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Geo tv anchor part of me what has become one of the most hideous country is the sudden Media Freedom and cottages journalism is consigned from the audubon to sectarian extremists groups to the crunching into Services Intelligence agency isi. Although it continues to god that did the media trying to intimidate and canonized them into silence. In the last two decades fifty two and jonas have had to be with and itunes. Seeing and unafraid friendly notion is out which hotel to get in the eastern Punjab Province in two thousand and eleven when gianni was your photo when the time bob that was close to my dad in the taxi in the senior mixed yet unidentified assailants gun down voice of the many agendas mochi from time to update me and not swift and be silent. Angie think youve caused. Given the cases are common in general this has got to me and your news ended up on it means being attacked i mean who is not a complete team has according to his god of being the head of pakistans into Services Intelligence chief guest and engendered value is not what the attack. Isi on its bottom denying the allegations meanwhile Islamabad High Court dismissed up to be frightened by janice molested when asking for a ban on geo tv update andy and i found for the attack on me according to the men in the mountains to achieving this is the second i mean having done it did in two thousand and twelve obama was on the arm continues got off to threats by the pakistan at a time when embarking on the need for education is not a new study um id like to begin asking you about this incident of this attack on hugging me. You know when a hotbed of democracies show tuesday in pakistan now because one of the bunny nation a woman of the election won government handed over touch to another government. I was so kind of a binding see in the media in and obedient important idea in action and things and i are now comes this attack on unabashed of love on the high meat meat and one wonders what is the difference between the army to win and give a critique of the attack woodward stakes when genocide that claimed this was the parks and on the right intentions of going unknown people who would be some kind of pain numbness and pain of it. But the proof is to just eat him. Started or so and in the morning she received ideas. So in our sunday i really just the most powerful institution of the country paid for democracy i mean the most powerful institution. And it was really calm q khan excuse me for the incandescent above the drop was the so so what i mean median wall. As many of the engine has been doing in the case that the godly or lights above me on titan sports. For those units that had made the same fate as to how i had spoken about them but no tissue befall us. In a united and safety of its peak about the budget which means that the german speaking about to enter the north that is a Secessionist Movement and that it is time. But why is it that are in such a high profile junior school. You see it haunted me it was foreign to you cooperate in the day i think of it and im the war with the eu is what has happened he started working for committed a crime to court. And according to the issues of baluchistan great is surely up to them and im not into tin can run weekly chemo in support of london on the bean the meeting came to know he was the wedding we attended a school Group Project that i live im tied up as a lens that are new. What i said dean jones at shell inches of mercury free thinking he was appointed in the list would be interviewed some of the lead after nine eleven which is why we are again all by hand these tools links of wood paneled rooms. He was at the same kind on him talking about unrealistic to say. And that you see you cry invasion did you cut to nine zero pakistan star and the headaches as he had lots of information for both these groups the book. The ice a functioning part of a sudden you start to creep sizing this i mean did you know theyre going to throw stones and using geo tv symptom of the absent from the others normally the kimberley and any other candidate or competing with geo tv. Adi ive seen this as an opportunity to attack this chair because it helps that and so this is the problem occurs when the media doesnt stand with each other they dont stand by each other and other Media Freedom gets affected and this baby could get him sleeping with the enemy be going with the snp klingon the entrance of the game to just change dont you think. This is going to korea dont think this is what the posting and it isnt worth it. Only in one of the new agenda discovering the objective is for kendo kidnapped daughter you know hes happy and goofy grin commitment to green disappeared and so these in the beginning of the karachi an awful lot from them again as he related that he has suffered so much energy. So this is going to need a chromosome that thing going on before bed. The city looks to me to have suffered this kind of debate ever since then much to the government has come up one c at that. He he he seemed to mean they really are. I need them in oregon maybe when its me the understanding that its not possible to lead the anti establishment and the ones hes a good message. And he accepted the team. This is the line and he is going north to cross the street i think youre going to an end and does the media or two would come to the entrance of the lake and would be difficult. How different is it as compared to the meet jessie in india on inbound of these when on media comes under pressure by the establishment in these countries. How does he react differently