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Assure them theyll be safe. With isis threatening parislike attacks in this country, the president said every element of americasecurity apparatus is on the case. Heres Homeland Security correspondent jeff pegues. I want the american pele to know that we are taking eveve possible step to keep our homeland safe. Reporter flanked by his National Security team, today, president obama assured americans that while there was no credible t teat, Law Enforcement officers across the nation were working overtime to keep it that way. For the 25 Million People expected to use airports ove the next few days, that security will be visible, like here at Los Angeles International airport, where heavily armed officers are on patrol. But nationwide, some Airport Police officers complain security is blind to the socalled insider t teat. At many airports some workers do not routinely go through security. The American Alliance of Airport Police officers is calling for mandatory screening for all airport employees. Marshallllclain is with the organization. You and i, when we travel on an airplane, we all have to be screened. Why not have employees screened as well . Reporter the department of Homeland Security says it is reducing Access Points for employees and looking into mandatory screening. Secretary jeh johnson were evaluating whether more is necessary right now. Thats something that i and recently as today. Reporter several thousand officers will be on duty in new york city along the thanksgiving day parade route. On the rails, heavily armed police are along amtrak routes in the northeast to show the system is safe, secretary johnson took the train this afternoon. But the bottom line seems to be that americans should go about their businessnd enjoyoy the holidays. But, jim, Law Enforcement is advising people to be vigilant, especially in public spaces. Axelrod jeff, thank you. 42 million americans will be traveling by automobile. Transportation correspondent kris van cleave now on what theyll be facing. Reporter its expected to be the busiest thanksgiving holiday on the road since 2007. Erin misar is d dving from rochester, new york, to durham, north carolina. Our g. P. S. All of i sudden added another hour on to our travel time so that was super unexpected. Reporter just as those 42 millioioamericans hit the road, the n. H. T. S. A. Reported a sharp spike in photographic deaths. 16,2,2 people died up over 8 from last year. If the trend holds for the year that would be the sharpest percentage increase since 1946. The biggest reason, almost half of those killed in Passenger Vehicles were nott wearingheir seat belts. Backseat passengers are a particular concern as theyre less likely to buckle up, and 22 states do not require it. This dash camera shows they are still very much atatisk in a crash. Dr. Jim hedlund studied backseat passenger behavior. It takes a second you dont have to think about it. It doesnt cost you anything. Its cheap, its easy, and it may save yourife. Reporter plummeting gas prices, the lowest on thanksgiving since 2008, may also be a factor in the rise in traffic deaths says a. A. A. s tom calcagni. The more people that are on the road and the more people th are driving longer distanans, the greater the risk. Reporter one trend a. A. A. Has noticed, more people leaving on tuesday. Jim, a. A. A. Hopes that makes the drive on wednesday l ls terrible. Axelrod kris van cleave on this getaway wednesday. Thank you. From the rockies to the great lakes, snow, ice, and rain are expected to create rough sledding on the roadses overnight. Carter evans shows us where the snow really piled up. Reporter in californias sierra nevada, a foot of new snow made driving treherous. So dangerous out here you really want to get your chains or soyou can make,e,ou know, the safest drive up there. Storm covered roads in oregon and brought 50mileperhour wind neither lack tahoe. Further east in colorado, the wind snapped utility poles. And in washininon state, hurricaneforce winds splintered trees and knocked out power, according to resident vin chawla. It was roxin. We had probably three op four large branches at theouse, andnd went outside, looked up, and saw branches flying, hitting neighbors roofs. Reporter along the california coast, king tides up to eight feet deep flooded San Francisco streets, and huge waves pounded coastal buildings in san diego, providing a scary show for diners in this restaurant. But misery for some is paradise for others. Californiaiaki resorts are seeing three times their normal snowfall and their earliest opening in 10 years. Carter evans, cbs news, los angeles. Axelrod in chicago tonight, there are calls for calm following the release of a graphic video showing a white Police Officer fatally shooting an African American teenager. This happened 13 months ago, but the officer was nit charged until yesterday. Heres deann reynolds. Reporter two more Police Dash Cam videos of the october 2014 incident have just emerged and while neither sheds much light on the soting, one shows a differere angle. 