Transcripts for KFMB 760 AM [TalkRadio 760] KFMB 760 AM [Tal

Transcripts for KFMB 760 AM [TalkRadio 760] KFMB 760 AM [TalkRadio 760] 20190219 200000

And of baseball's free agent pul reportedly coming to terms with all star Manny Machado the deal's a whopper 10 years for $300000000.00 with an option to opt out after 4 years the child will play 3 years with the Baltimore Orioles before coming to the Dodgers in the middle of last season it's the richest signing in major league history will follow the story throughout the day plus others but right now it's time for the mike Slater show on Am 760 talk and breaking news. The Lakers. 7. pm the. Next comes the World San Diego's man. Experience side of the show today we're going to war to that coming up at 1 o'clock among other things a shot down on his 20th mission over Germany scaped pretty unbelievable So doctor that one we will talk to well we're 2 veterans for as long as we possibly can. What else we got today oh are you guys up with the the John Wayne controversy I don't know that I heard about this is my favorite thing oh it's Miss maybe my favorite story the whole year. Matt Walsh just posted something I read tweeted in the post I'm not really into digging people out of the ground and making the apologize yes the John Waynes bones yellow book to try to enjoy its life how to get him out how dare you John Wayne have said something controversial in 1071. That Matt Walsh said John Wayne's career is definitely over now there's no recovering that's a good point no recovering from. Gray and seriously the serious aspect of the story here is the outrage machine. Can't find anything really to complain about so then makes things up like just the ones that hoax is debunked now we have to go back to 971 we're going to act as a 97 you wonder find stuff that's a little off color and rip him to shreds that's hilarious so we talk about oh. I got another reason here gentlemen why we're doomed Oh good. Please tell me. We're at the War 2 got caught in a fight or so to restore some hope. Even it out dollar really why socialism I believe is. Inevitable. In America and in a long enough time frame I'm not sure if it will happen in this next election or the next 20 years in its lifetime but it's inevitable and everywhere it's never. Artificial intelligence is one reason we talked a lot about the last 2 o'clock our last couple days. But one reason also more simple reason is that people are terrible at math is actually very important the fact that people can't do math this is a story from the c.e.o. The former c.e.o. Of a n w restaurants and a fast food chain is not around here on you know we would drive to Phoenix we'd always stop and get to repeat that was in El Centro miles I knew it was a literal this is that's right I knew it was a great guy don't you think. That's a good friend off the freeway Wow What's your favorite thing to get if you. Didn't eat much there was a kid. I was 40 pounds I do remember on several occasions getting the classic a and w. Root beer. So in the eighty's they came out with a hamburger to try and rival McDonald's Quarter bounder now their hamburger at n.w. It had a 3rd pound of beef so it's bigger and fresher beef and it was the same price. Focus groups and everyone of the focus group thought that the burger tasted better than McDonald's but it never took off it wasn't successful Here's the c.e.o. He said it turned out that the customers preferred the taste of our fresh beef over traditional fast food hockey pucks hands down we had a better product but there was a serious problem more than half of the participants in the focus groups question the price of our burger why they asked should we pay the same amount for a 3rd of a pound of meat as we do for a quarter pound of meat at McDonald's you're overcharging us honestly people thought a 3rd of a pound was less than a quarter of a pound after all 3 is less than 4. So half the people in the focus group thought 3rd of a pound was less than a quarter of a bound because 4 is a bigger number than 31 3rd one 4th rather than the fractions which is 3rd grade so now take those same people and tell them that the Green New Deal costs too much. Talent cost trillions think they care. Or even just talk about climate change in general and all the proof they need is scientists say just a simple appeal to authority is all it takes for people. People like this are giving other sort of math problems so a o c last week celebrated Amazon backing out of their new headquarters in New York City was 825000 jobs to members 825000 dollars a $35000.00 whatever it's a story for and then you got to triple that or even more maybe you had maybe $100000.00 jobs a factor because you guys are janitors and vendors and restaurants and transportation and it satirizes a huge new. True economic growth in this area New York City when they left right. And they celebrated it and she said now that New York City is no longer. No longer. I know where this. Because Amazon was leaving New York City is