Transcripts for KDGO 1240 AM [KDGO 98.3FM AM1240] KDGO 1240

Transcripts for KDGO 1240 AM [KDGO 98.3FM AM1240] KDGO 1240 AM [KDGO 98.3FM AM1240] 20190407 040000

And there's something in the line no time to be young that's our kids today no time to be young Good morning everybody what a fascinating discussion Doug Richards a Professor Doug Richards is our guest for me or 8. All right. We'll get back to him in a moment and these structures structures buildings anomalies near Bimini that just might. Be at Lattice. 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Just in case you did not catch the 1st hour of the program I did a very in-depth I think riveting interview with Professor Stanley McDaniel regarding what is going to occur on Sunday and then Monday Sunday a u.s. Spacecraft will pass over an attempt to reimage with high definition the Face on Mars. Professor McDaniel as you will hear in the interview or heard a generally agrees that society had better brace itself because the odds are very very good that this face on Mars is not a natural occurrence the implications of that are astounding no matter which you happen to believe whether you believe that native Martians did that or you believe that some early human race that had sheaves some great level of technological advance did it either way you all had better brace yourselves or it may turn out to be a pile of rocks hard to tell but it's going to be pretty interesting the photography on Sunday the pictures of vailable on Monday it's going to be a big day and. Professor Richard it kind of goes to you in a way what we're talking about whether it's on Bimini or Mars or off the real you Q islands another subject we should touch on. There are increasing. Signs of some sort of prior civilization we keep finding older and older things another discovery in southern Egypt Your last couple of weeks. That's very upsetting for the Egyptians as matter of fact because it sort of ruins a lot of what they thought to be true and we keep discovering older things are you reasonably well convinced that there was once another civilization on this earth well as I said in the last hour there may have been more than one I'm sure that there was at least 1. 1 of the good examples of things being that time being pushed back farther and farther is that. When Edgar Casey gave his readings talking about and Atlantis destruction in 10000 b.c. It wasn't even believe that human beings were in North America more than 2000 years ago up until just a few years ago it wasn't believed that American that there was anyone in America the Americas earlier than about 10000 years ago right in last week's Chronicle of Higher Education which is the very staid the serious educational magazine one of the lead articles talked about now the acceptance of a 40000 year old date as being pretty much mainstream. And well in case he talked about destructions of Atlantis and migrations and 30000 b.c. And 10000 b.c. And this sort of thing we still have not necessarily got solid confirmation but it's becoming more worth looking for things not wild and crazy anymore that there were people around well it is for some groups in this country there was the Brookings Report we discussed frequently on this program it suggests that if such evidence would were to be uncovered it could not be released because of the impact on. As a matter of fact the the biggest group that would be impacted would be scientists who have had such a strict view of the way things are and it would turn all that upside down and with them and of course the rest of society as well a lot of religious groups would be rather rather upset. Well scientific revolutions and paradigm shifts always occur usually with a fair amount of pain as they happen. But you know what in the last hour we were talking about what we may have found in a mini And what's interesting is just the challenge there in some ways it's kind of like the Face on Mars problem we don't have to send a spacecraft down but when you're 130 feet down in the water it's a little more of a challenge than people might think particularly when you're on a very low budget and so in our sonar pictures we've got some very interesting things but as an example of one that turned out not to be the ruins of Atlantis just as the we broke for the hour I was talking about a thing that looked to be about 45 feet long very thin sticking out over the edge of the cliff and on the cliff there was a big square thing on one end of this long thing that was about 15 feet square obviously not natural and we thought this was pretty exciting so we went diving down 230 feet and what we found was an 18 wheeler flatbed truck lying on its side what's. Which must have fallen off a boat at some point and was sitting there right on the edge of the cot Yes I can imagine how that would look and how exciting that must be if you can think back to the moment when you saw that image and you realize what you were seeing could not possibly be natural You must have had an awful big chill going down the back of your spine for a while we got pretty excited because we've seen quite a few other things too in fact what happened and the reason we were searching in this particular area is because when you're diving at that depth with normal sport diving equipment you've only got 5 minutes of bottom time and the current drift you pretty fast across the cliff face and one of our