Transcripts For KGAN CBS2 This Morning Early Edition 2016022

Transcripts For KGAN CBS2 This Morning Early Edition 20160223

there are new developments this morning morningin an alleged abuse case.linn-mar school leaders *will not* take up action against assistant football coach matt casebolt. casebolt.c 2 news told you last week that more than a dozen families banded together to accuse casebolt of physically -- verbally and mentally abusing players dating all the way back to 20-11. 20-11.and last night the linn-mar community school district heard both sides of casebolt.the district said after investigating the allegations, they didn't find enough evidence to take action. current members of the football team stood by their coaches, while some parents say the abuse is being c cered up by the district and the students. 03:46:11 "just because you guys have had great experiences, i applaud you but you haven't been in their shoes. that's fine, that's great that you support but when you're in the other shoes, it doesn't negate what has happened. there's reality out there and i know, i've seen some of you out there and i know that you know these kids, so all we're asking for is a voice."derrick 03:47:37 "the coaches do not bully us, they do not abuse us. the word abuse, i think should not even be used here, that is so blown out of proportion." proportion."even though the school board didn't take action last night, concerned parents still plan to take their case to the board of education. new shocking video this morning coming out of australia.. austraraa.. crane caught fire and can see the melbourne newspaper says this happened earlier caused damage to cars parked below -- but about a dozen workers were evacuated right hurt. also new this morning, one person was killed and a numberer of passengers were injured when a train slammed into a crane and derailed.the accident happened about 80 miles east of amsterdam.right now, not many more details have been released. we'll story all morning long. now an update to the shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan over the weekend. weekend.jason dalton is now facing16 charges including several counts of murder in connection to the six people that were randomly gunned down on saturday night. night.kalamazoo county prosecutors say dalton -- who was working as an uber driver that night -- carried out the attacks over five hours while still giving passengers rides around town.dalton was denied bond on monday.police say the shootings were random and haven't revealed a possible motive. candle-light vigil last night to honor the shooting victims. five of the six people killed were older than 50 -- one was a 17-year-old high school senior.two others were ihjured -- right now -- a 14-yr-old girl is on a ventilator in critical condition. there are new details in the case coming from uber. uber.the company says it received multiple complaints about jason dalton from passengers on saturday night -- but before that -- uber had no reason to believe anything was wrong. wrong.uber's security chief says the company immediately spends drivers who are accused of violent acts, but in the case of erratic driving, thehetypically contact the driver first to get both sides of the story. right now, the company is not saying whether they talked to him about the complaints from saturday.the ride-hauling service says dalton cleared a background check and was approved to be a driver on january 25th. cbs 2 news continues to track the latest developments in the escalating privacy bate betweeapple and the f-b-i. f-b-i.right now -- some of the victims and their families supporting the federal government.some victims want to know what's on the county-issued i-phone that was used by the gunman -- syed farook -- the gunman -- syed farook -- in the san bernardino has until this friday to respond to a court order that forces them to break into the i-phone -- which was loloed by a security ature. riflemaker bushmaster says it is not responsible for the sandy hook shooting. shooting.right now, the families of 20 first-graders and six adults who were killed are suing the company.their attorneys say the weapon used in the massacre is too dangerous to be sold to the general public.the case has the poteial to make history if it goes to trial.a 2005 federal law grants gun manufacturers imimnity from any lawsuit related to injuries that result from criminal misuse of their products. a georgia business is making headlines for now requiring all their employees to get a ncealed carry permit and be armed. armed.the company -- lance toland and associates -- services to aircraft insurers. toland says recent reports about crime prpted him to make the requirement.once his employees get their licenses, he gives them a taurus judge -- a pistol that has a rifled barrel.employees like andrea van buren like the idea. (andrea van buren/toland employee) "you're willing to commit to training, commit to becoming an expert on the firearm, and -- also you have to commit to be ready to use it if you have to." to."toland thinks several high- profe business owners with private planes may soon follow his lead and require their employees to carry guns, as well. a truce between some -- but t all of the groups fighting right now in syria -- will go into effect at midnight on friday. friday.the white house says the u-u-agreed to a cease-fire with russia on monday after talks between russian president vladimir putin and president barack obama.a few hours later -- the main syrian oppositon and rebel groups agreed -- as long as their demands are met -- forcing the syrian government to end its and releasing detainees.the proposed truce does not include terror groups in syria -- like isis. happening today -- the white house will submit the president's latest plan to shut down guantanamo bay to congress. congress.the president has vowed to close the prison since he was elected -- saying it's used as a recruiting tool by terrorists and is too expensive to run.congress opposed previous plans to shut it down -- but this proposal involves transferring most of the detainees to other countries.anyone considered too dangerous for travel will be sent to a detention facility in the u-s. the cedar rapids police explorers are celebrating 50 years of teaching young people about lives in law enforcement and respecting the people they serve. serve.explorers are a diverse group of teens that take pride in helping their community.for some patricipants that passion becomes a career of service. officer shawn burke has been running the program since 20-10 and he says hes now starting to see former explorers begin their careers "it's rewarding for me i know its rewarding for them. i think it speaks great volumes for this program because it's again just letting them know what this job entails and what they can expect being in this career field.." field.."last night the explorers recieved a plaque from their national organization to commemorate their 50 years of success. it's and right now in it's degrees. degrees.after the break...the russian man who looks like a famous american -- and is starting to get paid for it now. this year our freaky fast in-store service will save customers over 8 million hours. that doesn't even count our amazing delivery. because we try to locate our stores closer to your mouth, we save time there too. main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hoursa&- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycama&- a bit of fog in the area this morninga&-temperatures around the areaa&- taking a look at regional temperatures we see highs are mild all around iowa - the regional satellite/radar is keeping conditions quiet - let's move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface mapa&- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we see mainly quiet conditions - today's forecast features clear skies & cooler temperatures- tonight's forecast has us looking for mainly clear & chilly conditions- the next three days show more dry and cool weather- our 7 day forecast a russian man who strikes a small resemblance to leonardo dicaprio is taking full advantage of his genes. genes.he already has his own reality show. show.he's also re-enacted some of leo's most famous scenes. but jeanne moos wants to o know, hold your horses, leo! a 33-year old russian security guard is living large as leonardo dicaprio.leo right this way roman burtsev is definitely a more portly version...nothing mini me about him.he's leo's "mega-me." but buried in there e somewhere, his hearar belongs to leo.