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We start off with a high profile spot berkeley are coming out as good today former international midfielder Thomas Mitchell spare. But due to a german newspaper it at that time was right to start a debate and it seems hes already achieved that social networks and the bus with the news. In august here in gemini of political scandals that plagued him in it and easily during his long career and hes the most prominent some play and become a while now that hes retired hope that by opening up he can make a difference. Others still in the game the Ministry Team captain and won the League Championship with them holistic schools had also tried to Germanys National team fifty two times during his time in england he was called. Its that time up to his thunderous shots on goal pixels graduated into hanging up his cleats people coming out. In an interview with gemini steep side newstead that he said quote it was in the last few years that i realized i would rather live with the man. In an earlier interview pixels caden had said coming out was a good idea supply is essential to spell the end of the koreas. Now he says he wants to advance the discussion of homosexuality in football his announcement and praise from sculpting in political circles. What does the etruscan its good that hes talking about something thats important to him and that may be liberating. We live in a country where no one should be afraid to acknowledge their sexuality because of the year of intolerance will put it on the front steps i tell you the patient i am actually just a recognition that the listeners the defeats of politicking come to watson the gem and football federation. The villains in his typical gemini team nhl that the lawful sense that it was as good as that respect and honor to attend National Plan at the struggles he congratulated him for his coverage. They are here with us in the studio to discuss this in further detail is our Sports Correspondent take this chalk pad is great at me with a spear in the studio first off how big a deal is its a huge deal. These two in the report is a household name not just in gemini peninsula that the diesel donations. Outside of jimmy is well and will soon come to jesus and his allegiance to the speech to the end of last season. And you know that that might not seem much but this is called as we do not really difficult for active players to come out. I think peanut. Fresh. The abcs this week is the rolling back gently if these barriers and two weekend hopefully. Delphi plant with chemicals that are coming out on an equal stake in the korean film was using pp such as bt she still impressed. Well it has been visiting the sites. Today just a very narrow view of all cause its masculinity and vocal guineas was to be this hard as nails flights are out there on the pitch and unmoved and nothing else and youll have to be a soulful this just in time shooting and he was the only up until now. My plan at the peak of his korea to come out in the late nineties in a name and see what kind of woe. So for his unit he ended up being called impulse buys and manager brian clough some are not uniquely suicide in nineteen ninety eight. Still very lonely guy is a huge amount begun against construction the dressing room vocals and stands is well aware of what to eat and supports is in some pasta will remain very try to get it. Unequivocally as very brave decision to his mate what difference will it make out that he has retired. Will that make any difference to the soccer players still playing and going to see who might be gay. I think that displays austin to be reluctant to come out to get advice from the publicists that this is known to be good for the koreans but i think it will affect you too good to play as the him to death in custody. Anyone whos played against. Its a special weekend for tooth and nail when the new one a play he was and respect him as a player they would just reply hes at their opinion on how compatible. Im a sexuality and so forth. Ali hassan who was sixty two captures country. I think secondly its species cheese for any young now that you might be struggling with their identity their sexuality. I agree with collaged them a more usual them and maybe make the next generation sofa was far more lax about you they are. In a private life it can become the romano was so very much and its great having you with us in the studio. Well now to assist iraqi province of anbar has once again is being torn apart by christ to lose a hotbed of Al Qaeda Linked rebels is battling Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki military for control of the city will know that deal has at least being reached the last Traffic Police to attend to some pots that will create thousands of civilians have fled the fighting in the United Nations warns of an impending humanitarian crisis. Many displaced families from philly to emails going on diets or shelter in neighboring combine the province. Here in town designed to mom made present when kazaa providing aid to these refugees who have maintained and government buildings and schools. There are one hundred sixty seven families who arrived here as of today we have given them ninety one baskets of food and relief aid including blankets and dried fruit. As fighting continues between government backed tribesmen and Al Qaeda Linked militants in the province residents of both religion and somebody said to have limited access to food and fuel. Iraqs Prime Minister new reality keith has called on tribal leaders and today due to tribal militants out. Thirdly we do not want this city to suffer at all. We will