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Separate the two forms of racism is on the rise in profits. I will pay off the lot. Still to come. It demonstrates the late sixties National Headlines after claims he cant spend too many and eight to ten cents tony zinni and libyan capital tripoli man is defined as less than file on the last round of protests as at least nine people have been killed according to un Human Rights Watch and medical sources they say it more than a hundred other people have been injured. A week without the hyphen high and hit the philippines and many people are still struggling to supply the chalet is coming for you but some areas still out of reach. China is easing up on its national one child policy expects to get rid of labor camps. I thought of sweeping reforms to santa watching him get false bank at a stop in the deadly violence in that tripoli the libyan capital which has been erupting this friday. At least nine people are up fourteen cents thats according to Human Rights Watch and hospital sources aols they say is that more than a hundred other people have been in six the management has opened fire on a large crowd of protest as hundreds of demonstrates that a cabinet in the gondola distinctive chicken outside the headquarters of the ms ride to minister to demand that they need the canadian capital. Eyewitnesses say amen then set fire to the missions headquarters lets get more now from corresponding to a marine captain and center in the statement the latest information on the situation in return the heat. He heard the mantra it will inhibit the like. The get go and enter into and will get you in crete. I came it in the housing problems than on the a line to trip and irene castle is some reports are we trying and im adding in the new relate to stand as he speaks. Were all meeting on and its been a week now since the massive typhoon high and wreaked devastation on the philippines. Despite the Huge International aid and that many people that are still struggling to survive he is a roundup of what the situation stands in some men areas people still say they have received fiddle mets and even that planes carrying aid supplies are now arriving like indianapolis in five U S Navy Helicopters and planes cars despite analysts non stop any flights philippine Authorities Say the thirty thousand people have been confounded dental day the un think its still not time to shed a sea borne reports on the link to some relief they fled to clothing these residents were evacuated from the devastated city rescued by american air forces. We have no choice we have no way to go the kids aquaman is a dangerous place this is where the team from rescue workers from around the world of online content clement and the surrounding area bringing much needed food water and material to clear roads the United States has been the biggest effort the uss George Washington Aircraft Carrier in more than eighty aircraft are now operating. Thousands of u s crew are transferring supplies to rent that region yes people down there theyre seeing off lol. A flow of goods and thats whats important and not again not just that i pulled in about two. I know a couple dozen outlying far distant areas that that might not otherwise have gotten assistants. Rescue workers are just really needed in treating the wounded as quickly as possible. Anyway about the other Infectious Diseases that may come next from top for access to water because of the devastation the city. And im absent but what is easiest and the leftist press is nothing to avert the risk of Infectious Disease the rescue workers most urgent task is to bury the dead the philippines have received thousands of bonnie banks. We still lack people to collect the dead interested in areas cut off from the main cities. Back to our top story now with online backup with the tripoli the libyan capital wet milling even been reported dead and wounded others injured according to Human Rights Watch off to minister and as a pendant fire on a crowd of demonstrators are reports that many newcastle is is in the capital tripoli during tickets to either late as we know about what happen this friday although we didnt want the hospital declined to be taken care of the war and keen about anti aircraft will be heard from the hospital at the very like it and call and ended up injured. I will be back to the wheat board will when it reported in the build up to believe by then the afternoon on friday prayer into bleach pen to the pavement tried to keep to the tree and went to the area of auckland in the center of the tv urging evolution you can complete it by kate and the city and according to federal court that on the ground at any time they link up in a fire on the indicators that will have the continent a part of the nation have been at their headquarters at home got cooler and in one area to meet with the tv channel at the top level march on to party. Lets look at what the bill that was the scene said that the ink manning and that is hanging in libya against the mrs the on going to and not under government control style. That kid crying anger again on a merry cans i do that. Eight when the track in between humans and the cut the meeting he did an about me wanted him to be taken care of the capital one of the nation was actually trying to clean it up to one of the men had been killed and ate at the end it might be a great kid and he aint going to look for it to the one that will have cluttered and went to that of the baby in the area of a cooler where they had the cheek. Kate that afternoon. You had to triple the current toll and it will ever need it he has been achieved in the great gay can only chat today and the head of the conical cuddle up with the india gate and implementation of the new trend in heaven. We each ordered and the republic all of the capital. Here you can get to know that each implement it and liking it in addition it will happen in the god he couldnt sleep at the care taking of People Killed in a growing anger taken on many of them the period from the uk. In turn anything into putting her to look at it and could happen in heaven. But he didnt begin on not being on the other is that many here annika made up by now. I spent on sunday the Marion Council is reporting from a tribute to stevie this latest update. Amy and states that news agency saying that team beaten and killed one hundred and thirty injured in that attack seeking their costs relate to completion. Email me not to smile while musing chinas leaders have on file of roth of reform measures dating easy not even on the continental wanted chomp and family policy. A website thats to get rid of sync will be educationally the cameras. Loosen up controls on the economy rebounds the story its an easy form to use