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May have been stranded since a South African Police stop its coverage of his body in a Johannesburg Hotel the opposition calls it the political sense. All twenty four hours after the reds to a radical sunni leader claimed responsibility for the double attacks on the ingredient and deceit. So that the babe ruths a powerful car bomb in the Southern Suburbs of the lebanese capital. It happens in a bastion of hizbollah now openly involved in the conflict in neighboring syria. Earlier we spoke to his anfield Emergency Responders pushed through the current times the powerful exclusion is a residential area of southern beirut known as the hezbollah stronghold. Eyewitness reports suggest it was coached by a car bomb. It seemed a plume of smoke rising high into the a nearby o marry into the ranks and severely damage the surrounding Buildings Health Ministry Source said several people have been killed and two rented two dozen injured. Its the latest in a wave of bombings in lebanon over recent months. For tat sectarian attacks have targeted shiites and sunni regions. The conflict in neighboring syria spills over the border. Sunni rebels in syria and threatened to target hezbollah strongholds in evidence. Has he done to the Islamist Groups support to the customer and the countrys team. Why just last week a car bomb in Beirut City Center killed a sunni politician who criticized hezbollah and its banking for the syrian presence. John kerry back in the middle east for a tenth time as the us secretary of state. This time to unveil the framework proposal for both sides. In a bid for the breakthrough the israeli Prime Minister goh pouring cold water on their hopes of a settlement quickly telling kerry of announcing doubts about the palestinians commitment to peace this after the senior Israeli Cabinet minister was among those who poured cement construction site in Jordan Valley west Bank Settlements czech police say they found unregistered weapons in the private residence of the Palestinian Ambassador was killed by an exploding safe new years day. Jamal al jamal of peters death appearing to be accidental rather than terror attack. An Unnamed Police sources telling weekly respect that said jamal and totally mishandled the ball. Kaden in the safe at his farm home some African Police say the former head of rwandas Intelligence Services may have been strangled. Once an ally of polka down in the body of dissident patching terry gale was found in johannesburg said posh Michelangelo Towers Hotel on new years day. It always blows it and the rope found inside of the Hotel Room Safe lets go to johannesburg in correspondent ideas share a smile. I guess it has been highest incidences of political opponents of poker gandhi being assessed in it were some african authorities saying right now. I know you and me. At that. We are. Are you. You eat. I know. We are i know. The man. You can she may be a day. Each. I think. You can do that i knew that. In the uk two more. I come. The company. There should be i can. I knew our own i mean. How can it. Chris i know the rule. Each day the key board. The day you know. Thanks for that to the citys my own lawns High Commission sought after calling those accusations emotional and opportunistic on the part of the opposition the high treason trial of pakistans former president of these on hold. Serve with the general was rushed to hospital with a heart problem in a case that carries possibly a death sentence the special tribunal in islam a month. Um scheduling the next session for next monday. More from oliver fire i heard no show in court for former pakistan president pervez musharraf. But this time hes in hospital instead the sheriff who is on trial for high treason was a bolster appear in court tears that went and took a turn for the worst why he was though in the process of moving two of the court he had sudden some events unfold that he was not immediately instead of ringing bell shifted to the feisty bombs. So says the institute of cardiology and go. We all love getting to the flood is a long bloody friend of pants and a speedy recovery. The former general was president of pakistan from nineteen ninety nine to two thousand the names. He returned from in marriage class chair and was promptly placed under house arrest the hearing has been adjourned to generate the sixth book in the sheriffs lawyers say the cost would depend on this have been so far as it appears on the next bit of it has been hitting is concerned that would depend on the odds of his conditions. I would advise his doctors kit the decision and commitment of a rock. I knew that getting the phone. The curve is me sharon faces a possible death sentence if convicted the former president has called the court biased and city does not recognize its jurisdiction. His failed to appear on two previous occasions. Citing security concerns. Stay indoors the message repeated in french and creole on the Indian Ocean Island of reunion. Cyclone packing winds of one hundred and fifty kilometers an hour has hit the coast. Almost ten meter high waves leaving thousands without power waves are announcing the coast team earned a rate of home and we are aliens winds are blowing two hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. This is just a preview. Its like lukas and even gets really mean yes authorities have put a curfew in place of residence are being told to stay in scope and reach falling asleep the adventure ends theyre on sale if you re just like stunned as hurry around commercial. But most locals will use to extreme storms have