Transcripts For KCSM Democracy Now 20171117 :

Transcripts For KCSM Democracy Now 20171117

because we have seen the countries come begin and again with the same old stories at a time was to the climate impact higher and higher and hitting the poorest people of the world and the worst ways. we see no another table for loss and damage. to see the paris agreement is being restricted to mitigation. amy: we'll get a roundup of the two week negotiations from dipti bhatnagar of friends of the earth in mozambique and asad rehman, of "war on want" in britain. and we'll speak with a key architect of the paris agreement, the former president of cop20 in lima, peru, manuel pulgar-vidal. back in the u.s., the keystone pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in south dakota. >> it is something we have been saying all along, every pipeline is going to spill, is going to leak. amy: we'll speak with tom goldtooth of the indigenous environmental network about the spill and his new report on carbon trading. all that and more, coming up. welcome to democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are reporting from bonn, germany. back in the u.s. on capitol hill, republican lawmakers are moving closer to pass a sweeping $1.5 trillion tax cut that largely benefits the wealthy and the nation's largest corporations. the house passed its version of the bill on thursday by a vote of 227 to 205. 13 republicans joined democrats in opposing the legislation. the massive tax cut was approved without the house holding a single hearing. hours later, the senate finance committee approved its own version of the bill but it is unclear if the republicans have enough votes for it to pass the full senate. one of the biggest beneficiaries of the tax bill may be president donald trump's own family. an nbc news analysis based on his 2005 tax return found trump would personally save $20 million under the house bill while his heirs could save $1.1 billion. meanwhile, the u.s. senate plan will actually result in higher taxes for workers who earn less and $75,000 a year. this according to a new analysis by congress's joint committee on taxation. a radio broadcaster in california has accused democratic senator al franken of touching her breasts while she slept and forcing her to kiss him in 2006. on leeann tweeden posted a photo thursday, showing franken placing his hands on top of her flak jacket and kevlar vest while she was sleeping on a plane. the two were on a tour entertaining u.s. soldiers abroad. at the time franken was working , as a comedian. tweeden said the photo was taken after he forced her to kiss her as they rehearsed a skit. >> he just put his hand on the back of my head and mashed his fast.- it happened so he stuck his tongue in my mill so fast. and all i can remember is his lips were really wet and it was slimy. amy: senator franken a college iced and called for -- apologized and asked for an investigation into himself. meanwhile, donald trump has weighed in on the controversy. he wrote on twitter -- "the al frankenstein picture is really bad, speaks a thousand words. where do his hands go in pictures 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 while she sleeps?" trump himself has been accused of sexual harassment and assault by at least 16 women. there has been a major oil leak from the keystone 1 pipeline in south dakota. the pipeline's operator transcanada says 210,000 gallons of oil leaked on thursday near the town of amherst. it is the largest keystone spill to date. the leak comes just days before authorities in nebraska are scheduled to make a key ruling that could decide the fate of the proposed keystone xl pipeline. environmental and indigenous groups have long warned about the dangers of pipeline leaks. this is tom goldtooth, executive director of the indigenous environmental network. >> we just caught wind yesterday of the keystone xl one spill. something we've been saying all along as native, as indigenous people have said, every pipeline is going to spill, is going to leak. amy: we will speak with tom goldtooth later. in international news, the world food program is warning 150,000 children in yemen could starve to death in the coming months if the u.s.-backed saudi coalition continues to block food and medicine from entering yemen. save the children says 130 children are already dying every day in yemen. lily caprani, deputy executive director at unicef uk appeared on channel four on thursday. >> this is now the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe. unicef and the other agencies are still in the country, working in all of the areas of yemen, but we can only same those lives if we can get the humanitarian supplies in that we need. at the moment, this blockade is making that look dangerously unlikely. we have been able to purify more waterborne diseases from breaking out. but if the supplies run out him and they might well do, then we can't do that and those children will die. amy: an 18-month investigation by the new york times has revealed the u.s.