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The costs. It was very predictable consequences japans Prime Minister paid his respects at the gas so corny war shrine in tokyo on thursday. Its dedicated to those killed in battle but also honors and convicted war criminals. China and south korea slammed the premiers visit calling it a provocation. Many japans neighbors to the shrine as a symbol of japans past military in question. Turns out is the first Prime Minister to present the shrine in seventy years in the heart of tokyo some symbolic steps. Japanese Prime Minister shinzo of the approaches to yasukuni shrine. He said his visit was to remember his countrys war dead and all up and its hurting the feelings of other nations. The tunnel. Its all good. So i prayed for peace for the souls of all the people whose lives were taken by war. When is she insisted. Also i made about to announce war going on. And its made me more determined to ensure we live in an era where peoples lives are not engulfed in pain. By the misery of war to deal with it. Single title tasks i just like his comments there was a Swift Response from countries that suffered under Japanese Occupation during the Second World War like south korea. Koa is toyota its not very convincing one ave says hes open to dialogue but at the same time makes a visit to the us including shrine we need to look at exactly who is creating obstacles to dialogue and stability in the region. There was also a sharp reaction from china beijings Foreign Ministry summoned the japanese ambassador to voice a tagger they know of a visit to the us and sunni shrine has jeopardized the Political Foundation of the china japan relationship with and created new obstacles to improving and developing bilateral ties japan bears full responsibility for the consequences. Please visit comes as relations with china are already tense in recent weeks an ongoing rollins again flared up between the nations were disputed islands known in china as tou and in japan sent to cool. Its the first time an incumbent japanese Prime Minister has visited the controversial shrine since two thousand and six well earlier we talked to our correspondent Chris Johnson in tokyo. We asked him what kind of message ave was trying to send with this visit. For different people he tried to show his supporters can ride with comparative data on the right leader. Keeping his promise that you didnt get to the it was back to help tide over the island is keen to try to be at the things im still thinking it had to g the everton are a couple days ago. They really made a point to think that japan should never wait for dad. You really have to catch up hurting feeling church of korea but other countries are seeing it that way take a leak of provocation that can do to them. No he couldnt right now between china and south korea are with this visit but how damaging could this meeting will be for japans ties with its neighbors. Chris johnson weighed in on that question too. Its potentially very damaging because the pic are already quite high. Youve got you a japanese tiny brain challenging each other around the beer aisle in the upturn in the middle of the new leader in north korea who took the pic you can call though theyre confirmed as having the kids could add fuel to the fire. I picked up the p in tokyo. Take a bit disappointed that the current leaders have taken an action that will increase tensions in the region. For a third are all so worried too about backlash again dam in china in the past but the leader of the incidents like this can allow people to life again. Japanese has a stronger shop restaurant car dealership in china so well wait to see how chinese food at the list of korean food well checklist johnson takes a chinese from tokyo thailands Electoral Commission has called for upcoming polls to be delayed as street battles continue between Security Forces and protesters on thursday the Police Officer was killed in around one hundred people were injured. The countrys deputy Prime Minister criticized the violence saying it cannot be called a peaceful protests. Police used water cannon to disperse Anti Government protesters who brown to bring down the government. They say they want constitutional and Economic Reforms before elections are held. Egyptian police have arrested at least eighteen members of the Muslim Brotherhood a day after the government branded the group a organization is its interim government blames the Muslim Brotherhood for the recent wave of attacks across the country. On thursday a bomb on a city bus in cairo left five people injured. Police defused a second bomb stop train your mind billboard. Prime minister writes that time everyone says he believes hes the target of a big corruption probe into bob hunter in recent days that he was forced to reshuffle his cabinet wednesday after three was ministers resigned in connection with the inquiries the scandal has highlighted the deep divisions in their last government as the pressure on them from your quirks. One minister Richard Lee America one presented his new cabinet ten of twenty six ministers our new home loyalist allies the reshuffle comes during the biggest challenge yet to the premiers eleven year grip on power. Police have launched a major Money Laundering and bribery probe against high level officials and businessmen including the head of state run hop funk soul a month on slime as well as former ministers songs. There are one believes the investigation is orchestrated by foot to determine his arch rival the muslim cleric lives in the us remains a major force in turkey. Although conditions we have two choices. By the end ones ak party will have to learn to dance movements. We want is the choice between notice that