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Announcer this is the cbs overnight news. Donald trump is taking aim at the washington establishment again. Vowing to, as he put it, drain the swamp. And proposing term limits for members of congress, that is if he is elected. But with three weeks left our cbs news poll Shows Hillary clinton with a 9point lead, and no trailing candidate has ever made up a deficit that big this late. Trump campaign. This is our final shot, folks. In four years it is over. You are never going to be able to win. You are never going to be able to win. It is tilting it will be a oneparty system. Reporter donald trump told supporters in colorado they are his last line of defense and to ignore the campaigns current downward trajectory. I dont believe the polls anymore. I dont believe them. I dont believe them. Reporter trump kept previous ones have been undercut by voter fraud. They even want to try to rig the election at the polling booths. Reporter today at the white house, president obama called out trumps rhetoric. I would advise mr. Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes. If when things are going badly for you, you lose, you start blaming somebody else, then you dont have what it takes to be in this job. Reporter on a conservative radio show yesterday trump said it would be wonderful to mee putin. If i win november 8, i think i could see myself meeting with putin and meeting with russia prior to the start of the administration. Mr. Trumps continued flattery of mr. Putin and the degree to which he appears to model many of his policies and approaches to politics on mr. Putin is unprecendented in american politics. Of Sexual Assault which his wife if melania denied yesterday. Six people came forward to corroborate on the record a People Magazines account of being sexually accosted by trump at his maralago resort in 2005. Thank you. Hillary clinton preparing for the final debate tomorrow evening here on cbs. And nancy cordes is in las vegas. Reporter a quick glimpse of clinton touching down in las vegas before ducking out of sight. Her last Campaign Rally was six days ago in colorado. In fact, since august 1, clinton has done 60 private fundraisers, but only about 30 public rallies. A pattern that has the not gone the donors giving hundreds of millions of dollars to crooked Hillary Clintons campaign. Reporter but now as her lead expands, that money is coming in handy. In arizona, a red state where polls show her nipping at trumps heels her campaign is sinking an additional 2 million into ads and direct mail. Also spending 1 million to boost turnout in missouri and indiana to help democrats locked in competitive races for senate and governor. Another 250,000 to nebraska and maine, two small states where clinton could pick off a pair of electoral votes. Her Campaign Even made a small ad buy this week in the red state of texas. Its important to stand up to bullies wherever they are. Reporter one wild card endless stream of hacked campaign emails. Todays batch shed light on runningmate. In march, kachl pain chair, john podestaemailed her with a first cut of people to consider. 39 names divided into what he dubbed food groups. Latino leaders. Female lawmakers. Male lawmakers. Black leaders, military leaders. And down at the bottom, in his own food group, bernie sanders. The list included nine business titans including bill and melinda gates, starbucks c. E. O. Howard schultz, and apple ceo tim cook. The emails have been embarrassing. Clinton aide say they hope they come up at tomorrow nights debate here. They say it will give clinton a chance to argue russia has been playing a disturbing role in the election. Watch the debate on cbs. We have an update on last nights story, about state Department Pressure on the fbi during its investigation of clintons emails. Fbi records said that undersecretary of state Patrick Kennedy tried to convince the fbi that one email on clintons private server should not be classified secret. In return, one fbi official said the state department offered to help the fbi with its request to add agents in iraq. Well today in a statement, my motivations were never political. Kennedy said he had served democratic and republican administrations. There was no quid pro quo nor was there any bargaining. Today, president obama warned that the battle of mosul will be difficult. Iraqi troops and Kurdish Forces are surrounding iraqs second largest city which fell to is two years ago. Theyre backed by american air strikes and u. S. Special forces. Holly williams is on the battlefield. Reporter the village of tarjelo was recaptured from isis yesterday. In the rubble left behind by the battle are clues to how isis will defend mosul. The extremists dug a network of themselves from attack. Lieutenant colonel salim told us he expects the same tactics in mosul