Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20131212 :

Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20131212

five million. health ministers from the group of eight nations say they'll commit to identifying a cure or treatment by twenty twenty five ministers health researchers and representatives of pharmaceutical companies got together in london for the first initiated in any case the mets. british prime minister david cannon said he hoped it would be remembered as that day the world began to stand out against dementia the global fund that really stopped. just on finding a kid of dimension. also prevents the delay. and chrissy be helping others who are new with the mantra to live well. i live with the disease. the minister say every year the global cost of therapy and nursing care for patients top six hundred billion dollars. a promise to drastically increase funding for research and ask governments to share the results of studies that have already being done officials in japan will hold an international conference next year. officials in the us will host the second g eight dimensions the mets in twenty fifty. opposition supporters in ukraine have the receipt to show support in their quest to forge closer ties with europe senior american and european officials have visited the country putting pressure on the government which favors closer ties with russia. us assistant secretary of state victoria mill and spoke of demonstrators out as planned the capital it and after meeting with president viktor yanukovich. millen handed out sandwiches to protesters and police chief in washington supports the protesters demand to join the eu and believes it is still possible to save ukraine's future as a member of european nations eu foreign policy chief catherine ashton also met protesters after talks with the president. thousands of ukrainians have been rallying against their governments. it seemed rushed and pressured the country to step back from signing an agreement with the eu. the agreement was in peak condition for joining the eu. officials from imran and the international atomic energy agency are trying to agree on something that's decided that for years. how they can spend a rainy new clean facilities. negotiators that meeting and i a headquarters in vienna. it was built on an agreement the beach last month the rains said they would grant access to two nuclear related sites. on sunday to allow the inspectors to visit a hobby wonder plant under construction in the city of the knot. the inspectors the reactor being built and can produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. but the means are still preventing them from visiting a military facility near tehran. some experts believe scientists have used the park and complex for developing new crayons. mimi negotiators will host more talks next month in iran iaea negotiators have also been consulting with their counterparts from six world powers over a breakthrough agreement on iran's nuclear program discussing how to make sure the iranians are following through on their promises the time now for the latest in a good dance music and talent takes maybe seven years away. my government officials are already preparing ninety that joins us now from the busiest as i did morning tell us what's happening in a too good morning captain what they want to double the number of annual visitors the week it now. which means they ask you any stinking infrastructure so that all those people to get around smoothly. now the japanese government will spend nearly eight hundred million dollars on urban transportation reforms ahead of the twenty twenty. tokyo olympics policymakers also hope the spending will help stem the fall and demand expected from the sales tax increase next april. the funds will be allocated in the current fiscal year in a supplementary draft budget they will be spent on improving transport and infrastructure in tokyo and other cities. projects include expansion of runways and hangar space it took years to knit the airport so he can operate around the clock. the government also plans to prove to the ring roads in greater tokyo to ease congestion similar projects are slated for osaka and nagoya. doc said tokyo bay and also to bail will be built for larger for large container ships the cabinet is expected to approve the draft budget on thursday. the second attack on the markets now the dow jones industrial average closed lower for a second day investors were concerned as they turned their attention to the federal reserve meeting next week and possible steps to paper its current bond buying program for more on how stocks here are reacting instead of an email a guide at the tokyo stock exchange. the meta morning. placing this consent for a few markets the four heavenly kings actually i am done looks like a lot of it is priced in already with some investors that she just taking some profits. after the recent run up but with the gains that we've seen so far as i delivered the opening levels and we can see where we stand for this thursday and it's a bit of a negative open. with the nikkei fifteen thousand two hundred and eighty two topics of one thousand two hundred and forty two it looks like global markets have been anticipating a move by the fed earlier than expected given the recent improved idea that we've seen on the us that anyone with a top stand up for november last friday and tuesday in washington bipartisan negotiators reached a budget deal that is a step to avoid another couple and shopped on a few over the one in oct of dolls a bit of a scare but now with those signs investors are closely watching whether the fed