U. S. russia agreement to eliminate the countrys chemical weapons arsenal. Members of the u. N. Security council have been discussing a resolution the make that agreement legally binding. Western leaders want to include possible military action and other sanctions if the administration of syrian president Bashar Alassad doesnt comply. U. S. Secretary of state john kerry met with officials from egypt and the United Arab Emirates to drum up support for the resolution. Russia and china are expected to oppose it. U. S. Leaders accuse forces loyal to assad of carrying out a poison gas attack last month in the suburbs of damascus. Hundreds of people died. If president blames rebels trying to overthrow his government but he admitted in an interview his country has been stockpiling chemical weapons for years. Translator syria has built chemical weapons since decades ago. Its no surprise they are large in amount. Syria is said to possess about 1,000 tons of the weapons but assad didnt give a precise number. Inspectors with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons will check the stockpile in november as part of the u. S. russia agreement. Assad said his government will guarantee the safety of the inspectors. Chemical weapons arent the only threat to stability in syria. Militants affiliated with al qaeda are exploiting the turmoil and attacking both government and opposition forces. Islamic militants and Opposition Free Syrian Army share the goal of overthrowing the Assad Government but dont agree on what should replace it. The militants are mainly foreigners. Theyre expanding their control of areas in northern and Eastern Syria near the borders with turkey and iraq. Last week extremists took control of the Northern City that had been held since last year by the free syrian army. Foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says irans foreign minister will meet this week with kournts parts from six major powers. Ashton met with irans president on the sidelines of the u. N. General assembly. We talked about a number of important issues, but focused on the nuclear issue. We had a good and constructive discussion. Ashton said zarif will sit down on thursday with delegates from the five permanent u. N. Security Council Members and germany. She said zarif also agreed to join negotiations with the six powers next month in geneva. Zarif told irans staterun media that he and ashton made a good start. Negotiations with the major powers broke down in april. But iran has a new government under president Hassan Rouhani and he suggested hes willing to resolve the nuclear issue. Kenyan Officials Say security troops have rescued many of the hostages held by militants in a Shopping Mall in nairobi. Militants stormed the mall over the weekend and then holed up inside. They killed 62 people and wounded more than 170. Wealthy kenyans and foreigners packed into the mall on saturday when the shooting began and the militants killed at least 15 people from outside kenya. Security forces swept into the mall on sunday to rescue the hostages and try to end the standoff. Interior Ministry Officials said three militants had been killed and trooped had gained control of the complex. We have done search of the building, and we can confirm that the hostages, almost all of them, have been evacuated. Members claimed responsibility for the attack. Kenyan forces have intervened in the fighting and the militants have long threatened to retaliate. An Egyptian Court has banned all activities by the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered the government to seize its assets. The court ruled on a lawsuit filed by a leftist party asking to dissolve the group led by deposed president mohamed morsi. The ruling states the brotherhood carried out illegal acts under the guise of islamic. The groups leaders have criticized the ruling and say it was politically motivated. Military authorities have labeled the brotherhood a terrorist organization. Theyve been cracking down on the group since ousting morsi in july. Authorities detained its leaders and many of its members. Egypts draft constitution has a provision to ban religious organizations from setting up political wings. The Muslim Brotherhoods Political Division is expected to be outlawed. Reports that the sentence for corruption need to be overturned. The court found him guilty of accepting bribes, embezzlement and abuse of power. Hes been tipped to go even higher. He enjoys strong support among members of the public and within the party. Party leaders have responded to complaints from cha neice citizens by cracking down on corruption. They are thought to have a hand in sentencing from former senior party members. Legal experts say the high court is unlikely to overturn the sentence. People who suffer from als as the disease is known lose their ability to speak. But therapists at a tokyo hospital developed a device that speaks for patients who cant. People who have lost their speech have found a way to keep their voice. This man suffers from a lateral sclerosis or als causing all his muscles to degenerate. Eventually, als patients lose their speech. Before that, they can record all the alphabet sounds and their favorite expressions. An occupational therapist of the Speech Software and he edited the sounds and adjusts the recorded voice until parents are happy with it. Translator if we can created a close enough likeness of the voice, other also say, it really is that person. The Voice Software has given this patients family emotional strength during his illness. His als progressed and he had trouble breathing. In april, a respirator was inserted into