as well as more suicide bombers. The battle for mosul began in villages on the eastern side of city where kurdish fighters went house to house yesterday. Hunting down the isis Gunmen Holding out there. U. S. Coalition air strikes demolished the tunnels in tarjelo which was abandoned by residents over two years ago. Three air strikes. Three u. S. Air strikes. Targeting the tunnels. Four targeting the tunnels. But in mosul home to around 1 million civilians effectively human shield. Air strikes will be difficult videhow to hit a baseball. Life m how to hit a receiver. You even taught him how to hit the open man. But how much time have you spent teaching him. People with bipolar disorder suffer ten years on average without diagnosis. Thats ten years of needless suffering. Learn how easily this can this year we have been following one mans struggle to overcome his addiction to heroin. Each day in this country, 78 people die from an opioid related overdose. So, jason amaral is fighting for his life. Demarco morgan continues his series, in the shadow of death, jasons journey. Real quick. Is this good enough, dude . Your eyes open you think of heroin. Nothing else. Any addict that is watching this, will attest to that. Reporter we met jason amaral, march 22nd, the day roaming the city of boston on a desperate hunt for drugs. Theyre smoking crack right there. Im going over there. Not how i want to live. Its been 12 years. That morning we watched as he crushed and snorted pills from a toilet seat in city hall, scored drugs outside a restaurant around noon. I did heroin was sick. Did a shot and am very, very high. That evening. At a friends house. Shooting up again. It gets boring. It gets old. It gets tiring. Four and a half years, it has been misery. Reporter that night, jasons best friend, mike dugan, recovering addict, seven years clean came to take him to rehab. Its life or death. You will die if you dont get it nobody wants you dead, man. Good morning, jason. How are you . We are glad you are here . We traveled to new jersey for the first stage of jasons treatment at recovery cities of america, or rca. I smoked crack every day for the past three months. I dent know huh to live a normal life, sober. Who would want life like that after the footage you see, who would want to live like that. But its not really what i want to do. Its just what the, what i guess, the drug drives me to do, i guess. I dont know. Can they stop the camera for a second . Reporter jasons first 24 hours of detox were a struggle. He just learned his brother andrew who was also a heroin addict couldnt find a bed for treatment. Keep taking everything from me. His brothers struggles motivated him to beat his addiction. I am never going to overdose. My brother wont overdose. He is going to survive. He will get it this time. He was one step close tire his goal off the awe i feel a lot better than how i felt when i got here and what i thought i would feel in 14 to 21 days, know what i mean. Reporter after he finished at rca, jason transitioned to a Second Program at awakenings lodge on cape cod, addicts live offsite from the Treatment Center so they can learn to live sober without constant supervision. Jason was drug t week and participated in more therapy. If you are on top of the were, not a care, easy beans, i got this. That would be worrisome. To accept the things we cannot change. Reporter after six weeks, he graduated. Keep coming. Work it. Thank you. How you doing . Good. Its been a while. Four months later we caught up with jason now living with other recovered addicts in massachusetts. You have been clean for how long . It has been a little over six congratulations. Right around there. Thank you. Jason has a full time job at a restaurant. He is also advocating to get addicts like himself more help. He was recently invited to speak in front of massachusetts lawmakers. Remember jasons friend, mike dugan, the one who got him into rehab. I love you. Keep your head up. He was the first person, we have been friend for a long time. This isnt like the first opportunity that he has given me. And in the past i havent been able to like stay clean. And im just glad that he like, he gave me another chance to, to do this. Jason is also getting another chance from rca, the rehab center he entered earlier this year. They offered him a job in their Second Chance program for addicts and early recovery. Jasons brother andrew is off the streets. In treatment at an rc facility in maryland. There is hope tonight. Great Public Service jonathan blakely. Thank you so much. Demarco has an extended interview with jason as well as links to help and recovery. Find them at cbsnews. Com heroin epidemic. Recovery works. Coming up the Worlds Largest collection of mug shots, chances are youre part of it. Later, the barber who gives . Music . Extraordinary starts here. New