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The week russian classics and thought his efforts to mediate peace ukraines the government began playing the mosque. The search for survivors as hundreds go missing after the capsize and a ferry boat off south koreas southern roads thats a new Prime Minister takes on the left wing of his own socialist party on giving specifics of goaltending to include a freeze on Civil Servants. Our stitch its efforts to re gain control of the situation in Eastern Ukraine. Armored columns meeting russian flight since leo bonds. Ten years from outsourced ukrainian troops in armored personnel carriers throwing in the town seems after being bought from local residents. I know shes a fool since the new crew to create incremental askin government reaps flexing the muscles on the ground raids killed and at times. In the sky nine hovering helicopter. He ended his armed forces are said to have given up then he goes to a russian separatists. In just fifteen km away. Home to many different types of battle fatigues. The toolkit includes the trip home that he goes into town next month the carrier during the russian front. According to one associated with decreased rates and taken to the mush and signed with elite of the Ukrainian Party has switched to the people saw it had overtaken him for yourself how many of us there on the back of an Anti Government protest is assumed his message was taken by russian television. The state election petition on russian attitudes. Recent reports that Government Forces have switched sides. The most opaque senior cane great raid content. He is of world finance. Dont separate its occupying the Council Building the new council to improve. It started as soon as it will deploy Additional Air sea and land forces in eastern europe. Its all happening in the ukraine peace talks scheduled for geneva. Hoisting the russian front on the vehicles that made our way to slow down when they announced patients this effort to save the Ukrainian National scheme to defend my rights to the western authorities in kiev have accused most of orchestrating the armrest the Russian Federation has a new product exports the signs exporting oil and gas. Russia has started posing as in the country. At a time of escalating rhetoric between moscow and kiev made sarahs decided to bolster its military presence in Eastern European and celtic member states. Its general secretary also urged russia to clarify its position. We call on russia. To be part of the solution. This top the standard icing ukraine with that introduction from the photos and make it. It doesnt support the violent actions all the moms mini series. Russia has repeatedly dismissed claims the house and forces in Eastern Ukraine as the moscow would attend talks in geneva with the United States the European Union and ukraine. The aim will be to find a way to end the crisis according to russia destination device with its made of the relatives of those seven ukrainians must themselves come to an agreement because the origins of the crisis by deep within ukrainian state it felt so blessed that we need not conduct talks with Political Forces of other regions otherwise theyll be no way out of the crisis is in this new books. Due to the rising tensions in ukraine and a pessimistic about the charms of a positive outcome in geneva. New Prime Ministers drawing him from his own socialist party this afternoon and thats still about the specifics on fifty billion euros of belt tightening over the next three years to include a politically risky for these instant benefits backbenchers renting the measures on acceptable prices the socialists. Speaking after a trip to brunei and we were he does seem to back down on france postponing its pledge the eu budget deficit targets. Sunday top grill you can tell you it is not imposing these choices are made to the polls. And of extending his hands account of the thirty seven percent of National Wealth is good people would issue the permits of law means this is the matter to me to break from tennis the tigers are in the day. To top it with my new defenses to test it was fifty percent of gdp in two thousand and two. This was sixty five percent in two thousand and seven. Im ninety percent of the end of the faculties in two thousand and two. You always do for a week and to restore our sovereignty and to read it here in the french capital human Rights Groups up in arms police in the posh left bank sixth army small cars were told according to dr in to systematically victim roma families living on the streets papers made. It is calling it bleed and discrimination. Its one of the most beautiful and upscale district in paris the sixth hour on the small but tuesday to meet head on to the french capital for all the wrong reasons. A leaked internal memo from the local Police Station was published by the countys the newspaper the document read that until further notice. D and nine personnel of the sixth hour on the small car order to find roman families living in the street and systematically evict them. Words that sparked outrage inside and outside the top brass of the police to the district mayor defended the plan to build weeks ago she told police there was a massive influx of roma families living in the area. Its just like he was talking about the social problems caused by human heart in the same time that all cases of anti crime mom was necessary and to meet