Ready right across from the day. Is it amounts to about a rush of racist abuse aimed at the Justice Minister but wilson in parts the city ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich says hes deeply outraged by todays violence the opposition rally in the capital kiev. Rudds for a top pro european protests. Using costumes and stun grenades which results in a number of injuries for protests being held throughout the course of the pa switched off the allocated time to waste money on wall street at the European Union or the opposition does not point to his impeachment. Kyle brown small the thousands of ukrainians resume protests north side of st michaels monastery. After overnight clashes with police pro europe demonstrators scattered into the surrounding streets and to the nearby monastery after being forced to be dispersed by riot police. Mostly there was no provocation and all the help of the police came and didnt stop attacking people eating them. One of them probably the commands that was tucked into them what are you doing to be so cruel. But that was cruel to a trucking women of the round opponent gets it. More than thirty people were detained for resisting Police Protesters have poured into the streets of the capital for days to denounce ukrainian president victor in the cold it is Eleventh Hour decision to reject closer ties with europe. Still he attended the summit in lithuania where he had been due to sign a political and economic ties with the eu chemical which declined aligning ukraine more closely with law school instead. Yeah im cool with his political opponents have called for Fresh National elections. For Cross Country strike to force him to step down. The government. If the vehicle and the president if the bnp is not an easy go to the road. But we as a united position. By the tenants to fight for freedom and rights of every single citizen can be found pro eu protesters have vowed to continue demonstrating despite the Police Crackdown teatime capital where hes from us and has been killed and five more inches off to Anti Government protests and violent settlements evening the demonstrators who are showing no signs of backing down on top of the government of prime in the stinking much to know whats which they say its the interests of brother was also Prime Minister until he was ousted back in two thousand and six strikeouts and two tandy has the latest doing things the fleece in the streets and uncle opponents and supporters opponents governments. Over the last week demonstrations had mainly been peaceful its up to date protests and finance lease a gun shots with life. Michael creeps into using sling shots and made explicit eight year old son to the protest is convinced the mall with discipline and is seeking did she know whats going to kill him and give a so acute that the tiny disprove the texan himself announced that Prime Minister is really running the country. When battery is the dealerships that scene the government to move the wall. Ladies and gentlemen. All it was soon there will be a victorious moment for our people. All units relax and enjoy tonights poll. Because tomorrow with pr victory day if the Thai Government also counts its allies. On saturday some seventy thousand people rallied in favor of the Prime Minister and the proto. Many of them traveled in from volcker rule areas. On entering the capital the boss is a santa on. Some locals can do for the trademark red t shirts to beat in. With the leaders of the Anti Government movement pitching among its occupation of state buildings in the coming days tension in the capital is reaching fever pitch. No need to kingscliff the celebrations on this day the herald i returned to come. Only two people on down into groups then live softer Police Helicopter crashed into a crowded pub in the scottish city of moscow on friday nights. Local police say the suction and the rest of us on the way meeting with the death toll could rise. Still lets listen now to the chief constable of the Scottish Police. Complex the ongoing rescue operation. They will not be a quick operation its a very complicated. And in the dangerous scene. A tribute to those people from the emergency sitting still working in and around the scene. She comes below its ghostly speaking now of course but thats long been correspondingly have your tonsils more now about the circumstances of the country. Well what ministers to attend this two nights in mourning. Its almost twenty four cents a scratch and its a helicopter a Police Helicopter that attempted to land on the roof of the clues the very famous club in the middle of close to the pub was packed there was a group called best for others so that was playing the race to the pillar about a hundred and twenty people in the pub at the time the roof caved in and then a human chain was formed on sign up by costas buying in the minutes before the next piece of dried tomatos told that we have that at least it will not be the last is a two day its a fine on the ground and three in that helicopter at the Police Helicopter that was to increase offices and one civilian time that it is tonight still a rescue operation. We made it to me and yet this morning he told us that they were speaking to people trapped in the dead tree weve had new news about that so we do not then it is not clear whether they are attempting to get any survivors of the scene is complex and difficult as we have that because it is impacted in the roof that had a cook is dominating the whole scene. As we dig the Police Constable speaking to secondary uses extremely complicated to the edge all the Emergency Services and an incredible job of trying to help. But so many Unanswered Questions on bed sleeping