Bless it all the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven but lesser those who mourn for they shall be comforted bless it are less that are the meek for they shall inherit the earth Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be field Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy look at this he says Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God and this is the verse Blessed are the peacemakers somebody say peacemakers He says the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God. Jesus is here in what most is theologians would say is he is he is basically giving his 1st message public address and he's laying out what they would call the Beatitudes. And he begins to give us insight into the kingdom of God and how the kingdom of God looks how it is expressed what God is looking for in the character in the hearts of the people that would that would eventually come to Him This is the characteristic that he's looking for and the blessing that's associated with these characteristics and he gets down to version 9 and it says Blessed are the peacemakers and this is what I want to talk to you guys about today about being peacemakers because he says this he says peacemakers shall be called the Sons of God and on Hearts I think this is something that we have to long to be we have to long to be peace makers in life and sometimes it's hard because some of us have grown up in situations where we've had a lot of dysfunction we're not used to peace we didn't grow up around peace we want to round people who really excelled when it came to to peace and so understanding what true biblical peace is and then really seeing it expressed in our lives is sometimes hard to come by because we're we grew up some of us grew up like myself I grew up in a single parent home my dad was not there when I look when I was one years old he took off left my mom my mom grew up in it I mean I grew up in a tough situation my mother doing the best that she could to try to take care of a young kid that was not trying to listen to what she had to say and. Growing up with in a home where there was a lot of you know dysfunction not just from mine alone but also from my extended family and so I grew up not understanding what manhood was all about what it really looked like what it was what is this really look like what does it mean to be a man was it mean to be obedient to your parents what is it mean what is all this stuff main So you have a lot of dysfunction and then as a result of having a lot of dysfunction. There is not a lot of peace so what happens is we grew up in environments like this where around stuff like this and we really haven't really understood what true peace is all about what happens to is generally is we think that if I could get another car. More money. A new house a new spouse then I would have peace in my life but true biblical peace goes far far beyond those things because you can have all those things and steal not have peace in your life. True biblical peace the word for peace that we're going to see. In chap in John Chapter 14 we're going to see this but I want to go ahead and define it now that the word peace is equivalent in the Greek a lot of times to the word Shalom in the Hebrew and this word peace from a Greek standpoint it means peace of mind. Train quickly. Arising from reconciliation with God somebody say reconciliation reconciliation with God That means that I have been reconciled with God My relationship is right with God I have come back into union with God This is a piece of mine entering quality that arises from the reconciliation with God so true peace comes 1st and foremost by us getting our our lives right with God until we get our lives right with God we cannot really tap into true peace he says from reconciliation with God and a sense. Of divine favor. Which creates a rest within your soul this is true peace I have been reconciled with God Now I sense the divine favor or smile over my life and what is it do it gives me a say a rest an internal rest in my life a Rest of soul and whether we would acknowledge it or not most people this is what they're really after is just to have a rest within their soul. Because I don't know about you I want to have peace of mind. I want to lay down at night and not be thinking about all the stuff that's going on well it starts with me being reconciled with God and then I start to since God spake when I think this is what happens with a lot of people at some point time we have to embrace the fact that if God has forgiven us then we need to forgive ourselves. Can I have been a man and it's in receive the peace that he's trying to bring meaning there's a divine favor that you begin the sense in your life that God is happy with me my relationship with God is right and if my relationship with God is right he helps me to properly manage the relationships that are all around me and I said this last night you cannot give peace or be a peacemaker if you don't have peace. And there's only way that you can have peace is 1st being reconciled with God God begins to give you his divine smile or favor and then there's the rest that comes to you and I from within this is something that God wants to give us He wants to give and he gives this so that ultimately we could become peacemakers in our lives there's no way we can become peacemakers if we don't tap into this peace I have to get my relationship right with God God begins to favor me and then I have a sense of God's favor on my life and peace begins to flow from me this isn't what Jesus said go to John Chapter 14 this is what he says here in John Chapter 14. Because this piece that we're talking about