is it when it meets at its meeting next week next tuesday wednesday and is going to decide to scale back on its current upon buying program which is what ron eighty five billion dollars a month not domestically of course this has had an effect on the stock movements here is call some volatility because investors have been laying bets on spot performance as high as and also as with the color may trade. and we've seen that to all its ills he gains the yen so far in the last week that we have we i don't believe all autonomy of the risk that they are treating this thursday morning. yes i look up because we have seen a fluctuating not quite a bit sad right now hundred and two points forty nine to fifty four was off again but is treated as lols hundred and one point nine before last week and we saw treat ohio hundred and thirty four thirty nine just this week so now it's back to the company to the n levels after hitting a six and a half month low against the dollar early in the week. the yen has gained just a touch on later today of course markets are really to be focusing on the u s retail sales data and done that yet another figure that the fed will be watching very closely up before its policy meeting next week euro yen let's have a look at that as well. it does remain firm against the yen hundred and forty one point thirty to forty five in fact we've seen a touch levels not seen since early october two thousand and eight. i hate site stated above hundred and forty two levels on tuesday as well but a negative start here. this thursday morning for the nikkei and the schools god develops back to life alright for me thanks alot for that update from the melon card from the tokyo stock exchange. general motors has announced its australian subsidiary holden will stop local production in two thousand seventeen executives point to a stronger australian dollar and sluggish sales. this is an incredibly difficult day for everybody is holding given our long and proud history of building cars in australia. then on to emphasize the company's car dealerships will continue business as he's holding is the only domestic automaker in the country. the knicks gm cars under licence. holden became less competitive due partly to higher labor costs the hall to know what it means about two thousand nine hundred plant workers could lose their jobs. for detail that had been holden's foreign rivals that makes chorus in australia ford has also decided to stop production there in two thousand sixty. citing sluggish sales. fisherman in the northern japan are going to great lengths to deliver fresh seafood restaurants in tokyo. the catch is squid and squid so fast it's still moving when it arrives at the table. nhk walls causing up to one site that shows us how they do it the ice queen these cool to leave work until you do read. this weeks of the city from one court ignored them to come to the hundreds come with me the pressies for the two girls are pretty. but customers don't seem to get the nod. the pope's you are to un system keeps the week for the way to the table been so nice to hear of the output of it all. this is the way all the simone until the debt kept. these are called cerro he'll hire he wanted to give one away to daddy about and i just wait to talk to. he died. peace is nothing new but sweet argue for copd us. is this your face. but if they die. he came up weeds away to scope of the stroke. the fourth screen. he builds chrome except your house does roll squeezed juice of life should be. the creek is to identify the strong one. the parties involved but the screen you can sell. he sold some good shots of some of it are no deductible. the last i checked the legs because they weaken first. it wasn't us and he needed to do the talking. the city. while cuz he looked dirty piles of books. we're looking for superstar productive this. we want is to look cool. i'll try to profit from the title it's obvious from her color and the weakest link. in its appeal. or two with one piece suite or not what's in store over. note this court being on the toe box. the old crocs read or you shorty aboard the ducks and more likely to cost the saints. the white wants out of the week. only the strongest on the property of the senate include the increase in tokyo. you didn't do all this with dozens were to steal even when its weight. and i this week has become the proto about six hundred trucks sold each day. a brit a good price when people send more snow otago district. sure most see it as a promising market the distribution alliance with could be really popular across japan soaring fuel prices are causing more determined to give up their jobs. we're trying hard to make sure squid is treated at higher prices for the sake of fisherman. just wait was over grown too cold to the same day they are on notice of all goal. the idea of delivering lines quick to tokyo was wonderful that a revolution this week that some in the post two months ago. troy intercourse. but what tow trucks to was on call twenty one and the umpire. on the street. this is as fresh as the once over before i go the apples. and it's k while the couple bought it. i didn't. and that's all for now inconsistent sully be with a check on markets. i was. japan's maritime self defence lawyer says international cooperation is vital in disaster relief efforts. chief of staff cuts the sheet on r told an audience in indonesia japan wants to share its experience of dealing with disasters the three hundred and fifty needle officers from thirty two countries said taking part in a symposium hosted by the indonesian navy discussing anti piracy measures and defence cooperation. john opened