taken the appalling. Named in the hunt is. When the weathers like this the sort of bizarre despair everyones very active. We organize guarantee means when the doors and windows. We expect the worse the orioles have also been impeded the northeast of the islands has already suffered significant damage. With high winds whipping the groups from several buildings. Ca yet it is very destructive ive never seen anything like it. The season films and cecily like its no fun that old. I just remember the grounds are likely only to stirling. I couldve taken a candle to give up. We dislike luke rolled her bearing down on the Union Planters are bracing for much worse. So im home now for fifty two passengers trapped since Christmas Eve aboard a Russian Research in the aunt arctic has been airlifted to an australian ice breaker still have a two week journey ahead of them though north to tasmania. I rescued this must stop for ten days in antarctica least passages to the Academic Skills he left stranded Research Vessel behind. I i i love the look of the eye the russian ship carrying seventy four passengers and crew. Be sure to release since Christmas Eve. The rockets twenty three different race week is to free it failed. Chinese culture theory groups of twelve people to annoy him just then boarded onto the needle an australian vessel cool restaurants in operation that took several analysts. The twenty two tremendous meanwhile remained with the Academic Skills key which is not in any danger during the late stages and especially its own. It has stand. In a ninety eight the day. Get me the show mr into the team was hoping to follow in the footsteps of australian explorer douglas mawson. He didnt expedition to antarctica in nineteen eleven to nineteen thirteen and the mango smoothie this billiton and news the eye lot. O from all of a scare a very very happy new year to you welcome to two thousand for teens. First edition of the falls and gets to beat canada first a much more than eight days on the calendar for citizens of romania and bulgaria. Now free to come as they please in sign the European Union and yes that does include britain for many conservatives resisted but they feared as an open door to scrounge years intent on benefits and handouts. So far. No mass invasion. It may seem like a familiar argument to those who remember polands entry into the eu there is an added twist however europes roma population on welcome in their countries of birth increasingly presented in paris london and when you run it next meets european elections. Just british conservatives their attacking right. The german conservative c d c s party its platform also bashing brussels over immigration policy. Triggering discomfort inside uncle merkels newly formed Friends Coalition cup the coalitions in britain and germany are feeling the strain. Because europeans are deeply divided over whether the answer to the crisis. Hes a lot more integration for a lot less today my husband gets a day are romanians and bulgarians and welcome in your own. This is to talk right. Each school he heads the european migration and Diversity Program at the brussels based European Policy Center thanks for stopping in paris cummings is well and happy new year to the home side a spokesperson for the basket this meal costs similar to making the cut. Party hard to translate them. Stanhope republic stands up for their content and send him a welcome back as well and to hear the chair of the floods in homes hospitals where they haunt them when theyre on these in the suspicion of germany a station based in greece and the contrast and sold it in your opinion ranked in the house again today we can join the conversation on facebook and on twitter and you have to rush back as two for today todays two years old that the argument is not going when the british tabloids the daily express this thursday morning. How new migrants could cost us billions the benefits of britain here we come says another headline. At the start of the week it was the daily mails having on its front page of the governments efforts to clamp down on health care its gets migrants will be charged for accidents and emergencies of tourists who courted the people come to profit from health care in uk you doing although admits to being well known master russia the airport so far travelers from romania. Well they agreed. No peace to the excesses remains coming in breaking down heat to a quilt stores. Its been taking us to steer in the media. But i think it will come down in a while. I dont think you would be as they make it out to be overseas tv regarding romanians and bulgarians people know how expensive the keys of the day. What is like. Except the money the goal nothing and then you only need enough. One moment. As cool. This argument is going on across the channel. Um is it something that is pure surprise. No really its been sometimes now that we skied the British Government trying to do says issue and tend to be part of over musicians own and no need to use his citizens but also could eat. The nationals sorry so it is not is not a surprise to see hear and read those kind of arguments nonetheless that youve got David Cameron is in a Coalition Government with the pro european up party in the cosmic light yet to all sorts. Youve also seen that questions related to the European Union integration really decide in question is that in the uk the question of competence review is something thats inherent Rights Institute indicates in the uk and we are facing now are really into soon the year nominee the European Parliaments elections in june to scare which would suit a