here. Is not earthly or carnal all timidly it does come from him. It comes from the Lord and we have to see it as such that what I'm looking for is going to come from the Lord it's not going to come from me just having these things in order in my life. It's going to come all to me only from him because it's a piece that the world does not give you what he says you're in verse 25. He says these things I have spoken to you while being present with you but they help are the Holy Spirit whom the Father worse into my name he will teach you all things and bring to remembers all things that I have said to you Look what he says sayings Peace I leave with you. My peace. I give to you not as the world gives he says do I give to you and then he says this Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and so we see very clearly here that this piece this word that is equivalent to the Hebrew word Shalom is comes as a result of the divine reconciliation and the divine favor being released and now I have this but this is something that he leaves to us is something that he gives to us now I love this because he says My peace I don't know about you but I want to have the peace that Jesus Christ walked in when he walked upon the face of the earth. He said this is the peace that I want to give to you the same peace that he had while he was on the back of the boat and there was all kinds of waves beating against the ship. And he's back on the boat sleeping. That's the kind of peace I want to have. He gets rebuked the winds and the waves and the sea to review says the Cyprus as small you of little faith. It's something this is the peace that he wants to give us he was persecuted he was he was ridiculed he was talked about he was lying on people were confused concerning his identity who is he is that he lies or that was the car this is John the Baptist who is this guy he was rejected it is own city he was crucified he was scorched he went through all these things in his life and he turns around and he says my piece I want to give to you through it all there still is a sense of rest that he he a exhibited when you look at his life that all of us should have asked questions because at the end of the day what he says here is is not not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid understand the trouble is going to come your way sometimes can I have an amen sometimes trouble is going to come your way sometime but there is a peace that surpasses all understanding that God wants to give to you so there in the midst of the storm you still got an internal rest a man thanks. So much and he says he says neither let it be afraid sometimes fear is going to come knocking on your door but the peace that God comes to give you is not as the world gives Does he give to you it's all he wants to give us this piece so that it becomes a lifestyle it becomes a way in which we live it becomes our mind that when people get around us they begin the sense peace summation. The closest I love the Saints this isn't to me. We've got to get around people that are so secure and dollars purpose for their lives that they know that nothing is going to happen to them before God says it's time. Nobody was going out that was hanging around Jesus in till the father said it was time why because he had purpose he had mission on his life well if you and I carry ourselves like this is Christians it helps other people to be at rest when they're around us listen to what I'm saying what I'm saying here this is what I'm saying is Christians when people get around those they should get the sense that God's invisible hand is on us so nothing's going to happen until God says it's going to happen a man that should cause us to have peace and rest when we get around people people should since this is about us. But if we go around. I don't. Think is the big one. I mean what kind of peace is that. It's not wheezy. It's a Lizabeth. Lord thank you. Thank you Lord I can laugh at myself. Because you get around you get the sense that there's a peace about you because I'm reconciled with God God is on my side and God's got his hand on me this becomes a lifestyle it becomes something that other people see Jesus said my peace I give to you Jesus display this he were beaut the the winds in the waves and he told his disciples. He helped them to see that you're around someone that has a piece that you don't understand and this is the piece that he's trying to forge in our lives and that he is forging in our lives Amen. Now how do we tap into this so that ultimately we become peacemakers we tap into this and when we really begin to understand that this is something that you have to put on it's something that's come to you by way of the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life go to get lation chapter 5. Jesus Christ said I'm leaving this with you I'm giving this to you. But the manifestation of it comes through him by way of the Spirit of God in our lives he says in Chapter 5 verse 22 he says in verse 22 but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy would be long suffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law and those who are crying who are Christ have crucified the flesh with his passions and desires if we live in the Spirit let us also walk in the Spirit let us not become conceded provoking one another envying one another but the fruit or the manifestation of the Spirit is love joy and then he says peace so I have to understand that if I'm going to have peace in my life that ultimately it's comes from the Lord we know that but the Lord through the power of the Holy Spirit is forging this within me so it becomes my lifestyle it is a fruit or manifestation of