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Because not too soon. I am honored to represent detainees radiance and for the media no other American School of irish roots. There are fifty palace and undocumented irish meaning in the United States because of their status. They are on a boat returned to ireland to visit Family Friends and neighbors. Immigration Reform Initiative in the us senate and u s house of representatives is a real opportunity to transform the start line. My great grandfather left here in time of stress. Seeking to better himself and his family. So many irishmen and women from every walk of life played a role in creating the treatment of men. Im certainly proud to be part of the great Irish American tradition. O bond between our two countries runs deep and strong and im proud to be here. In recognition and celebration. Part time slip by. Yes tommy for Immigration Reform and all of Irish American hope that the laws and life with and who was living in the shadows to reach their potential into between the United States of america the british on speaking as an irishman summed up in approach to life other people he said see things and say why. But i dream things that never were can i say why not the bad quality. It is the quality of the irish. Remarkable combination of for profit and an imagination. That is needed more than ever today roar are gone. I do. Does using. It is six one. What she knew was with brian got some time to blog all taken the confidential called tight regard of whistleblowers is sacked the minister for justice whose concert in politics still this morning. These two tunes. Ms opposition calls for Justice Minister to step down ballot rather different this time to note that she saw controversy the questioner intention of any description of sitting down and think of was teaching at stake. My real job. Sometimes it gets so grateful i was told the trial told Sean Fitzpatrick regret that i bought some torn up to the transaction at the center of the case. A year after thirty six apology for an actor known to Market Street protests lead to plant stuff thats because we didnt get any. No wheel. Feeling welcome to six wong independent official appointed by the government to assist our duty to expose wrongdoing in the force as being sacked by the minister for justice island chapter the patient older told today that the cold potential recipient all of our connolly was relieved of his jerseys following his dealings with cotton whistleblower Sergeant Mark mckay. The folded email market said mr chavez position was now on tenable and the former officemate deceiving the shutters also of three criticism of his handling of the ball the allegations that the card all the small offices Justice Minister added to her at the height of the storm again after sacking annoying me personally appointed duties with potential use of doors in the car at the bistro simmering for some time said to them a recording of remarks on a recovery is said to have nate tomorrows mccain is serving god the sergeant episode or today that beautiful adidas said it was a disgrace that mr carmody was said to have warned Sergeant Mccabe that the minister will come up for him if he persisted with his complaints while gardner was born all over there and dont like mine. Whatever the system again. Given the treatment that is the need to know to this night. This accidently sent this to do what has of course here. He sits are too weak a bed made extremely serious claims of the car the mismanagement shopping and repetitions of incompetence which ultimately that it would be more alert ours is all to figure out this post to youtube to see theseiss much. Having been in. The to be in contact with the minister for justice whose free concert in both ears it is. So this morning ready to succumb to the students for the opposition be an open up the spot but i can manage better. I said yes he said that to relieve minister chapter of his duties. B to b lamar and expanded of this dramatic claims of the mismanagement which he said included the forces handling of the murder of seaview road and the fugitive rican two thousand and seven its been there to visit with a bow. It teaches. And a number of all its also built reasons for wanting to beat the circumstances surrounding the last post ever to get hold of it the consequence of the victims he said other sellers position was no longer tenable but the priority to beat the administration of justice is the means to shutter was answering questions of the chiefs uploading allegations before owner of this committee. No word from the get go. But todays dramatic second. Harper connelly was appointed in twenty eleven s but that the confidential recipient of robots on listened to and protect whistleblowers is understood to have spoken to start in tonights mccabe in every twenty twelve site and mccain would place her approach tts about the cancellation of penalty points. Long before he came to leicester host a talk to tts guard Maurice Mccabe was warned about the consequences of going. His evidence to politicians about the consolation of penalty points remains secret. But some of what the man who her to stay in st two thousand and twelve told them. In a raid into the dollar rack cards. He had the job of listing to whistleblowers. He told Sergeant Mccabe what could happen if the story got into the media. It shatters thinks youre screwing him youre finished you go off to you. Buying a lemon. It would make him an angry man nicholas is one of the tts who has been raising the price of those concerns for the last eighteen months most of the ministers decisions had been visited this rather done. Ive been stuck on proper procedure is on looking for troops to shoot has been overhauled as much as possible. Its been really disappointing. Indeed when the minister saw the internal garter report on the issue he said concerns must be real and genuine. And they must be based on evidence rather than conjecture. He would tell that all of the saboteurs did not cooperate with the garda investigation took place. But in fact schema rustic april to the quiche have to say he was shocked but he hadnt been contacted but those covering up the investigation today the Communications Minister pak lah but said any mistake made was to be explained. The home of a north sea news. Stephen jones is now from government buildings stay that way to seoul this lead to capture the scene. Voters will go to his embarrassment route and shed a tear to be passing me he will want him to get involved in fresh controversy just twenty four hours after being forced to set up that inquiry into the day of boating of cheese soft bed of course mr schaeffer would argue the act decisively in getting rid of all of a comedy of the moral worth hes already moving to improve the position of