Transcripts For KCSM EuroNews 20131225 :

Transcripts For KCSM EuroNews 20131225

the difference is the celebrated his first christmas eve midnight mass of the pieces basilica in the vatican. the allowable the turkish government has suffered a shock twin resignation. with the economy and interior ministers but putting on for travis campbell economy means to suffer kelly on an interior ministry my mug and both previously offered them as nations them someday. and on tuesday president of the good cold like to be shown on a number of corruption allegations. ministers became and tangled up to the rest of the sons of december the seventeenth along with a number of other suspects accused of taking will re organizing drives and all that we didn't know it adds to the pressure on prime this project i have am ahead of an election year and it follows a period on crisp into unease in protest against him and his ak puppy puppy based on perceptions of corruption the ak party is now reportedly driven by splits with the faction led by us actively seeking a double and scalpel. the spanish kings traditional christmas eve but just ignore that on half the lithium tv for the first time in its fifty year history. it highlights growing separatists beginning in the northeastern region ironically king kong law school. the spanish units a month immortal god for many years. we walked side by side building a democracy. i won't post them all together we've results problems even more difficult than the ones we face today. use him and always with the same objective to reach a common goal the local one. fellow nationalists and use the vehicle was great to autonomy within spying. but recently of more radical independent smith and to spring up. also just off the appellants would but for full independence. but madrid says a proposed referendum next year would be unconstitutional and has backed the book. rhonda hundred and seventy migrants who are on the telly entire trip planned to do so has been evacuated. bill and send to have been designed to rise to a tent and fifty people for two days but instead would become more of a long time refugee camp leading to accusations of credit on such preconditions. most of the migrants and i being taken to the italian mainland by a local politicians say the system needs changing. on the menu above. as i have eaten nothing can be the same as the fall. the parliament's old governments. who wouldn't that be aren't especially the italian government must realize that we must work seriously to take leave or full. how we treat asylum seekers in our country. last week to get fitted to most appearing to show that the refugees some of them make it in the freezing cold being sprayed with disinfectant leading to a storm of criticism. in britain travel chaos hundreds of travelers have been stunted by flight cancellations and power cuts to apples. catholics or is that london was one of the most badly affected the situation made worse by plant the rail engineering works. meaning no trains to and from the apple. some passages which a cold day and then found out that delayed flights were canceled i know i love you. the chaos has been caused by heavy rain and holly wings across a site that britain roads and eleven line a line that being flooded. motorists were stranded when bread is best that banks. some cars would just left abandoned. across the channel in britain the northwest bronx with a similar situation. due to heavy rain with the three of us that banks flooding times and villages seventeen departments namely in britain the ball on the eyes of the one hundred times the parcels are currently without power of the trees fell on power lines. it's estimated three days will be needed to get everyone back online site for some it's christmas by candlelight the northwest and spying in the province of galicia hind wings to penrith signs damaged property and caused power cuts across playing for the four regions are on the left but bill by when the basque country flights were canceled due to high winds this plane did land safely. and now mom. the un security council voted on tuesday to the poll amongst the number of united nations peacekeepers inside and out incumbent on you when you that the violence has pushed the two year ovation to the verge of all out civil war. the strength of the un mission will be boosted to twelve thousand five hundred troops as soon as possible the request by un secretary general by ki moon was authorized unanimously that a united nations mission and sets it down is struggling to keep people sheltering from the violence of the combine is safe. is evacuated injured civilians of mobile sets of stuff from four to the couple's of juba thousands of people and the unknown zipping killed during the past week the worsening violence is between groups loyal to the presence of troops loyal to the former vice president who was sacked in july after a power struggle. government troops have re taken control of the cup until it don't make steaks for a keypad which last week fell to rebels loyal to the former vice president. western power is an east african states are keen to prevent more chaos in this fragile region. they tried to mediate between the presidents of his former deputy without success the discovery of several mass graves has used its ethnic look blessing will tear apart the world's newest states. egyptian police said former prime minister hashim condi has been arrested while trying to flee the country to saddam security forces say they were in full swing and april sentence of one year's imprisonment upheld on appeal in september. this relates to come to defying a court order while he was deposed president mohammed mrs prime minister to re nationalize textile factory privatized when full the president of the bark was still in power security forces are another step closer to having a full house of the muslim bro leadership behind us. but no closer to ensuring safety. the loss of life from the christmas eve cop bowman also a southern egypt which killed fifteen and wounded one that unfolds it was proof of continued instability. it was quickly condemned by the brother my mood about the palestinian president speaks to use foreign policy chief catherine ashton the midnight mass in bethlehem. christians came together at the church of the nativity traditionally seen this tease this but like i was tired of christmas eve. never in at the end today only the aftermath of the office trespass was a private visit us in patriarchal for solution to the problems all but the last time i would hate it when living in a very difficult situation to the lounge and saw mum the day of the situation for which we do not have an immediate solution. was asian a difficult situation which affects all the inhabitants of t