his speech by offering his condolences to the victims of typhoon high in in the philippines. honda center in relief efforts to strengthen defence cooperation and no exchanges he said. even countries whose interests clash share the same goal in the march of them and earthquake we undertook take you to rescue operation one we saw that the infrastructure on the ground being destroyed given the situation we realize the effectiveness of rescue from the sea. you are thinking of my videos on us and japan will share experiences and skills and help other countries and the beach and to upgrade their disaster response is. i should never violent earthquake and cause a tall building to crumble unless understood danger is when skyscrapers sway researchers in western japan and investigated this phenomenon be erected and malachi story steel framed building and made a rock until it collapsed. nhk world must appeal to enhance more the great feast in town the place to live to live in two thousand eleven buildings in tokyo three hundred and ninety two and has competed since i just laid back and forth. so lots of people inside and were unable to stamp. this high rise building in osaka seven pounds or seventy km away stick to the top closely as much as three meters the scenes in a cycle is called a long period the ground in the shop he can have a series of text on the building's structure japan has about two thousand five hundred buildings that a six in the design or color no one knows exactly how well they can withstand maisie quakes and how they may crumble under pressure research continues from a massive institute will form the contents of this i think it will be fixed. together with kazakhstan promise baby of the twenty five meter tall steel structure. the scale model is about building twenty storeys and seventy five meters high the census put the building through the range of motion. that's expected in tokyo for sukkot one unexpected magnitude nine quake strikes among kites from the pacific coast the movement is about twice as intense as the authorities estimate that when they set to pounce quake resistance tampa. the post made the sox's top story slightly more than sixty one centimeters. that translates to one hundred bt said to be just as it did not meet the skyscraper. the building did not collapse of globalism piece on its mid course was the peeling his court date reese is just summed up this way. this is the four times stronger than expected others to use them this produce extreme twisting in the mobile phones cars and started to fade. we were able to collect important. as we could actually see the whole process through to the collapse of building it up. the researchers say they'll use the test results to study ways to strengthen walls and ceilings they also plan to develop technology to quickly take building's safety. secular tucking any skin world. cleaning up after the two thousand and eleven tsunami in northeastern japan has been a major undertaking but now official said japan's environment ministry say almost ninety percent of the decree has being disguised as if this is estimate the disaster generated more than sixteen million tonnes of debris in he wants a blankie and pushing the prefect years october workers had dispersed and ninety four percent of the bubble in yankee and eighty six percent in my head. the shame of quakers have gotten rid of fifty nine percent of the decree except an evacuation center in sydney that down the suspicion that the ninety nuclear plants workers in me i want in life and spunk to the news off the bubble by the end of march. this isn't me and the state nearly five thousand people have worked on the cleanup projects. many are elderly and to find this is the disaster the prefecture will face the task of having to find new jobs for the workers once the cleanup work is complete. shares of the new pure waste reprocessing facility northeast of tokyo when trying to get operations going again. they haven't been able to restart because regulators tighten safety standards following the accident at the fishing that dai ichi plants but they seemed to have made it successful appeal for an exception. these keywords vertical contact explains the new clio feels fine. all in during laboratory is located in the nike prefecture. i bought one hundred km northeast of tokyo i estimate that up to make energy agency. ok so the tea three point five cubic meters of solutions containing plutonium and four hundred cubic meters of high need of a new apt given the key to waste odds to live on sky. a lot to process kid into this on a coyote sony phone was suspended in two thousand and seven. and one it does happen to be able to be stopped it because of the team at the new korea thank you for pushing they worried about what would happen if they agree to a new home. the pull of the bands on here this year a full minute clip and sympathetically in the us state of washington. you clear ways main company the cells with that the path to energy agency asked to mentor a test to allow them to stop processing again the fascinating cousin house then you won't be the screening process the new liver though issue of frankie is expected to make an exception. momo was the top b school keeping the radioactive waste in liquid form is highly risky so generally speaking turning the waste into solid substances may help reduce the risk. but it allows clock has stopped because the thing again. they mean cop to stop in the future he stays to spell of the waste on site bill about now. i may just may have to fear that's a temporary solution a government decision to choose the final disposal sites for new clio based in japan