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Diplomacy after days of tense negotiations won six world powers to clinch the deal technically your breakthrough deal bringing in and telling the kid long standoff divisions remain add onion head to envision program to continue this first app does not say that iran has a right to enrichment. Mixed messages. I think did the sides agree on this in the war has started at three am when she knew its going to b going for another six months. Experts water and that the deals that language can see all sides in the big deal for themselves in other news we think he ever used tear gas at protesters tiny bit of time trying to stormed the Parliament Building has tens of thousands rally after you predict as eu integration plans. Also in two weeks maine is doomed flight three sixty trees black box meals and valuable insight into the tragic air crash that killed fifteen in central russia. We reconstruct the jets final desperate moments. Any afghan president rejects advice at home and abroad to sign off on a security pact with washington that would allow us troops to stay in afghanistan after twenty fourteen. The rt weekly live from moscow with me if you run down the weeks top stories. Its a done deal six world powers have agreed to. I have reached agreement with iran bringing its Atomic Program under control. Hes now at airports. A landmark document is the result of exhaustion talks. They deal of the decade. All sorts of answers will try to boulevard to steal books for the moment we have diplomacy in action something that we havent seen specially treated us to run for thirty four years. So this is the major breakthrough at the moment but we have to be that world powers the new boundaries and historic agreement ending the deadlock over tehrans nuclear ambitions. After a decade of failed threats and sanctions diplomacy has prevailed. With most of the six negotiating powers agreed to recognize tehrans right to Peaceful Nuclear energy including its might to enrichment of the conditions of this program is placed under strict control by the iata. Iran will reduce its uranium enrichment from twenty to a maximum of five percent for the next six months. The news no new centrifuges. Inspectors will monitor on a daily basis sanctions will begin to ease while tim brown celebrates what it claims is its new me recognize right by the way to a Peaceful Nuclear program not everyone is on board. He roams all you do. Does the wounds nightmare. And some decals seemed to be lost in translation. This first app does not say that iran has a right to enrichment that i tend to dream and did cut it out of action and click on it. Dean been told this thing faces the two hours. A big deal reference to the fact that iranian head to the Mission Program will continue. So while the deal is sealed. Spain has just started to get it at say that so because he is the control of the us congress then did walk out the natural color love the you whats not to mention some of the look on his last start but still very well. The old rhetoric is expected to continue swirling despite the new iranian president in place with taking powerful steps to convince the world buddy ron never pass and never will attempt to bomb the country with Nuclear Weapons. Israel has eighteen two hundred and four hundred Nuclear Warheads and if ever you not when exposed to threats to israel but the eighty third attack or if you were building the fonts that she has not decided. Its not nice. Hell still brings hope that dialogue is a match for the rhetoric that sanctions will surrender to solutions and diplomacy can break deadlock. Hes in l a r t moscow. The agreement has gained much support in iran itself spiritual leader Ayatollah Khamenei welcomed it as a basis for further progress on some iranian experts believe that iran will gain Marketing Tool actually sacrifice. The fact that iran is halting uranium enrichment a twenty percent or something that no one actually wants because its very expensive. Many iranians have reduced the field that is me with a cap on reactor that produces medical isotopes for Cancer Patients the miners have already produced enough nuclear fuel drew on enriching uranium a twenty percent no longer need to so called thing that is actually an advantage for a run because it does not want excess fuel because its a costly. So the iranians feel that they cannot produce very much and have a lot again and again it shows. Um that steadfastness of these from the one in perspective. And the standing for your rights can achieve results. Russias president could inhale sundays agreement for opening the doors to further positive diplomacy the iranian Nuclear Program hes making a cushion of the house for moscows reaction. Actually President Biden mckenna has set called this his story deal on irans Nuclear Program that was achieved at talks in geneva the win win situation for all parties and four. Now the president said that the sickly man is just the first afterwards bring the solution into this said very complicated issue. He also sad that they want to achieve only thanks to a new trial diplomatic approach from all parties involved had a presence at the track shack has always been calling for a diplomatic approach to resolving the dispute over irans Nuclear Program and its very important that the grounds that tracks had been offering for compete be supportive in my latest by the International Community in the presence and that this deal will bring a positive line to the development of the International Situation especially and in the east region and once again lettering for the sat that this is just the beginning and russia will canteen to seek the bass solution in this matter. It remains in geneva was killed by us president barack obama with and with the same time said the lion share of american sanctions busting