This is him in a very suspicious context he publicly called for Malcolm X.'s assassination and a wiser Mohamad the head of the Nation of Islam felt that Farrakhan would make a very good successor to Mao the next within the organization not the Nexus presence on the art of other Louis X.'s novelist are a cons presence on the day of Malcolm's assassination is on usual he was based in Boston but rather than attending by Sunday services at the Boston mosque he was at the Newark New Jersey mosque on the day Malcolm was killed and of the convicted assassins of Malcolm X. Were security men from the work mosque one of whom was subsequently appointed head of mosque 7 in the hole and that was the mosque that was headed by Malcolm X. The executive authority in the killing of Malcolm X. Was the same national security establishment faction involved in killing the king the Kennedys and many other people but they use soft pliable assets at the operational level and the evidence suggests that less acts or Louis Farrakhan as he is now calling himself was one of those with leaders of the women's March having. A wide then sells with and stood up for having stand stood up for Louis Farrakhan when he unleashed a not a typical blast of anti white racism and Nazi style anti-Semitism I think that's going into as well. Again I cannot stress strongly anough that I'm not talking about feminism but weaponized feminism also almost 40 years on the air. I have come to have a rather jaded perspective you cannot do this and not be affected by it and part of the price I have paid of for a few years on the air is misandry P. I'm a misanthrope quoting how much I care not for a man or for with quote Women unquote either I have a low opinion of human nature I remember Emory's 1st principle most people are a holes and that's why the world is so full of S. Blank blank blank people who have influence and power general we all the groups that influence and power for gain the financial and or of sexual so it would not surprise me if the vast majority of the current views against various men accused of getting grab eat were true but some of them clearly we are not and that includes especially Senator Al Franken who's remove or via what was frankly a bloodless political assassination puts the Republicans in a better position these are the the 2018 congressional races the off year elections to have a narrow 2 seat margin in the Senate. They haunt only have to leave when 8 seats to retain control of that Al Franken has seat would not have come up for election until 2020 now it is up for play in 2018 it remains to be seen what happens also the removal of John Conyers not only one of the originators of the Congressional Black Caucus but the senior member of the house visionary Committee which vets of the judicial appointments of the pump in the spacing or any of this variation and who was also one of the few congressional critics of the Nazi ALS off the tally and in Ukraine he was very moved to and he alleges that his settling of a harassment suit was simply to avoid the great expense of litigation and I can the magine that that might well have been the case a public figure for a public figure under US slander and libel law defense of. The legal defense against slander or defamation is extremely hard to prove and consequently are extremely expensive to live a Kate and Congressman don't generally make all that much money I would know will go into this among the female staff members of John Conyers who did not charge him with sexual harassment well as his administrator of assistant of 20 plus years a woman named Rosa Parks and that name may sound familiar it was was a parts disobedience of the Alabama. Municipal bus systems designation that he sat in the back of the bus that signalled the modern civil rights movement and John Conyers fired her as his administrative assistant and where he served for more than 20 years that alone would have gotten made him a target for the far right as would his criticism of the Nazi hours off that's how he and. Because of the well before I get into an interesting development these of 80 Al Franken remove all HALL If there is a technocratic fascist overtones of the entire hash tag need to movement it is obviously. Derives from an aimed at social media social media then sells all recommend Asli for cystic institution as a cycle social sense I would note that a nice chunk of the momentum against Al Franken was devised by Twitter but network based in Japan and financed by a very wealthy and to this date anonymous individual and organization not only does social media like Twitter 140 Characters in Search of an offer lend and sells to superficial and passed the point under a fireball allegation but at a psychosocial sense. Fascism it could be thought of as a bundle think at an intellectual slash ideological sense fascism is divided as Mussolini said in Farsi is no A ill corporate he's no fascism is corporatism or fascism. Is a Mussolini