Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20150429 :

Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20150429

essential to the world. our two countries are partners that share basic values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law. our alliance is forged with that bond. it is now an indispensable alliance for the peace and stability of the asia-pacific region as well as the world. >> across seven decades, our nations have become not just allies but true partners and friends, and that mutual afence will be on show tomorrow when shinzo abe becomes the first japanese prime minister to address a joint meeting of congress. and we are partners who stand together for dignity around the world, opposing russia's aggression against ukraine, promoting ebola and global health and now offering help to the people of nepal who are in our prayers today. >> abe also expressed his views on the newly revised defense cooperation guidelines, which owe says will sprinten the alliance. abe said it's regrettable that some are saying the revision will drag japan into wars. >> translator: when we revise the japan/u.s. security preety in 1960, some people criticized it saying that japan would become involved in an american war. that kind of stereo fin cal argument was main idea against the revision. 55 years after that, we now know that it was completely baseless. history has proven that kind of labeling was incorrect. >> obama said the new guidelines will not only enhance the alliance but expand japan's role in securing maritime safety. obama also said the japan/u.s. security treaty also covers the senkaku islands in the east china sea. >> i wamts to reiterate that our treaty commitment to japan's security is absolute. and article v covers all under japan's administration including the senkaku islands. >> the two discussed the free-trade agreement. >> translator: prosperity is what brings about peace. and that belief has led us to the commitment to quickly conclude the tpp. president obama and i welcome the significant progress in the notions between japan and the u.s. on remaining issues. we agree to continue to cooperate toward the final phase of the tpp dwoegss so that we have a swift conclusion to the agreement. >> tpp will help level the playing field. it will be good for the workers of both our countries, and more over, tpp will have strong protections for workers in the environment and help us set high standards for trade in the 21st century. >> abe and obama also talked about china's increased maritime activities. obama said both countries are committed to respond quickly to china's actions. regarding the proposed infrastructure bank abe said japan has not decided yet to take part in the new bank but it will cooperate with the u.s. to have dialog with china over various concerns surrounding the aiib. earlier, ross mihara spoke with our comment tatser. he shared his insight on the outcome of the bilateral summit. >> moss yoe nakajima joins us. what came out of the summit? >> abe and obama tried to build on their alliance. they want the world to see that they have strong ties. the u.s. is looking to japan to deliver on its promises on defense cooperation and trade negotiations. economic expansion was a focal point of abe's visit. though agreed to new defense cooperation guidelines, and both leaders emphasized that the importance of that deal the new rules boost japan's capability in missile defense and mine sweeping as well as cyber security. the changes come among china's growing assertiveness, which has been causing friction with its neighbors. abe and obama agreed to cooperate with any actions that undermine undermine. abe conveyed his commitments to enabling security legislation that would allow japan to exercise its right to collective self-defense. that means japan can defend closely-related countries, including the u.s. if they come under attack. abe also assured obama that the japanese government supports the plan to relocate a u.s. military air station within the southern prefecture of okinawa. he has been facing resistance from the local government. so abe has asked obama to help elim nats the burden that residents feel. >> how about economic assistance. >> both agree to redouble efforts for a proposed sweeping free trade agreement. both leaders agreed that the trans-pacific partnership or tpp could help boost economic ties between the two nations and other countries as well. it could open up asian-pacific rim markets to u.s. exports as well. but there are sticking mounts, including tariffs on japanese automobiles and barriers on some u.s. agricultural products. china again came into play during the summit. in terming of its international bank the asian infrastructure bank or aiib. abe agreed they should operate in connection with international standards. and in terms of the government's stance on japan's actions in the world war ii abe said that he retains the basic view of the past governments. international rescue teams in nepal are combing through debris searching for survivors. over 4300 people were killed in saturday's earthquake. police have confirmed 4,759 deaths in nepal alone. more than 9,000 people have been injured. outside nepal, about 100 people have died in india, china's tibet autonomous region and other areas. local authorities say there was mother avalanche north of kathmandu