deer either of those off and he repents migrants. Im in the peace that we see also why we need the uk do with that. Oh and did we do broke out which are for the roost related to Security Issues to which you chaos to say where the dancing into the eu corporation poll would end up going outside of ft which is going to be also a major key dates created to migration wants. In brief the conversations going on a new one will talk later about how its also going on in germany not so much here in france though this is his conversation with the opening of the borders and jennifers yet not so much its rather surprising. Given the fact that the eucharist is the infinite thousand and twelve. Nixon was talking a mile to mile to reform washington. And he was weaned all was singing to be willing to push back the deepest in t4 of people from romania and bulgaria to a new treaty with india. Eu nevertheless i think the french nation. It isnt a need in favor of reform auction him and hes not winning. Lets agree that the move within the European Union. Princes to the numbers because well lets listen for stewart few weeks ago the british Prime Minister to say im covering their pledging to slash number of immigrants from its current one and the two thousand a year to one hundred thousand the deletion of the lessons of history. I think that the mistake the last government aid of getting infected immediate access to uk that the markets to um and and and hungry in the Baltic States in one go i think was a huge mistake. Um that people simply didnt envisage that something not one off Million People. What did it move across europe because that step was taken. First the polls that showed up in britain are hardly the welfare scrounge years that the daily express was denouncing. Seeing as they were all young people able bodied worked on one home when the polish economy took off. Yes thats true but they are also studies showing that integration is the cost the ecb has shown that as a war for friends. In the nation as a small cost not the huge cost on the huge cost. Thats my new band needs to be studying and she is lying about it nevertheless there is a cost on top of that i think that company. In greece and is difficult to understand for the population the european population because there is a lot of fun and probably months. And therefore people cannot understand why the governments that migrants coming. And there will sometimes take advantage of even though his eyes and malmc6 from the new and unexpected. The teacher is not as bad as some are tanning. Nevertheless people do not understand theres a time of. Common each and cultural insecurity of the population and soul. I think the position of the camel and the rights and to because it moved to British Society as a potential safety is willing to reduce the effects of my friends to better integrate them every minute. Isnt it funny to listen from one side of that the french or British Population cannot understand its for the rotten on the other hand. To listen to us and pursue new media stand above the freedom of movement it was in the European Union and the sharing and then Nikolas Sarkozy is propaganda or campaign electro campaign to re form of conditioning in the agreement hulk and well make and energy with the people to understand why local funding these two totally Different Things showing an agreement is not being demolished amy grants chang an agreement is the agreement for police and Justice Corporation it is just above the stipulation of the individuals within a space which does not correspond to the European Union. Which switzerland for instance is a member of the king in space but not memorable your opinion. So this is that these are two totally Different Things than what happened what happens since yesterday is that romanians and bulgarians are now full members of the European Union which means that they can get that in employment in other countries with newell more restrictions that. Until thirty first december two thousand thirty and were valid and which we tripled by National Governments. Now to see us today. They cannot belong anymore. These posts are dutifully citizens to work soul. The facility also for them to stay and leave the senate. You see at this point. Romanians up for frankel files coming in droves to france. Look for the romanians columns leave their countries since two thousand and two with the disease. Without any these are the cooled down to it the fishing in space since two thousand and two. Then in two thousand and seven. And in between these two countries became members of the European Union bought with the transitory period in which along with the current Member States not to think of guys in the rights for these nuances and to work freely in france and germany and so on this possibility was. Arent you. Wolf two thousand and thirty and that National Governments can not anymore stop this. Take the remaining assembled the gears can work as an urine sample some soul into them before them. True to what is the problem with the employment that we are in crisis it thats for sure no one to the movies say that it doesnt exist among the reasons the prize is one of the new nation. And the cost of the integration of course you as a Political Party ulu lee you have your own speech on it but the reality unfortunately is in the day is quite different from what is it the im told by politicians to you could be mired in a pan or an ump your other part is in proust and elsewhere. The reality is that in france for instance as. As long as the as it did in the harmony population is concerned from any pollution from