yet in one of the most striking things in the absence of flames at home because if you have a crash like this you give them that there will be in the cage of fuel but it still works by some aviation expats that the pundits may have succeeded in stopping in closing off the fuel tanks because actually otherwise wed be talking about how much bigger tragedy and a much bigger death toll stood at ten nights at the fourteen people were seriously injured in three different hospitals across it. That is awesome that it was thirty two people we gather who are injured the death toll may rise and this has come to this miracle to t fifty five is a well course its a very very good Safety Record is used across the skies around the world so that will be concerning consultation on the causes of this crash. Um and Emergency Services around the world use it but for the men and women on the carol on what happened last night at ten thirty five when this piece helicopter crashed into the roof of the spot. Dd view reporting from london. Chauncey is set to host a mini summits in early december aimed at helping to restore order and Central African republicans will transform this is a former colony is on the verge of genocide. This is the tax now between the mostly muslim fights has increased in the missions of the countrys Prime Minister this was the un Second Channel nineteen in all set to cost them in some way thousands of people have been taking part in rallies across from sunday to denounce racism will this comes off the countrys Justice Minister could stand to be on the town itself with the target of a rush of racist abuse in certain elements of the media. I cant even find reports now from the rally here in paris which she says the participants want the world to know that the province is not a racist country. The only home that is the message on the posters of protesters here in paris and of the standing there with registry to demonstrate to send a message with friends is not race is taken out of a series of racist comments in attacks in recent weeks and notably against the French Justice in its greasy and how they are not the least impact on social media and a frightening night as the nets to a monkey and his oath of marketing today is a bit they believe the races. My mind not seen the country and want to send them the message that they will not accept the friends that doesnt adhere to its motto of liberty equality and brotherhood among all the cbd the french people. And thats exactly what to make sense to be out today the best sushi tend to like anybody else the Freedom Fighters are never afraid we think its time to act the current economic crisis is being blamed for the sudden rise in tensions surrounding immigration on the market i see in the far right anti immigrant party the National Front man this is something about the nature of the fine arts. Dont get mad on so that is reversible low when we see parents teaching their kids through phnom is that people who in all the same color as them were told but anyone can keep the children section of upbringing to the phone. More news in fronts the right is becoming extremely hateful its a problem but will it become attuned to. According to the phrase human rights non stop ever since the airwaves at mile twenty three percent last year missing something but this does here in france and indeed intended to ease up across the country this weekend. What is the reference. Ego by reporting that from us to the bus in central parts traffic was a blow to a standstill in many areas all the country today as it continues to grow ever proposed tax on goods traffic the french government does in fact suspended disciples they could tax but the protests the city will be scrapped altogether well todays case that has affected she reads the beachfront studies in spain. On the outskirts of paris and southern cities of the loot and students. It was issued for the prohibition of chemical weapons says that washington is now offering to help and to destroy islam of serious tall pile of lethal weapons. According to the hague takes only the Us Government will be providing the financing to help neutralize those weapons which would most likely take place at an offshore facility in the mediterranean so small we can speak out to get a peek at who is an ex butts on chemical weapons he joins us now from john ah kit in the west of frosting to be joining us. That goal. All of that organization and gold the west is for all those chemical agents may remain in from syria by the thirty first of december the thing that goal. I can be achieved i dont. That way. We the podium the day the combination of humanity here are the agents. Sean to be the straw in a machine you may keep you happy too its gonna be reviewed at the end of your twenties you when you are able to learn to treat. Im afraid. Huge progress. And then he called a tumor that she encountered that will strike up a new beginning. Oh by the end of semester two fourteen. Better than that. And the us. Un when cooled down. Ive never though that the media. This weekend and yesterday the interest in them of the lanterns to move to the store. Yellow yellow sauce you about the risks involved. Has it that says its attitude to try new tribes that stockpile of weapons into canada and the trade of the people wondering whether that sector put lives at risk. And for good and bad. He throws it at you when we do that would include identity than just material better than his age and at the machine. Of course people are going to stick to the store when the sheep. We love you very carefully these. When you when you click the start of a job to find. My issue. He carefully she looked as though i knew it as a student at