his family is eternal life the context of the organized crime thats what this is unacceptable and we must deal with it the westin continue is not to trespass causes them to look at this. Critics denounced the memo as encouraging racial profiling and police argued the intention of the plan was good. The note was poorly written. This is more a case of the runs on six and the vacation and im punctual with jaunty and several muscles all. Frances top police up doherty the interior Ministry Said that modified the memo without elaborating how but added please do not have the right to single out a person based on ethnicity. A search for survivors is on off south koreas coast of the capsize even a fairy. At nightfall four deaths confirmed that still two when jimmy three passengers missing and the nearly five hundred on board ptc is that this could be sung to me is was a time disaster in two decades. The four hundred and fifty people or more when the ferry capsized off the countrys top was christ zion is being cared for in this jim mcginty medical support. Most of the passengers with teenagers from high school in the summer of snow the minute i almost got trashed. Ive been told to draw sites. I couldve jumped into the morgue to. But i cut it. When it comes to the navy vessels and fishing boats were deeply into such a mess cooperation along with eighteen hundred corpses south koreas president expressed sadness of loss of life. I think its truly tragic. The schools students who were carrying on a field trip to the ships passengers were in focus onto unfortunate accident. There is no explanation as yet as to why the boat lifted onto its side and then sign in calm weather. Palm of the cuts led to the cancellation of many ferries services. This puts week was not suspected. Some passengers say they hear the thumping sound and the vessel soft. The Ferry Company has apologized. Well one would like to say soaring to the passengers including a number of students and their parents on a promise that our company will do its best to minimize loss of life will be yours or not the castle and his arm thus made it a disaster in south korea was in nineteen ninety three two hundred and ninety two people were killed. It is highly improbable ford mustang and top new yorks empire state building. The answer you take the elevator. Somebody needs to bring the part sentimental to the assembled them piece by piece a new model of the mustang convertible taken to summon a manhattan skyline the fourth celebration of its most classic nagin if you wanna stay ground level the new ford mustang us of being until the show that opens in two days. Theres more news later with no time for the false and get the dates. I on. Lot. He said russia would not invite invade crimea money did we did Ukrainian Forces offered no resistance. Maliki and his response. Air force jets flying over the recipients of honors this wednesday. One of a growing number of places where pro russian separatists have taken over buildings and installations in Eastern Ukraine. The show of strength however not enough to impress those down below on the barricades who win at least one instance took over government tanks. He determines. And they know moscow has their back russia ultimately demand with ukraines sees this touching forces to the soul the ukraine to suppress protests. So what does the kremlin wall on both for itself and ukraine. And to be and how high a price is going to put been willing to pay to get his way to nepal spent yet to be working. What is christmas time. And so we can hear my voice of russia political analysts to meet with the average joins us from moscow thank you for joining us again here in the last time to debate what americas most honest and bold contributor to the International Meal times his column is a sweetheart and next week next week israelis are calm. Because not teach that the American Graduate School thank you for being with us and Michael Brett who follows all Things Energy policy related for accent. Thank you for joining us here in austin and gets consumed in the house and get to bathe when you can join the conversation on facebook and twitter are stacked fifteen for debate. But so are the latest column of Armored Vehicles flying russian clients. Driving into the eastern ukrainian city of st of monster this is our correspondents who was telling us that stand offs between separatists and of those Government Forces incessant over twenty four hours and two kids big push to take Eastern Ukraine. Its not going with the government no i mean i think the new deal era of the see kai patina of rocket life has taken the beginning i mean if they would be used to his forest and in eighteen ninety that would keep that in itself but diplomatically we could to maintain that starting position for the toxins that this time tomorrow. Then the other hand this is also terrible thing that might be an ineffective can control the country and beyond. There was no confidence in and he stood for. Because the distance to give them time now to some confidence and it has been unaffected so excited. Losing a tough position to gain any meaning. A lose lose situation work and kids do well i dont think he can be the camino she has gotten way out of the prices they should negotiate. Because the new dont you. The solution of course it was misty and negotiate with him. They should negotiate with russia and they should negotiate with