Gold Ira kit that's 855-858-5807 this is Charles Osgood there are a lot of complicated things in life rocket science taxes and tying a bow tie but insurance does not have to be one of those complicated things your local independent agency representing auto owner's insurance will sit down and customize a plan just for you so instead of trying to model through it all online yourself contextual local independent or homeowners Agency find your local independent agent at auto water's dot com That's on Warner's dot com. There's a major housecleaning underway for the New York Giants Johnstone news reports today the team fired head coach Ben McAdoo McAdoo was fired a day after the Giants were beaten in Oakland and dropped to 2 and 10 on the season a disaster of a season kicked off by the loss of star wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr back on October 8th General Manager Jerry Reese has also been fired The move comes less than a week after McAdoo surprisingly benched 2 time Super Bowl m.v.p. Eli Manning and favor of journeymen Geno Smith the move led co owner John Mara to admit he wished the decision had been handled better McAdoo posted a 13 and 16 record over 2 seasons defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo will serve as interim head coach for the rest of this year I'm Johnstone a Sunday Night Football has the Steelers trying to keep pace for the Patriots in the a.f.c. When they're at the Bengals tonight New England improved to 10 and 2 and they took down the bills yesterday came time tonight is 8 30 pm Eastern Time. I'm Michael Scotto. It's called Metta share in it's affordable biblical health care and if you're wondering what does that mean well ask the people who are already members like the Badger family it's a big family by the way we have 7 boys 3 girls who live out in the country we don't and they think God for medicine especially after one of their babies was born with a spine of bifida and the total bill was about a quarter 1000000 dollars mega Share members met the entire need and sent them cards and letters letting them know they're praying for Medicare I mean we love it might still be until some point only in my own business but this year with agree option as far as affordability. Like Omar. Yeah more and more people are doing this and you can see why hundreds of thousands of Christian believers sharing and that is a beautiful thing find out more call 86688 Bible that's 86688 Bible 86688 Bible. With your Mayo Clinic radio health minute I'm Jeff Olson stomach flu is a misnomer really influenza is respiratory you get the dry cough the fevers So what is the ailment we call stomach flu is just a more of a common term for a viral gastro in a write us and preventive medicine specialist Dr Cindy says the best remedy for it is simply to rest symptoms exist because it's telling your body what to do is telling you to slow down Dr Kermit's advice is to avoid eating or drinking anything for a few hours you just want to have your stomach settle a little bit 1st then it's important to stay hydrated sip on a clear fluid water is best but clear sodas are weak T.'s are Ok too if you can't tolerate liquids try chewing on ice chips when your stomach is fully settled try eating small amounts of easily digestible foods like soda crackers and buttered toast gelatin or a banana and avoid fatty and spicy foods until you're fully recovered for more information talk with your health care provider or visit Mayo Clinic dot org kids should just be able to be kids but when a child gets sick and has to spend a lot of time in the hospital it can get really lonely My name is Jade and that's why I founded the apple a day program we surprised pediatric cancer kids the tablets laptops our phones it changes their world letting them face time taxed listen to music watch movies and so much more we make it our mission to keep these brave kids connected to friends and family while they're in treatment help us bring joy to these amazing kids to text i Pad to 91999 to donate or go to apple a day dot org The energy bill season is rolling and you're going to tailgate this weekend or you're getting together with friends to watch the games on someone's big screen t.v. You don't have something that cool I don't either this is Josh low and if you want to be in the know for the n.f.l. Games this weekend download the podcast blitz and giggles a new episode every Thursday into Friday great in both plenty of snort very little hardcore football talk to some good insight for you because I really want to help blitz and a giggle on the West would one pod cast network Mart pay its deep from the John and show check out northwest Arkansas as brand new radio station our radio station 949 radio John Dick we play stuff you like you're not going to save are gone. Not the doctor not the lawyer not the architect you're getting screwed so the giant corporations can laugh all the way to the Swiss bank that was a shock and a giant Here's another one bears yours National Monument and I'll say well that's good because it's going to be take it away from the bureaucrats in Washington your let's take it back because Obama produced that everything Obama did was a communist everything he sees land Well what would you say about those people who would say that shrinking the Utah National Monuments by nearly 2 thirds will decimate the land opening it up to. Mining. Tambour you name it what do you think about that how do you think about that so he shrinking to national monuments doesn't give a damn about tombs in the Ins nothing like that so who's going to benefit from this who is going to benefit from cutting the amount of land protected by the federal government you think you're going to benefit from it are you that stupid are you that naive to believe it's good for you how is it good for you you'll be able to go on you're still 4 wheeler out there like an idiot and crush every living thing should everything that moves crap in a stream that's that that's the Republican that's the image of a Republican the ugly Republican b l a crap in a stream and cut a tree down kill everything that moves what Trump just recommended would be the most significant reductions by any president to Monument designations made under the 100006 antiquities acth and zinc he the guy wanted