the nw to ne at the end of december to receive it. I dont know for sure use to deny you your computer. You are publishing hes ready to say to them the construction of up to it nice nice nice the staff at the state department. Youtube will but i know i dont see that. Easy is that hes going to be met. Were probably looking at him. Usually. She teaches you that we did it she cant thank you for sharing your thoughts about stuff. If i needed to send that is almost upon us and Christmas Markets are popping up across much of europe but in the northeastern city of struggle. Crosses all this along to me oh no its not happening. Since he hit fifteen seventy been helping people get to the festive spirit with seasonal treats like spiced cake and mulled wine. Place the checkout we leave you with pictures off the market in the stressful events of today we will be is to stay tuned to pose like that. Today scotlands Award Winning most of my mind to the bank and batsman is the man behind the killing instead we danced away his part to the pages of that excellent riots when hunting tax cuts in and out the whole section on the way hes hitting front is that the impossible that sets in fife in scotland. Its just been translated into french its the second week in his new racing through the creation and saxophone welcomes field that is bought by James Allan Rowley as the king of thompson a lot something isnt working. So its been cases of crime not to would you rather just be in two cases of rights into the byzantine moving new its a tough question because deep down i didnt think i would write in crime fiction from writing fiction about contemporary scotland contemporary society but because my main character happened to be a detective its been to the crime section of bookstores so suddenly it by accident i was a crime come to love and live with it and crimes that have been more popular. Thats yet to win only be considered for an eye the prize a crime right to rule that the kind you have maybe itself. That means that something that gets me in dance. No because you have tickets for the people to decide to do and things are changing and in britain or you can study crime fiction. Some universities to study some of my books and School High School in scotland. Ppl are beginning to do there the system crime fiction school. The tectonic plates are shifting and cream is going on. And i think its much more. And as much work again so if youre a Science Fiction or fantasy retire or to read romantic fiction and fiction is that you have exceeded stop. The robo crime fiction should be the question why do we keep doing things to each other. A new friend in shakespeare different and dostoevsky. A friend and great french teacher. Read this series because of an mfa. I might spell the end and yes she went back to find the gym and weight grew up and went back to cry and anime. I think its amounts. I think the Coastal Route over its a very small country its only five million people. It fascinates me. Its a very complex country for a place that size and edward itself is very useful as a microcosm for everything thats happening in scotland but also more generally things are happening in the uk and western world. So i can talk politics can talk about corruption in the business i can talk about financial crash. I can sort of cast big moral questions of the audience through crime fiction. And of course edward continues to fascinate me i choose to set my books there if i ever got bored with the place for a drama of things to say about the place im tired and sunburned in the new book a second friday for a draw. The one thing somebody paid the money descended from a it was for charity for Charity Auction i meet somebody that of their restaurant mentioned in my next book in the restaurant was in our fight for a corrupt so decided to spend a whole lot of resistance to the minute chart. Medicare is saddening passion that the content of this kind of an anti we pass an astute eight till two days by the book. In an interesting music which won at bendigo and i know who impulse of the movies with every turn it over and ben is part of my parents were too small compartment inside my head. Soul. This is a rule breaker knees and kissed his mom for it never really been much much more when folks from someone who is happy to work and it is is happy to be the rules at the same time of three pcs local bars smoking train came. Lovell nineteen sixties rock music. Im not like folks are small story that all my characters together and you get to see me asic said the gospel says and it is set in that way you through a coal mine in town and when you hang out with me in a book sale. The father was a place as many rides as it once and i think your parents can use it the rights that almost too messy to studying. Its never been to deny me before i did the tone for a long time. Am i sent my bedroom ready to portrait without telling anybody who is doing. Star defender and one day seemed to cartoons but i was terribly drawn to the torso just the two stick figures. Im just so stupid interested in music and began to read lyrics knows the lyrics began to turn into poems. A name i won second prize in a portrait competition. It was actually was a news item in our local news paper in my parents know my bedroom door and said is that here. Ian rankin dignitaries and then with this poem once again thats me. Oldest time you thought i was doing strange dreams in my bedroom was so quiet hour after hour after hour. And whenever anybody came into my bedroom to the courtroom today. Cinnamon pull so hard to go to university if the team. I knew what their rights are in something akin to the staff and other people can also wear and pirates to the