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Of god who performs in ghana the consumer or north of the four g phone. To which i think it is obviously about it. Finally the bell that debate. What to do it out and back to it. But before that would take a look that operates the mine in china first up in beijing daily the cuban people drink so fun how about the world bush doctrine the Opening Ceremony of the two davenport in coaching Winter Olympics when one of the Olympic Rings didnt open up the technical failure and three the biggest opportunity to live the good china. On top the one thirteen thirty four rings more than eighty different store shop selling t shirts with a similar design of the four rings and one on open snowflake. Its common for seventy two dollars and fourteen in print on the clothes well the cheapest short sleeved shirt and pray that twenty nine us were left him five dollars and the more effective when her clothes were still in her thirty dollars for most of the stores have not told any of them yet. Of course nobody started telling the clerk for the big ring without any permission from the coach olympic organizers. Next up the China National radio the Chinese Government a dirty campaign has called on the ticket reselling market time to get Retail Market has gotten popular after the Chinese New Year previous years. People tell them i guess he received during the holiday for comparable not catch hour before that that will extend to cover for bid officials the high again yesterday campaign is not only heavily affected. Well call him but all of her hiding gifts retail the hardest hit in previous years where high and the direct by duo and core to kepong. But theres not a popular this year. Taking vitamins example whacking the retail price hike and bike a bottle with the hundreds of dollars the prices drop below one hundred dollars per bottle same goes for trying to correct which will be over twenty percent of Retail Prices decline. I get three Steel Company owners will tighten up the radio the only five hundred dollars in revenues in the five days after the holiday. By comparison last year the daily bread is roughly three thousand three hundred dollars. Finally from China Economic weekly. People living in large chinese cities are starting to rent cars instead of protecting them. Large chinese cities that is based in shanghai one self abandonment of vehicle like a restriction to curb the rapid increase in car ownership. Instead of waiting on the west and going on that i need him more people are choosing the right card instead of protecting them breaking that she has won the cup three thousand six hundred us what the six hundred us dollars each month off the deep end. Some carpenters are offered a car Police Service on the way to the office and home. If locking up his car renters can earn enough money in court when they cover the rent. Corporate Marketing Tool to aid in europe our intelligence shows that last year Chinese People have raised over two hundred fifty thousand cars. The total turnover reached twenty two billion us where three point six billion us dollars the tenfold increase compared to the peterson to dump it. Reports also indicate that time the car rental rate is only one third that of america. Therefore predict that chinas current market value reached a point to billion dollars by two thousand bp. Dont go away because of that Money Matters were talking the performing indiana. Stay tuned. Medan the capital city of austria and historically significant because the Classical Music compositions performed there the city to advertise the role Classical Music and played a part of the cake of course the Main National fervor. To that goal the home piano tune the best concert hall in the world. It could have been called the fountain and golden hall. Become a period of extra time performers. The concert hall for a petition of it. What the level of interest in Chinese Court and performers Chinese New Year lease for the Chinese New Year the golden ball to the copper country. The state opera orchestra performed along with the packing up of performers. For the first time the collaboration of the golden hall. It was the first time golden goal by the chinese performers during the game all the stuff we dont want to hold the ball. Canada and abroad. Result many chinese music and crumble. Most chinese local workers and gave him a golden hall. We all have to be great if you have to have the will and of course the catch. It does become common for chinese schools to encourage parent connected to perform there by doing the reputation of the school in the family given the boot. They get to advertise and brad made about the outstanding experience adobe about eight hundred performances each year in the golden hall vienna. Data from ghanas golden hall showed that from january to august in to dump their team for more than twenty performances by chinese music of trouble there. The one hundred thirty three tiny positioned for all the performances the frequent performances was mostly motivated by it that she was a top level protected from the concert hall. However the reality might be different in condition to dream of being on a typical them all. Like many of the feeders. Golden hold responsible for total balance sheet. At the Golden Gloves not owned by the country or that his authority. The operators of the hall have to make sure to bring enough money for normal operations and maintenance with each of the money coming in is performed. Katie going mistakes. Dont go away because of the cooking to look at performing in vienna they can. Welcome back to china price watch in todays Money Matters were talking the performing indiana. If the dream of many Classical Musician performer that called him on piano. Center for speech to the hall to meet with the far reaches of me. In china. Report of the concert piano rock musician to defeat the names of mozart and has rich Classical Music being becomes an upright. All papercraft musician to perform at the concert will have enough money to rent it out. Renting out the building can cost about twenty thousand years twenty seven thousand dollars for each performance with the cost of labor and the