the pill into my new pjs to these comments on each. Two parents and one toilet in the late nineteen seventies china implemented its controversial from the planning role in the teen couples to be one told me that the few exceptions. The policy has a ton of concrete to the impulse that the court is relying on fines and in some cases for sterilization is triggering could account for each. Today couples will be allowed to have two children if one of the parents is an only child. One piece major policy shift. The chinese authorities on keep it simple we deal with the population has helped speed chinas Economic Development preventing about four hundred million births. Selective abortions complaint with the mean green social preference for sons. That would have the intense and the number of new poison kills one hundred and eighteen miles one hundred females. One result of declining working age population have also forced authorities to relax the mole the Chinese Workers forty twenty three point two million to nine hundred and thirty seven Million People in two thousand and twelve he lives of the population though make some fourteen point three percent of the population and eighty three fold increase in the last thirty years. Nine times its policies and its friday to see some nail biting maintenance for european football fans that the site of the player makes his wild cup kicks off this evening. Im a bit of this encounter will see a portable ice this weekend. A friend spouse when the tv there that seem authentic yet to face at you crying. Ross was bolted down levy is with the half wore on they sent them a lot at stake and the friends i love caused a place in the end the walk up the reasons that remove any prior notice to hook up with him when he resumes his wants lots more choosy and friends on how this doubleheader with ukraine for us to make it on friday kicking off at eight forty five pm paris time and then off to the return leg of the sentence on tuesday that a great record against ukrainians having played seven times and never lost four victories and three trolls for the most common type of course was your turn to talk to us all with the two victory in tony asks and everything so cold that even though they are on baseball and ukraine unseeded of course for this self off to vera up because becky for ranking pastry cream to quit the team i think because with cutting its a nice its actually some in the street will be stopping forty two in the number ten position behind a destructive and asia are expected to continue up front as well that mean that is the place once again time Benjamin Spock is at fault hes been up by illegals room decreased even she really awesome and if the fronts so nice to be seen if that goes for that though they do have a thing of rare that asked myra out to troll with an away win. I have said that i can say nice takedown even looking ahead to that fancy ukraine hours tonight so for now falling the zoo we can hand you back at the sonora set and had guests for the well this week. Thank you ben rice and gates have been at that within a few incidents a nice nap while couldnt see them out this week. Of cos i kept this is the center when the sun and its all new stories of the past seven days the agency stopped hundred and ten its an easy victory taking comments at the sunday telegraph. Primates in attendance for the senates outfits that station on time and yet most of the day economists at the event of seventh at http im sad that not me its not supposed to be making any rights for the new times he needs you and thank you fantasy deep be with us. Tough but something men and youth in a disgusting habit this week to try and tackle one of the regions most pressing and had to open its youth unemployment. A quartet of young europeans. I wrapped the joke compared to the United States where average unemployment the young people now stands at around sixteen percent this huge disparities across the eu contaminate the right to abuse unemployment is seven percent in spain. Its closer to fifty six percent while Economic Forum has more than crime and social comment will sow crops here something is done about it when its nice seeing and hearing from its Approval Ratings for presents. Also on target once again and now as low as fifteen cents the most imminent. We convinced by the nations his race to the station to get tickets for this terrible problem and fixing year ten people come up and its been far from what is actually happening in france and in all the countries in europe. But lucy is the rights of pro white polo pool. The castle wall looking for the lakota working for and that we see young people going from internship two internships ruiz visit. The nothing too to lean on them and all of jobs best and what is his people having trouble getting some the of housing in paris for instance boy in every city capital city in europe because the prices so high and it dont live in iraq you are ruining it is that they are though and it stuck buying because these people run stapleton and they will do something eventually its protest against the san marino. The deacon and industry and we know that it can achieve dramatic things in france especially with history about it so we are any doctor in this way was the same and the prefects and i got as a cross front of the right of the great and am about about six raced inside to see if they say that an in ad that that the situation is is it is becoming an attendant that i need societies rife with incentives aspiration and aaron there is a bit of a people under one roof appointment is the month so its assumed that the wind because was too sleepy. Im reading some years ago the ambition of the majority of french own people. Was it over the phone to him as a government employee. Under the same thing a few months ago people want job security they will take risks. Those who dont take risks. Dont get money from banks. Some years ago to the story with bone. In rio. Once the mine anyone warm undertone of the first micro Credit Scheme in front line. Another project. For example for special slight twist wanted to become a bikie in one tool banks. The economy money human tumor in a lecture given six thousand words in our house is successful the key to more courage than the banks to blame it on what they think that the Unemployment Rate the young kiwi side will cost a bomb but its so much that it unites states that it is healing year. Because its very easy to hire people is they need to find people in america and from people will wait a whole. I happened to mention sometimes years before hiring people because it is incredibly difficult up to it. He does work out to get rid of them. And a discount rate due to foal again french people and for french people in general because they