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Transmitted every half an hour. The newspaper explains that the boy disappeared from radar is probably due to the fact that on board trains on this was switched off by which the aircraft can be identified. It is not only did that there is a supposition that the aircraft was hijacked in the plane was in the ear for about five hours to reach the indian ocean. They are in c or the border between india and pakistan. Much of the malaysian military authorities reported that forty five minutes after disappearing the aircraft alleges signal was detected in an august rate of melaka on the same day it was reported that the chinese settling on suspicions five words between malaysia and vietnam. Nevertheless it is still unknown what happened with the aircraft. The number killed in the explosion of domestic gas in new york has risen to six people reports the Associated Press referring to the fire service in the country also one woman in a fifteen year old boys are in Critical Condition most of the other victims did not suffer life threatening injuries the explosion which occurred in harlem destroyed two adjoining brick building with apartments church in a shop before the explosion and fire Service Received a call about a gas leak. Presently occupies thirty fifth place globally for the number of people in prison according to the commission on human rights under the president of kazakhstan. This darpa leadership can be changed only by human is a sheet of the penal system in the legal in a sea of society. Many prisoners have no documents are some of the passport soviet style last year loan more than one thousand three hundred convicts received new Identity Cards engine or humane conditions are created for prisoners they can contract american prisons and women in Penal Settlement of the village gel gosh to our love to stay close to the newborn children also the convicted of an opportunity to continue their education and even earned money to compensate for damage or how the relatives working on fitting the National Legislation to International Standards continues recommendations of the commission on human rights are included in the draft of the new piano and criminal Procedure Code nevertheless problems remain still and soft. For instance one of the task is to achieve production of a number of converts in prisons by replacing imprisonment for payment mail. Also it is necessary to create conditions for the life of the presents. There are seven institutions with more detentions today must the buildings of the correctional institutions were built in the thirties and forties last entry and they require major repair and reconstruction in two thousand thirteenth overall repairs in the prisons over two point seven billion stinky were located to the Republican Budget Commission to look in the eight point five billion cu for this purpose yet some of the duomo. She did the seventeen Million People in our country in a few years ago there were fifty thousand prisoners. Presently there are forty four thousand convicted in prison and that is too many to give recommendations of the market size oldest what steps to be taken for demonization of our society. She leaves. Most of the machine several villages in the west region codes or moving piece of sand from year to year sand dunes approach the villages of which tug on sunday and into a she will go some of the villages already covered up with sand on vocals and historians remember these villages according to all residents in scientist people themselves became the reason of such an abrupt change of actual conditions. Theres a freshly under the sands which nourish the soil added a new oil fields which begin to operate a few years ago said most of the pot of water farmers slowly fetch water to cut down on trees for heating their homes. So please gradually disappeared so needed for the win was replaced by almost lifeless dunes. Well it will all but impossible. My coming i sometimes think of my chowder was only my dreams. There was my house when they resume play with children in our garden. There were two big trees and my father tried to swing between them own children came to play at our house though i have nothing to remember from my childhood there was nothing left almost swallowed my sins. Scientists came from watching to see other villages from such fate the members of the institute of chemical sciences. After a bit to help offered to play sucks all and make a barrier presently the length of the protective legislation covers six kilometers and a maximum width of the bay area from Shifting Sands has grown up to seven hundred thousand meters high growth of the plant fats chemist to buy even a special fertilizer weve been in environmentally friendly fertilizer which is called super humid it is derived from natural materials brown coal. It stimulates plant growth and cruiser its system anticipates a growing process it is superhuman. Every year such cells grow from one to know more. Depending on the wind gust mountains of sand can move from three two hundred meters every year local people carefully watched over going away soon so it does not block the way to costs. Where as doctors we went to reshape the patients face using a three d printer Stephen Powers any school trial minor car accident surgeons minister restore the contours of his face with a computer in a manufactured in manufactured image on a three d printer bbc reports this technology is often used in surgery. Our powers to become the first case with the three d printer was used at all stages of operation the operation was special because we used a virtual three d model who also used the three printed two planned operation. The swastika the bones and moved to its new locations. Top of his Youth Health Care center opens it does without the student can get Affordable Dental Services in the center the center was the contestants the program listening to him i came here to pass a basic medical examination. I also want to give medical advice because