how does bond of the shiite from the hotel is it compared to these countries do not concern me you can come to text. I know. We have the company to create a new cooker freedom into the pope an institution in the seine near the dome ill then get working on insurgencies book was a slight increase mean what was it tonight in the northeast of randomly insurgency movements when i feed him become the next and again today. Do you see what the difference between india and pakistan to hear the breathing tube into the north and one in killing off the campus. The militants during martin king of the contest in what is happening in august on the ice trays and hes using the weekend as well as its own entity. Yes i believe temptation that is on the media of me in on the other shooting them down like thats happening in pakistan and the effect of these isnt it. To review the preacher comes to the would be a bit number for our constitution done in peace because missing in pakistan. Nobody will be the pope and human Rights Groups working in. The in india the new year he comes up with that import tool that can be had the stronger of the judiciary youve only been unwilling to move it she had locking system the media. I was on him by his firm was in jumping the gun and it was becoming so anti establishment and catching offenders on democracy. Im not Strong Enough to do which is odd given that the committee thats tribunal because the in pockets and the midst of dollars of that institution that of all of the institution of the seat of the eighty p and most of the message has been to the iranian nation by nation monday the fifth on tv. And in pakistan. Its an eastern democracy a democracy and the husband and done i opened the back of one of the ba team in pakistan in pakistan toward institutions to visit and is among the additional their identities and upset the establishment in the end of the i heart is in cottage tuesday the next thing to an extent with the militant organizations horoscope readings below the age of the park to him and with easter the extremists in plumbing who tore it open again but this team and is a proper movement and the stooges are trying to criticism that depict what is he an account of why i dont mean getting back in stock when it up with the establishment. Its unsustainable. You know they think thats one of the media and the kids back on you seen the media hype. The reviews and compare them against you must appeal for psu new group of people you know what this comes up with the end the contest at a meeting concerning the band is still going on in pakistan has begun to consume and animation and can we be able to sustain its own mini game and it disappeared in the last five years to two cu known but often its your kid normally never been kissed under the tarp that he didnt nor in the end of the people of great interest the south island is this the imagination going soft moan which was supposed to pay and provide feed him one john hughes. Why is that not even to understand that none of the media in pakistan who have been the starting berth when it comes to that. Good Distance Institution or establishment in their northern neighbors are going to get in the dead you know kind of guy you know that i look new to go to lincoln park board last month the west it is to defend mr has promised that he would look into the pieces are for hes the music is missing person turns out is to within one hes too good to have some of it a point to the end i will be caught up in the army to seek protection the congo government to seek protection. With the media very difficult for them to know who to work in pakistan cricket and opinion journalist. And the garmin kiddo is using for the evening to colonization if you look at the last election workers that they did not allow you to do that dont really consider know hell be stupid and did most of the institutions are pretty Good Organization to function within the ppp what he will be one for that matter you know of him too even though none of them may even colder days in the big monster shadow puppet. Tight jawed you see that he would show more money in his seat pockets term of art meets the companys strategic decision that didnt order them to lead them to keep the institution or sit too well in addition to all that he can be concluded that it is media open the compartment that is the decision that the scoring in the northern line neither the Political Parties nor the media person through independent groups that you did it to the north of broken into. Thank you very much to speaking with us we have for you this the feeling and next week i was. So true. Okie went to makan. From nigeria precedents come in for democracy. But the mocha so was formed in my sights along the citys up of new tricks to push it in my tuna. They do they assume you mean it to science. A musical. When the price for students in the seat to force form the country where i come from. We may be in this the symbol on its axis and its. So when i was was clumps watch all of sudden this. On to win the race was also fun and ill remain so that the wound. Due to what the gears misuse and abuse of our house we get to those for a bit of a long time the portico nice well kept going and it is going to prepare me to great heights im taking it for me the week my life the costliest made lots of you dont get some soft investment. How were these i would be to see what caught on. It is time for me to realize that all of them with salt. I went to looking towards the cost of all i want to. It was small in ensuring that remain get to know what needs to be good to have the chills. If we want you want the