right skills to want to be right. Anyway if thats the best of all years since he came in nineteen eight to seven minutes and spent as a kid. No time to time which is this a tv series. Its hugely successful but the fast break offense will be bestowed with the i wanted but some people are the dead man about a forgotten about the company which was ten years late and ninety seven. That was the cynics time queuing you might see us living here and on sunday was the time. Has anyone found that the deal signed today backing pieces and mean. This is a link between a difficult time in successive weeks. Finger was doing in a bizarre way to my son was diagnosed. When katie to compare the door the fifty km from eighty two. He was diagnosed as having been called seem to mind in german syndrome. Moon which delays all the women coast states im always trying to corner stood a horse who beat me with expats. Mark french was in grade and they were trying to talk and medicine. Then wed drive home for the closures and i would go to my room and read the next biggest mobile and suddenly i can play doh. And i could control the world in a way towards improving possible in my real life. So i would channel all my questions my frustrations and my anger but my situation to read this and i made black and blue. The colors right in that time in mid march. Im here for a book with bigger questions of the world. And i was able to use reduce homelessness hunchback in oaxaca punch him all the time it was great. Its therapeutic. It is very very useful but its ironic that my sons medical condition became the reason the book was so successful. He finds out the front and side effects. Just after i finished university in edinburgh. My girlfriend knew someone who can work from the new art in a steel wheel of time. She said we can go camping trips. So in the summer of nineteen eighty two which was one of the best bordeaux harvest for the summer of it the weekend rounds we worked and opinion for six months. We hitch hiked around from speaking to the place we stayed in paris for a few nights and we were in shakespeare and company of the show. And then went to the uk but we have always fallen in love with crowds so we called my re tweet job in london. We did the right to run very much. It is a big confusing six the feel of people who just want to make money. My once its me. We should go in with prawns. So we can confront suffused with a sweet friend as we love. It was very cheap at you if and when i was lucky to have say we fell in love with it and to and we had no kids with at least in its most depressed me live here for six years during which time i roll. I think ten books is with no tv was nothing to do except read books. And both kids were born here it was very happy time. My youngest sons medical condition we spend a lot easier to spot the uk because the line which has proven problematic and we couldnt lift it the plumbers from time anymore for granted and treatment we need to move into this it is all part of living in france are the days when patrick was the french was the highest form. It was the experience with mineral products. So when else it seems an effective air is a slight hop. A thin reed is sad to come and do the best home with the un as far as derived from a new heater because its nukes that Interview Time and read this would seem to st the drinks menu bars you were two new Police Station so far hes come to an over just two nights ago i was in the oaks park which is to provide rent a minority student is sold to the query districts. So i go there for a drink and some from canada estimated from france and germany today. I think they will sow. Because they dont need the peace to meet me. Not much less interesting than and much less complex than an unusually they really go nuts for approximately. Levy on twitter for example youve got sixty four thousand ft as the stage for rights and mikes parents and aunts and sent some questions for ye say my renaissance. Why is contemporary statistics and sat down to a new atm Bank Statement by exception. Whys that. I dont know always been the case for for many decades the spearfish fiction the institution renting in general has punched above its way to the ten different gray bestsellers and greatly tree offers as well. I think a lot of things to do with our sin so who are we. In the mid to late seventies when we began to have a sense of the pollution that women in parliament points. And we ventured into parliament twenty years later. Am i and so people began to sms her to our scopes are we different from that angle each with different culturally socially philosophically. And of course. Reuters came along to try and answer those questions. And so the right team has been very excited the same team we go. Most inventive crime fiction for her country there was no crime fiction. Normally in scotland until crispy. There was no agreement charm for and so the raiders came along and said it isnt a tease like a pro mcdermott and will remark on friday the bench mr mcbride in these minor various others. This whole great park to play with nobody had explored nobody dynamism with crime fiction for a long time somebody that means a very vibrant exciting trend fiction coming out of school. A nice costume oreos believe is the making of bullets. His investigations i was in south africa rustic freshman was announced as christian. I dont think bbc sport. He never goes on vacation who goes on holiday to remember leaves the uk. I would love to get away from the uk. Im just to open his eyes open to the world wide world so this im stunned to learn from col stewart cops are certain situations with the mighty go overseas so its not impossible to be best to travel abroad. When i am just one final question the creepy old wedding band strange they say is when you look around and brett lee still finding hidden places they think alike and the story yet and its hard to write the stories because the timber of the time i think snow is gone the review is itself a new tune is always something to be discovered in edinburgh which is why so many writers talk to the stupid thing i can think is an estonian sometimes the guys at hand in the sport that has just been translated into french and a few advantage is that in nineteen sixteen cents and its aftermath. Mbeki can find us faithful me and treats that even parents. Jamie is it. Ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay. Chew. Low. It is you. Use. We ate yesterday a tree in the president to get a tad bit since hes outraged by the violence that oppositions rowdy with pretty huge demonstrations according to his impeachment now. He bought into the thai capital one the skills of many other things didnt street watching the support of Prime Minister this is also racist country that the child of thousands of people to keep up with readings right across from the day. Is it amounts to about a rush of racist abuse aimed at the Justice Minister below this post and in parts the city ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich says hes deeply outraged by todays violence the opposition rally in the capital kiev. Rodney spread top with fruit european protests. His ethos and sandstone grenades which results in a number of injuries for protests being held throughout the course of the house which he dedicated spots away from a landmark trade at the European Union or the opposition does not point to his impeachment kyle brown small the thousands of ukrainians resume protests north side of st michaels monastery. After overnight clashes with police pro europe demonstrators scattered into the surrounding streets and to the nearby monastery after being forced to be dispersed by riot police. Mostly there was no provocation and all the help of the police came and didnt stop attacking people eating them one of them probably the commands that was tucked into them what are you doing to be so cruel. But they were cruel do it right the women of the draft open the gifts more than thirty people were detained for resisting Police Protesters have poured into the streets of the capital for days to denounce ukrainian president victor in the cold it is Eleventh Hour decision to reject closer ties with europe. Though we attended the summit in lithuania where hed been due to sign the political and economic power with the eu chemical which declined aligning ukraine more closely with more school instead. The article that is political opponents have called for Fresh National elections. For Cross Country strike to force him to step down the government. If the vehicle and the threat that if the bnp is not an easy go to the road. But we as a united position. By the tenants to fight for freedom and rights of every single citizen in the sky pro eu protesters have vowed to continue demonstrating despite the Police Crackdown see thai capital where he swung us and has been killed and five more inches off to Anti Government protests and violent settlements evening the demonstrators who are showing no signs of backing down on top of the government of Prime Minister they do much to know whats which they say its the interests of brother was also Prime Minister until he was ousted back in two thousand and six for the cats and jute and he has the latest the filling place the place in the streets and uncle opponents and supporters of plants governments. Over the last week demonstrations had mainly been peaceful its up to date protests in finance lease a gun shots with life. Michael creeps into using sling shots and made explicit protest is convinced the mall with discipline in this evening that she wants him to kill him and give a so acute that the tiny disprove the texan himself announced that Prime Minister is really running the country. When clary is the dealerships that scene the government to move the wall. Ladies and gentlemen. All it was soon there will be a victorious moment for our people. Lets relax and enjoy tonight because tomorrow will be our victory day. If the Thai Government also counts its allies. Its up to date some seventy thousand people rallied in favor of the Prime Minister and the proto. Many of them traveled in from volcker rule areas. On entering the capital the boss is a sin to home. Some of wholesome can do for the trademark Great Teachers to be good and. With leaders of the Anti Government movement pitching among its occupation of state buildings in the coming days tension in the capital is reaching fever pitch. No need to kingscliff the celebrations on this day the herald. I wrote in to come. Waits people on down into groups then live softer Police Helicopter crashed into a crowded pub and scottish city of moscow on friday nights. Local police say that such and the rest of us on the way meeting that the death toll could rise through the still listen to us now to the chief constable of the Scottish Police complex the ongoing rescue operation. They will not be a quick operation. Its a very complicated. And in the dangerous scene. A tribute to those people from the emergency sitting still working in around the scene chief constable of its ghostly speaking no fuss when counseling course and the needy have your tells us more now about the circumstances of the country. Well will mean is this that and its two nights in mourning. Its almost twenty four cents a scratch and its a helicopter a Police Helicopter that attempted to land on the roof of the teams the very famous club in the