place the washington correspondent reports that still unclear whether i would sigh of relief a lot for long. In return for iran scaling back its Nuclear Program as an obama has pledged would be called the moderates from the flat sections but the more crippling sanctions will remain. This was the presents that we will refrain from imposing new sanctions and we will allow the iranian government access to a portion of the revenue that they have been denied through sanctions. But the broader architecture of sanctions will remain in place and we will continue to enforce them vigorously. And if iran does not fully meet its commitments during the six month phase. Who will turn off the relief and ratchet up the pressure the Obama Administration now says sections is what prompted the negotiations that led to this deal with her secretary kerry talk about this and the president others argue that sanctions have created this hostile environment which allowed all these years made it impossible to reach a deal when on that congress was just about to pass another round of sanctions the president has urged congress not to do that saying it would undermine all chances for diplomacy to work there already blasting the train station for the deal especially the republican part of fact con con lists and then the reaction ranges from accusations over giving away new hands then not eating anything to her approach is for alienating americas ally east us congress has hardly been in favor of any deal with iran and its very difficult to see how headgear to take meaningful steps to actually make the deal work because this is a test that we went back to six months all sides not just a lot have to take more confidence Building Steps and its very difficult to see the us congress doing it in the current environment peace activists Ryan Thompson thinks the u s plans to stick to deal even if washington itself comes under pressure. The us is not going to give up on the job weve had a basic old lawyer writer and his nineteen seventy nine and this is a major step toward italy have everybody on board yes they did not turn in reaching a twenty percent that knocking the cutest ever need a weapon year that was probably more the french dont wanna compete with the on the market for medical isotopes. But theres no law to get teased a lot of time putting this and theyre not gonna throw it all way because the israelis to have an affair. For some israels anger that you want a bit too far. The leak that the country only just stopped short of making an explicit threat to attack iran. Mr netanyahu reaffirms his tough stance at a News Conference really scores on a post player has more on the action we had from the israeli Prime Minister than a minute and now that he made me face conference is that humanity is taking cause me to speak states that he could with this easy knit an hour or so saying that sentence at tokyos to put into place on not being im done the israeli Prime Minister warned that this is the state could they will be the most to me asked the question what incentive does the grand canal had to dismantle its Nuclear Weapons program the israeli Prime Minister stated we cannot and we will not announce a country that course for the destruction of israel. Tim had nuclear with his cake and then emptied the israeli Prime Minister will sustain the clinic is wells frames and nizam mistaken he sees it as his obligation to speak out netanyahu saying that my response but its the first and foremost is to the one and only jewish state that there is an hour or so saying that this dog is not bound by this agreement and that is the statement that funny cos they can obviously be paid to cody business in town who in fact said that this was not an Historic Deal that a quarter thought that a historic mistake. Not his real menace has had the nie nie not to be and thats the best lenient nuclear deal the countrys foreign minister and twenty seven has it that for options on the table and that his health would act independently of the deal is reached with the ground. This leads me to listen to the second deal is marking its head and face off but it is still a bad deal according to these babies and they say could get was a pecan tells us that making the agreement and not the diversity and hits him video is based according to the protective and caring kind announced a tentative one self delusion weve had that its reminiscent of the bad deal that was reached and signed with north korea of remorse ahead. From the menace that said things that will close the two nd in the arms race and there is no reason for the world to celebrate what the signing of the steel has indicated fist and foremost is that hezbollahs fair to isolate it and even more wanting a ninth minute National Community that if i the israeli concerns. The levy for israels hearts how rats newspaper believes his country is too isolated from its former ally was taken as they are mysteriously the United States canadian voters so was about the film to prevent the neo week when the new wheeze is a takes bites is ready so i started to develop. The who inherits a load of things say that i dont see that the sweet create the look of progress even if it comes from joe wilson of the few judging team every year. Cold way these are as security today hes in a bid to position then pulled a single. Because the sink are we meant was for the benefit of or toxins in the bible. I think its very important the huron is a bit longer there the skilful countries in old guys only to isolate the ear of the soul is more dangerous than iraq top of the waist top of the pieced top of the wont ron has been on a long and winding roads reach this crucial deal to peer program was launched way back in the nineteen fifties with the assistance of the us. All that changed after the islamic revolution. It was only in nineteen