is likely a long way off the recall cut out a nice tea wallets tokyo. it's an fha the other eleven people in istanbul turkey honor judge trudging through what the snow line should she choose this one it looks like an planned world weather. is catching on to turkey is experiencing a winter wonderland after tuesday's of the snowfall. they can make it a video coming up from istanbul. is the most snow started to fall on tuesday night services and nephi sixteen buses and ferries were dispatched to suit its needs. i was also surprised at the side of the first snow of the season and still in the criterion showing it. but sad temperatures are expected to be much harder than it seems not to do a friday he had said to me that at the retelling the mini cold out there it seemed had to bring you back you can see a very big high pressure assists and as covering much of the center of the stinson that pushed the debts when all the way down towards northern egypt. that's why when looking at these kind of temperatures well below the average range in the snow is like bt continuing to use and assembling to friday damascus elected to see snow fall on your friday and into saturday. on jerusalem's actually making its nice to know and it will be turning into sleek finally find saturday said that sleeping in india making it very chilly temperatures to consist across these patients this is the high pressure system that wait on me about some nothing much to be seen here but the precipitation in the windy conditions will be preparing in norway. our interest will be very high here is a mania rather than snow in the british isles expect seeing it on ninety three he sticks to seek a decrease in london and paris at seven degrees earned and six all in the single digits in the mid section of this continent. here in japan the system has improved its inter dependent and northern japan it has pulled a wake up short. bringing the wintry pressure packed and left behind is the typical pressure packed in here which is going to be piling up that snow up to about forty five centimeters to be possible until cooled and in whole critique or the scent been so strong no warnings in place we have highways also increases twelve times for walking the warnings about five to eighty teachers highways will be found here in north western flank on budget and generally very dry and each of the across the korean peninsula down towards the south it's still in the tropics to the licking and some scattered thunderstorms across the philippines with a lot of heavy rain to be covering the news on that could trigger some planning another area where concerned with flooding and mudslides as close the site is a similar areas where the p this storm system is a hit as the chronic storm that we have been continuing to monitor monday is now five deep depression in the further weakening into a depression an isolated having these current on the matter tamilnadu and pituitary or keep them on a tour of the system. the alliance says father and son kyle at marine discipline with the steering forecast okinawa to the daycare at twelve for the hike and even to the year as he protested that week here across the americas we have been talking about the ongoing snow on lake effect snow will be possible here around the great lakes region and as for ingham on the corner across the new england states temperatures i did think it mine is strange we learnt minus three degrees. we are high that is the ec minus one six that the bucket that honored their sake. that's under high at two minus eight the priesthood to bundle up i leave you for your extended forecast. i am noon the time. chief. just stoush as the holiday season means the ceremony has been held in russia to promote the russian version of sonic lies dead model is our father frost you didn't do too. this resembles an anti spam by his western counterparts. he's accompanied by his friend died at the gas cap was no need an easy living presence on the new seat. addressing orthodox church officially celebrates christmas on january seven. the local government and as certificates to twenty people dressed as jack on ice and snow that bad. i write this play that record by three reindeer. unlike santa claus who uses seven reindeer people were chosen from across the country helping present state of guidance and elementary schools in the sand that is not a decision on the fly casting plant in him. the us. ch. i think that you need to read or check the streets evolution is correct the roads are forced to confront its own books scooter. the people control the worst music and teaching tool. jesus teach. in each. i do . one of with the receipt of the cities of politically motivated and i hobbled to the entities from its heat before listening to this one is a contest he knew the moment. kim jong ii built some coral

Related Keywords

Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Kazakhstan , Nagoya , Aichi , Japan , Istanbul , Turkey , Australia , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , United States , Tamilnadu , Tamil Nadu , India , Ukraine , Egypt , British Isles , United Kingdom General , United Kingdom , Mimi , Kermanshah , Iran , Tehran , Tokyo Bay , Japan General , Vienna , Wien , Austria , South Korea , Norway , Philippines , Tokyo , Indonesia , London , City Of , Otago , Tasmania , Osaka , Sydney , New South Wales , Ohio , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , America , Australian , Ukrainians , Indonesian , Russian , Iranians , Korea , British , Japanese , American , Catherine Ashton , Santa Claus , Viktor Yanukovich ,

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Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20131212 :

Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20131212

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five million. health ministers from the group of eight nations say they'll commit to identifying a cure or treatment by twenty twenty five ministers health researchers and representatives of pharmaceutical companies got together in london for the first initiated in any case the mets. british prime minister david cannon said he hoped it would be remembered as that day the world began to stand out against dementia the global fund that really stopped. just on finding a kid of dimension. also prevents the delay. and chrissy be helping others who are new with the mantra to live well. i live with the disease. the minister say every year the global cost of therapy and nursing care for patients top six hundred billion dollars. a promise to drastically increase funding for research and ask governments to share the results of studies that have already being done officials in japan will hold an international conference next year. officials in the us will host the second g eight dimensions the mets in twenty fifty. opposition supporters in ukraine have the receipt to show support in their quest to forge closer ties with europe senior american and european officials have visited the country putting pressure on the government which favors closer ties with russia. us assistant secretary of state victoria mill and spoke of demonstrators out as planned the capital it and after meeting with president viktor yanukovich. millen handed out sandwiches to protesters and police chief in washington supports the protesters demand to join the eu and believes it is still possible to save ukraine's future as a member of european nations eu foreign policy chief catherine ashton also met protesters after talks with the president. thousands of ukrainians have been rallying against their governments. it seemed rushed and pressured the country to step back from signing an agreement with the eu. the agreement was in peak condition for joining the eu. officials from imran and the international atomic energy agency are trying to agree on something that's decided that for years. how they can spend a rainy new clean facilities. negotiators that meeting and i a headquarters in vienna. it was built on an agreement the beach last month the rains said they would grant access to two nuclear related sites. on sunday to allow the inspectors to visit a hobby wonder plant under construction in the city of the knot. the inspectors the reactor being built and can produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. but the means are still preventing them from visiting a military facility near tehran. some experts believe scientists have used the park and complex for developing new crayons. mimi negotiators will host more talks next month in iran iaea negotiators have also been consulting with their counterparts from six world powers over a breakthrough agreement on iran's nuclear program discussing how to make sure the iranians are following through on their promises the time now for the latest in a good dance music and talent takes maybe seven years away. my government officials are already preparing ninety that joins us now from the busiest as i did morning tell us what's happening in a too good morning captain what they want to double the number of annual visitors the week it now. which means they ask you any stinking infrastructure so that all those people to get around smoothly. now the japanese government will spend nearly eight hundred million dollars on urban transportation reforms ahead of the twenty twenty. tokyo olympics policymakers also hope the spending will help stem the fall and demand expected from the sales tax increase next april. the funds will be allocated in the current fiscal year in a supplementary draft budget they will be spent on improving transport and infrastructure in tokyo and other cities. projects include expansion of runways and hangar space it took years to knit the airport so he can operate around the clock. the government also plans to prove to the ring roads in greater tokyo to ease congestion similar projects are slated for osaka and nagoya. doc said tokyo bay and also to bail will be built for larger for large container ships the cabinet is expected to approve the draft budget on thursday. the second attack on the markets now the dow jones industrial average closed lower for a second day investors were concerned as they turned their attention to the federal reserve meeting next week and possible steps to paper its current bond buying program for more on how stocks here are reacting instead of an email a guide at the tokyo stock exchange. the meta morning. placing this consent for a few markets the four heavenly kings actually i am done looks like a lot of it is priced in already with some investors that she just taking some profits. after the recent run up but with the gains that we've seen so far as i delivered the opening levels and we can see where we stand for this thursday and it's a bit of a negative open. with the nikkei fifteen thousand two hundred and eighty two topics of one thousand two hundred and forty two it looks like global markets have been anticipating a move by the fed earlier than expected given the recent improved idea that we've seen on the us that anyone with a top stand up for november last friday and tuesday in washington bipartisan negotiators reached a budget deal that is a step to avoid another couple and shopped on a few over the one in oct of dolls a bit of a scare but now with those signs investors