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Liberation front a militant group which has long fought for independence from french rule. Initially violent, in recent years it has adhered to a ceasefire. But a young Splinter Group has found a new enemy and wants to take up arms in their fight. Reporter corsican arnaud seassari, who sees himself as a youth icon and entertainer, posts pithy comments on the internet. His posts also refer to terror attacks like the recent one in nice. They receive huge numbers of likes. Arnaud sessari president hollande, could you please come over and explain to me what the state of emergency is good for, if someone can still just drive his truck up onto the sidewalk and kill 84 people. Reporter thousands of young corsicans follow seassaris openly antiislamic messages. He says there are too many muslims on corsica. And the many moroccans who live in his neighborhood on the outskirts of bastia need to pabide by the rules. Arnaud seassari look at the paesano district, people are seen as sensitive here. But thats not true. If someone bothers someone else here, we dont hesitate to let them know. If that doesnt help, we use tougher methods it gets violent. We take justice into our own hands. Corsicans are hotblooded. Reporter seassari likes to portray himself as a descendant of the flnc Freedom Fighters. The corsican nationalists fought for more independence from france for almost 40 years. They wanted to preserve their own language and cultural identity, and fought for more national rights. Jean biancucci was one of them an armed fighter. Some of his compatriots are still serving long jail sentences. He says some young corsican nationalists are right wing populists and have little to do with his generations campaign. Jean biancucci my philosophy is quite simple. The corsican people share a common fate. A real corsican doesnt just live on corsica. He needs to carry the island in his heart. Thats more important here than on the mainland. And it goes for everyone catholics, protestants and muslims alike. Reporter biancucci only ended the armed opposition to the government in paris two years ago. It wasnt an easy decision. But the movement had been weakened and had been infiltrated by the mafia. And paris was paying more attention to corsica, with talk of negotiations on independence. Today, biancucci is the head of an autonomist fraction in parliament that is opposed to violence. He wants to make corsica a model of tolerant society. Jean biancucci if someone lives in a corner then they risk rejecting others, and well end up in a crisis that is no longer controllable. Reporter not everyone welcomes his change of policy. Some see the fact tat a former Freedom Fighter is now looking for a peaceful solution as treachery. Arnaud seassari i dont approve. They shouldnt have called a ceasefire. Back then, they made sure nobody could simply do as they please. Now theyve laid down their weapons to appear in a good light. But in reality, there are still some who are prepared to fight. Reporter at the end of april, this muslim prayer room in ajaccio burned down after a breakin. The muslims immediately suspected nationalists were to blame. And even if the police cannot confirm that, their fear continues. Mohamed i work with corsicans, i grew up with corsicans, ate with them, played soccer with them. I am a corsican. Mohamed all this sudden hatred worries us. Were afraid for our wives and children, our families. And the feeling is unbearable. Reporter the young right wing nationalists want to see results. A secret Splinter Group of the flnc recently announced it was prepared to bear arms, this time against i. S. A sign that biancucci and his femu a corsica supporters are losing their influence. Jean biancucci im worried that the french government will be deaf to all our demands. Even if we reach a unanimous decision. We know that would lead to a return to violence. And that would be a huge problem. Reporter still, so far, biancucci refuses to declare the corsican nationalists political experiment a failure. He sees it as his task to reunite young and old nationalists. Michelle it isnt only the young nationalists of corsica who feel a need to arm themselves, but also those in mainland france. Following the lorry attack in nice in july, the government announced plans to establish a national guard. It urged volunteers to come forward, with thousands answering the call. Reporter a drill to practice warding off an attacker. Recule, recule. Reporter its situations like these the french reserves are preparing to face. The two week crash course provides participants with the skills needed to respond to attacks whether with their bare hands, batons, or guns. Caroline is a nutritionist. Shes one of many who have enlisted in the reserve forces. Caroline everybody should serve their country according to their abilities. Were all doing something. Well be part of the gendarmerie if called up. Not just auxiliaries, but proper gendarmes. Reporter the french government called on people to join the reserves following the attack on nice. It wants to bolster the reserve forces from 12,000 to 15,000 by the end of this month. Most of the participants dont have military training. Caroline the trainers make it clear that we could be