romania and france those who are in a precarious situation which were created by french lol because theyve been in lisbon where these restrictions the two two to employment. We are speaking of all less than seventeen thousand people including the babies so we have. Maxine would say maybe five thousand people who are looking for a job and who sees yesterday can you get the job without going through administrative procedures. Thats it. Many ask you again on the words you when youre saying about the their costs due to open borders would you say in the case only the costs outweigh the benefits. I dont know if that rumor that several studies that have been weak team. The costs and the benefits of immigration from countries are. That is saying that hasnt been difficult the state as a whole. Some say that theres a cost the oecd. I think hes in favor of me to ration and they say that in france there is a slight cost the state ten billion euros per year of costs for friends. Its gonna sound like minded bands scene because shes saying thirty five or seventy s. And the yen euros a night to agree that the cause of the crisis right now is not at all. Due to an integration its Something Else nevertheless right now we have trouble to integrate the people that are in france we also have a huge cultural and security people are wondering whether the French Republic and multi modal trees and knocked the influence of the spaniards and therefore i think that we are right now to time where we should reduce the effects of immigrants. We should not mix i wore for years and we should be outsourcing and we should. Not at all he knew that people from the eu working in france we dealt a new units. No the two drop goals. I think that right now the French Society in many societies in europe. Im meeting a post in the influx of migrants to school he does the date is really interesting because we are talking though. The firm thinks we have to be clear about. We are talking about we took the remote migration by the french internationals are we talking about the uses and citizens. Pushing today first of january twenty fourteen is related to eu citizens prominence and oregonians who have acquired the rights to our access to the labor market a board Member States which is the right enshrined into the tree teas and no one we would rule. Dr eid from them and if you want now to put a cap on eu migrants moving to the uk it wont be possible because the roads and turned into tuesday and into the rooms. Im not showing any government to creep to put a cap on eu citizens moving from one country to another response the compound the nationals. This is the question of human migration received. How do we say that the road we set of rules in order to to define who is in any insights into coming to reside in today you cant treat. We have to do a post as you said im afraid that this is not just what needs to be gone because we are facing a demographic shrinking which is becoming very important. About twenty fifteen and we are also experiencing some skin is an encouragement to disband the unit in which our piano and every single report written by anyone. Beat the unit saying is the scariest thing in the next call of us were really need some pics from work force unwilling to open lead in times of my trips outside the house the from of a deal that may be true for the u s the wall of some countries its wrong for friends and for uk and you know its because in france that the population is increasing by three hundred thousand people every year citroen always and you will see about migration eu me say first description of the countries are completely different. The situation in germany where the population is shrinking and where unemployment is very little one could understand the german units its borders open in all though to whom to this address the demographic challenge of the country that situation his friends to complete the difference difference. We have five Million People unemployed. We have the population is increasing health costs zero point five percent every year and we have to work on commission is going to increase until two thousand and fifteen. And therefore we do know how men need to help migrants to address our team will keep the energy to have my pitchfork and pick up on that point when we come back rested with us there watching the polls and get today the hall. Beyond this man this week the essays along with its continued to anger washingtons ally brazilians are furious over allegations that the National Security agency to eavesdrop on the progress of the countrys economic powerhouses possibly for financial gain just before washington willing to go to further its strategic interests. Beyond buisness off cos i kept the front straight to the prom. New medicines cost and get before easing to dictate was given a sample stories of lawrence and you will be falling for you at the top of the hour has twenty four hours after the rest of the radical sunni me to pin responsibility the double bombing outside the renewed interest in beirut. No explosion. A powerful car bomb in Southern Suburbs of the lebanese capital. Five killed and twenty inches. First it was security concerns now offer a profit seeking pakistans former presenter was sharp from attending is high treason trial. Rwandas former head of intelligence is mindful that seem so say some employees who opens in korea the opposition wanted calls it a political assassination he fell out with academic in two thousand and seven. And fifty two scientists in chairs on the two tasmanian to be rescued from the antarctic by helicopter to construct since