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Operation is going to fight against terror. In an ailing north dakota as a Freight Train carrying oil is the rail praising obama for the Rising Crude Oil traffic on the railway is. Wallace pants no high speed sports but Michael Schumacher continues his battle to life after suffering severe head injuries in a skiing accident doctors in a hospital in the french city of grenoble operate it to treat internal bleeding and prevent swelling of his brain inside the skull they say they cannot predict the outcome. Outside the hospital families wait and hope. The city of atlanta said what i have been used in dhaka had been hospitalized in grenoble. I came straight away i had to come the museum. I knew it was like the whole crew at all times. Supporters and that but as the fall. And ill pray for him. Just seven times. Obi wan book champion is alien life now because he was wearing a helmet. The top of the accident. Schumacher remains in a medically induced unless hes called a cab. Lol it has slowed metabolism and help reduce inflammation of the spring aye aye. Israel has citys twenty six palestinian prisoners as part of the us but could be said that swan announcing it will build more prisons into the sacraments the free ddt a nice weekend in a tube into sections by families and friends in gaza and the west bank. That the fed after full back to sydney by israel in the us Led Initiative to the peace talks foliage. In palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas welcomed in the next is a twenty six had been convicted of killing israelis and the wistful with jeff before the fest is for a palestinian interim peace deals were signed twenty yes again. But outside the offices of the israeli Prime Minister any minute any off to the needs of its race killed or injured by the prisoners held a protest rally. Theyve consistently voiced anger and mounted on a successful Court Challenges against a release. B a in an attempt to piece far right members of his likud party miss danielle who is to push ahead with plans to build fourteen hundred ml said the homes. Its a move bound to anger the palestinians along with the Ministerial Committee proposal to an extent area of the west bank likely to beat the eastern border of any future palestinian state. The first funerals of victims in sundays suicide bombing in the russian city of all the backup to take Place National president s are still dealing with mondays close in on a quilt on the bus the deaths of at least thirty one people in just twenty four ounces but the massive security operation with goals to four thousand police and interior troops deployed. Fear and grief turned to anger to counseling to remember the victims. Organizers say the Security Forces have failed to protect the people and there are any good at the taping of the innocents when you see the view that russian citizens should put a question to the authorities not to me about the legitimacy about or it falls apart days but about the necessity of existence its about time the whole anti terror and going for the system was reformed visit an islamist Terror Campaign in the run up to the winch and intake since all she had spread to the capital muscat. President pete abe has called for International Solidarity in the fight against terror. But thats of little comfort to those he feels and now on the frontline. Inside i feel very anxious especis now i look at the passages and examine them. Well see check the boss. I am unable to do and living rooms. Cctv footage of sundays train station suicide bombing identifies two possible suspects in the end console militants from a nearby coca sister publics attention and to this town has been playing latvia at midnight will become the eighteen member of the eurozone. The second former soviet state to join up to estonia. Laughing and central bank has been providing you are attached to the muscle bike since november. Retailers have been stocking up on the new nuts and callings i was the last month. The fee as finance minister said of russias recent pressure on ukraine that shows how important it is for countries to stick together. I am with the eu he said lafayette will be more integrated am protected in case of troubles. Shoppers of the price hikes in law mgr is to get used to the new currency. As well as top according to give them a taste of whats to come. But there was little interest in eurostar tickets that appeared on sale in left field before christmas compared with estonia for people waited in long queues to buy stuff for kids two years ago. Despite its popularity amongst the pianist for the euro has been growing. I didnt know when the ground sending black smoke and huge planes into the sky open all the code in the us. The base happened after two trains collided one with over a hundred carriages stretching one and a half kilometers long. The scanning crude oil. Eye witnesses reported hearing two explosions that are no reports of any injuries while hundreds of residents of the nearby town of castle sin of being evacuated. A spokeswoman for the maxi services in north dakota said at least fifty wagons of the train and beyond couple but another fifty six remained at risk the commission reported it happened near an ethanol plant. Heidi paula time in flammable liquid. It is the latest string of incidents which embrace the mom of the rise in crude oil traffic on the railways according to figures released in north dakota there was an increase of sixty seven percent between october two thousand and twelve in two thousand thirteen in all a transport taken by rail. Abc at forty seven people were killed when a train carrying all it was derailed in the back. I want a full size to use it as a recreational drugs jennings the first in the usa to come around to it. Today was freaking full. Thats what its going to be decoded could use its senate under licence. But tuesday in washington approved a constitutional amendment passed yet. So this is getting content. For the part of a how will we tell me who is going on the front so they can see the baath party of friends we have available only to keep around twenty strands on the stall for time and definitely without the bacteria called the position where we have to grow plants. Not everythings gone smith lake. As the new rushing to moms in applications for the licence is that the local people or disclose much frustration i peed a lot of folks are were all scrambling at the last minute and were not sure which of our friends in the industry are good at the airport opened in richland wa. If any of the twenty one year olds will be of that attaches the lead up to januarys if the stars to john denver song day is not to colorado and they will be none too high or that females monastic was behind this post building in foal to grad in milk to back saving six nights. The ad after she learnt that from dhaka