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Sunday. And what they called peoples republics been calling for a referendum on greater regional autonomy not merely using canvassing the demonstrators will not be prosecuted if it means that buildings voluntarily. I have to deploy the pick of the interim government is trying to persuade us to leave the building. So we will never yield to such pressure. But given the missing protesters in terms on taking it easy that protesters had on themselves and they seemed landmines of round one building. Yet many do say if negotiations fail they could permit the protesters with and that day. Crewmembers on board an australian surveillance plane had been detected a possible locator signal from deep in the indian ocean. Believe it may have come from the missing Malaysia Airlines jetliner. Now analysts are looking at the data to determine if it might be from the planes black boxes commanders on the surveillance and grabbed onto his own abilities and ten area where an australian ship has already peaked cap signals ahead of the joint surge operations said the two detected a possible signal and with meetings and the data more closely at the state could be found on than meets the worst the team on the ship ocean shields you counted for possible signals in the same area but the last week as and harry at seventeen hundred kilometers northwest of perth australia. Yet i dare to come from thailand for more than a month ago with two hundred and thirty nine people on board because looking for anti under pressure. The batteries powering the flight recorders locator beacons only send a signal for about thirty days taiwanese the demonstrators had entered the occupation of comments after more than three weeks inside the protesters are students who have sent out a deal signed last june that would open up trade with china the time entry speak and promised them lawmakers would pass a bill guaranteeing oversight of any trade agreement with china. He said until the end didnt stop the process of approving the deal had the code as to say that compromises on nine thirty mass and the city keating iran does not give demonstrations are attached he said. Continue to demand tougher rules was that he deals with the chinese the rs in indonesia i went to the polls for a gentle action on wednesday. Initial estimates point to a victory for the largest opposition party. But its share of the boat was less than expected with a constancy is affecting the indonesian stock market finished a month after she shows that fewer points from jakarta the jewelry complete the queue for the month of the situation to shoot the people to resort to the reef in the lead in the steeple so just pick the fourth of may job was commissioned to build above the law. The plays producer counted it is critical to the well known joke when we go. I go to the other week. I feel close to joe court because he is an honest and simple. Vote for in the president ial election two of them opened on the struggle going on above ninety possible this means that it would be to paul cornish. Due to the position eternity to spot these mostly up to sprint across the seats what would you propose that helpful. Support guts out and hes raising concerns among investors that a coastal market because people dont grow up on star state. As enthused about going and going to go potty to go but impossible. Dunning has been damaged by a series of corruption scandals involving bought the ticket. Honestly yes he says he does he presented the show included in contention. This is to be expecting decisive result the trouble with the change the market to supplement agrees that the solution results show. Second is the want us to go in and tells moses to cologne. Shows like the miniscule to come. I know i know him. Officials from japan are considering its a law authorizing research whaling in the northwestern Pacific Ocean its planned for later this month the International Court of justice in the hague ruled against japans weaving through planning and are taken in march it said the program cannot be recognized as saving Research Purposes in its current form the constitution does not directly come to japans research whaling and other bloggers but the japanese government thinks the judgment could be applied worldwide. It has carried out research whaling in the northwestern pacific this is me six months is scheduled to start off the coast and into my key city in northeastern japan on april twenty seconds the extended while the rounds into the northwestern pacific next month. Japanese officials will decide as early as next week in the country will go ahead with research whaling in those waters. I may have a city in northern japan is criticizing the construction of the new by Nuclear Plants the speaker knows as the operator and the Central Government had ignored safety consent of residence. Hes filed a lawsuit to stop the walk. Take a look around the time go for points. It was a cute little is raising concerns over who would take responsibility for local people in an accident at the plant ever ochre. Oh and dont know who we are using the Central Government the answer to this fundamental question is still there is a sea wall construction. No plants goes ahead. They are uniting the mom opted for smokers is not some unknown people and the nurse to stay the challenge of the evacuation of residents is entirely left to local government had no information is given to us. We cannot learn any lessons. Dai ichi accident. And also build is demanding a hold of ongoing construction of a woman you know what. Twenty three km away from his city. Completed it will be the worlds first commercial Nuclear Power plant using plutonium. Only you. The operator to teach our kids are going to apply for safety inspections required under new government guidelines as well. The mayor argues that the safety of the plant cannot be secured under the guidelines. He says the damage from an accident at all when you peer plant would be so great because he would no longer be able to punch. I feel as we get elite expresses opinions. He has been largely ignored because if they beat isnt talking to plants the souvenir filed the lawsuit earlier this month at the Tokyo District Court again to Central Government and the company but so consistent and more rather it is about constructing a new facility for restarting the existing one. We must provide an appropriate explanation to people. Didnt understand rushing through china has already decided on is not acceptable. In a democracy after the disaster that impeachment itt. Local government was in a thirty kilometer radius of any new content and japan are required to make plans to give actually two instance the case of another clear things up. As a mom. We need to publish these churches have adopted nor sing in the operation of the plants