confronted by very difficult situations. We need to learn to deal with that. Reporter france is reeling after a string of attacks. In january 2015, the target was satirical magazine charlie hebdo. In november last year, coordinated attacks on a stadium, restaurants, and the bataclan theatre. And on bastille day this year, a truck ploughed into a crowd of people. Days later, a hostage situation at the saintetiennedurouvray church. These are tough times in france, and a feeling of uncertainty is spreading. Theyre constantly boosting the police force. But thats not the answer. You cant have a Police Officer standing by every single person. The government needs to act. The parties need to come together. This war, which people cant defend themselves against, needs to stop. Reporter some analysts say the mood in france is changing. Dominique moisi after the first attack, there was a sense of national unity. After the bataclan, there was a mixture of numbness and resistance. After nice, it was a feeling of powerlessness and anger. Reporter people have increasingly been directing their anger towards the government. The Prime Minister was booed during a visit to nice. Soldiers now patrol the streets of paris. Sniffer dogs check cars before theyre allowed onto ferries. The country has extended its state of emergency for the fourth time till january 2017. It enables authorities to raid apartments without a warrant. Suspects can be placed under house arrest and computers and phones can be monitored. Those measures couldnt prevent the attack on nice. Still, the policy has widespread support. Its understandable. Something has to be done in a situation like this. Im definitely in favor of it. You dont really notice the state of emergency. I think its important and right. Its a good thing. Reporter but how much can an extended state of emergency actually achieve . Catherine gaudard the fight against terror cant be won by announcing a state of emergency. Much more substantial measures are needed rights need to be respected, even in dangerous times. Reporter caroline says being in the reserves is her way of doing her part to protect france. Caroline the attacks have strengthened my resolve to serve my country and live up to my civic duties. Reporter she says shes not scared, and is ready to fight whatever threat comes her way. Michelle along with france, turkey is also in a state of defiance and despair. In the aftermath of julys failed military coup, the government initially moved swiftly to silence its critics with thousands of judges, lawyers, and Civil Servants either arrested or fired. But even now, more and more people are being detained. A climate of fear has seen an increase in people leaving turkey. In our next report, we meet a woman from istanbul, who feels she has no choice but to leave behind the only home shes ever known. Reporter bengisu gencay never wanted to leave her hometown of istanbul. But now, shes had enough shes on her way to a Real Estate Agent so she can sell her apartment. She and her husband want to move somewhere abroad. Bengisu gencay i have my friends here, my family. This is not an easy decision for me, and im feeling slightly anxious. But on the other hand im also excited, since i might have a chance of a more secure life, a life without fear, and maybe even a happier life. Reporter the Real Estate Agent says housing prices have plummeted. He suggests they sublet their home there are currently too many apartments on the market. Sahin sonmez more and more people who want to leave are coming to me to sell their apartments. Finding work in europe or other parts of the world isnt easy either. But still, people want to leave. Thats what ive been observing. Reporter the district of kuzguncuk on the asiatic shore of the bosphorus is one of the more westernized parts of the city. Many writers and artists live here, including bengisu gencay. At first, it seems as though living here is pretty easy. But daily life has changed. Theres now a climate of fear, since the government began persecuting its opponents with increasing brutality. Bengisu gencay a lot of people i know have recently lost their jobs completely out of the blue or theyve been prosecuted. We feel like we have to constantly watch our step. This uncertainty has caused us to consider risking starting over elsewhere in the world. Reporter more and more people are indeed being arrested. Following a purge of Police Officers, lawyers, and journalists, Business People are now being targeted. Theyre all accused of involvement in the muslim cleric Fethullah Gulens network. President erdogan is convinced gulen was behind the recent failed military coup. People who are arrested have to be protected from angry mobs. Its this inflamed, nationalistic atmosphere that has motivated gencay and her husband to pack their bags. Government supporters proudly hang turkish flags from their windows on the couples street. The neighbors cannot understand people who want to emigrate like gencay. We shouldnt abandon this country. Turks cant just forsake their homeland. Reporter gencay is leaving behind a wellpaid job in istanbul. On her laptop, she sorts through new job offers in canada. The main thing is to get out whic is why shes not choosy in her job search. Bengisu gencay my