(nats) "my heart will go on."the resemblance exploded on social media last month, the two looks described as "friday night, saturday morning."perez hilton captioned the real leo saying "i don't see it." while his twin replies "i do." and now the channel "moscow 24" has given burtsev v show called "romance with dicaprio." (jeanne moos/cnn corresponden t) "his tv show is a sort of modified makeover. leo's look-a-like does things like take voice lessons and consult with a dietitian."he hits the treadmill and undergoes cosmetic procedures to look as the real leo crawled his way through "the revenant",his twin is crawling his way y fame. the producers even built a mock titanic prow at a russian shopping mall....young women took turns posing with the pretend dicaprio. though the couples didn't get quite as swept away as in the movie. (jeanne moos/cnn corresponden t) "now for those of you who think the two don't bear much of a resemblance."take this... leonardo's twin ....did a re- creation of the revenant's bear scene with an alternate ending.involving the bear polishing an oscar far no response from leo's pr people.does he find it unbearable to have his likeness mauled by an impostor? it's now on this morning. morning.and if you're in it's degrees. degrees.coming up next...whwh the e hawkeye men aren't worried -- and losing two of their last three games. here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in waterloo right now, a school principal is accused of driving hawk county deputies arrested 39- yeye-old amber didiz friday. offense o-w-i.the sheriff's office tells cbs 2 news her breath test was nearly twice the legal limit.dietz is the principal of kingsley elementary school in the waterloo school district. happening in just a few hours -- coralville city leaders want your suggestions on signage. the public is invited to talk about the rules for commercial sigig and billboards from noon to one at west bank in coralville.the city will present proposed changes and a review process is expected to take several months. ter monts of falalng prices, the cost of gas went back up in iowa last week.the latest numbers from gas buddy show the average cost of a gallon in iowa jumped eight cents.the statewide average now sits at a dollar-74.area refineries are starting to cut back on their output because of low oil prices. find the cheapest gas in your area, head to cbs 2 iowa dot com and click on earlier this month... west virginia stepped into hilton coliseum and bullied theieiway past the cyclones... and for iowa state... it's no fun getting out-hustled, out- rebounded and beaten on your home floor... so tonight they tried to turn the tables... jameel mckay did not play in the win over t--u... but tonight he checked in early on in the first half... then he did his thing... and that's catch lobs and dunk them.... that ends a 12-0 run... and then... goodbye, mouthpiece... but iowa state was down nine at half... they were charged up after recess though... matt thomas... pure shooter... he bangs home a go-ahead three... that caps off a 10-0 run... they couldn't sustain it though... with under three to go... the dagger.....arik phillip brings the roof down with the three... and that was all she wrote... west virginia wins, 97 to 87... for the first time in a long time... iowa basketball is facing some adversity... after a tough three game stretch... believers are becoming doubters... but all of *that* is coming from the outside... inside the hawkeye locker room... they see the recent hiccup... today at practice... nicolas baer spilled the beans about a players-only meeting... and the seniors say there's nothing to worry about... "no. eveyrthing's fine. we just wanted to get together and talk about some things. we're fine. we're anxious for wednesday." wednesday.""we're never panicked. we've been in this situation before. panic' s not a part of our team. obviously we've been down quite a bit in certain games this season and come back from a lot of deficits so "panic" is not partof our vocabulary on this team.' the iowa city regina girls have been unbeatable this season... literally, they're unbeaten... 23 games, 23 wins... and for north linn to spoil regina's trip to state... the lynx would have to be perfect... the second- ranked regals haven't been in a close gamesince february 2nd... they were tested tonight... just before the half... . hley tull u us the window... and beats the buzzer... that cut the lead to 8 at the break...but in the second half... the super sophomore took over... mary crompton... that one almost hit the ceiling... she swswhes home a threre.. then next loose again... back to back three balls from crompton... and the rega needed every one, they win, 50-47, and return to state... now to the boys... xavier andnd williamsburg in the three-a district semis... and the saints looked sharp early... mitchell burger lines one up for three... he's hit that shot a time for two... xavier up nine... and burger just keep eaeang for xavierer. he darts straight to the cup for the easy layup... xavier hangs 90 on williamsburg... 90-47 the final... to the mat... it's the national duals... iowa welcomed fourth-ranked n-c state to carver... thomas gilman got the carver crowd going at 125 -- he finishes off a reversal -- and picks up a win by major decision... his 22nd win of the season... but things got interesting from there -- after an official revieweworced a rereart to the third period, edwin cooper brought down for two by thomas gantt -- gantt is the winner at 157... and the wolfpack hand iowa their first loss of astronaut mark kelly is having some fun in space! he tweeted out this crazy video yesterday. the caption thought you said you astronaut mark kelly is having some fun in space! he tweeted out this crazy video yesterday. the caption said: um, @stationcdrkelly, i thought you said you had things under control up there on @space_station? #apeinspace kelly will return back to earth in march. i'm so glad he's been such a social media he's used twitter to have fun and give us some amazing views of earth. good morning again -- it's now right now it's degrees in coming up next...the latest details about the next big move for the cedar rapids community school district.'re watching c-b-s right now on cbs 2 this morning...the latest information in the controversy the important message students are sending to their lawmakers while they figure out how much spending to spend on education. new data this morning about the disease tall and overweight children are more likely to develop. welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin barry. barry.and i'm kelly d'ambrosio. d'ambrosio. let's get a check of our cbs 2 weather first forecast. first weather- your planner shows what's ahead- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- the current winds around our viewing arerewill be calm- our planner features cloudy & mild weather today cbs 2 news continues to track the latest developments coming from the cedar rapids community school district. year, fridays will not be the same for students, teachers and parents. jojoson is live outside e e districts headquarters in cedar rapids to explain why, stephanie. stephanie.good morning guys, last night the cedar rapids school board voted to make a major change in the schedule. schedule.starting in august, every student k-through-12 here in cedar rapids will have an early dismissal friday afternoon.this early ismissal will allow teachers time for professional training. last month the board tried to make a similar change calling for a late start every monday morning. but many parents disagreed with them.they were concern about child care and kids being left home alone to wait for the school bus. so the district asked for more input. "so we went out to our staff and the public and we had probaby 3800 or so people respond and it was overwhelmingly friday afternoon, i mean to the tune of 80 - percent." percent."some parents say the will still cause hardships and some worry kids will get into more trouble if they aren't supervised.coming up at six-thirty i'll tell you what the school board is planning to do about thahacovering the e corridor in cedar rapids, stephanie johnson, cbs 2 news. thanks stephanie.the district also took time last night to look ahead to offer more magnet schoolslsn cedar rapids. the kenwood leadership academy will open this fall.johnson steam academy opened last year. the district is also applying for a 12 - million dollar grant that could make roosevelt the next magnet scscol by the all of 20-17. iowa high school students want to