ky intense. We were surprised to learn that nearly half of American Adults are in facial recognition databases. What are Law Enforcement doing with your mug . Jeff pegues takes a look. Reporter facial Recognition Technology locks in once you are in range. Putting the green box around us displaying our names. Bengie hutchinson works for nec the company that sells the software. So there are cameras like this on the streets . There are. Reporter cameras equipped with the software can match a database. It could have helped after the Boston Marathon bombing. Investigators there had to sift through 120,000 photos in nearly 13,000 videos before identifying tsarnaev. We could have gotten the match in second. Reporter in baltimore the Police Department used facial recognition during the 2015 riots to identify looting suspects. But it has raised privacy concerns. Alvaro bedoya author of a Georgetown Law School study on facial recognition and found 26 Police Departments use the technology and 16 states allow the fbi to tap into their systems. Photos culled from social media drivers licenses and government ids. The report argues the biometric Network Primarily include lawabiding americans. Maryland enrolled 4 million drivers in its system. Ask a marylander do they know theyre in a lineup scanned thousand of times a year without warrants and pretty sure theyll be surprise add but that. Reporter maryland Officials Say they imit access to the technology. Scott, the fbi says the technology is crucial to catching terrorists and criminals. Looks like jeff pegues, jeff, thank you very much. Next, a little known Retirement Plan. Well tell you who qualifies. Ahh. Still sick, huh . Ill take it from here. Im good. I just took new mucinex clear and cool. Ah whats this sudden cooooling thing happening . Its got a menthol burst. You can feel it right away. Wow, that sort of blindsided me. And it clears my terrible cold symptoms. Ahh this is awkward. New Mucinex Fastmax clear cool. Feel the menthol burst. And clear your worst cold symptoms. Start the relief. Ditch the misery. You know your heart loves megared omega3s. But did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too . Introducing megared advanced 4in1. Just one softgel delivers mega support. Today you can do everything in just one click, even keep your toilet clean and fresh. Introducing lysol click gel. Click it in to enjoy clean freshness with every flush. Lysol. If you are on Social Security. You will get a raise next year of. 3 of 1 . Less than 1 a week. Likely to be wiped out by an increase in medicare. All of this a reminder of how important it is to save. Jill schlesinger and what states are doing to help in tonights eye on money. Reporter 18 months ago, marc hoffman opened his first business, strong start, Child Learning Center in trumbull, connecticut. He was not offer a Retirement Plan for 32 employees. Staff save he simply doesnt have the time or expertise. There are so many things to do that those type of benefits are not first and fer most the number one priority with a new business. Reporter more than 600,000 connecticut workers do not have access to work place Retirement Plans. Like a 401 k or ira. State controller, kevin lembo. Folks are going to enter retirement underprepared and will likely turn back to state or federal government for level out of money. Reporter connecticut and seven state have recently passed legislation to help private Sector Workers get a Retirement Plan. Starting in 201, Connecticut Businesses with more than five employees that dont already offer a Retirement Plan, will be required to participate. Employees will be automatically enrolled at a 3 payroll reduction rate. Research shows that employees are 15 times more likely to contribute to a saves program if it is offered through work. And if they have to open an account on their own. Press, press, press. Retirement is a long way off for 27yearold bridgette bellittodouglas. A teacher. But he is interested in the new program. I dont even have to think about it. Dont have to go to the bank. More money. Could be something i didnt have to think about. So, jill, bridgette its starting fairly early at 27. But is that 3 you talked about enough . It probably isnt. We really want to see people go up to 5 , 6 . 10 , eventually. 