christmas. I know. Call the back. Welcome to just joining us this is the false bank debt and to date. Start of two thousand fourteen means said that the borders are now open in their entirety. Sue live residents of romania. And to bulgaria to the rest of the European Union. Its created quite a stir across the channel in the uk to talk about how its affected things in germany in a moment. First though lets say hello once again to our guests teeth at school who heads the european migration and Diversity Program at the brussels based European Policy Center in on bass and spokesperson for the new goal is to do. It could be partly sunny and humid. It was the chair of the flock day on the voice of the keys to the rumors are all moms who roams the rooms and chicken many people. Um we were talking and just before the break about some of you showing some of those reactions in the name of a free market to give you one which is the comments for minding its readers that the tories in power now argued for sophie and bucharest to join the eu having an editorial that draws out the welcome at the bulgarians and romanians the going will be rough and fairest has too many waves of immigration palace before too long youll be folded comfortably into British Society. Closing the borders gone past month. Does that make friends less vibrant its like losing one hundred percent we are not saying that we should not let anybody coming in to transport we are seeing that given the circumstances every year i mentioned popes a quilt top for the new grants. Common sense is that we could adapt. Lets not forget that during the sixties. I did learn that many migrants coming to france because we were needing them. And right i think the circumstances are completely different and its not to say that there is going to new migrants. We are between two ha. The number of migrants coming into france right now. Two hundred and thousand people are coming in to france every year and we say that lovely hundred thousand would be more reasonable says that the next steps would be close to zero the time to react in this its clearly you want. As he tried to do with these new costs wont receive any gospel to be chosen integration and so current community. The whiskey and doubts did so for the new grisham is the time youre in the kitchen but here again. I mean youre in the kitchen is in them to write so if you want to decrease the amount own right. This is going to convince and honestly take and it didnt get us to be taken within the framework of the year of incumbents who often writes ninety eight which are which is rooted its rude to rectify me nice and private life. And second seed with a European Union directives in the right time youre in the kitchen which we have to renegotiate if you want to see his english piercing meet your heel on this case supersedes the national law. Thats one of the things that ruffles feathers and angers the likes of ill stop there. So thats why we propose to do notice all the speeches it was in the Court Appointee on program in two thousand and twelve. We said that we do not accept the bill street is they are nuts. I would say that it makes since two thousand and five because fifty five percent of french people see known as the european constitution and three years later. Chris was needed to go to buy the argument and it was a demo critique or in the spreadsheets and do not critique i remember this too and you want the people of france with the french citizens. Ive done three years later and after adding promised to do a little tricky because what he promised during his campaign was to do a small tree to relate to only institutional many questions and also taking into account the know all of the french people not the exact so it was not his mandates to full speed back to this retreat in defence and said no to. In two thousand and five his senior year in europe unpopular among those who want more sovereignty for National State police asking you to school. Bill. The opening of borders mean a lot of romanians and bulgarians will be showing up in london and tax pack duties at the time we have to re coop will sort that only nine remaining Member States which means that the under sixteen the owners sixteen rounds ive already opened their labor markets to remain instantly guidance and we have not seen a wave of permanence and their guardians going to the other Member States. So the nine remaining Member States which are not open their border and because of my members area are not introducing an area so far the deaf open. Death open day where. The bright golden age a new treaty to grant access to their labor markets. So when we do not see a wave of permanence and repairing coming into france germany or the uk for long also interesting is that hes their job for them each day is so hard until we get access to deliver market is there is no joke axis is as knowledge on the violin and so do we go elsewhere or remain in a minute. Even the economist in the article you mention and said that in the nineties the Labour Government said well ok theres gonna be like tens of thousands of calls coming into retreat in the end of the museum. Kenyan the article also says that had a great positive impact on the uk economy he added the economy says sometimes you the biased i would say honda on the need to question the obvious willing to let everybody to what they are the waltz and especially convenient around the world bowls from a personal and Economic Perspective so i dont think that open you see here might be a question i would say and on top of that one should remember that the difference in