have a bigger say in their education. education.members of the iowa student union say one way to do that is have at least one student on a district's school ard.they say they're also backing the iowa democrats' plan to boost education funding in iowa by four percent.members say if students wt a better education -- they have to fight for it. "it's extremely important that students are able to advocate for what they believe is best argue it's them that are affected most by the schl boards and ucation leaders decisions." decisions."right now -- the group has a large following at cedar rapids kennedy high school -- but are urging students from other schools to join.they're holding a rally april fifth at the capitol in des moines.we have more information about the group on our website, cbs 2 iowa-dot-com. the iowa student union's proposal having a student on a schoololoard is similar toto current requirement for the board that over-sees the state's public universities. under state law -- one of the nine members of the board of regents must be a student at iowa -- iowa state or u-n-i. u-n-i.rachael johnson is the current student serving on the iowa board of regents.she's a sophomore at u-n-i -- and was appointed by governor branstad last m. investigators are still trying to figure out what igngned an apartment complex fire in cedar rapids.emergency crews responded to the shamrock apartments on jacolyn drive southwest on monday morning. man was trapped at the time, he was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.he is expected to be ok.three apartments sustained heavy damage. tonight the north liberty council is scheduleded schedududto approve the 20-17 budget and a new two year plan. includes a discussion of what it would look like for the city to transition from a volunteer to a full-time fire department.the fire chief says city leaders are moving in the right direction as the city's population has grown to more than 18-thousand people.last year the north liberty volunteer fire department responded to more than a thousand calls. eric vandewater, , north liberty volunteer fire department chief 02:24:35 when the alarm goes off these guys are getting out of their beds at night, leaving their families, they're getting their shoes on, getting in their car driving over here, especially in the winter with snowstorms and that and then heading out. out.the chief says having full- time staff at the station at all times would help keep up with future demands and reduce response times to emergencies. for g-o-p candidates -- tonight they will face off in their last test testbefore super tuesday. voters in 12 states will choose their candidates, candidates,but nevada republicans caucus tonight for the remaining list of republican presidential hopefuls.the latest c-n-n/ o-r-c poll from nevada says donald trump holds a large lead -- th marco rubio and ted cruz neck and neck for second place. the top three candidates spent last night campaigning in nevada -- attacking each other. much of those attacks centered around a mis-step from a ted cruz campaign staffer.cruz accepted his communicicions director rick tyler's resignation monday. comes one day after tyler tweeted a video that falsely depicted rubio criticizing the showed rubio o ying "not many answers in there" when he was describing the bible -- when he a@tually said "all the answers are in there."cruz responded by asking for tyler's resignation n saying at's not how he wants his campaign to run. "it turned out the news story he sent around was false but i'll tell you, even if it was true, we are not a campaign faith of another candidate." candidate."marco rubio told reporters he thinks tyler was a "fall guy" who was simply executing a culture of dishonesty created the cruz campaign.trump echoed those statements at a rally last night too -- saying cruz lies more than anyone he's ever had to dealith. health exuerts continueo encourage nearly all womenn womennto get a ccine to stop the human pappiloma virus, or there's new information on how effective it can be. be.the centers for disease control ana preventi reports, over a six year period, the rate of h-p-v infections among teenage girls fell by a rate of more than adult women, h-p-v rates fell more than 30- percent.the c-d-c says about half o oall teenage girls now get the recommended h-p-v vaccine, but those rates fall quickly among older women. wellness in the workplace is becoming a very lucrative campaign for some employees. employees.more than 80-percent of the nation's biggest companies are now offering incentive for workers who participate in wellness programs.research shows *financial incentives do lead to a rise in the number of workers trying to improve their wellness.that's a big boost to businesses in the long run.a more fit workforce leads to lower health care costs and fewer sick days. there's a new warning th morning abououteens who are struggling to stay data out of israel suggests teens who are heavier and taller than average could be at greater risk of developing non-hodgkins lymphoma. researchers tracking data from more than two million teens found those teens had a 25- percent higher risk of this particular form of cancer. it's and right now in it's degrees. degreeeestill to come...the latest information on a shaky cease-fire in syria . .in your cbs 2 weather first main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hours- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- taking aook at regional temperatures we see are going to warm for much of satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies today- let's move ahead in time by taking a look atathe midwesessurface map- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we cloudshe next few days- today's forecast bring us cloudy & warmer weweher- tonight's forecast will be cloudy & calm- tomorrow will feature more clouds with a slight moisture chance- our 7 day forecast has generally warming weather with clouds through the midweek minnesota recently took time out of their days to help a single father in need. need.the man's home had been burglarized twice in one week. week.nina moini explains how officers stepped in to make that home, a little more comfortable. comfortable. (nat sound)multiple cop cars pulling into a street usually isn't a good sound) "bags or something else outside the house..."but this time, the scene is a happy one. (nat sound)"upwards of around 20 to 25 years, each of us." saint paul police sergeant bryant gaden and his fellow officers have seen a lot on the job.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"you never forget it and you're always wondering what could i have done better or is there anything more i could have done."they can't help everyone. (nat sound)"i make this bed, very talented wow."but they did a lot for enrique gonzales ramirez.(enrique gonzales ramirez/home burglarized twice) "they'll be very nice happy for everything they y t now" his children are all under 10 years old. his six-year-old mariana has a type of cerebral was in december when he took her to a doctor's happened again soon after. the thieves took a t-v and some other small belongings.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"all the kids worked over the weekends to collect cans to earn money so they can buy toys for themselves and that jar that they kept this money in was also taken."the truth is there wasn't much to take.that's why the officers spent the last couple of mmths stocking up thousands of dollars worth of donations.replacing the wooden bunk beds this proud father had made with his hands.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"this is the human side of police work and this is w wt we all get into this job for."a home already filled with love and warmth, made just a bit more comfortable." (sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"that $& contact with your fellow human being and just wanting to help is the basis and bottom line for what we do." saint paul police are still looking into those burglaries, they don't have any suspects. it and you're watching cbs 2 this morning... morning...and if you're in it's degrees. degrees.just ahead...the new plans from the white house to shut down one of the most famous prisonsn history. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, please listen carefully. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. many policies don't have one but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. this plan was designed for people on a fixed income with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. and coverage can never be cancelled. your acceptance is guaranteed. yoyocannot be turned dowow because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. welcome back -- it's now we're taking a look at your_______ samsung has rolled out the new galaxy s-7 and the s-7 edge -- along with its first-ever virtual reality device -- which is a camera capale of taking 360-degree pictures and videos. videos.that's called the "gear three-60"e camera can shoot virtual reality images, which can than be viewed on a v-r invited facebook c-e-o mark zuckerberg on stage during its presentation to help promote the v-r partnership tween the two firms."the gear three-60" is set to go on sale this year.there are no details yet on pricing. free-shipping for orders on amazon just got a little harder to come by for shoppers with out a prime subscription. subscription.if yospend enough money on an order -- the web retailer offers free shipping.theheld amount was 35- bucks -- but now you'll have to spend *49 dollars to get the's not clear when amazon made the change -- but amazon prime memberships -- -- are not affececd -- they get free shipping on all orders -- no matter the price. starbucks is over-hauling its rewards program to speed up the check out counter. counter.under the old program, members got one star p visit -- and it didn't matter how much was a result, customers were asking baristas to ring up a series of items as separate transactions, slowing down the process.the new program is based on how muchch customer r spendnd not on the number of transactions.the coffee giant says it expects the customer payouts will stay about the same under the new program.starbucks has more than 11 million active reward members. the centers for disease control issued a new report that raised estimates of cancer risk in some laminate flooring. flooring.the risk comes from formaldehyde in the flooring. the c-d-c says it could cause from 6 to 30 cancer cases per 100-thousand people exposed to the flooring.the federal agency's previous estimate was between just 2 and 9 cases. actor morgrg freeman is known for his iconic voice.and now guide!his voice is now available on the waze navigation app.'s in an effort to promote the new movie london has fallen.freeman will be in character as vice president trumbull, from the a press release the company said his voice will help you pafely navigate the streets and into eaters to see this movie on march 4. but his voice is only available for a limited time. it's right now it's degrees in after the break...a story you'll see only on cbs 2 about the special therapy that's helping some kids through bad memories. final weather- your planner shows what's ahead a&- the regional satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies today- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' recast we see cloudydyskies today- today's forecast bring us cloudy & warmer weather- our 7 day forecast has generally warming weather with clouds here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... the search in eastern iowa for a wanted man in chicago has lead to the capture of a wanted man in texas. 25-year-old ryan ellis was found in waterloo and taken into custody onfelony theft charges. he's being held in black hawk county jail. jail.the northern iowa fugitive task force found him while searching for kevin edwards.police say edwards killed a 9-year-old in chicago last november as payback for a shooting by a rival gang. they're offering a 5-thousand dollar reward for information leading to his arrest. next month, iowa utilities regulators plan to make a decision on whether a texas company will be allowed to bury a nearly 350 mile long crude oil pipeline through the state.iowa utilities board officials say the three-member board will meet march 9-th, with a vote expected either that day or on the 10-th.the to allow the company to use eminent domain to take property from owners who refuse to sign on-board. environmental and property rights groups oppose the projectbut supports believe it will but supports believe it will create jobs. at any point in their young lives - children and teens are likely to experience some degree of emotional trauma. whether it's the loss of a grandparent - bullying - or even clinical anxiety or depression. - more and more therapists are treating those young people through a *specialized 2 news anchor karen fuller found out just how effective is. this story you will only see on cbs 2 news. news. "it's not okay for mom and dad to hit you."stacie mitchell listens to children for a a therapist d supervisor at tanager place - she has heard countless stories of heartbreak, disappointment, and abuse.but her office is welcoming, warm, and full of toys - putting children at ease the minute they walk in."you're allowing the kid to communicate and kind of process through and be having in their life through play."tanager place has s re than 1515herapists who specialize in "play therapy".sons of stacie's co- worker sat with her to show us how play thepy works."you want to come play?"a typical session allows the child no less than 45-minutes of pure play time.many choose mitchell's sand box.she says so many of today's kids are not accustomed to being given that much un-interrupted time with an adult."i've even had kids say to o , go look at your phone, go to your computer." (butt bite/05:31:10) "the world we live in is so busy, so much going on. how often do kids get 45-50 minutes of 100% attention..?"the other therapists agree - and say kids will often use the toys to act out what is happening in their own lives.that's *their chance to re-frame the negativity and teach them that life can change and get better. "their play can sometimes start out as very aggressive, off into some place, then you see the kids join together, wanting to be more playful with things, maybe stop being as aggressive with the toys, and they kind of have a happier play.""i think it's always a process. you see them grow, and you see them get to a point where they may not need the therapy anymore." that's the greatest reward - when a child is healed and no longer *needs to play to communicate."what we're trying to show them is that everything they do is important."and making the child feel important carries them back into the real world - 45-minutes later - knowing *someone cares - all day - every day. iowa is among other states that has a chapter of the association for play therapy. therapy.for more information about play therapy - including whether you think *you're child might benefit from it. just go to our website, cbs 2 iowa dot com. if you're just getting up, good morning -- it's now coming up next...the one company closely tied to the sandy hook shooting that says the blame shouldn't fall on them.'re watching c-b-s 2 corridor. i'm savin' you five hundred coming soon from progressive, it's "savin' u," the new hit single from the dizzcounts. cash money the biggest discount ananunderstand... the dizzcounts. safe driver, paperless, paid-in-full, multi-car and joey fone. savin' you five hundred i'm s sin' you five hundred we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. right now on cbs 2 this morning...the new details this morning after families accuse abusing his players. what's next for the kalamazoo uber driver who police say between rides. the developing story about apple's battle with the f-b- -- and the people coming g forward to support the families accuse a corridor football player of abuse. welcome to cbs 2 2 is morning. live look at i-380. traffic moving well everywhere in eastern io today. welcome to s 2. thank you for joining us. happy tuesday. we'll go over to justice tip to see what is going on outside. not much really. kind of a quiet start to the day. we have some cloud cover and our temperatures are heading temperaturur around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- the current winds around our viewing area will be calm- our planner febtures cloudy & mild weather ttay

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Sandy Hook , Texas , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , West Bank , Nevada , Australia , Waterloo School , Michigan , North Liberty , Iowa , Minnesota , Cedar Rapids , Georgia , Hilton Coliseum , Syria , Melbourne , Victoria , Williamsburg , Saint Paul , Coralville , Des Moines , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , West Virginia , Iowa City , Israel , Chicago , Illinois , Syrian , Russian , American , Rachael Johnson , Matt Thomas , Marco Rubio , Arik Phillip , Jameel Mckay , Stacie Mitchell , Rick Tyler , Stephanie Johnson , Kevin Edwards , Perez Hilton , Lance Toland , Shawn Burke , Kevin Barry , Jeanne Moos , Vladimir Putin , Jason Dalton , Leo Nats , Andrea Van Buren Toland , Ryan Ellis , Andrea Van Buren , Thomas Gilman , Leonardo Dicaprio , Leonardo Dicaprio Leo , Barack Obama , Edwin Cooper , Nicolas Baer , Dicaprio Jeanne Moos , Mary Crompton , Thomas Gantt , Ted Cruz ,