no longer going to give them the $3000000000.00 that the city was going to give Amazon and it was he says well this is great because now we can spend that $3000000000.00 on schools and to improve the subway system pushes understand because math and economics he knows there's an economics major Boston College University New York City doesn't have that $3000000000.00 The government doesn't have $3000000000.00 the $3000000000.00 doesn't exist they were giving $3000000000.00 Amazon they were just not taking $3000000000.00 that they otherwise would have taken from Canada but now that there is no Amazon there's no 3 $1000000000.30 doesn't exist and it will never exist because Amazon left so I read this analogy imagine this imagine you you work at a pizza place you in a of c. You know the 2 people behind the counter at the pizza place and a customer calls up and Alexandra Casa Cortez picks up the phone and the guy on the other line says had that order 25 pizzas. And I have a $10.00 off coupon that I'd like to use and they o.c. Responds No no you must pay full menu price I will not accept your evil coupon the customer's as if she's Ok never mind. The then goes to your boss and says hey boss I just saved us $10.00 I said this $10.00 can I get a rise so that line of thinking from a o.c. And others but only that only makes sense in your brain if you're bad at math but even more that if it is not a critical thinker but you are and we got some of those yesterday actually talking about the border I hope you can stick around for the 1230 segment when we talked about the cartels and the thing to me as a couple things that stood out I'm going to talk with Brandon RB again definitely But the thing to me that stood out was the number of journalists in Mexico who have been killed in the last couple days for reporting on cartels and certainly over the last couple years but even just 2 days ago a journalist was killed in Mexico for reporting on the cartels and our media doesn't ever report on that you think they would write you think the media here in America would report on it solidarity with their journalist brothers and sisters in Mexico and you think about it also reported here because it would bolster the journalists were so brave. There were on the front lines were out there risking our lives you think they would that would pump up their credibility right we're victims as the president of America doesn't like us and here we have other journalists being killed for their job and we're so dangerous and risky unimportant I think they'd they talk about sort of get a little halo effect of victimhood from the Mexican journalist but the American media doesn't talk about because the more important narrative. Is that everyone here in America thinks that everyone and everything in Mexico is just hunky dory and that fear that you have that might lead you into thinking we should build a wall well they can't confirm that. With any news about paramilitary drug cartels murdering journalists and candidates for office and terrorizing border towns on the south side the border they can't report any of that so they don't so no one here knows how dangerous it is in Mexico no critical thinking I'll give you one last example January 29th there were 2 hate crimes to hate crime investigations that took place the 1st was just we know about that one we don't need to go back and I was in Chicago but there's another one a New York City a Jewish man in New York City was beaten up by 3 men the entire things on video nothing was stolen it was just an attack on a Jewish man same day both those things took place in the center of course the Justice Moore They never happen but you know I mean so far this year this it's 4050 days in the year for the New York City's it has investigated or is investigating 42 different hate crimes so far this year at this point last year they investigated 19 and almost all of them are anti-Semitic hate crimes so just a perception issue right Same thing with what's going on in Mexico everyone thinks that hate crimes are going to blacks and Muslims and gay people know he kind of are almost always against Jews so why doesn't that get any attention from the press we know now why the. Cartel murders and this in Mexico doesn't get the news doesn't any attention but why doesn't hate crimes against Jews get any attention it's by far more prevalent but for them a close one doesn't get any attention why did the just the small one get attention . Because he was famous no not similar things attention to it doesn't matter the celebrity thing added a little bit to a definitely not all that so I don't anti Jewish hate crimes getting attention I'll take a break into exactly why next 10760 k. F.n.b. 165362 vibrant water give a call to get them clean drinking water. In your house can't be held responsible you can't trust I suppose everything that goes on up to your house when it comes to cleaning our waters and Gavin Newsom just the other day the state of state address and prior to that and after