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Funding terrorists the ousted egyptian president of the mossy is on trial with sony one of four other trials hes basing his Muslim Brotherhood says the subtext to a witch hunt she gets its eighteen hole but still a mystery since i am an independent lab. He played in protest as have agreed to a leaked government buildings in exchange for the release of its president s it is still a dam on the governments resignation added six points sixteen weeks is about the new kindle will fall back on to. After two decades its fight in britain by twenty seven year old frenchman when no editing welcome to call studded cast on or add to clean as a straight steal our top story the new morrissey is and that dopey agents to pace presence is accused of funding terrorists and lacking with extreme statements such as hamas or hezbollah to commit acts morrissey will be tried in a week that the five alleged accomplices including prominent members of his Muslim Brotherhood. London cafe state he brings the latest inquiry. Shes always been based on a tasty treat i was even called today and i went to see him is undoubtedly the president ial aides and i think i will meet on tuesday confirmed to have confined to inspect each including being honest aiding terrorism with eating beef and secrets to a foreign country and alerting parents to make it right. According to the prosecutor general and the red sea and his top aides said they had secrets with you the relations that brunch at a barrel so its just fine to eat it. He did last the eighth minute overnight thanks to allah the prosecution also right next to the Muslim Brotherhood collaborate with any jihadist trained by him chaos to regenerate and recreation. It sounds cheap seats. Right now. Italys john key should be hitting the death penalty. It all came to our dismay at night to read is the kind that come with me so dumb test and that Prime Minister. According to source from his Democratic Party amends he could be asked to form a new government on monday. This is cousin to put it on a finance consulting various people think is some state evening as cowboy news reports they were evolving toward the tiny and nine ministers continued to tend to president ial agenda caught it on and is expected to last this mad man or a foreign state and lindsay to form a new government. The teacher of president s and sent to dame consultations that rtd is going to write about the whole day as bean interesting and stimulating killing a muslim and it is of course mine to teach me to hand over the reins when i get the appointment to the person whose job it will be to form a new covenant the Prime Minister or any kind of tell was ousted by his own democratic county falling in and confidence that recalled by wednesday he is appointed Prime Minister ramsay will the striking unfold that the new center right county which had supported and ten with amazing ease the essential element to the makeup of the coalition see on sat quite still and its allies to the left with more left wing forces moving across the usa no one to the new government in all honesty the little boy despite being expelled from the senate tax foliage former Prime Ministers still be a pakistani was invited to the consultations. As expected he said to stop the county would not join accommodation doing them all we are geo position. But to be responsible opposition. As we always have the interest of. The lindsay will be the head Prime Minister and let it be appointed to put down twenty new direction the anti establishment finds down the main point cut to the talks saying italians should be asked to step in and sat at the bandits box and the age at conception and ukrainian protesters have evacuated Kyiv City Hall after occupying it for months the opposition did promise to you the key government buildings often authorities released Political Prisoners detained during the on ramp stock cars come and gone to the crappy eighties cakey and signed the city hope none of that test how this all happened i can confirm that the building has learned thats been evacuated there still people Milling Around in it taking up this stuff but most of the conjugal such opponents of the canada day two was still sleeping in this building the number of people decrying this building have actually been slowly diminishing for a number of weeks now but they are now out in the streets waiting for the police to come and confirmed that they are satisfied that the demonstrators have left the already formally handed over control of the building to the kids to two authorities in the presence of the swiss ambassador know that theyre waiting to see with the ukrainian authorities will keep up that side of the puck in and cancel and call charges against the demonstrators who had been until a few days ago detained by the authorities intend to a now out on bail but still facing charges. How significant is this well certainly its as symbolically significant in that its the first time really that weve seen the all star teams make the concession by releasing this prison is funded by demonstrates is the making a concession. From that site but its important to stress that this is just one building a house of several innocent fifty of them protested so occupied that theyve now tasked with getting that in any one of the c t cult of oh wait that was ages ago but the tunnel that they will send a fax reports from other towns in ukraine that its not