15 . And, maxing out as soon as all of their other bills are covered. Save as much as you can early as you can. You got it. Jill, thank you so much. Thank you. Sheer genius in the barber shop. Woman what does it feel like when a woman is having a heart attack . Chest pain, like theres a ton of weight on your chest. Severe shortness of breath. Unexplained nausea. Cold sweats. Theres an unusual tiredness and fatigue. Theres unfamiliar dizziness or lightheadedness. Unusual pain in your back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, even your upper stomach, are signs youre having a heart attack. Dont make excuses. Make the call to 911 immediately. Learn more at womenshealth. Gov heartattack. You can help children in low income neighborhoods get the help they need to stay in school and go on to college. I have a dream foundation provides mentoring, academic help, and tuition to make this dream come true. Learn how this Program Helps students build life skills while increasing High School Graduation and College Participation rates. Visit we end tonight in a full Service Barber shop caring for heads outside and in. Here is dean reynolds. Reporter there is no barber pole outside the fuller cut in ypsilanti possibly because there is a whole lot more going on inside than snipping and trimming. Like a situation, okay. Like treyveon lymon any kid that comes here and read from a book, gets 2 shaved off the price. Make sure you put the book back. An idea, alex fuller says really caught on. The parents are already prepping their kids to sit in the chair and get ready to read the book. Robert hopkins brings his son. What parent dont want a couple dollars off when you got three boys in th barber shop plus you. Jaylen johnson is a 7th grader. Whats better the discount, 2 or reading . Probably the reading part. Yeah, thats the right thing to say. Yeah. Ryan griffin cuts hair and sorts books. He wants the kids to discover their past. You sound like a white person. That same rationale comes from, you know, you are a nerd. That same rationale comes from, you know, you are an uncle tom. Learning is uncool. Learning is uncool. We have to break those things. I always go back to quote Frederick Douglas it is easier to build strong children than repair broken men. Reporter what is your book . Frederick douglas. As they were old. Reporter Charles Johnson is 12. Kids know who care about them they want to make that person proud. Reporter he got his 2 and a lot more. Here you go, sir. Reporter dean reynolds, cbs news, ypsilanti, michigan. Thats the overnight news for this wednesday. For some of you the news continues. For others check back later for the morning news. Be sure not to miss cbs this morning. From the Broadcast Center in new its wednesday, october 19th, 2016. This is the cbs morning news. Get ready for sin city. The third and final president ial debate is tonight. Donald trumps rigged election claims and Hillary Clintons wikileaks drama could take center stage. And the fight for mosul. We have new clues on the tactics isis is using to defend the iraqi city and it involves tunnels. Good morning from the studio 57 newsroom at cbs news headquarters here in new york. Well, tonight in las vegas, donald trump and Hillary Clinton debate for the third and final time. Since their last faceoff, trump has faced numerous allegations of Sexual Assault and declining poll numbers, while clinton is dealing with almost daily revelations about her use of private email. Weijia jiang is in las vegas. Good morning. Reporter good morning. And to everybody. Donald trump is trailing in he is telling sporters to ignore the numbers. Hillary clinton has been laying low without a Campaign Rally in a week. And with both candidates on the defensive from those controversies, debate experts predict this could be the dirtiest one yet. Donald trump spent the evening before the final debate, vowing to bring term limits to congress as president. Its time to sweep the corruption out of washington. Reporter the republican lost support among women voters amid multiple allegations of Sexual Assault and harassment. Just yesterday, six people came forward to corroborate claims leveled against him by a writer for People Magazine who says trump forcibly kissed her during an interview at his Florida State in 2005. These were madeup allegations made up by the media. Very unfair. Reporter Hillary Clinton says s questions around the unleashed emails published by wikileaks. One yesterday showed aides mocking rival bernie sanders. The format for tonights debate is the same as the first, with clinton and trump standing at different podiums. As they make their final case to millions of americans. University of las vegas professor Jacob Thompson thinks uglier than the last town hall style debate. For trump, i think hell literally throw everything in the kitchen sink at hillary ranging from more talk from accusers against bill clinton to breitbart accuser theories. Reporter all eyes are to see if they shake hands from the start, something they avoided last time. Even the candidates guess list reveal attempts to rattle the other side. Trump is bringing a mother benghazi attacks and blames clinton for it. Clinton is bringing two known billionaires including mark cuban and no secret there is bad blood between him and donald trump. It is bound to be an interesting night. Weijia jiang in las vegas, thanks so much. Wikileaks says the