internet. The total cost to reach fifty four thousand us dollars. The show isnt for everyone though performances are limited to just about music to rock or pop music are permitted laughter with some exception made for collaboration putting the money to prove to be a big concern to the agencys book in the performance there. He already had a lot of money on training in advertising consider large but worthy of that. Ive been called a halt to the resumes. The super valuable in updating bout the bell. The popularity of the golden hall which i think people have been very good for the find another venue the reputation of the computer with exploited like chinese music rooms where stumbled into performed on behalf of official department. But the chinese course location where the titanic indiana the upper part of the stupid people dont like to tell the copper person conducting were three thousand three hundred us dollars the people around her air ticket and accommodation. But according to the prices from chinese travel agencies. It use it for travel deal the price for the trip to european countries. Most of two thousand five hundred us dollars for each one. The big prize that vindicated but due to profit margin target for performances. Money is being valued over talent the integrity and christina the halls being compromised the worst in a rare tiny town has lost its edge. There are two free from the performances from tiny strip of the quality. Facing daily reported. The intent of the many tiny performances are incredibly low. Hard to get anyone to ten. To give away tickets for free the people to attend the tea for the overseas chinese position. Chinese media said that most of it i performed that were shown during the offseason of the golden hall. The director turned in popular music isnt the local media want you to report back that doesnt seem to value going to china. The kid eager performed at the hall. Let every performance by chinese troops are ignored. There are few that stand out the packing proper performance for the two dozen fourteen Chinese New Year has gone to the tune of over sixty percent of the new people. Chinese media claim that the performances will rebuke. At the end of two thousand thirteen the Chinese Government carried out restrictions on wasteful spending by government officials the poll is closed on the number performers come to the golden hall and cut deep into the show in china. Many media print and on top form before the bible to go the point again. The lack of government funding and well connected parents willing to risk their careers the number of chinese performers to the ana will likely fade out. Most were invited for the skills but that the willingness to pay to play. More likely now to quality performer will go up to the left that are displayed to wealth from the large number of chinese performance. Dont go with the object request today when facing the ultimate value perform together. They can at no time for question today when they didnt give it to take on issues affecting their lives. Today we have people that read about their top of the value performance indiana. With two people have to say about the current intuition the golden rule and he enters the high level demand for it all in utah. The performer gets into full name is kelly will go on and easy to advertise i am cooler than the eu. Remember how the look on her kindergarten honey vienna. On the mental hospital. We can join to welcome from the nation in in the fictional still under contract to the typical hundred and twenty countries the kid came up in my opinion the people performing he just knew wed cover themselves. High quality performances. Milk themselves day in and the nanny didnt know. Lindy and i had hiked they didnt. Its an honor for everton forward to having chance to perform there. I can make it an honor to want to keep the curia. On top of their payment to teach havent experienced opponent then one level to continue take world. What i think the people who would like to perform and golden it all the goal the ball. Servitude then they look like it that bad. He cant. One can die. I keep waiting. In cody. That im going to need. To work or take a look at trends in above the line in time. On todays toward the white thai people to want to put the four g mobile phone the chinese are already issued a fortune like the cable and Telecom Operators lucky number however as of now. Chinese are jumping on the wii and technology. Operators claim and downloading speed can sort of over one hundred million that perspective that means i only spent a few mintues down the High Definition movie. Despite the technological game. China customers who complain about high prices and limited data package. Reaching the top again refused to discuss the label and economic information daily reports that deal of time Online Shopping website dawned on dotcom we took a bit of comment that we will count the tempo. China mobile fourteen calling package plan turns forty one for three hundred megabytes of data each month. I would be used in three seconds to download speed of one hundred million bits per second. That is a pale copy forty thousand yuan for our work. I forget to switch it off when all the things i might have to fill my house to pay the bills and i wake up in the morning. China mobile replied later today will stop charging money if the data feed his wife and un elected us dollars a month although china mobiles reply cleared up. One concern is to fight charges the winter. The one point six gigabytes of data traffic in one hundred and thirty eight un calling plan nine mp dollars and eighteen movie. It even more effective than buying a three d movie ticket. Compared to the continuous center megabytes for three d stuff and got a charge the porch he pulled out a prize for the read up to five hundred megabytes. How the content of downloading speed. Consumers might use up the entire monthly data quoted in one day. Compared to the calling plan for fourteenth on us china mobile charges did not command high prices when the largest Telecom Operators of us. The company for tea packets plan included on the mic only time take messages and two gigabytes of data. The total cost of sixty