stalin was a friend if the woman suspected to have colds someday steady expansion dubbed the weekends they said the calls of the town dump. Lamar old teacher of the islamist rebellion and the kremlins enemy number one. In an online video in july the edge that attempts to use maximum force to prevent the Winter Olympics in seoul keep from going ahead he tells them to quote disrupt the satanic dancing on the bones of our ancestors at fourteen i know my role is a veteran of the two chechen wars when the fence joined up to fight for independence he opposed methods that fundamentalism gradually won in the back and today hes calling for a against russia foley president of the self proclaimed separatist chechen republican ticket area. He dissolved it in two thousand and seven. And now styles himself as the end the era of the caucasus emirate taking in beckett stunning addition to hearing nor the sexy seeking to avenge pull in hospitals to black which it was well behind between suicide attacks that killed fourteen people on the mosque of a true system in twenty ten one of them was teenage aged men to have two black men know that she was the seventeen year old widow at the leading islamist militants on my lap not bloomed yet dead. When they were also involved in that deadly most of the a ten c to two thousand and two. In chilling pictures seeing around the wilds. At the same speed bell radicals have become more active. And as the Terror Threat to humans the head of the salty olympics. Locals in the north caucasus say russias taking saliva samples from religiously conservative muslim women. The aim is apparently to get that dna so authorities can identify the body parts. If any to become suicide moments joining us now from london is Matthew Clements a specialist in russian the feds at ihs country risk matthew two bones in twenty four hours. Who is behind these attacks. The much vaunted that it takes is on his tennis militants based in the russian north caucasus region. Two of undertaking suicide attacks against civilian targets of the cost we assess that these attacks and bold about our designs are trying to break a sense of insecurity. So businesses ahead of the sochi winter and intakes which to be held in a nearby cars the door to victory in the very next year what kind of results is that these people have how long could they keep up a Campaign Like this. Could we call this a campaign. Well theyve been undertaking a very regular attacks across the north caucasus republics such as dogs on a decent year in chechnya. Im full well what of a decade now. Alongside doubt that have been and is taking them but its a beast rise in attacks in other parts of russia but we seem to be seen now is the step up in this campaign to try and create a great sense of security ahead of the sochi winter than its service in threat from these groups to undertake attacks across southern russia on even in some major cities it is most good. You say the ultimate target is the winter then picks and saatchi is there any way president putin can control this. Well as weeks but weve seen of the russian government has put in place a very strict security regime around the socially driven didnt use much it costs much a possibility with the surrounding it. What this does do is reduce the risk that terrorists would be able to undertake successful attacks against him and then use themselves up mall with school being softer targets that just runs when constructed in the region and also in other areas of southern russia on again even in places such as moscow because the psychological impacts of the time to choose this could be seen to undermine the gains and therefore the government and indeed automated regions reputation. The people who carried out these attacks can you put in a moment. United a pic of my mind there isnt enough information to be in the opening to dvd and even to perpetrate is indeed the report of singling out from the Russian Police over the course of this morning said that the that the suspected target has changed a number of times what we do seem to be the main one is the belief that oxidative overgrown with suicide bomb attacks on indian but it does appear to be mailed. Im beyond that we are able to sustain me with details of the personalities behind this. The clemens thanks very much for joining us again. And despite the massive success of the sun and heat the oven has decided to shake up his Production Team and his new album you. The new zealand born an australian race continues its super cool thing you could choose to spend the whole country will perform duets with every touch them or read about what it knew so much. I like it was a good time too. What the people and work with before. I really started to round out the spotlight people under the knife recording with the musicians ive never played with and studious ivanovic and within judaism and awoke with the criticism that the work with not just for myself in the complaint and shot a cherry tree lets expect anything radically different from adults its known for his second solo performances and a Screen Reader will win im not the biggest threat to the different income when ive been in one voice this is my boys and one of my kids on the elements that i add to my music and six revenge of the electorate the top line to see the final the balance that better present store that kind of get a good tree line that is about. His other hand injuries and down sonic elements that are different i just. They look good and continues to like it used to look the us which began in july and ends in february in dutch. The rule i copied you center in paris is showing up that ranges from one of its richest collections surrealism and the object some highlights with some dodgy mean additional man ray and John Committee among others. Surrealism was the festival into every movement experimenting with the language free from conscious control. This is an extended to us the cops took offense in the mud exploded outputs from the band worlds capital of the ox. Some good work towards elizabeth good on it but someone said that certain objects expressions materialize. Rinse the salt of the sun it all checks that will just love our relation with the technical data to and used to scold and elements into reality the destructive elements that will rip the cut some off reality. I dont know what interests the cereal is just the people which is beside the oncologist on tuesday. There would be though. The mole was so huge you must install the lights in the city to show himself to open honest and wrecked the surrealist exhibition art in nineteen thirty eight he created sets to be used to called ghost train at the time of the critics called the surrealist exhibition as amusement parks so it was revolutionary at the time and snakes in the audience new one in the nineteenth that is the sweetest exhibitions and fifty thousand