared and they cry it all and to me I will surely hear their cry and my rash shall wax hot and I will kill you with the sword and your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless aliens who united themselves with Israel were to be protected from wrong or oppression that should not oppress the stranger for you know the heart of a stranger seeing he were strangers in the land of Egypt the taking of usury from the poor was forbidden a poor man's or a middle blanket taken as a pledge must be restored to him at nightfall he who was guilty of theft was required to restore double respect for magistrates and rulers was enjoined and judges were warned against perverting judgment aiding a false cause are receiving bribes calumny and slander were prohibited and acts of kindness enjoined even toward personal enemies again the people were reminded of the sacred obligation of the Sabbath yearly face were appointed at which all the men of the nation were to assemble before the Lord bringing to him their offerings of gratitude and the 1st fruits of his bounties. The object of all these regulations was stated they proceeded from no exercise of mere arbitrary sovereignty all were given for the good of this or all the Lord said to be holy man and to me were they to be acknowledged by a holy God These laws were to be recorded by Moses and carefully treasured as the foundation of the national law and with the 10 precepts which they were given to illustrate the condition of the fulfillment of God's promises to Israel. The message was now given them from Jehovah behold I send an angel before they keep the end the way and to bring the into the place which I have prepared be aware of him and obey his voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but a dash out in database his voice and do all that I speak then I will be an enemy and to thine enemies an adversary to thine adversaries during all the wanderings of Israel Christ in the pillar of cloud and fire was their leader while they were types pointing to a savior to come there was also a present Savior who gave commands to Moses for the people and who is set forth before them as the only channel of bussing upon descending from the mountain Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and all the judgments and all the people answered with one voice and said all the words which the Lord has said we will do this pledge together with the words of the Lord which had bound them to obey was written by Moses in a book then followed the ratification of the Covenant and all other was built at the foot of the mountain and beside it 12 pillars were set up according to the 12 tribes of Israel as a testimony to their acceptance of the Covenant sacrifices were then presented by young men chosen for the service having sprinkled the altar with the blood of the offerings Moses took the book of the Covenant and read in the audience of the people that's the conditions of the Covenant were Solomon repeated and all were at liberty to choose whether or not they would comply with them they had at the 1st promised to obey the voice of God but they had sense heard his law proclaimed and its principles had been particularized that they might know how much this cabinet involved again the people answered with one accord all that the Lord has said will we do and be obedient when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law he took the blood and sprinkled both the book and all the people saying this is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined unto you.

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