on tuesday and engulfed about 200 trackers. authorities are trying to confirm the information. in kathmandu, rescue teams are digging through the rubble to search for people. the critical 72-hour window has passed and the survival rate is likely to fall sharply. an aid team from japan arrived in the capital on tuesday and used rescue dogs to search for survivors. on wednesday, japanese red cross officials are sending staffers to a remote village. a plan has been introduced to reduce contaminated water. the operator will make an underground wall of ice to stem the buildup of contaminated water in the reactor buildings. tokyo electric power company plans to freeze soil around number one to number four reactor buildings to create a barrier 1.5 kilometers long. the aim is to keep ground water from seeping into the reactor buildings where it could be contaminated. the utility began work on the project last june. workers drove pipes into the ground. the pipes were filled with liquid that will be frozen. the nuclear regulation authority approved tepco's plan to move on to the next step. on thursday they start freezing the liquid at 18 locations on a trial basis. if it goes as planned they will seek approval to continue the process at other locations. officials at the i have ministry are trying to figure out the best combination of energy sources to meet the future energy needs. they want to cut the nuclear power lower to the accident at fukushima. they continue their plan for 2030 and say nuclear power should be 20 to 22% of the total energy. the figure was 28% before the fukushima disaster. the plan also calls for japan to more than double its reliance on renewable energy. solar and wind power accounted for a little over 10% of supply in fiscal 2013. the officials suggest lifting this to between 22% and 24%. that will mean japan's energy from renewable sources will ebs seed that from nuclear power stations. the minute industry proposed cutting sources like coal to 56%. the plan is drafted on the assumption that energy demand will fall by 17% by 2030. the officials say for the time being people in japan should make more of an effort to save power. hundreds of people in okinawa have held a rally protesting the planned location of the futenma marine air station within the prefecture. about 300 people gathered near the planned construction site. the protest was held on april 28th. the date marks the anniversary of japanese recovery of sovereignty in 1952. >> translator: okinawa made an enormous sacrifice in the war. we will never accept a new base being built here. >> translator: they're ignoring our voices. do they see okinawa as part of japan? >> some demonstrators have boats to protest a drilling survey of the seabed. officials at japan's economy ministry forecast regenerative medicine will become a global market worth $450 billion by 2050. and people who work in non-medical industries are finding new ways to break into the business. >> reporter: tokyo women's medical university is conducting research in regenerative medicine. a cell sheet is made of a vast number of artificially cultivated cells. the sheet is applied to the affected area of a patient to repair damaged tissues and organs. but it's small and difficult to handle with traditional tweezers. >> translator: when a sheet crumbles and is transplanted in a messy lump some of the cells die, and we lose them. >> reporter: the researchers sought help from a machinery maker with 12 employees. the company makes machines that handle food products precisely and dell katzly. the machine can move eggs without changing their shape. the company teamed up with osaka university's engineering department to create a smaller version of the device to manipulate thin cell sheets. the machine makes it easy to work with semi-liquid substances like catsup. a plate wrapped around with a sheet rolls things up like a conveyor belt does. the sheet is coated with teflon so things don't stick to it. researchers working in the field of regenerative medicine now use the device more and more. >> translator: we will continue our research and development and plan to expand into the overseas market as well. >> reporter: meanwhile, sony has relied on its own technology to break into the new field for the first time. this is a machine the company has developed to analyze cells. as many as 10,000 cells can be analyzed in a second. sony applied its blu-ray disk technology to create the cell analyzer. by projecting blue semi-conductor laser rays onto a disk rotating at high speed, the blu-ray system can read microscopic pieces of information and replay images and voices. in the cell analyzer, this device plays the role of a blu-ray disk. the device contains pathways that are 1000th of a millimeter in width. cells are channeled through these pat ways at laser speed. the analyzer detects the types and numbers of cells in the solution. it can also detect a certain type of cells. in a year and a half since its launch, the analyzer has become the most popular product of its kind in japan. it has captured the biggest market share of 40%. the analyzer's one third the size of similar products made by u.s. firms, and it's 50% cheaper. sony is marketing the machine worldwide. >> translator: taking advantage of our technology in consumer electronics, we have been able to develop a user-friendly product. even