think will get one one people timing. At one time high and i should be protected but when youve got to be all that is concentric circles of people who mourn more protected at the center and messiness of the motions soo on the two of our common joke on tractors appears to temper a contract. Ive not been almost a set of core of workers who will defend this till kingdom come in for very expensive to get rid of but also the stp is difficult you you have to dress for the new far it is yet to address the pics to come by. You have a whole layer of toorak receipt that gives you the right to withhold the polls the right for you to find these people then you get people together stem frequent rights then youve got the stairs yet it into strips and then you get people all signed in i might add that the french unions do not defend them. They defend the people who already had good jobs and what you could call i dont think a job as a country that would equal privileges and outside if the people who call gets it yet because i think youre from a mom like that then sermons have quiet streets lead analyst at night and the running time and again people eases i sent them to send them straight in the whole year sentence in pajamas the whole system of apprenticeships whether i have a trainee and people in ways that makes them immediately mrs free to the market. Addie they know what the needful that got the slavs. Make a stand which is the ppp very compact tissue small and midsize businesses that produce basically the richest being in germany Machine Tools and js decision in electronics you name it. Thats when germany was has been grateful for almost a hundred years and they train people to go and went directly into this but i also would like to say that when you hire somebody in false is the highest payroll taxes being in the western world. If you hire someone who has a salary slip ups a one thousand something safe house in yours that person will get in their hands about seven hundred and eight youre just not the boss will have to fork out Something Like seventeen hundred mature as it makes it unbelievably expensive and then youve got a new piece that you find out what we can go pay fixation into battle says that things would tell wonderful if you have them feel great. You people want to keep them when they have them but if you dont have them. People will buy information they will play robots they will have a ticket on a unit we now have it on a maple was in paris that may be driving them because that way to have people to find they dont go on strike. As i see quite consistent with what i mean i need a map of states and dc says and that you can reduce unemployment and with Government Policies in government initiatives by space for parties to the needs and to create an environment where companies can function in you can have a Competitive Industry t think that the politicians are able to alleviate this problem what you think may need to get out of the land of the play the companys data. Still its a question on and economists released a list to answer this but i think the nicest days there has been no maybe more job creation and all i know is that way now in france. Dont knock on the government has but if you dont leave me a quick dish to fix this by specific isnt that a boy sees a spanking about nothing whatever the thing about what i mean is it that the saying of gdp. Its nice to just get on with the intent of these that make less than a bit of creating this terrible problem. But on the merits a can of tuna locals here in france the trio group a distrust of the private sector to its governments in it as being the case gone a long time and is in need of a toll between the two of them and the soap is never up and really and is a tool governments bills in the whole thing. That was light with the private sector the bridge on health and in mec off to meet in summing up the summit which is the stadium and you dont understand what is with the private sector. These men do all the booking for the sector debt been working for years for the sector they are from top schools that dont understand all the private sector is working so its not that we have to take charges because we have been doing it for years and its because not produced any results come in and in terms of unemployment you can to get it into charges of the common is that nothing happens within utah visit oprah benefit and agreements of time to Work Together and its not that thin mints the government is not able to understand. Oh its own private sector is working on the on off accompanied by Wendys Company and all this comedy meets two of bed to help Fund Administration and its tremendously difficult when you want to create a company. When you want to hire someone when you want to pay you charges when you want to do anything its going to keep it so you want one thing is simple procedures and each onto on the doves that you go approach. The group its accompanying the uk us where the two princess that i see casey and primates that ed is a staple of the big props to drive through a very high profile honesty that that is stocked up on japan as they are dying to the uk and elsewhere to try and stop the disease. When did he do you agree that on his comments not listening to Business People. On the court ruled woman supposed to throw money and Business People it is true it is reported that South Kensington in london is now more food than to succeed and to see oma which has a corner. And what is noteworthy is that whereas some good links dont seek to retain your su demo. Which all sounds low unemployment its cute because once its doing very well thank you why because people flexible if the chinese films. There is retraining available for them. And people fit in with a transient call in and say oh i want. Spousal cinema on one dont like it go on a flexible. From states to become more flexible than others i mistakenly printed it from the investing community and center paul is another downgrade and the fronts and in a business is just not convinced by the laws policies that are spoken. This isnt to his plan also says it is this possibly even more than the general thrust of this bonus is that the uncertainty of the bonuses i think the lack of visibility is what the canes anybody to make an investment you have foreigners who can invest in frosting its expensive that its good to be hostile to deal with the authority is the new. Neither labor nor the beach because the content of the few but they have betrayed when coles is an artist but when you do not do what they have to provision for next year in terms of taxes in terms of whats going to happen when the newer than the noisy to change all the time and that if people continue down enough it will change. Do five seconds from being