to bring in elephants and rhino horns zinc he is the man behind this. Boy. Trump called some monument designations by Obama and Clinton a massive federal land grab that should never have happened if you believe that who's going to protect the land other than the president it wouldn't be lumber interests it wouldn't be mining interests it wouldn't be the hunting interests said we're going to see the land destroyed and mom and the same corporations who had just been given the greatest tax boondoggle in history are going to be able to bulldoze clear cut mine frack until it's nothing but a paving a parking lot left in Utah so don't tell me it's all good for you you idiots who've been sold a bill of garbage you know this is the problem I've been trying to warn you this for years I've been trying to warn you about the danger of being a kneejerk conservative I tried We all knew about knee jerk liberals we know that damage they do and I try to warn you about don't become in the jerk conservative I wrote about it in many of my books most recently in my current book God faith and reason there's a whole section in God faith and reason about what the word dominion means where God says You shall have dominion over all the animals all the plants all the land many of you think that means you can rape it in clear cut it off many of you think that means you can go in there and turn everything into a parking lot rip out Native American tombs cut down every forest fact it doesn't mean that Dominion means a storage ship of the land not a robber baron ship of the land through on the stand that and I'll tell you something else that you don't know Mark my words but when you see Chinese companies coming in and getting the timber out to Utah don't say I didn't warn you when you see these greedy pigs called fake Republican conservatives in Utah selling the rights off a mining to some Chinese company don't tell me I didn't warn you. Because that's what's going to happen you'll say oh well it's free market they may they offer the best price there's a limit to free market thinking you've just seen it with Trump and the Utah land grab period on the story that's it's heartbreaking and that's why I spent the 1st hour talking about relationships rather than this because this relationship right now is horrible to read your scene of a mother son scene from my indignation by Philip Roth and then I asked you. If you were a father what would you want your daughter to one of the key signs to look out for in a man and not go near a guy who wants almost as a u.s. Sandals you know maybe it's a few has a beard or his nose is twisted he's got astigmatism I don't know what I'm talking about that come to about what would you say to your daughter I don't hang out with a guy who does x. The obvious I don't need like he smokes pot avoid him like the plague he's a drug addict and go on to harder drugs no matter what he says and matter what the government says no matter what the media says he will go on to harder drugs you'll have a really hard life as a pothead but what are the other warning signs of a bad. Bad guy now I'm going to play for you from you 2 a piece from the in the nation film clip because I read it but I didn't play it and I'm doing this to avoid the stylee verdict because to me it was a lynch mob that released that this Mexican murderer it was a lynch mob that did this and I'll make the analogy I made on Friday 950 s. Southern states who Klux Klan hangs a black man happened a lot of times. So they find the guy who actually hung the man and they bring him in for trial and the defense attorney shoppes the jury until the jury is largely those who are sympathetic to hanging blacks or they're a member of the Ku Klux Klan and the Ku Klux Klan member is found not guilty not even of manslaughter and walks out of the court laughing that's what just happened in San Francisco Friday so that makes Jerry Brown who that makes Diane Feinstein and the other one up there freespace What does that make them what does it make them just what they were then makes them the same thing although they're not that like hell they're not that they are that so I don't even want to talk about it's too heartbreaking to believe this country has the Senate to this level of of pauperism barbarism that Feinstein and Pelosi dressed up and gussied up like good women there the bob or Barack ones about what time they have Bob Barry on the spot letting this happen giving the sanctuary city law my God look what it's done to this country so we can talk about that we can talk about Trump paving open paving over the wilderness land maybe put in a casino maybe they can pave over the entire west maybe they can pave over everything west of the Rocky Mountains and call it the free market and you could salute that while it's a free market Mike what's wrong with death we don't need no national parks Mike we don't need your crotch running him off no no no no we need a pavement pavement out there in a West those horrible mountains up there and when he will walk there would be sidewalks so I'd walk south there are no moon House ruin we need a sidewalk over there and Monte La Sal national forest we need Glen Canyon National Recreation Area paved over every bear killed. Put out a 1000000 bear traps and kill every bear in those recreation areas kill every deer make it safe for someone at high heels from Park Avenue you think go by in a golf cart or fly over look down at the little people having fun down there after they sold off the mining rights to someone in China or God those in the Middle East who get it next but you'll see you know you will you and most of you don't agree with me you say this was a good thing to reduce the scale of the grand staircase Escalante national monument that's good that's free market that's what you're going to say because your needs are conservative there's no subtlety left there's no subtlety left on the left or the right and that's why I've told you for years I have tell you again I'm an independent politically I have been from the beginning I have never registered Republican and ever since I ceased being a little boy I haven't been a registered Democrat I grew up a long time ago but I'm telling you this is so bad I'm telling you this is so bad what was just done to do this to the land