said that. His fascist state was the corporate state but at a psychosocial level fascism view was from the fastest the symbol of the Roman Republic you will see that on the reverse of the old Mercury had Dines It's a common symbol is a bundle of sticks that is bound together by leather and has an axe head on it and as a psychosocial level fascism is bundle think I have seen definitions of fascists as take driving power from the support of those around them that is psychosocial fascism. We are powerful is something that can London itself very middle way to a fascist construct. I would note that the word fascism How's the same Latin derivation as the word fascinates fascism I think sci S.N. Fascinate of course F.A. SCI and 80 the thinking about for example sporting events or rock concerts they are very much akin to fascism and the votes in the pendants could be said to be quote fascinated or fascinated so when we're talking about hash tag me too it is something that went itself very readily to bundle think and we should not fail to take note of that a very interesting observation about the blubbers assassination political assassination of Al Franken was carried in and as someone that does not take up a SHOWBIZ doesn't watch T.V. At all I don't like. Having to delve into the Hollywood for the showbiz Prust but from the dead gone Hollywood blog of December 7th 2013 by Greg Evans our Franken how do you work with him on basic nation Tom Arnold Frank in the queues or was quote manipulated on quote. Various. Hollywood figures are. Quoted here I was mentoring Franklin's removal what I would note again as that the photos which lead to this including Al Franken was ostensible groping away and we didn't RAS it was obviously a gag he would have had a photographer present one could question the taste of such a move he was wearing a flak jacket which is that the opposite end of erotic apparel from anything you might see in the Victoria's Secret catalog and. It is obviously not a serious sexual assault or harassment move on that very same US over who were there was a photograph of Leeann Tweeden grabbing the rear end of a male performer on stage. I don't know if that was consensual I doubt it I also doubt that the performer raised hell about it certainly we haven't heard about that . There are other photos which are in the descriptions of for the record $998.00 in general the aesthetic. On a U.S.O. Tour could be described as post adolescent bawdiness or the bead nurse I was reading about which is not surprising given they give so poor and the people who make it hurt I was reading up on Leeann Tweeden and he described her in 1st in U.S.O. 2 rows as originating with a photograph saw of her father who was a mechanic servicing the B. 57 bombers and they had non attending and U.S.O. Tour featuring the cattle well for younger listeners a couple of was a very is a very statuesque movie star. Hadn't seen her name in a long time however I do not think that Leeann Tweeden father or any of the other service personnel in attendance at that U.S.O. Program were expecting like hell Loesch to deliver a dramatic reading a test of the very reveals. Of there are a lot of the things one could say in connection with this whole thing and really not being an in a position to give what could date at the very least an academic quarter if not semester long course on the political overtones of sexuality and the manifestations of saying this is necessarily going to be inadequate but I do think that it needs to be commented on and I would note in passing that many of the targets of these things some of them like Fox News personnel. From the right but we also saw a lot of the people associated with N P R A long time Benton while of the political right well being accused and in some cases removed from their positions as of assault of allegations of sexual harassment which may be true but the thing that makes of the. Phenomenon is support for vehicle for covert operations and political than that believes in is the very lack of vetting of the charges sexual harassment generally does not occur with witnesses present or photographers and so that the cons are something that is past a point on verifiable I for one do not believe quote the women unquote any more than I believe quote the men unquote because there is no such thing as a women any more than there is any such thing as a men there are individual men and individual women some of whom are men and women of character and some of whom I would make great on if they were on fire it really depends on the individual the case of Al Franken is something that really should be examined in much more detail and my feeling about the craven Democrats who just fell in line with. The rightwing cutting edge of the Franken removal should be ashamed of themselves they embody what brilliant political comedian Mort Sahl said decades ago a liberals idea of courage is eating a restaurant that hasn't been reviewed Yes a man Mort