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And eu lads could move them forward in the right direction. I responded st and ties between the two countries are essential. He said the us wants to increase dialogue and mutual trust to improve the military relations. Not to his credit has been overshadowed by harsh exchange is earlier in the week. On monday table telling japanese officials the us will not accept any attempt to change the status quo by what he was referring to chinas territory disputes with neighboring countries. A senior Chinese Military officers responded saying the Chinese People were dissatisfied with such remarks. On tuesday chinese advantage and one china reiterated after meeting handle that china will not compromise over the territorial issues hayley bell county master general h and in indonesia suggest the Largest Opposition Party will come out on top. I can get the Indonesian Democratic Party of struggle early on in the president ial election in july. This cast ballots at more than five hundred and forty thousand polling stations in choosing candidates for five hundred and sixteen hundred empty seats based on the system of proportional representation several Research Data is analyzed information from about two thousand though counting station that day the Opposition Group took jacob around nineteen percent of the belt the governor of jakarta a joke a window dummies and the partys candidate for president the results would improve his prospects in the president ial vote the golkar party is happy and then about fourteen percent. Its a long time support base before her presence and content. Former military unmistakable is to be on till the scapegoating the party of running third at around twelve percent the money to the governing Democratic Party has been battered by a string of corruption scandals and training. About ten percent of the tunnel. I chilled the chills i expected to announce the final results in about a month. Teams are searching for the Malaysian Airline are happy that more signals that could be from the planes black box is the head and in the Australian Agency corn eating the International Search and this has been reported they found pulses in the indian ocean. He said. I must really need the shooting to get the most wines on tuesday the first one lasted about five and a half minutes and the second about seven minutes. Sheehan said in an hour with them too creamy thing will be done on saturday showed they were likely from the electronic equipment. Now optimistic that theyll find the aircraft of much laughter that in the not too distant future. He signals was will assist and that the defining a reduced. Im much more manageable search area. On the ocean pool. I believe we are searching in the ryde area. Still to pinpoint the location and found an unmanned submarine to cover the flight data and cockpit voice recorders. The plane went missing more than a month ago that into the black box locator beacons last only about thirty day. In pakistan and palmer read through of my cats on the outskirts of the kaplan time of not killing at least twenty one people and injuring more than eighty Police Suspect the islamic extremists opposed to the Pakistani Talibans peace talks with the government. Mike it was time to traders and shoppers when the explosion hands margaret is the best to place at around eight fifteen judging by the creature about five kilograms of explosives were used the device was hidden in a couple folks the Pakistani Taliban the largest Islamic Extremist Group in the country and now in talks with the government has denounced the attack and denied any involvement. It is issued a statement saying that islamic law and attacks on civilians. Police suspect of action within the Pakistani Taliban that supposed to be pieced on to other splinter groups could be behind the explosion despite official intends to keep security tight in the capital when the bombing was just the latest in a series of terror attacks and fifty eight eleven people were killed in an attack on a courthouse and local people are increasingly worried about the worsening security situation in the capital. I i i i. Members of north koreas Parliament House we like to change on finance the countrys military chief daniel meeting of the Supreme Peoples Assembly does not appear to have reshuffled the countrys leadership in any way. A legislative body on wednesday the family compound in projects that utilize and appoints members of the leadership. True to what is in tune. We solemnly declare we have recognized the role of harvey loved it comrade kim jong hoon. As the first chairman of the National Defense commission. The meal one day be healed now. The president or that the city and sunny island today did he might retire due to his advanced age. Also be linked in with current premium popcorn june he is charged with rebuilding the noise the economy the president and the bnp and on a trip to cannes. Jump on the executable is one of our plot include term from ten class defender. Some north korea that they had speculated in the dmv some kind of leadership in the fridge for a family meeting. The road to the japanese abducted by north korea has appealed to the United Nations to help bring their family members called the mount is met in tokyo with my dinky di this month the un special reporter wrap or two on the human rights situation in north korea. Money has compiled a report condemning the north and actions of foreign nationals. It caused and crimes against humanity under international law. Nice month says he plans to reporting that the Un Human Rights Council meeting in june about human rights abuses in the country. Commitment. This is the only result. We wanted to Foster Community to walk our shoulder we can see the sign of a solution to the program. The danger and that minister in charge of the abduction is she mad sit down in his mind. A deeply and said his government highly of the sheep last month the adoption of the resolution by the year when Human Rights Council the cause of the Un Security Council to launch International Judicial procedures against those responsible for the abductions. The contents of the resolution must now be turned into concrete steps you get it. He said japan will continue to work closely with the un to resolve the problem. Farmers across japan are struggling to get a fire is under control that could pose a threat to the industry. My cousin cindy and zambia in the animals. It has infected almost two hundred thousand pigs across the country and has left nearly forty