Transcripts For KCSM EuroNews 20140110 :

Transcripts For KCSM EuroNews 20140110

cold home. venezuela mourns the loss of form are just a moment to spare shot dead in the car robbery that went horribly wrong the key the show itself the reaction instant. around five thousand people had been hoping to see controversial french canadian good on a open his national tour in a theater in nome the country's highest administrative court upheld in any event presenting the artist who was accused of antisemitism take to the stage in its ruling the top french court cited the risk to order if the show was to go on but for many it was about denying the right to freedom of expression the un have an anti semitic faced do other races face it enabled the extended weekend is over let's have some fun with little disappointed extending into folders about freedom of expression. i'm against censorship is a shocking decision the recalls them and love bows to design the interior minister had lost the appeal to happen on show band and is advise other local authorities they could stop performances i can begin again the republicans won tonight and has a marriage stronger. the good ideas of a country have been strengthened. that is what we have to take in the limelight the comedian reacted on facebook appealing to his fans outside the theater an aunt to go home. i think he is being denied permission to speak to them. it's on clearance a forty six year old who was seven convictions for anti semitic hate speech can continue with this trend nationwide too. traffic may have spelled the end to new jersey governor chris christie is accepting a credible republican presidential candidates in twenty sixteen. previously he won a reputation as a token republican able to win over democrats. the smell and touch those updates conducted as he takes on arrival that meant epic tales for an entire town if it's five thousand people. good morning i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. i apologize to the people of fort lee. and i apologize to the members of the state legislature. i love i am in paris. a humiliated by the conduct of some of the people. on my team school buses was stuck in jams thousand several six people got tossed to later than normal. the christie's agencies find three of the stuff that authority is one thing government was unable to stop it or even conducted but the damage limitation say his critics means he'd make a poll president. an indian diplomat his arrest and strip such calls the major rift between new delhi and washington is returning home to the yummy coconut that day was entitled to a stale to being accused of visa fraud and lying about on the paying him any india's foreign ministry has issued this statement the us government requested the government of india. to maintain unity of cottesloe probity. on nine ten the twenty fourteen the government of india declined to do so. i'm tired so i got the call to duty within the cia status as a new day. the bay was facing the grand jury hearing the visa for them to allegedly making false statements about how much she paid her housekeeper. if as solid relation to the us but washington says it's no businesses usual. we remain and i love with and that all the issues they typically work on together with the receiving interest or economic interests in iran and the kitty. it's unlikely to be the end of the affair those covered up he is married to an american and has left her two children behind. washington says she risks being arrested if she tries to read to the are the suicide of a house kills twenty three iraqi army recruits in baghdad the attack was the man joining the government's fight to expel al qaeda linked militants in anbar province. fudge is from the islamic state of iraq and the love of sport high as i though took control of fallujah last week as well as parts of vermont the pick up a soul about by a suicide bomber detonated his device in the middle of the group of army recruits and thursday the day after prime minister nuri al maliki said he would eradicate the evil of tight that our lives. iraq's shiite led government asked for volunteers to join the military effort against al qaeda the group is strengthened recently in sunni dominated areas like i'm bar. some of the above and the security situation in abu ghraib is good to the company's stations close to fallujah. army checkpoints s of times more security members were deployed there also iraqi army troops out there it is good thanks to goals on two hundred and iraqi government troops are poised for a major assault to retake of a job. recent fighting in ramadi and felicia is the heaviest seen in iraq for years the car bomb has killed a top pakistani anti terror police officer cadre of islam have arrested dozens of pakistan the taliban. he was traveling in a police convoy through karachi up with a powerful explosion ripped his car apart ah slum was known for being one of trustees toughest police officers he had escaped previous attempts on his life. they've been studying. it has roiled in the fight against terrorism but for my sins police was white so it was marxism and dastardly is a great loss to the city's police. but this sacrifice gives us strength to continue with his mission against terrorism. a study by trained responsibility for the attack. despite the storms that caused a huge victory. on that. in the ipl the interim president of the central african was due to step down on fest at a meeting of regional leaders and chad. in the movie took it well and the need to toast it is in the impoverished landlocked nation he showed up but has failed to come religious violence since seizing power in march and has lost control of many of his muslim select the rebels some of whom ended up fighting the christian community which forms