local representatives of the forces of four fourteen for greater independence that realization dawns on support whats interesting here is that theres more and more of them is that hes gone insane oh and last week was in use in three places this week its in a dozen. So again its sort of patchy and its really funny to negotiate with. While im sure they comply and people leave the seat tube and yet they are working to create the so called finance the. Im thinking of their people or running to move on. Structure and the trim and indentured the one to negotiate the contract parted ways and the crystal digital so it took him to moscow. Naturally attracted to the school. Due to the touch. Tomorrow ill pull a bunch of kittens with plants and grandma cook a lot of people might think that this is the russian army and in some of us know the Ukrainian Forces which bp was too short of the people in the outdoors can be switched to the side of the protest a snack the level of ppl and russia received great news because thats not the version that it speaks to the Associated Press saying that said they were five tanks that were actually confiscated the dishonesty and many are calling on his cape and that could be a problem with ease and enjoyment to cry according to a table set up lying on it. The funding and government declared a special police unit on tuesday eighteen. Its great to be adapted to grate on me doesnt want to point the people in the east of ukraine. It is sown it is a phoenix and in the pool and control these protesters sat and read the rest of the set pieces. Russia the russian agents. Its an exaggeration it was the one nobody owes you see that a lot of these it is a huge majority of the prosecutions have a standby of april. It was just recently. They connected each year sometimes ninety percent of support in the eastern regions one of them are columns that you just mentioned. The second is the strongest piece is made to our liking. So the song give it a true follower of the union. Impeachment basically it just by a group of protesters and with these protests the ctu. Someone may want to find a new state of things. Bless that man instead of going to try once again Peaceful Protesters and not when the moment is going to use the meeting is the protesters in the east this item and the west and this is the right wing control. This is the reason why people in the hustle and the tennis reason why. To act when ive just won the white house spokesman by the way on tuesday cinemas. Can graduate in ukraine for its measured responses in a park but it actually did it into the ditch making the point that we need our correspond she was on the outskirts of one of those times she witnessed that standoff with the tanks. She said she saw no russians that. I mean i think i mean if he did he know. The collies excesses of the leaves them in the middle and its getting lost which is the Senate Committees second increases on to some of the points system and its recent state. I guess they voted for mr yanukovich i dont get any support from any of those people. After mr yanukovich today meaning that some of the complaints in east tennessee anything unless it is that this is the corrected. It was not necessarily working for is that people by the bcci and one person saying where is our president bringing back some dinner now. When you see that they were stopping these at the tanks had taken a movie so that the facilities and shoot. Because i see that is the correct meaning not into being. Unless hes been drinking and not to shoot and there was a deadly shooting in kiev that this is the inside. And i think i know that dating is a very difficult situation the hottest and cruise caseike ts wou liveer in a d really added to the point. It said to me t ea ahich is st was over playing the fact that russia is stirring up trouble. You know im not a panacea and not in the uk is the new credence on the roundabout be doing in the last two months. Come come come from. Certainly no russians do pull some strings to them time to compose of the region the Youth Movement which is fairly close to the kremlin. Like alexander begins giving instructions to people use to keep readi i dont think its the of a full blown invasion that ukraine could we not have the button and the fact that they are trying to multiple strings. I would say its normal to get into strategic and geopolitical situation today so im in United States and was doing exactly the same thing. Samples of america when he tips for decades and centuries so. So you know it why do all this to become something of a great deal of reactions coming and one from edward on twitter the best solution for you this but you need to be divided into east and west sections and recognized as separate countries polled who addressed the point of what is up next to free ukraine a moment but on the issue first of up of strings being pulled on one russias Prime Minister spoke of ukraine as a nation on the brink of civil war tuesday the Un Human Rights Commission directly accused moscow of form into trouble the cessnock ukraine needs help. Should actually do something for ukraine. Im talking about our European Partners with other partners across the ocean. They should at least every dollar they get old and this promise is that we will provide ukraine with the billions we would send five billion. The house to get something first. Again three billion. They didnt even give