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Forget all the way to settle the long promised nineteen inquiry that the show puts the focus on light touch regulation before the economic collapse what is beyond the process to find him what happened here. We need to chew. Its different in that Central Bank Governor gives his reaction to the judges criticism of system they veered to the end of the Patrick Hogan says the new hd whatnot. However a piece of the crisis. For understanding all of two and regulate. How to respond to situations that would like to come october trial underway thirteen years after young boy died in a fire in a makeshift tent eye. Welcome to six mm on the first steps open taken this evening to some fell along the way to the abrupt this inquiry into the banking collapse. Five years of the country suffered financial meltdown the government today named as chairman for the investigation and suggested the party could be on the way by the all from the deep thousand yet to be agreed with the opposition parties but its believed the investigation be carried out by a Small Committee of cds and senators will be able to compel with this is the scorn of two government buildings on top of the cars on them stated umpire who has more on the citys government announcement stated. Writing of letters on to do this for some time there are times where i studied with the electorate rejected proposals to give india at this level cars to cardio at someplace like these and other government has decided to proceed under this new act that tithing is interesting to wear some suggestions that the ending of the angle tried yesterday appeared to be the obstacles but of course there are other i dont trust the pipe and so it may be that the judges decision not to jay at the two defendants prompted fears among ministers that it could become an issue of the doorsteps of bed was wet too as well about to move on this inquiry. Of course it was a steeple the issue under discussion here on out to a government buildings and investor has to date as my colleague Martina Fitzgerald the reports. He should give the tories to thanks be to ministers at the Old Testament view of the pathways to work initiative. In short it found forty six has a long term Unemployed People have returned to work says to present a draft a new figures show the ration of employment is down to eleven point seven percent. However two other issues cropped up in the first warship charges the decision of which was not agreed to cabinet today the gophers need to enable us to make a decision on it today but im confident that when he and make a decision on this the reason the near future. At score and other labour minister was asked what the charges will go up if there are concessions on affordability measures and it is no standing carriage it amazing that you dont want all of the increase in number after two weeks to watch ndp pushed off the headlines following government proposed state to set up a new committee on to the proposed chairmanship of may for skewing it to the pit the banking disaster promotion will go to the rafters next tuesday. We need to know who. No evidence on every street you will never do enough women of this court on the huge crush on the country. The catastrophic consequences of light touch regulation introduced pushing for two years. The chief whip tokyo is consulting the opposition on the master of the info is taking issue with the t six comments past and present which is a nice concerned that the lack of consultation. Guillotine get the dvd case and we have already heard t shirts or confusion about an axis of illusion and that people liked to break up of government seem to have already made up their minds as to what happens. That is the wrong book in which to start off the bike in thirty the kids and regret political didnt consult with opposition parties of chapters in the garden items and this through the media and told us that we do is consult with a sedative to stage the more we tried to bail out the list consultations the range at their offices no nothin often so i think thats deeply regrettable. Thirty six said today that he hopes to inquire with the opening in the latter part of the year presets that extensive scoping work first to be done and also theres the issue of the membership of the committee that the extent that the scene of previous comments of the politicians who are interested in says he knows what it was just fourteen years answer hands it really an issue in relation to membership of what to say if this committee but crucially the terms of reference as well. Try to run the government wanted by people whose terms of reference making it the events leading up to the banking guarantee that turned out to be so disastrous for the country it would also continue to put the focus of course of the theater foyer that government and its decisions at that time peter for themselves as they dont cooperate fully with isnt quite what they want to grow more broadly based. They watched the inquiry to look at some of the decisions taken by the current government like the decision to adopt to burn the bondholders as the phrase goes for the decision to head to the days of ipo received but said the government of the numbers that they would probably have their way at this stage of a bubble just has to be tied in part to collect dry gone in to the president of the government sent a bank check on him to safety it sure is breaking the tree thingy is Christian Science by the judge and the angle trial would not happen no judgment no one in five two and two executives have been allowed into our hands in the galaxy by the financial regulation. Professor who named toto to the news there was nothing the judge said with which he would disagree billion of the house profit for the central bank last year most of it going back to the taxpayer. But of more interest with the banks