middle of clothes get the pub was packed there was a group called best for others so that was playing the race to the pillar about a hundred and twenty people in the pub at the time the roof caved in and then a human chain was formed outside of white crosses the line in the minutes before the next two cents to ride the latest toll that we have that at least it will not be the last eight days of flying on the ground and three in that helicopter at the police hicopter that was to increase offices and one civilian pilots. It is tonight still a rescue operation. We made it to me and the as of this morning he told us that they were speaking to people trapped in the dead tree weve had new news about that so we do not then it is not clear whether they are attempting to get any survivors of the scene is complex and difficult as we have that because it is impacted in the roof that helicopters dominates the whole scene. As we dig the Police Constable speaking cpliced the j the mostemely consient season ending an incredible job of tryinto questions on bed sleeping yet in one of the most striking thing is the absence of flames at home because if you have a crash like this you give them that there will be in the cage of fuel that is followed by some aviation expats that the pilots may have succeeded in stopping in closing off the fuel tanks because actually otherwise wed be talking about a much bigger tragedy and a much bigger death toll that the termites at the fourteen people was seriously injured in three different hospitals across it. That is up to the tune of thirty two people we got the two are injured the death toll may rise and this has come to this miracle to t fifty five is a well course its a very very good Safety Record is used across the sky is around the world so there will be concerning concentration on the courses of this crash. Um and Emergency Services around the world use it but for the men and women on the carol on what happened last night at ten thirty five when this piece helicopter crashed into the roots of this. Dd view reporting from london. Chauncey is set to host a mini summits in early december aimed at helping to restore order and Central African republican will transform this is a former colony is on the verge of genocide. This is the tax now between the mostly muslim fights has increased emissions. The countrys Prime Minister this was the un Second Channel nineteen in all set to cost them in some way thousands of people have been taking part in rallies across from sunday to denounce racism will this comes off the countrys Justice Minister could stand to be on the town itself of the target of a rush of racist abuse in certain elements of the media. Thank you to find reports now from the rally here in paris which she says participants want the wilton that the province is not a racist country the only one that is the message on the posters of protesters here in paris and a fountain and there was a hard industry to demonstrate to send a message with friends is not grace is taken out of a series of racist comments in attacks in recent weeks a on sunday agnst the French Justice demands that we see and how they are opposed impact on social media in a frightening night as the nasty ltle monkey and his nose of marketing today is a bit they believe the races. My mind not seen the country and want to send hem the message that they ill not accept the friends that doesnt adhere to its motto nothing ever see equality and brotherhood among all the cbd. The french people. And thats exactly what to expect santa to be announced in its defence he said. Yes the Freedom Fighters are never afraid we think its time to act the current economic crisis is being detained for dessert and rise in tensions surrounding immigration on the market i see in the far right anti immigra party the National Front. This is something about the nature of the fatah party dont get mad on so that is reversible has gone from low when we see parents teaching the kids that reuben on as the people who in all the same color as they were told that anyon can keep the children section of upbriing the phone more news in fronts the right is becoming extremely hateful its a problem but wil it bome a stude there. According the phrase huma rights non stop ever since. That winds up twenty three percent last year to visit something but this does here in france and indeed intended to cross the country this weekend was just the reference. Ego by reporting that from us the best in central parts traffic was a blow to a standstill in many areas all the country today as it continues to grow ever proposed tax on goods traffic the french government has in fact suspended disciples they could tax but the protests the city was scrapped altogether well todays case that has affected she reads the beachfront studies in spain. On the outskirts of paris and southern cities of the loop and two hoots. He was issued for the prohibition of chemical weapons says that washington is now offering to help and to destroy islam of serious tall pile of lethal weapons according to the hague takes only the Us Government will be providing the financing to help neutralize those weapons which would most likely take place at an offshore facility in the mediterranean sauce more can speak out to get a peek at who is an ex butts on chemical weapons he joins us now from john ah kit in the west across thank you for joining us. That goal all. It got organization and gold the west is for all those chemical agents may remain in from syria by the thirty first of december the thing that goal. I can be achieved yes i know im ready to be when i read. We the podium the day. The combination of human events as they gear up to the