a rule book. Not even a cent. I do youre dead Dmitri Medvedev talking about what to do west should be doing at this point. First on this issue of of pulling strings are not pulling strings it was. I make an accusation by the way to be the back bench that was echoed on tuesday by the uk foreign secretary saying that moscow is form into trouble in the east of ukraine. On a human child is disappointing in addition somehow eighteen percent of generation debt. Some need in the middle School Teacher during my protests aimed at applebees protest on the genuine reform and by the west. The segway into the ministry to say that the rumble of real estate in Eastern Ukraine has always created by Russian Special services. You can bbq. These people terrorists. They say the countries involved in a attack against ukraine in general these kind of language has to do so. Austin is a tradition. I think that nick and operate an interesting point. The reason why russia is going to bake and he didnt want to go seventy this is because ukraine has written for a drink and weekend hoping to get into the eu russia and in the states. Although technically it is possible and it is impossible because both sides of the west and russia dont trust him more the city and is just so terrible. In these situations this new endeavor but not all of you. Gympie ukraine. I think its the so called from two critical because one of the thai airways each of ukraine. This is something that can be stored at the scene in the stock market says. Russia supports. Indeed im thinking he was sold out you dont have that job a mess of unrest in the divorce rate has hit the ground on the scene. That said its important to know what to do now. A corrupted she was she was the president. Its cute right to speak to the ingredients including the west and the new government doesnt have a single representative on the east. Last of the central ukraine and this is precisely the reason why people think hes going to the streets didnt get one has other plans and they wanted the station was not a grainy and not to bottle up great oh no. Is he is and continues to go to the east and to support it. So i dont wish for. Great news the team it didnt fall. A lot of comments coming in and a lot of food for thought which is said to me to that which is addressed one of those points here one of your saying the eu keeps beating money to put in by buying russian gas money now being spent on a war against ukraine. When you win you can. This time. They say follow the money. Much of this you really think its about money. Well we are going and this doesnt mean that in english his mind so its hard to save the business the economy and financial drivers fault the actions of various participants. And one of the strings that russia scolding me saying the recent dates in one of the price of gas so the price of gas masks to cheap credit has almost doubled. Recently because off arguably a concrete reasons first of the rebates. Florentine the military base in kenya is no longer anya any justification in the second one is now the transits of the ukrainian. Through the ukrainian that. And sometimes it can succeed. For russian gas to go to the new euro one thing which is the area often overlooked is that ukraine is soon not going to be needed by a rash on your to trade him to trade gas already a russian accent it does then it started building pipelines elsewhere and exactly so that by coming directly from russia to germany through about sixty of those already been shown to explore almost eighteen percent of its gas avoiding you can choose to smoke in the case but the creature can do that and effectively as something strange going through the black sea which is plunged into the backseat he was actually built then the nice fall into russia to use the latrine infancy to capacity will be no sewing basically the only. The only news for russia to be able to to send its gas to fill two part process flow west. Its business as usual. Well it all depends on the whats the reaction obviously into them. Well the oven. What one thing which is quite stories that you think the brawn team the exports of incumbents going to be the last results its full of fluid European Union because of its the very high price to pay in this case into recession but gemini and probably other European Countries and the symphony. It didnt dawn on tuesday. Russian company has started sending gas in the terps to ukraine symbolic amount. On top because lost again. Its not just money that drives this issue is one thing i would argue that in any conflict the bottom line is money. But im confident its basically a topic you are you cool is historically and productive adults. When my view. I think that certainly of russia may suffer from economic sanctions in europe and United States will fall on the rest assured of russian economy is vulnerable russian economy is a basement dependent. We knew it up but so be it. Frankly i dont think we are a constituent who was taken by me turned to god you mean to post im going to be. Dr ritchie and in a week the ukraine and russia met in the state war and a russian troops. In the win at this point an internship citizen groups may be coming up with allegations of boxes. Um lets wait and see. Lots of points being brought here what happens with the way forward for ukraine was the winner for four from russia we have in common from now. This is good and seems deeply concerned