yet clear what it demonstrates is eating them the demonstrators are absolutely not giving up their movements. Justice who was speaking here with us in the state india said the pilots which is another occupied building. In the center of kiev. Suddenly on the symbolic level it is a significant scones a sage is a very important week in ukrainian politics but has to meet again as the victim this is expected to nominate a new Prime Minister and discussions about the possibility of meeting the oppositions demands to reform the constitution will miss him so well see what the most significant concessions in may that in the week thats coming up alright got into thinking that much for that update those gotta crack reporting that from. Pfi is that he doesnt realize that it is that coming to us at from the independents lastly you can see thousands of prey text is a holiday to the ukrainian fact that badly that they will keep staging mass protests across the country reinforcing that barricades and this is you can see is the point of them or better yet listen to what some of this protest is to say. Also those who witnessed it. Spoon. We are expecting some kind of tell them into action. So we have increased its security with barricade going on in the paint and squid we all know that was the last post. With the process the work was dealing with the tools we use the machinery to build an access to the barricades same materials can be approached in the second sons school so we can reinforce the barricades isaac and i know what else is at grabbing the headlines across the wound and then say that prior and Anti Government protest the states two rival rileys the incorrect as the twelfth day and write mass demonstrations that monster country. She is deeply divided at the president s ear is not to mention the crime unemployment and on props and his attendants want him out because ive tried police to stop the spread of the crackdown and to release opposition activists. This is fifth trip to asia. Us anti john kerry is caught in a semi his visit to this decal must care is expected to give a speech on Climate Change date of the g eight nations to help tackle rising sea levels and the nation jasmine is one of the biggest called the damages due to rampant deforestation. Sin is gracing the mall for dogs as light winds and heavy rains sweeping and forget not to send to the answers out of the records had in some of the most at risk trying to study the comments that the next twenty four hours are critical. Tens of thousands of times already to complete the help of a transport is disrupted and at least three people have been reported killed so far. Im finally a frenchman has broken the pole vault while freckle adopted an extra day competition. The beating he went six points sixteen meters high and beat the record by one tiny sent to me to tell what the half dozen smaller about the french and i can fans now cool and daddy. It was one of the oldest records in athletics and coming back from the brink of disappointment after two recent failed attempts frenchmen who no doubt been the jumps into the history books. Nearing six meters and sixteen cents meat is key that the whole send to meet at the previous record. Note that before and after the jump to such heights after clearing the ball the twenty seven year olds fell backwards into the whites. One in ways no avail and i really dont understand it is nonetheless it did not. Does the city the man who set the previous record stood and applauded the successor to his crown ukrainian second trip to create six meets his fifteen at the same venue back in nineteen ninety three. Twenty one years late to pack more into next. He was not the amusement of jewelry as he celebrates with teammates definitely in pole position the routes of this addition to the state seem to think and. And it says welcome to report is false. I kept on eye is all the pics stories from the well. In this edition we take it to the hall to the humanitarian crisis in Central African republic while the spin can change it intently the whole set of promises to stop the violence that so many thousands of people who are cold in the middle of the pants off from the tree running for the mines in the face of honesty militia to fight on sectarian lines muslim and christian the country has descended into her writhing violence since most unsettled rebels seized power last march. This image of cold and people like to have formed to oppose them it almost daily atrocities committed in the name of long walk the other less about religion. More about how meanwhile food is running local reports has traced the blood supply wagons and followed them through to that destination to people and i needed just the basics that my political solution to the competence and from the seems far off. Im at it and besides it seems old to imminent report is santana moss the report begins on the road to the border with cameroon. The chocs been denied. Guns seized from the three anti palin has on a motorbike on the road to cameron. There was an intention to commence get the answer to that International Support mission to the country to disarm forever they had in the twelve th. He will happen i received i can try taste like these are mostly christian peasants. Their hunting guns on them in the midst of the former celtic of apples. Sometimes the center image is. Its evidence. Hes in a ska soldiers are helping deep into hostile territory. Six hundred km west increasing to