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Is it worth the hefty price tag . I am brent goff. Donald trump says it is a clear victory for national security. The United States Supreme Court upheld parts of the Trump Administrations controversial travel ban. It will let the government can force a 90 day ban on travelers from six muslim majority countries as well as a 120 day ban on all refugees entering the u. S. The decision effectively overturned Lower Court Rulings clocking the band. The Supreme Court will hear arguments on the legality of the ban this coming october. I am joined by mark fisher from the washington post. What is the mood like in washington right now . It is a bit confused as people parse through what the Supreme Court has said today. A lot of people on the other side are saying that there is no decision here. This is a temporary measure on the part of the court to allow this band to go forward with a significant part not Going Forward as we await the actual decision of the Supreme Court sometime this fall or next spring. What does this really mean . Is this a victory as the u. S. President is saying . By the time october arrives, this window of time he has asked for in the ban will have passed. That is right, that is one of the questions that the court will be taking in october. They asked the lawyers from the Trump Administration and the advocates for the immigrants to come back and say is there a vagal issue legal issue here . The Supreme Court does not work over the summer so by the time they come back, the ban will have run its course. At that point, the administration will say that we need to make some of the aspects of this been permanent. They do not address that in todays ruling. It is not really a ruling, it is a temporary stay that allows him to go ahead and ban some people. They say the ban will not live apply. Some people are coming to this country who are to have a Family Member or a college or a job, if they already have connections, they may not be banned. The only people that may be banned other ones that are coming to the United States with no previous connection. The u. S. President is saying this is a victory for national security. As you rightly point out, the court has said that if you have a bona fide connection to the u. S. , you can still come to the u. S. It is not the travel ban he wanted but he is spinning it as getting what he wants. He is saying that this is a victory for his policy. This was a 90 decision. There were three members of the court that wanted all of the trump band to be able to move forward. A majority said only certain portions, only people with no previous connection will be able to come from those six countries. Obviously there are advocates for the band. N. The only thing the court was addressing in this decision was if the administration had the authority to do this on a temporary basis. Should they be allowed to move forward while we consider this . Mark fisher with the washington post, giving us some insight. Thank you very much. Thank you. Defense cooperation is said to be on the agenda with talks between indias Prime Minister and u. S. President donald trump in washington. Modi has just arrived to the white house. The leaders of t two largest democracies are hoping to build a personal report. Areas of contention such as trade agreements are likely to come up. We go to our correspondent in delhi. Trump and modi are both politicians. They are the leaders of the worlds two biggest democracies. Can we rightly assume that they will understand and like each other immediately . As you said, much of Donald Trumps campaign was centered around the idea that he was going to make America Great again through his experience in business. Modi, although not a businessman himself, came to power under this narrative that he was probusiness and a country that was historically not very good to do business in. He is in the u. S. Trying to push that idea. He has met with top u. S. Ceos. Tim cook, google ceo as well. He is helping donald trump will hear this as well. India exports many more goods to the u. S. , rather than the other way around. How can donald trump make America Great again in the face of modis make in india campaign. You have the make America Great again and the make in india campaign. Those two could be at odds with each other. But both sides are trying to show shared interests. Theyre trying to stress that and draw attention away from the big differences and focus more on allowing these two leaders who get to know each other right now. I think that is the direction we are heading in. Perhaps the other issues will be put on the backburner for now. We know the u. S. President has been cozying up to beijing much more than we saw with barack obama. That cant be sitting too well with india. China is one of these interesting ones where there is potential for friction there. It is an example of the applicability of donald trump. He was very hard on china during his campaign and now he has softened his tone. That has raised some alarms here in delhi. I think india is assuaged by the fact that the u. S. Is cooperating with india on defense. Including a drone sale that is about to happen. I think we will have two wait and see. It is the unpredictability of donald trump that is keeping everything up in the air. That was our correspondent on the story tonight. In iraq, Government Forces say they are days away from taking full control of most of from socalled Islamic States. They say they are still facing pockets of resistance. Commanders say that counterattacks are assigned to bias desperation. There are reports that some viewers may find distressing. Civilians have been fleeing the western part of the city. Soldiers have to make sure that nobody is wearing any suicide belts. As the iraq he army takes back the city of mosul, fighters of the Islamic State are waging resistance with mines and cyber attacks. The eastern part of the city has been liberated. Those who made it there are badly wounded and undernourished. We fled outside, along the curb. He ran onto a mine, it exploded and we fled. His leg torn off, it fell in. The war has caused unspeakable suffering. I ate what i could find, there is very little food. Most people a power but there is no bread left. This footage, shot by the iraqi army shows the combat zone in the west. Almost 70 of the historic city of muscle has been freed from i. S. Control. There are many militants are hiding out within a square kilometer, using civilians as human shields. They go from house to house, seller to seller. My daughters were under siege. I want to go back, maybe they are still alive. Between a few hundred and 80,000 people are still trapped in the west of the city. It is difficult to estimate how many. What is clear is that this war will not end anytime soon. Even if weapons fall silent in a few days. They have destroyed us for generations. This situation is beyond words, the whole area, everything here is gone. A victory for the iraqi army, maybe days away. Every minute of title has battle brings more suffering. Theresa may signed a deal with Northern Irelands Democratic Unionist Party to bolster her government. A sign of her partys poor performance in a snap election showed a tough break the talks with brussels. This should give her enough votes to pass her brexit dominated agenda. It was all smiles at number 10 downing street. A deal with the dep gives theresa may be necessary parliamentary votes to enact its agenda. We welcome this Financial Support of one billion pounds in the next two