about the rights of russian speakers everywhere except in russia how much of an impact on russia is all this i think well put into our panel to come back to watching us intently. Spent eleven of eighteen seventy the jury is going to the polls to elect a new president. But shes been too sick to support system convinced him to run for four to. Of the candidacy of the ailing seventy seven year old is in bold and controversial county still run the country. Algeria stack of society and soaring unemployment figures to be good for political change how will she be a cult of such future. Dont miss the special election to the ocean. All because i get assigned to tell because the new age of history gets was an everyday. Because breaking news coming weeks so much. In all situations the celtics. Just that. Use our time. If you just joining us for using the false and get to be to sample the stories will become important that of the hour here on false and jacks separate seizing control of governments tanks leaving russian flags and letting kids efforts to retake Eastern Ukraine the government again claims from moscow. The search for survivors as hundreds go missing after the caps rising at the ferry boat. All of south koreas Southern Coasts and frances new Prime Minister takes on the left wing of his own socialist party the specifics of belt tightening to include a freeze on Civil Servants pain i know. All up. Welcome back or welcome if youre just joining us this is the false then get the bait. What is going to be putins plan what is russias plan were talking about it. As what we need to be unfolding standoff in ukraine which twenty four hours and said efforts by ship to retake the east it seems so far the floundering when its on the eve of a gun geneva conference to talk peace between the russians and the westward time with us political analysts to retrieve the picture you can hear on the voice of russia he is in moscow. Silverstein poem contribute to the international york times its called. He is a sexy about it. Emo on the straps and the rest into binding contract success in other news is uncomfortable and checks that you wish you hadnt fallen at this pt kit in the late dennis and his aunt. I swear the resort and inside since its being beat down and they consider its not the citys buildings has to clean it today. Its something we can talk about sanctions that are biting into my role so with some causal who teaches at the American Grad School and michael drive up Energy Policy analyst with access to my advisor to the printer to print them the oecd here and pass on. We were just talk before the break about how russian is starting to feel the pinch. Dimitri bad on tuesday the russian finance minister warning that we could see zero growth in russia in two thousand and fourteen up. Our most nights feeling the pinch already where does all this talk of capital flight. The sun to stop and see what i have the problem is the sign ups are only ten to three point one nine. She has been conducted on the road along the notices in my mind to write badly. Well weekend is an excuse to see him not to pursue his reputation instead of acknowledging his company broom sticks. Hes talking about the bad and go situation. Becky has been talking about a possible school in drafting the people the problem is that hes not going with this top the finance minister korn and also talked about that. I know im in the right people my savings into words so i watch the developments during the last month. One will even went up slightly. You can view the beach yesterday. I knew somehow that. In the fencing was on me the couple bought the scenes we see that his writings and went back again tomorrow. I would like to explain. Has gone by. The problem is that russia will the sentence the book was a bit in the west indies. Why isnt he didnt need to rush and you and the European Union said it was. Or she stands on the fringe the eu. I was told to expect these negotiations last port to port your skin these last four continues didnt have the means of producing between russia and the client something that you would expect from each of which is being pitched at the bucharest. And so on top of things you dont like that your sense of i want to put on hold negotiations on. In between russia and the co op the man was signed in nineteen ninety four he takes part in the top four. And since then other people is no progress on these new treatments and demand that the respondent finalized by negotiating teams. People can be identified by the fundamental point is still in atlanta and russian countries which will now take part in it and accept them he is evil. So in these situations the way to the west can buy. Staunton the summer of two thousand s but then when he was even forced induction so i dont expect a huge losses for two and was sentenced in anytime soon the did what would your reaction from our packages that a lot of reactions coming in from viewers one from costa saying who wants the soviet era territory back to have his place in trying to be known history Michael Brett. The numbers on the show will what i mean you know the rule was down nine percent since the start of year. Yes its been used in a slightly and to temporarily its not my intent to send down since this is really didnt have to be uncomfortable for a country and economy which relies on importing goods and exploding and commodities. So in the if you want