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There is so much incredibly critical news that it makes it hard to even do this broadcast the old days people complain that oh it's a slow news day that you simply meant whatever the main corporate press was putting out thin and was boring and most talk show hosts whether on radio or t.v. Which is simply regurgitate whatever the official talking points were and that was what they meant by slow this day there's really never a slow news day for so many incredibly interesting things happening good things bad things beautiful things ugly things so many wonderful people full of courage and honor and strength so many bad people filled with evil and avarice stick lust for power control and cause pain and then there are so many people that are simply sleepwalking through life well in 4 wars is not sleepwalking through life and our mission is to ignite human consciousness and to get humanity to think about history to think about our place in it and our place in the future and to think about the real players that are involved controlling the shadow government system. There is a massive quickening huge awakening taking place that is driving towards a reckoning. Let me do my best job in this 1st big Shachtman laying out some of the news we have before us and I'd like to try to educationally and as focused as possible. Through It. I got up early this morning a dollar a shirt and then I worked out really hard for an hour and while the blood was pumping through the brain I was having explosive understanding of the enemy's operation already understand many layers of it structures of it more than even top generals of the New Order know their own system but I could see the fractal design of it and the. Second art form that it basically says and I have a critical piece of the puzzle. That's been hiding in plain view for a long time and we know this. But I could just she it in a text or size in their craft and not of course is how they are programming and then creating beta test. For the normal life. Systems that will remove our values and our freedoms that have been so dearly fought for and how that's done formulaically and of the public is aware of the continuity of agenda and the formulaic nature of it that is of great awakening point and also resistance point that this is not happening by accident it was Edward Mandela House said Hell Roosevelt said it that if something happens in politics you can bet it was planned that way and let me mention the 1st thing that I'm going to cover in the next hour when criminal lawyer constitutional lawyer. Persimmon lawyer Robert Barnes is in studio whether or not consulted with several lawyers last night and where the Barnes this morning before I went on air and George Soros and the little Media Matters outfit are really upset right now because they want to pull the wool over our eyes as we all know we had a reporter on your show he was in the courtroom. And it was completely blown away when a known Obama official that headed up a department whose husband is a lawyer at the Justice Department on the Russian gate specifically and stones lawyers raised this and tried to strike her the 1st juror they looked at she was waiting she'll be the jury foreman Watch Out of 80 people and they try to strike the show bomb a special wakey here who she originally works for the. First problem the government by Bill Clinton were directly for him in the White House then worked for Obama heading up the office of budgets p.r. That's incredibly critical but just wait till I get to this next hour because it's not just about his case it being a kangaroo court and the star chamber and literally hanging judge a one way railroad to present but the fact they would do something like this in front of everyone and I was even read the Media Matters article it's like all this is preposterous Stone's lawyers can just strike someone they don't like it's in The Washington Post it's in Reuters exactly what our reporters said here on air they say she headed up the p.r. For the Office of Budget Management and she's married to a Justice Department lawyer that's running at high levels Russia gate and got his name and she should be struck from a potential juror and the judge said no she's Your She question the woman said Do you have a dog in this fight as quote sure she has no i don't care one way or the other she's 1st in line ready Broady and and the judge raises her skirt and pisses on the Constitution of the American people if someone just has the slightest potential to even potentially have a conflict they are. Extel if the judge does there are accused but this is a judge appointed by Obama with an Obama operative where the husband in the judge department in the Russian gave. Us everything to make sure they're not discredited and that somebody goes to jail for some Russia connection that doesn't exist it is a textbook flagrant conflict of interest it be like having an all k.k.k. Jury in Alabama in 1950 in a jury trial against a black man the defendant himself against you Klansman and not one of mountain they got fell over and you know was put in a coma or actual cases like that and the k.k.k. Geragos here gone to jail the live the elder law this is exactly like that this huge joke level and the fact that the judge brought this woman up 1st and had a sycophantic discussion weather. And then Media Matters goes to show you can get arrested for jury tampering and harassing jurors it's completely legal and lawful when someone's a public figure but if Brad