-led military coalition is killing far more civilians in iraq than it has acknowledged. the pentagon claims its air war against the self-proclaimed islamic state has killed just 89 civilians. but an on-the-ground investigation by reporters azmat khan and anand gopal found the actual civilian death toll may be 31 times higher than the u.s. is admitting. they write -- "in terms of civilian deaths, this may be the least transparent war in recent american history." you will hear the authors of that report on democracy now! next week when we are back in new york. in news from syria, russia has vetoed a united nations security council measure to renew an international inquiry into who is to blame for chemical weapons attacks in syria. zimbabwean president robert mugabe emerged from house arrest today to attend a university graduation in the capital of harare. this marked his first appearance in public since the zimbabwean military launched an apparent coup earlier this week. mugabe has resisted calls by the military to resign. the 93-year-old-old mugabe has ruled zimbabwe since it became an independent country 37 years ago. in nigeria 15 people have died after four suicide bombers set off explosives on wednesday in the northern city of maiduguri which is considered to be the home of the boko haram movement. two of the suicide bombers were women. human rights watch has accused the burmese military of committing widespread rape against women and girls as part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing against rohingya muslims. human rights watch spoke to 52 rohingya women and girls who fled to bangladesh. 29 of them said they were raped. some of the rape victims agreed to speak on camera. >> i have a younger sister. we tried to flee, but soldiers caught us. they took us behind my house and raped us. was dead, then i lost consciousness. amy: the director of the center for faith-based & neighborhood partnerships at the department of homeland security, the reverend jamie johnson, has resigned after cnn unearthed a series of racist and islamaphobic comments he made prior to taking office. johnson was appointed to the position in april by then-secretary of homeland security john kelly. this is johnson speaking on a radio show in 2008. >> it is an indictment of america's black community that has turned america's major cities into slums because of laziness, drug use, and sexual promiscuity. amy: cnn also uncovered audio recordings of johnson repeatedly disparaging the islamic faith. , your friend and mine, who says all that islam has ever given us is oil and dead bodies over the last millennia and a half. they are not our friends. amy: in media news, the republican-controlled fcc has voted 3-2 along party lines to loosen longstanding media ownership rules. the vote clears the way for the right-wing sinclair broadcasting to expand its local tv empire. sinclair already owns 193 tv -- tv stations. 173 it is attempting to buy tribune media which controls another stations. 72%.s would give sinclair in other media consolidation news, comcast and verizon have made moves to purchase rupert murdoch's 21st century fox. in climate news, the fossil fuel divestment got a major boost on thursday when the norwegian government announced it is considering selling off $35 billion in oil and gas stocks . norway would become by far the largest entity to join the divestment movement. norway's $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund controls about 1.5% of all global stocks. and the senate judiciary committee is pressing president trump's son-in-law jared kushner to hand over more documents saying he failed to give investigators several emails related to russia and wikileaks during the 2016 campaign. one email discussed a "russian backdoor overture." the senators learned of the emails after obtaining them from other witnesses. and those are some of the headlines. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report, i'm amy goodman. yes, this is democracy now! we're broadcasting live from the final day of the u.n. climate summit here in bonn, germany. all this week, activists have been protesting against fossil fuels, especially coal. well, early this morning, we drove about 45 minutes outside of bonn to the forest of western germany. for years, activists there have been fighting against the largest open-pit coal mine in europe. the massive hambach mine is 33 -- extracts an extremely dirty form of coal called lignite, also known as brown coal, which causes the highest carbon dioxide emissions of any type of coal when burned. this morning we met a group of activists at the sindorf train station, and then followed them to their meeting place. >> keep it in the ground. amy: why are you doing this? to stop the company's from destroying our future. amy: why are you doing this? >> it is up to us to keep it in the ground. we are the use and we are responsible for it. wit is our future. amy: we're about 45 minutes from the u.n., summit in bonn. we're standing in front of the largest open pit coal mine in europe, of any kind in europe. a banner is being unfurled that says "it is up to us to keep it in the ground." it is a red banner. we are in front of the hambach mine. this mine has already destroyed 90% of the ancient forest in the area. their point is not to get arrested, but to stop this coal mine from operating. tell me your name, what just happened. uth for here with yo political actions. the pacere to demand out of off also fuels. amy: can you describe what took place? >> if you guys went into the lignite coal mine pit. long new to the delegates that debate over the climate change. they are destroying the climate. amy: where was the banner made? >> in paris. it was the indigenous people banner there. today it is a banner for the youth. >> i am here -- amy: can you talk about why you are involved? >> i am from the area and i know what is happening. in theup very late matter of climate issues. i come from the peace movement. by now i see you cannot separate the peace movement from the climate movement. it is the same. climate chaos that already has arrived is causing so much damage. people having to leave their countries, leave their regions, having to find other places to is the same like war, that makes everybody leave their homes. ah and her seeing eye dogs were our guide. she is with the have and peace prize that was awarded this your to the german group that carried out this morning's action. to see our full report from the occupied forest on the resistance to the hambach mine, you can go to this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we're broadcasting live from the final day of the u.n. climate summit here in bonn, germany. this year is the first cop since president trump vowed to pull the united states out of the landmark 2015 paris takes 4 years. president trump has also vowed to stop paying the united states' contribution to the green climate fund. under president obama, the u.s. contributed $1 billion out of the total pledge of $3 billion. well, here at this year's cop, a new coalition of 19 countries have committed to working towards phasing out coal, although many of these countries -- including britain -- continue to expand fracking and other extraction projects. also this week, indigenous groups won a victory when governments won increased recognition of their rights, autonomy and participation in negotiations. a document approved by negotiators this week states that indigenous groups should play leadership roles in efforts to address climate change and that countries should "respect, promote and consider their respective obligations on the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities." but many say this year's negotiations do not go nearly far enough to address climate change, specially as new research shows that threat is continuing to accelerate. new data by the global carbon project shows global carbon dioxide emissions are once again rising after flatlining for three straight years. these findings dash earlier hopes that global co2 emissions had peaked for good. well, for more on this year's negotiations, we're joined by two guests. dipti bhatnager is the climate justice and energy coordinator at friends of the earth international. and asad rehman, executive director of "war on want." let's begin with you, asad. i don't know how many of these u.n. climate summits you been to, but extend the significance of this one in bonn, though it is called the islands cop because it is ugly being sponsored by fiji, they just cannot handle the number of people at the time of their cyclone season. some people say how hot it is inside, it is fiji inside and bonn outside. can you talk about what this cop means after the u.s., at least president trump says he is pulling the u.s. out of the climate of the paris climate deal -- what is the significance of what is happening here? >> the paris climate agreement set a guard will that temperatures had to be cut well below the 1.5 degree threshold. we see the reality of that because of the storms and superstorm's and droughts and floods and famine taking place all around the world. the onehappening at degree warming. this cop was, regardless of the necessary level of ambition? are developed countries going to do their fair share to make sure we stay within that guard real? provide forng to poor countries to take action? both will address the impacts of climate change but also to develop cleanly and not follow the same dirty development pathway. some people called this cop the process cop. conversationsup for next year and next year is the last chance for keeping temperatures below 1.5. the un's secretary-general when he came a couple of days ago talked about will have a five year window before we have to make sure the arc of omissions 1.5 toward meeting the goal. unfortunately, we're not in the kind of progress needed. lots of issues having care -- left until next year that makes the critical cop. it becomes the 1.5 cop. if we don't see the level of and a promise they're going to increase the paris pledges, if we don't see that, then really what we should be doing is renegotiating the paris agreement and saying the paris targets are no longer achievable and we should be talking about either a three degree world and devastating consequences that would mean for millions around the world. amy: president trump says the world should renegotiate, the u.s. would leave the world and renegotiating the paris climate accord. what do you see is the problem with that? wordy you agree with them? as compared to wreck the, negotiations. a reality that he would stand on the platform with big coal and big nuclear and that would be our intervention. , thee the negotiating united states continues to block progress. it is blocking progress on any finance discussions. it is blocking progress for adaptation and in terms of the developed country commitment to deliver the finest the $100 billion that were committed by developed countries. blocking progress on