not use force as long as the tribes are ready to fight al qaeda. Oh and expelled them enough mainly she said she would hold off an offensive to give people time to push the militants out many of iraqs sunni muslim minority. The main group in the province to ship an intense hostility towards the Prime Minister and his shiite led government the worlds chemical weapons watchdog has told syria to speed up the handover of the chemical arsenal. Syrias most dangerous chemicals was supposed to lead the country by december. But observers say. Collagen is being loaded on to the danish friends ikea. Fighting continues in the region the syrian army is reported to his rebel positions in a tiffany at ideal and some rebels on a wall on two fronts fighting Islamist Forces as well as government troops. And still had on the journal on the numerical meets is in the cabinet after her skiing accident that has taken some hits. Nine people being killed in a fire on the passenger train in western india flames and smoke and go if we can exist in the train to heal and move on to the hinterlands and cannot do in the course is on night he comes just two weeks to six people were killed in a train times of an indian. I knew all four crew members of a us military helicopter had been killed in a crash in eastern britain that a high chopper was on a low level Training Mission when it crashed on marshall and north took the lead on tuesday us air force investigators are working with British Police to establish the carts. And german prosecutors have charged an eighteen year old man for taking part in the Second World War massacre in nineteen forty four the nazis the intended time to do is to live in front more than six hundred people he just went into last months war criminals to justice before dying benjamin some sentimental was back on the job on wednesday asked a skiing accident scene at the first Cabinet Meeting on the media and as it turns out there was plenty to talk about her conservatives and the social democrats have been in a coalition government. Less than a month and already there are differences on policy. The results. Despite her injury chancellor america led the Cabinet Meeting to head off trouble brewing within or coalition the bavarian see as you want to crack down on labor migrants from bulgaria and romania who no longer need work pieces. The social democrats and much of their cause on cpu say the problem is being exaggerated. Medical defuse the conflict by turning to a commission to make recommendations. The spd like the idea. While the consistent this design the best way to handle this issue which easily since campus planning on it. We need to win the contracts. In fact when the political and Business Leaders warn against stereotyping. They say many economic migrants from the eu is balkan states are well qualified and sorely needed by the German Economy. But the us would just give it to him as germanys Business Community we want to stress that the bulgarians and romanians here are among the foreign workers. That was childrens rights and welfare dependency in the country when bad mouthing the parts of the population that doesnt deserve it. With the dissolution of the text so despite her disability medical may have deftly elevated the looming coalition clash. But its likely to be the first of many disagreements. The seas and strong singer Michael Schumacher was no skiing to read the speech when he crashed ten days ago. All these findings have been released based on video footage of the accident in the alps. Schumacher remains and medically induced coma in hospital when he is an experience key and theres been much speculation about the circumstances of the crash. It was a helmet camera like this one that captured the moments before the accident. Police have been studying the footage of days on the course. The one elected house had bounced into one of these rocks the tool box was to play. Sue mother had left the mosque peace when the cost impact investigators say he wasnt speeding up the tying goal all considered mr schumacher skiing abilities we can say he was not getting an excessive speed. There was a normal speed and frisky of that level. Im going to rain theyve also rolled out problems with his skis the conditions on the slats on the signings along the way the video across. The there are standards in france. See for safety or markings and signage on ski slopes in a full month. Because that is still our findings are that the standards were respected its unknown song with me but the police to arrest a how to get concluded their investigation. So what remains committed in gs coma in hospital in grenoble despite an appeal by his wife for the family to the left bank in the dead remained camped outside in large numbers. The twenty twenty two world cup could be a little different than in the past the tournament may be held in the winter instead of the usual summer much the plan was revealed by chief secretary general jones like speaking on french radio to say he has issued a statement denying that the decision has been made toll is climbing has been a hotel that because the intense summer heat this country can tell. Those in the dorm but there is a buzz number two official in the queue but his comments appear to have taken the rest of the organizations top brass by surprise. A decision when customers world cup should be held. It wasnt supposed to be announced before this summer. A winter world cup encounter would be welcome by participating teams advance. Summer temperatures can go as high as fifty degrees celsius. And ever since the twenty twenty two games were awarded to our late twenty ten. Critics have been