Transcripts for KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] KFAX 1100 AM

KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] KFAX 1100 AM [AM 1100 K-F-A-X] March 9, 2017 080000

6 our toll free number for gifts using your Mastercard Visa Discover card or American Express card is 180-581-2851 that's 180-581-2851 extension 4 listeners in Canada Our address is w in the Post Office Box 6088 that's 6088 Fort St John British Columbia v one j 4 h. 6 our home on the web is founded w I mean dot a large and. Take a 1100 with you wherever you go on our smartphone. San Francisco Oakland San Jose service of Salem Media Group. With this hour in news I'm Rhonda Rockstro President Trump is facing the 1st major test of his ability to push through a legislative priority I know as correspondent Greg Clarkin has details one of the president's top promises and priorities is repealing and replacing Obamacare but it's off to a rough start with stiff opposition from many conservative Republicans however White House spokesman Sean Spicer says Mr Trump is up to the challenge he is a world class business leader and he's been highly successful at it so if anybody can get a deal on something it's going to be down Trump Spicer is promising a full court press of travel and activity by the president and his team to overhaul Obamacare right Clarkston the White House also it s. Or a News dot com Senator Jeff Flake is the latest g.o.p. Senator to raise concerns about a House Republican plan to impose a border tax we get more from Libby Canyon in Washington the Arizona Republican senator took to the Senate floor to speak out against the border adjustment proposal a plan which is part of the tax reform blueprint put out by House Republicans would impose a tax on imports senators say that tax would raise revenue for lowering tax rates opponents say the plan would disrupt supply chains and lead to higher prices that Americans would have to pay for goods Senator Flake says about half of u.s. Imports are used as inputs for domestic manufacturing and production he also says the border adjustment proposal would lead to retaliation from other countries Randy Kenyon Washington wise become the 1st state to sued to stop President Trump's revised travel ban attorneys for the state filed the lawsuit Wednesday in federal court in Honolulu saying the order will harm the state's Muslim population tourism and foreign students it's scheduled to go into effect March 16th 18 T.C.'s 911 service has been restored for cell phone customers in Texas Florida Tennessee and other states that reported problems in trying to call 911 on Wednesday this is s.r.m. News. 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June is sponsored by hope for the heart on 1100. Welcome to hope in the light late night talk radio offering biblical hope and practical help I'm rich Hooper so glad that you have joined us going to give you a couple of phone numbers to write down these numbers are going to be your connection to us here right here and hope in the night those numbers coming up in just a little bit so grab a pen and some paper and it will give you those coming up right now joining me is author and speaker June hunt Good evening Jim Thank you Rich and I just left the home of a new widow and. Earlier after she called me a few days ago and I had given her a scripture because I knew she was fearful the only thing she was fearful of is if . Her husband would die before she did. And he was on a treadmill and he somehow I'm just going to say it this way he walked into the arms of Jesus and. She says she had told me about this. We've talked. Regularly. And I knew her fear and she said I just I just can't imagine being the law on. A said well if you just think about this you are not alone and I know you can say oh yes I understand that but and by the way there will be loneliness there will be pain there will be heartache there will be sorrow there will be times of missing that is so deep but just to realize what the truth is and this is when I gave her Deuteronomy $3018.00 which I told her has become Right now my favorite verse. In the Bible it's clear. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you he will never leave you know for sake you do not be afraid do not be discouraged and when I gave it to her she went oh oh that's against her said yes so every day multiple times during the day she has spread that scripture she's taught that scripture into her heart and I had asked her to make it personal the Lord himself goes before me and will be with me you will never leave me. There for a 2nd hour that they just afraid I will not be discouraged. There are times when we all need hope beyond what we can see and. Let me just mention this there are some of you that but we just we want you to be able to come to a like a luncheon and. Not this Saturday but the following Saturday it's 113-2130. It's basically one hope what can we have hope in and how can we know that hope that goes around the globe. This is. A. Time I'd love for you to be. A part of our special luncheon. And we're going to be sharing how we can have hope what does is hope look like how is hope for the heart being used around the globe what is the hope for you what is Guard hope for you and if you are led by the Lord to come and be a part there is a. A a fee that. Is not extraordinary. But you can just call. 972129216 that's 972-212-1216 or just contact us at our hope for the Heart dot org hope for the Heart dot org And just. Say that you'd want to be a part. You want information. It's it's really hope for the Heart dot org slash one hope and you're just going to learn so much. You'll learn some things that are happening through hope for the heart and this is like our. 30th anniversary celebration at the end of this year as we started a new the next 30 years but it would just be so meaningful for you to be a part of this luncheon you're going to learn about the. Hope ministry but also God's hope for you there is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to have one hope and that's a feature for for work what a promise. You are called to one hope. Thank you for those of you been a part of our ministry who supported those who prayed for us who prayed for me for this program I'm a good do I need prayer and just know that you're a very special part. Of our heart as you