ministers of its own the second meeting in bali on saturday will finalize details for transition of power. without switch those fighting say they will now sits down and told. some one million people have been displaced by the fighting in the country. which has raised is of a rwanda style genocide between the two communities venezuelans are mourning the loss of form with the sequim a moment to spare after she was shot dead with their ex husbands in the car robbery that went horribly wrong. people queued outside the telco where services will be held on friday for the former miss venezuela has five year old tools or supplies the attack but the bullets lodged in her leg monica's father said she was the only one episode that he could not convince them leave venezuela. we have to end the violence in venezuela. we are a peaceable country to pieces both rocks like this to keep opening when up to unite in one way or another and this karma that is destroying our children our parents are brothers. with that much. what this is the cost to years of her ex husband by then it would be robbers the pan to cook something on the roads the punch at the highest on stilts the armed robbers appears. seven suspects of being detained in relation to the double homicide the slaying has shops venezuela and rolls people eyes and the streets furious that venezuela's soaring crime wave has claimed another victim. nm. it's a small lead over team technical programs to play in the fifth stage of the dark alreadyeen switcng seats and to promote intelligent scene of the state. the red bull ktm factory rider bidding for a full talk to him was forced to the rail network on his speaking got stuck in the second section of the race the false that he thought that it somehow cost to make sure the adults by almost thirty minutes. in the caucus agreed that the rumor could use some of the fertiliser on to regain the lead in the fourth tier one year old completed the course and then pressed it on before i was in twenty seven minutes enough to edge out in the sun and sea off the heat damaged his vehicle paul stephen harmison with party line butlease the same page six the report to the car but the ending but the place on the eighteenth of january. moo. the grotto costly mistake got out the mahester city midfielder in the audioour has been named afric player of the day of the confederation of african football with all the knowledge aerial display the audrey christensen us to be children in the kale was dj talked to said that the place. corey be bearing africans to be included on the twenty three man shortlist that the is well worth the view becomes the player to win the accolade for three consecutive days with some units are cutting the price that the two thousand and three in two thousand and five pentagon is up and had a ticket to board from nineteen oh two points in nineteen ninety three. welcome to know what a joke that this helps you grow up with or spec is his new tax cuts can help them develop and ends with a cherry red stars. i think is important for liz murray successful partnership with a bond and ordered held on the move will break through the rest of us opening the costumes we were going off the needles in his first full major finals. often using his number one spot to the phone about honesty it took a picture that was back to secure the votes all foreigners torchwood in london in the mountains at the rate it's going to go straight into begins on monday and sheltered beach will be incompetent having taken the top prize in melbourne for the last three isn't the right is what is quitting his post renaissance onto here in two thousand and eight. the fear just kinda nice to bake and announced on thursday he will make his marathon debut in paris in april. that record and pink gold medallist who has struggled with injuries at the polls he is has opted to run inhe fnch capita despite being widely tipped for a rematch with britain's most titled america the thirty one year old daycare they won gold in the four thousand and ten thousand of the two thousand and eight making it and take somewhat chubby cheeks that but in the four ninety eight much to the spike late in the long distance double of the twenty twelve london games and lost his boat chartered ships in moscow. i do. do. huge. assistance unit from its early stages one of the biggest events of its kind. more than three thousand citizens and some the more unusual items on display. this new skin infection of the ghetto to get some cupcakes. as its name indicates is confidential medical case has built in six hundred and fifty tables summed up the signs nothing to protect and heal said. the street known to provide your le and with an additional thing to get with the law. this might want to check whether the device is legal in the country. fordham felt so how might we see max and admitting that the brother of the abc not seventy in between the us. qantas says the funds rate by using a special contract at which acts like an undefined taunts directed by tom to the center panel. we're taking this step further by saying for now we can even take the car had just taken off the grid entirely so that you can tolerate honesty next saturday. the entire with him and battery. by and carefree sunlight over the course of a day in the sun money for our low cost if interested. he is an eleven season. karen up to eight people. designed specially for the best in areas of campus. not using the things that makes sense kate's friend but to hold find the last vegas event features a plethora of electronic devices dust mop them up the future. these will truly make our lives easier. the answer to that in the eye. the show itself and the reaction instant around five thousand people had been hoping to see controversial french canadian good on a open is