Pitt was on the jury but if Obama was on the jury what if it was Robert Mueller but it was Hillary Clinton it was Chelsea Clinton Oh she got called out she's on it now Chelsea Clinton is going to sit on the jury for Rogers can you say that's crazy it's the same thing it's one of their minions. And we've got a name and we're going to release it because that's what the press does or there's a war on the press and Wiki Leaks founders and basically on death's doorstep can't even talk to solitary confinement showing signs but. Somebody has got to stand up against this somebody's got to say no to this because you've got a machine covering up the Clinton we've got everything on the Clintons black books blackmail little kids kidnapped found out as witnesses everything we were told not to do it. And then the reporter tackles and giggles she goes Alice what about a big story for me you know I'm worried about young women she just can't believe you could now this big story and Brian Stelter came out and defended it the cover up and showed a o c just sick people always said Brian Stelter looks like what I would imagine a child molester would be I mean just looks creepy and 2nd and has demonic looks on a stretch all the time but now he actually defends a giant sex trafficker involved in the kidnapping a little kids and all sorts of horrible stuff was done to him. Oh but wait till you hear this one and it's going to be you know the jury foreman. Wait till you hear where she came from Bill and Melinda Gates Yeah. Most of you know that heart disease is the number one silent killer in the u.s. 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And has the most affordable national radio advertising rates period and millions of people listening to radio programs over 1000 am an event in x. Some stations and streaming audio live get started today with the Genesis communications network just shoot us an e-mail. C.n.n. Live dot com. Has your body ever gone low blood sugar feeling weak shaky knowing you better eat something fast we all know high blood sugar can lead to many metabolic problems that you see on Team dot com We have a healthy blood sugar pack focusing on the structure and function of stable blood sugar find us a g.c. And Team dot com or call 87787842 or 3 Nothing feels worse than unstable blood sugar call 87787842 all 3 that's 87787842 or 3. Waging corruption Alex Jones coming to you from the front line of the info for. You to. Instead of number 62019. 362 days until. The most important election of our lifetimes. 2016 was the most important to that day but now it's. Even more important as you can all see because what we've done is wow evil to know that we're taking him out of the back not just here but all of the world and so the globalists are turning the dogs of war. Now I want to talk about Geoffrey abstain it's the number one name in the world number one hash tag Epstein didn't kill him self the live feed of the show article on in force dot com a new source not com is hash tag Epstein didn't kill himself takes over the planet and that's exactly what's happening humanity knows that there are child trafficking vampires psychic vampires that run the show and they're getting busted all over the country and all of the world and now we know that a.b.c. News understood was about blackmail we quote had the Clintons and the blackmail and the powerful people with these kids on these airplanes they had the witnesses they had the photos but a.b.c. News and the rest of them covered it all up and became in the process accomplices to it but let me tell you about a real accomplice this is Brian Stelter. Now I have been in say tannic rituals I've left them I got tricked into being out of twice I was actually in a bikini in row one as well so I guess that 3 and practitioners look like that and that's what child molesters look like when they come down over a kid to feed on them now I've told you this for years if you want to know what a child molester looks like Brian Stelter is it Ok your t.v. Where you can see this man almost every photo looks like this when he goes up on the red carpet for the fake glamour shots he's totally unaware of himself as a psychotic and he's got the famous Joker meets the pink one look and he's even got some dead skin hanging off of some spent on his legs look at those eyes that see eyes of a predator and I don't know if Brian Stelter is a pedophile I'm not saying he's a pedophile. But I can now officially say he did finish not just pedophiles but the known teaching up of the part of files Geoffrey ups think. He's a friend of him on television and in the c.n.n. News letter c.n.n. Stelter defends a.b.c. Over Epstein scandal and defends their coverup you know read the whole thing right here he would link to it he would even say the name James O'Keefe going to control freaks think they control all media all information they think they can shut everybody up good luck he honcho might be platforming. So when you see a man with that look keep your family away and don't turn your back on him for a minute and take one look at Epstein's face that self-satisfied demonic look on his and know that it is a bad dude as well so just remember ladies and gentlemen evil has a face and can't hide it member that man posing as a woman simulate the murder of a baby what the face of that person may go back to the joke or you to shut up is that exact face. That's the face you want to know it's a nice look like body you don't know what they look like when they're doing bad stuff that's the face. You know what