agents. She used on a machine. In the future into the humid heat. We are happy too yet the end of your twenties you when you are unable to work into it. Im afraid. Huge progress. And then he calls us to achieve that the destruction of the peak in april. By the end of semester two fourteen better than that. And the us un when cooled down. Ive never though that the media this weekend and yesterday most of the interest in them all the lanterns too low to the store. Yellow yellow sauce you about the risks involved to stop as it sees its attitude to try new tribes that stockpile of weapons into canada on the trading of the people wondering whether that sector but lives at risk. And for good and bad. He throws it at the end we were going for when you click the inventors material that endangers agent that he she outgrew her. People are going to stick to the store and went out on the sheet. The uk i think. When you read this my issue the menu carefully she and the snow. You with as a student at the nw to ne at the end of december and tuesday nights. I dont know for sure use to deny you your computer because i think before publishing. Hes ready to say and then the construction of up to it nice nice nice nice. Youtube will but i know i dont see that. Easy is that hes going to do that. Were probably looking at a time when you initially. She teaches you that we did it. Kiki thank you for sharing your insights with us. If i needed to send that is almost upon us and Christmas Markets are popping up across much of europe but in the northeast is the deal of struggle. Crosses all this along as we all know its not happening. Since he hit fifteen seventy been helping people get to the festive spirit with seasonal treats like spiced cake and mulled wine. Place the checkout we leave you with pictures off the market in the stressful events of today with twelve years that does that seem to pose like that. Lol welcome to the interview here on fostering kept on well its probably safe to say that few foreigners have been deeper understanding that syria and the peoples threatening its future than my guest today chunky up to you and all their starry and a specialist in contemporary islam teaches at. See also here in paris has spent many years in syria studying at society up close and learning fluent dialectic our deck along the way nokias latest book which is right now only in french not translated to us the letter from aleppo is the Grassroots Survey so to speak of the daily hopes dreams and struggles million residents are still living in what is really the large his own in syria right now on to rebel barney. In the countrys second city. Now that both been called the capital of the syrian revolution. And yet its also the fulcrum were almost every possible trajectory for a post to show our son future is right now as we speak. Playing itself out. Its a future being driven by ordinary civilians seek nothing more than a life of dignity. Welcome to the show. You recently are back from aleppo youve actually the first one to nineteen eighty. Youve been there. He did it twenty times heated to syria twenty times he lived in syria. Three years total continuously. Can you describe to me how firmly as the rebel control from what you saw over the city the team they only had really for little three year as of today are the rebels still in control is still a million residents living under a block party in the city when youre talking about deceit infinite pool the truth and organic on cool outfit since the dry spells and twelve. And its quite an achievement because of the non stop all work is extremely in favor of the government when it comes to auction or read any copies of the palm beach and stews or does the grounds that the unknown. Many of the schools fault and i felt protected from the dubious means. I witnessed home being the girl took her to sleep but i seems that the use of poker to support that begins for dogs with their evolutionary ofsted enjoying the moment you cross who scooped t neighborhood to even respond to critical explain something to me that you write about the fact that this is not a solid monolithic block of opposition you have various groups us companies have teamed up to the children sometimes have a Little Pocket of land and you actually went among the various ones and that their commanders. Today has a new level of Cooperation Among each other. Bo says stupidity of the joint condition when it comes to fruition. As the story. And i reduced but i want to be in touch. Was this impressed with dynamics which is due to the last twelve months forbes of those and Decision Makers which is why i could read needed to cool is that despite the risks and dangers i want to call to express my city devotees. With my friends and critiques was no hostages. In syria from the press thats the key was to seize that had details of the keys are working and can produce aisles at the weekend lukewarm reviews. And now we are in fact. He read a page each day things are going through should not buy it for that. I support. So need to be the record the event with you on the ground. Shes a week works the cabinets to the right to continue in its opener for me. This is a messy satan really assume hell be in lae this began as a civilian uprising in syria in civilian rate pricing even today. What struck me that you can clip on afghanistan smack dab of stamina to report that my old record of the war situation to susan i dont see a new home the new cool off. Christine joe pulled off the ground is a team of mutants are considered to be and he knew the cabled you from bad to worship arts. Its us who we choose to spend it enabled them to get rid of the regimes was a revolution he says. But that doesnt mean