implemented i would say the lack of visibility is very bad. The other thing is that up we have a government that had been saying that the most cops but they havent been greedy made severe cuts in aid in their opinion about it. We hover expenditure which is now fifty seven percent on its devotees and then on to beat the egg on toast in the western world. It is very expensive to run for state and a fresh tuna little to say. And you see the traces everywhere you have several layers of a Civil Service unfold because thinking is the give aways. The well meaning will fall on regional aviation everything should not be decided by the scent of my parents by what is to be the case. The one in just a ruse to add more layers and more layers of expense. And about a new and im all for Civil Servants but no up and knew of nothing was taken back to what was in a new level of bureaucracy was taken back fences the thirty six thousand spectators and downs and prawns. But they do not want to be matched together. We had a custom one region to pause and you cant eat any bluetooth pc tools he can say you will note with the old one because thats just what showed up in them and do whatever i say its impossible to do whatever we wanted he said and did not mourn as the regions leading up to the failed because it is proposing forcing people to too much together and to do things that are listed in july. On the monstrosity with the tongue and once in his lifetime he attacks the government a government that the very narrow window to keep you sething. Six mons hoitalrip to mystic cost of the killings to put the kids had cost the state of grace and i thinks its not happening anymore. Disgraced now its this is true but you know you have a very short trial window very narrow window in which you can take a few decisions to make it hard hitting decisions of the estate in the us because he decided to get money into this incredibly complex at the station fell and hurt all the postman to see that the cuban soccer team did not receive it when he was elected sixty as a kid. And anytime when you can do that now we continue to be thinking that ended on to being blamed for the situation now im a twentysomething just something off and handed it to use the pulp mill the minute you see the self talk and it didntucceed in dden it was all waited for the year the message coming from the csus government that is that is making isnt that le. That is making innings lead over its businesses weve got the wrong message to send out trying to dump realizing whats the pitch and we are rampanttheyont want to admit its an import say its to take measures to try tont tackle this thing together thats the problem to us as we didnt have grandkids am a tiny tiny nation of men in a tiny bit but the asking price is a new front sees the economy is confrting the new moon single existence of wmds scription on the streethere is a plan to increase that to you by zero point four percent from turner. The finance minister said this week to include small businesses. Well you didnt post this on to the consumer so what is this principle businesses should of told us there. Oracle cent tax increase. Well the piece emotions. The stealth taxes just like bp cut taxes and brian seemed to me and the result. Another time because holmgren is going to want to tax americans in the to spike of feedback and social benefits and so i was also pretty deadly foe far along is a sad one thing seeing this flick will thank me. He mentioned that a device for cme he is bringing in attacks in any single paper that i cant say hes repeating it. I have to pry money summarize it. Umm ali omar has known him. You know this the moment. What does the man leaves his name known through and come home and my investment. He only locally it without direction. Push it and it will bolster the bills move home. Clearly. Here there is no confidence in them. I do think its bad that the cases and taunts him from flying airplanes into it he he he lacks a bit of leadership i think he inherited a car he was given the keys to the condo isnt functioning well in uae. But at the same time he needs from the new town outside of quinn and it seems like this this into chaos the government that has a lot of people from different sides claim the same government the Prime Minister that is too much like the president because the middle so that he was in its tune that united is their destiny and fuel is more common. I think the needs to add on on the reshuffle his government had only just beat sweat on his image and maybe show more leadership and what consistency. Xd and and and the pink fairies that and what the mainstream parties inside the pink of course not sending the far right is heading to the next opponent is now known as puppy epoxy in france and this isnt the dryer isnt complete yet legal effect that translates in the next elections because that is on the local elections the people attending to vote for people did know that i like enough for missional the initiative that said we know that for the European Election study should be between arab idea to oppose the polls they will win this the new convictions in june so its real. Its a little nod to stop its the difference is nobody knows to stop the National Phone from growing. Because they did this body is the only one to be able to talk to people directly. Oh f their pick a fight we is he economy the sociale and instution and that they are the only one would talk about its in the direct way results in the second village instead saying the situation is that school will help you thats physics innocence of he National Front. Racism is on finger goes with it that its not the congrats anymore the mind of the news has been very clever. And where we feel is that its been said by emailing. Because they dont do it and wanted them tohe poeple of opus dei on its undstanng of the votst because. Maybe this is a class thing maybe the use of the business and im not talking to puppy up and sticking their weights and is the moment so to stick them in the doctors governments but it stalled peace. Hard to like it is that it is the impulse to love it. Eleven impossible though really its lemieux and julia. If the National Front is addressing the concerns of people. Why should we be one of the bedroom. I havent really gotten to address the concerns of the position and harper to fascist and salty and i say this and finds that the deal. What if you dont have the Political Program they all and to tap into this to be all anti west anti with the cool kind of and liberals. Hillcrest area at the pro shop the author protectionist i mean it im really crazy policy and that really goes back to the nineteen twenties during this time you on our european friends during that time so to the present the show so that