of a psychological trainings i think that they would only get rid of negative emotions study further. The center was created on the base and see the polyclinic the mystery buyer equipment enables us to provide a wide range of medical services more than eleven thousand young people receive Quality Medical Services said the center opened yet the center aims at providing social support to University Students the students aged fourteen to twenty nineteen coming in to get medical service the service is a gynecologist dont tell is in sight colleges are anonymous the center also deals with human planning prevents the alcoholism drug abuse and hiv infection medical psychological social and Legal Assistance is free an exhibition youthful will reveal in the works of contemporary art opened in the house in the pen is in austin now and is unique and anti Christian John or in our Young Artists students and a National Schools may arts above is the first exhibition with a representative paintings. It is a chance to prove that the skill level does not change depending on age. In addition to the paintings exhibition presents art photographs sculptures in creating installations according to the artist the main purpose of fine art is to convey your own inner world by means of works when starting the paintings each of the gross fines or source of inspiration for instance increased in june or it is inspired by the beauty of nature of her native country norway. Many minutes as it is then able to express myself in the lives and how. Lists and lists the highway and how its culture and constantly as expected i could see that this year at my works have become more of a mixture between the ethical standards as you see i feel different ending at six sites. This brings me round exhibition opener dollar Constantine Alexander of one of the most famous paragraph is in austin our area rappers in context and presented his works to regret his recently became popular. Carrie graf the origin is from america the sketches on the last change into big pictures of all those considered to be the center of aircraft in kazakhstan constantly humming some dope is in paragraph a professional. It takes him a few days to pay in one picture the ideas come to was mine when hes sleeping the solution use of seminars that the sun does not develop i believe that is good there is some space to move forward. I have many paintings present in my last exhibition. I dedicate this exhibition to upcoming spring the toughest ticket with a number of books watching to see what it is very nice i like it when we happy when the star develops in our city a concert dedicated to the notice was held in austin are the days as a spring holiday symbolizing the new year and in life this holiday just noodles for the bright future. I guess performance of traditional folk music and theater artists produce in the concert the audience had the chance to take part in Interactive Game organizers say that the Main Objective of the event is promoting the native language unique Culture Customs and traditions of cars and people we are given a concert of march thirteen because most because its tense region some awaiting the news in march fourteen tomorrow to start a competition which covers two hundred different institutes a boston on the event is free. Everyone can produce great we went to see happy people do all the major celebrations of march twenty seconds everyone is welcome and can be. Several of us. I left does extend citizens prefer to keep the money in foreign currency according to the National Bank time to pause the tailgate of a soup and five percent to reach one billion seven hundred and sixty two thousandfive hundred men to be taken as opposed to Foreign Trade secrets but the point six percent and amounted to one billion seven point three two thousand and four hundred feet to get them candy and stickers that because its important for us he was seven times higher than all those who can get. With that. No foreign currency deposits continue to increase that causes her to continue to be converted into foreign currency deposits by individuals as well as the villain type is expected that after the match for her as a testament to the situation turned around but unfortunately we do not sleep yet he is huge. I did the dosh will bankrupt the system has been putting effort into fifty dollars each with the economy in the last ten years. This episode reports that the head of europe who declared that the eurozone finance ministers approved the transfer of the next instalment Financial Assistance to cyprus in the mouth of one hundred and fifty million years. This payment will be made in april earlier representative to the east of the European Commission and the International Monetary fund. Praise the purpose of economic recovery and Financial System at cypress written expression the lonely now but trust that the company is familiar european banks which are eleven thousand four hundred and one billion euro debt reduce the heat this week would fit the boards Financial Institutions received the lowest through the purity of the Global Economic crisis. The amount that will be repaid is six times higher than what has been expected. This is the largest share of the drifting in from the end of last year when banks to cut it like you want to go its hard to create four hundred and seventy five thousand who got to bring the Associated Press reports in january its tickets to the forehead and twenty nine thousand jobs the Unemployment Rate in the country rose to six point seven percent. According to my state that japans gdp in the Fourth Quarter two thousand thirteen rows base your point two percent in real terms compared with the previous quarter. Rbc reports for calculating the annual grape gdp grew by zero point seven percent the result did not meet Market Expectations according to a survey by bloomberg. Economists predict a greater threat of economic slowdown in the Fourth Quarter of last years increases the chances of further easing of the Monetary Policy of the