ninety six in the us chosen the path of sanctions land asking iran like me its a Common Development was for military purposes. Thats also in talks to get the ball down in two thousand five twenty runs then president of the teenage on a resume to be rainy uranium enrichment. Un was quick to respond to agreeing on its own set of sanctions a year later. They failed to stop iran from piling on with its Nuclear Program. In fact in two thousand and eight increase uranium enrichment to twenty percent. Its Faster Community sonatas a clear message that iran wanted an atomic bomb which allegedly triggered the assassinations for Iranian Nuclear scientists Israels Mossad suspect of involvement by june this year iran has a new president something many saw as a game changer interest relation to last. The team is awesome and keeping a close eye and to my week in geneva. So if you miss something. Check it out onto the comp. And as always weve got more news coming up right after the break. Again if we take out your own recently an example of the government on the earphones and in his later years the easier in some governments can afford to do that not only in egg and some prominent journalist seconds and has a safe and secure. I discovered convinced that if they were tapping my phone to his own freakin consequential. I mean but telephones carried out is you. Thus the sea the interesting picture the importers twitter the animal. The move on thus. The watson are to live among scotlands effects thanks for joining me the flight data recorder from the passenger jet that crashed in central russia last sunday has been decoded indications the platoon quite pilot error for the tragedy investigators say he caught something to nose dive onto the runway after Dunn International airport killing all fifty on board the trouble began with the weather. The conditions were much stronger than the acceptable levels for finding this type of plane journey was called final approach the jet was just thirty meters off the ground in the pilot told air traffic control. He needed to perform go around making second attempts to land. He picks the planes nose up to get some height but lost too much speed. The last of the aircraft. The desperation the pilot went into emergency descent to gain speed and left that but the plane into an uncontrollable died plunging it into the ground at forty or fifty kilometers per hour. It took us cannot went to the scene of the tragedy. The final traumatic moments of a flight that had almost completed its journey. Forty four passengers six crewmembers everyone on board gone. W is such a good bowling healthy and handsome get a good family his son is on the three years old he made many plans for the future. A tragedy that meant Family Friends and colleagues in the rivals for waiting to welcome the friends and loved ones for four instead of meeting their loss. Eagles the team was meeting his two Associates Get up from moscow and donna from camera shooting with one of the two foreigners on board a small scoop because im white. They were on their way to court and it is this masterclass for local students. Part iv or wrong we all knew what happened but many cant hold me until the very last moment that their relatives had survived the horrific nature of many became hysterical. In a doctors help because some lost consciousness. Others had to lean on wolf. Say prices are close and handsomely for the victims and relatives whatever their new bits and the lenses are also on standby when the shop is too much to bear the competitions with his education from a nerdy began different in its simplest there are no bodies only fragments. The forces steal the impact means there are few clues right now the flight recorders have been taken to moscow since the badly damaged a book or reveal who was set in the final few minutes in the cockpit and whether the plane was functioning normally. Nearly twenty four hours after sundays win five flights have resumed about International Airport but its not business as usual for the people have been coming in bringing flowers to show their respects to the victims was out of new evidence giving answers the latest worship of christ his only raising further questions you go to school all four teeth in losses republic of kazakhstan the canvas an array of experts in Aviation Engineers and even if i can tell is that the mistakes that appeared to be made on that fateful flight and thoughts and more analysis on her website. In ukraines capital of kiev crowds of pro eu protesters attended this time the Parliament Building and clashed with police who responded with tear gas maybe the angry scenes demonstrators also produce milk on officer. Authorities say around fifty thousand people rallied in central kiev angry the governments decision to suspend the eu integration plans. Again a different part of the city is large group of protesters against munster title cross state rival rally. Art is much here just to report some deal that not only divided people from the country but also the International Community. Ukraine is delighted again that this isnt by the government to suspend the Free Trade Agreement with apu him polarize the country these people but disappointing in the largest protest rally ive seen in years and hell say that i completely disagree with this decision they say the president must be compete at the different rally is that he wanted me to some to support the bill the president say that this decision was not the one hand with the correct one the notion which is shared by Many Political analysts as well because looking at the possible disadvantages the km not disintegrate but suffered from zelda joining the Free Trade Agreement its easy to see why. First of all the modernization of the creek in the machinery fact is that of course more than a hundred billion dollars altogether. Lets see