Coming up and just a little bit. That we are learning details about a historic trip for president obama. Today on twitter the president announced he will does visit cuba for two days next month. Don champion explains how historically significant it will be. Reporter not since 1928 when Calvin Coolidge flew to have an eye has the sitting president visited cuba. Nearly 9 decades later, cbs news confirms that president obama will pay a historic visit to the nation within we expect republican cubanamericans running to succeed him quickly offered of criticism. Something that is president that you would ever do . Not if it is not a free cuba and i will tell you the problem with the cuban government is not just a dictatorship but antiamerican. I think it is a mistake for the president all to instead be pushing for a free cuba. Reporter the trip has been expected since he normalized critics raised concerns that the communist government of there still engages in human rights abuses. Just tuesday, the company the country signed an agreement clearing the way for daily u. S. Commercial flights to cuba upper john kerry spoke about the importance of normalizing relations when he helped reopen the American Embassy in havana last summer. The policies of the past have not led to a democratic transition in cuba it would be equally unrealistic to expect normalizing relations to have in a short term. A transformational impact reporter aus economic embargo in cuba is still in effect. Don champion, cbs news. Before the trip, president obama will likely make his nomination for a Supreme Court justice, following the death of justice antonin scalia. Vice President Joe Biden is now working with the president on the nominee. Nominee. If we dont appoint someone now and get the and a half before we have a nominee on the court and we already have a dysfunctional congress. We cant afford a dysfunctional Supreme Court. Court. Vicepresident biden says during his time as chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, he presided over more Supreme Court justice nominations than any other person in history, and says this has never happened before. At least one group is now upping the pressure on the senate to not confirm a nominee until the next president takes office. Office. This isnt about republicans or democrats its about your voice. You choose the next president. The next president chooses the next justice. Justice. This is a brand new ad launching this sunday in iowa and in washington dc. Its part of a campaign, called let the people decide, from the judicial Crisis Network. It includes a line telling people to call and in washington dc, part of a campaign called it let the Crisis Network that includes a line telling people to call iowa senator Chuck Grassley who has said that he believes the next president should choose the next nominee. It seems that the people are split on the issue and a new cbs news poll out today shows 47 of americans want president obama to appoint the next justice and on the other side, 46 want the next president to make the choice, which is easily within the polling market. On the campaign trail, polls tell different stories in the republican race. The latest cbs News National poll shows donald trump with a commanding lead over his closest rival, ted cruz, 35 to 18 . That is a contrast compared to a wall street journal poll which shows ted cruz with a columbia. Last night, marco on the stage tonight for a town hall in south carolina, and jeb bush, john kasich will also take part in the town hall in columbia last night marco rubio, ben carson and ted cruz spoke to voters ahead of the a woman tied to the shooting death of a corridor teenager is out of jail. A hearing for 52yearold Robin Merchant wrapped up about 90 minutes ago. The judge ordered the release of but she will have to wear a gps tracker and Court Documents say that merchant of bought a gun and gave it to a 17year old who accidentally shot am of the next day. She later that in hospital. The 17yearold is charged with Involuntary Manslaughter and four other people are charged in connection to the case. Cbs 2 news has continuing coverage of Asbestos Removal in cedar rapids schools we sat down oneonone with superintendent doctor brad about allegations that the project was mishandled. Doctor park says the district only recently learned about a complaint regarding renovations at Jefferson High School in the problem and showed us pictures of what he says was it sounds like you would do Due Diligence in talking to a variety of people. I guess when we are in this are learning about it and it sounds like he has made some a moment of pause about maybe how seriously this was taken but know that we will take it very seriously. Right now the Attorney Generals Office is looking into how Asbestos Removal was handled at Washington High School during renovations last year. Spring is about here and that means cities across the corridor will ramp up construction project. In North Liberty, city leaders want the number of upcoming projects in the brown town. On 10th street and possible 380 interchange on forever green evening from 4 30 pm until 6 pm at the North Liberty library. A College Softball team is and honor of those cyclones basketball star montana morris. Isu mens best but tweeted that of water to flint which is the 11 is the number that he wears for i was state last week he tweeted a video asking people to donate to the red cross to help Flint Residents affected by the water crisis after hearing of the donation, he tweeted a thank you think that it means the world to him. Coming up on the cbs 2 news at noon, if you are tired of paying for a pothole repair, new technology has been unveiled that could make those bills a thing of the past. We know it is going to get warmer in the next couple of days. Let us take a look at that weather first summary, and today, tomorrow, nice and warm or. You mentioned it earlier, that we are close to spring. I will lets show you. Seniors make up one third welcome back. Seniors make up one third of the cedar rapids population and cbs 2 News Reporter stephanie johnsons josh johnson joins us live from the market to explain how the congressman is helping reporter hey, kelly. When i point out, seniors were pouring into the shopping center. Divers men is hosting the senior Wellness Fair right now Nonprofit Organization set up here today. Services offering everything from making healthier lifestyle choices to discussing elderly abuse all in one here today. I spoke with home choice senior about what they offer seniors here in the area. Spark it offers a reliability guarantee so if we have a caregiver scheduled to come in and take care of your loved one and for some reason they do not show up, the next step reporter this event will run until 2 00 this afternoon, so if you are a senior and you here, find a ride and come down for carving during the quarter and cedar rapids, stephanie johnson, cbs 2 news. So far we have enjoyed a mild winter but that was not the case exactly 80 years ago. Coming up tonight on cbs two news, meteorologist terry swails takes us back to 1936 in season itself. Thats tonight on the cbs 2 news ten at ten. And were far from feeling the cold right now in the corridor corridor justin checks in now with your cbs 2 weather