medical students can handle it. >> reporter: the market for regenerative medicine will continue to expand. and an increasing participation of non-pedestrianhnnon-medical firms in the business is expected to speed up technological development further. a cheating scandal at a school in eastern india involved not just students but parents too. it happened in march and it could decide their futures. nhk reports. >> reporter: these adults climbing up the walls of this school are relatives of the students. they're here to deliver notes to help students cheat on ebsxams. people around india were shocked when this footage first surfaced. to find out why the cheating took place we headed to the school in an eastern state. we found what appears to be a note with information for a chemistry exam. we also saw ropes people had used to climb the school walls. neighbors said hundreds of people had gathered in front of the school at exam time causing chaos. >> translator: some of the relatives bribed police men. others threw rocks to chase the police away. some were paid by family members to climb up the wall to give students notes. >> reporter: when we tried to ask the school about the incident incident, school officials insist they had nothing to do with the cheating, because this school was just being used as a testing center. for the questioning suggested there's a close connection between cheating and poverty. the state doesn't have any key industries. the average annual income here is about $500 among the lowest in india. many children start working at a very young age. students who pass a state-wide exam have a better chance of getting jobs as public administration staff. those with high marks are eligible for state scholarships. there's a long history of cheating here. >> translator: i did it because everybody else was doing it. >> reporter: the state is questioning 4,000 students and their families to determine how cheating occurred at different exam sites. >> we talked to the magistrates. hopefully they will not engage in this type of activity in the future. >> reporter: a lack of funding for education contributes to the problem. education budgets are tight. and many public schools face teacher shortages. this school has just 14 teachers for 1,600 students. there is no math teacher. many students feel the only way to get ahead is by cheating. >> translator: we can't deny that the quality of teachers is not high enough. it's unfortunate that children feel they have to cheat. >> reporter: it has improved life for millions of indian people but it shows for many share the prosperity is still a struggle. nhk world, india. joining us in the studio is robert speta. we've been reporting the devastation in nepal. how is the outlook in the affected areas? >> one of the big things out here is the recovery efforts, and it definitely is going to be very long going. of course we are still seeing aftershocks. as far as the weather is concerned, it's not helping out 100%. you still have a lot of people outdoors, people living in temporary shelters. they don't want to head inside some of these buildings, because they are still seeing aftershocks so the risk of further collapse. and the rain is coming down. so that's going to be impacting some people. we had 4ly that pushed overhead and brought thunderstorms in central portions of nepal, definitely during the afternoon hours. this is very mountainous terrain. it hits the mountains and it acts as a lifting mechanism for those thunderstorms, especially during the afternoon hours. so here in the big cities you'll see showers. but at the everest base there are still climbers waiting to be brought down. temperatures hovering just below the freezing point. there is the risk of some snoeb snowfall. so weather is not cooperating 100% with the recovery efforts across much of this area. let's it talk about europe. we are seeing a low kind of spinning out in western europe. that's moving through the british isles bringing wet and windy conditions if you are traveling across this area. snow possibly. but the big thing is the temperatures are going to be cooling down if you are there across ireland and scotland. it is going to work its way southeast and push into the low countries, bringing thunderstorms perhaps even towards paris and into berlin. temperatures look like this. paris with 16. partly cloudy skies on your wednesday. the warm spot on the map, though is 24 there into athens. as we look over towards the americas, do want to mention the severe threat in the south east. we have a system pushing through the florida panhandle. it will bring heavy showers and the risk of flooding. there have also been small tornados bringing damage on your tuesday and even the threat of hail still pushing through with this. that's a dip in the jet stream. towards the west we have the push with the southwest and los angeles high of 29. so areas across that location could push into the 30s. now as we look over towards eastern asia the big topic here is this area of cloud cover, this stationary boundary which has set up. it's bringing heavy showers across western japan, across kyushu. and even over there towards the portions of south korea, you have been seeing heavy rain showers. some areas as much as 260 millimeters has kicked up. do want to mention northwest china, though. a sign of spring is not very