bank of japan reuters reports. As previously noted in april this year. Taxes on income from sales are to be raised like the present from the current five percent google founders sergey brin from larry page afforded to the end of two thousand for the results will not receive cash booths this meant that the reports reference to the materials published on the west side of the years through these channels for those of us pointed out by iran it is pretty traditional refuses to go this is the spinning capitalists invested years of brutal due to the increased about its use in the past year each of the founders this rose nine point three billion us dollars. It doesnt pertain to both shares rose by fifty eight percent for the first time in history have exceeded the weight of one thousand dollars compared with a high tech nasdaq index rose by fifty eight percent last year the eye. She once was enough for the first time in history painter to the second round of the playoffs of the Continental Hockey League on the interplay between the hockey team and move us from and tim burke ended with two to one in favor of bodies. The robbers embodies for the second round of the gardening cup navy admiral from flooding the stock. Mostly because of some of you live from five from the sting of going bodies have its first match in the second round of the playoffs awesome march twenty first. Ac dc howdy meeting with the finns before the start of the new season the most titled club had financial problems during the last football season the club has sold all the problems in such conditions cause for the new season. Some are routinely the most successful coach in the history of the Estonian Team accepted the offer to head the club half of the players are newcomers baron the legionnaires the czech Football Player at the arco heel bone much bigger players in pure joy to the beach and he or was honored in favor of the local friends level maths is returned to the blog are also their new trainees of the local School Football such as two more by john of the goodies that the Pope Alexander iv a new twist in the business. A lot of problems and we would do our best to satisfy people tim sylvia. So the safest places to bed a bit of a disease fellowship among the king we collected a good team. I found good friends. I think that everything will be fine uranus. This is a story. It was time. What Amazing Things to a show to the well. We still used today. Every new exco was once too. So to the future. For students address the issues. New solution. Expo twenty seventy in the future. See ya lets go. Most are. Twenty seventy the show. Hunt the i do know joss stone. And mm mm mm mm mdm. Mm mm mm mm. One of him in june. We were wounded the boom. To do. Mm mm mm ive been the mood the hat with boom new boom. Mm mm and you know. It too. Mm mm long would it be. They came in. The ch ch ch. In him any. This countrys called the hot simulation that is brought together the constant editions of one hundred nations today kazakhstan is a dynamic and developing the states interests it made International Organizations that concentrates the inside they adopt lovecraft to seize and introduce evidence that its set to notch the robinson has already shown themselves to find more of its profits come into not so bad and and and and and and and and and and and and in the east coast remains until the dough from the states east and then theres the students. Its not need any people around the edge of survival. These are so dishonest to distribute them to let the minimum subsistence level the textiles of this problem arises is changing its natural and Sustainable Development. And. The level the pullout said that he produced a maintenance assessment in childers is not about wanting passes on the money is enough to live on ones own up to date in its Economic Development and i misses you and uses it and hes developed countries the four th of them on at the two of the major see a situation in africa according to the International Monetary fund last year the democratic republic of congo and was recognized for his countrys gdp per capita that did not exceed three hundred and fifty us dollars on the second position in liberia with ddt was bonded and fifty six dollars in the movie was four hundred and eighty seven down as close as the top three of his key pillar of the nt in the Life Expectancy has snared thirty seven years now winning thirty four days in mn the last thirty years the number of People Living in extreme poverty has increased approximately nineteen hundred many states the old place by no means least tony white teen comedy however experts say such a system so nice mittens out of trouble in the essential that the directing of it even if it should the company by the comics and social and economic measures focused on job placement that cheney and employment assistance programs should also be available. Microfinance has been recognized as one of been more important than the instruments to help put people through. Create a better and its been that busy. Microfinance are at this moment all of them are human too. Dont want people to set up businesses either sitting on a persons home or car repairs shelf or Something Like that for this they have necessarily known for the committee for Economic Activity sport beyond a joke. Each country salsa prominent seats and wait. This is the Us Government acts in accordance with the principal need assistance work. You can re orientation programs and much used that and assistance in training and find a job is intended to anyone including pension isnt on the cops people. The financial backing on the pot to the micro credit organizations in kazakhstan has recently become widely popular the first one is making sure that the effect it forward so on. Making sure they understand what it is the only thing theyre getting into how much they have to pay for the films ending of the paper the second set of regulations if they help the industry among them the money scam them too. New businesses. And if that wasnt on the