Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140128 : comparemel

Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140128

aggregate amount of train tickets to get himself wants to see it like to create demand far outstrips supply like noah to become a welcome re union with family indeed a surprise. as you he let states mean what's the bitter cold and one when second in the object push brings chills to think this close forcing officials to close schools of thought is all right it's sw and transit and river traffic to call the minneapolis milwaukee and talked softly to me what's the forecast is for two consecutive days of sub zero allies on monday and tuesday. well most of the northeast will see highs in the single digits and teens on tuesday and wednesday according toature which is fourteen eighty thousand flights being canceled in the frigid temperatures of course was of great patience . i knew the routine use on him more shearers. dorothy says that he would be it. he said he and younger are cool. for me you can do that. the top of all. as our eye. i the thousands of israeli teenagers belong to use movement and all at the clinic with three tonnes of winter clothing and equipment in the collections because israel to be sent to syria. its humanitarian aid to the end is really flying eight organization. we're into going in all the israel will we joined the volunteers working on the final trial which will transport over two hundred thousand items of clothing. lead at twenty four year old pupil. dr explains how he and his army of volunteers that the people of the community to donate generously. its initiative it's clear from the israeli people to the center and pupil. if there are no connection to the government's. maybe the government though don't see eye to eye with its strong people to people the agm is there helping the concept. and there's two genes inside. and we know that to do suffer from the cold. as we suffered in and the north. we know that twenty seven children has died from his school and their weekend trip and want to help our neighbors astoria advertised on the net for news paper. going door to door. and dan explained. this project. and a community and to clear and parks. and to donate. we got to do them and actions. but maybe the we the story so that the community and to go in the north's is unfit to stand in this tortured and day and it's important for them to help. nineteen year old mia libby from the data and making her team have scouted at the school in the area and when to speak in front of all students to convince them to participate and donate to the children of syria we do and say it for other schools in the area and asked seats in the teachers' pay to print it and winter coats and blankets and far projects he succeeds in syria that's going to do is using his time before enlisting tuesday at the institute good for the community of like volunteering to sort out the close of the collection center of the achievements of this meant removing any attacks from the audience of closing that had any references to israel. i would share the collection center and i was really overwhelmed by the amount of donations of clothes. then came here from the community for the for the children in syria. human warmth project is just to leaders in the gym again efforts by his rallies to neighboring syria. the notes included medical aid and hospital care which israel has provided and the rate of secret key to the hundreds of wounded and injured civilians the writing at its border jn one on one takes an aptitude for collection center in northern israel we are. day nine to protest in paris against preston onslaught of lords has ended with anti semitic john spence style salutes. an online tv and films by news agency trades people making the controversial cornell which its jet which was popularized by controversial french comedian to dominate of those carrots black red and white flags symbolizing the german reich. at least one hundred and fifty people were detained and nineteen police with the kids up to two strikeout rates this is going fine cause muscles and fireworks with dispersed by police using t gets the tuition students union denounced anti semitic slogans and not just some cynics is kristin said the protests have turned into italian pate interior minister. my new balance can then be embraced by what he called the extreme cold to ride. the gathering was intended to give people a job to protest against a range of issues that included low allowing gay marriage new taxes and unemployment many complaints that the revelation about hormones alleged offences and be sure that the country's real issues. some protesters called for the fifty nine euro president to resign according to surveys he's the most unpopular president in modern prophets. by the chips and diplomats kidnapped in a libyan capital tripoli has been freed up to the job released to tend to be in a militia come on to the dome and two abducted the five officials from the flames several basic guide to market the card to be released within twenty four hours each its claims it a rest it's about high heat to a legion of minutes in to the median revolutionaries five the starting his residency permits. it was the same parade which briefly kidnapped by mr on the side of the gospel to them the diplomats abduction several days to get the spotlight to write this or that up to the two thousand and eleven ousting of what was going to be kidnappings and sen coleman committee on xbox is an islamist militants hit the stupid at the schools has refused to disarm. we tried to take control of every is from the government including people who folds. it is not the first time and the seasoned diplomats have been taught that it