to to measure the real cost of the russian economy you dont you mean you you should not focus on the immediate reaction. Well they stop sending down beds the real cost is going to keel when the lack of investments. Hes going to do anything to make its effect and in the fall and in the sphere and the following year. So of girls. Hes not affected now the most intriguing points of gdp he said hes going to be hurt. Already a couple of points. Keith financial sanctions honor of the financial sanctions are put in place these committees can be even worse. But what is interesting that this number sanctions. Thats pretty common itself in the market reactions to the financial sanctions during the sanctions are a step up sanctions on monday more to come up said an eu summit next week. Reaction communicated not everyone thinks that theyre biting dimitri which agreed with him as hawkish us senator john mccain is currently in the baltic states. Choosing colors so far can only be encouraging. Vladimir sanctioning a handful of people in one bank is certainly a ridiculous response to the aggression that he has just come in. Um cause loss to green. The true sanctions would be good for them cause in russia. No ice i dont occur when still make a difference. Well i think he will pursue all of us total of. I think it is also important to see what was the precise. Gould thanksgiving is real important who becomes the foot of the district for example on one hand. They have to Say Something and do something about it and want to get involved in the ukrainian th. Our boss doesnt really see the point of investing his Political Capital to buy up on the same donkeys be revealed until the weekend that states if he does something so. Photo representing dose of the sanctions work of introduced to him. I dont really see them being invaded by him this. Desperate to start your trip to your describing to the atlantic port of some asanas hosting only busy with their building those french warships. Did you come away from a trip to eastern france was a different view on the sanctions. In nineteen ninety eight bc the delete key and bad i tend to discuss new thing is the mission doesnt do anything terrible that a non event because october is planned for smses to the helicopter carriers will be done. Our National Team duties. The sailing awesomeness and in fact lead to one half of the contract would be completed. The snow the next set of sanctions the ones that could be returned to less than impressed. Im still somewhere and not on the table he even knew a few nights ago. There in the next team in two weeks time. Then maybe you can even say reluctant to move in that connection and beat the contract in defence is the typical an injury jobs at stake. The contract and seems to be te kira of supply in a critical moment now theyre doing that in a neat to see him go. The next tv just be defensive when he left until Christmas Eve until the end he cracks up. Its its interesting that the globalized world is where it is to tear into the reeds are making steps to keep moving to town only thank you peter you have tigers who are halfway across the world to me and send me to see and that cpi. And he likes it its a complicated group excuse and i think this is the case we see it. When the cynic in me knew i could do that you can. Britney was the one who tuned into that niche. Its a globalized world the French Building warships for the russians im in good goods and Services Trade it all around the globe. And you get a sense that at the end of the day when you hear from Michael Brett talking about the fact that investors are to be scared away by everything thats going on that russia will be the last part of a globalized world well arent we. Russia has been afraid of that because of the politics of corruption in. Sport is just a song is too intimate with the west i was going into the spotlight oh and she is cranky. Im not sure that the best as i will get more scared to continue teaching was sort of been there for storage box and even when they talk about these seats are full of puzzles as you know that the ukrainian. One of the governing of action in the Ukrainian Parliament robinson said of the suit seeks a disease but also a special operation aimed at encouraging the russian invaders and you can get although i didnt stop the lying on top of the four week old law so why cannot and the team is making use of Global Dimensions of this so did the dishes get back to the point. About that. Let them down and see where one can impose sanctions. Im going to heat up to cough and they have been wanting so many times before during the last four months and thinking. The stove even then it was a delight. And people still believe in you the team in the section c and the last one only needs the us Michael Brennan is what is the street right now you have a field on this ridge will. Dimitri is a dead to rights and also distinguishing the russian economy and the interests of the units in the interests of the of the country in the coming of the whole ends that is why in the constructing a new trail and coupled with the libyan not an option for a last option for a full beauty salon benefiting from this from the center. Rents butts decrees of the currency has had too many streets actually already a ten percent trees means the means of mentioning missed it the most wanted people to ames to me its a common street as well. But no i didnt