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Of dollars worth of military hardware that the product of the costs of the budget but the afghan war. In london are calling for the closure of the shop is located one in the middle of the district itself. Neo closing. That would be its one of molding in most of the developing new story to tell me about this because the of the mosque of the bust nice to be trying to make a screen on a self defense god the checkpoint in the town of some of the support of an attack by a group of unidentified gunman honestly i was the scum from the local militiamen in reporting it through to find the self acclaimed dealt with the pf partys pull a slight jaundice lights from the scene out with mole article brings up the state of the details of the coming through the last couple of hours please. I actually like how it can drink and smoke check point eight one votes ill try to keep and that my hubby to people wanting to walk in and told me it had a coke head to knock off again and that it would widen couldnt look kidnapped by the name of the tool by the people to keep taking the cup. Speaking to one mother who keep looking cool you think they can look for people who think that block walk toward him. It is currently taking her shopping and cleaning. During comp report on into the air. We want to have an injury took it away from the check point copeland we broke up until that happened to break up the Ukrainian Club meeting how can i the taunting of the wicket but the current medical care. Neither of them like the cat will come and take a careful look at human speech in front of the army barrack there. The company two to three hundred people can either keep it including me that the book. You can walk into my quilting before ateneo on the continent the remainder of the National Guard and eight trying to make it late to the copeland to talk to the field. Some of the week and wanted to look into that option. In countries where the agent. He has the unique areas. I am now well talk about. And easy to get you to know ukrainian the card with a Co Production to take a peek at the top of the new falcon. Take a drink and two hundred and fifty Armored Vehicle in the peak of where i am in the ukraine. All the things we update the chromosome at the zoo cent. Well meet some people i pull a vehicle to get information about the growing pressure on washington this in ukraine have been numerous reports of detentions deportations and assaults. We told one reporter was false to his knees and held a gun point by soldiers. School School School just on the stitching group of foreign journalists to detain them for filming. We decided not to take any chances and spoke to distance away i went to talk to soldiers to find out if it kills them or talk to someone. There was a box that he needs is a way to the point an Assault Rifle at me. Their world just like the stations around the chicken. I was told rather rudely to get them before even the ones holding up my prescott it comes people approached me and started aggressively to asking what was mostly wanted to. When told him i was a journalist imitated and talked to them. I was historically forbidden to fill. The soldiers told the victim was more to do to fight. They said they sold the shootings were provocation by tom wright six degrees. The swell guys experience was how some of the day just slice of orange and the civic range from depression meet the objectives not asked him to nationalization to step in the article is his goal but some developers. But sales letter is actually from the heads up resting on top city corporations including arts unit reduce human Rights Groups asking him to Pay Attention and protects the rights and rights of journalists are working in ukraine while the last ten weeks weve seen increasing number of fact i didnt addition to the rest of the things at times then defected after nearly a russian journalist and trying to work in ukraine now just a good example of what is has happened in ukraine. There has been incidents justified it with a crew from a life means im teaching next break they were arrested and are now being deported under the premise that they pose a threat to ukraines security and integrity to produce a prominent tv. I was channeling is still being held in custody the thistles are stinkin cute i had some on the cream filling equipment on him as far as we know it was a small hand held cameras and other responded like this tunnel just last week while covering an attempted by protesters to stop the newest release in the town of leopold was arrested and beaten over the past i can say month anyhow dozens of journalists from the area said Russian Media outlets and are not talking just about the state i stay till dec ion Media Outlets written but Independent Newspapers and tv channels as well. They have been prevented from actually coming into ukraine abdomen to say that its being directed only against russian journalists and american by journalists to sign the non stop ski have been detained for three days by ntt justice but you dont have the least well reducing reaction from some of the International Media watchdogs for example ideally you will receive a percentage on freedom of the media has said that the situation the journalist in ukraine isnt acceptable and that that the organization is very concerned by repeated to tax and journalists which really should be allowed to work freely in the country and their safety must be shared by all of those involved in the conflict. Well maybe not some steps below to help the germans in response to growing outrage of the tree the report is ukraines interim president sold at the police the Security Forces to ensure all the safety of gm is working in the east of the country will be following that up the oxy spoke to said that if the vets forth as editor of the chronicles magazine he says anyone to prevent gender