we look like we're taking them down we're not smiling about it taking them down and I know it is people are the enemy we don't join our work they do and you watching the show have been called the truth you were born to fight these people that's a demon an avatar in that body there is not a human in there ladies and gentlemen that's. In your face period. And now he's defending a.b.c. . Of course here. He defends his father even the a.b.c. Investigative journalist had investigative journalist of Good Morning America one of the biggest shows on t.v. Left was just mad that she didn't get the big story oh we had them the Clintons everything the blackmail the powerful men the photos the videos we had it all but they covered it up guess who else covered it up a o c The Internet freaked out and said Oh my God she's got a soul now she's got staffers who believe mainstream media the Trumps and all that steam so she ran where that for a few hours and then they realize oh my God this is who the Clintons used to handle people who were blackmailing and Bill Gates of course is involved so they arrested him I was playing the clips he'll come back with after a break of dogs and cats living together from Ghostbusters a man he's got a soul know she removed it and is now defending a.b.c. And abstain all of us. She has around her Twitter she's a method you know body and now all the stories I want to force are Camejo she helped spread Project Veritas scoop on a.b.c. Spiking Epstein story then she removed quickly think about that ladies and gentlemen. So they know how their bread is buttered But listen they fail Brian Stelter has maybe $100000.00 viewers awake and he's a joke but he's a fellow's spirit with the head of c.n.n. So they hang out together best buddies so he's like a legate you like speak for the Emperor. Had no kingdom Mr Zucker this remember that and remember who they are Remember when they had all those fake women that turned out a fake and made up and the only that hasn't recanted his blogging for his admittedly CIA Remember that the hash tag and the means of Epstein didn't kill himself our number one billions are seeing it this person has no audience he has no power he's clinging on by his fingernails and they know their own house of cards is coming down let's go out to break with the newspaper reporter. Hemingway of the federalist she or editor talking about. The fact that they pushed the fake Kavanaugh but covered this all up making them complicit in the trafficking of little girls heard it we did not see reticence from our media about running stories about Donald Trump that were based on made him look bad and you saw his profound reticence for any story that might negatively affect Clinton you know specifically mentions Bill Clinton Prince Andrew other high profile people that pays to have friends in high places I suppose but this is such a cool example of why people have come to just profoundly distrust their media they know the game is rigged they know that things are not that that the media get to decide what gets high play and what doesn't and that who gets destroyed and who doesn't and seeing that power the media have and seeing how corrupt they wield that power is really eye opening for a lot of America what's on and that's right and now the bill Melinda Gates Foundation running up steam is running national t.v. Shows like The good doctor gets me and they're behind and run the woman who work for Obama at the highest levels will be the foreman of the jury you watch because they want to throw in your face when I am. And I don't like June stop with the iodine the conspiracy wake up the World Challenge by Oh Tricia let me answer viable shilled x. To an x. 3 all 3 together in a triple pack with free shipping and double patriot points is about taking place in gentlemen x. 2 x. 3 are 2 amazing formulas of iodine it's different strokes for different folks she which one works best for you by a traditional Indian from the mustard seed charges all of it we have this bestial lever on these products 60 percent off double patriot points free shipping them for Store dot com But we're about to have to end this special Everything must go super sale is the main sale and this sale is part of that sale it's going. I have to end it by early next week so support yourself support your family and fun the. Store dot com. Stop the I conspiracy special inforce dot com forward slash visit us online at 1100 k. F. N. X. Dot com Arizona is only independent voice independent aka Levon 100. X. Going to shows now admit the women and children ambushed and murdered by gunmen in northern Mexico had no protection from son or state police Brian Todd tells more one relative says the only thing those mothers were activists for was their children tonight a stunning admission by Mexico's president that the family and other law abiding residents of that region of northern Mexico were left vulnerable by their own government over White House chief strategist Steve Bannon expected to testify against Roger Stone in his trial for lying to Congress prosecution is working to shore direct link between van and Roger Stone and Wiki Leaks correspondent Sharon Prokop the prosecutor says that stone e-mails Bannan saying that Trump could win and then quote but it ain't pretty and then Ben and replies Let's talk prosecutors then say that Batman and Stone were talking to Wiki Leaks all summer long futures up 131000000 Francis. 