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Known as a. M. L. Only a transplant of bone marrow could save caroline. And only a transplant from someone whose bone marrow was a Perfect Match with hers. The bestcase scenario for a match was a sibling, and im carolines only full sibling, and i was a Perfect Match. The transplant from her big sister worked. Caroline has been in remission that means no cancer for 11 years. And because of all of that, shes honestly my best friend. I know i mean the world to her, and she means the world to me. Thats a lie. Its a secret. Shes not supposed to know i love her that much. Now lisette is proving her love in a different way. Shes raising money to find a cure for the disease that almost claimed her sisters life. Both girls have been active with the leukemia and Lymphoma Society. So lisette decided to enter the societys woman of the year competition. Its a 10week fundraising competition, so basically we compete to raise the most money. But its like a fun competition because we all have the same goal. We all want a cure for blood lisette set a seemingly impossible goal to raise 50,000 in only 10 weeks. So this is a box i made at the beginning of my campaign. I have my team name, lisette conquers leukemia. A family friend contributed a drawing of lisette as a superhero. It kind of looks like me. Then she set up a fundraising page online and her own website explaining her campaign. That was just the beginning. Like, i had a whole bunch of events. So far, i had a cookie party. And then i had a scavenger hunt. And then im actually ive been doing fundraising at carolines school. Also ive been selling tshirts. A whole lot of tshirts. And flowers, too. Add some colorful posters, and you have a recipe for success. When the 10 weeks were up, lisette had not only reached her goal, she had exceeded it, raising. It was an impressive amount but not enough to land her the title woman of the year at the societys big celebration. Still, lisette wasnt disappointed. And what i really like is that the slogan is, whoever wins, cancer loses. And so that makes me almost, like, inspires me to raise even more money. Because im like, regardless of how much i raise, i know that we are going a step closer to finding a cure. Lisette may not have won the competition, but she clearly has the heart of a champion. By the way, the leukemia and Lymphoma Society has all kinds of ways for teens to get involved. We have a link on our website. Teens are learning how to protect all of us from a serious threat. Ill have the story when we return. President obama is pushing to make more workers eligible for overtime pay. During a white house ceremony, the commander in chief signed a president ial memorandum directing the Labor Department to revamp the current pay system. The goal is to expand the number of employees eligible for time and a half. If you go above and beyond to help your employer and your economy succeed, then you should share a little bit in that success. And this is gonna make a real difference in the lives of millions of americans, from managers in fast food and retail to office workers, cargo inspectors. The move could potentially impact millions of workers. Catholics around the world celebrate the oneyear anniversary of the pontificate, gathering in st. Peters square to honor pope francis. Vatican officials celebrated the occasion by releasing a set of eight coins and stamps. Hes earned the nickname the peoples pope for his humble style. Since taking over the catholic church, the pontiff has tackled controversial issues, such as poverty, gay rights, and stopping corruption inside the vatican. A team at Penn State University is hoping to make history in outer space. Students, teachers, and engineers are attempting to land their spacecraft, the lunar lion, on the moon and become the first private organization to do so. Its all part of a competition sponsored by google. This is something thats gonna go down in history. Very exciting. Im getting to test rocket engines, and im only 20, so very exciting. Big stuff happening. The prize, if they make it to the moon about 20 million. For teen kids news, im laura ingle, Fox News Channel in the classroom. For this next story, you need to understand that the word vulnerability means a kind of weakness a weakness that can make you a target. Vulnerability in a Computer System makes it a target for hackers. If you read the headlines, you know that even banking and military Computer Systems can be vulnerable. Cyber attacks, as theyre called, are a real danger. And that brings us to carinas report. Say hello to the front lines of future battles against Cyber Attacks. These teens are among the winners of the National High School Defense competition, also known as the Cyber Patriot competition. We put the two terms together cyber because thats what were about, and patriot because were teaching good citizenship, and you end up with Cyber Patriot. To compete at the finals in washington, teams had to first meet challenges back home. After three online rounds of competition in which theyre judged on how well they fix cyber vulnerabilities, 28 teams are selected and flown here, all expenses paid, to the national capital, where they compete head to head against all the other teams that have qualified for the National Finals competition. At the finals, the teens had to ward off Cyber Attacks designed by professional engineers. And the firstplace winner. [ drumroll ]. Is chantilly academy. [ cheers and applause ] competitors take home more than