are closely watching whether the fed is it when it meets at its meeting next week next tuesday wednesday and is going to decide to scale back on its current upon buying program which is what ron eighty five billion dollars a month not domestically of course this has had an effect on the stock movements here is call some volatility because investors have been laying bets on spot performance as high as and also as with the color may trade. and we've seen that to all its ills he gains the yen so far in the last week that we have we i don't believe all autonomy of the risk that they are treating this thursday morning. yes i look up because we have seen a fluctuating not quite a bit sad right now hundred and two points forty nine to fifty four was off again but is treated as lols hundred and one point nine before last week and we saw treat ohio hundred and thirty four thirty nine just this week so now it's back to the company to the n levels after hitting a six and a half month low against the dollar early in the week. the yen has gained just a touch on later today of course markets are really to be focusing on the u s retail sales data and done that yet another figure that the fed will be watching very closely up before its policy meeting next week euro yen let's have a look at that as well. it does remain firm against the yen hundred and forty one point thirty to forty five in fact we've seen a touch levels not seen since early october two thousand and eight. i hate site stated above hundred and forty two levels on tuesday as well but a negative start here. this thursday morning for the nikkei and the schools god develops back to life alright for me thanks alot for that update from the melon card from the tokyo stock exchange. general motors has announced its australian subsidiary holden will stop local production in two thousand seventeen executives point to a stronger australian dollar and sluggish sales. this is an incredibly difficult day for everybody is holding given our long and proud history of building cars in australia. then on to emphasize the company's car dealerships will continue business as he's holding is the only domestic automaker in the country. the knicks gm cars under licence. holden became less competitive due partly to higher labor costs the hall to know what it means about two thousand nine hundred plant workers could lose their jobs. for detail that had been holden's foreign rivals that makes chorus in australia ford has also decided to stop production there in two thousand sixty. citing sluggish sales. fisherman in the northern japan are going to great lengths to deliver fresh seafood restaurants in tokyo. the catch is squid and squid so fast it's still moving when it arrives at the table. nhk walls causing up to one site that shows us how they do it the ice queen these cool to leave work until you do read. this weeks of the city from one court ignored them to come to the hundreds come with me the pressies for the two girls are pretty. but customers don't seem to get the nod. the pope's you are to un system keeps the week for the way to the table been so nice to hear of the output of it all. this is the way all the simone until the debt kept. these are called cerro he'll hire he wanted to give one away to daddy about and i just wait to talk to. he died. peace is nothing new but sweet argue for copd us. is this your face. but if they die. he came up weeds away to scope of the stroke. the fourth screen. he builds chrome except your house does roll squeezed juice of life should be. the creek is to identify the strong one. the parties involved but the screen you can sell. he sold some good shots of some of it are no deductible. the last i checked the legs because they weaken first. it wasn't us and he needed to do the talking. the city. while cuz he looked dirty piles of books. we're looking for superstar productive this. we want is to look cool. i'll try to profit from the title it's obvious from her color and the weakest link. in its appeal. or two with one piece suite or not what's in store over. note this court being on the toe box. the old crocs read or you shorty aboard the ducks and more likely to cost the saints. the white wants out of the week. only the strongest on the property of the senate include the increase in tokyo. you didn't do all this with dozens were to steal even when its weight. and i this week has become the proto about six hundred trucks sold each day. a brit a good price when people send more snow otago district. sure most see it as a promising market the distribution alliance with could be really popular across japan soaring fuel prices are causing more determined to give up their jobs. we're trying hard to make sure squid is treated at higher prices for the sake of fisherman. just wait was over grown too cold to the same day they are on notice of all goal. the idea of delivering lines quick to tokyo was wonderful that a revolution this week that some in the post two months ago. troy intercourse. but what tow trucks to was on call twenty one and the umpire. on the street. this is as fresh as the once over before i go the apples. and it's k while the couple bought it. i didn't. and that's all for now inconsistent sully be with a check on markets. i was. japan's maritime self defence lawyer says international cooperation is vital in disaster relief efforts. chief of staff cuts the sheet on r told an audience in indonesia japan wants to share its experience of dealing with disasters the three hundred and fifty needle officers from thirty two countries said taking part in a symposium hosted by the indonesian navy discussing anti piracy measures and