17yearold Laquan Mcdonald is on the ground dying from 16 Bullet Wounds as the police, including the officer who did the shooting, stand around. The release of Police Videos sent protesters into the streets overnight and this afternoon. City officials and mcdonalds relatives have called for calm, but there is frustration that it took more than 400 days to charge the cop jason van dyke. Do you think the powers that be wanted this case to just go away . I think so. Reporter Howard Brookins is on the city council. When the victims appear to be that it takes a long time for justice to c ce their w w. Reporter for now, officer van dyke is being held at the cook county jail. His lawyer is dan herbert. Hes really fearful for his whats going to happen to his wife and kids. But hes hes hanging in there. Reporter van dyke has had 18 citizen complaints against him in 14 years, including allegedly Excessive Force and racici epithets. None resulted in discipline. And herbert says the tapes dont tell the entire story. His client, he said, felt mcdonald made a threatening gesture. Can i see those threateni gestures if i looked at the tape closely . You cant see what my client saw. Reporter van dyke will next be in court on monday when a judge will decide whether to grant him bail or keep him in jail, jim, in the custody of the cook county sheriff. Axelrod Dean Reynolds covering for us tonight in chicago. Thank you. The u. S. Commander in afghanistan said today American Forces violated the rules of engagement w wn they mistakenly bombed a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders last month. The airstrike in the Northern City of kunduz killed at least 30 civilians. More now from m vid martin. Reporter it was one of the worst accidents of the afghan war, and it was caused by what general John Campbell described as a perfect storm of mistakes committed by Americas Elite Special operationon forces. This was a tragic but avoidable accident caused primarily by human error. Reporter after nearly five days of nonstop fighting in the city of k kduz, american commandos were holed up in a Police Station with afghan troops. The afghans requested a strike on a nearby government building which had been taken over by taliban fighters. An acritic130 gunship was called in by the american ground commander. The gunship was given the coordinates of the government building, but it targeting field instead. The air crew visually identified the closest structure that resembled the government building they were supposed to strike. They did not know it, but that building was in fact the hospitalalun by d dtors without borders. Before opening fire, the gunship provided the coordinates of the target to a command center at bagram airfield. The command center knew those coordinates belonged to the hospital, which was on a no strike list, but nobody put two and two together. The gunship opened fire. Someone from Doctors Without Borders called bagram to report thth attack, but by the time the command center realized the mistake, the gunship had already ceased fire. All this happened at a time when the american combat role in afghanistatahad supposedly ended, and under the new rules of engagement, the american ground commander did not even have the authority to call in that strike. Some of the commanders involved in the s sike have been relieved of their duties, and now face possible disciplinary action. Jim. Axelrod david martin terat the taeg, thank you. In sinjar kurdish fighters have discovered tunnels to survive u. S. Airstrikes. It reveals an underground city with electricity, plenty of food, and stacks of ammunition. All of this was built up during the year isis controlled sinjar. Kurdish forces retook the city two weeks ago. One of the two russian airmen shot down after venturing into turkish airspace yesterday was rescued today by syrian allies. The other was killed by the militants on the ground. The survivor denied turkeys claim that it gave repeated warning before f fing on the russian plane. He said he never heard one. Holly Williams Joins us now from istanbul. Holly, a lot of finger pointing but for the time bng at least it seems cooler heads are prevailili. Reporter thats right, jim. This looked lili a very dangerous situation just 24 hours ago. We had an american nato ally shooting down a russian warplane after it allegedly strtred for just 17 seconds into turkish airspace. We had a dead russian pilot, and we had the russian presint, vladimirutin, threatening serious conseences. Todada though, it is very clear that all of the players in this drama, including the u. S. And nato, want to avoid a conflict. The turkish president , tayyip erdogan, said today that he did not w wt to seen escalatioio and russia said that it would not wage war against turkey. So a crisis has been averted this time, but that doesnt solve the underlying problem which is the syrian civil war. The u. S. , russia, turkey, iran, and other countrieses have all taken sides in syrias war, and they are all now being d dwn deeper and deeeer into the conflict and perhaps closer to a axelrod but for the time being escalation. Hoy williams reporting for us tonight from turkey. Thank you. Today, the family of the late football great Frank Gifford revealed he had a degenerative brain disease known as c. T. E. An autopsy confirmed it. Giffordd died in august at the age of 84. C. T. E. Can result from repeated hits on the football field. Anna werner tells us gifford suffered plenty of them but one in particular stood out. Reporter it was one of the most devastating hits in nfl history. Future hall of famer Frank Gifford was leveled catching a pass against the philadelphia eagles. The