meaning tom waits between the countries the meeting and im way too roomy known to carry on the tenth of the minimum wage and friends and their false man he was appointed kitchen for a soaking tub and just switched waters and ten times more. And thats huge and thats a powerful lever. I do admit that given the economic circumstances may be to work people are going to come. But nevertheless that does a huge difference in wages is that the cost of living as well thats true to the shadow immigration minister labours david hanson says the problems none of the border. The problem is inside the workplace. This is that the government is that they havent yet Little Things that we will need to do that weve been calling for them to do since march of this year. For example the heat of summer in full speed for the minimum wage we need to show that we have action taken on gang masses who bring people to action taken on gang masters that are bringing people over. On sunday mail years this idea that up the open borders and this is the opposition speaking in this case with the open borders. It means that there is of a lot of um unsavoury types that are entering inside the uk not chad before more diverse with these two countries were often hard to do. In two thousand and seven when the romanian do their own dominion million entrant into the European Union. We had already been freed from it which there really was conte role of the border we told was the moral will perform ill give them Something Else that its only the knock them off. Masses of people arriving here or there those who wanted or needed to leave their countries may do so. Years ago but hes arguing that there are people coming over to work low paid jobs with ringleaders now we are speaking of zionism of the guys about the economists about the need of oppositions off the summer that the Political Party. We have a crisis thats for sure these economy crisis is what people see or walk people whats on the tv or listen to the radio. But there is another crisis which is and much deeper. And these crises is another cultural. And in general. Girl with the other that the maintenance and it is a political crisis in terms of political thinking crisis. And the end. When you save his own moral position talking and of course none of them for for a few years i cannot to really distinguish lots of new and whats the use of the deep difference between left and do the right wing parties including sometimes even extremist ideas go entering the mainstream of police is mentioned parties pool which are governed countries. They know the region of the reality which is the reality. I dont know what. When i listen to the president of cost of the awesome praise and in france saying that every year there is the top hundred thousand jobs in the ivory coast or in france which have no candidates. No one wants them. And on the other side we see people coming from romania and bulgaria who are these amps. And who cannot access of these jobs. This is the problem for them because they can make or dont get me a job before and is also a problem for friendship because of the season as the economy. Life is in their life is not in any scene these farm workers will be welcomes me. As you think those farm workers will be welcomed in the end. Of course. Of course theres no reason it is we think of watching telly. Hell have a local economic sectors. I love the stadium of agriculture but on the other hand you have the older the construction sector for instance. And am there is always there seems to magically mean four more years than there are also people who like to four and this takes six hours but cooler connected to two and dismantle their first it had been on the right to walk into them. This is just pragmatism is not a multitude of being hit liberal or conservative or whatever it is above the life life is there the enterprises of their workers or their family is broken because of the speeches and because of the Political Class which is the first two. To play with their green or she owns with concepts which are as nm disconnected from him. These realities and the school and is adding to two days which i agree agree with that same doubts the seas the russian many of his senior year and that the market. I will continue working toward course where he does need it down some sectors of activities and their highs train in france that you could even to clean those jokes coming from. Spring is he running a good idea. So do we see dentist job scheme. I mean is that the Senior Pentagon market is also functioning in a proper way to what is happening in spain for instance it is a huge banana. I love you with unemployment and no two people move to germany for instance to get the joke so is it a good thing to house young spanish people staying in spain and we are losing their time in spain and kept on cds and skills are easy to have good thing too and i tend to move to germany and to get a position there which is good for them which is good for gemini and which is awesome it was painted pieces and irrationally of the senior youth and middle market this is the basis of the eu construction we upbeat these crosses these political process for over sixty years which is based on freedom limiting freedom of movement of people eat these can be undermining the eu project on the side its still difficult to find a plumber these days in france you know the polls. While. So first let me just respond to to those bones. First the invisible hand of the eu labor markets and even its victims ago and was responsible for the crisis of two thousand and eight it was not to meet grace