that and blocking progress on discussion even a finance in next year's cop. so while the united states might be saying it is pulling out, he still playing a destructive role. it was to renegotiate the paris agreement because he fundamentally doesn't believe in climate change. the reality is, we have to say donald trump in the u.s. a administration needs to step aside. at the previous and ministrations have been responsible for why we're in this position in the first place. if it hadn't been for the legacy of the previous administrations, of leaving us with nonbinding, non-science-based agreements and donald trump would not be alluded to the kind of destruction we are seeing at these talks. amy: explain the significance of president obama -- that was the first cop we went to end a significant cop, copenhagen cop. explain what happened there and how you feel this is just a continuation of that, perhaps on steroids. >> look, whatever problem it affects everybody gush whenever you have a global problem, it affects everybody. what action needs to be taken and you divide that action fairly. those people that cause more of the problem should take on more responsibility. what the united states wanted to do was rip up the agreement. a science-based, top-down agreement. they wanted a voluntary agreement. countries do whatever they wanted to do. in paris, we had an agreement that was not based on science and had absolutely no punishment. amy: would you say it was the u.s.'s fault this was not a binding agreement? >> the u.s. led the charge. other developed countries are happy to stand behind them. they are more interested in protecting thrown interest rather than -- in their own interests. the u.s. is culpable, but it is not just the u.s.. the european union and other rich developed countries were very happy to allow the united dates to be able to do that. we could happen in a very different position than where we are finding ourselves. amy: you are with friends of the earth, dipti bhatnagar. your main focuses climate justice. explain what this means and what is happening at the fiji cop. >> thank you. we're looking at interrelated crises. we see the crisis but also an energy crisis. there is an inequality crisis, and employment crisis. so what climate justice is trying to bring the message that if they decided deal climate change in isolation, then we ignore the system, the current system has also created many other crises and left a lot of people behind. in mozambique, 70% of the people do not have a lightbulb in their houses. the energy system is not only created the climate crisis, but also harmed workers and actually not done the job of delivering energy to 1.1 billion people across the clan it to do not have -- planet who do not have electricity. we're trying to deal with these in an interrelated way that we need ambition, we need the developed countries to cut emissions very urgently. but this isn't just about ambition. equity has to go hand-in-hand. the ones that created the crisis must be the ones that address and do more to be able to deal with the crisis at this point. the other thing is, we cannot leave workers behind. we are friends of the earth international are starting to find common cause to build relationships with trade unions so that we can move together to a world where workers are not in terrible, insecure jobs, where they also have a contribution to the new economy that we build with justice. amy: how is your adopted country, mozambique, affected by climate change? and just geographically, place it for us on the cost net of africa. southern africa, close to madagascar, but on the mainland. we have about 3000 kilometers of coastline, which means every fishing community that lives on that entire coastline is affected by the rising seas. we have one of the biggest rivers of eastern africa that runs through the country. so we are seeing increased drought. at the same time, increased floods happening in the country. this is leading to also failing agriculture. because the people that are natural resource dependent, the farmers and fisherfolk in mozambique and across the continent are dependent on the rain forest. that starts to change with climate impact. then their ability to feed themselves and their families starts to be undermined. that causes a justice crisis. him a you haven lived in london for years but you're originally from bangladesh? >> pakistan. amy: can you talk about what is happening in bangladesh, pakistan, india as we do with massive hurricanes in the u.s. that have meant a number of deaths, billions of dollars, not to mention wildfires in northern california. india, pakistan, bangladesh, nepal, well over 1000 deaths as a result of massive flooding. continent is one of the most vulnerable to climate impact. in pakistan this year, we attemprs recorded 53 point five degrees centigrade. that is literally the upper end of what a human being can tolerate in the open. amy: do you know that in fahrenheit? >> i don't know that. i'm sorry. amy: keep going. 