defence cooperation. john opened his speech by offering his condolences to the victims of typhoon high in in the philippines. honda center in relief efforts to strengthen defence cooperation and no exchanges he said. even countries whose interests clash share the same goal in the march of them and earthquake we undertook take you to rescue operation one we saw that the infrastructure on the ground being destroyed given the situation we realize the effectiveness of rescue from the sea. you are thinking of my videos on us and japan will share experiences and skills and help other countries and the beach and to upgrade their disaster response is. i should never violent earthquake and cause a tall building to crumble unless understood danger is when skyscrapers sway researchers in western japan and investigated this phenomenon be erected and malachi story steel framed building and made a rock until it collapsed. nhk world must appeal to enhance more the great feast in town the place to live to live in two thousand eleven buildings in tokyo three hundred and ninety two and has competed since i just laid back and forth. so lots of people inside and were unable to stamp. this high rise building in osaka seven pounds or seventy km away stick to the top closely as much as three meters the scenes in a cycle is called a long period the ground in the shop he can have a series of text on the building's structure japan has about two thousand five hundred buildings that a six in the design or color no one knows exactly how well they can withstand maisie quakes and how they may crumble under pressure research continues from a massive institute will form the contents of this i think it will be fixed. together with kazakhstan promise baby of the twenty five meter tall steel structure. the scale model is about building twenty storeys and seventy five meters high the census put the building through the range of motion. that's expected in tokyo for sukkot one unexpected magnitude nine quake strikes among kites from the pacific coast the movement is about twice as intense as the authorities estimate that when they set to pounce quake resistance tampa. the post made the sox's top story slightly more than sixty one centimeters. that translates to one hundred bt said to be just as it did not meet the skyscraper. the building did not collapse of globalism piece on its mid course was the peeling his court date reese is just summed up this way. this is the four times stronger than expected others to use them this produce extreme twisting in the mobile phones cars and started to fade. we were able to collect important. as we could actually see the whole process through to the collapse of building it up. the researchers say they'll use the test results to study ways to strengthen walls and ceilings they also plan to develop technology to quickly take building's safety. secular tucking any skin world. cleaning up after the two thousand and eleven tsunami in northeastern japan has been a major undertaking but now official said japan's environment ministry say almost ninety percent of the decree has being disguised as if this is estimate the disaster generated more than sixteen million tonnes of debris in he wants a blankie and pushing the prefect years october workers had dispersed and ninety four percent of the bubble in yankee and eighty six percent in my head. the shame of quakers have gotten rid of fifty nine percent of the decree except an evacuation center in sydney that down the suspicion that the ninety nuclear plants workers in me i want in life and spunk to the news off the bubble by the end of march. this isn't me and the state nearly five thousand people have worked on the cleanup projects. many are elderly and to find this is the disaster the prefecture will face the task of having to find new jobs for the workers once the cleanup work is complete. shares of the new pure waste reprocessing facility northeast of tokyo when trying to get operations going again. they haven't been able to restart because regulators tighten safety standards following the accident at the fishing that dai ichi plants but they seemed to have made it successful appeal for an exception. these keywords vertical contact explains the new clio feels fine. all in during laboratory is located in the nike prefecture. i bought one hundred km northeast of tokyo i estimate that up to make energy agency. ok so the tea three point five cubic meters of solutions containing plutonium and four hundred cubic meters of high need of a new apt given the key to waste odds to live on sky. a lot to process kid into this on a coyote sony phone was suspended in two thousand and seven. and one it does happen to be able to be stopped it because of the team at the new korea thank you for pushing they worried about what would happen if they agree to a new home. the pull of the bands on here this year a full minute clip and sympathetically in the us state of washington. you clear ways main company the cells with that the path to energy agency asked to mentor a test to allow them to stop processing again the fascinating cousin house then you won't be the screening process the new liver though issue of frankie is expected to make an exception. momo was the top b school keeping the radioactive waste in liquid form is highly risky so generally speaking turning the waste into solid substances may help reduce the risk. but it allows clock has stopped because the thing again. they mean cop to stop in the future he stays to spell of the waste on site bill about now. i may just may have to fear that's a temporary solution a government decision to choose the final disposal