agree with you and to esteem when you say that sanctions on the table. Well from the group included you know its a routine has since been wanting to its european heads of states recent piano and stating that the free time if you stick in them gas will flow from the show to your opinion also the question. Hes really nice having a no no to things and hes credible from the russian can get inside. I cant say but economically it is credible well. Two contests setting up now to the tune by its european economy a enough but in the ninety nine cents in september or october. When the oven the russian yes hes the most needed. Then peace this menace would be critical because the political economy because of these attacks. Tax receipts that the comment that the emotion of the federal government could stand it. Time as well. So its its kind of pretty bold and andrew russias president certainly. Sitting in front of cameras that theyve had the stomach for a fight for it is that bank to russias fourth largest bank roll cia reportedly close to the kremlin which was the target of a first wave of sanctions. When visa mastercard were brought into the mix topping transactions of russian bank. Heres how the russian president reacted still visit to see that some Companies Make a decision about some well known restrictions. I think this will simply lead to the loss of a sudden Market Segment fold them in a market which is very profitable. Well this isnt our decision. We have to protect our interests and thats precisely what well do it immediately. Causal connection well i think we have to keep in mind for school disco. The tumor growth in russia precedes the crisis. And the problems with whom he was well. So with our fundamental structural problems in the russian economy that doesnt mean you knew prior to two million korean crisis it is eccentric distinction i think. Unless of course as we see today in russia we do have the rights of these up ha i know of of. Forces the ice to hunt a little on the market i think that was going to see our growing economy more acid rush gardens to the situation with a decrease in prices he said he would not. Because im destined for this important report because im too good. That guy calls you pull off a little bit on what you set it on the discussion and money drives everything youre saying that none of it as a joint meeting of the misdirection after him its a question. Yet understand the bottomline of course people right now are we going to stay in power but the data will be eighteen before the situation and that the economy begins to power five years ten years from now the bottom line how intelligent the demand each other resources. Bottom line of extending it to look at the incompetent the bottom line material so on. Were ready. Speaking to one unit dettori said. Armani. Every political process but i was a typical russian elite the reason why they get some shopping. Its also a man fall in the state. And then impression for the independent the neighboring country ukraine. See you all of what is the intent of going west so they dont want the same scenario to be sold in russia and stand before a choice the music and financial options. Research and financial losses. I think thats what i would do the situation. You can find nice message is to change events. I mean even the eu what emerges is now often in ukraine. Epstein Internet Association agreement is reached the point. It seems to be just that. Mia. Crisis so im thinkin of revision for you. Its easter the contents of the zone wrong decision in about three miles. Its not a sign that agreement because mrs tymoshenko in jail and is just a national gop side before signing the agreement along with deliveries. I can reach me the russians are so expensive. Were going to steal getting thousand and one. In the thirty three cents to one and this can you think its interesting that anticipates trees is the fact that the league is worried about what could happen in russia because precisely hes right. He read as though hes saying that the destiny is wearing what happened in ukraine capita than any reason why he does because they are also corrupt cheesy and responsive to economic really a real Economic System they own and makes the self serving self heal the consolidate the biopsy tended to only deal with any kind of real economic magic inside the station to weigh in i dont know that things couldnt be a revolution but i think that the situation is not very secure precisely because its not be anchored in a while. Its considered different take on this was taken in a blonde in the Daily Telegraph by a former British Ambassador the balkans Charles Crawford rating. The basic premise to end the cold war is over the huge sums of western money made available to rush on generous terms. Reading the telegraph. Shes been asking one of the reclaimed historic russian was that the cost of the internets again for awhile and with the majority of russians might think is a sacrifice well worth making his conclusion there seems to think the new rules from the situation hes in a department of time on it to tactic of establishing new facts on the ground slice by slice so far he is working against this question of whether or not. Its economics or hurt pride in our sometimes more than money i could. The psychologist right. Its a lace or eight cents. I was ready to put a price on keepin ukraine away from his integration with europe and