the spirits influence in my life meaning I don't have to grope for it I don't have to grope for it I don't have to. You know go through this process and I and I want to say it say this to you saints we have to get out of striving to make things happen the manifestation of the spirit or the art to seeing the man the Spirit of God manifest the fruit of the Spirit in your life has to do with one word and that is yield Dain. We have to learn the art of yield being. Yielding to what the Holy Spirit is trying to release in our lives he's bringing peace so that it becomes a part of your very lifestyle in d.n.a. Your very make up it's a fruit of the Spirit of God is peace but one of the things that happens is we go through this period of time in our lives sometimes as Christians were striving to make ourselves Christians instead of yielding to the process of becoming what God wants you to become. A man the Holy Spirit he's trying to forge this love the joy peace it just begins to become you because of his influence in your lives but we have to learn to yield to the promise is meaning the old Napoleon called man has got to die so that the new me can begin to manifest Himself through the power and influence of the Holy Spirit and so this means every day God is going to try to bring peace into your life or manifest matter of metaphysics of peace in your life and instead of us agreeing with the old us we have to learn to yield to the New us when God tells you is going to be all right just saying it's going to be are right get to heaven a man God says it's going to be all right and then we say I think it's going to be all right mate maybe it's going to be all right well if somebody does this and does that boy she's not getting on my nerves it's going to be all right when he stops saying what he's saying is going to be all right let me come on down here because I need some a minute it's if he didn't she didn't and then it's going to be all right. Instead of just saying the Holy Ghost just say it is going to be all right so you know what I mean by the day is going to be all right. Get a look at somebody and tell him it's going to be our. Best the Holy Ghost. Trying to force peace within our lives he begins to give us the heavenly perspective we don't get into this the heavenly perspective is that of just an earthly perspective. Well we have to learn to come out of agreement with who we used to be Jesus on the back of the boat sleeping. Why because it's going to be all right. That's peace So what happens is we have to learn that the Holy Spirit he is forging stop trying to get something that he is already trying to manifest within you he brings this to you peace comes to you through the influence of the Holy Spirit he's trying to force this in you so we have to see this this is something that I'm putting on it's something that I'm allowing to happen and this is Tell me this is something that I'm putting out I'm not putting on peace I'm allowing peace to manifest itself in my life that makes your Christian walk easier when you learn to yield to God Can I have an Amen so this is number one he says the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace longsuffering kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control against such there is no law it is the fruit of God's influence and influence of the Holy Spirit in your life we have to learn to just accept it Lord I yield to the influence I'm going to be a loving person because you've placed love within me through the influence of the Holy Spirit I'm going to be a joyful person because you've placed joy within me through the influence of the Holy Spirit Amen Let's go to number 2 this is the 2nd way in which we see God begin to forge peace within our lives and how we forge this peace Romans chapter 8 1st one on down the 6 Romans a verse one the 6 it says this in verse one he says there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit. For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death but what the Law The Law of Moses could not do in that it was weak to the flesh God did by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh on account of seen he condemned c. And in the flesh that the righteous requirements of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh are all the Demick nature but according to the spirit but those who live according to the flesh look at this set their minds on the things of the flesh but those who live according to the spirit the things of the Spirit are to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and would peace is life in peace and so one of the things that we have to learn to do is we're walking with Christ is is to begin to develop a spiritual mindset this is point number 2 because the mind that is set on the flesh produces death but the mind that the sit on the spirit we live when we live according to the spirit understand when you come spiritually minded that's when it really we really begin to tap into living a life of true biblical life and peace in our lives so if we have to embrace this a lot of times we don't have peace because we have the wrong Lillian's on. We go through this process in our mind we're so carnal in our thinking that unless we have the stuff is it or that then we don't feel like we're measuring up or we have you know what we need to really have peace in our lives and I'm not against those things those things can bring a sense of peace but true peace ultimately comes from God and we have to learn to put our mind on spiritual things I was telling the fellows last night one of the things that happens with a lot of people if we listen to this you know the saying that has been said over the years