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And the idea that we can target ourselves with antibodies that have specific and unique activities on extracellular receptors but also to use them as a drug delivery device sporting chance or advancing medical science together. Let your voice be heard here Arizona is home for independent thought 1100 k. F. And x. . He we're the short of truth and you will forge this operation listeners and viewers you are the blades the hilt. The arm. The wheels. The I see the enemy. The Guts force the will you are the resistance. So if you pull back you go Well let me see a major Protestant churches the Catholic church almost every major university almost every major local church sheriff's deputy. Truancy officers Homeland Security officials have all been caught by the thousands and thousands a year not just having child porn but producing it in some cases with one year old baby that they write till they bleed in their guts. And I'm not trying to be gross here Hillary Clinton's 1st job out of college a lot agree. She went to Arkansas to represent good old boys who like to drive around and grab girls off the street 7891011 year olds and take them out the luggage and write them have death some cases and kill them and that's how you go down to get your trust when her mob boss daddy center around from Chicago you go down there to where we actually do a lot of the killing and run the operations you look at the Chicago mob that were based in Arkansas not just the Italian Mafia but the Irish mafia all of. That fact and she went down there to get dirty right up front that's how this stuff works you don't think it was George Lucas that wrote. Episode 3 were help the team tells Darth Vader your eyes hadn't turned yellow yet that you're not fully demon possessed yet. You don't have the whole shark look on your face like Hillary or Brian Stelter you need to go to the Jag. Younglings again the allegories are in your face. They're telling you how they operate and what they do and then you wonder well. A bunch of the Catholic church run by pedophiles 50 years ago it turned out they took it over and now it's every institution because remember a few years ago they handed out condoms to people's honest 5 at the Boy Scout camera in the Cub Scouts has they were given condoms and it turned out a massive sexual orgy and now the Boy Scouts is being destroyed but then it becomes too big to fail and it just well it's all run by pedophiles. But that's only the beginning it's devil worship and that's also come out but see on screen You Tube took our reports down about that they don't want you to know . So that's how they take down every good institution is by infiltrating and then once it comes out that one child's been abused the group covers it up because it's for the better of the group they think that it's 10 children then they cover it up then they're able to blackmail the leadership for covering it up and then they take it over and now it's an institution of the Church of Lucifer the Church of the devil that's how the corruptions work if you get them into the corruption when they planted the child porn on us this year we get the calls oh off record oh you want to fix things now you want to know this could really hurt you know what I'm going on here with this right now I'm going to corrupt me I'm not involved in what you're involved in and you're the ones that got to stand before God not me I don't have any spirit in me that wants to hurt children much less suck their energy imagine that being turned over to that imagine being that. Imagine giving your eyes up for a $1000000.00. People say hell no. You can you show up who are they resonate with. And their main trick is convincing you they don't exist so I'm going to play the James O'Keefe interview we did yesterday when comeback was so powerful he laid out the part 2 that's coming attraction to the president of a.b.c. They confront him about the cover up but this remember me before Epstein got killed in an average i.q. I said I've never seen what people up like have. Never seen something bring us more viewers and more listeners because everybody knows I was talking about him by name 13 years ago getting into the reports he was and 15 years ago and now it's just mean everywhere and people are jumping on Wal-Mart paging systems and saying it people are putting it in the messaging of the airport. Airports paging Epstein cover up please meet your party at Terminal 2 each by American Airlines it's real it really have the play that video and audio we come back as well Big Let's step it up on in force dot com a news source dot com Go share those articles photos means make your own and I can't recognize them all these big online recipe books are going in uploading recipes with a way hash tag Epstein didn't kill himself at the end and we're just seeing traffic served to him for despite all the attempts to block us and destroys the Lord works in mysterious ways. I think about that but when you sit back and you go man it's like every group has the giant pedophile scandals 10 years 20 years and then all the sudden there's a new director of the group and that director gets caught being a p.p.o. And then the group fully falls to the people like the Vatican and then the black pope comes and. Jack shover says Christ isn't real the family's bad boy abortions good world governments good communism is good Christian rich of Europe make him physically sick he said he said nationalism is like eating feces these are quotes. That openly the devil in the Vatican to price Schmoke doesn't follow him around but they're going to take over every institution it's how