somewhat ukraine has got all teary a month. They think that it is an extremely alarming situation because any side in an Armed Conflict which wants to exclude potentially sympathetic to us from the scene. We have reason to believe as something unpleasant to cry are either about its current operations. Buller about its intentions. The only issue is to what extent is this that it did with the flexi all the orders of the ukrainian government. For so called government regime here. This is certainly is at risk and the us. Plus the attention is it seems continue to heat up the wall says big send off by kiev to crime and the potential it depends heavily on reserves in the mainland but its not getting on the twentieth of what it needs the interim authorities and the region up on a russian failed to pay for supplies the local leaders deny that brits pub moscow says its offer to pay upfront about was the problem but was rejected for political reasons. Without this fall to the ob its ramifications but more to come and could lose most of the shoes agricultural of this huge tub is financial losses could run a one hundred and forty minute of the crops that grow in this offense the layer of land that religious authorities in drawing up emergency contingency plans that you say the least of the moment no shortages of drinking water. Well with the whole chaos in ukraine it can sometimes be of the separate fact from fiction but as far as the us has consumed one side always in the right of teachers is to chip in the snacks that some of the soul says washingtons been relying on justify simple cookie. What was to the crisis in ukraine washington seems to have one word thats become a favorite the fact that the facts are facts that just because the word that exists. It doesnt mean it coincides with the truth the truth is there in the social media across the pages of newspapers and in the video of televisions for all of the world to see social media and the prominent american newspapers the left dont think hes using photos of random men in random places in attempts to prove russians had come to ukraine. This was used as proof by us officials its just that the photographer who actually took the pictures beg to differ and a retraction followed. Videos for the world to see in the Major News Networks ran footage of a legend Russian Military presence on the border with ukraine in kiev. Well theres the actual border in cats is only water. They know exactly what theyre doing. These are the move them the most needs of the master propagandist the world than a story about my tears being passed around the new queen city venue for jewish residents to register with a pro russian government or else he was ambassador to ukraine got to the real deal american secretary of state reference to the scandal atop the genie back into a washington based Advocacy Group present on the ground in ukraine and france the flyers were fake the government knows that the people that they get the real facts as they did during the vietnam war for instance when they learned different narrative they can become a powerful political opposition the Us Government house to make sure the answer interpreted in a matter of convenience for the last educational videos like this one are put together. If youre confused about how we can. Youre gonna love it the state Department Video playback and a leg in russian intervention that was never proven and features a cartoon like and false version of the cranium referendum ballot is representing the choices that were actually given to the people. Actual options were to re unite with russia or restore a new constitution of nineteen eighty two giving it more autonomy the remaining part of ukraine all the stuff that with branding is nothing but facts are facts of whats happening on the ground are out there the meeting out there but apparently far from here the teacher to rt washington dc. Wolf also veteran of politics and they leave the motel the area that all the interest washington to retain all its money. We can go back school. The remarks being made by mrs c was vincent invested more than six billion us dollars us to create such a Critical Mass which said that the tea and two was a mind on development and ufos among them a ton of investment icing team went on in its eyes i see it in inti of displaying it didnt stop they are a team against a local tradition has it so the enemies. This keeps things in the trinity and paints going against you on the road. Its only a stand and fall to five houses on it allocates to footie in kiev decided to go off on the mayan answers minded explored sewn on it so. So the strands the story to the fifth of the crisis in ukraine and what it means for that number balkan states a promise to pull behind russias south stream gas autonomous uploaded on the usual huge project under the black sea means of russia comply pockets but the stuff that the chagrin of course its a poll for the pipes being spent on marine the nub of this course is the kind with kiev already billions in debt and months behind on payments the coolest fritz i get the money gas discusses well but havent been to ski from the brussels place the report magazine told the russian taxpayers shouldnt have to subsidize ukraine now. That moment ukraine avoid bringing people have chosen to become an independent state. They hopped to accept that they cant argue that can develop a country on the cost of russian taxpayers at risk are citizens of the abbey countries. Thats the way in two thousand. So i need not a lot of political confusion now as well because i keep your keys were not just how ukrainians on the top to stick together with russian at the table the negotiations and find out the ways to help them to pay the bail because it would be very naive to expect the russian taxpayers of the links to art to finance ukrainian our ukraine and integration into the European Union fell. Its