one hundred of no mans land their destination. Iranian border. Nobodys taking this break from more than a mom we brought her son and a succession of burnside village is at least a tie says. Areas in the hands of the anti palin has. What a busy expose the stuff until now. Im still curious kitten i turned to humanitarian work the ego states and secure operations for the world thinks program. This time there has to retrieve a truck stop at the border. When it was like just a shed. Hell go right for excellence the state senate seat. Look ever more influenced by states. Domestic trips or to add them to howard over their weapons. They come by. Almost late. I did. I went to the psych euro inspired the show. The rwandan soldiers. No stench of these the convoy heads off again into the base. The bully is a danger in the journey. After two days of the roads. What it is a portrait of the code aid workers go off in search of their trucks. And a lot. A teacher at six this was the did you people snaking through six pg. You know about one one was a suitable to someone still in the fuel that was on his own rights this will be nimble as the rights. So theyre ready to head back to customers wanting to sew. Lauries ever and twenty of them have been parties here for several weeks. Stranded by the fighting and massacres began to ponder their tarp call and see tons of urgently needed humanitarian aid to the top of the antibiotic has not still be persuaded to let the convoy passed. Were going to get drivers to come back and will also be joining other trucks at the other side to all the words form a convoy back to bondi at each stop the staff at dates the main office in bondi on the convoys progress. Ive been aware in the mackay now on our way heading to the whole day. Weve spoken with the various villages and homes seems to be getting new lp is a state that have been somewhat stunning in its own fate. At the caravan sites the driver is unaware of this. They fear for their rights and refuse to set it off. No no put up with the kids back. I think that there was no fool. We have a new Rapid Response force for good. Fruit and dip in the lead officer for me scott tries to reassert that itll be because the help of a little intense and vocals again the key. News of all we see the new couple are also evil to have a helicopter two percent and adhesive been any incidents on the road and soon though ninety percent of the divers are most times. Almost ends nineteen show. Getting cut to pieces in the right infront of me said scientists i did not do anything to stop it no driver will be left behind. Weve come here one needs to his operations no till the day. After lengthy discussions. Morning comes the convoy is almost ready to leave. Only to be held back by a lake on this one if we are leaving at twelve thirty or so they have twelve months to get this all mean its the last office to open it from there. There is some blacks many adjustments the complainant but some fifteen french army supply vehicles and only a third of the humanitarian tracks. It is one instance when two koreas are amenable to do. I love chunks and still be made to hospice is still disappointing that alito to the point about looking into a mad at somebody wants to foist on us at this rate speed with its avoidance. We finally hit several weeks three hours late. Granderson civilians incredible arent taking advantage of the convoy to return to boogie. Centrebet was its camera for instance the fifth of january i have the sense that thats my brother. My mother am i did just that. My other brother. Price isnt going to say that a missile to a newry. Its not something he said. We wanted to come back to billings to help families. I think hes going to run them on going home and hopeful stereotypes dreaming of currency coast of the ritzy now that the women is leading the country. Again back to college today. Later that day very happy. The swim and will reach fourteen. Their top four plunge into ever seen. There will be one survivor. No news of the rest to reassure passengers soldiers patrol alongside glory the stuff is concerned the utility to some individuals that to write some books that seem to be on duty so to be a school bus them to the door. Anasta would rather see about that vehicles we dont know where we are how many people may be around for that. One hundred and sixty km into the journey there a full bred deep into serious accidents. Luckily the military ambulances on comments the only thing to meet any facts in this given medical attention. They see no one knew who to go near the village on. I was going to the religious clashes between the two schemes and decreases in my house. Yes now that so far its yet more nicholas he says. Still two hundred km to go to bondi once the ballot as card readings. The atmosphere is electric. How would god basically you have empty ballot a village and the non muslim village another empty ballot the village of them there are hundreds of people break the fine to sunday and run struggle steinway is extremely difficult its the monday tuesday you are desperate to get antsy. We respect the hierarchy of rights. Would you bother talking to everyone its me you need to listen to. This also happened to him. Its just nice to say things over the book as a soldier ways and clumsily it wrong. Before you arrive. We have taken control of the roads. This way. The city. Vaccines are an hourly employee dates that will get it. This blog the system today and the