divers back about 5 years ago had spotted something that was definitely not a truck a huge stone slab projecting out over the edge of the cliff and so we were deliberately searching in a couple of mile area there trying to find the thing that had been diving on and what we found was not just the thing that. And out to be a truck but probably 4 or 5 things projecting out over the cliff which if you imagine the coast of California of obviously you have either things projecting out of the edge of the cliff or falling down the cliff sure that this would be something quite interesting to look for and so. Unfortunately because you only have 5 minutes of bottom time is we have only done been able to dive on a tiny fraction of the various anomalous hits that we had with the sonar and so we don't know which of these might in fact be natural formations which might be some kind of record debris and which in fact might be truly ancient So there's there's quite a bit of work to do so that's what makes it a little bit like the Face on Mars is that I've been following that whole argument both on your show and in the in the news and presentations by the various players in this and everybody's been forced into making an awful lot of. Guesses based on some some old pictures because no one's been able to go back and have another look and so it's going to get pretty exciting here over the next couple of weeks and sort of similar situation in Bimini that we've got some sonar that looks very interesting certainly looks extremely on natural we can't make any statements at all about what we have until there's there is actual on the bottom careful examination of this and that's the long term process right Dr the 64000 or a question if you were to suddenly stumble upon unambiguous evidence would you e-mail me to Lee release it or would you pause and think about the implications of a release of that sort before you ran into the New York Times or whatever well I probably wouldn't run to the New York Times or for the National Enquirer or for that matter . Being a scientist I think I do probably pretty much what Joe shore is doing in Egypt and I'm not sure if you talked with Joe at all but the idea of really before releasing information to really nail it down solidly so that nobody can say you're just doing this because you're a publicity hound there's been so many false alarms in the bimini. I think practically every other year somebody finds the same old pile of wrecked debris and announces that they found that landed in Temple and there are definitely some big piles of granite lying there on the bottom of their shipwrecks building materials but I think there was there was another one of these last summer where someone was beginning to claim that they had found this great Atlantean temple and so you've got to be careful to make sure you've got all your ducks in a row on this sort of thing well assuming that you had your ducks. Would you. The question is whether you would consider the societal impact before releasing If you had known in Big us evidence Well I think the societal impact of the kinds of things that we're seeing would be it would be exciting but nowhere near as overwhelming as say finding that the Face on Mars is really. Constructed formation or is a long way away the interesting thing about the the stuff and to me is that it would have been totally wild and crazy back in after Casey's time. But as they pushed the antiquity of people in the Americas back finding large stone structures would certainly be a little shocking but nothing too wild for example there is a carbon 14 date from 90 feet under water in the little salt spring in Florida the dates back to 13000 years ago in this case it's a stake driven through a turtle shell and so they know there were people there the question is did the people build structures and so it's not as big a jump as some of these other kinds of things can you update us at all do you are you even aware of the discoveries said to be made in the Rio Q islands off the island of Okinawa. Japan I've seen the pictures in the magazine the ancient American. Frank Joseph published some pictures of that it looks exciting nice pictures I have no idea what that might be but it's certainly exciting and I hope somebody does some good work on it. It may well be that the Face on Mars is not a natural. Sight Bimini the sign on Okinawa and who knows where else may actually all have something in common in other words it is not unreasonable is it to assume that there could have been an ancient civilization. Who knows gram might be right I mean under the ice who knows what we're going to find if we ever have an opportunity that came and went and left no traces of advanced civilization is that within the realm of possibility Well it's certainly the kind of thing that your case is suggested he didn't get into the Face on Mars back in the 1930 s. But sure he implied in his readings rather strongly that when the when it Lantus finally sunk under the ocean that immigrants from Atlantis went to several places and he specifically identified Egypt and of course as he said he said that some of the records of Atlantis were buried in a temple of records that could be found on the part of the Sphinx he said that records were buried near family or underwater near Bimini he said that records would be found in the Mayan area in the UK at hand and he named a number of other