also said that russia's embassy in tripoli was ambushed by around sixty people to open fire and tore down the russian flag in april last year a car bomb was decimated outside the french embassy in tripoli injury gods the most prominent attack was in september two thousand and twelve when a militant group to al qaeda attacked the us once in a pink gowns the ambassador christopher stevens and three of his delight during the question announces session on monday as hillary clinton said the incident was the biggest regret. well leaving us take home to be losing four american. the mm the israeli holocaust survivors from poland have turned their home in a west bank jewish settlements into a museum for school children can learn about the murder of six million during world war two. i read about his trusty in her late has been the yet to launch the product in two thousand three in memory of the killing of most of the jewish community including much of the icons family it during the second world war but just wants to guide the current israeli youths and soldiers cast a private collection of a thousand holocaust era memorabilia in case to the class that includes postcards written by concentration camp inmates and striped uniforms they wore. i listened to in the system not that you married for thirty six years and the static cling. one can be lower in the street and said this house was insane to try to make it a house for his encounters many mutants to know the area and am going to explain to them what had been quiet here so that has happened. israel's holocaust museum and yet shannon jerusalem regularly holds guided tours for youngsters of ideas thoughts he said that its survivors speaking up for visitors to the museum a unique personal perspective in the basketball isn't letting down the middle tn to see more images here are just arriving from abroad and children. that you actually this is due to her and thanks to clay and i am. this is for example is fun mrs toddler clothes that he did in camp a little so i make myself get into its maw. and children who come here. and kissed me and wished me on the banner read it here yet the dishonesty of the dwindling she needs some two hundred thousand holocaust survivors in israel culture museum which is funded by the ariel settlement in private donations will live on past her own gas anti fascist protesters gathered in central london to replace speech is quiet and gary and far right leader is guilt because he is named for its strong anti semitism and hatred of dozens of people carried out leaflets and held signs including one which sits next to nazis demonstrates is due monday that controversially the devil will not be banned from giving a speech made and the hunter to smoltz it cools off and take a treat reason makes a stop on the speeches were ignored. it's a real study that teresa wright did not listen to the representations are registered as i heard about this visit from the bigger job it. nor did she responds that the taste of fourteen thousand a statistic but before i was going on an indictment. it's a real shame because celtic often extreme policy. your eyes dry weather would see them get to ice the device to its people don't see list at the to scrutiny this season. but that's just one step away to write the great people at yellowstone. there was these clashes could break out between protesters and which parts he supports is who attended the rally ahead of tom jerry national elections in april the event was eventually relocate it. we had to die because we think he will always be more will die. the tokyo bay to come to this country to promote division. so we think it's something that is reprehensible. rick human rights and peace to the rota due to the oil on the settee with the jewish bankers sought hungry. he looked effective but barca given to us and he'll take needs to be impressed the judges the extremists your part c of the third largest in hungary in terms of amp's the country's bad economy and people's discontent factors in the parties' rise in popularity. it was the world jewish congress being held in budapest last year the government has repeatedly contend anti semitism of the city would do everything within them will come back to it's just a cigar humphries un envoy make the country's festival apology for hungry symbolically in the holocaust no mom. after decades of dictatorship and two years of arguments and compromises to me since i have finally approved a new constitution laying the foundations for a secular democracy the document is groundbreaking as one of the most progressive constitutions in the arab world. the past like two hundred votes out of two hundred sixteenth in the country often called the birthplace of the industry after overthrowing a dictator in two thousand eleven and inspiring uprisings across the region the team and we can truly believes that this constitution is a good documents and spells out is necessary and balanced mechanisms to guarantee rights and freedoms in order to build a country of mole and institutions. this is the constitution enshrined in freedom of religion and women's rights took two years to finish during which the country was battered by high unemployment protests terror attacks and political assassinations. the eye actually there with lots of people like us it was time for freedom and political impact. no one kills ninety to nine counts of islands has taken to help recently been given the same time he did to roads to constitutions and went through a military coup against an elected government money really the remains and chaos within an effective central government which maintains little control over armed militias. tunisia in comparison is a bright spot in the arab world and its