natural to him if it were unknown to the country's highest administrative court upheld in any event presenting the artist who is accused of antisemitism take to the stage. in assuming that all french court cited the risk to order if the show was to go on but for many it was about denying the right to freedom of expression the un have an anti semitic face to other races face it enabled the extended weekend it happened i have some fun with little disappointed extending into folders about freedom of expression. i'm against censorship is a shocking decision the recalls them and love bows to design the interior minister had lost the appeal to happen on show band and is advised other local authorities they could stop performances i can begin again the republicans won tonight and has a marriage stronger. the good ideas of a country have been strengthened. that is what we have to take in the limelight the comedian reacted on facebook appealing to his fans outside the theater an aunt to go home. i think he is being denied permission to speak to them. it's on clearance a forty six year old who was seven convictions for anti semitic hate speech can continue with this trend nationwide too. traffic may have spelled the end to new jersey governor chris christie is accepting a credible republican presidential candidates in twenty sixteen. previously he won a reputation as a token republican able to win over democrats. the smell and touch those updates conducted as he takes on arrival that meant epic tales for an entire town of thirty five thousand people the morning i come out here today to apologize to people of new jersey. i apologize to the people of fort lee. and i apologize for the members of the state lislature. i love i am in paris. a humiliated by the conduct of some of the people. on my team school buses was stuck in jams thousand several six people got tossed to later than normal. the christie's aims his five three of the stuff that authority is one thing the government was unable to stop it or even conducted but the damage limitation say his critics means he'd make a poll president. an indian diplomat his arrest and strip such calls the major rift between new delhi and washington is returning home. baby i make over of the day was and i don't because they'll to being accused of visa fraud and lying about on the paying an emmy. india's foreign ministry has issued this statement the us government requested the government of india. to maintain unity of god's call to daddy. on nine ten the twenty fourteen the government of india declined to do so at times but constant fluidity to them in a sea of things to laugh as a new day. he was facing a grand jury hearing the visa for them to allegedly making false statements about how much she paid her housekeeper if this island relation to the us but washington says it's no business as usual. we remain and i love with and that all the issues they typically work on together with the receiving interest or economic interests and i that remains the kitty. it's unlikely to be the end of the affair those covered up he is married to an american and has left her two children behind. washington says she risks being arrested if she tries to read to former cuban president fidel castro has made his first appearance in nine months and is the real art studio that obama just said let's cube of a forty eight years before becoming ill in two thousand and six we have the power to his brother raul the bullpen he became president in two years later. the explosion has ripped through europe's biggest oil refinery in the lead in germany. the box but kept residents of home with the sorts of women's bodies. the explosion was caused when a fire at the refinery. there were no reports of casualties. police in a silly arrested seven people four of the alleged waste disposal stumble around and run with the end of a landfill sites was arrested as well as other local business from regional officials. a lot of landfill areas around the city. but to rubbish piling up on the streets of rome. the us while in the morning but will also forward the sequim gets bigger. after she was shot dead with their ex husbands in the car robbery that went horribly wrong. people queued outside the telco which services will be held on friday but the former miss venezuela has five zero soldiers survived the attack of the bullets lodged in her leg. monica's father said she was the only one episode that he could not convince them leave venezuela. we have to end the violence in venezuela we are a peaceable country to use a photo i expect this to keep opening which unites in one way or another. and this karma have is destroying our children our parents are brothers. with that much what this is because spears and her ex husband by then it would be robbers the pan to cook something on the roads the punch at the highest on stilts the armed robbers appears. seven suspects of being detained in relation to the double homicide the slaying has shops venezuela and rolls people rise above the streets furious that venezuela's soaring crime wave has claimed another victim spring is more calmer overcame technical programs to play in the fifth stage of the dark already been sweet chilli seeds into combat intelligence he told us that the red bull ktm factory ride at bidding for a full talk to him was forced to the rail network on his speaking got stuck in the second section of the race the false to use up the kids to help us to make sure the adults by almost thirty minutes. in the caucus agreed that he remembered used as a model for lotus run to regain the other four lead the forty one year old completed the course and then press it on before i was in twenty seven minutes enough to edge out in the sun and sea off the heat damaged his vehicle. paul stephen harmison with