business. It was incredible. When we go hitler was able to establish a link between updates. Once we call the wider surrealism introduced concepts of liberation and psychological techniques to opt and pay homage to george and itchy ricos the founder of the surrealist expected also it is in place the will of the conscious mind america especially took notes. Jackson pollock and pop ups. Like many singers to fall on the query and has decided to watch the action designed for well known british high street store the collection and that makes that had been wet and sexy outfits including some very high tackle. Teach them nominated been stopped if the pm at the American Music awards. Brianna has recently fuel to control the speed of the proposed to heal the physical or email. About ten minutes offering was released. This is for the new collection will made in portugal. In keeping the whole defense secrets wasnt always easy to make going in the beginning we were told it was a project that didnt have to hide from everyone. At least its late so once we signed an exclusivity contract to keep quiet. We want to be very careful and thorough. What was the toughest challenge but it came to the sheet design. Neither were we achieving common e g to the height of the models between the heels of the platform. That was a bit tricky in the beginning we can be overcome. Was it like waking for a superstar like brianna. Nothing all that changes the way of course there is some prestige and looking for someone like brianna know our clients are important to watch leah was mentioned. Now in stores and online riyadh as new winter collection presence makes good use. Some critics of icing to sing and to stick to the day job describing the nineties in spite of the wardrobe malfunction. We tend to happen. The first funerals of victims in sundays suicide bombing in the russian city of all the crap that take Place National president s are still dealing with mondays loss to multiple tony boss the deaths of at least thirty one people in just twenty four ounces of domestic security operation with goals to four thousand police and interior troops deployed. Fear and grief turned to anger to counseling to remember the victims organizers say the Security Forces have failed to protect the people under any good at taking the innocents. When you see the view that russian citizens should put a question to the authorities not to me about the legitimacy about going full speed apologies but about the necessity of existence. Its about time the whole anti terror and going for the system was reformed. Visit an islamist Terror Campaign in the run up to the winton intake since all she had spread to the capital muscat. This isnt the team has called for International Solidarity in the fight against terror. But thats of little comfort to those he feels and now on the frontline. Inside i feel very anxious especially when i drive and psychosis now i look at the passages and examine them. Well say check the boss. I am unable to do and living rooms. Cctv footage of sundays train station suicide bombing identifies two possible suspects in the end to its toll. Militants from a nearby caucasus republics attention to this town has been playing while theres no high speed sports but michael sure micah continues his battle to life after suffering severe head injuries in a skiing accident doctors in a hospital in the french city of grenoble operate it to treat internal bleeding and prevent swelling of his brain inside the skull they say they cannot predict the outcome. Outside the hospital families wait and hope. The city of atlanta said what i have been used in dhaka had been hospitalized in grenoble. I came straight away i had to come. The music whatever it was like the whole crew at all times supporters and. But as the fall. And ill pray for him. Just seven times. Obi wan book champion is alien life now because he was wearing a helmet. The top of the accident. Schumacher remains in a medically induced coma is called a cab low and slow the metabolism and help reduce inflammation of the spring. I didnt turn on the ground sending black smoke and huge flames into the sky over north dakota in the us. The blaze happened after two trains collided one with over a hundred carriages stretching one and a half kilometers long. The scanning crude oil. Eye witnesses reported hearing two explosions that are no reports of any injuries while hundreds of residents of the nearby condo castles and being evacuated. A spokeswoman for the maxi services in north dakota said at least fifty wagons of the train and beyond couple but another fifty six remained at risk the commission reported it happened near an ethanol plant. Heidi vogt time in flammable liquid. It is the latest string of incidents which embrace the mom of the rise in crude oil traffic on the railways according to figures released in north dakota there was an increase of sixty seven percent between october two thousand and twelve in two thousand thirteen in all a transport station by rail. Abc at forty seven people were killed when a train carrying all it was derailed in the back. These trips have regained control of the three Strategic Sites in the capital can show set up their rates by what the government described as a group. The fifteen c status report to the kilt was an eighty four to catch it officials have downplayed the attacks according on the population to resume a normal activities. See the pope the storm. If people show as a not terrorized they would eat up the third fence as you may want to spill the blood of innocents in a country feel so normal to be the democratic republic of congo is struggling to emerge from decades of instability and ethnic tensions the United Nations has to count in the country where it supplies thousands of ex combatants who recently surrendered from home truths doing good at it if it meant that it is helpful to me. And it encourages exit from certain but youll get to see who did the author. It becomes pretty and it was a lot of it to court to consider the hands of the biggest resolution photo monday straight to the change but former president ial candidate for it proved to be a nice surprise to the oakland as penny after making peace with tutsi led rebels. Her hair uzbekistan the rice dish cloth instead of celebrations to say we went along to find out how to make it according to the current editions of kyiv and hypocrites if he wants was one of the sentence of the silk route. Her bones find out. This time. I am. Key the eye. Or or. The eu the eu. Ch. Each. We want lulu lulu. The eye. Room the cheese. What what what what what what what what. And i are high. The experts. Says are they. It is. It is. Is steve. You long lulu woo hoo the us the sea. The other wants to visit the point is to sell out by the yasukuni war shrine. But you get the youth icon

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