don't be so heavenly minded that you're no earthly good how many have heard that let me tell you that let me tell you. That's not Biblical It's not use not in here you see this is not in there up in here up in here is not in there . Listen what made Jesus' earthly good was he was spiritually minded. It's not until we truly become spiritually minded that we can become really earthly good because if we're not spiritually minded then we're more mining things of the flesh things that are just carnal then what we tend to do is we tend to abuse the things that God just wants us to use for His glory. Amen and so what happens is God wants to take us to a place where we set our minds on the things of the Spirit and that helps us to navigate within this world without getting caught up in the world understand Saints were just passing through here. All this is going burn up. It's temporal it's not eternal So what we want to do is start working on our eternal things and it helps us to keep things in proper perspective and to really enjoy my. Production of the well Christian community this has been times of refreshing with our teacher and Pastor Napoleon Kaufman so we close out our time together today we trust and pray our time together has encouraged you in Christ has encouraged you in your walk in relationship with him but has We'd love to hear from you there are a couple of ways you can get ahold of us by phone of course the easiest 925-292-7800 again you can reach us at 925-292-7800 You're also welcome to write to us address your envelope to the well Christian community 2333 nice and drive that's here in Livermore California the zip code 94551 of course you can always stop by our website and you can learn all about us at the well Church dot net that's the well Church dot net You can even take advantage of a few links one of which will take you to our Facebook page nor if you're on Facebook simply look for the well Christian community don't forget as you visit our website take a moment drop us an email let us know you paid us a visit you can also follow pastor Napoleon by the way on Twitter his address at Napoleon Kaufman all one word at Napoleon Kaufman we thank you for spending time with us again today and look forward to seeing you next time we get together as we continue looking at God's Word 4 times of refreshing until the end may Jesus Christ be highly exalted in your life and make you bring you a peace that passes all understanding. 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Try to now for free it's that recruiter dot com slash hire That's it recruiter dot com slash hire the smartest way to hide. It's interesting that reading of iron sights of the White House reviews Judas glass is sponsored by unveiled Christ ministries on 1100 k. Of a x. Welcome to the unveiled Christ to the world broadcast with Reverend Judah band Glasser for over 40 years the prophetic ministry of brother and sister glass of God Well the bringing the Living Word of God to multiply thousands of people get ready to receive a fresh message of faith hope that will bring you into new dimensions of the love of God you care and be that overcome a God has called you to be as you behold Him veiled Cross still in all of his matches for us and out of the whole word for the forming into the. Minister to the power of the noise of God's Holy Spirit. You don't have any problem that a miracle from God can solve Greetings beloved This is Sister Judith and I welcome you to the unveiled Christ to the world broadcast I pray as we share this time together your heart will be encouraged and you will be strengthened in the Lord whatever difficulties you're facing I pray the Lord just or your faith to know that you are walking hand in hand with the Lord if you decided to follow Jesus Remember that old song we used to sing years ago decades ago take this whole world but give me Jesus and as the world gets darker and darker Isn't that exactly how your heart shields because this world offers us nothing and as we see events spiraling out of control societies and nations in up he will where there is such disaster and trouble and heartache on the face of the years there's only one remedy and there's only one answer and his name is Jesus and I pray that you. We have found comfort and refuge in the name of the Lord because He is a strong tower to us but what I'd like to do today is to talk about trees I'm going to do with the help of the Lord look at some trees in scripture and I would ask a question which tree do you choose and before we go into the Word of the Lord Let's just as the Lord to bless the Word of God and our time together Father I thank you for every person and I praise you Lord that you will give me the ability the anointing to share what is on your heart and also Lord that we would have the ears to receive our spirits would be open and father we just thank you for that ongoing work of the Spirit in our lives we sank you Lord that you are bringing your body into a whole hearted commitment to serving the Lord Jesus with all of their heart with all of their soul with all of their strength and so Father thank You that you would anoint the word as we share these next few moments together. The love of our generation the time in which we are now living is pushing God to the sidelines of their lives and I'm talking about many Christians those who name the name of Christ those who if you ask they say oh yes I'm a Christian they may even go to church but Beloved I have been so burdened in my heart for those who are on the sidelines I've been hearing reports of many who have just. Just a sort of fooled around with the things of God they've heard the gospel and I believe God