120 degrees perhaps. is -- super floods affecting bangladesh. in nepal, the devastation not just in the lives being lost, but also the damage to communities. in pakistan, four out of 10 people face multiple indices a policy which basically means people have barely been able to survive. these shocks of climate are causing people to barely surviving into not surviving at all. one flood raise into about 50 billion for pakistan. we're seeing floods and droughts becoming a regular occurrence. so much so that people are suggesting that the billion or so people that live on the indian continent may not be able to live there by the end of the century. we are talking about potentially hundreds of millions of people being forced to migrate at this very moment. amy: it is 127 degrees fahrenheit, what you're talking about in pakistan. >> yes. remember, this is a country where millions of people don't have access to electricity. don't have air-conditioning. are not able to escape this kind of oppressive heat. we have no choice but to be out in the open to farm. the last time we had a heatwave of this kind, 1200 people lost their lives in one city alone. the human cost is immeasurable. economically, the cost is growing. the inability of people being able to survive is being shown. bangladesh, community's being forced from their homes. people moving into the slums of big cities, becoming part of what we call the underclass, working in the precarious industries. men having to leave those communities and moved to other cities and increasingly to other countries to find work. that is why we see this pattern of youngman moving and ending up in the middle east. those are consequences of climate change. amy: dipti bhatnagar, can you talk about the financing? talk about the export/import bank? >> the united states export import bank is the export credit agency of the u.s. government. at this moment, they are, among others, interested in finding the exploration and exploitation of gas in mozambique. so one of the largest gas reserves found in the last 10 years has been found offshore of mozambique. the u.s. are interested and of course the u.s. bank is in there because the u.s. corporations are in there. it -- and a dark go, already signing deals with the mozambique government. we as a local organization, friends of the earth mozambique, are fighting this gas expansion because we realized that as developing countries, we do not want dirty energy. we do not want to go down that pathway because we see the disastrous consequences that have happened in the north and for the entire planet and for local communities because of dirty energy. but we are asking for finance for our countries in the south to be a little go down a different energy pathway. we need renewable energy. we won it in the hands of communities. amy: you call in natural gas? >> the official term is natural gas, but people at this cop have been calling it fossil gas. last-minute, not far from us is a major tent, think finance for the former mayor of new york bloomberg. it is where many groups are gathering, both businesses, nonprofits, many senators and mayors, government officials have been in their saying we are still in. trump may be pulling the u.s. out, but they say we are still in. your response? >> the real question that needs to be asked is not whether we are still in, but are we taking the action that is needed and are we doing our fair share? is, exulting in the some kind of, leadership. climate leadership is sure and buy real actions people are taken domestically in the u.s. and whether they're helping provide the support for countries like mozambique and pakistan to be able to develop cleanly of people to be able to address the impacts of climate change. the reality is only a million dollars are in the climate fund. rich countries continue to block any progress. amy: i want to get a quick comment on the green climate fund that you mention. "the new york times" had an interesting piece an article began -- >> the green climate fund has accredited some of the biggest banks that are actually funding dirty energy. we have deutsche bank and those types of banks that are being accredited and receiving money from the green climate fund to do projects in countries. and what we have been saying is it needs to go to community's, to nonprofit organizations who are actually working on the ground to build people's power. those are the type of organizations which should be receiving money to be alluded to projects that empower people and not the banks that have been part of the failed history of fossil fuels. they are part of the problem, not part of the solution. if the green, fun continues to credit organizations and banks such as those, it is going to become part of the problem as well and not part of the solution. we need be finance, but we needed and the right hands. this is also about ownership, not just the changing of the energy source. amy: 10 seconds. >> we need trillions of finance to make sure the world is headed toward the clean, green planet. at the moment, the pledge is given by rich countries are the -- most is going to the wrong sources. need to make sure it goes to the right places. is with war onn want, based in london. dipti bhatnagar is with friends of europe climate justice and energy coordinator. she is based in mozambique. when we come back, we will speak with one of the key architect of the landmark 2015 paris climate deal, manuel pulgar-vidal, the former environment minister in peru and the president of the cop when it was in lima, peru. stay with us. ♪ [music break] amy: beethoven's "ode to joy" from symphony number 9, by the berlin philharmonic. i will be speaking in berlin on saturday night. beethoven was born here in bonn, germany. the iconic chorale is considered a call for universal brotherhood. beethoven born here in 1770. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report, i'm amy goodman. we're broadcasting live from the final day of the u.n. climate summit here in bonn, germany. bonn, is the former capital of west germany, and the birthplace -- and also the place where, on october 10, 1981, coretta scott king, the widow of martin luther king, jr., addressed one of the world's largest peace demonstrations to date. as many as 300,000 people came out to call for an end to the nuclear arms race with russia. as the climate talks wrap up here in bonn, environmentalists and students in the united states are gearing up for a national day of action on saturday. the "day of dedication" protests will include nearly two dozen rallies at state capitals and city halls, where protesters will dedicate time capsules that depict the current state of the fight against climate change. for more on this year's negotiations, we're joined by one of the primary architects of the landmark 2015 paris climate deal. manuel pulgar-vidal was the president of cop20 in lima, peru. he's also the former environment minister in peru. he is now the leader of the climate and energy practice of world wildlife fund. it is great to have you with us. is happening what here today. of course, on what is expected to be the last day, we have seen all week what it looks like when the u.s. begins to pullout of a major global deal. what is happening here? sayt is really important to this is the real first cop. in first agreement marrakesh, but this one we are preparing the implementation 2020.cap a strong clearto have a [indiscernible] let me say that this is more than a dialogue. havewe're expecting is to the countries how they are thinking to enhance it. this is the time we're going to connect our global effort with clear, domestic actions. aat we expect to have here is gunman for implementation -- a guideline for implementation. three years ago, no rules have been developed before. for the enhancing, we need people to say, the next phase of that climate pledges of the andtry should be based transparent processes, reporting processes. the idea of the guidelines is to move toward ways to refine. amy: so what is it like this year with the u.s. pulling out? and what is your message to president trump? >> there are many things to say. the first one, despite the u.s. announcement to withdrawal from the paris agreement, that we are still in. the process is reversible and unstoppable. it is a climate action movement is shown the party committed new action because they know the only way to assure sustainable future for the business is by looking to the long-term. but it also includes academia. -- strong to enhance scientific data. it is important. currently, the initiative has 2500dy engaged more than organizations or institutions. it is amazing. governor brown from california, the governor from ohio, mayors from different places, from the hill, members of the white house, and so on. so despite the political announcement, there is climate action in the u.s.. let me add something. talking about the "we are still in" coalition. >> in this cop, civil society, bless some governments, has already committed to end coal. we cannot combat alcoholism with more alcohol. we cannot combat climate change with more coal. germany, we need to have a clear line to phase out coal. unfortunately, yesterday they said we should find clear ways to phase out coal. that is against were president trump is trying, that is to go back to coal facilities. we need to show to the world there is no wood to continue having extraction of coal and coal as a source of energy. clean energy has shown to be sustainable with a good price, our only way to move toward a carbon neutral economy. amy: as someone new was a key architect of the paris accord, the year before you were the president of the cop in lima, ,lungsome to the amazon of the planet. you are involved in shaping the agreement. in order to keep the u.s. in, and maybe was a some other a voluntaryhis was agreement. if you knew what we know now that the u.s. was going to pull out anyway, do you think that this should have been made a binding agreement? >> i don't think so. the idea of binding or nonbinding, it is very -- you can have a strong international body that even know they are not binding -- the issue of binding or nonbinding has a lot of different steps in between. my point is, the first agreement -- we should remind [indiscernible] financial pledges, sure, and is important. [indiscernible] let me say one more thing. political will. politicaltica wills. if we try to replicate that at this time, i think we should and we can. for example, the next year is going to be -- i'm sorry, september. i'm confusing. the release of the 1.5 i pcc report that will say to us, let's move the agenda. only nature.'s public meeting or was to endorse coal, nuclear, and gus with a representative of president trump, climate adviser and vice president pence. when i asked david banks why they did not include at least a noble energy, he said they were trying to level the playing field here. what about the u.s. endorsement of coal? -- is to phases a strongero adopt measure of carbon pricing