they do it it's a formulae and they're sacrament is abusing children and their favorite thing is to give them have a Tardis or a Chevy and then they have doctors Epstein all these groups have doctors and drug the kids up in a special psychiatrist psychologist that cover it up so the child's delusional and it's all just a big machine Malaysian government that knows exactly what it's doing. It doesn't control every municipality as you control every judge as you control most police officers but it seeks control of power positions most truancy officers are not pedophiles you're just a typically going to find the highest level of them there or in day care or in child care or in law enforcement or in juvenile detention centers because that's where they can get away with it because they have authority and the institutions will want to cover it up because even though they're not involved in it they want to protect the structure itself which then allows the cancer to replicate and fully take the structure over and now it's launching full assault directly on letting men dressed as women in clown outfits in statement of outfits have access to your children and now even show their genitals to them in an unannounced of then just as they fully mark their territory for assimilation and destruction. They're grooming them and they go to city councils and they go on t.v. And I say we must have access to your children the beautiful thing we're going to do with them this is lovely this is wonderful We're here to groom them they are ours and sometimes even. Drinking blood and just savagely little harder than that you see and what I want the most is that. Because they're on cloaking they're on cloaking you think they just want to screw their kids they want to murder them but 1st they want them back alone in the dark not believing God is real that's their whale song and I have a song for them fired up got a judgement is coming. 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The pattern follows the same signature every time. And right around the time the cashless society world government is fully implemented we're getting closer. The whole world will marvel. At the ai beast who can be everywhere at once. And who can animate mechanical avatars drones ground robots. Smart dust enemy will be everywhere watching in tracking and controlling but never able to produce beauty never able to compose. A future for human development only giving out the gifts of servitude and death. All right I spent most of the hour getting into the firestorm that is Epstein the for sure the blackmailer the controller had everything we had the Clintons we had all the witnesses we had the photos we had the Dead how we had all that they killed the story I was the big star not even worried about the weather just. Oh it was so big I would have brought down Bauer for people. You know I'm a big scene is did that because they're scared because they were put in power because they cover all this up. But now as the evil becomes apparent and people stop living in denial the smart producers and people that work in these places that are pure evil that lived in denial they're going to start whistleblowing everywhere continually and that's going to drive the establishment towards more censorship more control they'll start political assassinations even though in the modern surveillance system that's used as blackmail against them they are organizing a formulaic system and trying to seduce humanity into accepting and I'll talk about that with Barnes in next hour and huge developments in the stone trial that again are a window into the universe and how this all really works. But if you look at a.o.l. She helping cover it all up at 1st one of her staffers tweeted out because she believed like the media had said that Epstein was Travis' body but that's on the surface cover story once they realized the cover story wasn't working they turned it down immediately it shows how incredibly soulless these people are now I'm going to air 5 minutes of the James O'Keefe interview from yesterday because it's a prelude of what's about to drop in the next few days and it's really newsworthy the video of this interview is it banned on video and if people want the rest of the story on Epstein tell him what the restaurant Epstein is the guy that 1st talked about Epstein more than a decade ago Alex Jones will go yeah and now all their demonization of me blows back and backfires like judo we use their energy against them and now is the time to strike while the aren't hot in the information war because he was just a manager a major d. 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Selling else of 80 percent off Super Bowl is selling out on the bubble gum is it we have plenty of that for children it's amazing. We have the bio for selenium with the iodine combo 60 percent off that's going to be an old bone brothers selling out of the put in order and soon will be 6 months to get more than 3 months to get all the ingredients together and make it. About 6 months to get it all the bun Ross selling out that will be selling out chilled force is selling out very very quickly if it were some of it's actually on the bottom in mineral Piers and just got back here and we also have just got back into stock. The product other people love so much it's d.n.a. Force plus and I'm not going to spend time getting into why it's so amazing and why it's so incredible but you already know about that you should research p Q Q In coke you can and the other ingredients and then realize that no