most trouble going on we dont want to because of its use. There are no one has depicted the inquiry as a plot against him. Hes already hurts more than two dozen High Ranking Police officials involved in the investigation. He simply couldnt move but has infiltrated the police and that is history. Oh baby youre that. Reason all punter has been successful and has been ruling the country. Yes it is all honesty our commitment to the country and our determination to fight against corruption. The ak party does not look all current corruption. Did it lose its reason to exist these demonstrators see matters differently the scandal has renewed my Anti Government street protests. Her support for carol on the road. All the political turmoil in turkey is taking its toll on the economy to the lira has hit an all time low against the dollar. A report on that for you that later in the show starts. Israels savage getting set to announce plans next week to build a new jewish settlement sentiments rather at the same time as it frees the third round of palestinian prisoners. The planned release of twenty six inmates on sunday is all part of a us brokered Peace Process which calls on the two sides to negotiate for nine months but the palestinians have warned that the settlement building could destroy the already fragile peace talks. Theres more releasing palestinian prisoners and the cia under the peace plan brokered by us equities take sean connery this reading of more than a hundred inmates in small way its meant to bolster trust between the two sides. But at the same time as exceed previous releases. Israel has also announced plans to continue to reach times online the palestinians say is that. The Israeli Defense minister moshe gallant says it is israels right to do according to their understandings and agreements with the americans. The mall the team in israel sentiment dance vocal opponents. What is clear to the international community. And to many israelis and palestinians is not the reason is unknown the building and promoting of settlements is devastating for the two state solution and counter productive augustine spokesman said the sentence really go into the school is a deliberate attempt to torpedo peace talks. The settlement activities are not in line with the american efforts to reach peace with us and the subtle and Science Centers are not a waiter each piece. These activities are looking for the failure of the american efforts for the summer. Israel seems determined to press ahead with sentiment doping previous peace talks Democratic Senate seat in twenty ten. Once as a batch of military reinforcements and equipment should be on the ground in south sudan in forty eight hours the Security Council approved a plan on tuesday to almost double the U N Peacekeeping force in the country and not a moment too soon. There are fears that well over a thousand people have been killed in a little over a week of fighting between rival groups this outcomes and counted as neighbors work or its diplomatic solution to the crisis. African mediators trying to broker a peace deal on thursday ethiopian Prime Minister hyun in our youngsters were taken on weapons kellys all counts against sectarian conflict he met with some shooting these president s of the kids and kenyan president to put opinion can be cheaper for peace talks. Ethiopias foreign minister called the meeting constructive and candid. It is suppose to have underlined that. To be on quinn is just no means to remove the fuel president elected the government the truth should be a quantum vending happen to be done and any other solution for this crisis should be nice to put it to come down off shares in rival former Vice President react next card remains in hiding. He told International Media is open to negotiations. The fire and territorial struggles continue across the country but the government regained control is to teach parents dollars and malachi. It also announced it is preparing to be taken into the capital of the rebel held unity state people in boise much arsenal forces carried out mass ethnic killings while they controlled the town if you live and dead people and is now with baby. We wear today seeing that beautiful creation. People suffering from the hands of people also fear and uncertainty nine Healthy Police have been torn over the past two days in relative safety of the one hospital in too the season one of the sturdy greenpeace activists arrested by russia has now left the country on a train from St Petersburg to helsinki. So far fourteen of the activists have received activities as the others are expected to be clear to me by friday. The environmentalists were arrested in september during a protest over gas from oil drilling in the arctic. They had been facing up to seven years in prison and told russia formally dropped criminal charges under an amnesty what can be an important tool for social and economic change that settling the masses that dr german football coach tells staff to living and working in namibia hes also one of the people in the running for the title of the football ambassador for twenty fourteen we sat down with him and found out why take a look in doing this is in the media were german football coach closed and has lived for the past four years its a country of stark contrast to many places scenes of hunger and poverty in others. Prosperity and european culture. Rushed and role as technical director of the Canadian Football Association is not only about promoting the sport among men than women. But also improving the quality of life here. Ive been on. Im ultra niche introduced us to do it again girls on the street and through our project manage to get them into school. Its not just football. Theres a whole the educational