partner with us. 722129216. Impacts all of us it's a normal response when we lose someone or something we love knowingness doesn't make the passing of a loved one any less painful there's a deep sadness a feeling of emptiness and anger even creeps in a time. So what gets us through those hard days and what can we do to help others who are grieving. Well to Himes is no stranger to grief and she talks about this in her book Living in peace with loss this pocket sized book provides comfort in hope for those in the midst of grief and wisdom for those who are struggling with life after a loss order your copy tonight and hope for the Heart dot org or call 18048 hope and tell them you want to order to anybody living at peace with loss that number again is 18084673 or order online at Hope people. Dot org take that important step in finding hope and giving home during this season of grief. But why why kids. Like this. Are you struggling the depression is your marriage Rocky are your kids out of control if you're grieving a loss and don't know where to turn man I encourage you hide this is a change heard from hope for the heart and hope in the night our home care representatives are here for you they're here to listen talk fray and offer physical guidance on any life challenge you're facing call and try between 8 am and 1 30 am Central time Monday through Friday the number is 848-808-0488 extension 4673 or visit hope for the Heart dot org to send them an e-mail find help and hope today. Welcome back to hope in the night with June Hans bridge over thank you so much for joining us tonight as promised here's the numbers that I told you about this is your connection to us hope in the night if you would like to speak with June on a future broadcast hope for the night you can call 800 night 171800 in. The number 17 just follow the prompts when you call and leave a detail message we'll get back with you as soon as we can 1800 night 17 now we do have hope care representatives that are available even as we speak you can call 80484673 they would love to pray with you give you Biblical guidance and then anything that's going on that's pressing in your life maybe have a question about a resource that you've heard us talk about here on hope in the night you can call them they are available right now call 80484673 that's 80488 hope let's go to the phones and begin our conversation tonight with our 1st caller. Well hi John welcome to hope. I get your how are you wonderful how can we help you. Well and I'm really sorry and I'm calling as I'm struggling with forgiveness times but since you're so there's a lot during the day with us and such a man at work just this one child I was in I'm in a situation where I was married for 19 where I found their trucks and I'm sure years ago. You know a little less that my wife. Wasn't to me a half year affair with a married guy who had to kill her and. One Surveillant mature veil that was done to sleep down stated and I thought the warden started to pursue her and was hoping that. You know God save our marriage and their family we have you know we have children and I thought that was really what the Lord wanted me to do unfortunately after about a year and a half of doing that. You know this past July. I moved out and. You know I'm waiting for divorce process which I still printing again. So I'm struggling with just those feelings of rejection I'm struggling with all those things and trying to forgive her but I think the biggest challenge I have now . Is that my children are so hurt by really hurt her checking out for years during the affair. She motioned me check. Your know she was we didn't know no one knew the affair was going on and she actually described she just she was gone she was there but she wasn't there and everyone felt it and my oldest child who lives with me now. Is very hurt and I had a friend come over you know several weeks ago and he went to his parents went through a divorce and I listened to my daughter actually talk about that she doesn't remember having a mother and you know completely disconnected. So my question is it I guess it's easier for me on some level to forgive because the Lord calls us to do that. Where it's hard is that she's not. You know my wife is not owning or doesn't understand the game and that in putting on my children and I have no way to tell or that yet I'm dealing with the pieces of that with my kids who say I remember you know what she was like before and I could never say that to you know my wife question to be ex-wife because she wouldn't give me the opportunity so I just left like a kid and saying Ok you know God can do anything. Just watch her pregnant but in my heart I don't know if I believe that I feel angry that she she did that to them and she's still doing it to about them and I know the importance trust what . I'm really struggling with that and physically my kids every day it doesn't have to be this way and that's what I'm struggling with us to make them. Oh yes. Innocent cute or right many times a person. Causing tremendous pain they can physically be there but emotionally gone emotionally checked in there for not really connecting the 2 in this case her children tell me the ages of your children. $713.17 Ok so she is close to the. 7 year old a 13 year old they both live with her. And needs 17 year old was with me. Yes. And she was the oldest and really for her she took on. The in the mother role to the 2 younger ones because she you know so we did what we normally did but because she had a silly Scottish checked out. There was other things that she would say the reason you know she struggled with a concussion or this or that but ultimately that the ultimate thing once they hire an invalid a motional can now you know it's just my daughter did all those things she ran birthday parties she helped me put the kids develop She initially did things with me the family stuff we became like the 2nd years family not really understanding I didn't understand what was going on I just. I thought there was something wrong but not not that I would never have thought that was going on. But you know that your Southern. Bike. If when you learned it was about 2 and a half years ago. 2 years earlier it was I've left discuss July it was the previous July that she revealed that but once she revealed that she didn't want to you know