other brand has this quality or this much or this Shiner g. Of these products together what it does to the telomeres making them last longer is the equivalent of making them grow they don't grow that you still think it's fast which is the same thing so again like the gentleman. Wars Store dot com or AAA 253-3139 we have the Trump is innocent church people better start taking seriously the fact that they have a chance a good chance of removing him because people are so confident. I hear it constantly that. Trump is ordained of God he's invincible and America's back Trump and what happened was God moving the people to take action and like a chemistry reaction Trump was one of the key ingredients but I just lost the Kentucky governorship they just lost the state house in Virginia for the 1st time in 30 years. Very dangerous and they're engaged in massive election fraud they're engaged in massive criminal activity they are throwing away even the pretense of not being corrupt now and it's extremely dangerous more about that next hour or so critical when I say that I mean this isn't a pinning a lot of it's in plain view but the understanding of what I mean lay out paramount in my view. Well that's coming up and I will air the Project Veritas interview that at the end of the about the 1st thing I see there just a moment is I'm confronting the a.b.c. News president about this this is just. A choice thing at one level Evil's in trouble it's being exposed everywhere so now instead of hiding it it's like Ok I'm the judge appointed by Obama I'm bringing in a former head of Office a budget management p.r. Her husband works in the deep state just department on Russia gate by we both met at Villa Melinda Gates Foundation and we work for them on a gauge as embeds in the government that's the lady and the judge says I you know you spoke of the strike Jersey No she said no you can't strike anybody. And here's my 1st person she told me you can't strike anybody Our 1st person is this like everybody finds out who she is and I go oh my God this is crazy short runner Obama she hates Tropper husband prop Ross accusing for her husband's involved in the in the in the prosecution of stone that's I'm going to show you the people are actually our bunch nobody else we're all scared. And the judge said I have the transcript here and. The judge says by the way these are the jersey you can't strike any of them for but it was really a sure thing for any party anyway 1st person they call or. They start to she is they go oh my God she used to run a major department Her husband works just apartment and he's on the mall or investigation the judge says you can't strike and you know she's going to make her foreman you know that's unbelievable yes they're now in the red being in phase and they want other judges. Across the country to see this and say See this is how you get promoted we're going for broke and they use Roger it's like the dog attack training toy 1st have a dog a dog attack and it's a puppy that gets food then they get a man dressed in a suit and they have the dog usually attack actual animals if you take a blood and then they you know their attack dog well they've been training people for censorship attacking me now you learn it was all for you trembling Ok but 1st they make somebody hated then they destroy then I think and then people accept that the next you in the barrel. And same thing rushed Oh they are going to tear. The whole jury Exploder you and I can't even the people are scared you can tell me but we've got the end television this judge is crazy and she's literally just laughing and cackling and it's just you know it's all Democrats it's all famous Democrats going to absolutely a gallery that they might have killed a Clinton on the jury I'm not kidding Ok because. They failed to hide it and intimidate you should know they only have it scared of let's just let you know you cross such ever will destroy you they think America scared Well you know what leadership is about doing the right thing when everybody else is scared to get ready for leadership our number 2 get ready for total commitment. 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Creek Phoenix a division of Premier Radio stations the home of the Brian Kilmeade show time it's to Taylor's account funerals we can only apprentice the transcript of William Taylor's deposition before House impeachment investigators has been released is also set to appear before the committee in person next week when the Kenyon reports William Taylor's The top diplomat in Ukraine he will also be one of the 1st witnesses to testify when the house begins public impeachment hearings next week between now and then members of Congress will have time to digest the contents of Taylor's deposition It describes an intent by President Trump through his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani to pressure the Ukrainian leader to commit to investigations that would help the president in the next presidential election the transcript also shows the cello told members of Congress he objected to that policy and voiced his concerns to then national security adviser John Bolton he also brought the matter before Secretary of State Marc Pompei Oh Linda Kenyan capital here all set to begin today for some of the 9 American women and children killed by drug cartel gunmen in northern Mexico at least 1000 visitors trouble to the community overnight ahead of today's funerals filling floorspace of the 30 or so homes there were sleeping in tents when you study claims there's.