his throat. As a result, he lost the ability to speak. But before the medical procedure, he had recorded his voice. He wanted to be able to thank his family for shouldering the burden. [ voice recordings ] youre welcome. [ voice recordings ] he also wanted to take care of some Unfinished Business with his son, jun. For four years, jun studied hard to become a hairstylist and his father had opposed the studies thinking that he would give up along the way. But jun pressed ahead and he lost his voice before he could congratulate his son. Jun, come here for a second. It was juns day off and the first time father and son has spoken in a long while. Translator ill do my best. Thank you, dad. Did us sound like dad . It really did. Translator being able to hear his voice made me twice as happy. I hope i can show him that im working even harder at my job. Ill do my best. Across japan, new Technology Gives back what disease has taken away. A patients ability to say what needs to be said to loved ones. Relations between japan and china have been strained for over a year now. Japan has consistently said that theres no issue of territorial sovereignty over the islands but china which also claims them, has been urging japan to recognize there is one. And nhk spoke to an expert about ways for japan and china to improve ties. Reporter this is a member of the new committee for the 21st century which is made up of japanese and chinese experts in a variety of fields. The committees mission is to discuss a wide range of issues including political and cultural matters and submit proposals to their governments. But the chinese side keeps ask for Committee Meetings to be postponed. We feel very frustrated that the chinese side argues that its very difficult for them to separate politics from their meeting. It is precisely now that we should function because we are a committee that should facilitate the communication between the two countries when the two governments have difficulties in communication. Reporter the professor says chinas domestic situation contributes to the lack of progress in repairing strained relations between it and japan. Translator why is it taking such a long time for the issue to be settled . When the Chinese Government decided to embark on this allout measures against the japanese government measures of them purchasing the islands even then, there were international uses in china who considered that it was not appropriate or necessary to use physical force or embark on an allout, allrange countermeasures including economic sanctions or cultural sanctions, whatever. I think the chinese overdid it because they thought that a problem with japan is a very convenient tool for the shairm political purposes. That is the united party and the nation. Now they cannot order the propaganda department, nor the coast guards to stop their operations. Reporter however, the professor said theres things to be neated in chinas recent moves. Of course, the news about the patrol boats coming to the area, thats one important signal as it were. But, also, were apparently waiting for signals indicating that they are ready to improve the relationship and, therefore, pieces of news such as he communicated with the director of the Japanese Friendship hospital using a communication facility, that was an important signal. We feel that theres a mixed signal. Therefore, we still cannot judge what really is their minds. Reporter on september 9th, the japanese air selfdefense force dispatched fighter jets after confirming an unmanned chinese drone was flying near okinawa. Japans Defense Ministry is studying the option of shooting down drones that infringe on japanese air space as relations with japanese remain tense. What action do they need to take to resolve this situation . First, they need to agree to disagree over the sovereignty issues. And on that basis, they have to find a winwin solution in the sense that the chinese side can stop sending the vessels without much losing face. Many local governments want to invite the investment from japan. They want to send economic delegations to japan but they cannot do so until the atmosphere improves in china. Both sides must somehow, find a way to come up with a winwin solution. The professor says a brief encounter between the leaders of japan and china as the g20 summitt can signal a falling of frosty relations and he says hell be keeping a close eye on how the leaders interact at the apex summitt scheduled to take place in bali next month. Nhk world, tokyo. Heres a brief look at your market figures. For one irishman in japan, the statistic of suicide became personal when a friend killed herself so he decided to take action. I dream of a war, a war on suicide. But i dont even know who is the enemy. Saving 10,000 people from suicide each year reducing the total number of deaths by a third, that is the goal and the message of an awardwinning documentary that delves into the deepseeded problem of suicide in japan drawing on interviews with almost 100 people. The film is the work of renee dignot, an economist from ireland who lived in japan for six years. Filming in tokyo and other parts of the country he spent three years and about 30,000 of his own money making the documentary. His decision to make the film came after a neighbor committed suicide five years ago. She was trying to reach out to me for him and quite frankly i ignored her and it left me we regret that i should have done more and taken the time to listen. Reporter as he worked on the project he began to realize how many japanese are struggling with a sense of alienation, just like his neighbor had been. No one to