come to talk about the elimination of it towardls, to move how we are planning to incentivize renewable energy to develop a stronger way -- to guarantee different mechanisms of universal access to energy. so we know, unfortunately, has notlly, the u.s. put on the table clear signal they're moving this agenda toward that kind of element. fortunately, on the other hand, what is happening in the world, with the technology, the dropping of the price, with records all the time of renewable, showing that, amy, there is no way to turn it into fossil fuels because the change -- sorry, the world has only started to change. amy: you see the power of grassroots activists. are environment minister coming endorsed a coppermine despite widespread criticism. you came under a lot of criticism then. do you regret that decision? andy respect the activists who are saying, no, close it? >> all the time i am respecting the activities. remember, i used to be -- before being appointed minister, a member of a civil society group, an environment oh group. i am lawyer by training. let me say in case of this mining extractive activity, the most important discussions were about how much the mining could affect the farmers. personallytry to do, i tried to do, was find ways to create a balance in between. so perhaps the mine not affecting the agriculture and the agriculture also to find a -- because it is filled with direct activities [indiscernible] in a sense that the mine has not opened yet. so i think we should continue promoting the dialogue because what we need is to create through the dialogue ways to reach consensus. amy: i want to thank you for being with us, manuel pulgar-vidal leader of the , climate and energy practice of world wildlife fund. he was previously the environment minister in peru. he was also the former president of cop20 and a key architect of the paris agreement. when we come back in the united states, keystone pipeline has spilled more than 200,000 gallons of oil in south dakota. we will speak with tom goldtooth .nd isabella azizi stay with us. ♪ [music break] amy: the grand finale of beethoven's "ode to joy" from symphony number 9, by the berlin philharmonic. beethoven was profoundly deaf when he composed this, his final complete symphony. after the premier performance of the piece, he had to be turned to see the thunderous applause from the audience. this is democracy now!,, the war and peace report. i'm amy goodman. we are broadcasting live from the final day of the u.n. climate summit here in bonn, germany. in south dakota, the energy company transcanada says it shut part of its keystone pipeline thursday after a rupture spilled 210,000 gallons of oil in a field near the small town of amherst, in the northeastern part of the state. the pipeline carries oil from canada's tar sands region in alberta to refineries as far away as the gulf of mexico. according to the natural resources defense council, the keystone pipeline has been plagued by oil spills, with 35 incidents in the u.s. and canada during its first year of operation alone. documents obtained by desmog blog reveal one section of the pipeline was 95% corroded. the spill comes just days before nebraska's public service commission is set to decide whether to approve transcanada's proposed expansion of the pipeline -- the keystone xl -- which was canceled by president obama following a massive multiyear campaign by environmentalists and indigenous activists, only to be revived by president trump. all this comes as a new report is exposing the dangers of carbon trading, a scheme in which major companies purchase carbon credits from countries who agree to plant trees or protect existing forests. critics say carbon trading amounts to paying to pollute. for more, we speak with the co-author of the report, tom goldtooth, executive director of the indigenous environmental network. he is a member of the dine and dakota nations. we're also joined by isabella zizi from richmond, california, home to a massive chevron oil refinery. chevron purchases carbon credits to offset pollution in the san francisco bay area city. we welcome you both to democracy now! tom goldtooth, there is a much to talk about. this report you put out on carbon pricing, what are your major concerns? before you answer that, you just heard about the keystone spill in south dakota. you were one of the leaders in fighting the keystone xl. you finally prevailed after years present president obama -- pressing president obama. what is your response? >> with the solidarity between the tribes and a prayer land, the traditional society, spiritual leaders, our women, leaders, non-native, cowboy -indian alliance, we stopped it three times. we are under a different administration. amy: explain the cowboy-indian alliance. >> it is about political powers. of bringing the native indigenous peoples voices together on the long history of fighting for our treaty rights and with the colonial government of u.s. basically continuing to ignore. on this issue of extractive itustries like fossil fuel, is a political issue. so how do we get political strength? one of the strategies we use is form unification, solidarity with the private landowners. the ones who live out there as well that understand the importance of environmental rejection. so how to use these issues to break down racism that keeps us