main weather your planner shows whats ahead for the next hours now a live look outside courtesy of our weatherfirst skycam temperatures around the area will be warming with mixed sunshine taking a look at regional temperatures we see are going to warm starting today the featuring partly sunny skies today lets move ahead in time by taking a look at the midwest surface map moving into a surface mapmidwest surface map moving into a closer view with our predictor forecast we see mixed sunshine today todays forecast bring us mixed sunshine with gusty tonights forecast has us conditions tomorrow will feature mild windy weather warming weather ahead ahead most people hate their drivers license and passport photos. But prince. Was so proud he tweeted his out. Everyone is talking about it online right hes 57 years old right now. Look at that eyeliner. Still ahead on the cbs 2 news at noon, an entire sports team is celebrating at the white house right now, who the president is hosting in apple continues to stand by its stance that it wont help the fbi break into an iphone used by a San Bernardino. Bernardino. Experts say that the governments request isnt particularly abul continues to stand by it stands that it will not help used by San Bernardino shooter. Experts say that the government request is not particularly hard for the company to do but doing it would set a dangerous precedent. Investigators cannot get into the phone of Syed Rizwan Farook and the phone that has apple security feature that wipes a clean after 10 incorrect passcode attempts. Potholes line the roads across the country and a survey shows us just how much they cost us. Aaa says that drivers spend and last year because of potholes. About two thirds of us are concerned about potholes on our streets. The organization is asking state and local governments to make roads a priority to help limit damage and maybe it could be a thing of the past. Have to pay for florida unveiled Protection Technology in their new fusion sedan. The shock absorber system will automatically stiffen when a sensor detects a pothole. Instead of dropping into the concrete and ford says this is the first car in its price range that has a feature. That is cool. Right now an entire hockey team is celebrating in the white house. President obama is hosting the Chicago Blackhawks today, and the team earned a trip after the defeat of the Tampa Bay Lightning last year to win this the third time in six year welcome back. It is time for your finances and im here with andrew from investments and were talking about risk tolerance, what it is and how it can affect you. Thank you for being here. Thank you. What is risk tolerance . It is pretty much exactly what it is. What you kind of want as far as the fluctuation in your finances and if youre okay with them going down further and taking that extra risk to get that reward that is what risk tolerance is. Why would you want to do this . Why is it a good thing . People depending on where you are at in life, kind of what your plans are for retirement or if you have retirement income, when youre younger, 25, 30, 35, you can take those chances and try to hit a homerun but as you are getting towards retirement, you can slow down and take it easy and be safe for you have that nasdaq and it does not change much. Questions that you should ask yourself, one of them is is as you draw money out, over what period of time do plan spending it . That goes too, are you going to need all of that for retirement . Are you using it to buy a house . That sort of thing. What is the money for . That is another question. A lot of people invest money and so for a house, a car, for retirement laced most just like most people. Experience in investing. A lot of people are not comfortable with investing so you need to make sure that you know what you are in or trust your advisor or whoever is handling your finances. How much volatility are you comfortable with . That goes back to risk and and it is down 20 , are you okay with that . Are you buying more . Are you selling . Your time horizon and how comfortable you are. To go along with it, if youre investments were down 30 this past month, how would you react . If they were down this month, People Like Us a little bit younger, why not buy . You have that horizon and maybe as you are getting older, you need that, and you should probably sell it and keep it close to you. How secure is your future income . That kind of goes on the retirement things. Social security, pensions, is a little bit more secure and you can be more risky. If you are younger, you can be more risky. Those are all really good tips. If you can just tell viewers one think that they should focus on when it comes to risk make sure that you are comfortable with where your money is at and the risk that you are taking, if it is trying to swing for the home run, 30, 40 years down the road or if you have retirement in the next few years, you might need to tone it back. Thank you so much. It was great talking with you. If you would like more information, where chemical . Try on investments. You can see them in the North Liberty area or email them. We will see you next thursday. We will see you coming up here after this break with some more look at todays markets. Welcome back. Guess what. Todays National Drink Wine day. People love why. Im sure they do not need an excuse as a National Wind a but there is a day. Wine consumption does have some health benefits, moderate drinkers have lower risk for liver david disease, heart attack, stroke and some cancer. It can reduce cholesterol or ldl and increase good hdl cholesterol. And increase bad decisions. Depending on moderate it is good for your heart. Have a glass or two but dont have seven but then it becomes a problem for your heart going outside, a little breezy out there, lets go to our americans favored river city, 36, 39 cedar rapids, 40 when i was city, 37 in waterloo. Rolling through the rest of the day, lets take a spin on the weather cube, 45 this afternoon, 44 tonight at 9 00, and take a look at the satellite and radar. Plenty of cloud cover is out there. The sun is going to try to peek through from time to time. We see the clouds sticking afternoon, some clearing overnight and a really good amount of sunshine coming our way tomorrow. Going into the later afternoon and evening. Upper 30s to low 40s in the north, mid and upper 40s in the south, mixed sunshine, windy, warming up and here is the sevenday forecast. Upper 50s and low 60s, with you tomorrow, 54 saturday, upper 40s for sunday and upper 30s to low 40s monday and tuesday. For weather details, cbs2iowa. Com. Have a great day. The morning. Something . Caroline mmhmm. Ridge why did i think it was a good idea to be away from you even for a moment . Caroline because youre c. E. O. Of forrester and you have obligations. Ridge no, my obligation should be here with you, with our baby. So please, no more false alarms. Caroline no, no. Not that that wasnt actually very scary, thinking that i was gonna deliver our baby with its father thousands of miles away from me. But luckily thomas was there to, you know, take me to the hospital, which was very nice. Ridge well, im here now. Caroline mmhmm. Ridge and everything

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