even though they could directly impact the Community Experts point out of the medias mindful could open the future. And the man therefore speaker quinn plans across the country and start to come back online. Entitled nhk world tokyo. Really it isnt center japan are voicing their concerns about a new Safety System designed to deal with Nuclear Emergency is to get right to carry campaign tested and new filtered and anti theist and that its customers like the kind you up last evening at the prefecture. Theyre installing the system in a bid to ease concerns before i plan to restart the actors the system is designed to reduce pressure in the reactor containment vessel during emergencies while limiting emissions of radioactive materials the stand is a requirement under tougher safety guidelines that took effect last july. What does the final night huge interest are addicted to tanning booth at the gas flow to the hiking as planned during a test the gas was used in place of radioactive fields. Officials in the get to see me you went to details released through the filter and a half and graphics. Its bedtime now reviewing the system safety and methods of operation. I am i. Eighty when special envoy is in japan working to shed light on human rights conditions of People Living in north korea. Many people around the well trained leaders in the isolated country have been committing crimes against humanity by sticky dough was nonsense they include deductions oh four nationals and its mistreatment of Political Prisoners an hq missouri kolkata has more. He listed some of it or not is eighteen dollars month if now is a time for the United Nations to in teaching in improving the Human Rights Commission in north korea. Not only do we know. The dprk known that we know. And this is powerful and can act as a lieutenant and she consented to change course iu and well tested iphone investigation. Sharing a testimony of two hundred twenty witnesses. Based on its findings. The Un Human Rights Council last month approved of his omission on punishing north korea as leader. The panel reported that north korea monterey keys have committed crimes against people both inside and outside the country. Its like history teaches us the problem of Political Prisoners being held in concentration camps monsignor allowed the abductions of japanese nationals. He stressed that this is no longer on latino issues. Ap japan and north korea the engine house not mine. Before the news conference. It tells the meeting took ill with a crew of the ethics of the half empty the first team to help clean up their loft on. We want International Community to walk ard so we can see the sign of the solution to the program the japanese government says at least seventy s the distance were kidnapped in the nineteen seventies and eighty dollars month is the study is on the issue of whether comedy. Paul wants the government. Families sit aside and un mechanisms. Must Work Together in this new chapter of dprk him its way time is running running out we must act to be torture the victims families and loved ones. North korean officials denounced these claims and feed them easily and is aimed at destroying the countrys viability and social system. My remarks queensland with every intention of building a north koreas military commander dons mom said you really use all its judicial mechanisms to punish those responsible for the human rights violations. It was nice to be a part to the International Criminal court. Pretty cool but not in hd world. Dont you. Its time now since the summer my kids and latest reading on wall street lets get the latest from my complete and senior us economist at barclays capital. It was a very poor risk session here and in the us today sentiment was quite weak. The major equity indices both the us and the five hundred in the dial up or down almost two percent while the nasdaq fell a bit over three percent Government Bond yields rally by about five to ten basis points as investors were very concerned about weak data out of china and the spirit a week a recession in europe which also was worried about weekend and china with the chinese data told us was that both exports and imports were down sharply in march exports fell about six percent in the month and imports fell the starling eleven percent a hard landing for china is viewed by most of our Investor Base as the number one risk the main risk facing the global outlook. This only reinforces that fear still have to see were featured in and try to go but for today is definitely a weak risk sentiment. The other thing that were dealing with here in the us is the beginning of the earnings season markets are tending to twenty one were looking to sell things for reselling Technology Stocks which are more highly priced looking for value elsewhere. To see how this earnings season plays out finally markets in the west are still digesting the release of the twenty minutes from its march meeting the fed has been pushing back against expectations that it will raise Interest Rates to earth faster than projected in the fed is saying that it will be patient and easy and that certainly provided support for Government Bond markets. Two things will be looking for next week for retail sales in the us for march and Housing Starts have been soft in recent months due to adverse weather across much of the country. We expect both of these data points to rebound and send a clear signal across in the Second Quarter will be stronger than it was the first. This is michael different from barclays thank you very much. Hes never seen that some of the club all my kits the eye i was. On sunday chelsea has arrived in japan on a new National Promotion to a head at the start of the teams this coming june in brazil. A chartered flight from china his high chair put on this day. The circle represents a target as to why then the countries in africa you have an announcement. It stands about thirty seven centimeters tall and weighs about six kilograms. Was there though we know its hard to win the trophy. But i hope one day japan will bring it home. While. Shelby will be put on display in tokyo and then will be shown at an elementary schooler in mucus and ten pence that you want to be thanks to the city suffered catastrophic damage to the tsunami of two thousand. Doctors from around the world had seen showing their skills with some alternative therapy. They gathered in northeastern japan to help people whove spent years trying to get over that rahm of the tsunami they tried to tell people you see me sick. More from nhk world to accomplish that new fan. A bill to include killed the content will be blocked pulling it all adds up to. Well doc its own kids i didnt want it. The team to the oc think it can do for the tiki concert. Boy did it sometimes. I can do maybe from this moment. And it gets it from its engine and all