a supposedly because the pussycat of the law change that they can in future report directly to the god of its bones commission. I can survive calls for is that the bill that uncertainty about etc likes to fight the episodes of many fronts. He wont like the idea had to poke it into pressure again and sat at first note that appointee was mr sharma be aware that the role of the politics of the conversation between Maurice Mccabe and overcome the chills on a recovery in not quite the kind of timing lights. Thats the fragments the ratings that the water rippled would tend to show that the insight to those who see the full transcript that say that no way does it supports the view that this recovery is seeking to dissuade Sergeant Mackay for proceedings to date. Or rather he may be directing the whistleblower in a particular way. But the conversations. Presented in a petition to keep damaging way that i can the minister had overcome we had to go. Thank you. More than eighteen hundred shawls and promos line more than a hundred and twenty new companies here that this is the part of enterprise islands high potential startup program. The job to be filled over the next three years in a dark basement and Dublin City Center of rice idea is coming to Life Technology startup fun footage takes video shot on mobile phones by people attending concerts. Mix them together with the proper soundtrack before sharing them online the crippled and so i started off with reruns of whether it was ours now. I wear will come to think due to the crease and Unfilled Positions that would become available at right back. Its one of one hundred and three new firms on enterprise ardent high potential start the Program Last Year scheme which funds and skylights new primary Technology Based businesses with strong prospects. Together they are predicting theyll create over eighteen hundred jobs in the next three years. Our experience is that it is create a window and creates jobs and also create the music sectors of the future in art and because these are companies that are using technologies and d center in the six leading edge and Life Sciences technologies. The program is content to keep working post for many it accompanies the greatest challenges lie ahead. The talented going beyond to hide the support its start up based on these companies here have patience to grow globally. To be due to the companies and continued on to cutting its biggest markets in the truck to the fiscal source of the biggest investors are beginning to be this that or were not free we want to be or seem to have greater range of funding products and connection Pension Reserve fund as he was also coming with a range of funding pockets for compass who want to grow. Companies like time but its perhaps who are looking for the coach to double success with the body rte news. A woman who was being questioned by guardians part of investigations the systematic abuse of a child has been released without charge. This evening seven people were questioned about the alleged abuse of a ten Year Old Girl over a five year period. Although not been released five as compared to the director of prosecutions. A group of former mantle and laundry workers have criticized what they called the governments inadequate response to their plight. They say the government failed to legislate for the granting of promised medical kind to them but the minister for justice has rejected allegations that hes telling payments to the women. Paying their respects to sister my cousins the survivors of the laundry sat down snap and symmetry this afternoon. Commemoration the harsh institutionalized lives of hundreds of women and girls buried in all marked offers grades. Their crystal of the t shirt for failing to deliver fully on his promise of exactly a year ago to make restitution to survivors of the states homes and a half of this state. The government and all citizens. The regret and apologize to lose everything to all those women. It was done to them. The government says nine out of twelve recommendations and judge john parkes report on redress have been are being implemented a promised special medicaid cards have not been to never take it down in may and it had gotten it because it make a big difference to the nines and yet has discovered his head up to the iraqis speed up dust and other people are just dying away. The mind the Catholic Church has been responding to claims by ian elliott the former chief executive of the National Board for safeguarding children its work was being undermined by consistent cuts in funding from religious bodies. The reductioin the ment iasn going to e. That is added to the training grounds. Being the details of the review Building Seven nominated and said all that some dioceses and religious orders are now financed by the individual organizations on scrutiny. He also told the church sponsored conference on migration. Many former residents of industrious goons who emigrated to britain are vulnerable and alone and dont take up most never be allowed to be forgotten are abounding jonah told rte news central dublin. The Dublin Circuit Criminal Court has been told a former rman of Anglo Irish Bank Sean Fitzpatrick of regrets it now becoming more personally involved in a deal to lend money to ten customers have the time to buy and own shares. The dome top part of the transaction which is the subject of criminal charges against mr fitzpatrick and two former directors of the bank hectic weekend and when i get scared they deny giving illegal loans to sixteen people to buy shares in anglo in two thousand today. The former chief Financial Officer of congo irish bank not more and who has immunity from prosecution continued his evidence today. He told the court is the only direct knowledge of former chairman sean its tactics involvement in the transaction at the center of this case was a conversation he had with him in july two thousand and eight. I know accents money to ten customers of the time to buy some of the shares which businessman sean quinn has an interest that make it and were offered to those of sixty million euro each. Ted oppressed and identity to be paid twenty five percent of the down side is that by having recourse to twenty five cents. Mr lloyd said mr fitzpatrick came to his office in july sometime after the deal. Asked about the transaction as a talking at that. The court was told mr fitzpatrick said. I wonder was off the bike transaction to do specifically in respect of the match the ten borrowers but to be paid. Mr moir said mr fitzpatrick made the comments that the midwest its becoming more personally involved in this issue daddy had to answer questions but theyre making the borrower is either to repay twenty five percent latino. This tomorrow and also gave evidence of the semester sent by the financial