porch decor items that are micro finance companies that are in the market has been to before them that they have access to money that they come and gone torque throughout the day before was increasing attention to whats the problem of comedy comedy observed on the pot to the International Community in two thousand heads of government seven hundred and eighteen state scientists are called mini and the nation into ten is the key points include the development of twenty fifteenth st i ask is to reduce the number of people are forced to live on less than one dog a day the pharmacy such is the object seen on the one bank and not Just International Financial Institutions the beauty of this financial institutes consists of five agencies each event i did see a get a second set the example the International Finance corporation ifc works exclusively with the private sector the developing countries. The private sector plays a key role in any courys economy to svive exct to domestic proct is col and wet placein the eighteen nineties by the prite s pnt importance in y country preaching one five season but there is as micro financing filled in nicely to support small and medium sized business sees this segment creates about ninety percent of vacancies only conclude that shes investment activities conducted in different areas such as the development of Infrastructure Health services and education. In two thousand and thirteen International Finance corporation and lofty four hundred and two Million Dollars for the development of fifty one projects throughout the world under the microfinance the ground i see conducts a wide spectrum of activities goldeneye station cooperates with the older three hundred Financial Intermediaries to offer credits to residents of ninety countries is actively promotes private sectors interests in the Conference Takes Place in the cis the other pt fifty Million Dollars to nadia clean of mary holding the implementation of its investment program. I would be easy for me. Who was among the countrys land micro financing became widespread death by madison indiana the states estimated cost to hold it in aviation and paid much attention to microfinance unique. Now we can conclude that many Small Businesses of being sustainable results. They created what they seem to register themselves ids company a waiver to keep themselves as well as to give jobs to other people the Central Asian economies depend on the mccutcheon not in this region functions that seems program and transformation of microfinance misty nonetheless this international denies a snap it creates money to the type of Credit Companies wishing to attend finance small and medium sized business leads the project supports the development of new financial seven seas and that is the creation of a verbal message that the frame lacking the gene. When you are all well. Besides financing. I assume most trainees and semi nice but clients and how it is connected to ground into the points and is knit in twenty twelve International Finance Corporation Going on to the company about three Million Dollars due to Financial Assistance we opened presents injuries in different regions and twenty militants the team. What is he happy with it. The show finance corporation is not enabled Development Institute scarring addictive it is that he still has all the time to go for a team of enterprises in more than a hundred countries of the blood that she uses it. Its an experience and intensify people that he in twenty thirteen the organizing team best twenty five billion dollars for the implementation of the private sectors potential and the creation of jobs and sold a pageant about the incumbents back seat of port is situated in washington. I i i the diocese cities based on the principle of facilitating the great the general welfare. It seeks to tackle the problems related to Climate Change and provide economic and social sustainability in russia for example vessel denunciations polished the development of the Waste Management system and helps companies unlucky not to have a prostitute considering i am the one who micro financing and steals and deals with the best of starts and there is a pun on to say that ive seen on micro Financing Companies as well as fine apart from the fine on to say to ifc spices nice products and industries. The title today is our history that interest covers everything about the things that might seek to development. Actually interested in them. He cites the nonsense that sees ifc gives advice to business men following the principles of transparency. Its Main Objective is to ensure Sustainable Development. En he walked a few months time typically many financial and Investment Companies face acute shortage of some institution a devotee to maintain that development was to be some new products and best practice to deceive ends of the season to greet a friend to spare others the Sustainable Development assessment of nineteen fourteen. I eat. Which i bbq in twenty thirty knots the opportunity to come the show by incorporating the republic of kazakhstan the summer of seventy Million Dollars was designed for programs to produce small and medium sized Business Experts say that it would save the economy diversification and the whole country the show financial devastation in financing to make a difference to what the projects on the loud engine to seize the practise of response and financing and ensures protection of Financial Service can see him as a present ive seen again and seventy three projects in six regions of the one of the principled dont have to organize this is what the Central Asian countries remains the swiss state secretary for economic affairs. You knew you you will the thing off. Lately every new thing. That time afterward he said. New new new wong will eye the eye the youtube with it to the international. This is the english bolton beat a good news coming to you live from annoyed. Here are the headlines for this hour the jam the secretary of

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