with the last month. China mobile for de colon cleanse beijing includes five hundred minutes of calling time and twenty gigabyte of data the total charge the hunter thirty eight us for twenty three us dollars. If not considering calling times and text messaging. We believe that he did spend thirty dollars each to go by before to gather in beijing the price to fourteen dollars for nicolette. If in the forties help with gas prices in china. Half of us youll be totally different compared to people and comes in the two countries the securities times reports the average monthly salary of chinas urban residents and two dozen twelve. But did hundred forty us dollars the cost of a gigabyte of course the data would account for two percent of a persons monthly salary. By comparison according to the data for the Us Department of labor the average monthly salary for us it into two dozen twelve. The three thousand eight hundred dollars. It occupies nearly twenty percent of their monthly dollar. From this perspective the four g data card and try to work quite that much about us. Chinese Internet Users all complained about the countrys high forty data caught. One row quilt spending five hundred dram to watch the hd movie on a four g cellphone. I get a tiny two how can afford it another welcome to quote understand why China Telecommunications operators temple the mobile phone data monthly quota. To be good for the broadband network. If there is no one who want to spend that much to the sport itself and what the point in debating the technology another one agreed quo. Back to my feet wide by almost every word they say why should pay for four g data finally a way but you can click well. Most chinese mobile users are still used to help with the two g network. He kept a high price for four g network. Chinese Telecom Operators have a long way to go before chinese mobile phone users accept it and to dopamine china mobile upgrade their mobile network three d cover due to the high charges and pork all quality medical news and would rather stick to what were the worst table two g network for self until now china mobile has prompted a fall from three g business. But now china mobile now and will build the total five hundred thousand the station by the end of two thousand fourteen. The total investment. The thirty billion us. Nearly five billion us dollars the end of the prices are going to happen drop to the value the service offered. I changed him and now think of better technology. Not one media buy them at the china at the moment. Moving on now to get the prize. We find out will be easier to understand the cost of living today we have people mistreat me of how much it cost performed in the golden hall would take a look of the gaps the price of renting out the golden goal in the end between sixteen thousand nine hundred and sixty five thousand dollars the total to playing music and a wealth of experience performing in the cold will be very helpful to want to include thisandom crashe every poem. I think. I didnt like the plan to go to my piano. I think back to middleton on the internet. I am counting thehow shooting opportunity and according to idf into it daughter mia. Heat two thousand us dollars might be the price of renting an open call and piano. I think only the top performers at the National Level can go to the golden hall show. In any case the call the whole world famous super morning and there is a symbol of greatness. However no more than one hundred and fifty five thousand years. I can only go to the toy piano. You can sign the permission for one scary at times. I am sure i would go there to perform the gap and london have an experience performing in cornwall. Actually it was good to me. Dont get them up against the rest of the golden hall might be several thousand dollars. But no one can go to vienna to perform illegal. That it wanted to for the high price in the new act on it to drain out of the political heat and the nineteen twenty the people who have achieved that im in i can eat again detected in a court how he can. Confirmation ill close the gap that the price of renting the golden hall via the top thirty thousand us dollars. The golden hall privately run. We have to pay their bill. Performers from time to come ended up being very possible for them. We have to live performers to read up on the off season leave the hall became very popular for chinese performers. Despite the small audience. No time for development into it. We dig deeper into question shaping the future and present either today our debate topic and how to make housing speculators in china make less money. Recently one article on Chinese Social Network become popular. To the factory when joe for the one thousand workers made a profit of around one million us. Around one hundred fifty thousand dollars in the past year the factory owners wife. He returned four hundred eighty thousand dollars a shithole can help of which she bought in shanghai eight years ago the truth behind the story has not been verified the danville outrage towards well prepared. Many knitting to show their anger with the idea that affected me too much money to easily pull around the country struggle report issued by Drug Research institute and Media Consulting group. Add to that nearly fifty percent of billionaires in china several houses. Youd like to come back. Many of chinas Big Companies like hired three electric and pcl also showing interest in real investment. Many didnt have that figured out that theres more money. The name of speculation and there is a Mining Company provided service. As a result more cash that the people are rushing to the Housing Market it rated track in the physical economy the money isnt going anymore. Money that would be the cream better products and building industries. Helping fuel the housing bubble. Many experts are worried about the situation. Cal high due to the famous chinese economists. One of the internet for. He compares the countrys economy to three. The Realty Market is believed the pinnacle of industries that produce energy for the read. From the tree of chinas large lead. But the rich which play an Important Role in absorbing the trimmed the tree are lacking energy