locations around the world that people went to the continent went under so certainly would be very consistent with the k.c. Reading that there would have been a world wide civilization he did not mention that article but that doesn't mean there wasn't anyone there. As I said with Bimini the reason he mentioned bimini is because the man that owned most of the island asked for reading if we had some want to own most of Antarctica we might have gotten a very interesting reading so the reader dander Casey a lot of times you had to ask the man the right question you had to ask him the right question and often when I read the readings I sort of kick those people who asked for them said Why did you ask this question you might have learned something . Yes Does Edgar Gacy's son exhibit any of the talents of his father. You'd have to ask him of course you had him on so I did I just thought I would ask you and see if you had a an observation that collided with this he's a very different sort of person he he really is not into that phase of things that at all you know he's not intellectual but yes you're absolutely correct though she did have a lot of very interesting stories to tell about his dad watching his dad as he became old enough to realize who his dad was. He does indeed tell some remarkable stories just remarkable but he interestingly he will frequently tell you that you know. I grew up with it so it was kind of a natural thing for me and I didn't think of it as such a tremendous thing I mean Dad did these things that's all there was to it and it was for him kind of natural. Kind of like my my son when I tell him I'm going to show my Atlanta slide. So I have one last question for you and then I'd like to do the last segment with our audience and let them ask you questions because I've really hard you we were talking earlier about n d e's O.B.E.'s all sort of thing again I go to a 60 Minutes segment fascinating segment there was this poor lady. Who had an aneurism in her brain. That is a vessel that's bowled out you know and ready to burst and would have surely killed or had it burst they found it there was no way to operate they said because. It would do it would burst during the operation and killer So what they did is they lowered her body temperature they drained her body of all blood it was all gone no heartbeat no brain activity nothing 0 flatline for about 40 minutes 40 minutes and of course once they drain the blood why the aneurism collapsed and they were able to to open her a brain and quickly do the surgery sort of back up they put the blood back in her body and her heart spontaneously began to beat and there she was Dr alive and kicking same lady it went away the question is. Where was she. If you have any interesting experiences to report they answer that no no she had. She had no memory but 40 minutes that's a long time to be flatlined and. Think you know what what went on there it's too bad she had no experience and I was chatting with a friend of mine he and I over the last couple of years of both both had surgery neither of us had any cool near death experiences to report. And. Fascinating to do I call that do you recall that movie Flatliners Yeah I remember that one. Have there ever been to your knowledge and you need not name names or places or anything but have there ever been experiments like that people who intentionally. Tried to provoke through flatlining themselves and to me is there any experimentation of that sort going on that you know of in the private sector I've never heard of any experiments like that it's certainly possible to one of those problems that inducing near death experiences can result in death experience your a c. Volunteers. Say I don't think I'd volunteer for it but there probably are people who would there maybe and I know that there are a lot of interesting things going on in this country right now with respect to genetics as a matter of fact there is one very concerned scientist who feels that they are about to combine an animal and a human fetus and grow it to maturity and ending up with some sort of hybrid between an animal and a human in other words are saying that technology is right now. Viable and they can do it. This scientists doesn't think they should do and so he's trying to do. Is trying to patent the process. So that nobody else can do it but I have a feeling these kinds of things and experiments are going on. You know in our nation there are bribes if not in ours then in some other nation are we beginning do you think to push the envelope a bit hard Well I think we're both pushing it a little bit hard but also it's waking people up to the ethical issues too that there's no longer that kind of blanket acceptance that anything anybody does in the service of technology is good right and so it's certainly awakening some major debates about where we're trying to head in our future maybe creating our own future and let it instead of letting it just sort of run away with us. All right do you feel up to about 30 minutes of questions from the the great public. All right good let's do that that's what I'll be coming up next you have done a yeoman's job particularly considering the hour back there. In the morning or something and all right my guest of course is Dr Richardson Mary and the range. Of material that we've. Come ahead of you. In. Ok so. Here. 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