thousand of them that the virus is known as simply sign at the jamaica diary after it causes severe dehydration and loss of appetite. That does not pose a threat to people. Invention is usually feel fatigued with less than ten years old about ten days old. Japans Agriculture Ministry statement this was confirmed in the southern prefecture of okinawa in october. It has since spread to more than two hundred and seventy fines in twenty one creek bank shares mostly in southwestern japan its the first time the virus has shown up in the country in seven years. Im a stickler for sale in tokyo says the disease has not yet resulted in a drop in the amount of queen chance on rising prices. But the president of the stuff for my kid says his team told by a supplier that if the outbreak continues that the current rate for sale prices may go up by twenty to thirty percent. Even in my mind started to pull the chance to keep prices low and maybe only so much i can do it. Rossi by this the ministry is calling on the days to use disinfectant fact the entrance to their minds and to vaccinate their peaks. The operator of the ocean and ninety Nuclear Plant stand and dance to filter was behind the latest breakdown of the watergate contaminating the temp workers and tokyo are like a Power Company shut down the advanced liquid Processing System or alps last month after one of its infamy process the wind stopped functioning properly Company Officials the workers discovered a full six centimeters wide. I reckon that israel had shipped off kilter dividing the media went in and process water. If you think that the filters are used in the other two lines and a chat with similar problems now this doesnt intend to remember most of Nuclear Materials from me you like to wander at the plant. Its undergoing a test run utility and she treated all the tainted water stored in tanks by the end of next march. At the show still have no idea what the system will be brought into full operation. The workers have begun pumping out the groundwater to prevent it from reaching the facility and become a legal act and groundwater flowing from nearby mountains into the reactor buildings and makes it highly radioactive water. The bypass plan and the middle of the huge amount of newly contaminated water the japanese government and to get started the new system after local fishermen and green to the plaid the official state groundwater would be pumped up from twelve miles over several days. Water will be stored in tanks. Itll take about a month for private organizations to test the waters in radiation levels. If the law to meet Safety Standards set by the government into account it would be released into the pacific ocean. Currently the amount of contaminated water accumulating at the planting pieces by about four hundred times every day Officials Say when the system is in full operation that the legal that will be reduced by up to one hundred times the day. People we are. People talk. And all the stuff the kids played. It could afford. With that stupid too. Dont you. This led to what announced that the air be calling more than six million vehicles worldwide gonna make it will be caught twenty seven models such as that of compact cars that get to unwrap it is also included in the two Current Trends yet which trailer that produces the middle of town to more than six million vehicles they were made between october two thousand poll and august two thousand thirteen. They show that the transport ministrys say they found five different effects they pointed out problems with the drivers seat and glitches with the engine started that closes the fire risk to motorists in japan will begin offering free repairs at its dealerships from thursday bank in japan have filed a lawsuit against the japanese optical equipment maker lm case that of a lawsuit stemming from the present false accounting. Six us banks including Mitsubishi Ufj trust and banking and no one trusted him any more than two hundred and seventy Million Dollars in damages from olympus. Brayden stayed theyve suffered losses as the stock price are volunteers and staff today counting fraud was exposed in two thousand eleven. If the delegates were releasing false Financial Statements a high investment losses the Company Faces fifteen other lawsuits related to the cover up those in japan and overseas. Compensation claims total more than seven hundred and seventy Million Dollars. I checked on them i get the latest cheating on wall street the car a kid on a senior u s economy from going to bank in your account details. It was a day for the doves on wall street today in a relatively late week for Economic Data the release of the minutes of the last fed meeting which was march nineteen five cause quite a stir in the markets out there was some confusion over some recent comments from danielle and have regarding the fed exit from its very accommodating stance of monetary policy. However she reiterated her covers the vicious out last weekend they got a speech of that team was again very president present in todays fomc minutes. It appears not only to be the view of the chairwoman of but also of several Committee Members that there is a long road to recovery ahead in the labor market this is going to be an ongoing theme for the Financial Markets however this out re stated ambition of day because the market to move stocks have been writing for the day however they took off after these comments are very dovish remarks how we solve all the snp in the dow jones average of about one point one percent in the day similarly bond Interest Rates i came down with the two year tenure treasury coming off about four basis points following those remarks of the near term focus is going to be up on this recovery in the us economy following the law of whether impacted data in december january and february when looking for the march data to show some improvement to the next major data point is that of retail sales on monday of next week and throughout all of next week will have an ongoing theme of the april data showing a significant bounce back and a solid start to queue too. Im called to don a senior us economist at deutsche bank. That is an overview of some of the global my kids the eye it is. Japanese photojournalist is why in the country. Capturing images of the aftermath of march two thousand eleven disaster. She has traveled the world taking features of human suffering through their lands. Word has recently earned a top award internationally. He was going to open and she could learn more about her photography