doubt very concerned by this trend. He mentioned that too many People Industries are monopolized by the Chinese Government. That very little private capital complete the stadium industry. Dont adjust the Chinese Government have opened up the market to welcome private investment well according to al gore to change the situation the commission on the issue more policies to support private enterprise. He will call to combat tax policies to be launched by the manufacturers producing physical utility. By doing this private enterprises have less pressure. More investors will be willing to put their money through industry. Honey i promise to publish a lot of article twenty five and have paid more attention to the housing crisis. And some big cities. The annual value added rate of housing property. Reached twenty percent. In other words put out the top of a two metre run three hundred the pink hundred thousand dollars the diesel that the next year. He returned around fifty to one hundred twenty thousand dollars. Huge profits from purchasing a retelling how to attract a lot of investors. The main waited to enter peoples enthusiasm from housing speculation that the local industry to lower the housing prices to jump in property taxes and other Katherine Howe failed to increase the cost for speculators. Of course the long long the Housing Project in a rapid increase in the no profits for speculators. I rolled out how to speculate as to how the price will become stable return to a regional level for regular buyers. To many major cities with huge demand for houses its not entirely bubble and teething pains in her sternly not to count. The devalued houses have been largely driven by speculators with me because i compared dollars if youd ever want to make huge changes the Realty Industry and Large Companies from all industries will lose interest in it. Ok ill give time for entered into the china price watch. To make up related to the cost of living in china. Until then you can view many of our episode online at the un deputy im gone. Says. Here to tell you from afar and finds nothing and no one are what or who thinks. The not distinguished looking on to win. Now police officers. Not only has nine children. Or even old fisherman the button. The new superman film. Mom dont answer that determined to see the need for sucess is inspector frank the stunningly was laid back manner belies his drive to get the truth. Ay ay ay ay ay the is the role as a fast says salome is that. In the chain. The team. The team is from kaiser groups and earnings. So lets assume some areas ability to uncover the truth may be his greatest strength but also get to in constant conflict with his superiors study into building a luminous white and green opener. It is so rich and beautiful cut the lead you to see one of the final two commandments. So relieved scott monument in the sky and doubts. It recently scored a goal come up the new issue. The Christian Relief only to go. Amazingly the name of the stall. Most of the time he maintains an impasse and exterior which masks the ever present grief over the death of his wife Court Commissioner consuming get a new years eve and prettier. As for corso. To me when the testimony of the beast. The series. This into question. I am. Two heat. Last night the ruling to me. It is. Stitched the eight zero she would see it is not comfortable with other peoples expressions of feeling. Which leads to what may be one of italian televisions most genuinely awkward moments the kid the scientists but when it opened. Fall in crime stunned and enthusiastic Television Audience in italy. We ran for three seasons between two thousand five and two thousand ninety eight the story is based on the novels of malaria for a seat which became popular for their sense of history and their exploration of the aisle causes of crime only two of his novels have been translated into english and the book serve as a departure point for the series episodes rather than providing specific storyline. Mary is played by a local bar for a ski who brings a depth to his trail of a complicated man. In addition to his acting career barbara. He is a well known figure in italy because of his political involvement having served as a member of Parliament Since two thousand and eight he became famous in nineteen eighty through his association with the notorious horror film cannibal holocaust. A film so unrealistic its director was arrested on murder charges barbara. He was one of four actors killed in the film who sign contracts requiring them to stay out of all media for year. In order to fuel rumors that the film was an actual snuff movie. Only when the contracts were canceled and the actors appeared on a tv show where the charges against the filmmaker drop and. Chatted with me. Human skin. The Love Interest in fighting crime displayed by russian actress Natasha Stott can you tell who began her acting career after winning the look of the year contest in russia in nineteen ninety one. She then traveled to italy and began a career in films and as a popular tv host. Before stephanie who became famous as the model and actress. She earned an undergraduate degree in moscow studying metal engineering. Stir until smooth. Status the students i salute you for speaking. I know. Main character in the series is the river hull it shakes alinsky the climate and allies that the people who live on it stinks. Both rich and four is anyone who tries to look beneath the surface of things unseen. Power to set its history can never be fully understood. Mueller says people also are. And it also hides their seats. Secrets that one nation are just covered by people like signposts and harry who have eyes to see. Eye. I do. He is the news. A nurse. Chu new little one will. The us. I dont. Welcome to nhk world is light officials from china and taiwan have held their first minister a level talks since their split in nineteen forty nine. Still neither side recognizes the others territorial sovereignty in aged care roles could be you know im a mom who is covering the meeting in nineteen china yuki that the little gray wolves Mainland Affairs in school. Human is m a

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