citizens now hope he'd scare in drafting the constitution makes a difference in returning stability to the country and reassuring investors and allies to test the united states the document sets out to meet the north african country of eleven million people a democracy that the civil state has laws are not based on islamic law chee local costs and in staines pain. the sephardic museum of toledo will today installed the immense six meets a bike he meets a walkabout skin types will show up by the late jim an artist will fausto himself among the society candidates each piece on the expulsion of from spain and events in the second will call the spots of one of the same holocaust. the deal was pioneer who boast of being too busy at work in nineteen ninety seven just a year before his death the history of spanish was something very close to his house the medics responded and he is living in the country several days before but he's he's officially presented to the and press the spy museum in my keychain want to film the mounting of the spirit work in the town's medieval synagogue. what's the widow of that these waterfalls to cost even a spinning top that the stones to a system of the nation in use in riskier to extend the memory of this particular tune with the swat peace microfinance but hope to expose the news from spain and coral coast on the what what comes off the twentieth century. you are going to go into opening on the twenty seventh of january the work will stay on show the justice society museum of toledo while the exact motivation of the painting is open to interpretation. the director he believes that these hostels way of wearing his jewish identity on the city today and into tonight. david peace activist in a way that the fixed the recipe and it seems that leads us to be a lead he was mentally and physically. the company was one of his last works in many ways it is the story. one of the things it says is that the condition precedent on solid hits. it's not my thing has been the most unique because he's got to know these are the pronouncement yesterday announced it is our due date so it wasn't the last two weeks but i did the costumes he did find some way i feel towards them and the comics based on the market at the point of view. gone with the cast looks at me and tom waits we going to i think it is based on his life he started throwing on it. but i'm still not abstain from so many years ago and the united states who invents a new marina we woke her up out of having the peace here in the sense of the old synagogue of tomato that is to come and see two of the unit that pleasure the museum planned to use the work as a springboard to go in depth discussion about him concerts both teams the artist was racing the american studio in a part of the domestic season picking up these days seem to go up someone living which is the haunt of the year so we went to bedok the bcci opens his arms he takes a bow to draw up on the aftermath of the coral coast next portion of the huge tree stump into it going to interesting day at the museum. other stand up for the next teen visitors will be telling buy in one scene the two extremes of jewish history in spain mumbling at the synagogue for the pieces being ours and constantly see the harvest of the infamous scottish inquisition. this is paul's day one in spain. the mm many cheap rate has been held in st pete is to mark the seventieth anniversary of the end of the siege of leningrad. afraid to raise needed to study old style and memorials symmetry the burial place of some hoffa million people in less than lines during the second world war speech. from nineteen four two one two nineteen thirty four c heat. finance leningrad was subjected by german and finnish forces units each. see jen and brad was a meet the operation by germany against an incorrect it started on september i went in for too long has finally lifted on jenny twenty seven nineteen sixty four. as i know . he thought he pitched and it is done just come and see the news to a baby it just feels different to love thee which created a new comedic play in the spirit of jayden into most of which features amongst others. i phones big brother and even mcdonald's they are a lot. whats more the sound of the dish you get into upheaval for thirty years ago takes pride in being a full house every night with people who know the new deputy of the patient's own the ratio of people coming in. and in the sky was something which was beautiful and my goal to show that the dish can be out today. we do most of human and all of those was to prevent and or dishonest in which comes from god or judaism. without the dish was moved to the needs of the wire union. we the jewish culture with all our tradition is not a can of beans. i predict that with the intruder is just wonderful. it is tradition does treasure will drum up to me you should visit civilization is in japanese you it is a engine civilization. there is also a huge concert it was only going to have his own country it's not. i have. one of the leading actors in the born again due to steve is still remembers the days when it was uploaded israel to performing he pitched the machine. when i came to this country in the fifties i began to play with when he dished it up until i was to be honest it if i was young fellow and i remember the days were nineteen which was a bit. i mean the police would come and open the door to keep your falling and sought to find wish you had to pay. they were shot down the trees and the people and we have to get a refund. it's across the generations as they say. today will probably add three new dish again. i was eighteen he appreciates it. i'm twenty years ago i went out to form a new dish it was a modest sort of a