talk to and no one aware of her pain. Duignan released the film last year and since he uploaded it to youtube in march, its been viewed more than 200,000 times in six months. People around japan have posted messages. It made me think a lot. Finding out that im not the only one is a great relief. Reporter in making the film, he worked closely with a Nonprofit Group that provides Suicide Prevention services in japan. The lifeline for Suicide Prevention has a nationwide network staffed by volunteers who work around the clock. Last year, they took 750,000 phone calls, far more than they were equipped to handle. Dugnan believes a lot more could be done to help reduce the number of suicides. Thats why lifelines are so busy you cant get through. So this is a simple thing. Its a recommendation but its something that we can all do. Take the time to listen. Friends, family members, coworkers and its a start. Reporter recently, he was invited to speak at a meeting organized by t. E. L. , the english language branch of the lifeline and he believes the First Step Towards preventing suicide is to created a society where people feel able to discuss their problems openly. One message i always get across in japan is that, you know, theres a lot of people who want to talk but theres very few people who want to listen. I dont think we should look at suicide as a taboo issue. We have to get beyond that. Weve got to talk about it and we have to talk about the causes of suicide. And that is one of the Key Solutions to solving the problem. Reporter every hour in japan, more than three people take their lives. Duignan says hell continue to work and bring his message to all the people he can. People in northeastern japan have been marking the autumn equinox by visiting the graves of loved ones lost in the 2011 disaster. The equinox is a National Holiday in japan and a traditional day of mourning. The coastal city in iwate prefecture was stated by the tsunami and people gathered at a graveyard in the city center to pay respect and laid flowers and incense in front of the headstones. Translator i lost many friends in the disaster and i came here today to pray for them. Translator my niece died so young. I want to show her a reconstructed city as soon as possible. 414 ofunato residents died in the disaster. Another 79 are still missing. Time for a check on the weather. Good morning, youve been keeping an eye on weather conditions in Southern China. Whats the latest there . Yes, cathrine on sunday evening. Landfall in the province and many storms have hit Southern China so far this year but osaw give was the strongest. To show you how the situation was look at this video. Flooding and Gail Force Winds triggered by the typhoon have left more than 20 people depend it made landfall as a typhoon in Southern China on sunday evening. Fallen trees smashes vehicles. Power supplies were cut off and flights were grounded. Roads and railways were cut off and schools were closed in 14 cities. About 230,000 residents were relocated and over 3. 5 million affected. The good news about the system is that it has weakened to a remnant low but still packing a lot of moisture to cause heavy rainfall for the provinces and surrounding areas. After 100 millimeters is likely in the next 24 hours but starting on wednesday, conditions will be looking up. If you look at a Bigger Picture a line of Thunder Showers extending from the area up to northeastern china. Thunderstorms and heavy rain likely in some places, so the system and ahead of the system looking dry. But a pacific side of japan will see cloudier conditions and rainfall starting on wednesday because of the approaching tropical disturbance. This is now a severe Tropical Storm packing winds of 108 Kilometers Per Hour near the center of the storm and aproperty the islands into tomorrow and the asian island into thursday as a severe Tropical Storm. Waves could be as high as 8 meters in some places. But the good news is that its not going to make landfall in mainland japan. Temperatures, 23 in seoul. 22 in beijing. Very chilly with 11 degrees for the high and minus 2 for the low. Right in the American Continent looking dry across the east but theres a lot going on across the northwest. Thunder showers are happening across the Central Plains and central canada, but this one is going to be diminishing as we go into tuesday. More of the concern is going to be the northwest. A strong low combined with very cool air is moving into the northwest. Trigering lowering temperatures and wet and windy conditions and this one is dumping quite heavy snowfall in the Northern Rockies on wednesday and thursday. Wintersome conditions are likely. Temperatures are as follows. Very chilly for this time of year in vancouver. As well as seattle. Warm in los angeles at 28 degrees for you. And pleasant in washington, d. C. As well as new york city on tuesday. Finally, in europe, gorgeous weather for the western continent and the British Isles but clouds can be found across the east. Sudden burst of showers and thunderstorms and hail possible in some places and temperatures are going to be very low as you can see, moscow, only 8 degrees for the high. And that could go down to only 4 degrees as we go into thursday and octoberlike weather in kiev, only 11 for the high on tuesday but summer is still hanging on and the high could be 32 degrees. Heres your extended forecast. That is all for this edition of newsline. Im Catherine Kobayashi in tokyo. Thanks very much for joining us. Captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com welcome. This is a plahe

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