divided? we formed the cia him a cowboy indian alliance. just putrt you have out? >> this is one of the issues very dear to us, not only in the north alaska, canada, but also our brothers and sisters of the global south. in ecuadorian amazon, for example, were oil concessions are. this oil issue and how do we strategize to keep fossil fuels prevent theseand destructive pipelines. every pipeline is going to leak. we know that. that is evident in this issue firsthe keystone, the keystone pipeline where it is very corrosive. we are looking for real solutions here. we have been you're constantly since 1999. and looking at real solutions is this whole market regime very serious to us. coming out of the paris agreement, that agreement is nothing but a trade agreement. nothing more. it privatize this, commodified's, and sells forests and these offset schemes and they are fraudulent. in the system that allows the polluters off the hook. that is why we continually organize and educate people in these hallways, but also back home on how we need to reject these fraudulent schemes. it also is a process of privatizing air, the atmosphere, which is a violation of the indigenous worldview. it is selling air, selling water, privatizing the whole mother earth. amy: isabella azizi, how does the story of your town, richmond, california, fit into carbon pricing? >> in richmond, california, there is the chevron refinery. it actually does extract oil amazon anddown an tar sands in canada. first nations and indigenous territories. our policies in california, there is the cap and trade bill that jerry brown had passed. that really permit us in any of the refineries to put a cap and offsets being done are being done down in the amazon. they're continuing to extract an fossil fuels in our towns and it is directly impacting is as indigenous peoples, people of color, low income communities like richmond. amy: you are a member of what tribe? .> the northern cheyenne amy: explain this. you both have called this paying to pollute. richmond chevron do in and then offset it by what they do, for example, in ecuador, brazil? i don't think most people can understand this. >> governor jerry brown is continuing to implement climate legislation in the state of california that has four provisions of current offsets. one of those is jurisdictional red. regionthe areas in the they're looking at is in brazil. in this case, this carbon offset regime at the state level or subnational level, california, which is the main objective, is that it will allow polluting industries like shell to operate refineries in martinez, l 20 or chevron and the community of isabella to continue to pollute with no plan to decrease emission, creating respiratory illnesses. so the scheme has a local toxic hotspot scenario with it. so in this process, chevron does offer a carbon offset project called red in the atlantic for step brazil. they have the green police, the green forest that is a police system that basically has a history of shooting local forest dependent communities to try to come into the forest for subsistent. there are human rights with these issues that we are trying to lift up. that is why we publish this publication. amy: i want to quickly ask you about saturday. jerry brown was speaking part of the "we are still in" coalition and many native americans instructed the california bonn, callingin on california to ban fracking. the protesters kept yelling "keep it in the ground." this was jerry brown's response. have noh we could pollution, but we have to have our automobiles. >> in the ground. >> i agree with you, in the ground. let's put you in the ground so we can get on with the show here. called "keep it in chanting, and jerry brown said "we will put you in the ground." he later told me this was just a joke. your response, tom goldtooth and isabella azizi? a joke.was not in reality, slowly we are being put into the ground with a cap and trade in with the offsets that are happening. it is directly impacting our health. there come on a fine our air, our right to breathe -- to modifying our air, our right to breathe. we have these birth defects and cancers happening. that is not right for a governor to say that. >> we have earth defenders, water protectors. we submitted a report to the honduras delegation called the dam report. these are watery vectors on the desk or tractors on thedapl. amy: we have to leave it there. tom goldtooth and isabella azizi . that does it for a week of broadcasting from bonn. a special thank you to our crew in bonn. ♪ democracy now! is looking for feedback from people who appreciate the closed captioning. e-mail your comments to [email protected] or mail them to democracy now! p.o. box 693 new york, new york 10013. [captioning made possible by democracy now!] ys, but how much of it is real and how much of it is hype? one thing's for sure, if you're not gluten free yourself, chances are you'll have to cook for someone who is. and i have some recipes that will satisfy everyone. these are all delicious and just happen to be gluten free. whole grain mixed berry buttermilk pancakes. steak au poivre salad. roasted salmon and fennel with lemon and thyme. greek yogurt with warm walnuts and honey. that's all coming up right now on ellie's real good food. (upbeat guitar strumming)

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