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Transcripts For KGAN CBS2 This Morning Early Edition 20160223 :

Transcripts For KGAN CBS2 This Morning Early Edition 20160223

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there are new developments this morning morningin an alleged abuse case.linn-mar school leaders *will not* take up action against assistant football coach matt casebolt. casebolt.c 2 news told you last week that more than a dozen families banded together to accuse casebolt of physically -- verbally and mentally abusing players dating all the way back to 20-11. 20-11.and last night the linn-mar community school district heard both sides of casebolt.the district said after investigating the allegations, they didn't find enough evidence to take action. current members of the football team stood by their coaches, while some parents say the abuse is being c cered up by the district and the students. 03:46:11 "just because you guys have had great experiences, i applaud you but you haven't been in their shoes. that's fine, that's great that you support but when you're in the other shoes, it doesn't negate what has happened. there's reality out there and i know, i've seen some of you out there and i know that you know these kids, so all we're asking for is a voice."derrick 03:47:37 "the coaches do not bully us, they do not abuse us. the word abuse, i think should not even be used here, that is so blown out of proportion." proportion."even though the school board didn't take action last night, concerned parents still plan to take their case to the board of education. new shocking video this morning coming out of australia.. austraraa.. crane caught fire and can see the melbourne newspaper says this happened earlier caused damage to cars parked below -- but about a dozen workers were evacuated right hurt. also new this morning, one person was killed and a numberer of passengers were injured when a train slammed into a crane and derailed.the accident happened about 80 miles east of amsterdam.right now, not many more details have been released. we'll story all morning long. now an update to the shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan over the weekend. weekend.jason dalton is now facing16 charges including several counts of murder in connection to the six people that were randomly gunned down on saturday night. night.kalamazoo county prosecutors say dalton -- who was working as an uber driver that night -- carried out the attacks over five hours while still giving passengers rides around town.dalton was denied bond on monday.police say the shootings were random and haven't revealed a possible motive. candle-light vigil last night to honor the shooting victims. five of the six people killed were older than 50 -- one was a 17-year-old high school senior.two others were ihjured -- right now -- a 14-yr-old girl is on a ventilator in critical condition. there are new details in the case coming from uber. uber.the company says it received multiple complaints about jason dalton from passengers on saturday night -- but before that -- uber had no reason to believe anything was wrong. wrong.uber's security chief says the company immediately spends drivers who are accused of violent acts, but in the case of erratic driving, thehetypically contact the driver first to get both sides of the story. right now, the company is not saying whether they talked to him about the complaints from saturday.the ride-hauling service says dalton cleared a background check and was approved to be a driver on january 25th. cbs 2 news continues to track the latest developments in the escalating privacy bate betweeapple and the f-b-i. f-b-i.right now -- some of the victims and their families supporting the federal government.some victims want to know what's on the county-issued i-phone that was used by the gunman -- syed farook -- the gunman -- syed farook -- in the san bernardino has until this friday to respond to a court order that forces them to break into the i-phone -- which was loloed by a security ature. riflemaker bushmaster says it is not responsible for the sandy hook shooting. shooting.right now, the families of 20 first-graders and six adults who were killed are suing the company.their attorneys say the weapon used in the massacre is too dangerous to be sold to the general public.the case has the poteial to make history if it goes to trial.a 2005 federal law grants gun manufacturers imimnity from any lawsuit related to injuries that result from criminal misuse of their products. a georgia business is making headlines for now requiring all their employees to get a ncealed carry permit and be armed. armed.the company -- lance toland and associates -- services to aircraft insurers. toland says recent reports about crime prpted him to make the requirement.once his employees get their licenses, he gives them a taurus judge -- a pistol that has a rifled barrel.employees like andrea van buren like the idea. (andrea van buren/toland employee) "you're willing to commit to training, commit to becoming an expert on the firearm, and -- also you have to commit to be ready to use it if you have to." to."toland thinks several high- profe business owners with private planes may soon follow his lead and require their employees to carry guns, as well. a truce between some -- but t all of the groups fighting right now in syria -- will go into effect at midnight on friday. friday.the white house says the u-u-agreed to a cease-fire with russia on monday after talks between russian president vladimir putin and president barack obama.a few hours later -- the main syrian oppositon and rebel groups agreed -- as long as their demands are met -- forcing the syrian government to end its and releasing detainees.the proposed truce does not include terror groups in syria -- like isis. happening today -- the white house will submit the president's latest plan to shut down guantanamo bay to congress. congress.the president has vowed to close the prison since he was elected -- saying it's used as a recruiting tool by terrorists and is too expensive to run.congress opposed previous plans to shut it down -- but this proposal involves transferring most of the detainees to other countries.anyone considered too dangerous for travel will be sent to a detention facility in the u-s. the cedar rapids police explorers are celebrating 50 years of teaching young people about lives in law enforcement and respecting the people they serve. serve.explorers are a diverse group of teens that take pride in helping their community.for some patricipants that passion becomes a career of service. officer shawn burke has been running the program since 20-10 and he says hes now starting to see former explorers begin their careers "it's rewarding for me i know its rewarding for them. i think it speaks great volumes for this program because it's again just letting them know what this job entails and what they can expect being in this career field.." field.."last night the explorers recieved a plaque from their national organization to commemorate their 50 years of success. it's and right now in it's degrees. degrees.after the break...the russian man who looks like a famous american -- and is starting to get paid for it now. this year our freaky fast in-store service will save customers over 8 million hours. that doesn't even count our amazing delivery. because we try to locate our stores closer to your mouth, we save time there too. main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hoursa&- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycama&- a bit of fog in the area this morninga&-temperatures around the areaa&- taking a look at regional temperatures we see highs are mild all around iowa - the regional satellite/radar is keeping conditions quiet - let's move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface mapa&- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we see mainly quiet conditions - today's forecast features clear skies & cooler temperatures- tonight's forecast has us looking for mainly clear & chilly conditions- the next three days show more dry and cool weather- our 7 day forecast a russian man who strikes a small resemblance to leonardo dicaprio is taking full advantage of his genes. genes.he already has his own reality show. show.he's also re-enacted some of leo's most famous scenes. but jeanne moos wants to o know, hold your horses, leo! a 33-year old russian security guard is living large as leonardo dicaprio.leo right this way roman burtsev is definitely a more portly version...nothing mini me about him.he's leo's "mega-me." but buried in there e somewhere, his hearar belongs to leo.