like this yeah the land is a living thing I know that sounds odd to you hard core conservative animal killers you're tough guys out there and kill everything the house on fire ruins a mule canyon in the piers ears National Monument means nothing to you blow up the rock and see what minerals are in it right it's nothing to you it may even sacred to the Indians and what about those thousands of Native American artifacts in southeastern Utah off including ancient cliff dwellings and petroglyphs want to rule they're of no use to anybody can't sell them can't eat them can't afford to Kate with them can't grab them can't market them in any way so blow em up fill them in pay them over. That's the Republican way they keep this up I'll make a prediction if they keep this up being the stereotype of the ugly Republican this country will be communist within 10 years if this keeps up no mark my words I'm telling you what's going to happen in this country if they keep up being the stereotype ugly Republican this country will go so far to the left you won't know you don't you won't know what hit you I've never seen anything like this that I run through this whole opening already I did then I asked you. Why should anyone buy God faith and reason I'm using a dollar amount because I ask myself when I write a book why would anyone buy this why should they buy this what's in this that they really need show can they really get it anywhere else if they could I wouldn't a written the book I wrote the book every word of it is from me from my life whether it was a story about when I was 5 years old or what I am now whether it was when I was struggling or when I'm struggling with my success it's all in there because life is a struggle it is a continuous struggle nobody lands on easy street in case you don't know it no matter what the news may have you believe all of fools running around throwing parties for each other you think they're there on easy street is that why they all wind up in rehab no no one's on easy street everyone struggling with these eternal questions and that's what's in God faith and reason and that is why my Odyssey is worthy of your investigation and there I asked the question myself so those are the topics rattling around. Ah play the film clip from indignation indignation not in the nation actually from the Savage Nation to indignation in Wanted ministration Hey that's a good one from the Savage Nation to the indignant nation in one administration Yeah that's a good I'll write that down back in a minute join those savage nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 salvage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com It's called Mehta share and it's affordable biblical health care and if you're wondering what does that mean well ask the people who are already members like the Badger family it's a big family by the way we have 7 boys 3 girls who live out in the country we don't and they think God for medicine there especially after one of their babies was born with spina bifida and the total bill was about a quarter $1000000.00 mega Share members met the entire need and sent them cards and letters letting them know they're praying for Medicare I mean we love it but my still be until some point on my own didn't let us share with agree option it or order delivery of medicine like all of us oh yeah more and more people are doing this and you can see why hundreds of thousands of Christian believers sharing and that is a beautiful thing find out more call 84443 Bible that's 84443 bible 844435 all. The official forecast. Mostly cloudy $67.00 with gusty winds up with 35 miles an hour tonight a 40 percent chance of showers mostly cloudy then clearing off $31.00 the low with gusty wind. Shopping Cart smart. Car break ins by keeping purchases hidden or with you if your car's broken into call 311 to report it don't let in. Happy holiday. This is Josh Lewin and I want to tell you what I'm doing now that I'm no longer the play by play guy for the Chargers the leash is off the shackles. Westwood One has given me this awesome platform to go to town on the n.f.l. Games of the week and a very cool podcast called blitz and. See what we did there simple concept we ranked the games of the weekend from least interesting the most interesting and we counted down like it's American Top 40. These days anyway lots of great stats and insight snarky commentary and really nothing about. When you're hanging at the tailgate or watching together in a bar you'll be surprised how much good relevant info we can get you while being snarky and having some fun downloaded to it and enjoy it. Make it a part of your weekend starting this weekend please and thank you. On the Westwood One network. Here is the agenda in New York Times speak I'm reading this off the page environmental harm they want to hurt workers the. School it really is like elementary school they want this is the agenda that Republicans are supporting Trump for they want to hurt workers they want to destroy the environment they want to make housing less affordable This is the thing these guys like. Sure. Play. To kill or gripe is not so much the trade deficit I don't think it's ever been proven that. Americans. Keep trying to put in the period me that they will not play by the rules and that they will not reciprocate trade and if they do. That Larry Kudlow. Temper k f a y. I'm game commando join me Saturday morning at 10 for everything digital right here on News Talk 1030. News Talk 1030. Mr Holiday season sale is here and it's mind blowing listen they're introducing the brand new Genya cell droopy I literally meant he is Mary from Fort Collins Colorado I don't believe everything I hear so I try this I lifted my right eye the next they work everybody said my right eye look better I couldn't believe it yes all the saggy lines on your eyelids gone in just days and now this breakthrough either treatment is yours free with your order of Genya sell for bags and pocket as Plus you also get Genya cell 12 hour media fax a 2nd gift free just go to join us all dot com That's gen-U. Cell dot com or call 800 skin 89 want to 800 skin 8 I want way to get better order in the next 20 minutes to get to more classics s.o.c. 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Band list if he's not going