work on the marriage she had already she was done and I stayed in the house and tried to be loved and all sorts of stuff I was praying that I mean to Ok I love you this wrong things I did wrong thinking I could win her heart doc and in reality her heart was already gave away the someone else and she no matter what I would do she would never perceive it as good like I could . You know because I mean a lot of mistakes in my marriage and I you know that's a place where you come to the Lord and say what goodness did I do and you know God showed me a lot of mistakes and I mean I was a mature. Spiritual Leader her encourage her and make it a priority for her to walk with the Lord I didn't so those g.e. Porcelaine I was you know I'm really tough but just loving my children working in. I had a son with medical issues so I really got involved in that and cannot say to you I didn't think it was the priority because I thought the kids were 30 I just had a balance. And I couldn't see clearly and then afterwards I could see it but it was too late and so I thought Ok forgive her and Christopher but she didn't she didn't never come back and I and China and China and China and. And I left and I tried to go back but you know she's like No don't come back and and I'm still praying for a miracle and you know I know I love her but parts part of me is just as angry to listen to cannot for this you're hurting everyone you don't want to. But I guess you know you know I wasn't sure enough I know there are no jury was. Just and I know the Lord called them defiant and I think you said it was awesome you know. Award called the statue I don't know the passage again but it wonders if we don't forget that our Heavenly Father wants them. That that simple little scripture that is so poignant. It's immediately following the Lord's Prayer. For some people call it the model prayer but it's it's a poignant passage in Matthew 6 1st 14 if you forgive people when they sin against you your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive their sins your father will not forgive your sins. Now I just want to clarify since you. And you are paying attention and you obviously care what God says the word forgive means release and as a man who met me is this Have you humbled your heart and truly yielded your life to the Lord Jesus Christ receiving Him is your Lord Lord and Savior giving him control of your life yeah yeah yeah and I thought you would say Yes So with that and the reason I'm pointing this out is for. Those who are not Christians they lack of forgiveness can be a block to salvation because it says the Lord will not forgive your sins but understanding the word forgive means release with that word. You are secure. Because you've given your life to the Lord when you do that you were promised eternal life is that correct it doesn't but I will say that Ok so you have eternal life now how long is eternal. Exactly so you're not going to lose something that he's given you to last that's going to last forever but what occurs is. A lack of release which can be a heaviness of heart it can be this kind it's a lack of freedom you don't have freedom you don't have the freedom of forgiveness when it if you don't forgive and it's more of a of of just it's like no I will not forgive that it's not deserved it and for all the reasons that people don't forgive they it's like you know look what you've done and it's true it these are wrong things terrible things that have caused hurt and harm to your children and you know it's one thing if so at times it it it's one thing it dumbs when we're hurt to nothing when someone so in dear do you like a child is hurt sometimes it's easier when things happen to us as opposed to those whom we love the most. And therefore because children are vulnerable and. Innocent byproduct of what has gone on. It's it's especially painful so that the concept here is it is true if there will be a kind of bondage that you would have if you don't forgive but we've got to figure out what how do you forgive when all this injustice has taken place because it is absolutely wrong. What she has done and by the way when you said you know what my done I just. And one has to be clear about where. The blame is we're going to talk about that. The tendency is to say Bill Well I like I cause this I caused this but we've done talk about that we've got to talk about what is rightfully yours and what is rightfully only person in terms of responsible. In the midst of your wholeness and help you to learn to emulate the one who best models forgiveness for all of us Jesus Christ to forgive when you don't feel like it is available by calling our order line at 1804. 18048 home or you can order a few hundreds of other powerful hope for the hard resources when you visit our website and hope for the heart God org. Welcome back to hope in the night with June hunt I'm rich Hooper want to take a quick 2nd to remind you of a couple of things 1st of all if you would like to be a part of our social media family we would love you to go to facebook dot com forward slash hope put a heart you'll find our hope for the heart page there or you can go to facebook dot com forward slash. Hope and like her page daily inspiration and information sometimes you can find out about some of our products right there through our Facebook page maybe even before you hear about them on the air Facebook dot com forward slash hope for the heart or June dot hunt dot hope you can also follow her on Twitter her Twitter handle is at June. Hunt hope a lots of great stuff there for us well now our hope care representatives are available tonight to speak with you if you have an issue that's going on you really need some Biblical guidance you need prayer you need somebody to listen to you or maybe you want to find out what resources we have available that will help your situation you can call and talk with them right now they would love to speak with you 804884673 there are men and women who are trained compassionate and ready to speak with you when you call 804-884-6738 extension 048 hope well let's get back to the phone lines and continue our conversation tonight with our caller to is . Think you said by the time you found out that your wife was having an affair and my correct that you said that she had been ha

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