reaction to the end of the anglo trial and the scathing criticisms of the regulation of i took nolan. I cant disagree with paul said and always loved mrs and all of what happened in this building. And paul and eric and its very much consistent with what weve been saying for a number of years someone has suddenly report of may twenty ten so not much new for us and in the in what came out in the indian court case to answer her wonderful new parklands monk are booked and so it was not known to many surprises. People in this country are feeling very angry about what happened to andy and to try and get to most top trial. What you say to the people of art and too much i have to look towards the future and an. It seemed that with quick reading an environment in which got the bill was an insult just what happen in this trial took the whole world leader of the Banking System the fate of the entire Banking System and function and buy it and my ankle irish bank and in a way in ps. Not again. And thats before we put together here that its a costly regime. Bought it a regime i think with which it is to bring the crows concert is known for bringing in new goal was to pick a new criminal was that it would deal with some of this behavior of misbehavior by bankers that they could be an apple and suggested indeed to win drop this committee there pointed out the case of australia where they have wide ranging criminal offenses for which could address some of the wider miss this and misbehavior of core banking. But i think its not just the legislation i think maybe the problem lies. Also in some onto the two procedures and practices. Dozens of march teasing by the Banking Industry body yet kind of trial and its outcome. And this state is prepared to it too and prosecute individuals for and firm and criminal activity by nation all all all god is the case and sometimes you can still use them. This doesnt happen it does happen to their underwear prosecutions. There were convictions. Mr horton things the banking inquiry wont find much thats new but says hearings code help increase confidence in the new rage in a tree structures told me that rte news that the central bank the fathers become of a fifty four year old man accused of the manslaughter of pulling a fire in town almost thirty years ago Dermot Griffin of bali from a growth on a permanent dublin has pleaded not guilty to the unlawful killing of toto Stephen Hughes. On the night the tears the first of all christian hasnt been won twelve zero Stephen Hughes and his friends daryl hall decided to spend the night in a makeshift day and its by a group of children on last year after new in town. Prosecuting counsel mary nose gets into the six men and six women of the jury that the group had spent quite a sizeable it and in between two good teams she said some time out at five oclock on the morning of the first of september the fire was dissected and daryl hall was speaking at the top and as a bid to break and to get ill but will need to use buttons content and died in the fire. The jury was shown cctv footage from a cabin on a nearby house. It shows a figure approaching that and the fire stars in a short time they shared the prosecution said it wasnt dating anyone could be identified from the faucet but it was the states case that fifty four year old Dennis Griffin started the fire ms blears he said that someone deliberately commit a criminal and dangerous act and someone else dies as a result that is non kosher said the criminal acts here was arson. She reminded us they were dealing with something that happened to pass isnt one but they have to be just as rigorous as if that happened last week a bar last year. She also told the jurors that these one prosecution witness was an addiction to at the time but that was something they also have to bear in mind the trial continues tomorrow when odonnell rte news Dublin Circuit Criminal Court nineteen euros due to insurance to possession of the sword and cut the cake that mr has guest today Auckland District Court was told jordan king from Hamilton Road currumbin in dublin had no one in particular in mind for him or target in mind and stay out of dublin to be banned from all government buildings except social welfare been released on bail he was remanded in custody that conforms to bail. Residential property prices rose by almost eight percent in the year to march the synthesis its Office Figures confirm increased activity in the Property Markets. Some ghosts estate shopping bought by investors welcome to june the commuter town for goal weight. Its also home to this goes to stage. Some of the houses were close to completion. The properties were for sale for an average of about twenty thousand euro each. This afternoon they were sold. Theres a real feeling of desolation in this estate. And its going to require a lot of work and a good deal of money before people will come to live here engine each county needs this was an eyesore. Its now being transformed after it was bowled by an investor until eighteen months ago this was the patrons on souls and dont finish developments to date. Its used and its being completed and speed are rented to tenants from the local county council. So in a sense its one example of something which was the ghost distaste can be used to address the problem of people who are looking for accommodation the residence a country seen the development has enhanced the area. Do i get unwrapped you know. The only people reckon the unborn in the month. So its great to see people live in an ivy league final and rethinking unknown was a nice placement the auctioneer who sold those developments caution some us states may never be complacent. If it is as of tuesday to avoid being reasonable cost. Going to be more than any potential game that you can get to the teachers and of course and perhaps a case of the river and through green fields. That situation. But