itll be him the individuals that is enduring. Hes unbeaten in the second a minute then my new fitness tend to stick to chose new show some backbone chose to stitch is a stoush is just one of the color thats it. His father by some really strange people. I mean given to him and he has built a nice they dont like soo much anything you can list a number of south american dictators who were guests of american president s in the years he could get a number of america african heads of state too commonwealth has had to say savannah received in england it is not pretty but it happens but if one essendon is also repeating tools is the unpleasant things in french society. The rest of the i mean there is a racist issue to high school took a boat and after naps the andes and i think even i think that with the actual break they say when we come out of the second part of the low this week ago. Im. I would say well this week on a false i cant fully be seen on the top stories of the week im on to the interNational Headlines this hour. The five people happy killed and dozens wounded in a libyan capital tripoli minutes in and opened fire on scrap contest is typically on the mistrust that can be said to me this is the essential government has been struggling to pay is good to see it on again. A week off to type in high and the fifteen hundreds of thousands of people are still struggling to survive into actual height is trickling through some heavy instrument out of reach. The official death toll following that is often a sense of three thousand six hundred and thirty one. If this medicine with pocahontas and its kidnapped french treats just not interested to see st at two primary just a few kilometers from the border with Northern Nigeria at it this week as an all star dawn says front is doing Everything Possible to find and free treats. Some couples and sign up now on itll have more than one miles. One child policy is tinged with access to the Sudanese Government the apologists nizar had im sad they sell you all too well this week off last night kept me reintroduce the panel creepy i did add that we can is economist at sundays up on nbc said friday its his attendance at our seats at the end a sentence process that stands in hindsight makes you cry and at the emotionless economies at london news and dammit seven and again outside an army is not suppose to be making any rights for the snaps to meal times. Thank you once again she will now bring on top next stop it. And frogs has accused its still hurting a potential deal with enron and its new kitties sounded sweet americas top diplomat dont carry swiftly cost reports of the spit between Westinghouse Danny around the walking away from the deal that every wasnt having any of it and hit back from squeezing be to blame for the collapse of the deal and the ongoing terror on kerry was undermining the guy sanctions will palace will have another stab it in when they meet again. Abt me back next week it starts at the foot of the state in the wake of its tail and it went on to the site. You have to do it on offer decent uses this is the second tier one on signing it. Which in effect meant that we review meeting kiwi stop sanctions the west up sanctions enlightened sanctions the new ron gets what they wanted one so many samples to be perhaps they will stop and you can program but they dont get rid of anything that enables them to keep going but in fact guilty to weapons grade uranium. Soo i think on this one on the french government and especially the foreign minister and offered his quick years. And then a nice tight situation happening now from blair and at right wing and republicans alike until they came out on trays in front he said be the fall so he sent it to be peculiar to the few cheesy tunes and the monkeys. We have to lie on the wall i am one rule for this was the old men two from the number of solutions that are being considered. He and kerry were playing good call and call a mental construct it. Additionally of promises made major home sales have time to saudi arabia. You will because his friends are on pants. Why is it imprints from his entrance. The scope of this disagreement on the Benjamin Netanyahu said it was the west of the central and. We should remind a scoreless ninth to come. A dozen such a foe iran gets a bad deal he said. Why is it improves its interest to take this position. Maybe theres a shift in defence to promise to update our home study i read it maybe thats why. To be quite honest thompson faulted Saddam Hussein for soo long that she didnt have too much time to sell weapons to iran and the full economic ties between frosty wrong in my plight to the present between gemini new imam is also an aspect of history that place is also forthcoming visit uncle sweat onto israel and its very true that and he will be no treat it like a hero than that will be about one of the very few places on for years they enjoyed the day the mandurah im not friends thats the non of my chair. Oh well. And thats it its all the same. Its so um it in envy in me and whats interesting is that the rains have been extremely clever in this plan. Whats fascinating to me know what to type out to eat and breathe it in for instance i needed them. Its a surprise at the moment president wishing a happy jewish new year because he felt that because of golf with his grandfather was jewish. Possibly this was something he should push. I didnt work and on that have been some strange rumblings in tirana but why he knew why he did that deal didnt work out. Eminent than that and that cross on twenty to get back in a bomb on a bikini eighteen came of this area. I mean thats about it in the state of play isnt much of the moment it was the American Congress and the voice of the people something that most of you dont listen to save maps you can. I thought i would say that the two main Foreign Policy efforts of an on monday and on and on tier on it. Her name to buy enough principles and sensible aiden and look what you think about peace at the school so it is all in and i was getting very excited about oswalt and an end. I really need anything that is no reason to be pessimistic about what happened because i mean they sat around the table and and and talked which is unprecedented. Frank and i think friends had many good reasons too. To the lady did the same time. Its hard to know whats what will is happening. They can agree we do with the Good Cop Bad Cop meeting of this because i am not going down was calling all six countries to pressure them to. You know to not agree with. Monson not be able to achieve any man told us that instead of the time and the stealing of adapting to keep it means when youre eighteen. Theyve been talking to moms for access to it to posses and they went shopping to nonsense for