which bring cannot afford at the moment. So what does them of what a nice they can get close to and beyond. Does it help me find themselves in the streets without work and paprika social unrest another factor which result the soviets that you know to be in line with european standards korean government had to increase prices for steve to go to second guess for the order population studied this is something you in ukraine would of liked so we can all this and other possible economic disadvantages to bring the two decided not to sign this deal it was looking for some sort of compensation from the European Union but the European Union did not offer any kind of conversations fall for that report potential economic damages and losses essentially this is what most of the siding not to happen next week. Another interesting twist in the story happening during the week is that the European Union the facts pointed the finger cross out that using lots of blackmailing a good range of sight out of this free trade deal the russian president hit back saying that in fact it was the European Union will blackmail the brain which had been blackmailing ukraine all throughout the negotiation process lets have a listen to the russian president. Ukraine has and it got canceled or suspended negotiations with the eu will serve you everything. We had different from the eu to ukraine. All the way up to organizing mass protests this is pressure and blackmail. And speaking to some meeting Economic Experts are asking them whether kiev could actually benefit from swinging his trade pacts weve heard opening the ukrainian borders to the eu useless because their export capacity is simply not up to european standards of winners the europeans even worked with letting anyone down. What remains of the ukrainian industry although qantas on the heels that commonly steps up that badly. He was a sinking ship its a tight tight the twenty thirteen and no one in the right state of mind want to join a sinking ship bought tickets to go on a sinking ship center of the ukraines future must i think we did russia with that i was in kazakhstan and Customs Union eu has conceived this Association Agreement luckily other agreements that it tries to sign with the recent european states. As a two lt col project in the midst of all these accusations against russia. Its actually the eu which sees its eastward expansion wasnt too difficult and even ideological project. This last month. Because there was no opportunity for ukraine in the new deal to begin with one of the severely damage their relationships with russia and the eu has little to offer. So i dont think the previous posting the afghan president has rejected advice from the countrys important influential council of elders known as the or the peace sign and important security pact with the us soon as possible. I caught sight of the three thousand strong meeting he would not ratify the agreement with america and last piece returned afghanistan. Washington has said any accord must be reached soon as possible the deal is sealed that up to fifteen thousand us soldiers will stay until twenty fourth. Until twenty twenty four and possibly beyond. They would support Afghan Forces but would still be able to carry out military operations against al qaeda and its affiliates. It includes keeping the right to bring home is an issue thats very much enraged many of the afghan people. Now another contentious point is that the deal would give American Forces in unity placing them so we enter us military jurisdiction political analyst and former afghan lawmaker talent of counseling says that us troops the appellants interest. If there ever a the tenth of the book of the truth in this country this would mean that they will only concentrate on their own special forces activities tonight is our pride and i get sucked in try both the area the operations at meadows badge our shoes off the other side and killed. Be it their own enemies they would not worry about. The security of afghanistan and they would not worry about our internal problems dont just Pay Attention to what their goal isnt that sits in my view americans are tired of this mission. The tide of all kinds of cheese that was bringing in that sense i dont think that they have a much bigger appetite and in a martyr operation of cancer the head outside and play till explores the waning influence of journalism in worlds apart the room. One member of st peters birds Legislative Assembly is trying to get child beauty pageants and in russia started with his hometown appeal. I couldnt agree more with this gem on this issue is can the pack to settle the crypt of pressure on children to achieve something absolutely pointless. Also pedophiles dream come true and or will very very creepy acquired the creepy because for the elect are not human beauty is related to so you try to make children to the pole and wear bathing suits to legislate active poses here that effect was the children and its disgusting. Although the packets are also sort of stupid at least the participants are all adults. Because beauty pageant of this religion sexuality should be able to participate in them until you reach the age of consent in your country or otherwise is just a pedophile buffet of cash just my opinion room. He makes the World Programming for globally minded people sponsors and underwriters local contact test sponsors to any team that works done or seven o three seven seven o seven one four seven. They they heard there is a free and not those that you want were on an insult. I cant think of a National Scale good evening is now six pm the time and youre watching the tv news. That makes the news from around the world on their online for the globally minded audience it was. Little. It is. Low it is. Low. It is. I am the eye

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