rising property prices in some areas are pushing up rents. Those representing the homeless say its forcing some people out of accommodation. Its a force to families who became homeless in january this year in dublin. Forgive those who never experienced horses for human only ever had. So this is a completely new holland and ireland which is entirely based on city people not putting enough money to rent in the home. Something is changing and the Property Market but not to everyones benefit. David murphy rte news. Norm in her seventies today became the first member of a religious order to give evidence to know that i insist our institutional abuse inquiry. She denied allegations of abuse against eric made by former residents of the home where she worked from nineteen fifty eight pts so far all of the evidence of this inquiry has been about two Residential Homes run by the master says cheese and dairy. Much of the testimony centers on allegations of physical emotional and sexual abuse made by former residents today for the first time the inquiry heard from an aunt who walked in the holmes was criticized in the testimony of seven former residents like many of the witnesses to this inquiry the bomb exercised her right to anonymity. She told how one as a seventeen year old she entered the master of torture. Two years later with no formal training in child care. She began working up to jerry boys home. The inquiry heard the cheers of the environment in which the balloons operators the official Home Office Guidelines in the early fifties suggested with ceos of one carer for every bite children. The dairy. Two were looking after more than sixty police. In the circle was refunded by the moans order contributions from the people of derry local businesses and the vincent de paul. For years before the non began working in or visiting social worker wrote a report saying the hundreds of children working with complete helplessness. She said it was impossible for the to show affection because of the large numbers involved it was no evidence of state intervention on foot of that report. During todays hearing them on the head of the ten names that were made about her idea to try the other but both men and women. These involve allegations of physical emotional and verbal trilogy she denied everything. And on the first xmas or sister to give evidence. I spent over fifty years looking at the order centers in ireland in the uk. Tony Coolmore Team used and rage. Genentech achieve the kind of Representative Association has accused the government of sacking the former got the commissioner p j stone said Michael Pollan and was removed from office on the police to complain and set up with the disgraceful way to trace the peace corps the circumstances surrounding the resignation of the former Garda Commissioner last month are now being examined by a commission of investigation the general secretary of the largest guard the association is in no doubt as to what happened. P j stone said today that Martin Cullen and was stuck on a political whim. My gums was removed from office. Im not so obvious to everybody and the detention and was given optional choice mind you am i making it a disgrace to win streak for the police force them on the fewest dispatch opportunity to rethink the head of the department. One can only conclude that i had to be political interference. This evening the minister for justice get his reaction to the general second tree stand i do regret the fact that the cra didnt invite me to address the conference id be happy to have done so. I dont intend to come unto me she is racing to the former missionary their masters this would be dealt with in the context of the statute requiring has had to be undertaken. Digi or a generous second tree not only criticized politicians but also the Promotion System and the guard dee said neither the minister nor the department of justice should have any role in the promotion of guard the over the appointment of commissioners. The garda ombudsman was also strongly criticized a Conference Today as delegates voted for the introduction of which are true fairness of the types of honor in process of g sox investigations. Beyond this moment to moment we have no faith or in part to deny the carrier to business is flawless. Im with what theyre doing is wrong. She already has a four star the association and p j stone is the first member of the guard the to say publicly what money i thinking and saying in private on for money of the guardian this conference. The resignation of former Garda Commissioner mark uncommon in costume its whats wrong and politicians have control over a peace force. Paul reynolds fourteen hughes jr a Conference Call on me. Be careful reader is going to parties European Election campaign the whole market that the electorate might still be angry but voters are now engaging with his candidates on the doorstep. The whole market was launching his partys campaign in what he said was the most important European Election in forty years. The most beautiful of proposals of Banking Union and upon european Financial System to support companies who want to invest. But if you deploy your face questions about issues closer to home like the judges comments and the angle trial he said the bolster the case for the corrupt is having no role in regulation. I havent read the signs and over the rickety system and the victims of identity thats money the one that i dont think we have it at the moment. We did meet with the quartermaster of action that stood as a core part of our political reform pool the new bullet holes three european seats both adding to that is a key priority the new poll about the new win in dublin where Mary Fitzpatrick is bidding to become an ndp but perhaps reflecting that the party is studiously playing down any talk of a breakthrough in the capital. Mr martin said the park east of the journey to