pretty, but still a sign spring is the yellow sand here kicked up there on your tuesday. brought some very low visibility. definitely poor breathing conditions, at least the temperatures are heating up. seoul at 26. tokyo, 23. by the way, it is a holiday here in japan. and if you do have some time off, if you are planning on heading out how about heading out to chichibu. next week is golden week. so this is a flying carp for the children's day next week. you might see this around if you are heading out and enjoy some pretty decent weather over the coming days. i'll leave you now with your extended outlook. one more story before we go. a japanese actor who conquered hollywood is now making waves on broadway. ken watanabe has been nominated for a tony award. he is one of the five performers competing in the best lead actor in a musical category. he's nominated for his role in the king and i. the musical is up for awards in a total of nine categories. watts nabe is the first japanese performer to be given a tony nod since 1959. >> i thought he was great. he was really loveable as that character. in a good way. and yeah i really liked him in that role. >> i think he did a very very nice job. yes. he really brought you into the character. absolutely. >> the winners will be announced on june 7 at a ceremony in new york city. that wraps up this edition of "newsline." i'm keiko kitagawa in tokyo. thank you for joining us. >> hello and welcome to "global 3000," your weekly check on the global issues beyond the headlines. and here's what we have coming up for you right now. dreaming of the sea -- why landlocked bolivia still has its own navy. ocean nightmare -- how tunisia tries to stave off an influx of foreign jellyfish. and upcycling -- how second-hand clothes become designer frocks in mozambique. now, states that don't see eye-to-eye with their neighbors are nothing unusual. but how do you get your neighbor back to the negotiation table over territory you lost more than 130 years ago?

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Tokyo , East China Sea , Japan General , Bolivia , China , Florida , Mozambique , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , United Kingdom , Ukraine , Tunisia , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Athens , Attikír , Greece , Osaka , Kathmandu , Bagmati , Nepal , India , Okinawa , Futenma , Hollywood , California , British Isles , Ireland General , Ireland , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Berlin , Germany , Scotland , Japanese , American , Los Angeles , Ken Watanabe , Shinzo Abe , Keiko Kitagawa ,

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Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20150429 :

Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20150429

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essential to the world. our two countries are partners that share basic values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights and the rule of law. our alliance is forged with that bond. it is now an indispensable alliance for the peace and stability of the asia-pacific region as well as the world. >> across seven decades, our nations have become not just allies but true partners and friends, and that mutual afence will be on show tomorrow when shinzo abe becomes the first japanese prime minister to address a joint meeting of congress. and we are partners who stand together for dignity around the world, opposing russia's aggression against ukraine, promoting ebola and global health and now offering help to the people of nepal who are in our prayers today. >> abe also expressed his views on the newly revised defense cooperation guidelines, which owe says will sprinten the alliance. abe said it's regrettable that some are saying the revision will drag japan into wars. >> translator: when we revise the japan/u.s. security preety in 1960, some people criticized it saying that japan would become involved in an american war. that kind of stereo fin cal argument was main idea against the revision. 55 years after that, we now know that it was completely baseless. history has proven that kind of labeling was incorrect. >> obama said the new guidelines will not only enhance the alliance but expand japan's role in securing maritime safety. obama also said the japan/u.s. security treaty also covers the senkaku islands in the east china sea. >> i wamts to reiterate that our treaty commitment to japan's security is absolute. and article v covers all under japan's administration including the senkaku islands. >> the two discussed the free-trade agreement. >> translator: prosperity is what brings about peace. and that belief has led us to the commitment to quickly conclude the tpp. president obama and i welcome the significant progress in the notions between japan and the u.s. on remaining issues. we agree to continue to cooperate toward the final phase of the tpp dwoegss so that we have a swift conclusion to the agreement. >> tpp will help level the playing field. it will be good for the workers of both our countries, and more over, tpp will have strong protections for workers in the environment and help us set high standards for trade in the 21st century. >> abe and obama also talked about china's increased maritime activities. obama said both countries are committed to respond quickly to china's actions. regarding the