is putting the searchlight of his presence and he's tightening the reins because too many are in the valley of decision and Christians if they name the name of Christ they need to understand what is required to be a servant of the Lord and a disciple of Christ Jesus said If you love Father Mother the possessions of love ones more than me are not worthy of me our Lord is a jealous God and he is looking for a whole hearted commitment and relationship with him and as we do that beloved It's not a hard difficult pathway but God calls us to walk this path with him hand in hand and it's from glory to glory it is joy unspeakable and full of glory now that may not be the experience of some but it's because perhaps it was there with their areas in our lives that God is wanting to deal with and we've refused in stubbornness or rebellion or we've become lukewarm we've been enticed by the things of the world you know when Jesus gave the parable of the seed that good seed that was sown among So earns it it it didn't thrive because it did. It was choked off by the cares of this world in the deceitful news of riches and so beloved we would do well in the day in which we are living to take heed unto ourselves the day of the Lord draws. Multitude nominal Christians and I don't know what the percentage is but many if there was a poll they'd say oh yes here in America Oh yes we're Christian we have been known as a Christian nation and that seems very sadly to be changing multitudes crowd the Lord out of the center of their lives and they leave only the edges to him Oh a great many Christians want the lord around when he's needed or in the time of trouble when he's useful to them but they don't really want him bothering them when there isn't a need does that sound terrible but that is really truly the case of many and as I said I've been hearing some rather dramatic things that God has allowed to happen just recently I was talking to a dear friend and his brother who has heard the gospel and is beginning to walk the path had something had an had it not been the Lord he would have been destroyed he would have been killed but the effect of that was to bring him to a serious commitment to the Lord he woke up and he was he's now starting to go to church and God is beginning to complete that work you see we're not to for sake the assembling of ourselves together why because we need to hear the Word of God We need the fellowship of the saints we need the annoying thing of God that occurs when people are praising God with all of their hard hit in his presence is fondness of joy and he inhabits the praises of his people so God has a reason a very good reason in his word when he asks us to do certain things and so beloved. God is doing up a work of perfection he spoke to Abraham 99 years later the walk before me and be thou perfect now we will never be totally perfect in this earthly natural life we've always battled the world the flesh am the devil but in our heart we can be perfect we can be undivided David had an undivided he had a perfect heart he was called a man after God's own heart and so the last enemy beloved is well Scripture says his death of course that's when we will be fully redeemed we'll have our new glorified body but as far as our earthly existence right now is concerned you and I brother and sister you know the last enemy you and and the hardest enemy we have to fight is not the devil Jesus was very clear he's given his power over all power of the enemy so it's not demonic oppression if we will follow the pattern of Jesus which he established in the Gospels after his 40 days and 40 nights he was tempted sorely by the devil in the wilderness he quoted the word of God the Word of God tells us reason to be submitted to God That's the 1st criterion you'd better be submitted to God and if you are submitted to God in obedience in yield and as then you resist the devil he will flee from you does that mean you know you do it once and that's forever no. Even even in the word it says the devil left him for a season Jesus and so beloved Yes we are in spiritual warfare but he's given us the spiritual weapons he's given us the armor of God but the last enemy it's not the devil beloved it's self we have it is because it's part of our fallen nature we have put self on the throne we want what we want or when we want it and even the most dedicated. Serious Christians following God find that that is a continual battle to be able to yield according to the Word of God all the things that we would rather do we need to come to their place in the Spirit of God is bringing us there where we can really say with our whole heart Yea Lord we delight to do that I will. The law is within my heart and the way of the Lord is strength to the upright and his joy when we are obeying the Lord it gives the most wonderful earthly experience we can know this side of heaven in we we have an abundant life which Jesus has promised and many have who have not experienced an abundant life is because of disobedience or ignorance of the word there is something that is is hindering their spiritual growth and beloved That is my desire that as I pray for you see I'm partners every day I'm asking God for divine protection and they that they will come into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ that's the Holy Spirit's job for the church today and so I am really I haven't even gotten into the message yet but what I want to share I said I was going to talk about trees which tree do you choose today we have a choice brother and sister we can eat of the tree of life or we can eat of the tree of death. I want to refer to Genesis the 3rd chapter and in this chapter of the Bible