repentance by repented when i was a joy until i was seven years old. i didn't speak any other language what you dish i was born in yiddish and racing edition and i came back to it's a sort of obligation to myself what is the comedy acting like a lemon as a bombastic was licensed as a calling a mission for filling on top of my grandfather my grandmother on the jewish town where i was born in korea the tomb get. i'm not in a twenty three dual fuel eat only two graduated from the abyss cool twenty two months ago is one of the new generation of actors who decided to venture on to the uk theater stage cmt such an attack on iran did to ferment until about two months ago and to finally be aware of has to take a discourse as a caprice and the despair and ten. and as a quality builder really answer my nineteen year deal with not very easy dish to cram my parents whenever they wanted to take to bed linens understand what they are saying they use just the cutest in on itself and i said that even if it's not for me to be able to speak to me rant on account of what they experienced identity and something will come on if it's not in the end so on was and wanted to audition at the end of the year and ended up here. he noted that his chance hop on down bring the ashkenazi be worth dying for the final with an easy sell and which has a gift. it doesn't matter especially when it's time to slack with just the tension. it is. it is to bend be displaying which israel of the twenty first century is falling in love with the language and culture that everyone gives to mourn the gene one am on jacobsen that the ud spiel theater in tele me . gillett agreed to take two great talents in the southern mexican state and an effort to protect citizens from organized crime following the government's failure to do so. soak defence militias have steadily taking territory from the cartel ever since residents tired of extortion rose up in august last year. presidents from one town gathered at the square to list of vigilantes explain their reasons for taking safety into their own hands. it's the most to this epidemic we are on four separate carrying out the tops of the government should be carrying out due to the leadership vacuum. we have to promote this short eight the price of the ultimate guide to to give us a kiss that made use of the alzheimer's. mexico's national human rights commission says there are only seven thousand members of armed self defense groups in the states the commission says there are similar groups in ten other mexican states several have died in clashes between the two litigants and soldiers ever said to disarm the group's these clashes had angered supporters of the self defense groups with some accusing the government of siding with the cartel the number of deaths in the region with the kargil conflict is unknown but the state's homicides has nearly doubled to more than one hundred a month since september. mexican politicians are now getting around to admitting to the seriousness of the problem with one senator saying the current situation is becoming an issue of national security. fishermen have killed the shock has cost the controversial state schooling program designed to tackle the number of shark attacks. seven people have died from an illustrated southwest in the top three is the program designed by the western australian state cup and involves killing whites who untied the sharks and the three makes his lone fisherman has become place the device is the cat show off to the beach is it the state's capital the policy we're all this we have a responsibility to take when we can pray for these leeches into my limited on the site. oh i think that tony will show it to be effective. the co ed schools abroad among environmentalists. they say gives people a false sense of security and that there is no evidence it even works activists have threatened to sabotage drum lines and fly fishermen to take out. that being shot twice in a state that show their tracking them in that dumping the bodies have to say once again for a mo shots into the area western australian states for me a comment on it was heckled the number makes a ceremony held on to the shops dance. despite this he told reporters he hoped the program would reduce the risk to beachgoers the dancer is to musicians and performers have paraded down the seminal andrea janeiro polishing their performance had in the annual con about. the rehearsals in the summit for all of the samba schools are deceiving in the annual parades to check everything is in place to be officially banned in early march. it also gives farmers a chance to experience the sambar adelaide away from the glares of judges. only half the file number of performers took part in the rehearsal over the weekend but it was nice to get a feel for what great to look like and for teachers to make the necessary adjustments. this is the second weekend of rehearsals in december don't allow that more schools still to practice. zai. rule. do will he. to me. will. who are we are. will. they do as you . . pa's you . i was on since. i wun help and had all the boarding of the twenty seventh or local time comprised of mine till eternity in alchemy snow palm tory impressed and one four on goal. fernandes also inside is aware of possible presence of sci fi de da da gama as well as the president of republic china allies

Related Keywords

Japan , Australia , Germany , Iran , China , Syria , Tripoli , Tarabulus , Libya , Russia , Adelaide , South Australia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , United States , Tunisia , Mexico , Budapest , Hungary , Israel , Finland , Tokyo Bay , Japan General , Leningrad , Sankt Peterburg , Poland , France , Spain , Paris , Rhôalpes , Italy , Finnish , Italian , Australian , Spanish , French , Chinese , Mexican , German , Libyan , Russian , Israeli , Japanese , American , Sen Coleman , Mia Libby , Al Qaeda , Andrea Janeiro , Teresa Wright , John Spence , Christopher Stevens , Hillary Clinton , Tom Jerry ,