and i do agree. So just be me being the invisible hand for me these are what they mean by invisible hands just read the news. Its for the will of European Union. I dont think its gonna work seconds i dont think it is a solution even for young spaniards or dont weeks because it means just a movie in like two thousand km away from their harmonies from their friends. D its harsh just forcing people really knew their countries and willingly like once its done right now in greece or spain because there is a fifty percent Unemployment Rate for young people. I think its brutal. I think its a new mom and i dont think it is unlawful to tunes from the European Union and overall good in the Unemployment Rate in the European Union is increasing so i dont think it balances. That being the diva of may the European Union see work. Nevertheless i do agree that some very specific caseys if there is a huge lack of skills within the country. We couldnt open our borders on a nice time and its imperative for a limited number of people and we do know how that right now in france we let dough rest for example because the tudung was too old and you a tease. Maybe ok we can do something for short term period. But in the new gym time when we should do is to move on. Porsche young people in the right direction and not to discourage trying the new jokes as we have done in front of the last thirty years at least under control thats we have the right people because its just crazy to have twenty five percent unemployment for young people in france and steel as you were saying ive sung back and says for some jobs in agriculture construction and therefore we should also work on a more long term perspective twin sure that everybody can find a job and is a short term however has said that the top elite documents and is even very conservative says two parties congress. Putting into practice a new slogan that can loosely be translated as you cheat you are gone the drumbeat is more i can only advise against poisoning our domestic political titans. We know that immigrants from romania and bulgaria the higher Labor Force Participation rate than those of the opposition greens as speaking there. Um the spokeswoman said the spokesman the chairwoman of the sea is his Parliamentary Group there the house without saying were committed to the right of freedom of movement in the European Union but do not want this freedom to be abused. We do not want people to integrate into our National Social insurance system. Thats what this is about we want to prevent abuse. So she says. Umm me ask you. At this point course there is an underlying subtext of this. The of rome and this is soo. He is saying in a failed way that basically you can have a lot more roma people and and roma people i resent it. In a lot of circles were there these days in places like munich and paris in and done among them. There are no modern European Union. There are no such thing as drum up being the European Union because the European Union is a club gulf states. It starts with five of them now twenty eight pm. All the citizens of these countries are european citizens of these is what has been described by the treaties. And i are on school aid in states of the European Union are not the problem in many the on many issues actually on many subjects. We provide are other solutions. But were not least and two. In two thousand id worked in the new network and learn from our mentor for many activists. The european little proposing a frame or the frames that youth were among the people in European Union which and started my dd idea that we are citizens of our countries our respective countries. And as such we are also citizens of the European Union and the reason absolutely no part in color the risk it all for the grooms been benefiting from social Welfare Services ol whatever. There is that there is absolutely no such article the risk. Now when and what is positive. That insists two days is that before actually the romanian and bulgarian citizens and here i am speaking about all of them. Not only those of the many ethnic background they didnt have the right to war and in the same time they didnt have access to social services need. There were lots. They had made the cut it out which is that it doesnt have insurance into crumbs. Now if as they will get the right to work in the same time. I mean they will more like anyone else in the wheel also pay the taxes and charges for blue social insurance and Health Insurers and so on. So really it is just about the quality the roommate and i think was a three man percent of the media practitioners small minority in even more on him the image more read more about ten percent of how much how much would you say the school has to question the role of cloud in this issue remains an appearance i think youd be less crowded but i think that we should also be clear on and start putting the blame on some specific people in remand in my room and instead gardens and will not be good these are really really dangerous game because we were wake of tumor would in theory the headaches and one twenty into why did we need to skim week and you are free right. These arent eu citizens we have negotiated with them for years in order to see you wed be into the European Union and today you read me in. Youd be eu citizens which means that crowned the first senate thousand and seven the amendments to the gardens and the roma people are reading this manner when that this country eu citizens and are entitled to move reading the opinion by the two go and sit in in another Member States states for period of two tenants. So we have