(nats) "my heart will go on."the resemblance exploded on social media last month, the two looks described as "friday night, saturday morning."perez hilton captioned the real leo saying "i don't see it." while his twin replies "i do." and now the channel "moscow 24" has given burtsev v show called "romance with dicaprio." (jeanne moos/cnn corresponden t) "his tv show is a sort of modified makeover. leo's look-a-like does things like take voice lessons and consult with a dietitian."he hits the treadmill and undergoes cosmetic procedures to look as the real leo crawled his way through "the revenant",his twin is crawling his way y fame. the producers even built a mock titanic prow at a russian shopping mall....young women took turns posing with the pretend dicaprio. though the couples didn't get quite as swept away as in the movie. (jeanne moos/cnn corresponden t) "now for those of you who think the two don't bear much of a resemblance."take this... leonardo's twin ....did a re- creation of the revenant's bear scene with an alternate ending.involving the bear polishing an oscar far no response from leo's pr people.does he find it unbearable to have his likeness mauled by an impostor? it's now on this morning. morning.and if you're in it's degrees. degrees.coming up next...whwh the e hawkeye men aren't worried -- and losing two of their last three games. here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... in waterloo right now, a school principal is accused of driving hawk county deputies arrested 39- yeye-old amber didiz friday. offense o-w-i.the sheriff's office tells cbs 2 news her breath test was nearly twice the legal limit.dietz is the principal of kingsley elementary school in the waterloo school district. happening in just a few hours -- coralville city leaders want your suggestions on signage. the public is invited to talk about the rules for commercial sigig and billboards from noon to one at west bank in coralville.the city will present proposed changes and a review process is expected to take several months. ter monts of falalng prices, the cost of gas went back up in iowa last week.the latest numbers from gas buddy show the average cost of a gallon in iowa jumped eight cents.the statewide average now sits at a dollar-74.area refineries are starting to cut back on their output because of low oil prices. find the cheapest gas in your area, head to cbs 2 iowa dot com and click on earlier this month... west virginia stepped into hilton coliseum and bullied theieiway past the cyclones... and for iowa state... it's no fun getting out-hustled, out- rebounded and beaten on your home floor... so tonight they tried to turn the tables... jameel mckay did not play in the win over t--u... but tonight he checked in early on in the first half... then he did his thing... and that's catch lobs and dunk them.... that ends a 12-0 run... and then... goodbye, mouthpiece... but iowa state was down nine at half... they were charged up after recess though... matt thomas... pure shooter... he bangs home a go-ahead three... that caps off a 10-0 run... they couldn't sustain it though... with under three to go... the dagger.....arik phillip brings the roof down with the three... and that was all she wrote... west virginia wins, 97 to 87... for the first time in a long time... iowa basketball is facing some adversity... after a tough three game stretch... believers are becoming doubters... but all of *that* is coming from the outside... inside the hawkeye locker room... they see the recent hiccup... today at practice... nicolas baer spilled the beans about a players-only meeting... and the seniors say there's nothing to worry about... "no. eveyrthing's fine. we just wanted to get together and talk about some things. we're fine. we're anxious for wednesday." wednesday.""we're never panicked. we've been in this situation before. panic' s not a part of our team. obviously we've been down quite a bit in certain games this season and come back from a lot of deficits so "panic" is not partof our vocabulary on this team.' the iowa city regina girls have been unbeatable this season... literally, they're unbeaten... 23 games, 23 wins... and for north linn to spoil regina's trip to state... the lynx would have to be perfect... the second- ranked regals haven't been in a close gamesince february 2nd... they were tested tonight... just before the half... . hley tull u us the window... and beats the buzzer... that cut the lead to 8 at the break...but in the second half... the super sophomore took over... mary crompton... that one almost hit the ceiling... she swswhes home a threre.. then next loose again... back to back three balls from crompton... and the rega needed every one, they win, 50-47, and return to state... now to the boys... xavier andnd williamsburg in the three-a district semis... and the saints looked sharp early... mitchell burger lines one up for three... he's hit that shot a time for two... xavier up nine... and burger just keep eaeang for xavierer. he darts straight to the cup for the easy layup... xavier hangs 90 on williamsburg... 90-47 the final... to the mat... it's the national duals... iowa welcomed fourth-ranked n-c state to carver... thomas gilman got the carver crowd going at 125 -- he finishes off a reversal -- and picks up a win by major decision... his 22nd win of the season... but things got interesting from there -- after an official revieweworced a rereart to the third period, edwin cooper brought down for two by thomas gantt -- gantt is the winner at 157... and the wolfpack hand iowa their first loss of astronaut mark kelly is having some fun in space! he tweeted out this crazy video yesterday. the caption thought you said you astronaut mark kelly is having some fun in space! he tweeted out this crazy video yesterday. the caption said: um, @stationcdrkelly, i thought you said you had things under control up there on @space_station? #apeinspace kelly will return back to earth in march. i'm so glad he's been such a social media he's used twitter to have fun and give us some amazing views of earth. good morning again -- it's now right now it's degrees in coming up next...the latest details about the next big move for the cedar rapids community school district.'re watching c-b-s right now on cbs 2 this morning...the latest information in the controversy the important message students are sending to their lawmakers while they figure out how much spending to spend on education. new data this morning about the disease tall and overweight children are more likely to develop. welcome to cbs two this morning...i'm kevin barry. barry.and i'm kelly d'ambrosio. d'ambrosio. let's get a check of our cbs 2 weather first forecast. first weather- your planner shows what's ahead- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- the current winds around our viewing arerewill be calm- our planner features cloudy & mild weather today cbs 2 news continues to track the latest developments coming from the cedar rapids community school district. year, fridays will not be the same for students, teachers and parents. jojoson is live outside e e districts headquarters in cedar rapids to explain why, stephanie. stephanie.good morning guys, last night the cedar rapids school board voted to make a major change in the schedule. schedule.starting in august, every student k-through-12 here in cedar rapids will have an early dismissal friday afternoon.this early ismissal will allow teachers time for professional training. last month the board tried to make a similar change calling for a late start every monday morning. but many parents disagreed with them.they were concern about child care and kids being left home alone to wait for the school bus. so the district asked for more input. "so we went out to our staff and the public and we had probaby 3800 or so people respond and it was overwhelmingly friday afternoon, i mean to the tune of 80 - percent." percent."some parents say the will still cause hardships and some worry kids will get into more trouble if they aren't supervised.coming up at six-thirty i'll tell you what