ok stop was hiking on sixty eighth minute. The idea to clean behind the news news that also promotes health care issue. It could be a void in fifteen hundred members and a thanksgiving concert right across the wood hes made his teeth into developing countries and aid organizations. The intent of the dissenting get a ticket by contrast tend to use again she says the team to dip into the swing. Adele was in their limos. This is an important and too common until then well have to deal with them that you feel so darn cute. We tried to also be a phone call of how authorities in support of japan and the people emotionally. Changing things a pda to share the title and was one of the top it with an eye on it. It seemed like a stock for years to go at the field of play. My cheek i went to a state subject to the Disney Channel in two thousand and six ten to find relief in for it. His del was to stage lights. Afterwords he felt that morning can be done to help heal the emotional scars bit by bit the dust. Madison wanted to help in the short time ive always been difficult but still the future. Boy was it tended to get Katie Cassidy area. During all this suffering with teal epic she and the writer dr is a curse not come from somebody didnt look at the she the owner the law doesnt allow. Stay not looking like that. With more emotion designing a system that was hard. I still celebrate it was time for the concert. He said that they could to help them obamas included dollars still cool as composed manner. He carried him if he can look in the company. All hearts are open to future well maybe. This is a bit since been repealed. Is everything. Send it to the sun now such a cow and i went there with him im sure he could find good morning people in northeastern areas of australia are bracing for a powerful storm heading their way. Whats the latest is getting that morning we are wanting us to hear a tropical cycling which has already become up to the Solomon Islands and is now making its way towards queensland and it has become a priest at most a severe level of a category five. I call a hurricane in different places of the world on climate i think this severe tropical cycling thing is i tot i was going to be making landfall perhaps this afternoon. Anywhere from Cape Melville and into k fed tribulation and the wheel guts when taking about three hundred km for our very destructive the twins and that we hadnt been set aside one warnings in place all the way stretching from cape town though and into a townsville including the very well populated city of cairns i counted ten state. And this is likely to weaken a lot of time on and to create severe damages to structures of people in cooktown for example are on warrants that did this on a tack couldve probably distracted any properties which has been built before nineteen eighty five. No these are the damages that tnt on were likely to seek out with a category five. Typical of facts its truly dangerous is what were going to be coming in with widespread discussion list includes power failures and any id been big on caravans or vehicles could be blown away. Now we are highly advise you to disconnect all direct electrical appliances stay indoors and take shelter and that even if the winds wind down that this could be that im moving through so dont assume that that this its icon is known for some odd to be prepared to lay it down to the Bigger Picture we have another system it has become a low pressure system now that is troubling only into the philippines it used to be the exit of the coolest non storm which was called keep us in the second one to be bringing drinking lots of rainfall increases including type labonte the easte coast with accumul of one hundred fifty millimeters into the next to me that alice complete it one slice landslides and flooding t the idea was the fact i just love the mc ever ever especially to the south again timber why spend a wet shower sink was thunderstorms and frequent lightning as well to the north of santa making sure i am finding that the gelato to dry in some places beijing eighteen degrees at nineteen and soul to eternal life is not bad at all nineteen eighties and took a lot of people with full analogies of suffering today from at yesterdays really gusty conditions. For some second lead the dry air advisories which is posted ellie across much of japan thirty nine prefecture is out of the forty seven are on to try and advisory for example in nikko into ge prefecture the relative humidity level is down to eat consensus something to be aware of the cross and the United States to serve the best thing that sign in name only towards the north today be an accord front as can be moving through and is likely to bring some thunderstorms even some large scales to higher places like new york boston man crews in washington d c s where were the terrier blossom festival is taking place. This is that a picture taken from that well can sell this in right about now on youre there to say that is which is the day that that reached a peak of them officially. So its all in full bloom as of now on for your information the tying goal on a cctv and boat race is going to be taking place on sunday so thats a good day to soak up the sun and enjoy the flowers from the wider party the african art contest. The who. It is like to share with you when was the rain before we can help families it comes to town are hitting the ground with a spring vacation. Some are stopping at a rest area where prehistoric creatures have reappeared. What in the womb. We believe that they own and created these tea bags monolith that is the one nearby. My stupid they keep the camera had been rented to thank them for heavy snow and sent them out in the spring. Ground and amicably and that one the it been. That is as though the visit is until this bad amicably and that one the it been. That is as though the visit is until this bad spelling didnt know im Catherine Kobayashi in tokyo. Thanks for joining us. Hello, ill be introducing a selection of programs from this weeks lineup. Here we go with our first pick. This time the creative woman features noriko hayashi, acclaimed photo journalist. The subjects of her heartfelt photographs include victims of natural disasters and civil wars. Saturday we have a special episode of science view. Featuring a selection of segments from science views popular jinnovators corner, the focus this time is on how japanese artisans closely coordinate the development and production of their creations. Finally, on sunday is a new program, ceramic treasures, which visits villages known for their tradition of pottery. The First Edition focuses on kutani yaki, a style known for its gorgeous vibrancy and gorgeous designs. Its said it was created to add color to snowy winters. Please check our website for

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