we see what occurred when the serpent was in habited by Satan and he spoke to Eve 1st and he says he said yes he hath God said You shall not eat of every tree in the. Barton of course he responds Well yeah we can eat up a fruit of the trees but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden God has said You shall not even neither shall you touch it and then the 1st lie that came to mankind of course the devil probably really lied to the heavenly host those that chose the one 3rd that chose to decide to go over and on his side and rebel against God But he says for God to have the know that in the day thereof that your I shall be opened and you shall be as gods knowing good and evil and you know why that was a true statement that's exactly what happened behold what the Lord says in verse $22.00 of that same chapter and the Lord God said Behold the man is become as one of us to know good and evil so the devil was absolutely correct and however so she was deceived Nona had lied to Eve before and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food that it was pleasant to the eyes a tree to be desired to make one wise Well she took of the fruit of that tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil she ate she gave to her husband who also did eat he was not deceived but he saw that he willingly disobeyed the Lord when my time is gone and I must bring this broadcast to a close I love you a book until you want to males broadcast until then this is Sister glass Amy God's best for ever be yours is my prayer you're listening to the unveiled Christ to the world broadcast thank you for joining us you're invited to write sister glass at p.o. Box 577 Caldwell Idaho 83606 is the zip code that's Post Office Homelessness we hear a lot about it but regardless of the cause trying to survive on the street is rough and even worse for mothers with children sadly tonight in the Bay Area an estimated 20000 people who are hungry and homeless will sleep in doorways and makeshift shelters hungry cold homeless yes even during nice weather if you're living on the streets it's always cold at 2 am especially for children and the elderly since 1965 the Bay Area rescue mission has been helping to restore hope and break the cycle of homelessness more than just a soup kitchen the Bay Area rescue mission shares the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone they help last year more than $2500.00 individuals accepted Jesus as their savior at the mission That's why are a gift of $50.00 today is so important make your tax deductible gift go to Bay Area Rescue dot o.-r. G. And flick on the Donate Now button that's Bay Area Rescue dot o.-r. G. 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It's Monday September 17th 2018 and from Dallas Texas this is World missionary eventually some of the year this week continues our Bible Commentary series Kingdom perspectives Percinet but w. Mees president John Kant covered and that was spiritual and community leader Dr Walter Fletcher today's discussion we focusing on consecrated by divinely planned stages but 1st would you please listen to this important message. Sometimes when the world is that darkest You may not know where to turn so why don't you turn to us the world missionary evangelism per line is there for you Monday through Friday during our normal business hours to reach the w in the Pearl and call 180-501-2851 that's 180-501-2851 if you're living outside the United States use this little 121-494-2167 extension 8 so when you have nowhere else to turn turn to us. Thanks for joining us today I'm Walter Fletcher and with me is John Cathcart And we are exploring a wonderful fame that we've not finished that we began a few weeks ago John talking about the training of the 12 hour Lord Jesus prepared men to go forth and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom how they were to advance the very cause 'd of the kingdom the good news of the kingdom in the earth and we were talking about one of the often misunderstood principles of their training one of them being the purpose in the place of suffering why suffering people last is their purpose and it well there was in our Lord certainly doesn't do anything I tell people God is too wise to err and too kind to be cruel that was purpose and suffering there's purpose in our suffering when we go through trials as our Lord Jesus certainly prepared his disciples to go through trials he wanted them to know that even in the suffering that there was a purpose and one of those purposes was to qualify them for their. Roles of ministry sometimes in the very saying we go through John that it actually prepares us for the feigned or the message that we carry for him now the words I don't tire saying this that the man and the message are one so often the dealings of God will prepare us for the ways in which he will use us and so he qualifies us but he qualifies and then he consecrates us I want to talk about that John about our lord consecrating men how God consecrates they've been prepared they've they've had his dealings that way there's a great example of this in the Word of God in John I think you and I were talking earlier about Moses one example of what we're talking about how got to take someone from a position of dealing suffering contradiction of suffering into a time of consecration and we find Moses Dorie in the Book of Exodus Chapter 3 you're going to read a few It's interesting that Moses started off as a Hebrew and he was a slave born into a group of slaves. In Egypt so he was born of the Hebrew but God didn't believe him with the with that one. View of the Hebrews in the 1st thing the Lord did. Was to put him into the house