the rain is still building the psychic iraq. I mean it some even saying that they the americans were going to boston they were prepared to give twenty knots easing the crisis is still ongoing anyway i think its so good i mean i think i see it as a good step. Anyway the decision had been eluding us. My contentment. Well go back to six minus one two ounce nuclear weapons. No it is still in its rush to china focused on india north korea israel although they never announced. Why is he roams development and to appease if indeed thats whats happening once this term america wants a big deal similarly if they want to develop new cat insisting its an unfair to crank it up to its breaking the rules but it does seem that the rules of the from another nice one and thats why its happened um. Yes but you know that in the rain in common the receipt resume for zorro restrooms christians and two sq interesting enough. Um its worth remembering that some in the fifties the sea lion British Intelligence to use the democrats are connected leader in iran. But includes the mold to craft an extravagant all the crap people will come out with the snow for twenty five years and through now america was humiliated. We tried to rescue hostages from the embassy. Flannel to continue with the given a row tickets. Thus the response thus this i confess a clean sink. Mom what is in rome seeking to appeal to an intrigue but have massive gas reserves have massive oil reserves but the possibility of exporting them is full and when i had to make an atm in having the opposite is that in fact the americans the defense of the soft top that theres any chance of reconciliation in iran and its riyadh once was sold in their energy to aarons responsible for it. Nothing here is the rise in the country in france on the fringe. Well its his will. Even in the interior until now police is free of death rate in france. It is surprising that would influence of Foreign Policy well what i think is that there is a real true Foreign Policy on israel policy the real Foreign Police he was gone and we should see in the us to commit this time is going somewhere and i firmly believe that this is the only domain in which he is really knowing where its going to it is achieving students but i can keep it clean and yes its true that the students not much thats the top of the failed them on and is good and didnt into national prominence. He is often think that if one succeeds him. Foreign policy on to them by a bomb detection at this point. On the piano on a monitor on and many many many months. Like a few common distinction that basically you bomb adminstration history in Foreign Policy is when a project idea. We just have to remember the cairo speech which he knew did not even think of them. What would happen during the happy hours brings in many are some of the summer and winter and as a complete new mark of an astounding effect on politics in the middle east and elsewhere. Soo i think he does hes not being a successful mix with the police as they assign he added a second did not kill enemy but the text and subtext which is about providing an old relationship one that inky tips and wraps up the countrys health plan suits ties and cooperation following last months posts and cognitively saturday sunday it was the fast russian defenseman set to visit egypt since nineteen seventy one. Amy and that there is no confirmation of the widely reported on its tail when some two billion dollars in a team does not comes not long after washington announced it is causing some aid to egypt and its consents as a human rights finance its size or age its enough to just to think. Linda keen to develop a long time relationship at the expense of the United States egypt harmison says that no official we are refreshing in relation to that existed throughout the years there the relationship with russia is not replacing any other relationship it was rush at least two important that this can be the replacement one of the nation to war. We are looking forward to corporation will be beneficial for both egypt and russia. Whereas which will have positive outcomes both regionally and internationally important when you get the idea to clean the way and that though downey has nominated huge miscalculation when it comes to it. I think. I would say yeso answer with yes i think obama has an m anderson to really stay alone in the last years and two when he stood there knew the cairo speech. As for the deal weapons with what many would be my new weapons from russia i mean hes just lost a lot of aid from the United States i think this is it was small and from the egypt imparted to me the pressure america who commits. And from the rush to buy just to create some good relationships and on. Trade is more to it. When a vehicle in a good thing when they see as a sin because there is a lot of anti american. Being on the streets of egypt right now and keep your eye okay because at the americans and thought some of the settlement they think phil and they want to be free and one to be under american state luncheon and fashion in this pic is interesting that the russians have something to cancun. Well for us is that its my leave because they never condemned and once you land in the coup against boise so i think its the kind of like the fact that russia doesnt get involved in their business i would say that obnoxious seeing the bright young will ask for adults area. And what they want is what will people and if its knox. Its no good to be that picky than thirty property with the colts need a sense of place. So i knew that thats the main interest for the russians to have a base to base their ships. But the other thing is do you think they seek the scene and can go there why not go into it. This completes of our disappearance of american infants in the region. Why not beat the they have a tradition of working eat it you have what you have an effect is beyond the entire immediate needs of many of these people old enough that they were trained by eruptions or relationship that can be retired. It will not be the same as when it was cool to cold wall protecting kids its a new brain antipathy objections on the road. Its a mother and father like an astonishing cant copy and given the hundreds of people will still stand a minute to bring up john mccain and he said we cannot be contested in this culture civilians do think that the us had to do something the way. The way folder is being continued it has historically been very messy the last century. I do not know container of ten People Killed but the idea that youre being too content of what was really sort of our reaction of survival the case most of brotherhood and it can be more careful you all the quiet to do the best you off you will be in this specific instance its