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Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140128 :

Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140128

Card image cap

aggregate amount of train tickets to get himself wants to see it like to create demand far outstrips supply like noah to become a welcome re union with family indeed a surprise. as you he let states mean what's the bitter cold and one when second in the object push brings chills to think this close forcing officials to close schools of thought is all right it's sw and transit and river traffic to call the minneapolis milwaukee and talked softly to me what's the forecast is for two consecutive days of sub zero allies on monday and tuesday. well most of the northeast will see highs in the single digits and teens on tuesday and wednesday according toature which is fourteen eighty thousand flights being canceled in the frigid temperatures of course was of great patience . i knew the routine use on him more shearers. dorothy says that he would be it. he said he and younger are cool. for me you can do that. the top of all. as our eye. i the thousands of israeli teenagers belong to use movement and all at the clinic with three tonnes of winter clothing and equipment in the collections because israel to be sent to syria. its humanitarian aid to the end is really flying eight organization. we're into going in all the israel will we joined the volunteers working on the final trial which will transport over two hundred thousand items of clothing. lead at twenty four year old pupil. dr explains how he and his army of volunteers that the people of the community to donate generously. its initiative it's clear from the israeli people to the center and pupil. if there are no connection to the government's. maybe the government though don't see eye to eye with its strong people to people the agm is there helping the concept. and there's two genes inside. and we know that to do suffer from the cold. as we suffered in and the north. we know that twenty seven children has died from his school and their weekend trip and want to help our neighbors astoria advertised on the net for news paper. going door to door. and dan explained. this project. and a community and to clear and parks. and to donate. we got to do them and actions. but maybe the we the story so that the community and to go in the north's is unfit to stand in this tortured and day and it's important for them to help. nineteen year old mia libby from the data and making her team have scouted at the school in the area and when to speak in front of all students to convince them to participate and donate to the children of syria we do and say it for other schools in the area and asked seats in the teachers' pay to print it and winter coats and blankets and far projects he succeeds in syria that's going to do is using his time before enlisting tuesday at the institute good for the community of like volunteering to sort out the close of the collection center of the achievements of this meant removing any attacks from the audience of closing that had any references to israel. i would share the collection center and i was really overwhelmed by the amount of donations of clothes. then came here from the community for the for the children in syria. human warmth project is just to leaders in the gym again efforts by his rallies to neighboring syria. the notes included medical aid and hospital care which israel has provided and the rate of secret key to the hundreds of wounded and injured civilians the writing at its border jn one on one takes an aptitude for collection center in northern israel we are. day nine to protest in paris against preston onslaught of lords has ended with anti semitic john spence style salutes. an online tv and films by news agency trades people making the controversial cornell which its jet which was popularized by controversial french comedian to dominate of those carrots black red and white flags symbolizing the german reich. at least one hundred and fifty people were detained and nineteen police with the kids up to two strikeout rates this is going fine cause muscles and fireworks with dispersed by police using t gets the tuition students union denounced anti semitic slogans and not just some cynics is kristin said the protests have turned into italian pate interior minister. my new balance can then be embraced by what he called the extreme cold to ride. the gathering was intended to give people a job to protest against a range of issues that included low allowing gay marriage new taxes and unemployment many complaints that the revelation about hormones alleged offences and be sure that the country's real issues. some protesters called for the fifty nine euro president to resign according to surveys he's the most unpopular president in modern prophets. by the chips and diplomats kidnapped in a libyan capital tripoli has been freed up to the job released to tend to be in a militia come on to the dome and two abducted the five officials from the flames several basic guide to market the card to be released within twenty four hours each its claims it a rest it's about high heat to a legion of minutes in to the median revolutionaries five the starting his residency permits. it was the same parade which briefly kidnapped by mr on the side of the gospel to them the diplomats abduction several days to get the spotlight to write this or that up to the two thousand and