awards and scholarship money. They also take home a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting our Computer Systems. Everything on the internet and we put all of our important stuff on, you know files on a computer or something, so its really important to know how to protect them. Its just another way to keep everybody safe. Just like police out on the street, how they keep everybody safe, its the same way through the internet. Run by the air force association, the competition is sponsored by northrop grumman. Its a company that specializes in protecting us from Cyber Attacks. And what we look for in future professionals in the cybersecurity business is teamwork, collaboration, communication. And when you see these students in action, theyre demonstrating all of those skills. Another goal of the Cyber Patriot competition is to inspire more teens to become interested in stem science, technology, engineering, and math. Along with cyber security, these are all considered vital to our nations future. Want to be the best you can be . It all starts with being healthy. As youre about to see, its pretty easy. Okay, so you brush your teeth morning and night, floss, and go to the dentist. But guess what. That may not be enough. Jax hubbard is a nutritionist at downstate Long Island College hospital. Hi, jax. Hi there. Its pretty obvious that candy and sugary gum are bad ideas. Correct. You might be surprised to learn about some other foods that may harm your teeth, as well. For example, raisins. Theyre full of sugar, and theyre very sticky. So the sugar stays on your teeth a long time, which can cause tooth decay. Lemons are very acidic, meaning they have a high level of acid. And too much of that can damage your teeth. How about drinks . What you drink can deposit sugar on your teeth, as well. So you need to avoid soda and other sweetened beverages. Instead, drink lots of water. Thats great for your teeth and gums. You know, its not easy to brush while at school. True. Its best to brush, but if you cant, at least rinse your mouth out with water after you eat. And carry floss, or there are throwaway plastic toothpicks. A wise person once said, be true to your teeth, and theyll never be false to you. Thanks, jax. My pleasure. With health bites, im katie. Theyre one of the top predators in the ocean and yet one of the most friendly sea creatures. Coming up, we get very up close and personal with dolphins. Im about to have a Close Encounter of the dolphin kind. Hello. Hi, scott. Im carolina. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Welcome to the National Aquarium. Well, thank you. Ive always wanted to be here, see some dolphins. Are you excited . Im super excited. Awesome. The National Aquarium in baltimore, maryland, is right on the harbor leading to the Chesapeake Bay and atlantic ocean. Thats where some of the aquariums star attractions come from. Bottlenose dolphins are crowd favorites. Theyre not fish. Theyre mammals. The babies get milk from their mothers. And just like us, theyre sociable. And how smart are dolphins . Dolphins are very smart. Its kind of hard to categorize exactly how smart they are, because theres no true way of knowing. But theyre very socially complex animals. They learn pretty easily, so its a lot of fun to work with them. I was soon going to find out just how true that is. But one more question first. And how do they communicate with each other . They communicate in a lot of different ways. So, most of the time when people think of dolphins and communication, they think of vocalizations like clicks and whistles, and that is part of it. We dont know obviously what theyre saying. Thats between them. But the other ways they communicate sometimes is body language. So a lot of times they will jump out of the water, make really big splashes. Theyll kind of hit their pectoral or flukes against the surface of the water, and thats all communication among the dolphins. Dolphins have something in common with us teens. We both spend time in schools. Yeah, so schools is the term that we use when dolphins hang out together in big social groups. It can also be called a pod of dolphins. And it can be a different range of numbers, anywhere as few as about 10 or 12 to as big as a couple of hundred dolphins at a time. But school has an extraspecial meaning for these dolphins. They get lessons. First theyre taught by following a pole. But soon they learn to respond to hand signals. And thats how the trainers guide them through their show. Carolina introduced me to the family, sisters maya and chesapeake and chesapeakes daughter, bayley. Were gonna go ahead, and were gonna meet maya first. All right. So i want you to come down next to me on either side whatever is most comfortable for you. And were gonna go ahead. [ hand slaps on water ] all right, so this is maya. Maya is 12 years old. [ dolphin clicking ] just like a puppy waiting to be petted, maya stretched out so i could run my hand along her back and her tail, or fluke. What do you think she feels like . Like a dolphin, i guess. Like a dolphin. Yeah. Sometimes people describe it as like a hardboiled egg, like when the shell is taken off. Seems maya didnt like that comparison. All right, scott, are you ready to ask her for some behaviors . Yes. [ laughs ] all right, so were gonna ask her to applaud. So what i want you to do is put both hands straight up and just wave to her really big. Good job. Very nice. All right. All right, now were gonna ask her to do some vocalizations on cue, so what i want you to do