proposed infrastructure bank abe said japan has not decided yet to take part in the new bank but it will cooperate with the u.s. to have dialog with china over various concerns surrounding the aiib. earlier, ross mihara spoke with our comment tatser. he shared his insight on the outcome of the bilateral summit. >> moss yoe nakajima joins us. what came out of the summit? >> abe and obama tried to build on their alliance. they want the world to see that they have strong ties. the u.s. is looking to japan to deliver on its promises on defense cooperation and trade negotiations. economic expansion was a focal point of abe's visit. though agreed to new defense cooperation guidelines, and both leaders emphasized that the importance of that deal the new rules boost japan's capability in missile defense and mine sweeping as well as cyber security. the changes come among china's growing assertiveness, which has been causing friction with its neighbors. abe and obama agreed to cooperate with any actions that undermine undermine. abe conveyed his commitments to enabling security legislation that would allow japan to exercise its right to collective self-defense. that means japan can defend closely-related countries, including the u.s. if they come under attack. abe also assured obama that the japanese government supports the plan to relocate a u.s. military air station within the southern prefecture of okinawa. he has been facing resistance from the local government. so abe has asked obama to help elim nats the burden that residents feel. >> how about economic assistance. >> both agree to redouble efforts for a proposed sweeping free trade agreement. both leaders agreed that the trans-pacific partnership or tpp could help boost economic ties between the two nations and other countries as well. it could open up asian-pacific rim markets to u.s. exports as well. but there are sticking mounts, including tariffs on japanese automobiles and barriers on some u.s. agricultural products. china again came into play during the summit. in terming of its international bank the asian infrastructure bank or aiib. abe agreed they should operate in connection with international standards. and in terms of the government's stance on japan's actions in the world war ii abe said that he retains the basic view of the past governments. international rescue teams in nepal are combing through debris searching for survivors. over 4300 people were killed in saturday's earthquake. police have confirmed 4,759 deaths in nepal alone. more than 9,000 people have been injured. outside nepal, about 100 people have died in india, china's tibet autonomous region and other areas. local authorities say there was mother avalanche north of kathmandu on tuesday and engulfed about 200 trackers. authorities are trying to confirm the information. in kathmandu, rescue teams are digging through the rubble to search for people. the critical 72-hour window has passed and the survival rate is likely to fall sharply. an aid team from japan arrived in the capital on tuesday and used rescue dogs to search for survivors. on wednesday, japanese red cross officials are sending staffers to a remote village. a plan has been introduced to reduce contaminated water. the operator will make an underground wall of ice to stem the buildup of contaminated water in the reactor buildings. tokyo electric power company plans to freeze soil around number one to number four reactor buildings to create a barrier 1.5 kilometers long. the aim is to keep ground water from seeping into the reactor buildings where it could be contaminated. the utility began work on the project last june. workers drove pipes into the ground. the pipes were filled with liquid that will be frozen. the nuclear regulation authority approved tepco's plan to move on to the next step. on thursday they start freezing the liquid at 18 locations on a trial basis. if it goes as planned they will seek approval to continue the process at other locations. officials at the i have ministry are trying to figure out the best combination of energy sources to meet the future energy needs. they want to cut the nuclear power lower to the accident at fukushima. they continue their plan for 2030 and say nuclear power should be 20 to 22% of the total energy. the figure was 28% before the fukushima disaster. the plan also calls for japan to more than double its reliance on renewable energy. solar and wind power accounted for a little over 10% of supply in fiscal 2013. the officials suggest lifting this to between 22% and 24%. that will mean japan's energy from renewable sources will ebs seed that from nuclear power stations. the minute industry proposed cutting sources like coal to 56%. the plan is drafted on the assumption that energy demand will fall by 17% by 2030. the officials say for the time being people in japan should make more of an effort to save power. hundreds of people in okinawa have held a rally protesting the planned location of the futenma marine air station within the prefecture. about 300 people gathered near the planned construction site. the protest was held on april 28th. the date marks the anniversary of japanese recovery of sovereignty in 1952. >> translator: okinawa made an enormous sacrifice in the war. we will never accept a new base being built here. >> translator: they're ignoring our voices. do they see okinawa