Transcripts for KEIB 1150 AM [The Patriot] KEIB 1150 AM [The

Transcripts for KEIB 1150 AM [The Patriot] KEIB 1150 AM [The Patriot] 20170324 070000

Last. Cox News Radio I'm Tom Graham Mackerras inflicted great pain President Trump threw his support behind a g.o.p. Plan to replace the Affordable Care Act urging unity among the Republican House majority along with Speaker Paul Ryan for 7 and a half years we have been promising the American people that we will repeal and replace this broken law because it's collapsing and it's failing families but some conservative Republicans are making demands to get on board if we can make sure Congressman Mark Meadows chairs the House Freedom caucus and start to do down for moms and dads that's that's what it's all about negotiating changes with moderates ahead of a vote this afternoon that could be do or die for the American Health Care Act the president threatening to leave Obamacare in place if the House rejects the measure foxes Chad program on Capitol Hill it's a 4 year term for President Trop and so there's a lot of time to maybe come back and do this at some later stage but if they don't do it before 20 Teen Republicans will argue and some of their constituents will argue you promised to do this and we had a Republican House Republican Senate and a Republican in the White House and you didn't do it meantime Democrats are planning to vote in lockstep a no on the replacement plan that's right the Republican plan plan is nothing more than a tax giveaway to the wealthy to C.E.O.'s and to big pharma and we have to say this over and over and over again because they're trying to. Sweep this under the rug Congresswoman Barbara Lee There are a mystery in California after 4 and found dead in a Sacramento home police saying a suspect is behind bars but not saying how the victims were killed 2 were children many in the southern plains and south will be keeping an eye to the sky today Storm Prediction Center which is one of the National Centers for the National Weather Service. Shows that there is a good potential for severe weather meteorologist Michael should tell National Weather Service tornadoes possible You're listening to Fox News Radio or imbalanced . My name is Dale prison scheme I'm 19 years old and this is how I live United have always been kind of a computer geek and I found a way to use those skills to help the homeless in my community for people facing hard times computer skills and basic résumé are so important you may seem like a small thing but it makes a huge difference in people's lives so it's you know I did away I created a program where I work with the homeless together we go through their whole job history resumes and then save on the very own u.s.p. Trying to provide workbooks and training certificate I even budgeted for cupcakes so we can celebrate as a class when one of our people gets a job that's huge when somebody says Hey man bad job they only apply for I got it that's why I live in the United States it was like to me my name is Dale business case I help people achieve financial independence so I don't just wear the shirt I love it give every cave volunteer living on it go to living on a dollar work Prachi by United Way most of us have no idea what we're doing when it comes to plumbing and if you mess it up it can be a nightmare you do not want to spend all day on the phone calling company after company either it's real simple all you got to do is go to So Cal plumbers 911 so cal plumbers 911 has the best plumbers in Southern California and right now you can receive $50.00 off plumbing or h. Back service or repair call 877 plumber 877 plumber go to So Cal plumbers 911 dot com Remember $50.00 off so cal plumbers 911 dot com or 8 $77.00 plumbers 877 plumber next door i Heart Radio new release rundown singer rapper Trey Songz drops week's i Heart Radio new lease rundown the now a look back at this week in history this weekend 945 World War 2 His Battle of the Will Jima ended about 22000 Japanese troops were killed or captured in the fighting more than 4500 u.s. Troops were killed Martin Luther King Jr led the start of a civil rights March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama this week in 1965 this week in 1972 Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment and Senate to be ratified by the states the amendment though would fail to get the required $38.00 states to ratify it President Ronald Reagan proposed a space based missile defense system called the Strategic Defense Initiative this week in 1903 called the Star Wars program critics said the proposal was on feasible and question whether the United States would ever have the technology to make it a reality and this week in 1980 at that Titanic won 11 Ostrow is at the 70th Academy Awards tying it with Ben-Hur for the most one by a single film that's your look back at This Week in History and the Democrats have a fever everyone and the only person corruption is more stories about Russia they are absolutely obsessed with if not proving some conspiracy between Trump and the Kremlin well making us all read endless stories about the coming Russian threat 1150 owners get a percentage of the profits because you're an owner you get a share of people doing the work get paid for doing the work and they might get a share the profits because they have known shares also but you separate the ownership and the employee aspect of it is the only way it's clean it's the only way it works of seeing it with lots of family businesses and they can work very well Dave Ramsey after needs it say. The Patriot am I mean if you heard about or saw Rachel Maddow last week we've got Trump's tax return how many of you people had your hard to think. How many of you went immediately fatalist the way it happens it's perfectly understandable and yet look at how it ended up Trump has the trophy again drunk gets a hardware these people it blew up in their face Rush Limbaugh weekday mornings and now the page g.m. Coming out only was part of this political the entire narrative that Russia and the Trump campaign colluded even though there's not been one shred of evidence that the media's been running with now for 8 months but on top of that that in fact that in every single case it seems to be that only a top security clearance individual could have known the things that are being leaked at problematic joy any. Reason to treat them a living. Wage. Living in a Heart Radio station. And this in for me. Alex Jones g.c. In radio network. It's Thursday the 23rd day. Of March 2017 Here are the different quadrants of news that we have. We have the high drama for the Obamacare vote coming up. We have. Over a 1000000 Americans at