eleven ousting of what was going to be kidnappings and sen coleman committee on xbox is an islamist militants hit the stupid at the schools has refused to disarm. we tried to take control of every is from the government including people who folds. it is not the first time and the seasoned diplomats have been taught that it also said that russia's embassy in tripoli was ambushed by around sixty people to open fire and tore down the russian flag in april last year a car bomb was decimated outside the french embassy in tripoli injury gods the most prominent attack was in september two thousand and twelve when a militant group to al qaeda attacked the us once in a pink gowns the ambassador christopher stevens and three of his delight during the question announces session on monday as hillary clinton said the incident was the biggest regret. well leaving us take home to be losing four american. the mm the israeli holocaust survivors from poland have turned their home in a west bank jewish settlements into a museum for school children can learn about the murder of six million during world war two. i read about his trusty in her late has been the yet to launch the product in two thousand three in memory of the killing of most of the jewish community including much of the icons family it during the second world war but just wants to guide the current israeli youths and soldiers cast a private collection of a thousand holocaust era memorabilia in case to the class that includes postcards written by concentration camp inmates and striped uniforms they wore. i listened to in the system not that you married for thirty six years and the static cling. one can be lower in the street and said this house was insane to try to make it a house for his encounters many mutants to know the area and am going to explain to them what had been quiet here so that has happened. israel's holocaust museum and yet shannon jerusalem regularly holds guided tours for youngsters of ideas thoughts he said that its survivors speaking up for visitors to the museum a unique personal perspective in the basketball isn't letting down the middle tn to see more images here are just arriving from abroad and children. that you actually this is due to her and thanks to clay and i am. this is for example is fun mrs toddler clothes that he did in camp a little so i make myself get into its maw. and children who come here. and kissed me and wished me on the banner read it here yet the dishonesty of the dwindling she needs some two hundred thousand holocaust survivors in israel culture museum which is funded by the ariel settlement in private donations will live on past her own gas anti fascist protesters gathered in central london to replace speech is quiet and gary and far right leader is guilt because he is named for its strong anti semitism and hatred of dozens of people carried out leaflets and held signs including one which sits next to nazis demonstrates is due monday that controversially the devil will not be banned from giving a speech made and the hunter to smoltz it cools off and take a treat reason makes a stop on the speeches were ignored. it's a real study that teresa wright did not listen to the representations are registered as i heard about this visit from the bigger job it. nor did she responds that the taste of fourteen thousand a statistic but before i was going on an indictment. it's a real shame because celtic often extreme policy. your eyes dry weather would see them get to ice the device to its people don't see list at the to scrutiny this season. but that's just one step away to write the great people at yellowstone. there was these clashes could break out between protesters and which parts he supports is who attended the rally ahead of tom jerry national elections in april the event was eventually relocate it. we had to die because we think he will always be more will die. the tokyo bay to come to this country to promote division. so we think it's something that is reprehensible. rick human rights and peace to the rota due to the oil on the settee with the jewish bankers sought hungry. he looked effective but barca given to us and he'll take needs to be impressed the judges the extremists your part c of the third largest in hungary in terms of amp's the country's bad economy and people's discontent factors in the parties' rise in popularity. it was the world jewish congress being held in budapest last year the government has repeatedly contend anti semitism of the city would do everything within them will come back to it's just a cigar humphries un envoy make the country's festival apology for hungry symbolically in the holocaust no mom. after decades of dictatorship and two years of arguments and compromises to me since i have finally approved a new constitution laying the foundations for a secular democracy the document is groundbreaking as one of the most progressive constitutions in the arab world. the past like two hundred votes out of two hundred sixteenth in the country often called the birthplace of the industry after overthrowing a dictator in two thousand eleven and inspiring uprisings across the region the team and we can truly believes that this constitution is a good documents and spells out is necessary and balanced mechanisms to guarantee rights and freedoms in order to build a country of mole and institutions. this is the constitution enshrined in freedom of religion and women's rights took two years to finish during which the country was battered by high unemployment protests terror attacks and political assassinations. the eye actually there with lots of people like us it was time for freedom and political impact. no one kills ninety to nine counts of islands has taken to help