the school board is planning to do about thahacovering the e corridor in cedar rapids, stephanie johnson, cbs 2 news. thanks stephanie.the district also took time last night to look ahead to offer more magnet schoolslsn cedar rapids. the kenwood leadership academy will open this fall.johnson steam academy opened last year. the district is also applying for a 12 - million dollar grant that could make roosevelt the next magnet scscol by the all of 20-17. iowa high school students want to have a bigger say in their education. education.members of the iowa student union say one way to do that is have at least one student on a district's school ard.they say they're also backing the iowa democrats' plan to boost education funding in iowa by four percent.members say if students wt a better education -- they have to fight for it. "it's extremely important that students are able to advocate for what they believe is best argue it's them that are affected most by the schl boards and ucation leaders decisions." decisions."right now -- the group has a large following at cedar rapids kennedy high school -- but are urging students from other schools to join.they're holding a rally april fifth at the capitol in des moines.we have more information about the group on our website, cbs 2 iowa-dot-com. the iowa student union's proposal having a student on a schoololoard is similar toto current requirement for the board that over-sees the state's public universities. under state law -- one of the nine members of the board of regents must be a student at iowa -- iowa state or u-n-i. u-n-i.rachael johnson is the current student serving on the iowa board of regents.she's a sophomore at u-n-i -- and was appointed by governor branstad last m. investigators are still trying to figure out what igngned an apartment complex fire in cedar rapids.emergency crews responded to the shamrock apartments on jacolyn drive southwest on monday morning. man was trapped at the time, he was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.he is expected to be ok.three apartments sustained heavy damage. tonight the north liberty council is scheduleded schedududto approve the 20-17 budget and a new two year plan. includes a discussion of what it would look like for the city to transition from a volunteer to a full-time fire department.the fire chief says city leaders are moving in the right direction as the city's population has grown to more than 18-thousand people.last year the north liberty volunteer fire department responded to more than a thousand calls. eric vandewater, , north liberty volunteer fire department chief 02:24:35 when the alarm goes off these guys are getting out of their beds at night, leaving their families, they're getting their shoes on, getting in their car driving over here, especially in the winter with snowstorms and that and then heading out. out.the chief says having full- time staff at the station at all times would help keep up with future demands and reduce response times to emergencies. for g-o-p candidates -- tonight they will face off in their last test testbefore super tuesday. voters in 12 states will choose their candidates, candidates,but nevada republicans caucus tonight for the remaining list of republican presidential hopefuls.the latest c-n-n/ o-r-c poll from nevada says donald trump holds a large lead -- th marco rubio and ted cruz neck and neck for second place. the top three candidates spent last night campaigning in nevada -- attacking each other. much of those attacks centered around a mis-step from a ted cruz campaign staffer.cruz accepted his communicicions director rick tyler's resignation monday. comes one day after tyler tweeted a video that falsely depicted rubio criticizing the showed rubio o ying "not many answers in there" when he was describing the bible -- when he a@tually said "all the answers are in there."cruz responded by asking for tyler's resignation n saying at's not how he wants his campaign to run. "it turned out the news story he sent around was false but i'll tell you, even if it was true, we are not a campaign faith of another candidate." candidate."marco rubio told reporters he thinks tyler was a "fall guy" who was simply executing a culture of dishonesty created the cruz campaign.trump echoed those statements at a rally last night too -- saying cruz lies more than anyone he's ever had to dealith. health exuerts continueo encourage nearly all womenn womennto get a ccine to stop the human pappiloma virus, or there's new information on how effective it can be. be.the centers for disease control ana preventi reports, over a six year period, the rate of h-p-v infections among teenage girls fell by a rate of more than adult women, h-p-v rates fell more than 30- percent.the c-d-c says about half o oall teenage girls now get the recommended h-p-v vaccine, but those rates fall quickly among older women. wellness in the workplace is becoming a very lucrative campaign for some employees. employees.more than 80-percent of the nation's biggest companies are now offering incentive for workers who participate in wellness programs.research shows *financial incentives do lead to a rise in the number of workers trying to improve their wellness.that's a big boost to businesses in the long run.a more fit workforce leads to lower health care costs and fewer sick days. there's a new warning th morning abououteens who are struggling to stay data out of israel suggests teens who are heavier and taller than average could be at greater risk of developing non-hodgkins lymphoma. researchers tracking data from more than two million teens found those teens had a 25- percent higher risk of this particular form of cancer. it's and right now in it's degrees. degreeeestill to come...the latest information on a shaky cease-fire in syria . .in your cbs 2 weather first main weather- your planner shows what's ahead for the next hours- now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam- temperatures around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- taking aook at regional temperatures we see are going to warm for much of satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies today- let's move ahead in time by taking a look atathe midwesessurface map- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' forecast we cloudshe next few days- today's forecast bring us cloudy & warmer weweher- tonight's forecast will be cloudy & calm- tomorrow will feature more clouds with a slight moisture chance- our 7 day forecast has generally warming weather with clouds through the midweek minnesota recently took time out of their days to help a single father in need. need.the man's home had been burglarized twice in one week. week.nina moini explains how officers stepped in to make that home, a little more comfortable. comfortable. (nat sound)multiple cop cars pulling into a street usually isn't a good sound) "bags or something else outside the house..."but this time, the scene is a happy one. (nat sound)"upwards of around 20 to 25 years, each of us." saint paul police sergeant bryant gaden and his fellow officers have seen a lot on the job.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"you never forget it and you're always wondering what could i have done better or is there anything more i could have done."they can't help everyone. (nat sound)"i make this bed, very talented wow."but they did a lot for enrique gonzales ramirez.(enrique gonzales ramirez/home burglarized twice) "they'll be very nice happy for everything they y t now" his children are all under 10 years old. his six-year-old mariana has a type of cerebral was in december when he took her to a doctor's happened again soon after. the thieves took a t-v and some other small belongings.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"all the kids worked over the weekends to collect cans to earn money so they can buy toys for themselves and that jar that they kept this money in was also taken."the truth is there wasn't much to take.that's why the officers spent the last couple of mmths stocking up thousands of dollars worth of donations.replacing the wooden bunk beds this proud father had made with his hands.(sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"this is the human side of police work and this is w wt we all get into this job for."a home already filled with love and warmth, made just a bit more comfortable." (sgt. bryant gaden/st. paul police department)"that $& contact with your fellow human being and just wanting to help is the basis and bottom line for what we do." saint paul police are still looking into those burglaries, they don't have any suspects. it and you're watching cbs 2 this morning... morning...and if you're in it's degrees. degrees.just ahead...the new plans from the white house to shut down one of the most famous prisonsn history. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, please listen carefully. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. many policies don't have one but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. this plan was designed for people on a fixed income with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. and coverage can never be cancelled. your acceptance is guaranteed. yoyocannot be turned dowow because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. welcome back -- it's now we're taking a look at your_______ samsung has rolled out the new galaxy s-7 and the s-7 edge -- along with its first-ever virtual reality device -- which is a camera capale of taking 360-degree pictures and videos. videos.that's called the "gear three-60"e camera can shoot virtual reality images, which can than be viewed on a v-r invited facebook c-e-o mark zuckerberg on stage during its presentation to help promote the v-r partnership tween the two firms."the gear three-60" is set to go on sale this year.there are no details yet on pricing. free-shipping for orders on amazon just got a little harder to come by for shoppers with out a prime subscription. subscription.if yospend enough money on an order -- the web retailer offers free shipping.theheld amount was 35- bucks -- but now you'll have to spend *49 dollars to get the's not clear when amazon made the change -- but amazon prime memberships -- -- are not affececd -- they get free shipping on all orders -- no matter the price. starbucks is over-hauling its rewards program to speed up the check out counter. counter.under the old program, members got one star p visit -- and it didn't matter how much was a result, customers were asking baristas to ring up a series of items as separate transactions, slowing down the process.the new program is based on how muchch customer r spendnd not on the number of transactions.the coffee giant says it expects the customer payouts will stay about the same under the new program.starbucks has more than 11 million active reward members. the centers for disease control issued a new report that raised estimates of cancer risk in some laminate flooring. flooring.the risk comes from formaldehyde in the flooring. the c-d-c says it could cause from 6 to 30 cancer cases per 100-thousand people exposed to the flooring.the federal agency's previous estimate was between just 2 and 9 cases. actor morgrg freeman is known for his iconic voice.and now guide!his voice is now available on the waze navigation app.'s in an effort to promote the new movie london has fallen.freeman will be in character as vice president trumbull, from the a press release the company said his voice will help you pafely navigate the streets and into eaters to see this movie on march 4. but his voice is only available for a limited time. it's right now it's degrees in after the break...a story you'll see only on cbs 2 about the special therapy that's helping some kids through bad memories. final weather- your planner shows what's ahead a&- the regional satellite/radar is featuring cloudy skies today- moving into a closer view with our 'predictor' recast we see cloudydyskies today- today's forecast bring us cloudy & warmer weather- our 7 day forecast has generally warming weather with clouds here's a look at some of eastern iowa's top stories -- on this morning... the search in eastern iowa for a wanted man in chicago has lead to the capture of a wanted man in texas. 25-year-old ryan ellis was found in waterloo and taken into custody onfelony theft charges. he's being held in black hawk county jail. jail.the northern iowa fugitive task force found him while searching for kevin edwards.police say edwards killed a 9-year-old in chicago last november as payback for a shooting by a rival gang. they're offering a 5-thousand dollar reward for information leading to his arrest. next month, iowa utilities regulators plan to make a decision on whether a texas company will be allowed to bury a nearly 350 mile long crude oil pipeline through the state.iowa utilities board officials say the three-member board will meet march 9-th, with a vote expected either that day or on the 10-th.the to allow the company to use eminent domain to take property from owners who refuse to sign on-board. environmental and property rights groups oppose the projectbut supports believe it will but supports believe it will create jobs. at any point in their young lives - children and teens are likely to experience some degree of emotional trauma. whether it's the loss of a grandparent - bullying - or even clinical anxiety or depression. - more and more therapists are treating those young people through a *specialized 2 news anchor karen fuller found out just how effective is. this story you will only see on cbs 2 news. news. "it's not okay for mom and dad to hit you."stacie mitchell listens to children for a a therapist d supervisor at tanager place - she has heard countless stories of heartbreak, disappointment, and abuse.but her office is welcoming, warm, and full of toys - putting children at ease the minute they walk in."you're allowing the kid to communicate and kind of process through and be having in their life through play."tanager place has s re than 1515herapists who specialize in "play therapy".sons of stacie's co- worker sat with her to show us how play thepy works."you want to come play?"a typical session allows the child no less than 45-minutes of pure play time.many choose mitchell's sand box.she says so many of today's kids are not accustomed to being given that much un-interrupted time with an adult."i've even had kids say to o , go look at your phone, go to your computer." (butt bite/05:31:10) "the world we live in is so busy, so much going on. how often do kids get 45-50 minutes of 100% attention..?"the other therapists agree - and say kids will often use the toys to act out what is happening in their own lives.that's *their chance to re-frame the negativity and teach them that life can change and get better. "their play can sometimes start out as very aggressive, off into some place, then you see the kids join together, wanting to be more playful with things, maybe stop being as aggressive with the toys, and they kind of have a happier play.""i think it's always a process. you see them grow, and you see them get to a point where they may not need the therapy anymore." that's the greatest reward - when a child is healed and no longer *needs to play to communicate."what we're trying to show them is that everything they do is important."and making the child feel important carries them back into the real world - 45-minutes later - knowing *someone cares - all day - every day. iowa is among other states that has a chapter of the association for play therapy. therapy.for more information about play therapy - including whether you think *you're child might benefit from it. just go to our website, cbs 2 iowa dot com. if you're just getting up, good morning -- it's now coming up next...the one company closely tied to the sandy hook shooting that says the blame shouldn't fall on them.'re watching c-b-s 2 corridor. i'm savin' you five hundred coming soon from progressive, it's "savin' u," the new hit single from the dizzcounts. cash money the biggest discount ananunderstand... the dizzcounts. safe driver, paperless, paid-in-full, multi-car and joey fone. savin' you five hundred i'm s sin' you five hundred we have auto-tune, right? oh, yeah. right now on cbs 2 this morning...the new details this morning after families accuse abusing his players. what's next for the kalamazoo uber driver who police say between rides. the developing story about apple's battle with the f-b- -- and the people coming g forward to support the families accuse a corridor football player of abuse. welcome to cbs 2 2 is morning. live look at i-380. traffic moving well everywhere in eastern io today. welcome to s 2. thank you for joining us. happy tuesday. we'll go over to justice tip to see what is going on outside. not much really. kind of a quiet start to the day. we have some cloud cover and our temperatures are heading temperaturur around the area will be warming with cloudy skies- the current winds around our viewing area will be calm- our planner febtures cloudy & mild weather ttay

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