last ten. outside the church aiming to square it with a festive atmosphere visit the numbers are expected to be up fourteen percent this year too and papa relative recent column in the region. france is the celebrated his first christmas eve midnight mass and some peaches. he was assisted by more than three hundred cardinals bishops and priests. ten thousand people packed the basilica hundreds of others would start sewing according to tradition the first time sinking to his battery to read deep in the field said. in his home of the conferences urge people to live humbled by its students to focus on costs is placed. it is but if we don't manage it but trying to deceive. and the constant disputes of self interest. it is that. in order. darkness falls within and around us think oh no no. in a break with tradition the province's himself the phone to toss you should be given to an eight he carried a figurine of the baby jesus to the author of the starts of the mass the statue of jesus with them placed in the manger of a life size nativity scene behind the altar. to see. i do. d you. huge. serious games because the pc gaming technology for education marketing and communication problem solving. developers say the revolutionary methods help people in difficult and complicated subjects in a simple and sometimes amusing lake will defeat the state of the upper teeth isn't designed it came together in the french gp video to promote good for all of us are in the store. netball is a single eye in a single time when one feels in the mentioned long live the city it's easy to integrate the leaks will play an important vehicle at us when we play with. we have fun. that's pleasurable week when we feel that so it's an effective method. there was strong. it upsets me that it isn't as hot. cox qc and presented a number of educational innovations teach children in an interactive and straightforward way. i'm watching the scene monday it's a fight a way to stay healthy. it's actually getting to create an application for a professional orientation john likes the style of play you react to situations in a virtual village. it's a good day though there are lots of possibilities he did in the teenage forty temple weekend the school the following god's will the gate to find out that it would be interested. it spreads and change the way to the beach looks with the gators use this as a tool in a mock up for orientation i get all the dates was compiled and it provides a psychological profile and helps the korea development of the certificate to do with all the bustle of activity to activity did awesome on at the top of it senator. i know beat and decreased and all so she a new generation headsets to showcase it in the lab series game as he too must themselves in a virtual olympic dam that mean that any of the line. an engineering school in paris has developed an affordable became a headset pull up units which are simply mentioned that we will hear the user to manipulate the environment in a series of complex movements which could be used to train pilots surgeons and engineers. j p sixty three sixty showcased in a motion project which places the light in the specific situation graphics and body movement makes the player feel like the auction that. whether what's the purpose of this game so well. it will sit for the mythical sign yet that all of this game is being designed to allow families to stay and eat in that home sales in the new death and they are in the us to re do this and tell them the motion detector he came to interact with the image a list of what i hear the fridge needs to be told. an empty fridge consumes too much energy i felt like i could not won any of you who read the book because the light on details it makes it should be used as a site called quartet on coco came upon us that the whole plate. i haven't made it to save on power then that i didn't pass by now. yet they can get them for using those opinions. state games are a vital teaching to the french company that came the peak of the gang tensions. today somebody nearby suffers a stroke. finding peace in all of the game champ on just what to do the people the doctor i could be a lifesaver. biggio universal has developed a method which allows blind people to recognize objects and shapes technology will assist in the recognition of objects in the home but woke sporting recreation situations. does the cruise. oregon's is no credible link to them going for. you choose to wait. it too well for grooms home mom cheer when you smile. when to look topics share your opinion with the old one. to steal him only to the music with the new student but some of us. it will mean a storm government has suffered a shock twin resignation. with the economy and interior ministers but putting on for travis campbell economy ministers africa yemen the interior minister my mug and both previously offered them as nations them someday and on tuesday president of the good cold like to be shown on a number of corruption allegations ministers became and tangled up to the rest of the sons of december the seventeenth along with a number of other suspects accused of taking will re organizing drives in the lead me to know it adds to the pressure on prime minister to try to build am ahead of an election year and it follows a period on the cusp into unease in protest against him and his ak puppy puppy based on perceptions of corruption the ak party is now reportedly driven by splits with the faction led by us actively seeking headlands downfall mahmoud abbas the palestinian president speaks to use foreign policy chief catherine ashton the midnight mass in bethlehem. christians came together at the church of the nativity. traditionally seen as jesus but let's don't try that on christmas eve never in at the end today with the aftermath of the office trespass was a private visit to the left and patriarchal for a solution to the problems all but the last time i would hate it when living in a very difficult situation to the lounge and saw mum. the day of the situation for which we do not have an immediate solution. was asian. a difficult situation which affect all the inhabitants of the heart of the last ten outside the church in manger square it was a festive atmosphere. visitor numbers are expected to be up fourteen percent this year tearing up the road to recent column in the region rhonda hundred and seventy migrants who are on the telly and tara trip planned to do so has been evacuated. bill and send to have been designed to rise to a tent and fifty people for two days but instead would become more of a long time refugee camp leading to accusations of credit on such preconditions most of the migrants and i being taken to the italian mainland by a local politicians think the system needs