recently been given the same time he did to roads to constitutions and went through a military coup against an elected government money really the remains and chaos within an effective central government which maintains little control over armed militias. tunisia in comparison is a bright spot in the arab world and its citizens now hope he'd scare in drafting the constitution makes a difference in returning stability to the country and reassuring investors and allies to test the united states the document sets out to meet the north african country of eleven million people a democracy that the civil state has laws are not based on islamic law chee local costs and in staines pain. the sephardic museum of toledo will today installed the immense six meets a bike he meets a walkabout skin types will show up by the late jim an artist will fausto himself among the society candidates each piece on the expulsion of from spain and events in the second will call the spots of one of the same holocaust. the deal was pioneer who boast of being too busy at work in nineteen ninety seven just a year before his death the history of spanish was something very close to his house the medics responded and he is living in the country several days before but he's he's officially presented to the and press the spy museum in my keychain want to film the mounting of the spirit work in the town's medieval synagogue. what's the widow of that these waterfalls to cost even a spinning top that the stones to a system of the nation in use in riskier to extend the memory of this particular tune with the swat peace microfinance but hope to expose the news from spain and coral coast on the what what comes off the twentieth century. you are going to go into opening on the twenty seventh of january the work will stay on show the justice society museum of toledo while the exact motivation of the painting is open to interpretation. the director he believes that these hostels way of wearing his jewish identity on the city today and into tonight. david peace activist in a way that the fixed the recipe and it seems that leads us to be a lead he was mentally and physically. the company was one of his last works in many ways it is the story. one of the things it says is that the condition precedent on solid hits. it's not my thing has been the most unique because he's got to know these are the pronouncement yesterday announced it is our due date so it wasn't the last two weeks but i did the costumes he did find some way i feel towards them and the comics based on the market at the point of view. gone with the cast looks at me and tom waits we going to i think it is based on his life he started throwing on it. but i'm still not abstain from so many years ago and the united states who invents a new marina we woke her up out of having the peace here in the sense of the old synagogue of tomato that is to come and see two of the unit that pleasure the museum planned to use the work as a springboard to go in depth discussion about him concerts both teams the artist was racing the american studio in a part of the domestic season picking up these days seem to go up someone living which is the haunt of the year so we went to bedok the bcci opens his arms he takes a bow to draw up on the aftermath of the coral coast next portion of the huge tree stump into it going to interesting day at the museum. other stand up for the next teen visitors will be telling buy in one scene the two extremes of jewish history in spain mumbling at the synagogue for the pieces being ours and constantly see the harvest of the infamous scottish inquisition. this is paul's day one in spain. the mm many cheap rate has been held in st pete is to mark the seventieth anniversary of the end of the siege of leningrad. afraid to raise needed to study old style and memorials symmetry the burial place of some hoffa million people in less than lines during the second world war speech. from nineteen four two one two nineteen thirty four c heat. finance leningrad was subjected by german and finnish forces units each. see jen and brad was a meet the operation by germany against an incorrect it started on september i went in for too long has finally lifted on jenny twenty seven nineteen sixty four. as i know . he thought he pitched and it is done just come and see the news to a baby it just feels different to love thee which created a new comedic play in the spirit of jayden into most of which features amongst others. i phones big brother and even mcdonald's they are a lot. whats more the sound of the dish you get into upheaval for thirty years ago takes pride in being a full house every night with people who know the new deputy of the patient's own the ratio of people coming in. and in the sky was something which was beautiful and my goal to show that the dish can be out today. we do most of human and all of those was to prevent and or dishonest in which comes from god or judaism. without the dish was moved to the needs of the wire union. we the jewish culture with all our tradition is not a can of beans. i predict that with the intruder is just wonderful. it is tradition does treasure will drum up to me you should visit civilization is in japanese you it is a engine civilization. there is also a huge concert it was only going to have his own country it's not. i have. one of the leading actors in the born again due to steve is still remembers the days when it was uploaded israel to performing he pitched the machine. when i came to this country in the fifties i began to play with when he dished it up until i was to be honest it if i was young fellow and i remember the days were nineteen which was a bit. i mean the police would come and open the door to keep