priests. Shes toy ever. I am sick. This country to the street because women who shaped the basic form into balls. Some people say the idea that i thought it was because there is so strong. I dont feel that way nice girls actually spend injured patients. It was awsome so yesterday was the scene pupil tilda was difficult to calculate the net. The precise moment a young go its still way off on me. Shes a feel good but the rear fuselage future husband. Will smith received a man so common practice in kyrgyzstan and kazakhstan show it some countries twenty two year working on some puzzles in pink. She was kidnapped and forced me with the two men she met only a few times. She was able to spend two weeks was a couple anti noodles when i nurse i dont like the subject. I really start developing a sense of responsibility. I feel i have to get the story right. I did. She also will test. Today he says the dentist. Honestly yes shes been covering the mouth open just us. Results will take a look see. It is for the bodies souls of recent years the human body to get caught. He seems well or shelf beyond upon the people was that it isnt all. They provide. Trish and two people on it. Hold the table. Yes all. The musical. Trusting someone. Tracys the area and the protocol says the house so pointless as it all. Shed be stuck and forty thousand contacts to meet with them and she posted on the six months ago she was. Greeks with its own. But tuition does one start is suffering from depression. Sean didnt do it. She passed away. These days must be done. Im sorry this is going. Among the species. Hes up for trade book is fixable. There is nothing to do around here knowing these pictures it is all abt. And yes she was not to show what tom conti she develops us. Resort option the truth. The Second Quarter loss. Walking to the coast of new krypton the people he said. Cam a short visit. But they are not allowed to stay the night screwed up. Thinking that she indeed is the mind becomes a nation whose audience. Long. I exclusively focused on shooting pictures people i interact with content. It wants to start communicating. Ethical framework of the top of her subjects. I think situation after their natural expressions. Wait for preaching these truths. Yes its quite easy pieces. She has hit the jump to the rubrics christian. She dreamed of people. Well stated. Steve now. She will become. Abt one. When did just that. I am rich i have read them when theyre with him yelling kids my family its always sunny morning here in tokyo with the tele what a night. Sunny and quite a while and its going to be there was a dance of the season so proud today. I dont think it before the attack and thats more like elaine may and a reprint of the grist mill in western japan and even northern japan mike and i leading a team in the case everywhere the nice weather is this a conscious attempt to contest every week its back to freezing temperatures to keep the spirit nice temperatures over much of the country they call their ticket to think that is lowering temperatures and creating some snow showers in cars in hokkaido. Anyhow london from theres a possibility of thunderstorms in the conditions and that the honey cool very good things about the move that will undo things they do in the next several hours to kill you if he is beginning to end chains by late this afternoon so you may want to bring one the layers of jackets going to be quite chilly in the evening hours the cramping is gorgeous sunny weather for using eastern time as well. Theyre made in china will speed towards the east while intensifying Political Base we are watching Tropical Storm that has weakened to a low pressure says and will likely intensify once again to a tropical depression and then drove over the next section of the philippines over the weekend. When temperatures as follows many not thirty two degrees with thunderstorms. Its the hottest time of t up to thirty seven degrees. Many parts of china the spirit when mani carrying a tropical by inclined remained intact into the air can agree that we suspend its target in this course no weapon speed of over ten km park is a category three but will likely become a category four and many could make landfall in the north east coast of queensland australia. I have a night local time. Very very destructive winds on the heavy rain are likely to occur across the coastal areas. Theyll be accompanied by very tiny waist and his team past excuses and as you wave and storm surges that what central coastal flooding as well. Its going to be a very tough one. Probably the strongest one in three years for northeastern part of australia. I guess we have a low pressure system passing in the center can and i think the nature of the rain and snow that has gone through and teach me. Hes quite aware that theres a possibility of wildfires in any section of the u s at crawling at least a clean tea wine writers are occurring and that most of the united states. Now this is the black womens course be a spring snow fall for Eastern Canada and across the eastern parts of the new african quite fine and nice and washington dc at twenty one decrease with bright sunshine and a gross Billings Montana seventeen decrease is the possibility of a constant flooding and apple on tuesday to the wind conditions. Nowadays ninth in season four. I have finally started and nasir School Tournament will be taking place in august enjoys yet as conditions continue into the weekend that high temperatures and across europe were looking quite funny for the west and parts of the year but im at the mtc this monthly for the eastern areas and temperatures that the Single Digits arent extended forecast to grow. The man who knows. I know the church well i started lights and get a funny gal. A killer still in jail how lance opened to the to its annual spring showing the palace was the official residence of the concurrence of more than five hundred th until the late Nineteenth Century invited to and get to one of the main gates. It was the first time in seventeen and the had access to bank holiday monday. It was until the program hundred and sixty years of health. Once inside the palace is misconceived afraid dollars in the headquarters of the grandparents each utility and eighteen lead. I want you to step into the sky. Its such a cute to critiquing and grace. The children to the to date. Additionally line and having my spm ten pm. Joining grace. The children to the to date. Additionally line and having my spm ten pm. Joining us

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