is put your hand like a fist and just show it to her right in front of her face, just like that. [ dolphin squeaks ] lets try again. [ dolphin squawks ] [ laughs ] good job. Very nice. Now were gonna go ahead and ask her to twirl around in a circle for us, okay. So what i want you to do is actually stand up with me. And just twirl around in a circle, and you can do it once or twice, and you can actually stop and watch her. Good job. [ whistles blows ] good job and i let her know she did a great job by actually blowing on my whistle. Thats exactly what that means to a dolphin. They also know theyll be rewarded with a snack. Thats why maya responded right away when i signaled her to wave her fluke. Now, are you okay with getting a little wet . Yeah. Just a little bit . All right. So what i want you to do is just go ahead and reach in the water and just splash her. [ dolphin chirps ] [ laughs ] good job. Very nice. Very nice. You can never win a water fight with a dolphin. Trust me. And i got the wet shirt to prove it. Coming up, well find out why dolphins are always smiling. It was awesome, and i loved seeing the dolphins. They are, like, awesome. Were at the National Aquarium in baltimore, home to some very cool atlantic bottlenose dolphins. Now, they seem friendly cause they look like theyre smiling. Are they . Well, thats actually one of the most deceptive things about them, that theyre always smiling because of the way their mouth is shaped. They can be friendly, but the thing is it takes really a lot of time to develop a bond with them. Thats why the only time you should try to touch a dolphin is in a supervised program like the dolphin encounter here at the aquarium. And now were gonna go ahead and meet our youngest dolphin at the National Aquarium. This is bayley. Bayley just turned 5. And she likes to play fetch. Take this basketball, and, scott, what i want you to do is just go ahead and lob it right at her. Dont worry. Shes good at catching. And now get ready. Put both hands straight up. Bayleys a basketball natural. She does her own version of dribbling around the court. Good job. Very nice. So right now what were gonna ask her to do is do an aerial, so its a big jump out of the water. Okay, so what i want you to do is put your right hand straight out and bring it down and across your body just like that, and youre gonna see bayley come up out of the water really high. Thats awesome. It is awesome. [ whistle blows ] very nice. Good girl. That was exciting. Now, what can we learn from dolphins . We can learn a lot from dolphins. Theyre, as you probably just saw, theyre really cool animals. They can teach us a lot about how we communicate with animals but, most importantly, what we can do to help them. Are dolphins endangered . So atlantic bottlenose dolphins, which are the dolphins that are here at the National Aquarium, are not endangered. But, as always, with any animal species, really, its kind of human intervention sometimes that can threaten them. As teen kids news has often reported, all kinds of marine life can be harmed by pollution and debris, like fishnets. Dolphins are no exception. One way we can help protect dolphins is by learning more about them. We have a link to the National Aquarium on our website. For teen kids news, im scott. And i think im gonna need a new shirt. Its time to play word. Find out if you can find the true definition among the false ones. Lets do some ds. Debacle. Is it. [ bell rings ] debacle is a complete defeat. What a debacle. She got only 2 of the vote. [ laughs ] how about this . Dilate. Does it mean. [ bell rings ] dilate is to make wider or larger, expand. Darkness makes the pupils in the center of your eyes dilate. [ owl hoots ] how about dire . [ bell rings ] dire means terrible or awful. Failure at word has dire implications for your performance in school. [ chuckles ] just kidding. [ all cheer ] lets review. And thats word for this week on teen kids news. Bach, beethoven, gershwin, and a boy named j. P. Well tell you what they all have in common coming up. Speak of the week is when we get to hear what you have to say. Heres this weeks question. Heres a money question for you. If you could have a penny a day doubled every day for a month or a Million Dollars up front, what would you choose . A penny a day because i wouldnt have the temptation to spend it all in one place. Penny doubled every day cause in the end youll get more money. Penny a day doubled every day because it all adds up in the end. A Million Dollars. A Million Dollars up front. Actually, a penny doubled every day for a month with 31 days comes out to. [ drumroll ] [ Cash Register dings ] [ crowd oohs ] [ man screams ] um, i had a bad answer. Thats what i think. Oh, i did not know that. I guess it pays off to do the math. With speak of the week, im eden. Harry introduces us to a young man who not only plays music, he composes it. Were going to go over to the piano there. Okay. J. P. And his teacher are arriving for the days lesson, which is part music theory and part composition. The theory part is where you learn what makes the great music work. In the composition class, j. P. Will have brought in what he worked on over the course of the week. [ piano playing ] i get a lot of inspiration just from improvising on the piano. I write on the piano. And then i put it on the computer. These guys are gonna keep repeating, right . Hell make suggestions, and sometimes well change it or write a little more in the lesson. All of these ideas are really beautiful, but youre switching