distro sees this playlist this week with hundreds more people talking ill always be the eyes of gods peace peace peace peace but no one is spoken of by joss was so warm and cozy on my socks. You dont want the secret war. And though we had to do was come with such issues on the front lawn. I went on about how we get tickets when life to the store will be the last official opening was within my cute little outfit. Fan the eye. Thus you watching the process what an ideal course to beat it or not the neatest only son the americans into his adult ticket and probably spit it out. President s and they seemed set for the top attorneys on golf. Effective measures needed to speed up to let the dead of the nissan sees explodes. The is looking better by the course pigeon and probably done in the twenty fourth may. Hes also said to his convent in many days in a string of attacks against western civilians become difficult the americans were accused and another in july the security guards opened fire at the hospital funded by the u n complex. Its been eight days to even speak of attacks on foreign civilians enough time to time a policeman in the league as the Security Side to add your pasta to the staff said the ministry said. That kind of bond scheme just once in the eighteenth place in the attacks the cia but made no comment about this incident. Maine is still silly and they did this it did to one day and many came after hostages. A total witch what does the dead included a doctor and find out. And the sun visiting prostitutes the windows. As if thats what the patient behind a card maker. Edgar bennett has been that great that they shuffle. The nominees have one son put me to stop by and to none. The model was warmer than today. What would ultimately end up again. They have added them to get cornered to pay the claimant it was to me and i get to the one which was actually nation. Short of a client on the talents of you asked it to the station like this ancient james and nick cave it describes the deck the countrys gdp plus it is as good as being the training institution. Two what can i say she began teaching plus today in two thousand fight add in the teaching of a kind comment. Im drinking sitting doctors and sixty four dice is working the bush and reagan before him in a semi data. So whats the score well on a fisherman about my lack of funds from the sun. He and i look right in sundays clash at the press. Well it was fun but rather what does he have to see that it was published the philistines was stop judging people minus the sheetrock will begin teaching. The idea of what each sheet of guns on a name and couldnt sing dance and seen patients. Techniques of dough to form on his head in use confidence outside chicago was Gandhi Krishna and his band of middle one is smoking clinic is grieving right now. Our hearts. Im heartbroken. So we ask that you pray for this family. By far. When they pray for patience instead the community. And even the Community Jerry surf in afghanistan the team nearly two weeks after the Associated Press photographer. On jun zhang was twenty eight. She is kind of hotel guests began in sixteen twenty eight the twenty sixteen in the back of a in the eastern country. Also in much of the match on day three days during this intense hanoun fifty wind outside and they struck in crumbling. You just concentrate on the lawn in august. Sanity. The guy once who sang bomb bomb and gunmen attacked a missed shot in publix to commit to a string of god assigns Election Commission has been heated spa should the sox in the countrys president ial election saying the tunnel between the two leading candidates is likely they can milk them. I was done visiting singapore and it was due to lack the knowledge that the connection cheese and on. Truthfully i didnt need is that you im sure ive been up. I sure got me into the running and ill try to be charged. Almost forty minutes to hours and hours and six when an efficient manner. Seeking an end soon but whats up with and im typically the same. Just when the teacher was sent off of work on it stating to teach forty seconds on the field of panicking. It is in action comics and salmon. I mean the portuguese and was a decent resides at a News Conference in copley i stitch on that. Mummify is dismissive of my time with him i dont know. It is just wrong wrong wrong just like a charm he said. Once they get rid of most of the start of the text of the details. It should or shouldnt do. And that. Letters to him the outback his admission that you go out though the doctor monday to get some of the show. My daughter each. So that the opening match. Check out the mop bucket. The ascent. Im due on week fourteen of the stunts and i he was found on even if it accepts is due to the high number of participants. And because i can find many things i forty east peace the hunt for a minute thats one twenty each candidates have won since my phone. But the front economists have said they would respect the final outcome. On the look but she got home i digest it done to anti soviet resistance. I cant wait to tell us christine chipboard into opposing nine ha site and i see the light dancing. Its a tough call. The process is complete. In the height of the sorts of employment offer partial results will be announced in tuesdays union between the love goes that the students the Team Information to be given to them. Its best to balance up like some of the antecedents of its hefty amount is it to be a footnote to the suit which are not convinced by this does happen. In the in numbers which are shown to date. It takes a little bit of toast with that it is a company to pick up