Sahl. In this article going by Greg Evans Deadline Hollywood December 7th 2007 team oh Frank and how their ways in a message nation pum on them says Frank and the kids who was quote manipulated unquote a number of points. Tom Arnold a source that John Phillips the pertinence on K. A.B.C. Radio of the and Sweden and Roger Stone or Powells and that they coached her for weeks that the only tooth behind the allegations is the infamous photo and the rest was created by stone and Phillips the photo is obviously a gag and again I don't fault Leeann Tweeden for grabbing the butt of a male performer on stage at the very same us on the very same us of who are obviously this is the post adolescent body slash would be a static which can be expected to prevail on a give us over for again when Queens father went to see of a cow Well he was not expecting her to present a dramatic reading of weathering heights or any such thing. Continuing Tom on old house proof that again the only truth behind the allegations is the infamous photo of the blast was created by stone and thoughts on how stupid this he apparently got a bunch of takedown Alcoa Spondon says Stone and company sent to him by someone on Nov then tweeted that he got off the phone with Tweeden and that Sweden claims she didn't know Stone was involved until after he tweeted about Franklin's time in the bar by the way and I view Leeann Tweeden with a jaundiced eye for reasons I will explain not only does she have a history with Fox News among others she is certainly someone who would use her considerable charms for professional gain something that I do not fault her for in another so if people are to eat to have to pay rent and posing for Playboy or Maxim or other publications is one way to do that I do not fault her for that but it is not altogether irrelevant because this is someone who will use her charms for political gain and professional gain as to whether or not she did that here remains a subject of speculation however her political gobby toss tracks to the far right. More allegations from Tom Arnold couldn't also told on that Sean Hannity saw the photo in 2007 and begged her to go on the show but she wasn't comfortable with that Tweeden has been showing the picture to people for years we've been told on of the she was surprised that the people at K. A.B.C. Shared her story about Franken before she did and that she is very distressed by the whole situation and never wanted Franken fired on though accepts this. Maybe maybe not I've got my doubts but we don't know for sure and I would note that and we end Tweeden house our radio program and you will believe me when I tell you that radio program can be used as a vehicle for communicating political truth OK for skipping down in this article. But none of the comments on this point that as or link the as a string of tweets by actor Tom Arnold who says his friendly and tweet in the 1st of Franklin's accusers whose photo of Franken smoking reminding a bust group has been quote manipulated unquote by Roger Stone among others for political purposes and that he has put that we didn't story was used as part of a volunteer smear campaign against Franken it's a disservice to victims on the Tweeted using the hash tag me to have tags on them has said he was molested as a child at 1st on the suggested the tween was somehow in on the stone plan but then tweeted that he had spoken to tweeting poilus is the bad unintentional puns and that she did not know that quote People with bad intentions unquote who got involved in the reveal of her claims and. Here's a sampling of Hollywood and some of the tweets I'm disappointed with my friend Lee and this is from Tom on the on this appointment with my friend with Dan Tweeden her partner at A.B.C. John Phillips is it Roger Stone POW and they coached her for weeks to bring Al Franken down I had hoped she'd use her voice to speak out for all women against predators like Roy Moore and Donald Trump but she is a preferred. If in fact that is the case that puts her in the same political quadrant as Donald Trump the other accuser often a 1st name but men's who then chimed in that Al Franken had quote her at a Minnesota state fair and there was a photograph of him posing with her she says that occurred with her husband and her father are looking on both Ms men's and her husband or Donald Trump voters. So I wonder if she's a birth or that figure that fits in very nicely with her Fox News presence and if again if you really is that upset she does have a radio show she my just clarify things I've gone to bat for me and other more time although I've gone to that fully and $100.00 tons this last month hoping she'd the least reveal her whole truth too but she goes to Nate I know every single detail of this political manipulation K. A.B.C. Should lose their license promoting a fraud is a federal offense and F.C.C. Violation I would not wait for it on the front F.C.C. To pursue something like that also. F.C.C. Violations