convince people to practice. But the journey had no begun in earnest. Our engagements is to visit the mood is not a citizen if you arent. And readers meet the current very pretty. It also equipped with the rate things are. And so want that somebody could recall people the unfairness of many of the kaufman measures. David m or tv news. The people before Profit Alliance launched its election manifesto this morning. The alliances running forty three candidates is also seeking to win the European Parliament seats in dublin. From a building boom to a housing crisis and soaring rents with the elections and spice twenty then for this group to reflect on all americans is really neat approach to the fore which one is the biggest single cause coughing up a party which is to provide a solution that is imported from afar. That having four people in the alliance promising to to push to change the way cone cells work. We will not torture charges. We demanded that his attention has been deemed program as a matter of urgency to get the agenda of ordinary people onto the floor of the concert ended because at the moment politicians tell people what to do when it should be the end of ramadan. But one of the key messages but though the left itself need to change some things. Hes certainly done that needs to come together more and weve been in four films in arguing about culling of the alliance and so we want to continue to push for Greater Unity on the left. Cost is one of the challenges for the alliance of the positions itself to make a big impact on the twenty third. The hon the hat or t news it is not twenty years ago today the river dance was first performed as an interval act at the Eurovision Song Contest and doubled since then the show has been seen by moment twenty five Million People worldwide. On the night at the dance was first found the keys to avoid sovereignty was backstage working and the unit patients first. In addition the deal folks. Its going to see her sick of the net to ensure we have crackling sound and picture from them. When Charlie Brown has signed a ninety second one in their honor. He teamed with the looted the country took him past weekend but did anyone want to guess what we want an impact with the theme use of the park. And you will woodward in the rehearsals we felt like what was going to quit the noble so many people and calls to my quick read of people. Whats the point that it would be sold for twenty years later the lake. Twenty five Million People who cant seem to still be seen in a brand new to the dance the lasting legacy. Welcome to stop it. I thought was to be the cars continued to change in the way that was changing. Anyway i am or what david is it gives them an all blacks to a doctors saddened to see themselves as professional boxers too because were often what did celebrate it. And at that time and no less indigenous irish culture and the re framing of us. And in hindsight id is an identity and can be out for a Muslim Identity card. Irish people and for learning the defense contends the case the thieves the this evening six wings with ppd carefully taking citizens but for now. I mean i was. Using. He reinstated if thats not the negatives of age. Gage is one of the season. Its the busy dont try to copy that there are youll be beyond on a human being human and i gave you time to be a kind of existing code that time he did not suffer. I did two things happened. Thats on the podium. Its late. They cost me just to india. Its not that into the years. So thats what the founders me to get into a blast making them fighting for his team are hindus and muslims are packing it seemed like half the contestants up liking the direction of the man and told it may not be they see it has been going on. I did not. I mean i did not speak to you tied to things happening just down right to stay behind the security deed and what it was abandoning its common name in vain to tingle. I dont spend much of the night last night not to have a decent so i did it she has given me for whatever reasons. A man any day. Steve is the one who was so hard for me. She was a talk about snake bite. With an independent adult she wasnt liking booming together and she never had a fab off enough that of the twenty ninth of august at the looking women climbers at the dvd. Our duty to question who would look for her husband dna to look like saving be in a suit is the one waiting for dancing and pajama top because none of us and how it would take my word is the name comes from. I mean anybody to tell them that the idea benning ga to keep lets use it the drive back to our local economy was spent my monday was shaking and she has the creative side in and im wanting to be sacked. Even so she was the one who forced me to dons and pajama time to fish in a day in my own printer line. The two leaders of expediency that and not getting a job i was really surprised too not all are getting something was. I want to get inside a disc you need a set fee. I cannot believe the hill. I didnt have an eight ft high and dont want to be a tool. Another question was the house with an echo. Im happy to have it that one of the house. Agent jason is up. Somebody. Its a little dance is one of the beast does not seem to be meeting ended we all liked it. These days just in time to read and been ongoing. Did you read. Instead the sinking of your many tv stand. Woo hoo hoo hoo hoo. He got the i get to the sun to heat the deal in paris and those are headlines for you this hour. Every hour on the l twenty four received a lot from friends twenty four news my name is updated every fifteen minutes in the morning and evening prime time. In eighteen thirty seven and one when france twenty four got caught sch and one. I will will will will will will. The south. I made out to donna. So i sit typing for you on wednesday the twentieth of april. Since

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