high lighting the dangers of such extreme heat. The countrys organizing committee promised to make the stadium is fully airconditioned. But many experts have questioned whether thats enough the fat has distanced itself from caucus remarks saying the decision when the tournament will be held has still not been made taking the winter would involve major re digging the plane schedules. Like those of europes nationally you might remember Marilyn Monroe singing in the states as john f kennedy. But now a controversial basketball star Dennis Rodman has outdone my aunt marilyn with a musical tribute to the even more controversial north Korean Leader kim new one. When hes in the north korean capital pyongyang for an exhibition game to monk kidd was busted do they. The he says the secretive nature of the north korean regime is no telling how many candles came was on his k pace. Well robin calls a basketball diplomacy but his latest visit to his court best friend kim has met with heavy criticism in the United States republican senator john mccain called the former nba player an idiot. Harsh words. Well even take a short break when we come back to greece takes the helm of the European Union over the economic. I was. I do. You decide you want to watch the images programs. The whole package dw on the internet. Media center. Dw tell you. Greece has formally ceded to the eu presidency. Its an influential role the right taste every six months and it means that things will not have the chops to steve you used to and it certainly has a delegation headed by Commission President Manuel Barroso was on hand for the ceremony the priest who has big problems the homeland as influencing opinion toward the eu. Greece is still struggling with high debt and a weak economy. The European Union remains insistent that the only way toward a Bright Future is harsh austerity measures. Many greeks have lost confidence in europe according to a recent poll atc to send them feel that the countrys voice is no putting it in the European Union. I am Living Standards for most greeks have been calling for five straight years. Average wages have dropped by a staggering forty percent making the legions of young people dependent on handouts. And unemployment has soared especially among the young. Even well qualified people cant find work. This you can try their luck abroad. The Greek Economy is still mired in recession since the financial crisis economic output has fallen by a bit. And the government has pledged to dismiss fifteen thousand Sector Workers in the coming year. Austerity has sparked huge protests. The fabric of society. New signs of fraying but theres also encouraging news. Tax revenue has been rising and in twenty fourteen the economy is expected to return to grow. Greece has also made impressive strides in consolidating its budget and cut the deficit to one to five percent. Tourism greeces most important economic sector businesses better than ever. Bargain prices and political turmoil and competitor countries such as egypt have made great sub prime destination once again well to a spring in custom and seek out a summons he joins us on the line from the center of the school is too bad in and taking on the eu has in season eight oz increased to ninety eight and the what were his priorities a year. I didnt want to do with a migration through the Legal Immigration to candidates. Bottom line is that species across europe it was so thick it had been on of them were on their feet like the time Energy Project that ultimately for me from reading that kid is that like to be the next six months without any bad thing to do it. Good omen if he would appear. I did it. The report of the coronation hill pool and it was tuesday the tactic not to share it with calling it good. During the current been pretty bad day and enough for you the economy had dish so i think the Key International there is no real good about the case if youre hoping to open it to teach a european thing that i did it to help we begin to build a mini cake and bring them to the hype that is too high sounds nice to see and to some prisons is the manuel bruce and have been painting features a Success Story having a baby according to see the priest turns the corner. They do or three weeks by that. Time to create but the fray. Only two people love that we will all love hate with a bit of panic and then hit the creek lot they are going for it yet he had made the belief that the nation they got the only opinion that they have and you any reason to think and clinical. Schumacher in a fulfilling and by now. That picky picky me a very upbeat statement. There were honored to be taken indeed the european Commission President it with him. Were a long line of duty in the new hotshot the situation to remain in me for not how many of them all with each hearing that the current felt all came down the road season salmon with cds and thanks for joining us from since. In neighboring turkey the gauntlet is why is the countrys Deputy Police chief he is the highest ranking thing to be brought down in our current single includes common dominic and the pleas of investing in gold is Corruption Scandal that has harmed the image of the ruling party there. Now the European Union has voiced his concern turkey may not be an eu but it is a candidate for membership in the European Commission was quick to remind turkey of that fact. Hundreds of police have been fired for investigating government corruption. Brussels says thats not how they do things in europe. Soo its a different mall form the stands could undermine the current investigations and capacity of digi disarray and the police to investigate