that has talked about the quality of the water here in California not even the amount of it the quality of the water so certain areas California cape of bay that is so dirty is that we can take responsibility for when the water gets to our house and that's the Aqua for all house water purification system you combine that with a reverse osmosis system your goal that removes all of the unhealthy chlorine that the city adds to kill the bacteria there's still bacteria left behind so let's get rid of that as well with a vibrant water system removes all the trace heavy metals has the same effect of softening your water but you have to worry about us salt and there's no work no effort no moving parts that are going to break down the service no electricity no drains just clean water 760-734-5755 it's going to double the lifespan of your plants and. Your plants and are going to get a gun and dirty water so they can last longer 760-734-5755 extension 2 tell me listen to myself sure you get a nice little discount from this amazing family a business that makes this by the way this stuff. Utility Pat No one else does no one else does all that assistance a car basis is far superior 760-734-5755 vibrant water Jim said I could have to know we're going to have a good afternoon Mike Well it was a ride to remember for many people last night 16 people were trapped for hours when a gondola ride at Sea World malfunctioned during a large wind gust rescue crews were called in around $720.00 after the bayside skyride malfunction leaving several gondolas stalled over the frigid Mission Bay waters firefighters worked for several hours to rescue those trapped above and everyone got off the ride unharmed police shut down streets in the Golden Hill area last night after a suspicious device was found a patrol officer spotted the object of the intersection of 24th Street and Broadway around $150.00 and notify the bomb squad they determine the object was a commercial bait tank the city of San Diego announced today the completion of upgrades to 15 of the city's most accident prone intersections the improvements are part of the city's vision 0 program with the goal of eliminating fatal traffic accidents altogether by 2025 you're never more than 15 minutes away from the top stories of the day on the mike Slater Show am 760 talk and breaking news am 760 k f m b message and data rates may apply health seriously I think to young for hair my fairly keeps creeping back receding at this bald spot. Sitting where he didn't have to. Shave it to put down the razor because Bosley America's number one hair restoration expert is about to give you your real hair back permanently don't ignore the signs of hair loss but he's giving away an absolutely free information kit that reveals all the signs and a free gift card to anyone who texts leader to 85850 but they will show you for free how great your hair could look using the latest technology solution to hair loss. Is permanent and protected by the Bosley guarantee plus since Bosley has new non-surgical options you all want to yourself to text now for absolutely free information and a gift card for $250.00 off no matter what level of hair loss you have text leader 85850 That's l. e a d e r To 858501 casino was proud to bring the world's best tribute to Elvis with Travis making extra empathetic to. Eat cheeseburgers thriftiest mom in America the best part is totally cost effective I'm Deborah Norville on the next Inside Edition her secrets to saving the she has 6 kids and she cuts all their hair the beautiful chandelier she made herself for 10 bucks. I really really learned at how this thrifty mom can help you to watch the next in some of the America's news magazine tomorrow night at 730 young C.D.'s 8 is the recent stock market volatility have you worried or concerned that your plan to retire has now been pushed back twice as many people say they are financially comfortable and they have a financial plan this is Chase we'll see from the smart investing show you. Should join we'll see asset management for free workshop Wednesday February 27th at 6 30 pm We'll show you how we pull together all aspects of your financial life and generate a plan that is tailored to fit your goals for more details go to our website smart investing 2000 com Here's what you do for more family fun you get the bell ball park Explorer past of the San Diego Air and Space Museum about ball park the fun began San Diego Air and Space dot org Bernie Sanders I'm running for president we have a president who is a pathological liar who is a racist who was doing what no president in our lifetimes has come close to or where the hell did that come from those most disturbed and terrified by his particular view of the role of government are disturbed terrified but you've got to concede that yes he has rewritten the platform for the Democratic Party if somebody else could win with his ideas he'd say fine Ok you do it I just I only care about the ideas when I am 760 talk breaking. Just. Puts a