or complaint oriented. More from Tom O'Neill to put a button on this the only peut about my old pal the end Queens our Frankel story was the picture the rest was created by Katie A.B.C. Colleague and foe of trying to support her John Philips and his. Stone who coached me and for weeks to take our down Mission Accomplished and this this would indicate that land Sweden was also a. Trump voter issues that is more than of a full important more from Tom on I'm half tag me too and don't doubt any other woman but we and Sweden John Phillips Roger Stone wives and set up of Al Franken who are part of a larger smear campaign against Al and issued at the same time Liane came out at A.B.C. I have proof the and knows it is a disservice to victims. Just got off the phone with my old friend Leeann Tweeden And here's what I know now she didn't know Roger Stone was involved until after he tweeted about Franklin's pine in the barrel and. He goes on to claim that she was distressed and didn't know about this you know well. Maybe on the other hand if she is a burglar that would fit in very nicely again the is a lengthy and very complicated subject. I could go on for a long time about this oh about John Conyers again of the one of the founders of the Congressional Black Caucus one of the few critics of the Nazi Azoff the Tali and the point military unit for the Ukrainian military and of receiving weapons and printing from the US and supporting the swastika and of the S.S. Wound on their combat helmets the Pete spokes person for that is Roman Civil Rights in the early eighties the personal secretary to Jaroslav stats Co The head of state of the Nazi collaboration the government in Ukraine during World War 2 The implemented Nazi ethnic cleansing against ethnic poles at the Russians Jews Roma and others in a scandalous article in The Huffington Post John Conyers was labeled Putin's man in Congress very typical of the new McCarthyism that in another self plus his criticism of the Nazi I was off but how he and would have made him a target of the right so would this from the World History Project. And feedback Kevin Rogers main 965 was a parks hired as a secretary to John Conyers. Skipping down parks of course with the Parks and her civil disobedience refusing to go to the back of a municipal bus and I believe it was Montgomery Alabama basically signaled the modern civil rights movement perks were as it seems to us until 1955 when African-American U.S. Weapons under John Conyers hired her as a secretary and a separate list for his congressional office in Detroit. Position until he retired in 1988 so again. Some perspective on John Conyers now and again I should stress that I am not. Talking in a critical way here about feminism but about weaponized feminism I noted in for the record 998 that. And to mean one of Harvey Weinstein's accusers are coauthored an op ed column in The Guardian with none other than Jens Stoltenberg the secretary general of NATO. Advocating that NATO take the lead in and forcing the women's rights globally NATO is a war fighting organization and but we war is not kind to women and children I also found it go testily ironic that really Stoltenberg cited as in the early example of Nato's feminist pro activism a successful example of Nato's feminist pro activism the cause of O. Campaigns the NATO campaign and council vote put in power and was fought alongside of according to Chris have used then of the New York Times the sons and grandsons of various fighting formations including the 21st Waffen S.S. To Lucian composed the SCO to Baghdad vision composed of Albanian Muslims the beneficiary of the NATO campaign in Kosovo Hashimoto poppy seed OD maintains a 50 some odd strong or perhaps we could be a better way of putting it. Harem of sexual slaves to cater to his needs and to those of his cabinet these are women were basically against sex slaves they are held against their will and forced to do the sexual bidding of thought he and his associates. Have tagged make me a F. And Q. It again when you see something like that from Angelina Jolie and the secretary general of NATO Well NATO should take the lead in defending women's rights but we mean you are talking about weaponized feminism I would also note. In the context of divide and conquer one of the oldest of the gambits of cynical Machiavellian power politics the women's a March which has become something the institution have recently come under fire mostly from right wing media and from Jewish media voices Israeli and others because 3 of the leaders of the women's March common Pervez to make a mountain worried and they Palestinian most Them woman named Linda Sarsour whose last name transit cart. Have been associating with and or defending none other than Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan weed in the half tag need to movements and Hollywood in general in a characteristic fashion quote use sponsible for all this filth and degenerate behavior tha