as part of japan? >> some demonstrators have boats to protest a drilling survey of the seabed. officials at japan's economy ministry forecast regenerative medicine will become a global market worth $450 billion by 2050. and people who work in non-medical industries are finding new ways to break into the business. >> reporter: tokyo women's medical university is conducting research in regenerative medicine. a cell sheet is made of a vast number of artificially cultivated cells. the sheet is applied to the affected area of a patient to repair damaged tissues and organs. but it's small and difficult to handle with traditional tweezers. >> translator: when a sheet crumbles and is transplanted in a messy lump some of the cells die, and we lose them. >> reporter: the researchers sought help from a machinery maker with 12 employees. the company makes machines that handle food products precisely and dell katzly. the machine can move eggs without changing their shape. the company teamed up with osaka university's engineering department to create a smaller version of the device to manipulate thin cell sheets. the machine makes it easy to work with semi-liquid substances like catsup. a plate wrapped around with a sheet rolls things up like a conveyor belt does. the sheet is coated with teflon so things don't stick to it. researchers working in the field of regenerative medicine now use the device more and more. >> translator: we will continue our research and development and plan to expand into the overseas market as well. >> reporter: meanwhile, sony has relied on its own technology to break into the new field for the first time. this is a machine the company has developed to analyze cells. as many as 10,000 cells can be analyzed in a second. sony applied its blu-ray disk technology to create the cell analyzer. by projecting blue semi-conductor laser rays onto a disk rotating at high speed, the blu-ray system can read microscopic pieces of information and replay images and voices. in the cell analyzer, this device plays the role of a blu-ray disk. the device contains pathways that are 1000th of a millimeter in width. cells are channeled through these pat ways at laser speed. the analyzer detects the types and numbers of cells in the solution. it can also detect a certain type of cells. in a year and a half since its launch, the analyzer has become the most popular product of its kind in japan. it has captured the biggest market share of 40%. the analyzer's one third the size of similar products made by u.s. firms, and it's 50% cheaper. sony is marketing the machine worldwide. >> translator: taking advantage of our technology in consumer electronics, we have been able to develop a user-friendly product. even medical students can handle it. >> reporter: the market for regenerative medicine will continue to expand. and an increasing participation of non-pedestrianhnnon-medical firms in the business is expected to speed up technological development further. a cheating scandal at a school in eastern india involved not just students but parents too. it happened in march and it could decide their futures. nhk reports. >> reporter: these adults climbing up the walls of this school are relatives of the students. they're here to deliver notes to help students cheat on ebsxams. people around india were shocked when this footage first surfaced. to find out why the cheating took place we headed to the school in an eastern state. we found what appears to be a note with information for a chemistry exam. we also saw ropes people had used to climb the school walls. neighbors said hundreds of people had gathered in front of the school at exam time causing chaos. >> translator: some of the relatives bribed police men. others threw rocks to chase the police away. some were paid by family members to climb up the wall to give students notes. >> reporter: when we tried to ask the school about the incident incident, school officials insist they had nothing to do with the cheating, because this school was just being used as a testing center. for the questioning suggested there's a close connection between cheating and poverty. the state doesn't have any key industries. the average annual income here is about $500 among the lowest in india. many children start working at a very young age. students who pass a state-wide exam have a better chance of getting jobs as public administration staff. those with high marks are eligible for state scholarships. there's a long history of cheating here. >> translator: i did it because everybody else was doing it. >> reporter: the state is questioning 4,000 students and their families to determine how cheating occurred at different exam sites. >> we talked to the magistrates. hopefully they will not engage in this type of activity in the future. >> reporter: a lack of funding for education contributes to the problem. education budgets are tight. and many public schools face teacher shortages. this school has just 14 teachers for 1,600 students. there is no math teacher. many students feel the only way to get ahead is by cheating. >> translator: we can't deny that the quality of teachers is not high enough. it's unfortunate that children feel they have to cheat. >> reporter: it has improved life for millions of indian people but it shows for many share the prosperity is still a struggle. nhk world, india. joining