off of sites in numbers. In other to keep the indy does and says it is to hold its duty to depict some of. Kid what did it though whats that because that can really see no changes despite the fun of the forty percent of the county which is just dumb i dont know is seen as a fifty dollars ish and i was not given the security guards had the transcript of the new don knowledge. Last sunday for the price fall was put at one hundred each of its contents. As what sort of contest on the exploding new president to take a look at the service of this cherry tea and economic crisis experts believe that the plan must take stringent measures to speed up to what it meant and the students that its in the country but a bullet thats it the monotony of seeing the inside and the ministry of finance of the finest kind said. It needs to implement Effective Mission is to take center stage and he still economy is not meant as a citizen standards. He added that the comments in a fishing then just has acted in your Living Standards of its citizens. Since the collapse of nineteen eighty two was not why are we there. Then she meets. This issue and she ate. Going to get some produce is no contest. I should eat farmed into Ashton Community of god. I mean run into a blessed easter. Twenty one st and heart defect was saying even if they dont want to be a lot of oh i should add that information as it should be taking the conflict. Then it was literally up on yesterdays have cropped jacket with the boss. As it is a densely populated slums accidentally appeared. Sunday was that he might be good to operate in sydney. I missed the stumps and hips. Even though he was incompetent. There are thirty percent. This gentle folk artist on his face many challenges including the seasons and its up to the torn country. Note that the state of the two can afford it go overseas for treatment and many of them meek of the nine foot into the store with a shot at the close but its all for the best of medical treatment as economically weeks next week ago. Seventy two the boys to become who he is gone probably be suffering from gastric looking to stein has this under. She has come to bsp superstition and it cost to the new daily funny because treatment. They can borrow. So it only to have a good friend and the sermon and said i love the conflict of those times. But grace of almighty now. The sun. Many stitches across india station he can make two lists of providing station treatment to patients some of the sky new delhi based bhp superstition and it was that it had ended he did indeed nice to be she promised to provide extra keen to point b sheets. Many of these prostitutes to buy into the debt facilities. Dont be shy. Still the key. Mendoza led of the photo but can download zones in a nice time and the dignity to his visit was perturbed by the name moments caught in the end of the kasprowicz isnt it. And all those indian doctors are forced to sit and be as a vehicle to hospital to be a beacon that the properties of his time and time to time and different densities of them honest on the abc patients some of the base of the cpo cost of one. With a gown and baby had been opened all this and you can also be conducting programs for the focus of the next time they come here for it to india on hospitals for treating an awesome and the little guys that he had been in treating these patients. Goodies a sudden i am and is happy after the sexes which she meant office called today and gone and tomorrow the twenty four year boy is a means to buy defense in the teeth. Im off on and off to talk to us in india. Of those who deserved it because the investigation of the problem by two of my eyes are doing. There was an awesome dumped on them. So for the event titles of the tree so we got the best part is easy to pop in here time to. Results of the policy here. Most olympians. We visited the doctor is a Slippery Fish you want it just made it good to see the effect on anything takes me into a field trip destination for a chance of einstein and other asian african and im in the east countries india in all the good destination for many many countries and is awarded on all that different in and boarding on a sun and beaches to see the opening of the clothes. And the best possible treatment for most of the things im only human in india. Praise be to some claims. What could be a total of one unit of what it would cost in your robe on in america. Seems so nice to see and everything but the phrase is donalds of the nation be secure and then all that good doctors in india they retained. And crucially also especially asian people from on top of the sunday of the baby was all costs because of a judges reasoning. The numbers of cars heading to indiana for me because she didnt. Its a nice scene. That indian and is seeking. The shirt khaki two thousand two hundred mega can be sucked into a custom cutting up from twenty six thousand five hundred include prayer the city and in this weeks episode of the nest on the part i dont need it without seeking the new baby that makes me think more news and he was the most honest on the hobbit. You wouldnt know who who who who. It is released on medical grounds that the reason given by train rusher insurgents as they freely one of the eight european names of those held in eastern ukraine. Gemini is dead set pieces hundreds of thousands of people descend on the vatican to wash across this makes saints of two of his previous lessons. Im standing but the israeli Prime Minister adrian traits that as long as the Palestinian Government is backed by hamas. The peace talks are

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