husbands a good cook hes also had some training. If all else fails, we can always open up a restaurant abroad. Reporter there are still places in istanbul where gencay and her husband can go out and drink alcohol. But the pressure from religiousnationalist circles on westernoriented young turks has been increasing. In the past week, a cellphone video circulated online, which showed a man drinking beer being abused by people at a proerdogan demonstration. He had refused to hold a turkish flag. The perpetrators boasted that he got the punishment he deserved. Videos like these are intimidating. Behic sabuncu incidents like this started right after the failed coup. This sort of thing never used to happen. The message is clear we dont like you or your lifestyle. Its better if you just leave. Otherwise, youll be sorry. Reporter even so, it will be hard to say goodbye to the bosphorus. Bengisu gencay says that she and her husband might return one day when turkey is once again a true democracy. Michelle and now on to slovenia, a small mountainous country south of austria which has found itself in the spotlight for entirely different reasons. Some people are wondering why did Melania Trump lie about receiving a University Degree in the country of her birth . It seems odd that mrs. Trump, known as a successful model and wife of donald trump, would feel the need to embellish her past. Our reporter went to the small village where she is from to find out if the potential first lady is the same as the girl they grew up with. Reporter shes used to the spotlight. But Melania Trumps appearance at the Republican Convention was no ordinary photo opportunity. This time, the former model and third wife of the republican president ial hopeful had to prove she was first lady material. But what do we really know about her . We head to her home country of slovenia to find out. As it turns out, her beginnings were pretty humble. She grew up here, in the town of sevnica, some 100 kilometers east of the capital ljubljana. It has a population of 8,000 and features sovietera architecture. For 18 years, melania knaus, as she was known then, called it home. This was her elementary school. It got its name from the world war ii resistance fighter savo kladnik. Her former classmate diana kosar is still in touch with melania. She says not much has changed. Diana kosar whenever i see her on tv today, i think shes just like she was before. Shes still guarded not quite comfortable being the center of attention. Reporter diana shows us photos of melania as a 4yearold. Apparently, even back then, she dresses. This is the man who took the first photographs of melania as a model in 1987. Almost three decades have passed between then and now. Stane jerko shes a different woman. More american, more beautiful. Reporter melania grew rich from modelling. By the time she married donald trump, shed already earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. But being first lady would catapult her to a new level of stardom. Now, under more intense scrutiny, melanias past is threatening to catch up with her. Slovenian journalist bojan poar has spent months looking into her life and discovered several inaccuracies in the narrative shes presented. Bojan pozar claiming your mother is a Fashion Designer seamstress is a lie in my view. But saying youve got a diploma in architecture when you actually just spent a semester or two studying is a much bigger lie. That borders on deception. Reporter Trumps Campaign managers were swift to respond to the accusations. Melanias official website, which featured fabricated details of her life, has been taken offline. Beyond the glitz and glamour, a sign perhaps of a crumbling facade. Michelle and in our final report, we head to italys la lanterna beach for some oldfashioned relief from the continents troubles. Located in trieste in the far northeast of the country, it is considered the last beach in italy perhaps even in europe that divides the sexes. A stone wall designates one side for men and the other for women and children. This may sound like something from the dark ages, but locals love it. Men and women say the division allows for more freedom, away from the prying eyes of the other. Reporter at first glance this looks like a completely normal beach resort. Its 7 00 a. M. And the loungers are neatly packed away the clothes hooks ready for a new day of bathing. Time to give triestes beach pool a quick tidy up before the guests arrive. The regular guests are already waiting to get in. The water is best in the morning. We always have the same loungers. Reporter the pool opens at 7 30 just like many others in the area. But here there is one major difference. Women and children enter to the left, the men, to the right. Mara bisiacchi makes sure everyone abides by the rules. When shes not controlling the tickets, she takes care of the cash desk. The pool attendant knows many of her customers habits. Mara bisiacchi many women just come for a couple of hours at midday, to sunbathe and relax, separated from the men on the other side. Reporter this wall keeps men and women apart, and the womens side is often much busier than the mens. A ticket for the pool still costs a modest one euro. Mara bisiacchi if the city council decided to privatize