aspect to it and to keep our two with a different kind of fun there has close ties to the west alien Soccer Association in germany. They helped build this hostel in the namibian capital been there. It houses the eight women and girls and offers them a better month the project as air and caused a huge admiration the announcer work has gained a new recognition. Hes been nominated as german football ambassador twenty fourteen in honor of his humanitarian efforts abroad he wants to use football to bring people together with the system gets into racism is everywhere during recess in germany too but people have to be able to live with each other. My main blog is for the young people who go to school together. Sports together you are just another way to older people. This means the swings and be determined the scan shows that in namibia and elsewhere football really can achieve change. Coming up the armed groups from the streets of the libyan capital we take a look at the struggles facing aaa to take a one in every day with us. Do. Justice no clutch is a woman in the future development with women as second of july. Just as he produces high quality seeds fall from the big and small. Thank you colonel some might be heading out the bad spots. I think me of proof to that vow that no one can be quite cold pizza too we made before jamie t h smart economics willed by god for this lack of gender welcome back. The afterglow of hairspray has faded into a complete breakdown of law and order the militias from the streets of the capital tripoli. Carving out and drooling over their live a little she stands as jason said. Recently deadly clashes broke out between armed groups and residents ordinary libyans have had enough. Times were two policemen years and on to laundry. The station all kinds of problems on a range of fronts the policemen on patrol engages him in conversation. He wants to complain about the deteriorating security situation to police biggest problem he says no one respects the police and the crisis is getting more snow. Male bodies next task is to sign off on compensation payments for people whose homes were destroyed in the countrys civil war. Its an important step towards restoring normality. He had. This is unemployment. And people are secure enough to go with the coolest features is in Martyrs Square jubilation of the demise of former leader while mike and auntie has long faded. The team has returned. That means queuing for long periods to get fuel a scarce commodity these days in tripoli. Nasas born because the potential here weve been waiting for hours sad. Police have no control over the scam station militiamen decide who can fill up the tank into canton they named him busy and chat with the issue in this area in the village. Not disputed that the ad and was then that this is a little push and shove it in the months of this unique and safety act the financial crisis will soon be over. She had them do all this attention is all wrong thats also true for relations between the various militia groups. The state has lost all control of them some routinely keeping up to rivals and run secret prisons home to get all that is creating real parallel structures to the police and the army are also stronger than the state institutions stronger than the police and the military science and innovation is of course arms to the tee advani has been updated since then. On november fifteen. Furious residents of tripoli demonstrated against the militias demanding they leave the city. The militia men opened fire on the crown forty seven people were killed and hundreds more wounded. The we need Abdullah Muhammad some may occur to him that the army he says the military received new orders to protect the demonstrators. The down i was sad when i heard Something Like i killed it or what but they were young people are taking part in the revolution in india. All of a moment of the city the libyan army is trying to win back control by setting up checkpoints. Lance young soldiers. He is just three hundred euro zone months. Too little to provide for young family. Without new recruits to libyan army canteen was kinky needs to disarm the militias. The body does the law. Ddd we need time to gather all the ins again we should have been that could take five or six years for wanting to control things to live ones life but that peace will return to libya until the army regains authority and that is unlikely to be anytime soon right we turn our attention that to another arab country mired in conflict. Syria more than one hundred twenty thousand people have been killed in the fighting there and millions have been displaced. One man who saw the heartbreaking to watch the unfolding in the International Headlines felt compelled to help chris savage thing that makes people laugh for a living the germans and comedian decided to raise money for syrians under siege the illusion that a business selling imagination is ready the planned talks up a small bavarian town of battle tank mounted a known comedian and activist tristan spring a good chance to take them to look at the flashpoint its serious civil war. Is there ready to hand over your eyes yes to look a bit different we still lead to an instruction is america was eighteen of the business itself. Inside the buses to years ago consisting of town didnt need it when i say sin only intended for use on several relief operations now hes focusing on fire trucks as the eye and when we took an aid convoy to a large bowl to me or ask me if i come back to singapore Million People in society and fires from air raids destroyed homes. But they couldnt help people to cause there were only two working fire trucks so i promised him id come back and bring want to display a response to the beach