changing. on the menu above but that does identity nothing can be the same as the fall. the parliament's old governments. who wouldn't that be aren't especially the italian government must realize that we must work seriously to take leave or full. how we treat asylum seekers in our country. last week to get fitted to most appearing to show that the refugees some of them make it in the freezing cold being sprayed with disinfectant leading to a storm of criticism. my mom the un security council budget on tuesday to the poll amongst the number of united nations peacekeepers inside and out incumbent on you when you that the violence has pushed the two year of motion to the verge of all out civil war. the strength of the un mission will be boosted to twelve thousand five hundred troops as soon as possible the request by un secretary general by ki moon was authorized unanimously that a united nations mission and sets it down is struggling to keep people sheltering from the violence of the combine is safe. is evacuated injured civilians of mobile sets of stuff from four to the couple's of juba thousands of people and the unknown zipping killed during the past week the worsening violence is between groups loyal to the presence of troops loyal to the former vice president who was sacked in july after a power struggle. government troops have re taken control of the cup until it don't make steaks for a keypad which last week fell to rebels loyal to the former vice president. western power is an east african states are keen to prevent more chaos in this fragile region. they tried to mediate between the presidents of his former deputy without success the discovery of several mass graves has two pairs of ethnic look blessing will tear apart the world's newest states. in britain travel chaos. hundreds of travelers have been stunted by flight cancellations and power cuts to apples. catholic sense of london was one of the most badly affected. the situation made worse by planned rail engineering works. meaning no trains to and from the apple some passages which a cold day and then found out that delayed flights were canceled i know i love you. the chaos has been caused by heavy rain and holly wings across a sign at the preston roads and eleven line a line that being flooded. motorists were stranded when bread is best at banks. some cars would just left abandoned. across the channel in britain the northwest front with a similar situation. due to heavy rain with this yet but that banks flooding times and beverages seventeen departments namely in person the ball on the eyes of the one hundred times the parcels are currently without power of the trees fell on power lines. it doesn't make it three days will be needed to get everyone back online. say for some it's christmas by candlelight. the northwest and spying in the province of galicia hind wings to penrith signs damaged property and caused power cuts across playing for the four regions are on the left but bill by when the basque country flights were canceled due to high winds. this plane did land safely the us the eye it was. the youth. you've totally new. i know. it is let's go. that is. in this episode when you get in the gym they are known as a key enabling capabilities themes such as nanotechnology and biotechnology. they re going to europe it is to succeed second biggest after noah. but their knowledge on days that lead to competitive products on the market. and that's exactly what one small business is unique and is doing at that. but it is the part of it. this company specializes in expressing the true focus for the production of oil is used in cosmetics or good food supplements. but given the go victoria faces a serious dilemma. but from an atlanta me to develop a new princess is double extraction to be sure to be worth it up because it required an investment of laundry in your eggs are absolutely have to test this princess on a semi industrial scale from four fifteen. ms eventually tested and validated posts as part of but which has all the st dispatch of italy and the operation eagle wales yes i will now well the point of signing a contract with several hundreds of meetings if you'll read about adaptive and doubling or even a tripling of alternative that would require creation of seven new choked sort of extra time. he posted a blog is to understate its stake in two thousand and eight the global market the key enabling technologies was worth six hundred and forty six will be in your own. it's on track to be worth more than one trillion by twenty fifteen at me. since twenty ten some one hundred european often as appropriate to make use of the facilities of its specialist might based products friends. why don't they resemble their time to come to us and say we have a problem we need to produce two tons of art from me and we can do that. you can't do that to stop the floor the initiative is hope i'm as white european funds that use flanders region and the netherlands. it's a flexible and versatile platform which is to be independent of the major industrial groups. she was at two pm. small business anyone to develop a process on an industrial scale. or even if you want to stop the pilot had to sell. that could cost a lot and take a long time we can help you very quickly and for a lot less money people who won with that but it's a success for food instead of just me the keys to success are hopping in a wicked speculates that the necessary specialist equipment only stepping on a semi industrial scale before launching a new project and state level has been conducted with all that much of the tomb of. the lord i i i the heat the batter. i did she says. this one. it is each. i know. he says. says zz you you you. we love them tuesday's stage is a little bit lost in since we don't really have. her records going back thousands o years you know something about chinese culture and one. it used to it. synergy of chinese martial arts techniques chinese from the coherence and useful arts i knew i wanted in one the techniques. i'd be interested. is that we're not just of learning. now it's clear they're interested in we were. internally. what energizes us glimpses of what is this. peace on it. but consistently suspected that what we get woohoo. the is the sea. it was. local. it's the day. born in

Related Keywords

Egypt , Netherlands , Israel , Penrith , Cumbria , United Kingdom , Madrid , Spain , Turkey , China , Juba , Wilayat Bahr Al Jabal , South Sudan , Oregon , United States , Yemen , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , London , City Of , Italy , Italian , Britain , Spanish , French , Chinese , Turkish , Palestinian , Egyptian , Mahmoud Abbas , Catherine Ashton , Travis Campbell , King Kong ,

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