sites for new clio based in japan is likely a long way off the recall cut out a nice tea wallets tokyo. it's an fha the other eleven people in istanbul turkey honor judge trudging through what the snow line should she choose this one it looks like an planned world weather. is catching on to turkey is experiencing a winter wonderland after tuesday's of the snowfall. they can make it a video coming up from istanbul. is the most snow started to fall on tuesday night services and nephi sixteen buses and ferries were dispatched to suit its needs. i was also surprised at the side of the first snow of the season and still in the criterion showing it. but sad temperatures are expected to be much harder than it seems not to do a friday he had said to me that at the retelling the mini cold out there it seemed had to bring you back you can see a very big high pressure assists and as covering much of the center of the stinson that pushed the debts when all the way down towards northern egypt. that's why when looking at these kind of temperatures well below the average range in the snow is like bt continuing to use and assembling to friday damascus elected to see snow fall on your friday and into saturday. on jerusalem's actually making its nice to know and it will be turning into sleek finally find saturday said that sleeping in india making it very chilly temperatures to consist across these patients this is the high pressure system that wait on me about some nothing much to be seen here but the precipitation in the windy conditions will be preparing in norway. our interest will be very high here is a mania rather than snow in the british isles expect seeing it on ninety three he sticks to seek a decrease in london and paris at seven degrees earned and six all in the single digits in the mid section of this continent. here in japan the system has improved its inter dependent and northern japan it has pulled a wake up short. bringing the wintry pressure packed and left behind is the typical pressure packed in here which is going to be piling up that snow up to about forty five centimeters to be possible until cooled and in whole critique or the scent been so strong no warnings in place we have highways also increases twelve times for walking the warnings about five to eighty teachers highways will be found here in north western flank on budget and generally very dry and each of the across the korean peninsula down towards the south it's still in the tropics to the licking and some scattered thunderstorms across the philippines with a lot of heavy rain to be covering the news on that could trigger some planning another area where concerned with flooding and mudslides as close the site is a similar areas where the p this storm system is a hit as the chronic storm that we have been continuing to monitor monday is now five deep depression in the further weakening into a depression an isolated having these current on the matter tamilnadu and pituitary or keep them on a tour of the system. the alliance says father and son kyle at marine discipline with the steering forecast okinawa to the daycare at twelve for the hike and even to the year as he protested that week here across the americas we have been talking about the ongoing snow on lake effect snow will be possible here around the great lakes region and as for ingham on the corner across the new england states temperatures i did think it mine is strange we learnt minus three degrees. we are high that is the ec minus one six that the bucket that honored their sake. that's under high at two minus eight the priesthood to bundle up i leave you for your extended forecast. i am noon the time. chief. just stoush as the holiday season means the ceremony has been held in russia to promote the russian version of sonic lies dead model is our father frost you didn't do too. this resembles an anti spam by his western counterparts. he's accompanied by his friend died at the gas cap was no need an easy living presence on the new seat. addressing orthodox church officially celebrates christmas on january seven. the local government and as certificates to twenty people dressed as jack on ice and snow that bad. i write this play that record by three reindeer. unlike santa claus who uses seven reindeer people were chosen from across the country helping present state of guidance and elementary schools in the sand that is not a decision on the fly casting plant in him. the us. ch. i think that you need to read or check the streets evolution is correct the roads are forced to confront its own books scooter. the people control the worst music and teaching tool. jesus teach. in each. i do . one of with the receipt of the cities of politically motivated and i hobbled to the entities from its heat before listening to this one is a contest he knew the moment. kim jong ii built some coral

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Kazakhstan , Nagoya , Aichi , Japan , Istanbul , Turkey , Australia , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , United States , Tamilnadu , Tamil Nadu , India , Ukraine , Egypt , British Isles , United Kingdom General , United Kingdom , Mimi , Kermanshah , Iran , Tehran , Tokyo Bay , Japan General , Vienna , Wien , Austria , South Korea , Norway , Philippines , Tokyo , Indonesia , London , City Of , Otago , Tasmania , Osaka , Sydney , New South Wales , Ohio , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , America , Australian , Ukrainians , Indonesian , Russian , Iranians , Korea , British , Japanese , American , Catherine Ashton , Santa Claus , Viktor Yanukovich ,

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