us in the studio is robert speta. we've been reporting the devastation in nepal. how is the outlook in the affected areas? >> one of the big things out here is the recovery efforts, and it definitely is going to be very long going. of course we are still seeing aftershocks. as far as the weather is concerned, it's not helping out 100%. you still have a lot of people outdoors, people living in temporary shelters. they don't want to head inside some of these buildings, because they are still seeing aftershocks so the risk of further collapse. and the rain is coming down. so that's going to be impacting some people. we had 4ly that pushed overhead and brought thunderstorms in central portions of nepal, definitely during the afternoon hours. this is very mountainous terrain. it hits the mountains and it acts as a lifting mechanism for those thunderstorms, especially during the afternoon hours. so here in the big cities you'll see showers. but at the everest base there are still climbers waiting to be brought down. temperatures hovering just below the freezing point. there is the risk of some snoeb snowfall. so weather is not cooperating 100% with the recovery efforts across much of this area. let's it talk about europe. we are seeing a low kind of spinning out in western europe. that's moving through the british isles bringing wet and windy conditions if you are traveling across this area. snow possibly. but the big thing is the temperatures are going to be cooling down if you are there across ireland and scotland. it is going to work its way southeast and push into the low countries, bringing thunderstorms perhaps even towards paris and into berlin. temperatures look like this. paris with 16. partly cloudy skies on your wednesday. the warm spot on the map, though is 24 there into athens. as we look over towards the americas, do want to mention the severe threat in the south east. we have a system pushing through the florida panhandle. it will bring heavy showers and the risk of flooding. there have also been small tornados bringing damage on your tuesday and even the threat of hail still pushing through with this. that's a dip in the jet stream. towards the west we have the push with the southwest and los angeles high of 29. so areas across that location could push into the 30s. now as we look over towards eastern asia the big topic here is this area of cloud cover, this stationary boundary which has set up. it's bringing heavy showers across western japan, across kyushu. and even over there towards the portions of south korea, you have been seeing heavy rain showers. some areas as much as 260 millimeters has kicked up. do want to mention northwest china, though. a sign of spring is not very pretty, but still a sign spring is the yellow sand here kicked up there on your tuesday. brought some very low visibility. definitely poor breathing conditions, at least the temperatures are heating up. seoul at 26. tokyo, 23. by the way, it is a holiday here in japan. and if you do have some time off, if you are planning on heading out how about heading out to chichibu. next week is golden week. so this is a flying carp for the children's day next week. you might see this around if you are heading out and enjoy some pretty decent weather over the coming days. i'll leave you now with your extended outlook. one more story before we go. a japanese actor who conquered hollywood is now making waves on broadway. ken watanabe has been nominated for a tony award. he is one of the five performers competing in the best lead actor in a musical category. he's nominated for his role in the king and i. the musical is up for awards in a total of nine categories. watts nabe is the first japanese performer to be given a tony nod since 1959. >> i thought he was great. he was really loveable as that character. in a good way. and yeah i really liked him in that role. >> i think he did a very very nice job. yes. he really brought you into the character. absolutely. >> the winners will be announced on june 7 at a ceremony in new york city. that wraps up this edition of "newsline." i'm keiko kitagawa in tokyo. thank you for joining us. >> hello and welcome to "global 3000," your weekly check on the global issues beyond the headlines. and here's what we have coming up for you right now. dreaming of the sea -- why landlocked bolivia still has its own navy. ocean nightmare -- how tunisia tries to stave off an influx of foreign jellyfish. and upcycling -- how second-hand clothes become designer frocks in mozambique. now, states that don't see eye-to-eye with their neighbors are nothing unusual. but how do you get your neighbor back to the negotiation table over territory you lost more than 130 years ago?

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Japan , Tokyo , East China Sea , Japan General , Bolivia , China , Florida , Mozambique , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , United Kingdom , Ukraine , Tunisia , Seoul , Soul T Ukpyolsi , South Korea , Athens , Attikír , Greece , Osaka , Kathmandu , Bagmati , Nepal , India , Okinawa , Futenma , Hollywood , California , British Isles , Ireland General , Ireland , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Berlin , Germany , Scotland , Japanese , American , Los Angeles , Ken Watanabe , Shinzo Abe , Keiko Kitagawa ,

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