play, which came to be known as the hit, sidelined gififrd for more than a season. The discovery that he had the disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or c. T. E. , confirmfd what his family had long suspected after giffords 13year career taking numerous hits. He never wanted to lose his dignity. He had seen so much of that throroh the years and t tts what i i prayed thaha the lord would take him the way he wanted to go. Reporter researchers at Boston University toad us today 82 of the 92 former nfl players they examined suffefed from c. T. E. , thats 96 . Dr. Robert cantu heads the center. Sometimes it can be one horrific single injury, but mostly its repepitive head injuries. Reporter both the new york giants and the nfl said today they appreciate the gifford familys efforts to help advance understanding of c. T. E. Jim, the nfl said it is not waiting for science but is working now to improve the safety of the game. Axelrod anna werner, thank you very much. Still ahe on the cbsvening news, this thanksgiving eve, let the shopping begin. America gets ready to hit the stores. And at the white house, a fowl is hit, and the president alls him safe. D a cold with sinus pressure. You u ed fast relief. Alkaseltzer plus severe sinus congestion and cough liquid gels rush relief to your tough symptoms. [deep breath]to put you back in control. [doorbell] coming alkaseltzer plus sinus. Hey marc. 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Eliminate odors youve gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, axelrod its become a thanksgiving tradition. Most major retailers will be open tomorrow so americans can start their hole day shopping. Of course, many are open 24 7 online. This amazon facility near trenton, new jersey, is what the online retailer calls a fulfillment center, and the holiday rush is already in full ing there. In order t tkeep up, amazon has hired 100,000 extra Seasonal Workers. One of those is 20yearold zahmir ibezim, a College Student looking to save up money beforor he heads back to school in january. The money you make here what, are you going to use it for . Im going to use it to pay back school. Axelrod so this is to make money to pay off some loans . Yes. Axelrod amscreen hiring is a 25 increase from last year but they are the exception. Overall, holiday h ring is higher than last season. Dex is adding 55,000 workers, roughly 5 more than 2014. Major retailers like mys and target will add the same amount of workers as last yeaea andrew challenger is the Vice President of the Employment Firm challenger, gray, and christmas. Because so much of the Holiday Spending is now being done online, the jobs are changing. Now more of the jobs, instead of being in the front room, are moving into shipping and handling, into warehouses, and into the actual delivery of those products. Axelrod jeanette washburn, a mother of six, is working i i the Amazon Warehouse for the first time. So its good to have a little extra cash . Absolutely. Too something thats just maybe a little out of the ordinary for the household. Axeod do you want to d this f fl time . You know, if that was offered to me i would consider it definitely, but ill be back next season for sure. Axelrod last year, more than 20,000 of amazon Seasonal Workers were offered fulltime positions after the holiday rush was over. President obama continued a thanksgiving tradition today. laughter granting pardons to a couple of turkeys named honest and abe. That one is abebe the president thanked his daughters, malia and sasha, for joining him for the ceremony. He said, they do this slowly because it makes me feel good, not because the actuallll think this is somethingng should be doing. The pope shares his biggest safety concern with our allen pizzey as he visits africa. We think youll be surprised. Next. Believe it. At t and directv are now one. Which means you can watch in the housus in a treehouse, or even in miss pepperpies house. Pause in your pjs and hit play during a pb j. Nice and enjoy some cartoons insteaddof listening to dads car tunes. dad meet you all the way get the best of both worlds. Directv at home and 2 wireless lines. If you could see your cough, its just a cough. Youd see how often you cough all day and so would everyone else. 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Like all blood thinners, dont stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. While taking, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. Xaxalto may increase e ur risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal ananthesia ile on xarelto , watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto , tell y yr doctor about any kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. You know xarelto is the 1 prescribed blood thinner in its class. Thats a big win. It is for me. With xarelto there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelel. Was the right move for us. If youre doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get b youre not alone. While our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all n n income goes to the top 1 . My plan make wall street banks and the ultrarich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. Im bernie sanders. I approve this message because together, we can make a Political Revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all and dot just the powerful few. Axelrod pope francis arrived in kenya today, his first stop on his firstever trip to africa. Allen pizzey is traveling with the pope. Allen, the spiritual leader of the worlds 1. 