of heroes do it so the Egyptians was lying to me and then no babies my old babies and his mother did not want to see him last so she put him in a weak a basket and he says the climate of hidden the bull rush of them spied to see what would happen and the daughter of the pharaoh was breathing in the written oil along with a maiden Zion and servants and she spotted the wicker basket and she took Moses heem to us and says he was a Hebrew and now is raised as a magician but not just as on the Gyptian he is a raise as a Gyptian Luly now the educational regear that the Egyptians went through was for Roche's Amin in Qur'an it will education he had in school he had to learn and he was wounded in least saw I'Anson law of Egypt there's a really funny thing about Moses and that is when God called him Moses told what I shall cool a white lie he said Lord I can't speak well the truth of the matter was Moses could speak with Pharaoh at the level of the throne there were 13 steps that led up to the throne of the figure and to go from one step to another you had to speak another language so Moses had to be able to speak 13 different languages in order to talk to the fairer and then he has the ghoul till the load I can't speak he was a general in the Egyptian army he fought the Ethiopians and not the Ethiopians of Ethiopia today but it was that what we call Arabia used to be cool Ethiopia and he defeated them in battle he was a rum. Man and a tremendous commander and leader and he doesn't want to a body the call of the Lord and he says a lot I count too old and you have to admit but go out as a science a human because the Lord says Ok I'll give you your brother Aaron I'll give you this dumb Hebrew brother of yours to be your mouth pieces if Moses need of the male species but none the less he was a learned man but he had to 1st in Egypt for 40 years to achieve manhood So let's back up with that in mind and we'll come back and go forward as well that you mentioned about the training of Moses you know I'd like to say that Moses was on the 40 by 3 point day 40 years in Egypt 40 years in the desert and we're going to pick that up in a moment and 40 years and leading Israel out of Egypt very interesting and here's one whom the Lord processed into a point of consecration and then exit is 3 we read after that training that you've mentioned the training that then he was in line for the federal ship scholars agree he was a great general scholars agree and yet Jess when it seems that he was ready to lead the people out of Egypt people God ranges circumstance that he has to leave Egypt actually not just leave one way ticket Well you know a story and we were a freshly mines and memories of our listeners but Moses don't really patriotic and you know he got worked up about being a Hebrew when he found out he was one and he saw one of the Egyptian taskmasters abusing one of the Hebrews. And so he killed him now Moses was an incredible martial arts expert we know this with the way he handled the shepherds that were abusing Jethro's do it as a single handedly whipped up on him and so moves a series of Hebrew being you know abused was Gyptian taskmaster and Moses rises up and he's on strength and kills the man reminds me of a pastoral I knew once he got enthused rather annoyed while he was preaching and he said I feel like I can rise up in my own spirit and destroy much foolish Well that's not what the cool of God is a bit but that's what Moses did and then. He starts trying to assert himself as a leader with the Hebrews. The next day and one of the Hebrew said who my lord and master over us are you going to do to us what you did to that day Gyptian yesterday and kill even bury him in the sand and Moser's was in trouble and so he had to flee So let's take it up from there. Brant is a 5 year old boy from the Philippines and he is our spotlight child this week he comes from a family that is extremely poor brings parents can't even provide the basics for him so his grandmother raises him but even she is hard pressed to feed and clothe them Brant is an excellent candidate for a w. Me child sponsorship program his grandmother has come to us and ask us if we will consider taking in under the w. In me we have compassion we've agreed to do so but we need someone like you to step forward and sponsor Brint the cost is just $25.00 a month that's $0.84 a day and for that small amount you can supply this 5 year old child with a daily amount of food with clothing with medical care and that all important opportunity to give the school. To make the political today and sponsor this child who is living on the edge between life and death call us toll free 180-501-2851 that's 180-501-2851 if you're living outside the United States use this line 121-494-2167 extension 8 if you do. To mail in your 1st month sponsorship gift of $25.00 designated to sponsor the child that you heard about on today's radio broadcast mail that give to w. Me post office box 660800 that 660800 dollars taxes 75266. In the month of September world missionary Vinge was giving away Mexico's book The 316 problems John 316 is called the Hope Diamond of Scripture and in this 64 page booklet Max with either read you word by word through John 316 as a way for you to fully understand God's grace you can have this book absolutely free by writing to us and requesting our September offer at w. In the Post Office Box 660800 that's 660800 Dallas Texas 75266. World missionary evangelism prayer line is there for you one day through Friday during our normal business hours at 180-501-2851. It is through your faithfulness prayers and generous letters that make possible

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