not that way the thing swear it. This is not tantamount to cover one of the right to break a lot more on the president ial race in afghanistan a big stink. Aah i am. The room. Air. Once again. I act. We were on the unit. Call. Yes gum president ial election. Up till it has secured the most votes according to preliminary results of at least full initial denial right majority. Before listed on the last forty five percent and above this one is rival ashraf gonna go to the thirty one percent so the books of the country will most likely see a runoff in its first democratic transition of power. He spoke to him to fill the pics playing well of course he would put afghanistan all. I think thats it. If you use to its needs. Today i didnt give me peace in the timetable now theres no reason of its activities outside the usual disillusionment. So its a reality. Unfortunately that wont continue this idea needs to be the consultation process but at the same time defeated the citizens of a promise not to be sure to get lights would be in prison. I miss them as much been cut off. Didnt it used to be people who cannot understand is that extends even to the vic country in terms of its source as instructed in transit. No patient was pretty certain if it does utilize and the best way so it gets did it because its multifaceted the development and programming not be to move on and pick up on some so lets continue be counted because continue to prepare the scrap its mission in afghanistan said in washington say to them if they are going to go that should also be ditched the nazis mega lopez found out next. Thats despite the fact its still worth millions of dollars. The city of ely. We were in your everyday routine of working and our group was a loser the house. The adjustable we stopped he is lucky to be a lie. My entire day she was all still in shock when they own. In my tire slid off into the tourney every day picture me in so that when i really need for glory are mobilized his convoy was hit by improvised explosive device in november two thousand seven while out on a routine mission. And im half saves his life. Only in the professional athlete in game five. The other vehicles on. The opportunity to live another day. And wraps or mine resistant armor protected vehicles were specifically designed for iraq and afghanistan wars their v shaped holes to play opposite buried in a row twenty seven thousand of these behemoths were shipped to the streets of kabul and baghdad to protect troops the department of defense says that the fifty billion Dollar Program cut war casualties by thirty percent between two thousand and two thousand and ten. While everyone in Congress Agrees these vehicles the same lines some members of congress are worried that once the war ends and wraps could end up in a junkyard. Its hard for people estrogen for me to go home and explain them how we can build something cost that much taken over and just disregard like it was an invaluable because of the signs and weight of these vehicles. General joseph done for contends that selling them is not as easy as it sounds. Doing so can save upwards of five hundred million dollars. Theyve already scrapped over two thousand. It costs us less than ten thousand to destroy the vehicle he was processed over fifty thousand dollars to move a vehicle the pentagon has found some news for the raps in the civilian world the National Defense authorization act allows the department of defense to provide military grade equipment to federal and local agencies along with that really needed to operate them everything from bulletproof vests and sandpaper curator under this program out on the battlefield big heavy vehicles like this are key to protecting troops from ied blasts an ambush its one that the civilian world these massive machines to war almost every other vehicle on the well known to the match. And growing prevalence on american streets. Chances are he can be won in a neighborhood near you. Local Police Departments have benefited the most minute and thirty three program across the country dozens of these vehicles have been t miller tries to repeat it and shipped out. Swat teams can use these vehicles in hostile situations as well as for Disaster Relief and recovery. But not everyone is happy with the recycling effort to cause concern this accountability concerned as to call troll concerned what happened to americas main streets. The millet rice were becoming more and more representative of a war zone with the crashes in afghanistan winding down the number of war weary fiscal conservatives is growing. They say building tens of thousands of them wraps was a mistake. But hindsight is twenty twenty and to military veterans like we stepped in. These vehicles were worth every penny. Royce was when chas has been summoned for their sister. In washington and i end up as our tea. The lineup to go comb from us to this anniversary told that his office to show the world twenty eight years ago the exploding for the children of the conchords but trust me that some races could be seen to this day because we got the videos of the ghost of them left behind play the course up to coast on the next two steps hes visit to the exclusion zone a couple of special reports from its a must watch if youve seen it like youtube channel. Amongst the twenty two south of the videos as well was to ensure that it makes ive also online ross king of the leagues elite tight to get that corrected multiple stop for that name sounded a bit too much like al qaida. We stopped him from boarding a plane to new york find out walks to the name seemed to come. Symbols and slogans of pretty much a no go area when it comes to Retail Fashion but he seems not so in love that building one of the citys jewish neighborhoods to playfully can visit snacks a shop specializing in. Extreme fire. It looks like a typical shop on a typical high streets. But this takes the