classic case in Musgrave's high horse they've got to be a mild thanks and say that we're going to have a down with. So the Seaworld we're going to start see with a gender sort of 2nd or 1st we have to clear things up before you move on here. Is a guy on the left. So I kept saying well you know you got it was an argument about yes I thought it was gondola Jim Now if you want to ask him about Kim k. Yes Don't make me the the gondola or gondola. Gondola. No he's not seen that gondola that I think I'm told but I trust that for us do you weigh more than me on that I'm going to go to you to Ok it was the thing that goes up right there is one of the zoo rats or takes you from your little gate hard thing yeah Ok in the air and then in the air they open air you like you know yeah Ok So Jim shared 16 people trapped and I guess the wind knocked off electricity one of them was an infant and it's 40 degrees so in a couple questions 1st it was 630 at night park closes at 5. Great question going on there I don't know you seem to put like butter criminal mischief going to. Get the favor you know. I'll give you a look here and you keep it open to all right good to know maybe I was like Brad Pitt and it you know Karl Ok Let's talk that rumor good to got to go in that. Park close to 5 rescue so the police who are fire rescue crews weren't called until the clock while that's 90 minutes of the mechanics trying to figure it out. We shouldn't call our parents yet which we can fix it we can fix it we can fix it so that's that's a long time of trying to you know. I tell you I tell you my my horror story of music in park Oh my goodness we were in New York upstate New York and we were a water park and it was during this huge blackout that occurred but we were in the water park we had no idea and so we didn't get affected by it but rides that you know there's like the one the pirate ship it goes up like a template that was just like a pendulum and all sorts of other rides and electricity went out and people were on this ride throwing up because it couldn't stop no. No I wouldn't touch our later no no no I'm telling you people were freaked out some I was on that it was 3 minutes of doing it and maybe 12 seconds I was like This is terrible I'll never do this again because the last the last guard would like go up a couple inches like I have no interest in this like this isn't one of the fun things on the. Rigs. This is aware that so it doesn't just stop just momentum just kept taking and other rides like you know the roller coaster got stuck at the top or you know wherever it was and that's Ok ish Sure sometimes it stops upside down Ok Ok that's a problem because I was going to survive in that upside down that have been on time so what were you we were in the water we were on our feet but you like watching people watching. People throwing sure cars Yeah get me out because you know I would have to go before you jump Yeah because it was a it was small but it wasn't that high off the ground I wonder if you could jump anyway it was Wow Ok So whenever we hear a blackout or you know a ride go wrong I can only do that Ok I'm going to want to place everyone loves I want to. Do one thing I know about social interaction communication with people is when you want to want to talk that's perfect Go ahead Jim. Ok here's what here's what they say on Wikipedia. I wasn't afraid. I wasn't afraid to different say we're both right here to say I did not know there were 2 Well actually we weren't referring to no there's all those there's the boat like if you have been over to Vegas at the Venetian structure in Italy. The rest I don't know. If this is. Money Ok so that and that's a gondola No that's a gondola It's a God and the gondola is the thing that they call it a freight train so what I would use is considered what they're you know he's a freak I was thinking trains I was like What is this thing that goes in the air Ok that's probably a freight car carries people Ok so that's a gondola you write. To me course you know your question I will write very good I think the 2 best well let me just add a funny one there's a horrific one that's not worth of sound Fabio is riding a roller coaster and flies and smacks him in the head. And the doc exploded. On it. Over I never see how you're doing good it's great it's the best doc exploding story it beats even Randy Johnson from a fastball and hitting a bird flying across like one of the chances that you put Fabio into the person if it a person to be one thing or Fabio What are the chances that here's why bring it all up if you're one of those 16 people. What do you get when you get at the end that. Representative is there you go see I always tend to go towards you get nothing that's just kind of price you know I want lifetime membership. So you're getting off and you're ready to make a deal oh a 100 for search I want free tickets the rest of my life once a year once a year I want a free ticket for the last month oh

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