between them so fast that we cant even enjoy them. You get to somewhere really exciting, and then you leave right away. Its like youve driven hours and hours to get to the grand canyon. Oh, okay. Okay, now stay there. Its interesting. [ piano plays ] good. Thats great. Thats the stuff. Great stuff, but definitely not kid stuff. J. P. s music is performed not only by his peers at concordia conservatory but by professional musicians. And he has the awards to prove it. The two smaller medals are American Society of composers and publishers, ascap for short, medals and theyre the morton gould award for young composers. And the middle one, the large medal, is from from the top. [ piano playing ] [ operatic singing ] from the top is a program on public radio. Here, theyre rehearsing one of j. P. s compositions for a national broadcast. J. P. s already a veteran of the spotlight. Like mozart, he started composing early. We have a picture of me just about 2 years old on my dads lap, and were playing the piano. [ piano playing ] he also gets a gift for music from his mothers side of the family, as well. Two of his uncles are musicians. His mom is often the first to hear his new compositions. [ midtempo music playing ] yeah. Thats really cool. Thanks, mom. Its exciting. Its really exciting, and the encouragement to keep going and to keep being creative its a great thing. Im going to play part of the piano part of my three songs that were performed on from the top. [ piano playing ] j. P. Is a great composer. At age 13, hes accomplished quite a bit. Ive never seen a student who is such an incredible sponge for what he hears and learns. By the way, j. P. Stands for john peter. Maybe youll see his full name on the big screen someday. He wants to write music for movies. Well, that wraps it up for this weeks teen kids news, but well be back next week, so see you then. Heres a shoutout to pr newswire for including teen kids news on their big screen in times square, new york city. Steves beautifully preserved lucca is contained entirely within its iconic ramparts. Most cities tear down their walls to make way for modern traffic. But lucca kept its walls, effectively keeping out both traffic and, it seems, the stress of the modern world. The city is a bit of a paradox. While it has europes mightiest renaissance wall, it hasnt seen a battle since 1430. Locals, like my friend and fellow tour guide gabriele calabrese, treat their ramparts like a circular park. And with plenty of rental bikes available, visitors can enjoy a lazy pedal around its 21 2mile circuit, as well. So, gabriele, this is a renaissance wall. Whats the difference between a renaissance wall and a medieval wall . Calabrese the medieval wall is thin, because they had no problem with harrows or stones. But in the renaissance time, the cannons, they became very strong, and they became a problem, so thats why it was so thick. Steves luccas wall didnt come cheap. But all that hard work and investment combined with clever diplomacy earned the city a long period of independence. And to this day, the proud lucchesi have a strong sense of identity. Rather than showcasing famous monuments, luccas appeal is in its relaxed oldworld ambience. Stroll around. Take time to let the city unfold. Romanesque churches seem to be around every corner, as do inviting piazzas busy with children at play. The main pedestrian drag is via fillungo. Strolling here, past elegant old storefronts, youll get a glimpse of luccas rich past, as well as its charming present. Piazza amphitheater was built around an ancient roman arena. While the arenas long gone, its oval shape is a reminder of the citys classical heritage. Locals have been gathering here for 2,000 years. Todays attraction a flower market. Piazza san michele also has ancient roots. Its hosted a market since roman times, when it was the forum. Today its dominated by the church of san michele. Towering above its fancy romanesque facade, the Archangel Michael stands ready to flap his wings, which, thanks to a crude mechanical contraption, he actually did on special occasions. In its heyday, lucca packed over 100 towers within its walls. Each tower was the home and private fortress of a wealthy merchant family. Towers were single rooms stacked atop each other shop, living room, and then the kitchen. This one, luccas tallest surviving tower, is famous for being capped with a bushy little forest. Those making the climb are rewarded with commanding city views, all in the shade of its amazing trees. Nearby, the church of san giovanni hosts nightly concerts celebrating the music of hometown composer giacomo puccini. Woman [ singing operatically ] steves he was one of italys greatest opera composers. Puccinis delightful arias seem to capture the spirit of this wonderful corner of italy. [ singing continues ] welcome to jamaica, mon. Peace, love, unity, jamaica, no problem. Hi. Say, welcome. Come on and smile. Youre in jamaica. Yeah, mon. The number one reason to come to jamaica is the people friendly, laidback, and happy. And with kids, youll be more apt to meet locals and hang out, learn the history, live the culture, and find out the many other reasons to visit this island of smiles, coming up in. Both travel with kids jamaica female announcer this program is made possible by sears vacations, the official sponsor of family fun. Plan your next Family Vacation at also by csa travel protection. Since 1991, csa travel protection has been providing travel insurance,

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