the pool, because its not profitable, there would be a revolution in trieste. Reporter and micol would be among those in the uprising. Shes one of the younger regular visitors, but is just as much in favor of upholding traditions as the older guests. The women are glad the wall is there to separate them from the men it protects them from curious glances. Micol brusaferro if you have a bit of a spare tire after the winter and arent in the best shape, you have less stress and less problems than you would have on a normal beach where men can look at you. You feel a lot freer. Reporter 110 years ago, the female bathers were still completely covered up. Trieste was under austrian rule back then. The socalled lanterna pool below the lighthouse opened in 1903, complete with the dividing wall. It survived two world wars, austrians, italians, germans, and yugoslavians and has also outlived some unsavory episodes in history. Fabiola after world war i, my grandfather got rid of his lice here before he came back home. Reporter in wartime the soldiers washed on one side and washed their horses on the other. Fortunately, times have changed, but men are still men. Claudio is trying to persuade the ladies to meet up in the water through a slit in the wall. They might be separated on the beach, but the men and women can mingle freely in the water. Claudio quadrelli if your wife asks you who the blonde was you were talking to in the water, that can lead to arguments. Reporter like most of the people here, the 74yearold has been coming since he was a child. But things arent always this peaceful. People often fight for the best spot on the beach. Mara bisiacchi i try to persuade the regulars that they dont have a right to reserved spots. Thats the rule here. Reporter but peace normally returns by the end of the day. Now the pool is left to the seagulls and the Bagno Lanterna is ready for another day. Michelle i think a womens only beach sounds great. Who knows, maybe italy will start a trend. What do you think . Let us know by getting in touch on facebook, email or twitter. Thats it for today. Thank you for watching. In the meantime, its goodbye from me and the whole team. See you next time. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] steves a selection of ferries make the 50mile crossing between helsinki and tallinn nearly hourly. Because of the ease of this delightful twohour cruise and the variety a quick trip over to estonia adds to your nordic travels, pairing helsinki and tallinn is a natural. Stepping off the boat in tallinn, the capital of estonia, you feel youve traveled a long way culturally from finland. Its a mix of east and west. Tallinns nordic lutheran culture and language connect it with stockholm and helsinki, but two centuries of czarist russian rule and nearly 50 years as part of the soviet union have blended in a distinctly russian flavor. Fins and estonians share a similar history. First, swedish domination, then russian. Then independence after world war i. Until 1940, the estonians were about as affluent as the fins, but then estonia was gobbled up by an expanding soviet empire and spent the decades after world war ii under communism. When the ussr fell, estonia regained its freedom, and in 2004, it joined the european union. Tallinn has modernized at an astounding rate since the fall of the soviet union. Its Business District shines with the same glass and steel gleam youll find in any modern city. Yet nearby are the rugged and fully intact medieval walls, and the town within these ramparts has a beautifully preserved oldworld ambiance. Among medieval cities in the north of europe, none are as well preserved as tallinn. The town hall square was a marketplace through the centuries. Its fine Old Buildings are a reminder that tallinn was once an important medieval trading center. Today its a touristy scene, full of people just having fun. Through the season, each midday, cruiseship groups congest the center as they blitz the town in the care of local guides. Like many tourist zones, tallinns is a commercial gauntlet. Here theres a hokey torture museum, strolling russian dolls, medieval theme restaurants complete with touts, and enthusiastic hawkers of ye olde taste treats. Woman [ laughs ] steves but just a couple blocks away is, for me, the real attraction of tallinn workaday locals enjoying real freedom and better economic times. Stillramshackle courtyards host inviting cafes. Bistros serve organic cuisine in a chic patina of oldworldmeets new. And just outside the walls, it seems theres no tourism at all. Under towering ramparts, the former moat is now a park, perfect for a warm afternoon stroll. Glad you could join us for nhk newsline. Im ross mihara in tokyo. Foreign ministers from japan, chib and south korea will meet in tokyo wednesday. Japans foreign minister says he hopes for separate direct talks with china so he can protest recent incursions by chinese ships into japanese waters. Japanese Foreign Ministry officials are working to set up a one on one meeting between Fumio Kishida and wang yi. Theyre also trying to arrange separate talks for kishida and south Korean Foreign minister yun byungse. Chinese vessels have entered japanese waters in the senku

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