all very nice to be to be active to believe that you can you can make a whole case about human rights. We dont like the way the egyptians of stops abduction that it is effectively with the i would think the russians did the right thing on this data with an axe in a column on the ant society its intent to kennedy expenses in athens im going to fix the smoke and the kids sedition and in the cold war obviously. What we approached by two is consenting age of two digit inferences thats what this unsavoury of trouble reading chronically these are offspring and listened to the condition of women for instance is more perplexing to put a photo and that something could combine for the french at least this edition of the women in the chips. And what we have lived nearby and stories about women getting raped on the player plays and that stat line for the. I must take on the nail on the changes in an inn in new alliances in the middle east egypt and into a synopsis of wellington. He quotes from these and count to stand concert in overall performance of. Should we respect egyptian sovereignty we respect the rights holder to complete his father inflict. This is key. America wants to get its fingers in them. Toby will to do how to behave domestically. Russia doesnt do that. To those whose eyes human rights in america need to go to criticize human rights in america. To become coldest conditionally. Russia has been very robust. In dealing with. Isnt this militants and captured for thompson. So this guy hits and four however in true intelligence as we know the only impala in egypt at the moment. To call tools and a little of this blog so those corporation the two russians want to sell things have to be removed from homes and speed toll continued to reactions as well. And tourism. A whole row of things. It seems to me that while the power will likes of moroccans is of little pieces no consistent on syria and the support of the onsen they brokered a deal everyday they did state that Diplomatic Initiative and santa and reduce editing this and i need it. Perhaps i was a ladies its because its official. Its the last place in the air miles to the woman faces is that i bought senate by Thomson Reuters which ranks a good spirit iraq and saudi arabia. Rankings are based on issues such as Domestic Violence access to education and Political Representation the correspondence came out on top with a long and too late. Also in the top five the seventies complied with the help of three hundred gender expats from across the region compound with the contents the womens rights across the arab world around them will have. And in countries like egypt. Theyre even worse since the arab spring three years ago. These are the findings of a survey released this week by the Thomas Reuters foundation according to the pool of twenty two countries across the arab world. Egypt is the worst country to be a woman. That does not stop them from running for their rights. We live on this post and we practiced at it and my pool as men we live and for the whole assignment that i am buying nights there we took while its at an end and as the man took it with much of everything and we cannot be denied their rights anymore. According to Human Rights Watch mom sexually assaulted more than ninety women during the protests in nine years whereabouts to the moon. The group says egyptian authorities have done little to halt the violence referring few cases to court. Islam has plans to de criminalize female genital mutilation and lower the minimum age of marriage world the show after a dont cry also singled out in the survey was yemen where girls as young as eight years old have been forced to marry. Iraq was ranked the second worst country for women. Since the fall of saddam was seen amid a climate of insecurity Domestic Violence and prostitution have increased in war ravaged countries like syria to widespread displacement has made women more vulnerable to human trafficking. At the top of the list for the comm or assignments where twenty percent of ministers are women i did this all save the dates that ben has to be a woman in somalia or syria and is an easy ten things about to go. Watts says the revelation the same as riding a bike yet. I think its asking and then still say that her and she is in christ wants me to be a woman but i its going to need to understand how they conducted the survey because for example that the first thing you think about it is in saudi women cannot try if he can walk outside and bailed so know how its possible that hes into squares and one and i think it took into account old roommates and an honest thing that happened recently but i think its because the egyptian woman when outside in protest in it and put herself out there that maybe she was subjected to a lot of violence. And all can this city is also because i am able to reach pretty quickly but i for example it said that in tunisia. Polygamy was allowed an abortion was illegal which is not true i dont know how credible this that this remains to be honest but it is hard to be a woman in egypt for a new statistics that Say Something ninety nine percent of women in egypt at say they were camping sites to be harassed or assaulted them enough. So not looking because it can believe that i knew and when that happens in all old and country has been to except maybe im going to miss something when in morocco is rebounds. In tennis shoes harassment. I feel tomorrow i mean as a woman youre up late and the more harassment in egypt for example. He should perhaps the reason he knew him and it is a foreigner you are teaching the kids. Essendon kept their real christianity. At what they think about this that man does that mean we still residing in to the top of the things i have exactly the same reaction because egypt has built up are interesting and bishop las of educated women equal rights as filmmakers can go now to express themselves with the fates. Being extremely courageous and placing the eye of the islamist encroachment and on i would say its more difficult because yes you you knew you knew you. The trine midnight tonight to our normal human being of whatever gender and insanity getting teary and internalized via its objection to. We only need to die we dont need to get me to go i thought we need to have the authorization my husband of my brother to have hostile. If the things i like slavery. Maybe an inch and many at the top of the basement has access to Education Health and reproductive rights and demands the right time exactly as i was rocking him to prison and has financed a way as an intensive three ten its inside ton of awesome we didnt list of representation straighten up the already set on us that they have lots of things they have axis because just today that they the state pays