risk of being nuked by North Korea. We have obviously the really big news the London attack yesterday that the British parliament is saying is not Islamic and religion has nothing to do with it that's lawmakers on the floor of the British parliament today. We also have news trying to censor that it's Islamic just like when illegal aliens that are 18 years old in high schools as freshman reportedly right people it's not picked up by any of the major news media either this is the political correctness the cover up we're going to get into all of this and more of course the attacks happened yesterday on the 1st anniversary of the Brussels bombing that our reporters covered in Belgium and were run out of major areas of that sitting as no go zones and the media says it's a conspiracy theory and there's no such thing and then Paul Watson put out a bounty for any reporter actually go there and see for themselves and the reporter went there and I tried to beat him up and he said Ok I was a big liberal I didn't believe Paul Joseph Watson that just happened a month ago he's right. Incredible and of course we have the huge and we have the Democratic Party coming out in organized fashion and calling for national emergency and martial law to overthrow President Trump and you have the former deputy head of the Defense Department who for 2 months has been making the rounds in Washington normalising open criminal martial law to overthrow an elected president because they don't have the impeachment votes to allow them to continue to organize I mean if I was going around as a citizen at the Pentagon saying let's overthrow the president I would be arrested in ours and I should be you have the former deputy head of the department and I covered this months ago and I said watch when they go from talking about civil emergency in their policy to civil emergency and martial law on mainstream news you know they're getting ready to try to move against the president and here the articles Robert now in the last few months Democrats are organizing a coup against from the political left are losing their minds because they won't get away with this this all needs to be sent again the president emergency truck must go on offensive to stop Democrat plan for martial law or break down these 2 reports how they'll start calling for civil emergency then they'll activate all the Soros riot gangs and start burning cities and now they've got Time magazine Newsweek calling it the case for rioting they've got all the major news well meaning in organizing it breaking Democrats organizing criminal kill against from February 2nd I just keep warning everybody national emergency c n n urges press to blame Trump for the win on Russia journalists are afraid to say so because they're going to sound quote partisan. That's old news that they're going to hype it and push it promises Rosie O'Donnell calls for martial law this is organized. Why House Dems holding up front cabinet picks and openly saying because they're going to kick him out of office and don't want anybody to be in the new government establishment plan to stop President Trump Democrats installing chaos on all fronts in full Wars dot com and we lay out their plan to do it January 14th very important article I talk about how they're going to disrupt how they're going to create a civil emergency how we're going to call for martial law and then they all start doing it. Because I study what they've done in the Arab Spring with the new crane what they've done overthrowing other elected governments rogue elements of the CIA the big foundations Carnegie Ford Rockefeller you name it. Soros and others the usual suspects are publicly organizing an overthrow of this elected president and on top of it they have this special office is how the State Department the Ministry of Truth that Obama signed on December 6th of last year as he was a lame duck hundreds of millions of dollars to fund a CIA group inside the State Department to advise the board of governors on enemy Russian media and was no proof then the former head of the Board of Governors outgoing head went on as you know C.-Span in a congressional Armed Services Committee in the house and said implores is basically a Russian operation and now they're saying Congressman Nunez it needs to be investigated as a Russian agent and knowledge things to Mr Paul's a Russian agent there saying you are a boot agent and they're saying the president is and they've been caught again with bots that they've loaded on to computers you know you click on a picture an article and if you get a virus and it's even in the vault 7 leaks that they're targeting president trying to plant Russian software that they've stolen or using that claim is working with the Russians. You don't think some little hacker in his basement released vault 72 weeks ago that was right out of the White House you can bet your bottom dollar or let's just say allies of the return of the republic because it proves everything we're breaking down here we're in an information war the people claiming that we're Russian agents are the globalist agents that have sold out the sovereignty that are plunging the economy that are getting rid of the borders. That are flooding us with 3rd world populations and brainwashing them into anti western hatred that are flooding us with Islamicist so many break all of that down today in great detail we have special guest joining us now to go over the specifics of it but you're getting the absolute key data not my opinion not my views we have studied this like no one else. Operation volatility I just always found it fascinating as a teenager and in a college I couldn't put down books about espionage and war and it's just all there and when you're watching it they're doing it live time like the public are complete idiots. And I understand the president moved to precipitous Lee against them it looks like he's being a fascist they're calling for him to be murdered in every major newspaper you can imagine the comedy shows are all saying he's a racist in the eye telling not to be arised you know Alec Baldwin saying it they are you got t.v. Shows demonizing yours truly fictional characters everywhere they are engaged in total war against the country they're saying they're going to foment riots and then civil emergency and martial law and are calling for insurrection inside the government and inside Congress. And the overthrow of the president and then we told you this was coming f.e.c. Dims again I regulating Drudge Report You Tube Twitter Facebook but we have this from directly from the Federal Election Commission. And that's what they told us and they banned us off Google Ads admiral they said oh