2 billion catholics is now in an area where there has been brutal fighting between christians and muslims. What is he hoping to accomplish . Reporter jim, i think the bring the message o peace and reconciliation. He has said that christians anan muslsls can all sit down together, they should sit down together. Violence is wrong. Hell also talk about the environment, but that all comes back to his message that deprivation lead to terrorism. Ifouve got people who are deprived, theyve got reasons to fight, theyve got reasons for ethnic differences, thats a worry, jim. Axelrod early next week his itinnerrary takes him to the Central African republic when is a war zone. Does he seem concerned about his own safety. As usual the answer to that is n n the plane today, ii asked if he was worried about the trip, and he said, to tell you the truth, the only thing im worried about is mosquitoes. When i said, me, too, he went like this and said, did you bring your spray and smiled and he didnt have to bring his dawz because one of the journalists gave him two cans, jim. Axelrod allen pizyey, aarpenterrer and his young apprentices building a special bond. Dave, im sorry to interrupt. I gotta take a sick day tomorrow. Dads dont take sick days, dads take nyquil severe e nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. Woman my mom and i have the same hands. Same eyes. Same laugh. Ive discovered we have the same fighting spirit, too. Thats why i asked her doctor about new onceaday namzaric. Vo new namzaric is approved fofomoderate to severe alzheimemes disease in patients who are currently taking, and can continue to take certain doses of both namenda and donepezil. New namzaric is the first and only treatment to combine 2 proven alzheimers memecines to a single onceaday capsule that works 2 ways to fight the symptoms of moderate to severe alzheimers disease. Onceaday namzaric may improve cognition and overall function d may slow the worsening of symptoms for r while. It shouldnt be taken by anyone allergic to me. Axelrod we end tonight with a man who has a special talent for helping kids with special needs. Turns out, theyre a perfect fit. Heres elaine quijano. Remember how we walk, right . Slow and controlled. Reporter Michael Konstalid has been a physical therast inn e new York Public School system for eight years, a job he pursued because of his late father. My father had a neuromuscular condition, and growing up, becoming a physical therapist, i realiziz he had a much more difficult challenging life than i ever knew. Reporter his father inspired him in another way, too he was a carpenter. Growing up, konstalid wouldelp his dad build things in his shop, a skill he now brings into the school. Reporter i started with repairing a wheelchair or building a balance beam, and it developed into aesk. Reporter konstalid says the chairs kids use can have a big impact on how they learn, so he started working out of a makeshift workshop in the basement of f brooklyn elelentary school where he builds customized furniture out of salvaged scraps of wood. How can School Furniture affect learning . For a child who has balance, coordination issues, theyre trying to learn to the best off their ability, solve a math problem, or do reading assignment. If your feet arent on the floor, you cant be there mentally. Reporter konstalid has created more than 80 original pieces, like this staircase to help angie cruz get off the bus, a lunch tray holder for students confined to wheelchairs, and a modified classroom chair for hasan mahmud who hasas a h hd time sitting in a typical one. He loves the fact that hes sitting in a special chair, but nobody treats him any differently. Reporter to give the students a sense of ownership, he enlists them to help them build aaiecef furniture. What do you think about it the chair . I think that its perfect. Reporter in using these pieces of discarded wood, Michael Konstalid sees what others can sometimes miss limitless possibilities. Elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. Axelrod and thats the cbs evening news for scott pelley and all of us here at cbs news, im jim axelrod in new york. Thanks for joining us. We wish you a happy andafe thanksgiving. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org right now on cbs 2 ne, theres such a great need for people to befed and i i ink its a good thingthe early holiday meal hundreds enjoyed and why it means so much to the community. Plus. Food for fidothe turkey day scraps you want to keep away from your pets to keep them healthy. Healthy. Good evening, im karen fuller, Scott Sanborn is off. Right now, millions of americans are en route to their holiday destination this thanksgiving weekend, and with the world on a heightened terror alert safety is on the minds of everyone. President obama spoke today and said right now, theres no credible threat against the us, and hes workingngto keep it that way. As americans travel to be with their loved ones i want them to know that our Counter Terrorism intelligence and Homeland Security teams at every level are working overtime they are continually monitoring threats at home and abroad. Abroad. If you are still yet

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