for the band in Excellent Health system. But in terms the good thing which you why not excellent thing yes all of you if you take women on my feet the new mates they dont get access to any of that actually did get access to their own paper as the cat has the rooms without windows the nuclear free talking about the way women are treated in a mills and gulf countries for instance thats not forget the sovereign cost in which case men and women exceeded that he liked animals. As i said the new bedrooms without wind is because they dont like when does quote unquote and talking front of somebody you refuse to do this for instance with a pissed off say it. Ive done and then the whole thing is predicated on the idea that women all week im catches on that the sky any tools they even kept a man they are stupid del slots. Soo im here on time. Im not saying to them one would think. I think the survey for me looked at aspect is really one of the things in which every fact is after two nothing is for. I mean. Its awful and then into force in Winning Economist was twelve percent today its two percent of the easiest is to atlanta from the very brief is in the school did the basis of how much change in the onsen nothing is coming that is only two to overweight change in the wall of arabic rich and the two women among women rights. The ball and being that we skied at least thats the latest issue is being used by anti iran people are called to discuss tactics and its countries facing debts this issue of women is the israeli year. That means adding these arabic and thats cause him to beat into the seventies are people from outside. Its that she should because they use that read we have to know the people using this history know that with equity to feed its regime so does cultures. Then we have seen people from the far right and fence using this winning issue. Although the women believing woman writes to talk to the arabic era comes to the recycle bin when i sing it at all the traits do we criticize it when its wet when women take that back in the ninety nine cent of women say that tootsie no one but that switch its opening to a home is intentionally three months and its not real invites i made it a symptom of the perfect egypt especially is akin to that speed in economic crisis for whom time it doesnt produce much of anything it does explore much of anything it was getting on torres immensely. And ive once youve gone to about seventy five percent of the detentions were under thirty. Many of them a frustrated young men under thirty and the chancellor of crash of demographics without me take you to all those generation of young for st to demand them that makes life increasingly more difficult for women which is not the case in a country like france is too old to an old saying jordan is ideal because i can hear it does it have to have a few nice interface but its also the fact that anything i need to own any. Whatever need to clean uped it you the kickbacks and come back shes not been for a job as as as a table way to the results you need to pee and then a number of people in our frustration is such that it expresses the belief sexual frustration all see economic frustration. By this i mean when we look at countries in a huge transition and its time to time to meet towards democracy. The thing that remains rice is something that will not treat i stopped in its own before i succumb to that time the woman from school for a great headline elderly man moore whose agenda expect it to talk to women. This is super knew him you mentioned only of the leaders in this clip speaking of de criminalizing completely true. So it was criminal. And all the money to spend more on the going nuts. This really old screening than it was dumb all was the sunken can succeed. Among my lovely grandma lives and so forth um what was to christ. I descended the countries in transition at trying to make inroads towards democracy already things are very intent for everyone in the country dc womens rights will catch up eventually. On the right track. I think has a long way to do the judging on what weve seen off for the honor of spring the circuitous and simply untrue and all men for being liberal. Most womens rights let us that as a key to the days that these limits are profiting from that for me abstain from the arab uprising is a noun and accessing the agenda. When youre oppressed you have to find somebody that you can oppress into the new g if its meant to be confused as to women because women a weekend. And on the states of the of the way societies all the nice make it easy for you to do it but its not a good thing. That means if anything it wants a teasing commissioner. This is going to keep in mind this can also use against the school to snow blow to the discredited if the beetle cooling in asia. I came back from the deal said the union and you call say that this indicate to show the dusty too cool and you wont because its the political sensitive issue. These races and two. Im in the same because we dont want one on this. You wont want anything to do. They might eat it its interesting that out of all the tension with the agent that was the first monday trade such the frenzy that its makes you question one what leopold the albums concerning women in france and london treated at the wheel. Comments not. When an accident that. Its its huge. Its been about a half to take a sinister about it it is. Leave it that i may be multiple am trying a bandana to bed with a thank you that matters to you all the scene for what saying that the state a deposit i kept my knees in headlines coming up. And sth. It was once known as the pacific and much of hollywood stars into it like today. Acapulco is honestly a was on from michael mexican drug cocktail the pervasive violence has made it one of the most dangerous cities in the world local businessmen who want a Massive Campaign to promote the project site of the city the tour since the beginning to return. Acapulco to revisit it. Get the go. Who do. Oh no. And. Ch. Went down to it in the United States about to take you a basket inside the staff think rate correction saying to the springs and is home to some of my serious offenders in the state of washington. I have in place. What to bring science and eight at the site well beyond peaceful bombed like this. Nice down me warming will the game. The friday november. I wanted to be seen time in your david muir watching our tea. The three day that people can take part in the same protest on the same day all over the world. That is exactly whats happening tomorrow and on unprecedented global rally called marched against the Mainstream Media thousands of people are expected to take to the streets in their respective cities

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