role of trust lands the convoy system still progress. If they won the substance. I dont. Auto driver is taking this road for months. We tend to panic as our hunting than anyone has missed time. The double what the thus the mosques the prophet. I dont see the road of the mosques yet been destroyed. We muslims emilys list here is the word is expected to go to. Ended up not nice it would always sit side by side. My kids are muslims and christians within the same families women and children. If the plane with no seat just look to the country is in the six x two. This road is crucial to the functioning of the country. The very survival of the camp until depends on its signal. Were the ones crossing would come true i did everything in sight. What is needed to reconstruct and the puppets of artificial sufficient st expressed the same nows the time to get to what the one that big of a. After a three day journey the crumbling of rights and boogie. Despite several breakdowns and accidents only one of the seventeen laurie fed up that torture is missing. Both diaper is that civilians have been leaks and i embossed the sector still scarred by violence the report to santana moss who is he use to the attack and thank you very much a fascinating report sent off in the is well documented as being one of the most porous countries in the world in many ways the real essence of this tragedy said the countrys tearing itself apart. He connected on a piece. Yes exactly. That is tearing itself apart and this is that i am very good illustration of what is going on inside the Central African republic is good because until now. It was critical to getting out of ninety point six ten and we only traveled to the exceptional and the compo i put together a plan to scan and i and c j seeking the identities that loves to try and understand the situation on the solution to the start of what is going to come and go seek. There are three hundred or so tough and that had to be gone but it will have a place in nineteen ten the date of the days trip out to them back. Very often can dance while we run into population people who expect a lot for an International Aid to the land to buy waiting and waiting for their basic needs to be dazzled by the booth with its water with a ten hundred a month so be it helped that they cant use it efficiently. See you the report with the people are fleeing to other places try and meet their basic needs because they have nothing. How great to see on its threat of tissue to choose from in the world to improve the program he can to be euphoric as my excuse they were actually goes to the end of this stuff unless cereal been banking on the sixth medibank he has a seven hundred displaced people to see when second two hundred thousand people fled and they fled from the comatose. Thank you honey comb other smaller cities. By the communities in defeating the county has been sidelined into the season. These people have to be given full of basic food and water. Geeks as you are not happy with the best deal for hospice priority and its the urgency of food program who key is to be able to get the thirty eight a tux and growing again they are exquisitely days they had been stopped and in his hand out the gates of the tobacco tax. It is crucial here. I want to lose in charge of it just takes one or two. Thats how we can to get the trucks to their destination. In the meantime another couple that with a nine minus ten win over for now to talk to us as to what ago. I was going on with the project is going so that it is him sitting on an extent it is very expensive that was going to try it again is that things are new to the team has been doing so much that i think as to avoid people being. Strain the machete so we have to find another solution without question is the question them as much time to reply my friend at the new president new interim leader can she succeed where the previous man failed to impose peace bring about peace. The second half. Real tug of war. I was in yemen traineeship with the students and leaders asked the sales is that just assume we know what is going on elsewhere in the country. This situation in banking is one thing theres no real political and military crisis there is no solution to whats stupid moments but has applied to the rest of the country the rest of the country atrocities. Everybody is hoping that you will find is that. She only has twelve months to try and live up to the challenge. The channel so thank you very much the report and for analysis he got to see the spring again the chemicals far but cos i cant go home. This report is false and can stand report. East africa has become an International Drug trafficking. In tanzania have when you suspect like wildfire was awake officials is that time. When you mix the dry stuff the streets despite the efforts of indias to a surprising extent is fairly nice doesnt it. Report. Also in doubt. It was but got caught the eye lights as headlines in the weeks top stories here on artsy International Ice hockey thriller steals the show and salty with arch rivals russia and eighty nine face facing off in the close of council decided on penalties. Harvard of the world wide web. German chancellor Angela Merkel moses place in the European Bank for independence from the blacks in the news i got was this that americas global surveillance. While i trailed in the last as hes in a Critical Condition and may not live

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