party line but least twenty minutes but i think that they'd six the report to the car ready and bought the place on the eighteenth of january moo. the grotto costly mistake got out the manchester city midfielder in the audio tour has been named african player of the day of the confederation of african football with helping villagers on thursday the audrey christensen us to beat shortening the kale was teaching tool. i had to settle for third place. for the bearing africans to be included on the twenty three man shortlist at the gazebo for moving it becomes the first player to win the accolade for three consecutive days with some units are cutting the price that the two thousand and three in two thousand and five pentagon as the baby hadn't taken the award from dawn to go to once a month to ninety three. welcome to know what a joke that the turks to live with or spec is his new tax cuts can help them develop and ends with a cherry or sars. i think is important for liz murray successful partnership with a bond and ordered held on the move will break through the rest of us opening the costumes we were going off the last post for me to finals. often using his number one spot to the phone about honesty in shock and expense but to secure the votes all foreigners torchwood in london in the mountains at the rate of foreign schools. yesterday the open begins on monday and sheltered beach will be in confident mood having taken the top prize in melbourne for the last three isn't the right is what is quitting his post renaissance onto here in two thousand and eight. the spirit is kinda nice to bake and announced on thursday he will make his marathon debut in paris in april. that record and pink gold medallist has struggled with injuries at the polls he is has opted to run in the french capital. despite being widely tipped for a rematch with britain's month titled america the thirty one year old daycare they won gold in the five thousand and ten thousand of the two thousand and eight making it and takes in the book chubby cheeks that but in the four ninety eight. much to the spike in the long distance double of the twenty twelve london games and lost his boat chartered ships in moscow. so she and the export rebate has reached a digital photo doesn't consider using one hundred and twenty three day journey across russia fourteen in the woods today the torch bearers were the champions of reading the text. he leaned across the dinner. brees has been designed to ensure that the rumblings in the sense of russia's population. he wanted to know that we needed some states that all you folks in the water to those living with the kids to participate in the event tombs. you all. bush's new system. instead of a statistical institute. two contests. here are the fuss is getting sucked. last week don't apply. the eu. two. by the number one find out more about what you said to school at www. don't you still go on slacks i dashed to i eye the i will one. the attack the eye. to cheer our lord . eye . the and the cheer ooh you all. i been been seven days this is one of germany's influential contemporary german photographers. for about a german and all levels of society. his work covers the period from the data from twenty three it would be in education. so it sits the range of german society and how it has changed in years. each day as well and people in german society standing before us and hide the dvd flights but the greatest of the people and yet also in comparison to history at times she is significant that humans were all good just what is. it will stand here and find a page that they felt best for themselves and then just it's good to take the kids what they felt it was ready to buy it so i can tell time that series this also. people just want to be seen in history these are numb. in jeju do another theory is that it's worth it. sailing just are theories are western. people everyday life. working at a judge the trio on it again with a bow at a textile factory the other are people find it. if you are in the photograph as a result the guitar also smiled at the trinity just needed to fill the inside. some jurors and eight. the people. jeju not always where they would on a linky to the present leo and that was a bit so that guests should ask the people. only in the department of the everyday life. not to be lol welcome to the cctv means i need to mean in beijing. another round of the run in the middle seats on the way he ran in the european union have been sealed the talks in geneva on into nineteen in that month deal at ten minus six month highs reached last november anna today told state than on thursday evening between the lines took me many ngos say that abbas iraq. she and to help us meet a devotee of the eu foreign policy chief catherine ashton on the two sides discussed the remaining

Related Keywords

Fort Lee , New Jersey , United States , Fallujah , Al Anbar , Iraq , Chad , Vermont , New Delhi , Delhi , India , Turkey , Beijing , China , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Cuba , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan , Moscow , Moskva , Canada , Germany , Anbar , Sistan Va Baluchestan , Iran , Rwanda , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Manchester , United Kingdom , Ramadi , London , City Of , Cottesloe , Western Australia , Baghdad , Central African Republic , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Sequim , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Venezuela , America , Canadian , Venezuelans , Pakistani , Central African , Turks , Britain , French , Iraqi , German , American , Cuban , Paul Stephen , Nuri Al Maliki , Catherine Ashton , Chris Christie , Al Qaeda , Fidel Castro , Abu Ghraib , Liz Murray , November Anna ,

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