he has looked for the fight of the rooms in all sectors except in instances went to the beach and civilians in aleppo what they think generally the pre syrian army is obviously being the rebel fighting force in the west would like to believe hes a moderate opposition. Fighters moderate opposition fighters. No system for its like you know who to support or milk or dangle predicting than it does sometimes in very critical of feet high school values customs station games and which doesnt mean that they are back into regime but refusing to talk to evolutionary forces. Two we see regimes forces where acting which mean. A foreign nation and extortion in phoenix. So id like the dentist about six and sometimes they sit the exam so the commandos soaked in their new dos. Its a nice soul. The uk reactions bean cake and icing leadership of the increase in the tsunami the game so it could mean all members said. Because you know what city i download the tool was a boy. A good idea its so rough if its the delinquents means of revolutions a minute to get prints forms of governance by the least of your information its like to try to suppress weeds. Etf reported a lot about the growing friction and fighting among the opposition fighters on the ground when did she hide its too boring for the syrian army. Did you get a sense its also the civilians who were not just against the assad regime against their own fighters sometimes again and again it was a Leading Light in the deal is that foreigners there was this feelgood aggression killed in wars that was very striking because it was a girl could actually come from broken machine. And it was agreed to an end and is often severe pollution who break or upset. Sosa conceived in the uk from eight hours of mississippi. An avoidable because of some of my quilting machine and its national scale. Dont wear shoes to work and again says if its got a call to respond its kind of afghanistan awesome and when it comes to shed his stuff yet and rejected the petition because the proceeded to basically four evenings because the martians and all mexicans just to prove all things celtic and ahl antagonistic to cc and so sleek easy. But you can understand that i didnt write much mean goodness issue that is because i do i choose to call back. Nevertheless the action speaking readers. I cant find it funny too as soon as i was too cold. Im sorry to say bye just too cute and very often. Stupid fight to tend to do with us because they are. So to you the great wall. Getting students to dog its the opposite me to trust you have a sense that the citizens of aleppo sometimes more scared. And what a victory might mean for them. Then the charts i were to win the dont know what might come after me be something as brutal. Or is dictatorial as they think sardines. You know i had ferried the jr in a candid conversation reason. His death no you should go to commissioners but they want first to get rid of. To say we dont realize the shop instead. And when the show youll grow wheat known. Its not the beach that we left to protect our rights from some of the people who pretend to do with them today. The frame into which is also consequence of june. Off to kenya. Thats a no no for your consciousness gets preachy the new things when a new critique or choice give me an unknown most and best score. We have been talking alot about the prospect of peace conference. Amen in the next days weeks months and geneva. Fish are assigned right now you recently wrote has very little green to the population. Other than through the air and artillery bombardment. Yes it still seems to have a lot of the attention of the International Community all the diplomats had been wrong. The promina was a good match for twenty oh seven was a week where to quote quiz the state an exact weight bench and reassuring words of air pollution is so tight race in socorro understood that it is just Beautiful People walking the red head it is intended to revolution that will change. His genius though his incentive for those looking forward to anything i say is that. And it was in geneva. The medical one. All good guys de facto agreements the trees are warring factions great tune in crewe. Today he died of so called man. The syrians and that quote because i stink. A springboard for a review records condition and read a post outside the studio. Also why im crazy in geneva the ten year note to conduct a photo ops and youre new to the achievement of ground and on to grab the situation is terrible to wean cousin is coming. These are words of the century fox and sell very interesting when two men have pleaded not guilty you but he had the idea that perhaps the real peace should be forged and nine geneva in aleppo among society itself among all of the factions there. Um wouldnt have to see how it goes i know youre optimistic you to believe that this river bridges and resistance will prevail in the end not the shy side thanks aunt all of you for watching e g care of us we cant have been speaking to appeal to you. Specialist in contemporary islam an author and to bolster the writer of the recent book a letter from aleppo. A. New technology is the latest Digital Innovations and the impact on society. Twenty. Beyond the simple life. Monday at four forty five pm. Kason. I wound. Will. D. In this. What what what will or will the cakey to prefer the Guantanamo Bay prisoners as Double Agents of the worlds most dangerous man reportedly freed and paid well for collecting data abroad box. This is tracking to blame it on a purple technologies come under heavy criticism. Ust of texas has been shaken by a string of travelers stopping the area has never seen before

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