and just brought it home with the numerous to go into the spring and has now elected seven times in the result its time to see pricing to politicians and celebrities. You have any as clean as well and as a successful stand up comedian hes on stage almost every weekend. Since the elections cartels and terrible way to the annoyances of everyday life into the area. Far cry from the troubles faced by people caught some serious conflicts the forty eight year old boy was he says the states to get the seriousness it. He asked his ordinances pertaining to it. If the seatbelt these people wonder why organization or another this may cause. Its the message that resonates with the dorky and spring and still is that not all donations will actually go to the victims and for the state overnight jason has fourteen stuff in that order came the moment is whenever possible spring i attended as a surprise custody like an ok back to refugee camp in lebanon spring and has a connection to the middle east. He speaks arabic. He has friends in the region. He was especially affected by the price of the syrian refugees. This series in lebanon on the hottest hits he says. So his group tries to get them at least the basic necessities. Some think it is not always able to do. Just when he suspended the two nations in the month of no medical care is very core. I walked through the hospitals and saw one hundred two hundred cases on and the car someone asked if i could jump or youre going to help. Now he still gets my money is enough for him maybe twenty operations that took off for a hamburger two hundred. I have to decide who gets the operation. We have to rely on doctor to have to say quite pragmatic lead us we will help those who have no chance of survival. Anyway this is our operate on the ones who might have a chance to open them to come home. Springer and his assistants have collected thousands of bags of stuff toys medicines and taking a piece as politicians have left for fijis end of that thats why he felt old step back. The next load of surprise is going to let them in crumbling with the french knots. Its a long and dangerous daddy put the ball into his expect to be an inlet that by the end of the year. Lets switch gears now and take a look at some business news. The economy is looking bullish trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange at a record highs and economists expect twenty fourteen to bring more of the same technique alone institute for Economic Research says the Financial Outlook for europes largest economy is going. Its expected to continue growing germanys engineering sector is now booming. So much so that some companies are having a hard time keeping up with orders. Compared to other Industries Engineering gone off to a reliably slow start in twenty thirteen but expected revenues of some two hundred million murals make for a rosy forecasts for twenty fourteen. Good news extends beyond the engineering sector in a recent survey seventy percent of German Companies asked said they expected revenues to increase in twenty fourteen twenty percent predicted no change will only eight percent forecast a decline. The industrys feeling the pinch include Mining Energy and water providers. Mineral Oil Processing companies and the financial sector. All of the market stayed close following the Christmas Holiday but over in new york last week is back in action the dow is currently trading at sixteen thousand four hundred and seventy nine and the heroes also a takeout trading at one dollars thirty six ninety one. As we mentioned earlier turkish Prime Minister recep a better ones government has been fueling the key to this week a programme for government corruption has resulted in scores of rats. Among the close government allies and all the Political Uncertainty is having a negative effect on the economy. His dimples going to be holding steadily since the bus to rest on tuesday the last another two percent despite the cabinet reshuffle. Foreign investors are beginning to unwind their positions and cute things and construction companies. When it feels that could be tainted by Corruption Scandal the countrys currency. Lyric is an old time going to stick to its been tumbling so much longer. Its lost and eighteen percent against the euro this year. One is tiled to this that i killed the boss chris during the heyday of its manufacturing and construction boom. Turkeys economy is no faltering. Like many emerging economies the country to benefit the flow of cheap money the Us Federal Reserve has something in the markets. Now the us has begun to cut back its stimulus. Turkey is reliant on the news comes into his bed. Because the country imports law more than it exports. Its dependence on oil imports and has a huge current account deficits. The latest political appeals to me making matches once the steak was even more Foreign Investors to pull out christmas this year comes to a close friend says has denounced violence and discrimination against christians all over the world in his angeles prayer ten thousand in st Peters Square the pontiff asked for a moment of silence you think of the persecuted christians around the globe. He appealed for freedom of religion to be more fully relax and be with you. Well thats all we have time for right now in the journal but you can add to our web site that cw got you for all the latest news and information and pricing i have. To enter a series from which it though captivating documentary said reports covers business and finance alternative teaching historical and present day events as well as sports and leisure. In focus saturdays and sundays at four thirty pm the air. And. New one will whittle. I am. We do. Every day

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