u. S. Government was behind ecuadors decision to cut off Internet Access for wikileaks founder julian assange. Embassy. President obama had advice for donald trump. Stop whining. The president said trumps accusations of voter fraud are unprecedented and not based on fact. You start whining before the whenever things are going badly for you and you are losing, you start blaming somebody else . Then you dont have what it takes to be in this job. The president addressed the election yesterday at the white house while hosting the italian Prime Minister. Mr. Obama also accused trump of cozying up to russian president vladimir putin. Coming up on cbs this morning, we will talk about tonights debate with mark leibovich, the chief National Correspondent for the New York Times magazine. Right here on cbs starting at 9 00 eastern 8 00 central. Antiamerican protests outside of the u. S. Embassy in the philippines turned violent overnight. A police van that had been attacked plowed through the crowd. There were about a thousand demonstrators outside of the embassy in manila. 31 people were arrested and not clear how many were injured. Now to the battle to retake the isis stronghold of mosul. Iraqi troops and their allies, backed by a u. S. Led coalition, say they have driven isis fighters out of ten villages near mosul, but isis is dug in and the actual battle for the city has yet to begin. Holly williams reports from iraq. Reporter the village of tajvilo was recaptured from isis yesterday. Left behind behind the battle are clues how isis will defend mosul. The extremists dug a network of themselves from attack. Lieutenant colonel shaled expects the same in mosul as well as more sued bombers. The battle for mosul began in villages on the eastern side of the city where kurdish fighters went housetohouse, hunting down the isis Gunmen Holding out there. U. S. Coalition air strikes demolished the ella which was abandoned by its residents three years ago. Three air strikes, three u. S. Air strikes target is the tunnel. Four. Targeting the tunnels. But in mosul home to around a million civilians who are effectively human shields, air strikes will be difficult without massive casualties. Isis released this propaganda video today claiming that life in the city is normal, showing offensive. But normal life in mosul also includes this morning another brutal execution of a man they claim is a spy. Isis is hungerering down, preparing to defend the biggest city in its socalled islamic state. There are also fears that isis could use chemical weapons in the battle for mosul. Last month the u. S. Air sik destroyed what the u. S. Says was a chemical weapons plant in the area. Holly williams, cbs news, in northern iraq. Back here at home. Another batch of mosquitoes carrying the zika virus has been detected in miami. The insects were in a trap in an area already designated as a transmission zone. A large portion of the city remains an active zika zone. More than a thousand people in u. S. , though. Fire homes destroyed by a wildfire in southern colorado. More than 2,500 square miles have been burned and hundreds of other homes are threatened. A fire blew a outbuilding into a power line. As of last night, the fire remained out of control. Coming up on the morning news. Upgrading air travel. Why airlines may need to pay up the next time your luggage arrives late. And a lawsuit over the flint water crisis takes aim at the school system. This is the cbs morning news. achoo did you know you can pick up cold flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours . Its like having a sick Family Member that you didnt even know was there. And we all know what happens when one Family Member gets sick. But lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99. 9 of germs including 8 common cold flu viruses to help protect your home. This cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy after brushing, listerine . Total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. Its an easy way to give listerine . Total care to the total family. Listerine . Total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth . The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, aken more than twice a day. Symbicort contains formoterol. Medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. Symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. You should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. Watch out, piggies children giggle symbicort. Breathe better starting within 5 minutes. Call or go online to learn more about a free trial offer. If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. o the last state dinner of president obamas tenure was also one of the biggest. The guests of honor were Prime Minister matteo renzi and his wife. The Prime Minister toasted the obamas. Thank you so much for your nrvel journey and thank you