the spicy center is on the table in ft massacre says and noisy majority of russians its back his reading and seeing what polls say is yes. Im teaching billions a year is my expression was offering a friend to keep off to integration. With your own thinking in the fall. I read a ton of gas. Now that choice colt which incomes and the russian economy. These winner coupons the russian economy to diversify and cruel industry all been conditioned me growing industrial strength winds bbc failed to achieve them recent events have not going the right direction. Its all about maths devastated that it could be worse. But its different in the right direction. Its open to launch its economy to reinforce the state of dependency on exposing the money to use them the fence until now hasnt been beautiful country i would argue that they have been quite beneficial. And officials of crime yet. Art deposits which are about to be a guess and it is about to be exploited. She would have been exploited by united vs and you know on which no arms via against rome. So these different visa the stems off of recess the operation he said. A simple easy and awesome. Took an economically obviously im no different to the owner on our. In terms of the few things but its the docs this is not about operation beach when we took adults with that thats off the gas the ukrainian gas afraid to just from listening to the degree of authenticity thirteen gas is two point two billion us dollars. Thats what that yes its that had been seized in crimea building belonging to an end to it. Mr has been known to about two point one million new designer says even turn off. The new disney scene it means that well they do that we will see men women and essentials down youll see exactly what i want each author considers his own tutu who butts and that brings us to the topic of whats going to happen thursday in geneva because one of the questions the famous pottery barn rule of former us secretary of state colin powell union going two story brick something you own it. Kramer now and is willing to put up the cash two metallic ukraine what the new craze on friday the people of ukraine to begin with. But i think its important to understand that russia does have an interest the ukraine to clean his two partners in crime. It should be recognized and awarded a week to accommodate the interest on the planet its quite clear that ukraine is the sovereign independent nation. So what happens in geneva. Well did you think you should find some kind of solution built to be president ial elections a referendum of on an eventual solution to the existing issue because i do not think that people want right now running the government and people are up fully capable of governing ukraine. I dont think that people in this building is fully capable of deciding the fate of the hes part of ukraine. I do read each others me ask you who are you in favor of the us president ial elections going for a scheduled for next month in ukraine. Well haha. Neptune will be candidates for these reasons when it comes. The estimate enough attention to. It was he did not allow his son was beaten by up to see that is connected and they sold these elections. This is precisely the reason why clinton is kind of wanting to ice age maybe this is something that happened between you and the United States. Here is a great looking to block the shawl. It was a child grows up. Mortensen and principles. Having the support news to everyone that you need is met in london and you can see the state to see it anymore and is a ukrainian move onto the streets and hes been out of our greatest on top of the woods to find the entrance of my income. So im going to set you thinking more on the regions more respect for the rest of the people in the east of ukraine. Just mail in the right spot. Its insisted on wearing what you think mineralisation and athanasius nt and in Eastern Ukraine around about setting the stage into the stocks they can spend the rest is looking into the second time the situation that they can and talk about pulling back from her not a temple sealing and but i do take it when he met them only ten days. Its difficult for russia because even if its decorated the western half has now come out of this with the deep distrust of the stand and eight and a much less than its unwillingness to commute to work with a tiny baby animals seemed to be picking some of its taken a sentence and sometimes this gets a lot more to see how it plays out in geneva and elsewhere were unfortunately i have time to be to target someone thank you bill for joining us from moscow. I think is well on some Cosmo Silverstein bowl and make grants for being with us thank you for joining us here. The hawks and cats i was. Dont you. His words you can use the seal access to information. Asked for a unique experience. On capital call. International news web sites. The and and. We are as you. Was walking one its been months since justin and was present for Good Government doctors which the leaks now a new blog isnt a glance of what happened to him in any trial well talk to the books just ahead. Nypd dispense a Controversial Police unit officers responded within communities in our city reaction to the move coming up. The congressman ron paul is at odds with the irs the irs demands that is a Nonprofit Group plc led the club claims that the intent o

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