you're political You have to be authorization to run ads because that's political ads under other laws I'm not a political ad I don't take pac money I'm engaged in the free press promoting the 2nd Amendment sovereignty low taxes Christian values stuff that makes a successful stuff that's effective and honorable but I told you that's their argument they're already kicked me off Google and kicked this off we're not listed as news for 5 years they told us then oh no we've had some inquiries from the f.e.c. The Federal Elections Commission. Which is going around to every ally of Trump and trying to get an Apollo Tano kicked off the air at Fox trying to shut down the sponsors a drudge and Breitbart and kicking Breitbart off their apps on the i Tunes store that are free and they're openly in the news shan't shut down almost. I was told by high level sources that again just a few months ago Nancy Pelosi he's had met with the outgoing head of the just department had a lunch and demanded either be sued or demanded I somehow be arrested and she said I can't do it so they sort of developing other plans that will be obviously seeing emerge soon I'm going to talk about those yet but. Understand I fish really already in d.c. Have Obama and Hillary Clinton out of that command bunker they've got down the street they are they are coming out and they don't even hide this up there they want us to know we're coming after you with lawyers get ready and they're in the Federal Elections Commission already outside a law just Rocketeer and send in letters to Google and letters other companies saying you kicked off. Everybody I mean every libertarian or patriotic or nationalistic new site that I talked to was kicked off ad roll last month in the same day say oh we're not allowed to advertise shop moments on the Internet or t. Shirts because the Federal Elections Commission said so where are the hearings. But here's the good news on the script here's the here's the great news the people are striking back and coming up today we have incredible information. Congressman Nunez head of the Intelligence Committee of the House of Representatives because obviously on the head of the intelligence community I have access what's going on and I've had people come to me and that's folks from the n.s.a. And CIA and say sir here at all this plus we on Sunday put out the report that no one challenge it was just a total news blackout I know for a fact people that have been on multiple shows on c.b.s. N.b.c. I'm asked not to name the shows because you know the people want to be friends with the producers that have them on but they mention the and I say data Trump is family being surveilled by Obama and they cut it out of the show and say we can't put classified information on we've already been told Don't put that out oh yeah they've already gotten the e-mails the talking points do not put that out not it's fake that's classified information well the press is the 4th estate we're allowed to do that that's why even the editor of USA Today said it's dangerous to call Alex Jones Russian agent and say he's being investigated for being actually in communication with the Russians getting directives and commands Yeah I can also get orders from Pluto and Keebler elf to an oak tree out there I mean. This is the level and the USA Today editor said if I'm the only one thinks this is dangerous claiming people to try to talk to Wiki Leaks or whatever are Russian agents but the good news is it's going to go too far because now Lindsey Graham has come out. And says he's scared and now knows he meets a lot of world leaders that's what senators do and diplomats is has he been surveilled and oh now the Democrats they want Nunez investigated but this is all just intimidation because noone has dared come out and break their blockade of bull Representative Cummings Nunez should be investigated yes yes what you as far as John McCain just say shouldn't or you work for the Russians. Are going to go to those clips coming up here in just a little while but Nunez claims some trump transition messages were intercepted. They were all over the news in December and January saying we have the wire taps we have the communications we have the intercept with them on the phone with Russians which they're supposed to be setting up the call to the Russians and then they say to when incoming actual purity advisor did you talk about sanctions he said No I just want to call the president oh really got a transcript right here c.n.n. New York Times Washington Post every paper in the country oh we've got him they were caught and they said Ok release that transcript well. It's classified and then finally Congress sees it and they go Ok then I says No phone calls up to flat lining up phone calls and there's nothing there lining up the phone call they said Can we talk about sanctions I'm sure the president talked about that how do you think talk to people about sanctions as the done but see how they've worked now with the president can't talk to anybody because he's an agent of them wire wrecked Kilis and he's going to Russia in a couple weeks the secretary of state's going to Russia you have 1st going to China to Chinese you cause you went over there and the truth is it's Hillary and all the rest of libelous they're the ones. That actually we're on the communist Chinese payroll and actually shoulder out our uranium to the Russians and actually sold out to anybody that would pay him like a vending machine curious claim f.b.i. Komi falsely denied surveillance filming. I'm 8 feet tall so it's Ok when I lie to you. No no surveillance valence as if the f.b.i. Is one small part of all that surveillance as if he doesn't know that any president elect has every one of their phone calls recorded there on the spot by the executive branch when they're talking to foreign leaders that's been the law for decades. They create transcription it never they were releasing transcription of president trumps discussions in the Australian president did it as well member all that and the Russians released transcript of the talk with them and put it and how do you think there's a transcript ladies and gentleman it's recorded just like when you have a customer service desk like we've got that's recorded everybody knows that but they sit there and they just put out such a wall of lies that they think we're any x. But the good news is noone has comes out and just says look I mean I've had a lot of people come to me in the intelligence agencies and Trump was being spied on and that's how they keep these House members even Intelligence Committee people in the dark that's why it turn

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