so much for Incredible Service and thank you so much for the value you aspire. Not only the United States of america, but around the world. Also on hand last night were our own gayle king and her daughter and white house aide. Schools are being sued in the flint water crisis. New proposals to make flying easier. Those are some of the headlines on the morning newsstand. Wall street journal reports on prop protect airline passengers. The Transportation Department wants carriers to refund checked bag fees if luggage is substantially delayed. Airlines would also be required to report flight delays and other mistakes by their regional carriers. The proposals are up for public comment. The Philadelphia Inquirer results the criticism of bill cosby and his lawyers. The d. A. Says the comedian used a scorched earth policy to hide testimony for more than a decade. The unsealing of the 2005 deposition led to the sex assault case cosby now faces. In his deposition, cosby admitted he used drugs in encounters with women. Special needs student in flint, michigan. The aclu claims the children arent being properly educated due to unfair policies and the citys water crisis. The federal suit asks courts to change proposals by the educators. Word of the most expensive shoe shine ever. The smithsonian hopes to raise 300,000 on kick starter to judy why am i so devastatingly handsome, im in a fragrance. Ad, and my sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf, all thats left to remember. What she washed this like a month ago hows a guy supposed to move on the long lasting scent of gain flings. Heres a look at todays lforecast in some cities around the country. And liftoff. Rurr russians are on their way ock e more. Good morning. Health stocks led a broad rally on wall streetes wiped out market losses from monday. The dow gained 75 points and s p closed 13 points higher. 80 companies in the s p are expected to report Quarterly Results this week. Nasdaq rose 44 points. Yahoo s revenue plunged 14 after subtracting advertising commissions. Its yahoo ease first Earnings Report since admitting to a in july yahoo announced it is selling its digital operations to verizon. Next years cost of living adjustment for Social Security an increase of under 4. But it beats this year because inflation, there was no increase. More than 60 million americans receive s samsung is setting up Exchange Booths at airports for passengers can swipe their galaxy note seven stoemartphone. The phones have been banned by faa. The booths are being set up in some of the busier airports in australia. It calls for the german billion to buy back or repair about 475,000 volkswagens with diesel engines. Their owners would get an additional 10,000 each. A final decision is expected by october 25th. Good news for the vw owners. Jill wagner at the new york stock exchange, thanks a lot, jill. Still to come privacy concerns. A look at facial Recognition Technology that taps into a database of millions of americans. . Tomorrows the day well play something besides video games. Every day is a gift especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto . A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto . Was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto . Dont take entresto . With an ace inhibitor or or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto . The most serious side effects are angioedema, low Blood Pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your heart doctor about entresto . And help make the gift heres a look at todays forecast in some cities around the country. Well, that groan you may have heard last night was probably coming from cubs fans. Their team now trails in the National League pennant series the dodgers scored a 60 victory in los angeles. The cubs 18 inning scoreless streak is the longest in the teams postseason history. In the american League Pennant fight, toronto is finally shaking off the batting box blues. The blue jays avoided elimination last night by beating visiting cleveland 51. Josh donaldson slugged a towering homer, as toronto hitters finally started to connect. But the indians can still clench their first world series berth in 19 years so its like the old police lineup, but on steroids. Technology is giving investigators a fast new way to spot suspects. Jeff pegues looks at the potential impact of facial recognition. Reporter the facial Recognition Technology locks on once youre in range. Putting the green box around us and displaying our names. Reporter Benji Hutchinson works for nez, a company that sells the software. On the streets . There are. Reporter cameras equipped with the software can match a persons face to others in a database. It could have helped after the Boston Marathon bombing. Investigators there had to sift through 120,000 photos in nearly 13,000 videos before identifying