matters in an independent manner. All that they still say this on demand and the total. Turkey says the corruption allegations are nothing more than a plot to destabilize the government the scandal is now the biggest threat to Prime Minister bridget i get irritable and since he took power of letting years ago. A true test of how much it has affected his popularity will come soon. Turkey is holding local elections in less than three months. Germanys controversial trade surpluses back in the headlines new figures show it widens further into what those numbers came out just as us treasuries take the jackal who was here in bali. And he repeated his call to generate boost investment and domestic demand. That is the measures that would increase imports and cool concepts on his german counterpart will show but defended his policies but the pressure for action is just coming from washington late last year brussels launched an investigation into the issue. With a reputation for high engineering and reliability german automobiles have established themselves as the countrys top explored seventeen percent of all expulsion courts drive the cars all cop outs. In second place becomes jan and machinery. The alleged by Chemical Products and electronic goods. Jim and products are in high demand abroad Foreign Companies are finding it hard to sell their wings in gemini. Jimmys trade surplus was about eighteen b he knew as soon as denvers twenty three eighteen seven percent wool than a year liao. Jimmys european tightness and going and fishing with a ballooning trade imbalance. This is jimmy should take measures to boost demand and increased imports from its neighbors right now but the hof of old german exports go to the European Union. When tracing his rules and being easy on the markets to unfold as more from it. And this was a day of the companys point of views so what export numbers have been going down pretty well. Theyve been taken as good news also because this story may be continued. Economists think that truman exports will grow by four percent this year and that this prediction may come true has been shown by new industrial august in november the euro was choppy and more than expected before or so the German Economy stays in a very good shape but in the and here at the Frankfurt School and hasnt been a positive reaction to that after committee yesterday investors took some of the profits out of the market most insipid i was handed to the numbness and the twenty still selling author friends the list is hidden by a slight losses on the jason debate on the euro sto fifty and across the atlantic treaty still underway in new york the dow losing more than open looks and sounds and the euro trading under the level of one to let the sticks prayers of people across north america are still coping with dangerous sub freezing temperatures arctic winds blowing across the continent and brought one of the harshest winters in decades the cool cars say that the west may soon be on for some Eastern States but for now. People are still in the frozen at the deep roots rule no cold is it. In the northern United States its so cold that has frozen over with. Michigan and is ruled by residents of the tiny town population six hundred havent lost their sense of camera. Theres also a serious side to the piles of snow and sub zero temperatures the neighbor was so kind of stuck up there she called a snowfall last night and snowplow kept the rule of law one hundred sixty million americans have been affected by the icy weather that spread deep into the countrys south and east travelers are facing serious disruption. These passengers got lucky. The bus got them to chicago after the train was stranded in high snow yet knows that another train would come to rescue him within that train. Yet still feeling as new with another triple compost bag but the train and helpless with another friend who lives at depths to which we had coffee and soda. They were going to start and with thousands still waiting in airports or stock on the roads more trouble could be approaching in many areas. Temperatures are expected to soar in the coming days. The big thaw after the big freeze is likely to bring flooding as inhabitants of new york state are already finding out. On the attack sites is at lake erie in the north of the us to describe the situation there for us please. Well its over recall dr guide me thats the lake erie. As you can see the water has been frozen over here in cleveland and other parts of ohio before the pipes are frozen many people have low water pressure or what the goal of the city of cleveland encourage everyone to stay indoors as much as possible and officials opened more week sentence canceled schools were gracious hostess will be open throughout the night. And serve as a shelter for those who really do give me a job very very elements and thank you so much for your reporting early in the mail. As i hear him in a nice and balmy ten degrees as their behalf thanks so much for one another. We are the eu. I watched it. Im quite sure its all been told that i might as well as some. It meant. Right now. I have. It is. Sells. Steve. Cancer korean star iraq. Specialist utilize the Political Economic social and cultural issues of Korean Society korea us relations is the most important relations we live in a country sunday at twelve pm. We knew we knew who will. Been. It is six one what she knew was with brian got some of the chevron bp a lot. Also pulls his final are trully crisis with hundreds of patients across the country veto that it strained effort to talk of a on quirky. U

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