years as well as providing new flexibilities and almost 500 billion pounds previously committed to northern ireland. Critics say that this is an attempt to buy the dups committment. Any sense of fairness sacrificed on the altar of grubby dup deal allows may to cling to powerl. Free cement theresa may did not address this in parliament. I want to completely reassure people that under these plans, no eu citizen will be asked to leave at the point the u. K. Leaves the eu. We want you to stay. The opposition hammered mays record. The Prime Minister still insists that she is the best person to get a good deal for britain. For theresa may, the agreement with the dep dup, i s a step Going Forward in brexit negotiations. This crucial postelection test comes later this week when parliament is due to hold a cop and his boat. A confidence vote. Italy is bailing out to banks two banks. We will tell you more about that on the other side of a 62nd break 60 second break. We will be rigtht back. Welcome back, you are with dw news. The United States suffering court has partly lifted an injunction against president trumps controversial travel ban. They will be able to enforce a 90 day been from travelers on travelers from six muslim majority countries. Foreigners that can claim a credible relationship in the u. S. Will be accepted from the ban. Excepted from the ban. In china, this man has been released from medical parole. You see him here in archive footage. He is engaging in activities designed to overthrow the government. Lou was sentenced to 11 years in jail. He is receiving treatment in the north of the city. Even his lawyer did not see it coming. He told dw in this exclusive interview. I have just recently found out from one of his close Family Members that he is ill. I cannot reveal who give me that information. On may 23, he was diagnosed with late stage liver cancer. The paperwork was not ready until last week. In principle, it is possible during medical parole to leave the hospital and go see a doctor when necessary if the condition of the patient is good enough. With him, things are different. I fear he will have to stay at the hospital. Time for business news. We are going to italy. The banking crisis has been settling sizzling away. It is about to boil over. It is. Theyre healthy assets are being sold off. It is for a symbolic price of one euro. What is even more controversial is spending billions to rescue ailing banks, it should have been a thing of the past. This is expected to cost up to 17 billion euros. Taxpayers are footing the bill. Many are adopting measured responses to the news. It is to soon to know too soon to know what will happen. The European Central banks and more than 400 banks will have to close. The employeess jobs are at risk. It is absolutely negative. One cannot celebrate. Critics of the move say eu banks shouldnt make taxpayer rescues a habit. It shouldnt happen in the first place. It is a violation of eu regulation. We found of the Banking Union we founded the Banking Union in 2016. These rules were broken. Detractors say the shortterm relief could give way to longterm consequence for the eurozone. If taxpayer bailouts for other countries are perceived as a real option despite what is in place, risksharing could take a hit. This is a controversial decision by the italian government. We asked the professor of finance at that move was making the italian Banking Sector safe. It is definitely not safe. At the end of the day, it is definitely not a good one. The outcome is something we desperately need. We have been talking about this for years. We have a lot of that banks peripheries in europe. The existence of effectively posed a threat to the economy and profitability of the remaining banks. The outcome is something we desperately need. I think we are not far out of the was yet. There is a lot more out of the woods yet. There is a lot more. It has been a hot topic, getting more women into executive positions. The legislation doesnt cover all of the positions. She made it, she sits on the fivemember board of membership but she is an exception. Only 6 of the top managers in germany are women. The German Government maintains that the quota is working. The quota is having an effect, that is clear. It was a hard struggle that was largely led by many womens associations in germany. Changes are underway on german advisory boards. The portion is up to 27 , that is below the 30 legal level. We have had long discussions about whether businesses can manage this through voluntary commitments, this has never worked before, that is why we took this course. The hope is that more women on supervisory boards will eventually translate into greater diversity in operative management, certainly, they are talking the talk and sing diversity strengthens competitiveness. For more, lets bring in our correspondent. The female leaders of major corporations seem to be more common in the United States than in germany. A is there no need for a quota system why is there no need for the quota system in the u. S. . Females in the fortune 500 are an anomaly. A have been making strides. As of 2017, there are 32 female ceos on this list. This is the highest proportion of female ceos in the 63yearold history of the fortune 500. The women run a diverse range of countries from pepsi to lockheed martin. Look at Silicon Valley where Companies Like uber make it seem a nothing will change at all. Donald trump zeroed in on the Auto Industry in particular. Bmw announced a fresh 600 Million Investment in the next four years in spartanburg, south carolina. The carmaker plans to step up the production of future ian w x models bmw x models. Spartanburg is bmws biggest production facility. Back to you in new york. This is a big investment in an already important site. At least bmw didnt do anything to damage its reputation as a german automaker. Its significance is not as big as it is in germany. Its market share in the United States lies around 2 . It is not in the two top five. In total, bmw reported 110,000 vehicles in the first four months of 2017. You do see a decline compared to last year of 2. 8 here in the United States, bmw is suffering from its competitor, tesla. It historically comes from the tofour series. 24 series. That is your latest business news. Back to you. Salvador dali to be consumed as part of a suit. They will use his dna to see if he is the grandfather of a 62yearold woman. The paternity case could not otherwise be settled. Salvador dali was buried in 89. In the u. S. State of idaho, a sequoia tree that stood in the same spot for over a century now has a new home. In it is moved down th street from a hospital where it was blocking a plant expansion. They are some of the worlds tallest trees, reaching heights of up to 80 meters. You can always get your dw news on the go. Download our app from google play. That will give you access to all the latest news and push notifications for any breaking news. You can also use the dw back to send us photos and videos when you see news happening. After a short break, i will be back to take you through the day, stick around. Day, stick around. [theme music] [theme music] Ernabel Demillo hi, im Ernabel Demillo, welcome to Asian American life. In this edition i sat down with the young star of the hit t. V. Show fresh off the boat to talk about his life changing role and why the show is a success. Plus we have this. Paul lin enjoys a modern opera on hollywood t. V. And film. Minnie roh gets into action with superheroes

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