your falling and sought to find wish you had to pay. they were shot down the trees and the people and we have to get a refund. it's across the generations as they say. today will probably add three new dish again. i was eighteen he appreciates it. i'm twenty years ago i went out to form a new dish it was a modest sort of a repentance by repented when i was a joy until i was seven years old. i didn't speak any other language what you dish i was born in yiddish and racing edition and i came back to it's a sort of obligation to myself what is the comedy acting like a lemon as a bombastic was licensed as a calling a mission for filling on top of my grandfather my grandmother on the jewish town where i was born in korea the tomb get. i'm not in a twenty three dual fuel eat only two graduated from the abyss cool twenty two months ago is one of the new generation of actors who decided to venture on to the uk theater stage cmt such an attack on iran did to ferment until about two months ago and to finally be aware of has to take a discourse as a caprice and the despair and ten. and as a quality builder really answer my nineteen year deal with not very easy dish to cram my parents whenever they wanted to take to bed linens understand what they are saying they use just the cutest in on itself and i said that even if it's not for me to be able to speak to me rant on account of what they experienced identity and something will come on if it's not in the end so on was and wanted to audition at the end of the year and ended up here. he noted that his chance hop on down bring the ashkenazi be worth dying for the final with an easy sell and which has a gift. it doesn't matter especially when it's time to slack with just the tension. it is. it is to bend be displaying which israel of the twenty first century is falling in love with the language and culture that everyone gives to mourn the gene one am on jacobsen that the ud spiel theater in tele me . gillett agreed to take two great talents in the southern mexican state and an effort to protect citizens from organized crime following the government's failure to do so. soak defence militias have steadily taking territory from the cartel ever since residents tired of extortion rose up in august last year. presidents from one town gathered at the square to list of vigilantes explain their reasons for taking safety into their own hands. it's the most to this epidemic we are on four separate carrying out the tops of the government should be carrying out due to the leadership vacuum. we have to promote this short eight the price of the ultimate guide to to give us a kiss that made use of the alzheimer's. mexico's national human rights commission says there are only seven thousand members of armed self defense groups in the states the commission says there are similar groups in ten other mexican states several have died in clashes between the two litigants and soldiers ever said to disarm the group's these clashes had angered supporters of the self defense groups with some accusing the government of siding with the cartel the number of deaths in the region with the kargil conflict is unknown but the state's homicides has nearly doubled to more than one hundred a month since september. mexican politicians are now getting around to admitting to the seriousness of the problem with one senator saying the current situation is becoming an issue of national security. fishermen have killed the shock has cost the controversial state schooling program designed to tackle the number of shark attacks. seven people have died from an illustrated southwest in the top three is the program designed by the western australian state cup and involves killing whites who untied the sharks and the three makes his lone fisherman has become place the device is the cat show off to the beach is it the state's capital the policy we're all this we have a responsibility to take when we can pray for these leeches into my limited on the site. oh i think that tony will show it to be effective. the co ed schools abroad among environmentalists. they say gives people a false sense of security and that there is no evidence it even works activists have threatened to sabotage drum lines and fly fishermen to take out. that being shot twice in a state that show their tracking them in that dumping the bodies have to say once again for a mo shots into the area western australian states for me a comment on it was heckled the number makes a ceremony held on to the shops dance. despite this he told reporters he hoped the program would reduce the risk to beachgoers the dancer is to musicians and performers have paraded down the seminal andrea janeiro polishing their performance had in the annual con about. the rehearsals in the summit for all of the samba schools are deceiving in the annual parades to check everything is in place to be officially banned in early march. it also gives farmers a chance to experience the sambar adelaide away from the glares of judges. only half the file number of performers took part in the rehearsal over the weekend but it was nice to get a feel for what great to look like and for teachers to make the necessary adjustments. this is the second weekend of rehearsals in december don't allow that more schools still to practice. zai. rule. do will he. to me. will. who are we are. will. they do as you . . pa's you . i was on since. i wun help and had all the boarding of the twenty seventh or local time comprised of mine till eternity in alchemy snow palm tory impressed and one four on goal. fernandes also inside is aware of possible presence of sci fi de da da gama as well as the president of republic china allies

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