Regulations Office to his boss when i hear it all costs two thousand and eight. After that i had forwarded it to be can advise on that either too to make it a shared the official from the ragged hs office and she wants to point that i could make it as it did not advise that the consumption of white its approval and was into the position to do so given the Information Available to it. What ted mr mackie tears as he would respond to the master with and raise controversy about this point mr lloyd says he caught he showed us a lecture seemed to pull back from once he enters does the reggae his involvement with knowledge of the transaction to be. Noise for the defense would begin cross examining mr moore and tomorrow. Or the dollar or two in used other circuit criminal court. The thing is to increase the cost of its Health Insurance premiums by almost thirteen percent next month. Its been a sister provider to announce price hikes since the start of this year. It comes as the Health Insurance the powers he confirms that forty seven pence and people drop their Health Insurance coverage last year. Line nine strikes in the last twenty months you can see myself facing a further increase in Health Insurance premiums. If the fed is raising prices by an average of twelve point seven percent from the twenty third as much hunting almost eight hundred euro in the new vocalist for a typical family of four this is the beatles second price hikes to find things here. It was tender and flaky dough i made healthcare and let him handle navies are going nowhere to fifteen percent in march. Due to the king is now the minister now has brought industry designation of the cost of pants. That means that private patients but since taking charge. Even the iranian navy at the net including accommodation consummate or that or i might charge. Pti is increasing premiums by three percent from next month on policies that they are going up by an athlete just twenty percent will help to raise its premiums by five percent last month. The ttc for their price hikes in my next week with seacoast one hundred thousand people come to look over in two thousand and fourteen on the maureen thing is that its only going to people who were counting the color of the cars they they dont perceive it is good value anymore. Most just cant afford a sentence at the moment and students. Its gone up. The trucks brakes they do not expect many more of course will front the consulate of the storms as a source of supply from the old cover my costs and or the recommended twenty c up in the fifty s heres some cute yes. I said everything i have at the present tense the finance sector to illegal pirate seeking to be named a price set by insurance. Health minister is replacing reports from the consultants at four am the celtics on the holocaust might be reduced. Due to be placed within the next two months. Sam got me on cds the plan. More tissues from Star Reporters and crossbones campaigners aiming to stop the closure of twenty two acute psychiatric beds at st richards hospital a bonus lol protested outside the us to host a day ahead of her meeting with senators stds of the issue. They want an independent review of the decision to close the acute inpatient beds you to think of to collate a place to stay on for the bed closures pending the outcome of the process. One hundred researchers at that and the National Institutes teach them one day strike today seeking pity party with colleagues at University College. And it is one of the ccs mean Research Centers whether researchers at ten bills say theyre being paid up to a third less than their colleagues to incomparable war. The college to do and the Artists Federation of University Teachers seem to hold a one day strike at University College cork as well as at the tendon institute next wednesday if their grievances arent addressed. The National Office for Suicide Prevention launch a new three column number next month to help people going through difficult times to find the right support services it said that having one Contact Number one help reduce confusion that may exist with so many support agencies. The initiative would operate with the help of the samaritans. Relatives of victims of the stardust is ousted. Today met with college to Eamon Gilmore is hard to think im paying for a full inquiry into forty eight deaths. They presented them with documents which they say show deficiencies in previous investigations thomas has said he will consider this material the Kings Company incorporation nine and is looking to issue shares to the New York Stock Exchange and raise up to half a billion dollars. King Digital Entertainment is behind the popular smartphone and top with dane county coach yours. The cold. Its addictive. The club end up being worth billions. Bpo industry. The course is the most popular game creation became Digital Entertainment. A filing with u s regulators announcing teams intention to list on the New York Stock Exchange says come the course has been downloaded over a billion times. Jacoby says it has ninety three million daily active users. The game is free to begin with. He makes its money when users make purchases at the plate youre playing the game you get to a certain level you cant get any farther you pay fifty cents or twenty five cents to move to next level or if you still will is still some room on to that game. You might pay a small amount of time to make unfortunately so is reckoned as about one dollar forty five one dollar fifty. Hurry user. The state is being spent on games which doesnt sound like a lobster with over one million users playing eighteen games each day of school. The Company Generated six hundred and two Million Dollars in revenue in the final three months of last year alone. I made a hundred and fifty nine Million Dollar profits entertainment has its headquarters until them. As a minimal presence of our lungs its Main Operations are split between the us and uk stockmarket foiling same corporation the company here makes sense for tax and regulatory reasons. It plans to raise one hundred Million Dollars by selling shares the and new york. This difficulty because god didnt rent seven billion dollars. Brophy or seniors. Above is the news so far this was the thing with the senates thing is that none of them till tomorrow many of us the smallest pretty good. It meant. I am early. Early. Early. Hugh i had a chat. At. The at that. I do. I do. You. I was the word. I was the rule i do the earlier. I mean the area. I do. I do the eye i knew. The euro. The i will i knew. I knew him. I know the air the eye the eye. Ch hundred. Err. Kay. We were in the woodworking will eye its. About now. The downside is it shocking to you on wednesday the nineteenth the fed pretty. Not to

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