dzhokhar tsarnaev. It would have led to the suspect sooner . Absolutely. It would have dramatically released the have gotten the match in seconds. Reporter in baltimore, the police used facial requisition during the 2015 riots to identify lewding suspects, but it has raised privacy concerns. Alvaro is the author after Georgetown Law School study on facial recognition. It found 26 Police Departments use the technology and 16 states allow the fbi to tap into their systems. Photos are combed from social media images and drivers the report argues the biometric Network Primary includes lawabiding americans. Maryland enrolled 4 million drivers in its system and ask a marylander, do they know they are in a lineup that is scanned thousands a time a year without warrants . Im pretty sure they will be surprised about that. Reporter maryland official say they limit access to the technology. The fbi says the technology is crucial to catching terrorists and criminals. Jeff pegues, cbs news, washington. An expectant mother is settling in at the new home where she will have her baby. She is an 800pound manatee called washburn. Rescuers found her off cape code in waters too cold for her species. She was flown yesterday to seaworld in orlando and much better conditions there. The little one should arrive in about six months. Coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, more from orlando on the manatee rescue. Im annemarie green. 7 days ago, karen wasnt thinking about joining her daughters yoga class. She was thinking about her joints. But now that shes taking osteo biflex, shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. With continued use, it supports increased flexibility over time. Shes single. It also supports wonderfully high levels of humiliation in her daughter. Shes a little bit shy. Try osteo biflex ease. Our 80 smaller tablet. Osteo biflex. Made to move. My advice for looking younger, longer . Get your beauty sleep. And use aveeno . Absolutely ageless . Night cream with active naturals . Blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. Absolutely ageless . Heres oo another look at this mornings top stories. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton hold their third and final debate of the campaign tonight in las vegas. Trump, who says he wants to bring term limits to congress, is dropping in most polls. Concerning the almost daily stream of hacked campaign emails. And isis fighters dug a network of tunnels to protect themselves during the battle for mosul in iraq. The u. S. Says isis is using civilians as human shields as iraqi and Kurdish Forces approach the city. And expectancy isis fighters to use chemical weapons to defend their strong dog hold. A barber shop in michigan is offering more than just haircuts for the community. Dean reynolds reports. Reporter theres no barber pole outside of the fuller cut because possiblily because a whole lot more going on inside than snipping. And trimming. Circumstance is kind of like situation, okay. Reporter like trevon lyman, any boy who comes here and sits and reads from a book during a haircut gets 2 shaved off the price. An idea owner a has really caught on. Parents already prepping their kids to sit in the chair and get ready to read the book. Reporter Robert Hopkins brings his son. Who doesnt want a couple of dollars off when you got three boys . Reporter Jalen Johnson is a seven grader. What is better, the discount, the 2, or the reading . Probably the reading part . Reporter yeah . Ryan griffin cuts hair and sorts books. You assigned like a white person. That same rational comes from, you know, youre a nerd. That same rational comes from, you know, youre old time. Reporter learning is uncool . Learning is uncool. We have to break those things. I just back to the quote its easier to repair strong children than repair broken men. Reporter what Charles Johnson is 12. Parents want to make that person proud. Reporter he got his two bucks and a lot more. There you go, sir. Reporter dean reynolds, cbs news, ipslanti, michigan. Smart move. Coming up after your local news on cbs this morning, john kasich. Wellknown cave diving site in florida following the weekend deaths of two men. And a technique called cold caps to help reduce hair loss in women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer. That is the cbs morning news for this wednesday. Thanks for watching. Im annemarie green. Right now on cbs 2 this morning. Why a substitute teacher accused of an inappropriate relationship with a student now wants the trial moved. A battle at the state house find out the next steps for medical marijuana in the state of iowa. Plus the simple ways that you could help decrease crime in your neighborhood. Welcome to cbs two this morning. Im jenee ryan. Ryan. Lets get a check of our cbs 2

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