to be clear on dawsons in middle school too two to be clear on another one which is dots devotion of abusing rights is the question which is that we we being the existing rules just in payment when we house and would be a dorsal treacherous that the ship and the rights of a spokesperson for the spd the social democrats which are in this grand coalition with this is who and the cdu long poem or a call saying whoever sings this sort of melody in bytes rightwing extremism to them thats even without. Which made the odd though that the video of this is about trying to prevent cheaters and trying to prevent abuse no i would not say that i would not say that because im presenting teachers. I think is the basic work for the government and saying that there should not be a teachers is the sea cow. I think and i shd i think we should Pay Attention and also look to quantify over twenty five people from extreme riot or our rights. Because otherwise its kind of bearing the lines between them some position and that may be different from yours but the town of santa for all races and i think next year of the spd the snow is making a fool. Convinced it is wrong says hello to it insists is still pro european that would exclude an atomic economists in a secluded from tomorrows cover up which has the leaders of the dutch far right against builders in the same boat literally has seen teapot if you will. As a euro skeptic the uk leader nigel for raj bands. Whos that woman there in the front there pointing her finger in on pass on its mind and i dont think they have the same. Ok guess is the sunnah and the band are rather close but i dont think a minute and a nice surprise to relate really and to subtract the Enterprise Support its great when you open minded and full of mixed european and extends. Not this year of course they do have something in common which is theyre all doing very well in the polls ahead of those may elections in school given we have also to new and speedy before with komodo it did to twenty fourteen elections. It is true faeries for extremists to appease the artists whatever you call them we score a very good. In some Member States that moment on and to demand the states. Taking this into a pond. It is clear that the unit and we perhaps we need a few compartments elections in france but that doesnt mean that the European Parliament we then be called poles. Im teaching you and t mac and im anti establishment that any peace because there is a new iraqi cities. There is oh and also distinctions in divisions between those who isnt it the sound of old. In the green on this and thinks some are clearly and to my these cars off the day amy is the whole school to talk to him there which is absolutely not known for his time being its all that and their impact on the European Parliament and on your european policies might might be less important than we can expect and done what was later saying they want the aussies make an impact on the center right in the center left. If the National Front of the far right comes out top of the main european elections in france are you living in france and you are conducting front. It is going to be a huge. It is going to have a huge impact that peace is going to be domestic impact to an iq of a and that it does have a nuke to ease the tension you from Moscow Institute of the bill as written in very interesting paper which is of which is downloaded online which clearly says just do. On the top in just a little too will we be connected from which country and what we beat the effect on the composition of the European Parliament and it comes to the conclusion that the impact of the anti eu anti migrant and establishments. Group would not be as huge as important as we can expect today because we are seeing these true friends true friends finances which is to say one nine the pins going to score ever on twenty twenty five person which is a huge score but this is not the case in the other Member States where he addressed his party will fare better. Some still believe in an integrated europe though. And citizens in riga fitting adherents of the locked on new years eve toasting the arrival of the euro as their currency that makes it. Eighteen countries embrace the common currency in a hall pass on. I dont think the mentor each of the population was in favor of joining the euro. If you read to the polls conducted on last year and im sure each of the population was not for its stall. Ok now making the advancement of what we could do kiss at the eurozone has three new young more people unemployed now there since two thousand and ten as addressing it so it isnt that bad. Its not all tysabri will nonetheless wish a happy new year to everybody in riga and elsewhere one word to say thank you to the school and so many of the thank you for joining us here from austin today. I was as well. Cos when that keeps you up to date with all the latest from the world of sport. All the action. All the results of all the emotion chilling got anything for his all round muslims like and dont know i will. It is. Does. It is what you can see the woodlands. It is. Is you upon dollar city senior year but twenty thirteen will go down as a very bad year for violence in iraq will look at whats happening inside the country after us troops left and will look at which country has thought of as the greatest threat to world peace. Plus i miss eight weeks and possible military strikes in syria in twenty thirteen or just some of the topics that the Obama Administration stumbled through the dinner party takes a look

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