high street how to be in the very heart of londons Jewish Community in the quiet solving this mystery here you can shop at the reds have new nazis to kenya. The stocking i was and will try it in gemini in two thousand and four because it snowed a bit too much like the symbols worn by the and fascist the company to be granted that has shaken off the association with the far rights it easy as it did enable it to Shopping Channel called bread that was accused of meaning and tells stefan right smack into a standing wave. The arrival of islam to install was welcomed on the one to powell bad sign storm front. Hes as ready to roll to treat comments about jewish people in the same threat by the fact that ill let you all can see how to drive the credit for the festive intimidate and elsewhere in europe. Grace decided to divide people each piece chief rabbi in its doors away from the stall is a mosque nearby been causing concern in right wing supporters will visit the shop and inflame tensions within this community. Today according to the store to be fully content. Dont they i was visiting from the georgia area. In the eighty two the streets. Then we went to meet you did a pretty good game the shop. The second thief in the founding of the atlantic amongst Eastern European many of whom did in the center of oven and let the hype that it may be argued by some quick shopping things ended on the fritz and his cabinet and made it clear that the one shot shot down one really cannot see mun said. His placement in a sea sentiment seems is to hit the Streets Police clashed with thousands of them it is a staple to a group of like wing extremists from the mistake of not going to give the Security Services the National Democratic copies of receipts and anti semitic given that the pla the party risks to the densely populated the area of believers of the goods available for those most presidency meeting show that the police to pull the fall of the sport isnt going to demonstrate that the rest. Four storey buildings partially collapsed and the evidence that one person dead and six others injured the course doesnt mean that the puppet by stanton said they had excluded the fears that more people could be. No sitting president. Its the citys new unity government bring to give that up to amass will recognize israel and stand by its International Agreements bit softer israel froze the school to shell out into the unity deal struck two days ago. Israel says its willing to maintain diplomatic ties said. After that but was ruled against nations that seasons to come last. He just joined this holi let me recap our top story for you to will for me snickering tonight. Ukrainian soldiers pulled out all the town all the silly dolly gearing up for attacking a checkpoint in earlier reports of liked and to fight government so the pianist the top ten by a helicopter we had to find a rogue my mind by local self defense unit known local activist told the covers pulled on the ground. One has to be kidnapped and several injured in the gunfight the activists reported to the defending groups to an alms to the nevada National Guard from taking those weapons. Other developments to any of Russias Defense Ministry released these the satellite images of fifteen thousand but think ukrainian troops along with a hundred and sixty tanks and two hundred and thirty on the vehicles and gathered via sometimes. Pretend scenic coast cookie dough still not any dividends for the obedience of the break its over washington on to catch the end of the mountain mist is an International Body for the room. I will the standoff or should i say stand down by the government at the bloody rich is probably the largest victory for the average american against the bureaucratic machine at any of us have seen in years. In fact that so that is a microcosm of whats going on in america yet this classical image above to such an american cowboy rugged individual wrong by the federal government and their bureaucracy trying to take away his life with quick heal a lot of you out there can really relate to this sort of narrative but there are serving a lot of people who dont. Many of those in the mainstream liberal media are enraged by the din and neely up and one hundred and forty years a Family Tradition of that land the second the federal government told them to because its a lot. Look im not the type of guy where cowboy hat to pronounce the name the country omer know what to tell you one thing the rugged individual usa did not flourish because he bowed to a party at the drop of a hat. Hell just give away anything that was rightfully his. To the master and america also been forced by sending agents who looked most like soldiers with Assault Rifles to break up protesters. Honestly when we look at the bunny ranch in all we could clearly see everything thats right and everything thats wrong with america right now. Thats just my opinion the room shelton you can actually help me to help the big apple got them so it can be examined. Isnt the apples as a granny flat and golden delicious apple or the life of the bath and adding some dried cranberries. Both of them so itchy and someday youll trip to them you think they knew that he was brave of you that if you prefer these. I know. He was. And to my survey bow the apple cranberry. So frantic. I did sells. Steve. I know the to line. And i aimed to help suffering coast guard officials have allowed me to get a closer look at this age for the sunken passenger ferry. He says Everything Possible was being done to find more than one hundred people plus still missing what is grateful for the best time to visit the bastille city yes the base of operations. I cant get the spots plan to settle capsized and went down bought one hundred eighty seven people and commit them to death by one hundred fifty nine still missing. He was given to me

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